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Hebe at worst. He didn't fuck and eat a toddler. He got some 17 yo or some shit. I'd hate to be as stupid or jewish as you
Don't chew tobacco or snuff, young bros.
She used to Daye Ellen and was creeped out by her. She was starting to talk about it and they offed her. Same thing happened to Joan Rivers, calling Mike Obama a tranny and Chyna calling HHH a tranny. Dead within days.
*date, not Daye
She's always had the look of a proper British gentleman, I see it now.

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I'm starting to understand why our ancestors stopped tolerating these animals
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hate? no.
Thats what everyone who isnt Jewish says about Jews.
"Jews hate you"
No we dont. But they hate us
that's just a projection of people who hate jews
>they hated me first whaa whaaa
Is it purely american thing for society having no culture and folklore whatsoever?

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Defending your country by eradicating this pedophile cult and all the rape rats that follow it is the only way you can save your country from being colonized and raped to death like the UK, Canada, and India suffered under Hindu barbarism. They are in your country for only one reason: to infest, to colonize, and to rape. And they will keep pouring in and raping everything until you look like India.

The Muslim aryan warriors tried to civilize the Hindu shitskin rape rats for thousands of years, it could not be done- Muslims even managed to civilize the mongols however. Europeans tried to civilize the Indian Hindu rape rat gypsies for hundreds of years, it could not be done. The Hindu is genetically a parasite, rapist, and pedophile, and the only solution is eradication. So why aren't you out defending your land and taking care of the pedophile community?
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>mental illness

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Keep crying, the buck breaking of the Hindu rape rat hordes will continue until every last invader is removed.
>10KB file
paki vpn hands typed this. why you so felly bro>
Good morning Mohammed!
Some black dude posted an India video on Instagram and Indians are seething in the comments. Most white people and black people are mocking and making fun of the Indians in the comments. India hate has gone fully mainstream now


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Why no plagues?
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Isn't leprosy from India?
They get hit pretty badly when major diseases roll through. India had some of the world's worst outcomes from covid-19.
Typhoid, cholera and dysentery are pretty much endemic across the country. Even cases of rabies hit close to 20 million/year.

All those fancy exotic plagues don't have a chance to incubate before their host dies from some other disease or a train.
This. Screw them for blaming the Raj on whites. They were your own.

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well /pol/
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I shoot myself at the gates of the airport.
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Who is the pilot?
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Are you at it again anon
Who are any of these people

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What happened to european royalty?
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What hasn’t happened?

>A piece of conceptual art consisting of a simple banana, duct-taped to a wall, sold for $6.2 million at an auction in New York on Wednesday, with the winning bid coming from a prominent cryptocurrency entrepreneur.

>“Comedian,” by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, was a phenomenon when it debuted in 2019 at Art Basel Miami Beach, as festivalgoers tried to make out whether the single yellow piece of fruit affixed to a white wall with silver duct tape was a joke or cheeky commentary on questionable standards among art collectors. At one point, another artist took the banana off the wall and ate it.

>The piece attracted so much attention that it had to be withdrawn from view. But three editions sold for between $120,000 and $150,000, according to the gallery handling sales at the time.

>Five years later, Justin Sun, founder of cryptocurrency platform TRON, has now paid more than 40 times that higher price point at the Sotheby’s auction. Or, more accurately, Sun purchased a certificate of authenticity that gives him the authority to duct-tape a banana to a wall and call it “Comedian.”


Why the fuck haven't we banned together and revolted against these narcissistic sick fucks yet? There was less wealth disparity during the French Revolution than today. We live in an era where most people under age 30 can barely afford rent; meanwhile, half the property developments in major cities sit vacant because they are owned by foreigners looking to invest... oh and the ultra wealthy decide to spend $6.2 million on bananas and duct tape. It's insane that we allow this.
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Art sales have always been used to launder money because it can't be valued objectively
typical white people hypocrisy to launder money or to virtue signal
It should, because I'm an actual criminal mastermind. This isn't even the real good stuff but you're welcome.
as an artist and an artisan I dont see the distinction between the two. But if I call myself an artist I dont have to pay VAT. it's a stupid policy that he enabled and emboldened (post-)modernists to create this kind of rancid shit and sell it for millions

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Can ketamine cure autism and depression?
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No, do you recommend it? I'll put it on my short list of things to still try.
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg N-Acetyl Cysteine 600mg Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg Benfotiamine 300mg - Nerve Support Supplement for Women and Men with Vitamin B1, B6 & B12 - Made in USA 90 Caps

