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File: Hitoshi Yoneda.jpg (7.74 MB, 2057x2970)
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Full color, lines B/W, Concept, Cover, Video Games, Mangas, anything.
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Thief, a tanned person, i´m not sure if they could even publish things like that anymore :D
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what went so wrong
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Fire Emblem has come such a long way.
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Any relation to Rodan?
Was Satoshi the same creator of that one hentai with the twins? They had Claret's hair colour.
Does old school Japan include a few centuries back?
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Hard to know Japanese dragons from European but I at least know this is from Asia.
Roger Dean art
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Not sure but this seems Japanese/Asian
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Did not expect anime in this thread.
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Does this count?
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Anything goes when you put "anything" in the OP
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Play fair. It isn't anything anything.
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I wish there was an artbook collecting these magazine covers from the 80s and 90s, showing the original art with no text. i would buy a book like that in a heartbeat.
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Fuck, I miss graphic design with subdued colour palettes.
Just want to say, thank you OP. Thank everyone who has posted and kept this thread alive. I love it.

Also, pg 10 bump for more interest.
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that is the Cheshire Cat from American McGee´s Alice in Wonderland.

does not sound japanese to me.
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Might and Magic by Akihiro Yamada (山田章博, 山田 章博)
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by Akihiro Yamada (山田章博, 山田 章博)
Gotta be honest doesn't look like a Japanese dragon.
any anons know what the big inspirations were behind retro japanese fantasy art? like specific artists (i only know frazetta), films, games, etc.
obviously a lot of it is riffing on 80/90s western media, especially sword-and-sorcery shit, but i wonder if there's anything else to it. this pre-anime art is kino
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Does anyone know the name of the artist?
He made some covers for a Japanese D&D supplement that are really cool, but I still haven't been able to identify him.
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LOL, LMAO even.
pre-anime in the context of fantasy shit, anon. being facetious here
i'm talking about japanese fantasy art that came before slayers/record of lodoss war/etc. cemented "anime fantasy" as its own style. more blatant western influence than native anime influence
i'm looking for the artwork that came prior to this
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Not sure, but I think they are the same artist.
Noriyoshi Ohrai
Thanks anon.
This son of a bitch is one of the most prolific I've ever seen, I didn't know him I must have been in a cave my whole life.
Tons of game art, book covers, movie posters, this guy really loved working.
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Artwork for the 'Altered Beast' game, kind of fantasy

Noriyoshi Ohrai
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Japanese poster art for 'The Beastmaster' movie

Noriyoshi Ohrai
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Dragon Quest game artwork

Noriyoshi Ohrai
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Game artwork, kind of fantasy I guess but more historical looking

Noriyoshi Ohrai
Gemfire art cover.
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Jun Suemi
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бiльшe бyдьлacкa
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This should have been a D&D thread. Not complaining. Just saying.
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Holy hell these are cool!
D&D or classic anime. Fine.
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