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Should I take a chance and try applying bedliner myself or should I take it to a Line-X shop?
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2 questions from a europoor. Is that just a textured paint and why is it better than the hard plastic covering the truckbed?
Roll it on dont spray it, less mess and thicker heavier coat. Bonus points, take the bed off and do the frame and under the bed for salt protection.

Roll it, you wont clean the gun they give you, then wont have a way to finish the other half.

Heavy thick paint with grit mixed in. Plastic bedliners allow water to get trapped under them, thus causing beds to rot underneath the plastic.

Once its dry, get yourself a nice thick rubber mat so you can drop heavy shit in the back and not chip or dent your bed.
I will add one thing.
Don't think "oh I'll just stop at this point..."
It will look like shit.
>don't forget to pull the tape before it cures.
I was thinking of getting my running boards, which are currently peeled to shit, raptor lined. Is it durable and more importantly does it have good anti slip? It’s either this or getting them powder coated. Which will hold up better?
Why stop at the bed? Just spray the whole truck!

>time to buy a new car
>have $50,000-$70,000 to spend
>end up settling on a white SUV
What goes through someone's mind while this happens?
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More interior space, AWD for snow, may need the approach angle for steep driveways etc depending on where they live and they sit higher which is nice in heavy traffic.
Doesn't show paint chips and scratches like darker colors and stays cooler when parked in hot sun.

There are in fact practical reasons someone could make such a decisions. Typically a white crossover would signal to me that the purchase is primarily a commodity purchase by someone that just needs a commuter box. The real question is why would such a person buy the $55k version over the $35k version. That one, I cannot justify.
>if it's not a SUV it's a poorfag's copemobile
Downsize to a 2 row suv instead of 3 row? And put points into interior quality instead of that third row? Stop sperging out
>and they sit higher which is nice in heavy traffic.
Why do retards always say this? What benefit does "sitting higher" have at all in traffic? I know if makes retarded 40 year old white women feel "safer" because they're stupid, but what is your reasoning?
obviously being higher up means you can see more of the traffic, which is good because then you know it's there while you're sitting at a stand-still on the interstate, otherwise how would you know there's traffic there?

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I thought it was a 180 or 240 but I can’t really nail what the front end is from. Anyone know what this is?
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mitsubishi starion
C4 corvette with a fiero bodykit
There is no bodykit on this Fiero.
Dodge Stratus with some kind of weird Fiero bodykit
A camo f150 with a fiero in its bed

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Is owning a dealership a good business? From my understanding, if you have a franchise for new cars, then your reputation depends on your service department.

What a bout used car dealerships? I know a guy in town because we both have the same car (high end German) and he seems to be doing pretty well for himself.
do you look like that?

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Post trends you miss. For me, it's copper paint.
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Damn you're right they stopped doing that on the Si
Three of these cars are incredibly based. The other one is an Eclipse.
which is why i will always go with mazda
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>which is that it doesn't fit tall people.
I thank god (jehovah) every day for making me the perfect height (5'11')
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muh dick

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post em b/o/ts
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I got some bad news for you
I won't insult you, young one, for you are merely ignorant of the other, better world you never got to experience. But I urge you to get off your high horse

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mustang is better than any european supercar
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the fact that ended /o/
this but a shelby gt
are there any european super car?
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saw one of these in someone's yard for sale $22k obo
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Or at least an alternative any options that you guys know of ??
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You can get an apprenticeship
Whats a clear sign that im
Not meant to be a mechanic,
>thinking of a career change., but at the same time i like wrenching it just sucks that im a slow learner you know.
i feel like mechanicing just isnt my thing , although i enjoy it.
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I'm a heavy diesel rebuild mechanic and make decent money and can pick all my hours. It's a really good specialty that's easier to get into than people think. If you're smart and meticulous I'd recommend it. There's a lot of really nice positions that will hire auto techs (good ones) and pay you well to do easier stuff. I enjoy researching different careers there seems to be more choice than ever.
How does one get in to that , as an apprenticeship.
Look in to companies like Detroit diesel Allison, or stewart and stevenson.

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How reliable is this car? At what mileage should I be worried about shit like transmission or brakes? I already know I got to at least constantly keep changing the oil every 5k. Anyone has experience with it.
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I've heard good things about the b58 and zf8 transmission
I just had to replace my front brakes at about 28k miles but I drive like a cunt.
>How reliable is this car?
The reliability thing has been figured out, it's not reliable. The question you should ask yourself is why bother driving a rental. Life's too short brother.
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If you have to ask. You can't afford it.
Used German repair costs=just leasing a new one.
How much did it cost?
I wasn't going to rent. I was going to buy a used one for only 10k miles with a good deal.

