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I like this timeline. The unspoken alliance between the left and natsocs is very entertaining.
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Turning point
When “they” decide to assist humanity to fight evil….

Man just watched Rebel Moon 1&2
That metal guy with the stag horns….
Now that’s hot
>jews don’t control US institutions, goy
try on some nooses, Charlie
>hate the West

Israel is in the middle east though
>t. accounts run by brown sandniggers liking and retweeting each others sandnigger comments
Kill yourself you brown literal subhuman

One can of this meme juice shilled by Youtubers has 3x the lifetime amount of forever chemicals a human can safely consume.
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RIP in peace
Do we REALLY have logan paul fans here? Really? This website fucking sucks now, faggots worshiping the worst kinds of e-celebs and defending whores whenever possible. And the pajeets.
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That bastard better make an apology video.
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Can't say I'm surprised.
>Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) is one of a group of related chemicals known as perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS).
Fluorinated means having added fluorine. It has fluorine in it.
>Readily absorbed after oral
exposure. Accumulate
primarily in the blood serum,
kidney and liver.
>Toxicological studies on
animals indicate potential
developmental, reproductive
and systemic effects
So not only is this horrible for their bodies physically, because fluoride makes people dumb, docile, and stupid, they're probably gonna be too slow to grasp the impact of this on them.

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The next president of Mexico is going to be a female Jew. I hope you spics are ready to die for Israel.
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Do you really think national political leaders of *any* (any) country reflect the popular will of an informed public
It was impossed on us by the NWO
What's her opinion on Israel/Palestine?
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>checks wiki
>first photo
I love how that article tries to minimize that every aspect of her life is jewish.
Can anyone tell me how the Jews manage to look always like the host they’re parasitizing while still being recognizable as kikes when they’re basically only inbreeding with their own?
How do they get the camouflage, do they make some crucificial breeding with men of the host race to achieve that?
And why do they bounce back so fast to pure kike phenotype when moving to Israel or the US?
Congrats to your upcoming kikefication, another country under control.

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Imminent terrorist attack in US
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Moshe show us your courage and attack Iran yourself bro. Prove that we were wrong to call Jews cowardly genociders.
I read the tweet for the sanity check it's "potential" my bad
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National Security Council is just a black box of rights infringement and geopolitical power brokering. unlimited opportunity for corruption.
>a black box of rights infringement and geopolitical power brokering
Never been articulated in finer fashion.
Trips of truth my friend.

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Imagine you owned a house, and gave a stranger sanctuary, but then you find that stranger making all the rules for your family, letting in other strangers, brainwashing your kids, and looting all of your money, you would want them kicked out, right?

So why do you still support Israel?
maybe I can help with that bot. you see, politicians give money to israel, then israel gives it back to those politicians. neet huh
i thought it was 1366
well you see in 947 ad...
...a bunch of hook nosed homosexual moors took over Europe and...

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Do you have white lights?
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I use 2200k for my desk, 3000k for the bedroom and bathroom and 4000k for the rest of the house.
Can't stand 5000k+ light
I only use nigger lights. They make the glow.
then you are a nigger.
simple as.
Color temperature is meaningless if the lighting fixture doesn't have black body spectrum. If it's LED or florescent that number is complete bullshit.
incorrect since you're only seeing reflected light in the first place, anon.
observer changes the physics.

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>Sir, stop resisting! we are here to protect you from the russians
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Chuds and zigger vpn bots are so retarded lmao

Can't fathom actually fighting for something that doesn't involve POSTING HARDER ON 4CHINZ

It's like trump demanding his worthless cultniggers to protest outside the courthouse, if he had asked these retards to just post harder then they would've actually done something

I hope all rightoid chuds and ziggers are pressed into hyper dense gore-cubes in the russian retard-squishers
> No man wants to man handle an oiled naked man.
I plan to show up already armed and ready to fight. If I am going to die it's going to be on American soil.
Lol, you haven't seen any army recruitment ads lately? That's EXACTLY what they want to do.
They dance because they know they're going to make money from both sides.

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We stand with Israel.

Always have. Always will.

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>appoints jew to run fbi
>cabinet full of jews
>wife is a tranny
>daughter is mtf tranny
>daughters "husband" ftm tranny
>jewish roots plaque in office
>grandfather was pimp charlatan
>didnt build a wall
>friends with mi6 kunt ghilsaine & epstein

Trumps clearly is just a faggot luciferian jew freemason and they are using him as controlled opposition.
no we dont. fuck israel. fuck india too btw
More than the three combined? I mean, he's the only president besides Bush who has given billions of dollars to support Israel that that you've listed. Biden and Obama never gave a single cent.
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>More than the three combined?
So you literally don't know what you're taking about.
Aid to Israel:
>Obama: $38,000,000,000
>Biden: $100,000,000,000
>Trump: $225,000,000

Also inb4 shills blame Trump for not vetoing King Nigger's 38 billion, which would have been easily overridden by 95% or more of Congress.
>Biden and Obama never gave a single cent.
Oh, I didn't see you lied like this. Kill yourself.

