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being choked out between Dua's thighs
If you aren't an npc and can see an apple in your inner eye you can focus enough to feel the silky nylon snagging on your stubble while she close her soft yet powerful thighs around your neck, pushing your nose over her mouthwatering smelly crotch
Now that it has turned into a Mecca for the whole channel thanks to the anon who doxxed it, it's best to avoid. ;-(
Who else do you like belfast anon?
>has turned into a Mecca for the whole channel
What do you mean? That the bus stop became some sort of jack off shrine/ makeshift toilet for anons passers-by, releasing their sexual frustrations on Dua's face? Truly disgusting

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AI welcome
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Red hot cringe

She's so perfect that sometimes I forget she's a zoomer lol
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I loved her in American History X.
She was so cute as a racist whore.
does she know what a cute little fucktoy she is
that's Fairuza Balk
>you will never bully Soph for being a titless wonder
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>I will never compliment Soph for being an acerbic, delicate, slender princess and not a vulgar titcow fatso

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since the other thread is more active should this get archived
probably would have if you didn't bump it you fuckin idiot
So..she’s old

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is Room 6 any decent?
Ugliest feet in the industry.
Her legs and torso are bad as well.

Yet she has the MOST GORGEOUS FACE in the world. Those lips are sexier than all the ass in the world.
They're jacked up and manish but there's something indescribably sexy about them too. Nobody can really explain it. Go check her Wikifeet comment section.
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I don't know what you mean by manish, a size 8 isn't that big and their shape is quite delicate. Her feet remind Elizabeth Olsen's, wide and meaty. Not the best toe shape but they're feminine
>there's something indescribably sexy about them
She has soft soles and they look like they smell incredible, especially because she wears shoes without socks. That's it, mystery solved

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Kino hair
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why not?
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You are genuinely retarded if you don't understand why Jon shanked her. She had gone full dictator and Jon's entire being could not deal with him and her being absolute dictators together like she said they would be in deciding what is good. If there's one thing the last season does well it's the thing that triggered all the YAAS SLAY queen Danyfags who didnt realize she was doomed to go Mad King mode and gradually shows this as she gains more power.
It happen because d&d wanted to subvert expectation and grrm told them that bran would be king, so they needed an excuse to remove her.
Don't try to excuse the bad writing.
No you fucking retard it was telegramed gradually that Dany was clearly not going to be a goodie hero that every fangirl desperately wanted her to be. You being triggered by the theory of subverting expectations doesnt mean it was wrong in this instance. It was obvious for most of the show Dany was doomed to tragedy. Do you really think having it end with Dant and Jon ruling is a good ending? That would be the laziest shit ever so shut the fuck up. Killing her is the one thing they did right.
What was the foreshadowing of her becoming the Mad Queen?
I don’t know how you can see something like this walking around and not want to do anything but breed with her every possible second.

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Boebert is as dumb as a bag of doorknob but I'd fuck the shit outta her.
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Hot granny
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You gotta cry harder than that
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What you see is what you get. I don't have much, but I feel like sharing some of my favorite ones.
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epic thread!

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Big reputation.
Previous: >>4917280
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Internal Taylor Swift thread.
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You need to wait until further terrorist attacks.
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the cooking of pasta for Tay by Ariana continues. Tay makes her do it with no socks so her brown feet are exposed.
This should be the energy that rules Tay Threads
I want to see Mommy Taytay put that brown little brat in her place so badddddddd desu

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Wake up and smell the Hershlag
They cut me smelling her flower on the right
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Natalie has a flower? I thought all she had since she was 12 was a potted plant.
Preggo Nat is just the goddamn cutest, mang
I'd love to watch her watering her potted plant if you know what I mean

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she has a network and post new sets if someone has access please post her pics in HQ and videos
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sad news anon, those threads are no more
something significant happen? they were up yesterday or the day before.
i'm honestly not sure what did it, yesterday's thread was average with 200+ posts but that's when jj threads were banished to the shadow realm
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I bet that crotch smells so good
she really does give "rape me" vibes, doesn't she?
motherfucker what
None of these tarts write their own songs.

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Full color, lines B/W, Concept, Cover, Video Games, Mangas, anything.
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>Mario obviously isn't
Mario is literally an archetypal hero, on the same tier as Saint George and Perseus.
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