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I'll lay out the fundamental problem with EVs:
>it's the batteries, stupid!
Batteries are about 16x less dense than gasoline. Even when you take into account the superior efficiency of electric motors (70-90ish % vs 40% for ICEs) that only makes batteries about 1/10th as good as gasoline. Fuel cells are the only realistic answer in the near-term, and that tech hasn't gone anywhere in decades. So until the battery problem is solved, failures like Ford's F-150 electric shitbox are going to worsen as consumers figure out that EVs suck.
And no, battery research is never going to solve the problem (at least not for hundreds of years). Battery tech is very slow to advance, it has always been slow to advance, and there are no "breakthrough" technologies that will change that.
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then its the exception, but the fundamental math of the equation doesn't change.
The math doesn't have to change, because you're both wrong and a moron
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Cope and seethe. The EV experiment has completely failed.
Planned obsolesce isn't real.
> a theoretical battery breakthrough
Well when that happens AND they’ve solved mass production issues, get back to us.
It also still doesn’t solve the charging infrastructure and time delay problem.

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When did we peak, G/o/lf chads?
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I'm biased since I've owned 3, but mk4, but only the ones actually built in germany.
best is golf3 on all aspects
Mk.4 R32
chicken dinner
mk2 is peak. mk1-4 is acceptable.
everything after is an incel car

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The best car color.
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SAAB Scarabe Green Metallic
lol you don't even know what wax does
>white (most boring color and lowest quality paint double whammy of absolute bottom tier)
>black (second most boring color and shows dirt 5 seconds after a wash, boils you alive)
>silver (npc mobile, would look good on high end cars if it wasn't insanely overused like white and black)
If you have the choice of any color even washed out maroon or granny champagne and you choose one of these 3 kill yourself immediately
I'm going to wrap mine yellow. Yellow was not offered as a color in my car.
BAB is up there.

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>indian automaker
>is literally the "joke company" of the whole game, whose products are known as complete dogshit and prone to killing people
>wrangle shekels from ultra poors
idk man that takes effort. Kinda based.
Makigai MaiMai exist
i'd sooner take my chances in a $15k chinese ev than any vehicle coming out of india, that's for sure
makigai is soulful as fuck

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And here....we....go....
based. EV shills on suicide watch
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Lmao we're SO BACK

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If Japanese cars are so amazing, then why can't this brand into quality rides?
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lol you know wrxs are ugly slow and gay, right?
So what's your suggestion for people who want cuckovers? Because that's Subarus bread and butter
I like Subaru’s cars.
They handle well and are well built for the northeastern winters.
I kinda want one of their WRXs but I’d definitely waste it because I’m from Vermont and no one hear drives fast.
AWD is really nice for the rain and snow, there have been trips where I would have crashed or come close to it without AWD
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My dealership experience with Subaru has not been terrible, as compared to Toyota and Mazda. That being said, it's still sucks.

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These things are absolutely repulsive looking. I don’t care if it’s supposed to be a throwback to the original. It looks like ass. Yes it’s fast but that is the only positive thing that can be said about it. It’s also a massive car. Muscle cars were not always this big. Look at the muscle cars from the 80s and 90s. They were much more tastefully designed and smaller and more nimble. These modern muscle cars are all oversized fat and ugly looking. Overall just a trashy car for trashy people. It screams trailer trash, nigger or military douchebag.
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>Yes it’s fast
Only the 392 and up. R/Ts are just "quick" and base models are a joke.
post your car
nah they look based

post your car
Agree 100 percent. Pic related is the future of how cars should look.
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>stolen from the funeral home
My nigga daquavious died took dat nigga to the grave in a 'cat
Daquavious always said he would get himself a ‘cat one day *pours out malt liquor*
how many irish post on here, i remember seeing this for sale and laughing

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Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
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The Prius is better, new one looks better too.
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lol no, you can't win wars with camrys
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>Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
If the Camry had never existed, no one would miss it. It's so similar to twenty or so other mid-size sedans of it's era.
Avalon is kino
But I'm a big guy (4u)

"Thanks for continuing to buy gas cars, /o/! My seventeen year old son loves his new Bugatti."
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Thank you based Sheikh.
those are norweigans
holy shit what car that looks so good
Actually we're the world's largest fossil fuel exporter.
Against his will

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What's a car where every time you see it, you can't help but think of a fictional character driving it?
my black friend's "dad"s car

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How come old cars are so fucked up with recalls up the wazoos?

Each of these recalls cost billions of dollars each time. And there's like so many recalls every year from all the companies.

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it's a shitty truck
Each engine replacement costs ~$7000 each. x 100K = 700M alone in raw costs.
It's the first bearing in line from the oil pump, so it takes the brunt of the debris. Debris in your engine is such a monumental fuckup that's it's honestly more embarrassing than a weak bearing design or some other engineering issue.
There is certainly a main channel feeding all the bearings but then there should be individual channels feeding each bearing off that main channel. Maybe just one of those was not cleaned properly. Or maybe it was the last one right off where it was all accumulating in the main channel. I don't know just spitballing.
You think they're swapping engines for $29.41 a piece?

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>every single day something new breaks off

I love the engine and transmission but holy fuck what a fucking weak ass truck, it's pathetic just how much plastic I've littered just croozing around. The alabama trashcan memes were right.
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Only an esl would complain/notice
about small mistakes
>waah im a wrenchlet
My interior and body are still perfect.

But the rear brakes are out and it's parked in the healing weeds until beer santa leaves $1k under my pillow.

Lovely drivetrain though.
I was there for this. You post this crap as often as the z3 autist. Atleast that's a boomer convertible. Get a life or atleast a better car
I already have two better cars lmao, get your game up busrider fag.

Your mom's hyundai doesn't count as your car btw.

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would you buy this for $30k?
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fiberglass. general motors running gear. canadian. fuck no easy pass.
Fuck no

These pieces of shit are forever under $5k cars
The wiki page is a nonstop laugh riot.
It's worth 30 grand to someone somewhere but that isn't me and here.
if i made $25 million a year

$30k to someone who makes $25mil annually is the equivalent of $50 to someone who makes $40k per year.
God no. It looks loud and uncomfortable as fuck.

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What does /o/ make of this?
Will you be getting a chinese car?

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Irrelevant, voting is fake. All your presidents are relatives.
Especially when it favors state corporations in China for a few jobs here.

Instant torque is hard to give up once you've experienced it, there's basically no mechanical noise or vibration and the battery pack also acts as a huge sound deadener so they are extremely quiet which is great if you're an audiophile. They're heavy pigs but mass also absorbs bumps and vibrations so they ride really nicely
They're great for daily driving and when you just want to go fast in a straight line.
more proof that Trump and his followers are fucking retarded.
what soulful car did you drive?

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