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I did it bros, a solid filter list. It's not 100%, but it makes pol pretty fucking bearable.
add pol to harris*

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Miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
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>Lt Corbis

this little retard. I was trying to remember this one because she was always plastered in ptg. I tried asking the other day for the name, but newfags didn't even know.
I'm pretty sure the only place to find some of her content is odysee. Some of it is lost to the sands of time
Still can't believe xe trooned out. RIP to a real one.
Things that never happened. The post.
Back then everyone hated keem and everyone sucked on h3h3 and idubbbz dick
I hated all of those fags except for franku, he was legit.
Pyro was a fat lesbian leafy clone and leafy himself was a chinlet cringelord, those fuckers are gay too

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vitaly, the youtuber and "pedo hunter" punishing and humiliating the gay pedo he caught by "riding" on him. (gif)

what do you think about this? i suspect people like him are either gay or having weird fetish themselves.
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Wonder what's happening to all of those orphans being created by your kike overlords, you shill
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Screpesos, but...

it is a crime what they are doing, IRL.

They are not judge, jury and exexutioner. Their hubris should be cut off.
Especially since it's some jew doing it on his live stream to make money
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jews rape kids
your money or your life sixty seconds


> https://x.com/Cobratate/status/1816794463756267582
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I don't take advice from homosexuals
One is facts the other is opinion. It's okay tho I'm sure english isnt your native language.
historical 'inheritance' is but an aspect of spirit. there is nothing more important than spirit and nothing besides it.
not listening to con man
His voice is higher pitched than an average man's.
Why? Is it because of his tiny jaw?

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Previous: >>475765091

▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Vladimir Arseniev, 74, the head of Russian defense enterprise Volna Central Research Institute — tried to burn himself on Red Square
> China has begun to divide its currency into "clean" and "dirty," that is, for example those bought on the sanctioned Moscow Exchange or used in transactions with Moscow — Chinese banks avoid "dirty" yuan & this means Russia can no longer buy dollars from China
> State of Emergency declared as dam failure causes major flooding in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
> Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate by 200 basis points to 18% on Friday as it grapples with high inflation and an overheated economy
> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura

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>t-that's a strawman
No, it isn't shitskin. Did you just learn that word today? There's a singular side that's throwing their soldiers into a meatwave, like I said, prove me wrong. Your faggy cope about having simliar casualties flies in the face of reality lmao.
>it's like is not icelandic, is not faroese but is sorta of it
Is it like Gaelic?






It's a strawman because I never stated the following or anything close to it:
"n-no you gotta trust russnigger commie MOD because they never lie".
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just to show you big sweden's delusions

if you go we american's we will save the world is the part you guys don't get.....

statue of liberty... russia is here to liberate, the protector of the north... is their delusion..you go to anyone in the north... wtf NOOO FUCK OFF

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Hey, is Harris actually running?
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She runnin alright. Run nigger run
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There is no recovery from this

WOULD the spam would be unnecessary????
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We like laughing at him.
>WOULD the spam would be unnecessary????
No but they would still be funny. His old blog articles that he wrote for David Frum's site are hilarious btw.
Dude is the definition of a psued.
Why can't any of you accept the fact he's a faggot who gets easily dunked on? You all want to defend this curry fucker so hard. Remember when you faggots called trump GOD EMPEROR fucking kek you're all scrambling against a terrible candidate like Kamala.
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>They rigged the election again!
Because you insist upon it so much. And get so angry when anons say otherwise.

A FORECLOSURE in my hometown is going for nearly $300k. What's the cause of this? Chinese investors picking up all the houses? Because that's what I've heard around town. Shit, even me looking for a room for rent, it's damn near $1000 a month for one single room in a home. Make it make sense.
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I live near here. Those lots used to be $100 but you can still get some that cheap in tax auctions. The problem with building a shack here is that these still require a permanent foundation. Some allow trailers. But there are city ordnances so people don't build shacks. Otherwise they would have been bought by now.

Nobody wants to build a nice house in a dying town except the occasional retiring boomer.
it's shit either way, housing was already too expensive and shitty. I already tried being homeless and it actually worked out not too bad at all but yeah truck stop shits suck. Trying to be homeless sucks. It's hard enough if you wanted to go out innawoods forever but trying to make homeless normal is hard. Best scenario would be someone letting you park and shit at their house but you're just using someone to shit haha

so, you can be sleep in your car, live in the attic of crazy people, or go live in the actual middle of nowhere
Funny how most of us on 4chan, while being "sane" in the head are acting and thinking like antisocial schizoids.
We all want to run in the woods, most of us are NEETs, we're parasitizing on the love and care of others... while otherwise being normal people that can always pull their strings or could've chosen well in life but no one is ever looking to heal, admit it and so on, this place is like the perfect NEET bubble of feel good.
perceived value
was hoping the defund the police and squatting would take off to crash it but oh well
the violence will be worse the longer it takes to resolve
That's a nice shack to make gay orgies.

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Silence brand.
Pot meet kettle.
It was a joke because they are both fat balding men with stains on their shirts.
Nice try, they post as Elsa
oh no he watched a heckin video!!!

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Your nation is only known for producing porn, your woman are the whores of Europe, bunch of anti-Christ's sodomites, fucking fags.
That would take them 200 years at this rate.
after the olympics display i hope so
The current rate is slow because Russia doesn’t want to genocide The Ukraine. They won’t take such care with people west of there.

