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I'm a paternal Jewish American patriot. I did 3 tours in afghanisten and killed subhuman filthy arabs. When i came home i caught my gold-digging ugly nose kike ex-wife in bed with a Indian business man, he had the best suit and most expensive shoes i have ever seen... I have PTSD since 2004 and i hate these White Supremacist Zionists these people own the Goverment, media, hollywood and literally everything else who ship this filthy around the world for tikkun schizolam- all my suffering for sending me into a war for Israels interests, a country i have no affiliation too and is also Fake and Gay. fuck zionists.
I hope canadians will kill as many pajeets they can before these filthy people start to trash the beaufiful Country side or the Rocky Mountains, throwing plastic bottles here, shitting over there in the bushes and in the river. ....
If they infect New York (my home), as soon im back in the US, i will start to funnel money from the Jewish NGO mafia and Finance sector at wallstreet into pro White + Black American Supremacist organisations, the Latinos born in the USA feel White anyway.

I will back Nick Fuentes with 200Million Dollar. Fuck you filthy comitee.

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Good morning Saars! Do the needful and remember to always:
>say good morning sir
>record yourself in front of trains
>poop in public
>do the needful
>apply to Tim Hortons
Have a good day sirs!
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Hello saar!
Flyswatter won't remove bugs from your computer saar.
Give me remote access please.
I will do the needful and remove those little critters saar.
We are though. Daily reminder that demographics are destiny.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, not time to t- PUWAAAA!
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>Jolly good, saar!
*head bobbles*

Trump has been busted. This is not a drill.
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Fake and Gay
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Everyone knows Trump is a pedo
Very week. Needs more effort.
They openly admit it now too.
you already posted this


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Christkikes, anglos, niggers or women?

My opinion:

Christkikes and anglos. Niggers and women, even though they did absolutely nothing good, gained advantages in society.
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Anglo and christian will never be nazi.
meh dont feel bad. they get into arguments daily and are generally pissed off all the time. that's why they made this video. happy couples don't do this shit.
imagine spamming these dogshit threads every day for years
what else would she do? she lost

Jew worshiper detected.

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It's time for AOC to slobber on my cock

Fuck kikes
I'm not a jew
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Most psychopaths end up in jail. Only the high IQ ones become rich and powerful.
There are two types of psychopath. The intelligent psychopath who is wildly successful or the retarded psychopath who is in prison. There are a lot of retarded psychopaths in prison.
Only IRL. This is an "anonymous" website so psychos think they can hide here
A lot of people watched he show Dexter or have researched the most famous psychopaths, like Ted Bundy, and those people think that is all psychopaths but that's just television.
Anyone who claims t be a psychopath usually is not and if they are they're the retarded type that ends up in prison someday.

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Seems to have slipped past the news cycle or something.
the first five to six weeks of the livestreams were kino

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Does your town have a rainbow crossing?
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careful your car may get monkey pox doing this
The kike virus hasn't reached my town yet.
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You spelled grave wrong…
>spend some time in the South and hopefully you can clean your mind of indoctrination
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A shopkeeper hung up a BLM sign and people would walk in, rip it down, and walk out with it. She left at the end of her lease. So no, theres no rainbow in my town.
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This nigger

They're walking back Trump's sentencing! What does this mean!?

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>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!
He is Jesus.
Why can't people see it?
Just like Jesus has been crucified over and over again and came out on top
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frankist lubavitcher who hates christians, is Jesus?
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>>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!

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How would the world look going forward if he wins?

Sometimes I think Americans really realize don't understand the extent that it matters. There’s apparently been a fair amount of protesting in Japan over Biden monetary policy, which they perceive as crashing the Yen, which it certainly did.

How do you think he’ll deal with Ukraine or really, a much more aggressive and violent world at large?
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Watch The Chekist on rumble.

Do unto leftists as they would do unto you.

edit: handy-dandy link to video on rumble.

I said if Biden/dems win, it’ll happen more slowly, but there’s a slim (20% chance) of:
>biden and dems keep funding Ukraine to drag out war, a wild card event happens such as Putin dies or there is a coup and is replaced with a moderate, or economic crisis in Russia, or massive protests that lead to a withdrawal. Or hurt Russia so bad that if they do win, they’re too crippled to have much influence
>biden continues to restrain the kikes and somehow talks them out of attacking hezbollah, they withdraw from Gaza, and the Middle East goes back to being a bullshit powder keg Cold War
with the best case scenario being a possible spontaneous regime change in Iran
>the US continues to focus its military build up on countering Chinese aggression, China does not attack Taiwan as the time is not right and American forces are available to defend if needed
All of this is unlikely but the best case scenario for the US. None of it will happen under Trump. The best option for Americans is Trump loses, the wars somehow wind down as above, and a strong GOP comes to power in 2028 if the country doesn’t dissolve under 4 more years of immigration and social Marxism.

Train the Whole Militia.
>The body of males trained to be efficient in killing and arrests, being Necessary to the security of a free State,... shall not be infringed.
Seek Jesus, Get Trained, Or Cry.
Then we do project 2025 where we form Christian death squads to round up degenerates of a sorts to murder. Will be awesome.
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Nothing changes, the plan continues uninterrupted. You don't actually believe that some real estate scion who
>has been a tabloid and tv personality for 50 years
>has rubbed shoulders with the ruling class since youth
>has been relentlessly advertised to you by your enemies as being the enemy of your enemy
is actually an outsider, do you?

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Uuuuh, BASED?
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>I have really gotten myself into a jam here.
It's ok fren. Just say you are italian.
This guy does it all: propaganda about Whites, Covid, Russia, and more. One-stop-shop. Scary that people like this exist and that even smart people believe thm.

