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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

So recently I've been interested in getting an Infiniti Q50 hybrid, I know…. BUT! honestly once I've tried hybrid cars I can't get back to non-hybrid.

The instant torque at low RPM is just very comfy, the Q50 comes with a V6 too so plenty of power to enjoy the cars also, since should be reliable.

Anyway, as with any sane person, I decided to check YouTube for long term reviews and stuff, and lo and behold all Q50 videos are filmed by Black people, which got me thinking why are niggers attracted to these cars?
Are you about to make a financial decision based on what others might perceive you as?

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These things are absolutely repulsive looking. I don’t care if it’s supposed to be a throwback to the original. It looks like ass. Yes it’s fast but that is the only positive thing that can be said about it. It’s also a massive car. Muscle cars were not always this big. Look at the muscle cars from the 80s and 90s. They were much more tastefully designed and smaller and more nimble. These modern muscle cars are all oversized fat and ugly looking. Overall just a trashy car for trashy people. It screams trailer trash, nigger or military douchebag.
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Yeah I don't really care for them either, would much rather have an original 70s chally in all white, nothing really appealing about the modern chally where you have to spend 5 mins disabling the traction control to do a weak ass burnout
Low test: The post
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Think the modern Challenger is awesome. Would fucking love one. t. Ausfag
>Yes it’s fast
Only the 392 and up. R/Ts are just "quick" and base models are a joke.
post your car

>stolen from the funeral home
My nigga daquavious died took dat nigga to the grave in a 'cat

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what's the best classic SUV and why is it the plymouth trailduster? also didn't toyota copy those back lights
Terrible chassis. They need extended leaf springs front and rear to be somewhat tolerable. Honestly don't know if there's enough frame room for it on the swb.
80 series land cruiser completely mogs that shitheap
>what's the best classic SUV
probably a suburban, also the longest lasting nameplate in history
You know that thing never went off road lmao.
I love these and ramchargers

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What is this?
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it is the secret unlockable car that you only get by collecting all cars listed at the chopshop
Some kind of middle agers go dead inside and revert to childlike repetition of group behavior.

>you're now aware Reddit in the 00's/early 10's was a lot of 32-48 year old group bracket
fieros turned to dust ages ago
>What is this?
I dont know, but points of interest.
Great fit and finish for a one off, door and rear clam to roof look impeccable. Also glass/lexan looks spot on.
Weird front of door shape that includes part of front fender; how does it open?
Oddly obsessive license recess for a one off, that fits either US or Euro plates. Repurposed?
Odd mix of slit LED tails and round CHMSL,
A car

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how often should i change my tranny fluid?
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>how often should i change my tranny fluid?
Every 30 thousand miles MAX.

Remember to only use OEM fluids when replacing.

Why? Because OEM fluids are made to a higher specification than both Castrol and Mobil, even if made by them.

ATF is one example, here both OEM fluid and Mobil 3309 are made by Mobil, made to JWS 3309 standards, but have differing specs.

OEM Volvo Fluid:
Color: Red
Density: 850 kg/m3
Base: Mineral oil
Lowest flow point -54 °C (104°F)

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Dont change engine oil for 84k miles

killing time at work on a Friday probably
I still find it hard to believe she’s a troon. Her features are too feminine.
Depending on the car. Anywhere between 75k miles to 150k miles

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sneed edition

previous: >>27835272
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>Does the type of 2 stroke oil I use matter? My local shop has like ten different brands and some of them are double the price per litre.

2 strokes mentioned

A lot of the stuff about oil is witch doctery but it depends on what kind of bike you have.
Useful and gay
Doctor said I need to start looking at bikes where my knee isn't bent as much. Feels bad bros
what do you reckon?
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Like a herald of the Reaper, the cruiser comes for all of us as we get older. Your choice is now between forward controls or floorboards with highway pegs.

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Ok. So if in modern cars, you don't get any power gains from exhaust and intake anymore.
How do you get easy(not necessarily cheap) power?
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Remove the CAT for a free 5-15hp. You can even make money doing this depending on the car kek
And shredding bearings by 45k miles doing so.

Though my point was already made in the post
Enjoy dead engine I guess
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>implying an intake manifold doesn't bolt on to the cylinder heads
>implying plugging in a tuner is hard
>implying either entails opening up the motor
Retard, plz.
cams. you need revs to make na power

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>5.5 liter twin turbo v8
>1,064 Horsies
>8 speed dual clutch
Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated. Are you ready Porsche f words? Q is in control now…
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>The interiors are good but still just low level luxury tier
Really? The 3LT on the Corvettes look pretty nice, leather everywhere
It's decent leather, it's not bad by any means but I'd just say it's a standard good.

My mom's camry has leather everywhere too, leather isn't really the mark of luxury. But you compare the C8's interiors to upper luxury cars and you clearly see where it just feels a bit lower end.
In the stingray it's fine, because you're not paying those prices. But again, the ZR1 is going to probably be in that 200k range where it's no longer excusable.
poorshe is on McDonald's dude
you should've posted the meme car affordability chart with this post.
2 more decades

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Would this work on a transmission?
for transmissions, arab curbstoners add that really thick anti-slip crap, or if it's slipping really bad, sawdust.
maybe for a very short time until the bearings and gears are grinded up.
does that meme of rubbing a stick of deodorant on the belt while it's running work?

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Make it happen, Mazda
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based take, fuck this thread
It's available in my country. Doesn't sell at all. It's just a rebadged Isuzu
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say what, bitch
its basically america if it was in SEA. well actually thats literally what it is.

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Do you guys think a GT40 reunion is worth going to?
Depends. Do you have a GT40?
No, but apparently i can pay to ride in one.

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I think this is a porsche that would look cool, with the circular headlights, all black, and super cheap.

Can anyone here tell me if this is a bad idea for my first and hopefully final ever luxury car?
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Never happend to me but Porsche forums are suspiciously filled with reports of breaking some time after 100k kms. One very important thing you need to remember if you buy it is to let the oil get up to temp before reving the engine past 5-6k since that results in extremely strong wear on them.
The tip is the only reliable thing on that car.
However an even MORE important thing you need to remember if you buy it is to NEVER under any circumstances let the car idle to warm up to temperature. Just get in it and drive. If you don't, you'll definitely be replacing the engine.

Esp for the UK that's kind of a lot of miles, plus awd, plus tip means it's prob not going to be as fun as you think it is.
York is a lovely city tho
You're going to be paying twice that in keeping it running and fixing it. At least.
The engine is fine stop being a queen.

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20+ year old 335i? why are weeblets so delusional?
for me its my custom chevy s10 with a reproduction typhoon twin turbo motor with tuned intake and exhaust ports, headers, o2 sensor delete, speed density computer, NOS, 3 speed muncie transmission with a granny low, all billet internals, custom aluminum block with nanite carbon steel cylinder sleeves, distributor delete, and a 403 computer
If owning a 335i makes you a sloppy seconds enjoyer, i wonder what owning a civic is
They wouldn't be one if they're the original owner, retard-chan.
>The model was introduced in December 2004,[8]


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