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Full color, lines B/W, Concept, Cover, Video Games, Mangas, anything.
162 replies and 128 images omitted. Click here to view.
If this is going to be an anime thread why not call it that?

52 Pictures
+ Cover

Previous thread: >>4902671
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I want to get a boat!
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A boat will lean into the direction of a turn, a ship leans away.
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At least tragedy can result in good art.

110 Pictures
+ Cover

Leona Mia
Age when shot: 28
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Height: 165cm
Weight: 42kg
Breast size: medium
Measurements: 81/56/86
Country: Russian Federation
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Previous thread: >>4901938
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Since the other thread: >>4847190 is closed, why the hell not.
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any socks

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> >>4799105 ?
I don't know that it was ever confirmed Animal was from African.
nice mustache
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
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>>African Animals
>I live in Washington state and I just saw one of these running down the highway the other day.

Where, Tacoma?

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Actually seems I have way more US WWII.
Oh wow I did not know they had conquered Australia!
>muh banzai charges
holy cringe nips
Holy fucking MOG.
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LOL! Not even close. Picrel is a map that shows the real max extent of their "empire".

Clouds from the ISS
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very cool!
All shots of the same place. Older photos, pre SpaceX buildout of Kopernik Shores / Boca Chica Village / Starbase (easy to tell, even the soil surcharge mound isn't there yet).
Got any pics of the ISS?
>Carl Sagan. Everyone likes Sagan, right?

>Sagan! SAGAN!!! Pah! You may as well mention le black science man.

Sagan Lied, He LIED on purpose, with intent to deceive the American people and the World with his Shiny GOLDEN Records!

They never expected any Aliens, or any creatures to find these tiny space probes, he just thought it would Hype up the story he was spinning.

The Voyagers and Pioneers were sent to detect an outer planet that could be proven with Math, but could not be found with a telescope.

Astronomers had been looking since before finding Neptune. Neptune was found because mathematically there had to be another planet, but it wasn't in the right place/ big enough.
Then Pluto was found, but it was far too small to cause the perturbations they were seeing.

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Comets glow, especially the tail, because moving toward or away from the Sun gives it an electrical charge. The Sun is a nuclear furnace throwing protons out, charging everything in the Solar System.
Hale Bopp!

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Vintage ads. We'll go up as far as the 2000s and as far back as you can find.
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So that must be where the old "doesn't know shit from shinola" phrase came from.

All of these are amazing but this one kek'd my shit up. God do I miss when everything wasn't uptight and gay.
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That IS pretty fucking funny.
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Last thread >>4882554
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just the most perfect naked body
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I just want to cuddle with her lads. She's so soft and lovely.

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I remember this ad from the old game informer magazines my dad used to buy back in the 2000s lmao
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any high res pics of her screaming face? her mouth is amazing
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"Nothing personal, just business" edition

Previous thread: >>4871803
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Perfect giantess size.
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It's a nice, quick two shots. I saw someone complaining on Twitter about how short it is, but I would rather have something than nothing at all. It reminds me of when I used to go to GiantessCity and see people get pissed that mainstream entertainment doesn't directly cater to this fetish (and then make up conspiracy theories to explain why).
Giantess thread bingo:
>"Do people get aroused by this?"
>Someone brings up GTScity to feel superior
>Male content gets posted
>Autistic war between shrink and growth
>random collage tutorial
>somebody shares their feverish story they wrote while fapping
>random AI slop
>tattoo covered ogres get posted
>god tier OC gets posted once and then never again, proceeds to get lost in the void

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you can keep the fakes in the other one.
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>Sydney sucking Nicki's toes like a cock on her knees
>Nicki kicking your cock away when you try to join in
>Sydney laughing at you jerking your denied cuckstick
Nicki has such strong strapon energy I don't even dare think about fucking her. She's the one who does the fucking.
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