>What I Cover

>I cover the origins and effects of false or misleading information (MISinformation), including lies that are spread deliberately to deceive (DISinformation). This includes errors, rumors, fraud, state propaganda and influence operations, both domestic and foreign.

>My Background

>I joined The Times in 1989 and have worked in New York, Washington, Moscow (twice), Baghdad, Beijing and Seoul, including four stints as bureau chief. I contributed to the Times coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic that won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2021. I am the author of a biography of Russia’s president, “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin,” published in 2015.
"White Boy Summer" is a race mix meme
of course, White boys should not be posting here because you have to be 18, and should have a wonderful summer season, but not at strip clubs plying unfortunates, and being loose with the coloreds.
I told u, nigger

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We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as soon as we figure out just what that something is then my ideology will rise from the ashes and a new age of prosperity will begin!
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>Don’t ask these idiots to provide a chronology of events.
I'm not even asking for that much. I just want to know what the people who say "there is no political solution" actually expect people to do. I'm just going to quit my job, load my car up with ammo and drive all the way to DC, then shoot anyone that looks brown or jewish and hope enough other people do the same? Even January 6th was peaceful and it still ended with Ashly Babbot getting killed. If there was an actual attempt at doing something it would have just resulted in a ton of dead White people and nothing good would have been accomplished.

>theyll all dye off
without the help of whites and asians the world black population would be in the few millions, they cannot support themselves when cut off.
That is true, but my point wasn't specifically about blacks. I'm not suggesting we need to wipe-out the entire population of Africa. Simply finding the countries where the most invasion is coming from and cleansing the area completely would stop the influx of shitskins into the US. And it's something that can be done violently. Getting the asians and jews to stop supporting them is actually a lot harder than it is to just violently wipe them all out, at least on paper.
I'll risk the ban.
you know full well step two is kill Niggers and Jews; also the lgbt spectrum.
in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.

in fact, let's just call phase 2 "the night of long knives."
I've made this thread several times today and I'm still not banned. Because it's an actual conversation about politics, not just calling for total nigger death.

>in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.
What do they all have in common? I'm guessing they're all jewish.

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This war needs to end soon

Ukrainians and Russian people are genetically similar. It’s ridiculous to see my fellow Europeans tear each other to fucking pieces for this corrupt american jewish system.

We need to end this war now
No More Brother Wars!
What can we do to push for peace?
It's simple.
Russia is winning in the battlefield.
Ukraine is winning on reddit and /k/.
This war is a blood sacrifice jewish ritual. They want the goyim to suffer
Russia gets weaker and weaker every day that passes. China will take back the East and Putin won't do shit.

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Post some red pills.


>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


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Imagine you just order 72 fiery buffalo nuggets from BK and they increase your price because "you are white and can afford it". What you gonna do?
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>imagine eating goyslop
No thanks, chud
The goyslop futures market is gonna fucking wild.
Imagine the kvetching.
>Either eat healthier food or choose literally any other of the infinite burger joints in America.
Gonna have to be the former. Wendy's had an investors' call earlier this year where they actively talked about implementing Uber-style surge pricing. If a completely different burger chain already implemented then it's only a matter of time before the rest of them join in.
>Wendy's? How do you like it WenDEEZ NUTZ land on your chin?
Rob the burgerking

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Let's face it, now that Biden is out what are some issues Trump can improve on? What are Trump's plans to tackle the housing bubble?

there are a lot of things that can be done, but nobody will do them.
>forcing foreigners to divest from single family homes.
>deregulate to the point where normies can build shacks on their land if they want.
Tackle? Trump is the boomerest of real estate boomers. He's going to pump it even harder. He will hit the money printers and hand out more stimi checks and jack those median home prices into the 7 figures
>>deregulate to the point where normies can build shacks on their land if they want.
"land of the free" LMAO!!!!.

Just saw a roastie in a Mitsubishi almost plow over two young scholars who decided to just waltz across the street in the middle of traffic.

What's the political explanation for spades jaywalking whenever they want? Refusal to obey laws? Lack of empathy? Inability to process potential consequences? Or straight up mental retardation?
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That doesnt make any sense: then Americans would be totally trapped on their 'blocks'! They couldn't even go to the stoah to buy their sugar-substitute-food.

And does that include highways? Because then how is the entire Latin America plus half of Africa and a quarter of Asia walking in?
there's a 100% chance you're a poojeet because you've burst in here angry just to shit everywhere and make absolutely zero sense lol.
Guy got a 75k settlement for this. Cops should have known better, laws are for whites and asians.

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Bugs Bunny was a faggot?
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It is disgusting that it took this long for that to be posted.
Based buggs.
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Only a faggot would think that. Faggot.
have you met a fag op? u incel nigger

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It's official /pol/.... Kamala is being pushed as Biden's replacement. I'm sorry to say it... But... /pol/...

I'm officially part of the K-HIVE
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Kamala Harris
Kamal Hairs
Camel Hairs
Hairy camel toe
she’d look ok beheaded
I think you mean K-SANE
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our royalty
The Kamala the whole world wants to see

the haven't been doing anything since their fake carrier strike and are desperate for attention

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Why are homosexuals persecuted so?
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lol. subhuman tiny dick zipperhead chink have to resort to lgbt to relieve his sexual tension. ror rmaoooooo. bunch of perma incels seething their women leaving them for White men.
It's okay, he is wearing a mask. You gotta be safe out there.
SFPD is full of fags
dude looks like a chav in a badly fitting dress without the filters.
The face is admittedly feminine, but the whole package still doesn't sell. Even from the thumbnail, that frame screams MALE

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