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TKD demands Total Holohoax Debunking (THD).

Not a single Jew was killed "just for being a Jew". A tiny number of Jews were shot by firing squads in "The Kamps" but for horrible crimes mostly against other Jews, and German soldiers were being shot or hung for far, far less.

ALL photos of starved/starving are of "unknown" and ALL are also "adult males of fighting age" when German army was losing 100,000+month on collapsing both fronts during WORST WINTER IN EUROPEAN HISTORY.

ALL photos known to be Jews show they well fed, well dressed and with wrist watches, rings, etc. That jibes with ALL both US and UK officers in charge of Refugees.

Read Ike's famous statement about "bearing witness". WTF does it dance around mentioning who is presumed to be the guilty party???
That is NOT how US Army officers talk or write reports. If a US Army officer talked like that they'd give him a medical exam for stroke or sun stroke or poisoning or head injury or SOMETHING. LOL.
Ike didn't know it we were going to finger the Nazis for being Nazis, or the Jewish "Kapos" for being Communists in relation to his up coming POTUS run, which Patton said he'd been planning in earnest since at least 1943, and openly laying ground work with other politicians.

Top Jews(Zionists) worked with Nazi regime all through WW2 to KEEP JEWS FROM SCATTERING to places other than "Israel" and knew the Jews were being treated better than anyone in Europe, and even the entire world (many AMERICANS were forced to suck Asbestos by JEWISH plant owners in USA, among countless other horrors).
Even when it became clear Germany would be on losing end, with aspect of post war situation unclear, Hitler and Nazis were thinking in terms of WTF next German regime and German people dealing with still Jewish controlled major powers of...all of the Allies.
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you're calling in a night? LIke you call an uber? Will the night drive to you in it's own car? Do you call in a night just for the lighting effects in your home during daylight hours?
where did all the middle-aged Jews that popped up in USA and Israel with newly minted American or Hebrew, respectively, names come from?

Several Nazi soldier memoirs mention Jews in German cities at least into 1944, and Jews were getting Visas to leave Germany and lining up outside neutral nation embassies, no doubt with pockets full of bribe money and non-Jew papers.

He was railing about IIRC 7 million ILLEGAL Jews entering USA during FDR's reign before WW2, swelling ranks of Organized Crime, but also just squalor, but also just big un-authorized un-approved surge in non-criminal "Jewish Life" in every city in USA.https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/charles-e-coughlin
Jew mad?

In Jan of 1945 USSR had yet to land a punch on Germany proper, due to lack of long range bombers, but USA and UK had been mass murdering German civilians in cities for years.
While the Holohoax is fake, Hitler is on record as considering his Jewish guest a race of dangerous nation wrecking parasites.

Maybe that is why he allowed Jews to all evac from Poland BACK into Germany, and even mostly into Germany for the first time, to be soon "Liberated" by USA/UK govts.

Yes, Germany ended WW2 with several times more Jews within its borders than it started. No evidence of even tough times found at Auschwitz, but lots of overcrowding in all camps in Germany.

Like when Scotty gets rid of the Tribbles by beaming them onto the Klingon battlecruiser just before it warps out of the star system, except that while Jews are certainly useless, they aren't harmless and cuddly.https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6n5g8i
However, based Negress Lt Uhrah did Fem-splain to Spock they provide certain mindless entertainment/distraction.
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PS-pretty amazing that Jews are universally on the record of having HEARD RUMORS of mass killings of Jews by Nazis "just for being Jews" always at "the other camp" and certainly it was public for years Nazi regime considered Jews as source of all evil AND everyone and his uncle was abundantly aware the Nazi regime was starting to really lash out in frustration as it was losing the war...

Jews also universally chose to stay under Nazi control and actively evac into Germany rather than just say put in the "open" (non-defended) Kamps in Poland to await "liberation" by their FELLOW JEWS in command of Red Army.

I'll give the Jews one thing, they can show some moxie and time preference and take personal risks if they see the right odds on the table.
Doesn't always work out, but more often than not.

BTW, Oct 7 is unironically "worse than the Holocaust", as pic proves. No reason to believe anything like that was ever done to a Jew by a German (though likely by fellow Jews, according to US Army Investigators Fleck and Tenenbaum.)

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>If you don't agree with this principle, you're not a conservative. Simple as.
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It do be like that tho.
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>give me money to have access to my body
>I'm totally not a whore, or anything
All women are whores. Simple as.
Whores for betabuxx and sluts for alphafuxx.
>If you don't agree with this principle, you're not a whore. Simple as.