GABA 750mg 5 HTP 200mg L Tryptophan 500mg L Theanine 200mg Ashwagandha 3000mg SAM-e L-Glycine - Mood Support Vitamins for Women And Men with L-Tyrosine - Count
Try these if you’ll really try anything won’t hurt
ty anon
Somehow, Jews still haven't made up a cure for autism.
They've given ADHD a literal stimulant, though.
Probably not autism. Might help with depression symptoms, but then there are less addictive drugs to take if you want that. People who claim it helped with their depression might have not been depressed in the first place and just needed a downer to feel better for the moment. Elon for instance claims that ketamine helped him deal with a depressive episode, but then it'd be rare for an actually depressed person to do all that he's been doing.

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>2024 secret SIGNT operations be like
>SIGNT operations
me with the hair and the girl with boobies

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This, he'll probably die from hospital bacteria
Believe it or not that shit's not supposed to be outside your body
you can die from heart infection from a fucking tooth infection.
The amount of jewishness of this article literally is making me seethe so fucking hard.
its not that simple. every service job is open to niggers coming around, or seeing niggers on the job. federal law prohibits racial discrimination.

even though everyone knows how dangerous the blacks are, we are all required to ignore this because "it racist"
>complaining that a vibrant person added free speed holes to your Tron body
That's not very shiny and happy of you, anon.
The MOD pizza worker said the n word.
Drop all charges, bigot.
>160 IQ
fuck off

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haha the worst thing you can do to a filthy brown is to send him to live with his own kind. filthy browns consider living with fellow brown people a fate worse than death.
Nope all it takes is a State of Emergency such as we already have in place.
Kek all the spics here fly their flags nonstop but refuse to go back
They are saying Trump will declare a "national emergency". He won't. He will instead invoke the insurrection act. This is actually a guise to mask the massive mobilization and deployment of troops domestically. Why? Because the plan is to put the US under martial law so some semblance of order can be maintained when the retaliatory nuclear strikes take place. War games and simulations have determined that the US cannot decisively beat China militarily; and losing would have devastating consequences for the homeland. Game theory implies the US will use them, since it will suffer a similar fate whether used or not. The US will launch a preemptive nuclear strike on China, North Korea, and possibly Russia; as the empire is in its death throes. The US could have chosen to go down the Soviet path, of diminishing with a whimper. Instead, they have chosen to go the nuclear annihilation route. The last act of desperation.

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>pop over to /x/
>see pic related
Why is /x/ based?
Only thing i see here is about gay niggers and jannies delete good threads or they get slid to the dirt
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No /x/ is moderated by a tranny.

If you attack their general thread about succubus for being a den of coomer incels being tricked by a discord group of trannies that seek out these lonely men. The mod will ban you for racism outside of /b/ or 'ban evasion' or other dumb shit like trolling outside of /b/

There is good threads from time to time.

But /x/ is mostly full of delusional retards that are extremely lonely. You can't for instance discuss aliens or UFO's as sometimes you attract grouos of deranged lonely fools. They will claim all sorts of random shit about sex with alien women and make up all their own shit. There was some Kiwi who spammed the board for a few yrs about blue space cat people and how they 'visit him.'

If it isn't that then it is deranged furries that make shit up or retards who think having certain heterochromia colors means they are 'elves.'

Then you got all the dumb kids that fall into new age shit. Similar to how the girls who were extreme social outcasts in HS fall into being a hippy or a wiccan wackjob.

Don't get me started on all the faggot pagan LARPers too and the 24/7 schizo posts by trannies that take up slots.

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I remember this. This has been posted here on /pol for years, though not very often.
saw this on pol/ in 2019
Nigga wat?
Are you fucking retarded?
'checks flag'
Oh, yes, you're fucking retarded.

