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Sent my truck in for diagnosing a ticking noise. Mechanic says it’s a rod bearing in a 3.7 Chrysler engine. The rest of the drive train and body are good. What am I in for?
Its over
Rod bearings don't tick. Get a second opinion.

This. Once you hear rod knock you never forget it
Yeah they make a noise but it's not a ticking noise

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>Look up a engine wrenching tutorial videos on youtube
>The guy tells you the model of the car he is working on
>No mention about the engine

The car model comes in different engine and even petrol and diesel model
>Video made useless

Why do so many of them do this?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
>driving a car that has a diesel option
>not driving something with multiple engine displacements that share the same architecture
You brought this upon yourself.
Skill issue
what use are even the wrenching tutorials?
You have your car infront on you, literally just explore it. Look at the parts, how are they held together? what size is the socket? remove them, put them back in wtf
This. The only thing tutorials are good for is interior parts so you know where to pull to be less likely to snap clips.
videos are so annoying
yeah watch this 15 minute video instead of reading a forum post for 20 seconds

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>first production car with 1000 hp
>first production car that goes 250 mph/400 kph
>one of the few cars with 16 cylinders
>childhood dream car of the last generation that used to have childhood dream cars
Therefore the most legendary car is

Ford T but the close second is Ford Mustang. Veyron is the third though.
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Not as impressive today when it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.
>it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.
Yeah, I hate it when the engine isn't on the ragged edge at all times being held together with hopes and prayers.
What color is your Bugatti
What color is your rental car?
do why did this>>28259092 lose value,
but the C7 ZR1 gained value?

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VW is good for their 4 cylinder economy shitboxes, that's about it
Even the 4 cylinder economy boxes are unreliable overcomplicated trashpiles now, the last time they had a good simple engine was when they were still building the 2.slow
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So why commit your time and effort in to keeping these pieces of shit on the road for people who really don't deserve to be driving lol. You literally enable faggots wrenchlets for peanuts and in exchange for your health instead of letting them burn.
my mk6 Jetta won't lock with the key fob I have to do it manually. is that the door locks or the key fob needs to be programmed?

Why did zoomers kill the station wagon? I'd like me a camry station wagon but zoomer faggots wouldn't buy them.
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Nothing major AFAIK, great cars. Markus you a honorary (real) European (Skandinavia, and Germanic countries).
>Boomers had peak muscle and luxobarge
>Xers had peak Euro and lifestyle
>millennials had peak JDM/tuner and neo-muscle
>zoomers have
actually what?
That's not a problem as I already love flashing my high beams and would lay on the horn before the pressing the brake pedal (my horn died and I don't feel like replacing it)
In that case I just might get a V10 wagon. They really don't make em like they used to
>buy new "wagon"
>less space than a fucking sedan
another psyop thread trying to turn gen z into nazis, zoomers weren't born yet when wagons started dieing

kinda cool but i hate skoda interior quality

is britbong quality any good?


b6, pathetic, go buy b5

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Hey /o/ i have a question, which one is a more reliable daily?
Both cost about 12k and are around 4 years old.
>Ford Mondeo (Fusion)
>Opel Insignia B (Buick Regal)
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Low hanging bait.
I'd get the Opel, the rear hatch is useful and the interior is a little nicer.

Hard to say anything about reliability without knowing the drivetrain, they both have tons of options. They briefly sold the Regal GS here with AWD and a V6 which was obviously the best choice.
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I bought one wagon last year. Only issue is I had to replace the gas pedal because it gave engine light error. I was told it's a common issue in Opels. Anything else it runs fine.
I have the 136hp diesel powertrain, and the car weights 1,5 tonnes so it's not fast, but it's very comfy, it reaches 150kph easily and it feels like it's going 70kph. Much better ergonomics than a Passat and the base model have more optionals compared to rivals. The grip is incredible, it's glued to the asphalt.
Yeah the Opel does have a nicer looking interior, but i am not familiar with the engines.
Sucks that we didn’t get the v6 in neither of the cars.
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I wanted to get a Gen 1 wagon so bad, too bad all of them are diesels with a million kilometers in my area
Had to settle for the hatch

