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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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>wait 15 years to finally get a car
>suddenly the entire "country" falls apart before you can get it
So uh, what happened to those who waited all these years to get a car? Did they still somehow get their Trabi in the end?
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for a depressing country the cars looked surprisingly cute
Well, the Wartburg wasn't made of plastic and had a luxurious 1.0 L engine that could sort of keep up with traffic. The Trabant peasants had to make do with a 26 hp 0.6 L piece of shit.
I think the Wartburg also had a nicer gearbox.
Both used two-stroke engines before they got better engine tech from West Germany in the late 1980s.
>a luxurious 1.0 L engine that could sort of keep up with traffic. The Trabant peasants had to make do with a 26 hp 0.6 L piece of shit.
the traffic was 26hp 0.6 L piece of shits for the most part though so it wasn't about keeping up, it was about being in a rocketship
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Basic cars were pretty affordable for GDR citzens, hence the massive waiting lists. And the Trabant's bodypanels could only be produced at one speed so there was no reasonable way to ramp up production
>bought a based astra A from the western gibs instead
Can't buy a car for 100DM
But there was a massive run on used cars from all over europe, so it was much more likely one of these with some quickly patched over holes in the floor
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>what happened to those who waited all these years to get a car?

Fuck em. You had to be a good goy communist party bootlicker to get on the waiting list for a car. I'm glad those faggots waited for years and didn't get shit. Same with all leftie bootlickers who sided with the Soviet invaders. Glad their dogshit system collapsed and they walked away with nothing.


Not interested in commu-copes, NATO won.

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>my favorite car of all time is the Lexus LFA
What type of person do you imagine?
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>My favorite car is one I've never driven or ridden in and never will. Which I will never be able to afford even if I got a job
all these ninnies are talking shit on the OP's choice while they are at home jerking off into a sock while looking at pics of clapped out e34s lmao
Correction: you have the lowest rate of holding a driver's license of any adult generation.
Person that saw Top Gear cover it and likes the idea of having a favorite car that's well-known but "underrated"
Jeremy Clarkson.

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What's your favourite Ferrari?
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So we agree we both want one, what color would yours be?
I really like the blue I posted but the dark green is a close second.
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Same but 360
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599 GTB :)
Goddamn i've never seen this before. 10/10 would daily.

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A thread for fucktarded questions that don't deserve their own thread.

A blown headgasket will cause a piston to be steam cleaned. Is there something similar like feeding an engine water vapor to clean out a good engine to help remove buildup from the combustion chamber?
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If it’s not overheating when you’re driving I don’t see why it would matter.
I wonder if the displayed reading is coolant that isn't flowing properly though, and that the car feels hot because it is in fact overheating... But again, it does get to 190-200, and i doubt if it werent flowing properly that it would get that hot.
Better than B-spec
optimal oil pressure is reached within seconds. just look at the oil pressure light when you cold start the car and how quickly it turns off.
unless it's near or below freezing, it's perfectly fine to just drive it like a grandpa for 10-15 mins (longer if in freezing temps, probably 20 or even 30 mins if you want to be extra cautious) before being able to larp as your favourite f1 driver with the car.
Big iron blocks hold heat for awhile. That’s why animals will try to burrow in there in the winter.

Some summer tires are shitty when it rains, and they start to get rock hard and lose grip on nights when it gets below 50. You can look at the tread and have a guess on the rain capabilities and decide if you want to go that route. Also so many of the tire websites have tons of reviews and testing so it’s easy to do research these days.

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>see this
What now?
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>implying I'm not the fastest traffic passing in the left lane
weird, this clip appears to be playing in reverse
ITT: americans that would get filtered out of getting a drivers license in Europe.
most europeans never post their cars on this board. so, i'm not convinced they have one, either.
im based in europe, driving prius. theres nothing to brag about and so no point in posting.
>ITT: americans
yes and

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Why does every fucking car nowadays have digital gauges and a fucking laptop screen on the dash. Infotainment screens should be 8 inches MAX, is there a single new car out there without this pozzed shit?
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It's cheaper.

Mechanical dials cost money.
Carplay is crutch for legacy cars, not for true modern cars like Tesla. Its like asking horse a horse saddle in a car. It makes no sense.
I hope you showed that pic as an example of a screen not being integrated
>it does solve my original complaint
no it doesn't, there's no feedback and you MUST look at the screen to know where to touch
>poorfag cope
screens are literally cheaper and that's why every manufacturer is using them now instead of actual buttons
didn't read the rest since you're obviously retarded
>I never understood this phenomenon before.
I always wait for the motor to warm up before moving the car. That's a good 1-2 minutes just sitting in the car and staring to infinity.