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He was TROOFING on Troof Sensual about how Pennsylvania was rigged and full of fraud a few hours before he won it. Then he never mentioned it again. Why did he do that?
He's ok with a system being rigged. He just wants it rigged for him. Kind of like the tax system.
They gotta keep pushing on this issue. If they got nationwide voter integrity laws as the first piece of legislation they push through they will control the country for at least 12 more years

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Why are these countries so hated by european and american right wingers/white supremacists?
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Spaniards live in a fucked up society but they're good sports about it. Portugese seem brown, gay and retarded. Hard to find someone normal from that country.
Portugal is a bit more more socially conservative than Spain
you're fooling with you're false flagging no one giovanni di terroni

all mediterrainean countries are based. france's azure coast is with them, but only 5 km coast belt, the rest is shite.
as well as balkans, who are all based except serbia.
theyre brown

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>slava yкpaiнa
>Bananna retreieved
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shut the fuck up with your moon rune telegram channels. just post venti and/or nuke webms
we have 4080s too, i just dont want to fund goyim that much

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I’m not a biologist but worrying about the birth rate has to be the most retarded thing you can do. Life produces to its fullest potential. This is true of all living things. It is a self correcting problem. The people that don’t have children will be replaced by people prone to have children. Life will always produce as much of itself as it can.
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It's the dread march of efficiency. Culture is a nicely painted road sign. Representative of a happier simpler time, made with love and skill, but ultimately designed to serve man and therefore ready to be replaced by a technologically superior mass produced piece of plastic.
Lol bye.
ancient rome had welfare?
People are not interchangeable. You cannot make half your population up of 3rd worlders and expect to still live in the western world.
Worrying about the birth rate is mostly worrying about the demographic ramifications and trying to prop up ponzi schemes.

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newest blackpill just dropped
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you won't do shit lmao
are you implying that the 4 million wouldn't have been in addition to the 8 million under coconut mommy? and that that 8 million wouldn't be bumped up to 20 million...
>unskilled browns vs 'skilled' browns
this benefits whites somehow btw
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Fuck those jewfaggots.
I hope trump's administration crashes and burns.
>you lost
we won more legal immigrants and more support for israel but you liberals lost and that's all that matters
don't care if i get replaced in my own country and we go to war and die for jews in the middle east as long as commie demonrats are mad
/s I'm not actually a boomer retard

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How? The bomb.
No other country had nukes until the USSR in 1949. In the late 40s, America could have built hundreds of nukes and dropped them all over Russia and China, then sent out millions of Americans to take control of every government of every country on earth.
Total colonization of the world under direct rule from America could have been achieved. The Americans in charge of each foreign country could have ensured they never developed the technology nor capacity to attain nukes, leaving the United States as the sole country ever to possess nuclear weapons.

Why did we not go for total world domination, thereby winning the game of life for the next thousand, hell, maybe the next ten thousand, years?
Americans are so benevolent and loving and compassionate. We are like a nation of saints and buddhas. The ancient Romans, given such a chance, would have peppered every potential enemy nation with nuclear explosions and seized permanent world rulership. Why didn't we?
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Yeah but Truman fired General MacArthur! What a shame! imagine if 50 nukes were dropped along the Nork/Chinese border...
>In Italy, Russia.
Jesus Mutts are fucking retarded
>world domination
They did , with "freedom"
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this proves america is the most just and moral nation. americans are the good guys. any other country would have dominated everyone else with that same power. imagine what stalin would have done if he had the bomb and nobody else did.

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Trannyism is being pushed hard - deliberately or not. A massive shift happend, especially in porn. There is an attempt to make trannies "normal", to blur the lines of terms, to make hten "the new normal".

Ever searched for futa (on female) porn/hentai? It used to be that that's what you found. Just normal futa (without balls in 90% of cases - a proper futa) with female.

But now, there's TONS of tranies/shemales or futa on male. Not only that, but a lot of futa now is big, muscled, manly-looking with gigating big balls (which is gay). Can't even see if there's a vagina behind it, further conditioning stupid poeple into trannyism. There's also a lot more anal (which is gay) ,
and when you point it out you get retards claiming that that is also futa. That's its always been like that. That the term futa was never clearly defined.
And I've also started seeing traps pushed under "female" tags. Not to metnion a lot of sissification/gender-bending.

It disgust me.
Armor yourself in disgust and contempt towards anal, gender-bending, trannnies and scrotums.
It is the only way.
/pol/ has really degraded in quality.

Tons of pointless treads about things that do no not matter, nor have any real poilitical implications (like e-celeb BS, or Musk playing Diablo), or some absolutely pointles/fake "happening" somewhere, or some random accident or criminal act that doesn't matter at all.

It is painful to watch how this place has degraded.

When will women wake up?
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Shes's like 9 here
wtf is wrong with you
>Not even once
Seriously. Amphetamines don't take long to do irreversible damage and aging like this to you.
Would rape.
you can tell who is a white guy and who is not
by his reaction to that aesthetic

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