>women are attracted to Gilgamesh neanderthal
Women are attracted to figures and metaphors for Satan. It's why I don't feel compelled to give my life's energy to entertain Satan's mistress.

Why does it seem to be only white men who dont mind marrying women who already have kids? A chink or a jeet would say nope.
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Solid 0/10
No woman wants to marry a chinklet.
>dont mind marrying women who already have kids
Dating apps say otherwise tho.

bet none of you newfags know how he changed the internet for the best
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Wilde was a degenerate sodomite
encyclopedia dramatica, faggots
Disgusting degenerate. Stain upon humanity.
There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Evelyn Waugh, Enoch Powell, etc. were homosexuals

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Discuss the superiority of Best Korea
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>confirmed by leafy satan
At one time, the North Korean flag told us to never doubt again after the Great Leader took a small rest.
As for me, I never doubted in the first place.
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Vexxed smuggled in a camera, a secret modem and encrypted SBC and did a live stream in downtown Pyongyang with chat giving him commands to do on camera and he did it all until a north korean came over abusing the fuck out of him

Vexxed is the greatest irl streamer of ALL time. RIP Vexxed you fucking legend!
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>Best Korea discourages Christ is King
meh, hard pass
They are just poisoned ASNs. Same as when piratebay was hosted in NK

The entire thing was filmed with actors in one of the many empty Chinese cities. It was entirely fake propaganda. Wake up already! The big one is coming!

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I wouldn't even be surprised anymore.
>George Floyd wasn't a real person
Yeah he was a nigger
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It really doesn’t matter. They won and convinced an ocean of boomers and zoomers as well. Its over and your a retard. They will take one look at you and call you racist and walk away even if your not a schizophrenic retard. Pack it in my dude
Human trafficking sandnigger speaking in code.

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Ukraine won. Trump lost.

The House vote to aid Ukraine renews hope that Ukraine can still win its war. It also showed how and why Donald Trump should lose the 2024 election.

Just put $61 bil on number 36 at the roulette table, although 36 has a better chance of winning. I guess the casino wins. Again.
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still voting Trump, still looking forward to more dead Russniggers

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Thanks for the $$$ but is it really enough?! We will need more in coming weeks! Do you really want us to lose this war? Yes I know your borders are out of control and you need it for your own country but US is strong and can survive without the money but this is Ukraine and I need more money to save Europe!! Please send more ASAP!!! Thank you!!!

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The jews sending the money know this, they are funneling it to something else on purpose and this explains many COHENcidences.
I can't wait until Russians decapitate this rotten little kike.
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Colombian drug cartels love him

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Watch any old clip of that time period and it looks like a dream. Corporations and politicians have assblasted comfy reality for good.
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>Hollywood used to have women with Down syndrome

psychopaths and sociopaths. they set up the roles and actors had just to follow the script when production can do with them everything they wanted. see Hanna Montana.. Down syndrome is hard to control.
punky brewster was the tits.
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I cannot be bothered to bypass this.
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Probably? Cmon, bro.

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is it permissable to BLEACHRAW and then skip town?
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jewish milk is ROTTEN. don't ask me how i know.
I wish I were Hitler. Would have played it cool and jewed the jews and the when this cow was born, would have abducted her and when she started having her khazar milkers;would have kept her in basement, raping her multiple times a day until I died from old age.
Good morning.
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WAY hotter as a 2D.
all things are permissable but not all are benefici- holy f... im sweating the devil knew what he was doing when he made the canaanite

Geezer showdown 2.0

Who wins?
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Anyone who has reached the age of 65 and doesnt realize the most important thing in life is family, and doesnt want to spend every day they have left with thier grandchildren, isnt fit to lead the any country. We should be scared of men, who have grandchildren, and at thier age, still lust after power. It shows they have no heart, no soul and no brain.
The elderly, dementia-ridden capitalist who seeks to further the cause of the military-industrial complex and American imperialism. You know, the one who's proven to act inappropriately towards minors. I'm talking about the one worshipped by retards without any sort of understanding of politics. The corrupt neo-liberal seeking to maintain status quo. The one promising huge changes but failing to deliver. The one who bends over backwards to Israel.

You know. One of those two.
>vote for jewish cocksleeve A, goyim!
>vote for jewish cocksleeve B, goyim!
fake and gay and tiresome

Would be pretty funny if they both croaked before November
Shidding vs farding

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What was Charles Manson trying to tell us?

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Anyone else find it weird that Leslie Van Houten was allowed to attend coed college classes in street clothes after her murder conviction? She’s not even cuffed.
i sent Charlie a Christmas card and told him to find Jesus

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