>This is Thomas Jolly, the director behind the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics, which saw him mock Jesus Christ (PBUH), Christianity mocked, and Satanic Rituals performed.
Some gay dude who insists that alexander the great was gay, despite there being no supporting evidence.
He was alexander the great, not alexander the sissy.
He literally looks like Anthony Weiner with peach fuzz
he looks like Bear Grylls and obviously has sex

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Repeat after me.

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Trump is going to deny two women from being president.

You missed.
You'll never be a women.
Still voting Trump.

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I couldn’t have been there but after a few hundreds years of the Olympics they’ve become incredibly degenerate. He could’ve seen the same degenerate shit we’re seeing to have banned them.
It would've been probably even worse back then.
Pagan loved animal sacrifice, did shit tons of abortions, slavery was very fucking demented back then, faggotry was silently tolerated.
Christians at those times were very fucking radicalized, so you can imagine just how mad they've been against pagans.

Theodosius? The one who split the empire between his sons and put out the Fire of Vesta? The one whom tolled the bell of Rome's fall? The man who returned the once great nation into the kingdom it fought to escape?
I will not apologize. Nor should the Roman sons of that once great empire. May his soul fester in the river Styx and his body eternally devoured by maggots and worms.
>did shit tons of abortions,
it kept the dysgenic morons at bay and from growing into christians

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America is not ready for the Kelly SuperCombo

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I thought that was just a trannynigger that just adopted a jap name for shits and giggles
Would keep as my bed slave
I'd gladly suck his dick
Good track

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I’ve always hated kids my age teens I never fit in with them I don’t smoke I don’t drink I don’t have sex even if I wanted to no girl would want me for I am nothing and no one my life holds no value I never did anything special in my life nothing of significance never went out partying never hung out never traveled out of the country only been to 3 states I’ve lived a boring recluse miserable life drowning in my own despair sulking in my own misery every time I try to connect with other kids I’m left out singled out or just out right insulted for not living an eventful life I can’t drive one kid I met in a hospital had recounted a memory in which he had flown a plane I don’t like mainstream media I don’t follow trends and I don’t follow the lives of celebrities I am a black sheep in a heard of white goats there is no possible way for me to fit in to todays society of children I don’t listen to rap I am of mixed race and am overweight I am so far from the norm that even if I tried truly made it my life goal to fit in with my peers I will never succeed this is the harsh truth I don’t have a choice of who I want to be were I want to end up I am a kite I go where ever the wind directs me I have no say in anything I have no mouth but I must scream i am in hell looking at heaven I am Isolated all kids my age are having sex smoking pot drinking alcohol and partying meanwhile I sit in my room staring at the wall whenever I talk to or hear from kids my age they are in relationships kissing and having lots of sex my old st Gerald’s friends bragged about having sex the person I met in the hospital daemon had sex in her room with another girl the night I saw them doing that I was so traumatized and filled with despair at the thought that I would never experience that in the hallway I got into the fetal position and began crying at the end of the hall
Nice copypasta
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Made it to the party about not smoking out and starting at the wall.

Smoke pot, anon.
Also, you aren't nearly as unique as you imagine.
10% of every single graduating class is exactly like you.
I thought many of the same things you said.

And etc.

>one kid I met in a hospital

And uh what exactly were you in this 'hospital' for?

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I joined the army back in 2023 but quit at BCT mainly because i couldnt cope with nigger drill seargents screaming at me, i hate it, but also i didnt wanted to be zogbot for 3 years plus the training, it sucked, ever since I quitted I feel a lot more aliviated, I tried getting a job but i didnt work out, but now that i think about it i don´t really wanna be a wageslave in this fucking clown world, ill just neet and ldar.
ok and?
no pussy no work lol
Stupid thread
Embrace self-sufficiency and frugality and you dont have to be a slave to the jewish system.
so more pussy for others

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Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition
>Britain goes full shabbos goy
>Suella bullied
>Beans on toast nationalism
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
>Fuel still going to be expensive for while
>Royal rumbles
>Finally, an end to universities

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Just thinking how rape against another man is based. If you have the power and virility to do that, and it's about power now pleasure. It's based.
go to a GP you mental case, ffs
they're called testicles mate
>feedin' kids
>costs almost nuffin
>paying civil servants more
>costs £10bn
sir kid starver and reeves strike again
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i had a lump on my leg. it had been bothering me for fuckin ages. sliced it off with a scalpel. used a fresh blade i doused in 95% alcohol first. i think it went pretty well. i've not cleaned it up yet, waited for it to heal first .

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We're going to lose a lot of stuff. We can't have nice things.
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I don't know if I believe that. But I do agree that sacrifices must be made.

What do you mean?
Everything going streaming, but the internet will soon all be ran by jeets. Can nobody see this?
Are you cool?
That's a little vague but I agree. But what in particular are you implying we're going to lose?
Halo mods. And fun things.

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Leftists love free things, and they love "freedom". They also swear and die by "environmentalism" and they hate oil with a burning passion. They also claim to be the Party of Science™.

Post this on X/Twitter, as well as print this out near places that "educated" Leftists love to hang out (coffee shops, libraries, gay bars). If enough Leftists demand to repeal the laws of Thermodynamics, celebrities would do this, and very prominent Democrats will also unironically parrot this. If Camel-Toe Harris retweets this, or says it otherwise, there is absolutely no recovery for her, even if she claims that it's a "joke", especially since she was a prosecutor that supposedly held up the law.
I don't want them distracted from israel. I ant every person of every political bent to cause problems for kikes
OP is a dianetics fag
I just want them to show how "scientific" they are, and by playing up to words they love.

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