Why are these countries so hated by european and american right wingers/white supremacists?
>>489094128they're not. france is gay.
>>489094128There is not a single right wing political movement in western world since ww2.
>>489094128I liked Portugal. Lots of graffiti in Lisbon, though. Good food.
You should have added Italy
>>489094332>Lots of graffiti in LisbonThat's basically any big city
>>489094128is this one of those jewish D&C threads? because it sure seems like it could be one of those jewish D&C threads
>>489094128best post rome history and colonial empireshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgZegJ1bwiQ
>>489094128Because they support and celebrate commies
Particular American posters are insecure about their perceived racial integrity so they shit on other groups. Swedish are also vicious online because of the twink meme
>>489094128Portugal is based. Spain not so much.
Stop projecting frog, France is Europe's equivalent of the disappointing and annoying faggot in a dysfunctional family.
>>489094128?? I love Spain tho. Most Americans don't know what or where Spain is enough to hate it or have an opinion on it.
>>489094517Nigger what dimension are you living in?
>>489095423No, it's some mentally deranged Nafri upset because no one will give consideration to sandniggers like them as being part of le white club. Iberia is a target because of their geographical proximity and because Nafris identify with Al Andalus and resent its destruction and that white nationalist types use it as a blueprint for cleansing people like them from Europe, even though the average Moor by that point was Iberian (or certainly much closer genetically than they were to Nafris or Arabs )
>>489094128Spain is european epicenter of faggotry and feminism
>>489095806>perceived racial integrityBeing a fucking mystery la creatura dios Mio abomination mutt isn't racial integrity Also yeah Swedes are all fags and I still wonder how come they don't have the Swedish version of handmaids tale but instead of women only men and they all get sodomized 24/7
>>489097520>It was real in my mind !
>>489096223this dude is the angry nafri living in France that spams Iberia hate threads
>>489097520That's literally serbia lmaoBiggest pride parades in the balkans and a lesbo prime minister to top it off
greetings nigger
>>489097580Why is he so buttblasted at Spain though?
>>489097657Spain is our role model, we will become just like them, did you also know that Spain invented the term "femicide" ?
>>489094128Can't speak for Europe, America doesn't have any strong feelings one way or the other about Spain (we are aware they are not Mexico East) and even the learned among us usually forget Portugal exists until someone brings it up.
>>489096223The nafri cunt makes this thread everydaySays he's no nafri but do call him nafrinigger regardless
>>489097737cops probably gave him a good beating or something before he ran to France
>>489097738BasedYour bvll vucic will make your men all based alies of lgbt
>>489097841We will choke on arabic cocks just like the spanish
>>489094128They were occupied by sandniggers for a few hundred years, making them the brownest people in Europe.
>>489097830Bwahaha what a faggot
>>489094128Kinda looks like a tarded carrot
>>489094128Most of the hate from US flags are from beaners who hate us.
>>489097830>>489097737>>489097580he's a Spaniard living in France that cries about Northern Europeans not liking him and makes the same thread every day but does the same exact thing to South Italians
>>489094128how did you make that map?
>>489094128>Why are these countries that created America's biggest pests, hated by the majority of Americans?
>>489094128The only problem I have with Portugal is that they are super arrogant; even wrose than the British and French. Spain because they created LATAM - The trash that has invaded the US and we have to deal with every day originates from Spain. Also, I fucking hate the spanish language RREEEEEEE. It's bastardized nigger italian
>>489100334Iberian Spanish isn't bad, but I prefer Catalan. Of course Italian is the best Romance language of all.
>>489094128>these countries are hated by european and american right wingers/white supremacistswhat???
>>489095423>is this one of those jewish D&C threads?yes, 12 appeared in the catalog about the same time
>>489094128I don't think about them at all
>>489094128because nordicism is d&c faggotry and the average nordicist worships niggers and kikes while hating other Europeans
>>489094128>Nigger tongue my anysMust be our burgundian ancestry; fucking french; nobody likes them (with reason)...
>>489103008are there any Spaniards in Sweden?
>>489094191fpbpSpain and Portugal are basedFuck frogs. Learn proper fucking english you Niggers
>>489094128Nah they're cool. Meds in general are a bit flippant but i'm not going to henpeck everyone until they're just like me.
Spaniards live in a fucked up society but they're good sports about it. Portugese seem brown, gay and retarded. Hard to find someone normal from that country.
>>489107500Portugal is a bit more more socially conservative than Spain
>>489099975you're fooling with you're false flagging no one giovanni di terroni
>>489094128>frenchieall mediterrainean countries are based. france's azure coast is with them, but only 5 km coast belt, the rest is shite.as well as balkans, who are all based except serbia.
>>489094128theyre brown
>>489094128Because seethe, ignoramus extremists, seethe.
>>489094128You are hated more, pierre. They also can't beat Sven and co. in faggotry.