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Could be with cops or getting into accidents.
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As for one of my close calls, I almost lost it when hooning one night. Never taken this particular road at speed before, but I roughly knew the corners from cruising in the day. What I didn't take into account, however, was how aggressive the bumps were, which at 30mph were barely an issue. Came around a kind of tight chicane-y bit at roughly 60 or 70 mph, and the bumps in the road were just aggressive enough that I nearly left the ground as I was mid turn. Luckily I managed to catch it just in time, mostly though luck rather than skill, but fuck me that was close. If I hadn't caught it I probably would have rolled it like pic rel and killed myself. Had plenty of other near misses, but none quite as desperate or split second life-or-death as that.
>the domination
Ur just a closeted faggot
Holy shit anon what the fuck
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Uhhh diz fagay
nah once was enough. now i just cruise a bit faster than the limit and warn traffic both in front of and behind me where appropriate of any speed traps

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Get the fuck out of my way
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>I WILL melt your bumper
With what, your honda fit?
with 6.2 litres of american excess
and a msd 2 step box for ricer flames
I use the ignore switch beneath the mirror and forget you exist. If I'm really motivated I'll be picking my nose and using the phone as you pass.
that trash motor
>msd 2 step
kek you’re gonna blow up your shitty motor before your lease is up
/n/igger Im just croozin
you want to go 20 over? feel free, just dont honk over my music

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how to fuck up a car? Some faggot tried to drive me off the freeway at 90 mph while i had my infant daughter in my car.
Been thinking about slashing tires of using PU foam/construction foam in radiator.

No i dont live in the US otherwise i would've shot him
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carb cleaner eats paint pretty good
I've been thinking of prising open someone's fuel cap cover and pouring bleach down there, but idk how easy forcing the cover will be with a flathead screwdriver.
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that photo always spooks me.
but how to gain access to the car's oil in the first place?
cut his brake lines

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Is 30 the age you can finally start to afford a hobby/enthusiast car?
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>I've spent my years pinching pennies, but I can finally afford a pickachu eggshit boyracer car
>My thirties are where my life is finally going to take off!

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>Go up to a price floor of 200k in 2023 when everyone was anticipating a modified example to be worth 300 grand in 2024 when these could finally be US Imports
>2024 happens, R34s now completely legal
>Bottom falls off the market, V-specs going for 120k now.
Is the hype over?
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>kek 'n lmao do weebs really?
Yup, and not even for "JDM imports" either, but for USDM models as well.
what hype? it's a nissan
Just buy what ever rental spec POS you think is better lol. Bitching about the process won't make them come down.
hype was always them being cheap beater pieces of shit used by nips to race. you can still find their remains across the land. They where thrown away.
Pretty sure only the first F&F movie uses it as a hero car so I wonder how did the Supra become so popular? I guess Gran Turismo could've also played a role but I'm pretty sure the jgtc supra racecars were sporting 4 cylinders.

What's our verdict on the vr6 engine?
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Given that the foremost proponent of VR (and W) engines, VAG, has pretty much abandoned the idea, I'm going to have to say that it was a technological deadend. The main supposed main advantage with the layout of saving space to optimize packaging of the engine bay got nullified since all other accessories got smaller and were cheaper to make.
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>rumbling sound kinda like an i6
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wtf am i looking at
Prototype W10 block that never made mass production, as far as we know only one was ever fully assembled and put into an E39 M5 chassis as a testbed.
Apparently it's still some German engineer's daily driver.
likely the way the exhaust is set up. on my old cressida the stock engine almost had a muscle car rumble/undertone to it with the stock exhaust, at least from the driver's seat, it was pretty wonderful to drive. 2jz from a supra or gs300 didn't sound as deep.

Overweight edition
It's unseasonably warm.
Keep those tops down!
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They write "motorsport-based cars", selling as track-focused models. The MSR car is not yet revealed.
Here's the link:
The MSR RS has been revealed but without much specifics other than Recaro PPs with harnesses on both sides and changes to suspension and brakes. Probably no engine or transmission changes. MSR is pretty much a resurrection of Mazdaspeed, nothing to do with Mazda Motorsports
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>MSR RS has been revealed
Okay, I didn't realize, thought that was just a concept for the Tokyo show.
Yeah that's a concept but AFAIK it's close to the production model. Only problem I see with it is that it needs higher rollbars. I sort of want to get one to replace my Supra even tho I have a NB that will be ready for track duty if it would stop springing a new oil leak every time I manage to get one fixed
>Fender stickers back in fashion


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It's Aussie

What's that a futura?
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Oh right it says forte. I had a series 3 XR6 VCT, posted it here a few times
au or nu or whatever still can't beat the real king
>waterfall grilles
I called them government palace grills
Mazda Cosmo 1976-80

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