So far I've been getting mixed responses, others say the engine is good and will lasts, others say it's unreliable.

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How come 5,800 cars get hit by trains every year.

Like seriously, people this retarted to not be on the tracks
She probably stopped on the tracks for the red light. No thinking only breathing required to acquire drivers license in usa.
the average level of intelligence is at an all time low, were literally living in a time when your average joe is fine with onepercenters fucking up the entire world economy for decades to come using a fucking flu as an excuse. That these creafures kill themselves in the dumbest ways imaginable is natural selection at work.
a couple of them bottom out. have you not seen videos of 12+ people trying to push a car off the tracks before it gets hit by a train? they get stuck. and no you fucking moron, this doesn’t happen exclusively to cars with less than 1 inch of ground clearance.
also, some people seem to think it’s better to get struck by a train and potentially earn some huge payout than to scratch their car a bit by ramming through the flimsy barriers. i don’t know if the former actually happens but i’m guessing that’s what half the niggers getting struck on youtube think.

I just bought a new Panigale.

My state just lowered their price for custom license plates from the DMV.

What are some ideas that will give sensible chuckles to those on the highway?

Has to be 5 letters max, can't be obscene or reference illegal activity.

So far my ideas are:

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LMAO hell yeah
Thats only if you get a front license plate
Btw how good is it that I got the 2024 instead of this gay buttsex lobster boy.
>The 4 doesn’t work so good, but you can replace и with i
some countries draw 4 like Ч

which one of you was this?
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That makes no sense. The real reason is they like to do crime and this way nobody who's more than 10 feet away can actually read their plate. What other reason would there be?
Yeah, so? They're not robbing banks on motorcycles, they're just speeding or evading tolls. What are you so upset about?
>oh no, a biker is going faster than traffic and I am stuck back here because I'm in a car with a fully visible license plate!
nigga put a shirt on
Does that wide ass tire make that THUDTHUDTHUD house like in the movie?

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>ctrl+v from FB

This is my twin engine 3000gt inspirated by the LM edition car from gran turismo 1-2.
the secend engine in the door is a lightweight 1.3l 95hp from a Mitsubishi colt.
It has alternator,steeringpump and it is getting a 1000hp procharger to boost the main engine,not conected to the drivetrain.
The main engine gets nothing only drivetrain.
This gives me a clean engine bay easy to work on,no lag,less heat,no backpressure,lower cylinder pressure ect. And fore fun. Final Goal is 800whp with wide power range an low lag.
Weight is 1370kg
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It really needs a Black Ice Tree in the rear view mirror to complete the build
>The owner of the picrel in OPs thread is a very cool dude very down to earth.
Okay, but what he's done with this car is still utterly retarded.
>Electric motors have max torque from 0 rpm to max
I want to kill the megaretard who spread this meme.
>Muh aeros
>Ignores that it's a hill climb car that needs down force
>Extra engine for more of that
Do wrenchlets really?
Also it's like you faggots don't gel on how limited the aftermarket for 3/S cars is.
>extra weight is good because downforce
Do physicslets really?
>I was only pretending

Have you ever been asked who you voted for when buying a car or, in this case, a motorcycle?
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You'd think that's how it's supposed to work however I've lived long enough to see multiple popular vote winners lose due to electoral college shenanigans.
People actually register with political parties?
chink means chinese, not japanese. chinks are not gooks are not zipperheads.
In states with closed primaries, yes
popular vote also known as mob rule

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How to control my urge to speed? I hit over 120 today on an interstate and everything less just feels so boring now.
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Listen to appropriate music
Funny I was going to say get a faster car. Once your car is fast enough to push everyone else around you don't care as much about going fast just set your cruise control and guard your lane.
>I hit 75 mph now I feel like a big shot
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you yanks are a funny sort.
>if somebody does this and I have no space to overtake I will just sit right on their rear until they get annoyed and speed up or allow me to overtake
I just engine brake to slow down even more when someone does this to me. Better be paying attention cuz I won't be showing you my brake lights, fag.
i used to be like that then i discovered off-road motorcycle, now even speeding in cars feels boring in comparison so i stopped doing it

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