Hey doc, is it gonna be alright?
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i hope you got dirty filming this stupid video for your stupid thread
heh..yeah.. thatll show him…
this, but unironically
whats all that fluid?
Oil of course. Turned out to be just fuel pump, made a new gasket and now its all good

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Can you import a fiat panda to the US? Has anyone attempted/done this?
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I see your Panda and raise you Oka
Mfs are almost free
It depends where you live, slurs are eminently regional and sometimes a regional slur gets promoted to italian proper. Cafone, bifolco, zotico, villano are italian words that mean more or less "uncouth". There is no slur for meth or crackhead since they are basically non existent here. Drogato is the generic slur for druggie.
I suggest you import the original Panda 30 (as in 30 hp). It's a pussy magnet.
Yeah I see them all the time

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>bringig this autistc shitfling into a new thread
FUCK OFF alabama nigger i will come to your DOOR and SHIT IN YOUR CARS
fucking fuCK
Based sealed beams, in miss when your fucking car had the same headlights as a truck
It's a screenshot of a pic an anon posted of his shitbox next the weinermobile, dog fucker. Anyone that takes a screen shot with android will have a file name like that unless they change it.
Meant for

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Fuxking chink trash everywhere on my car reee. How about we build ana ctual car with MECHANICAL things instead of evil command units playing C&C over a chink wire!?
Engines are supposed to have magnetos not gaytracing 90000watt silicone cookers running everything, what the fuck is a battery doing in a car?????
This shit isn't even profitable, chinks literally pay money for ECU niggers to make them. It's affront to Ford himself!
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Your "engine" cannot even into flying an Albatross with 80 octane fuel, lower your tone when you speak to your superiors
>more nonsense
im in my mid 30s and have owned 4 cars, 2 of them being shitboxes. never had an ecu die.
leaded solder has exemptions where it can be used, particularly in high vibration applications of which a car is one. and by virtue of it generally being cheaper, manufacturers use leaded solder whenever they have an opportunity to.
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Based. Can't be put in limp home mode if I don't have an ECU. Checkmate atheists.
>extend the caliper using the scan tool

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Those things need to be age and gender specific.
Think about it logically, when should me, a male at the hieght of my physical fitness, respect the same speed limit as a 75y old grandma?
I'm being oppressed, those things are sexist as fuck.
shut the fuck you dark fuck, go to uganda or the bush. Stay the fuck out of Japan, stay the fuck out of Europe. Disgusting filth

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I saw somebody driving a clean Bonneville SSE like a month ago and it made me feel briefly happy
Before I became a V8 Chad, I used to not mind or even notice if a car that should have a V8 didn’t have one. Chally, Mustangs, BMWs, whatever, I used to not even notice. But now I seethe at their gay shitty exhaust note and relish their coping energy envy for a proper sound whenever they get on the throttle. Every infinity I’ve ever seen has been driven by some parolee and straight piped to produce the worst fuckin engine noise, i won’t dignify it by calling it exhaust note.
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For some reason, this thing. It's grown on me, most likely because of the fucking monstrosities they produce now.
A proper straight six howl is a good noise, the 4 cylinders and diesels can fuck off.
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>A crossover is infinitely more useful to have than some shitty car like a Celica

Do Americans even import these things for work related purposes or is it literally all just GayDM fanboys from the suburbs ricing the shit out of them and only using them for hooning purposes while simultaneously shilling them as the le ultimate work truck because the latter is the only shit I see online.
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No they fucking aren't. Why does this meme keep getting parroted? No farmer would ever bother sourcing parts for a 25 y/o shitbox when they can buy one of the readily available UTV's with readily available parts.
>go on fb marketplace
>citrus farmers selling busted up kei trucks because they cbf to fix them and just buy another used one.
Oh of course it's you fucking retards in Eurofornia doing stupid shit like that. No wonder you parasites need to suck the teat of America.
If that doesn't sum up Americans I don't know what does.
Super common in Australia. Here's Coasters for sale here. Might be some ideas for your build.

good websites to buy dirt cheap cars in poor condition?

looking for a beater car to work on and fix up
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Copart but it's a nightmare
Facebook marketplace is where you can get stuff where people just want to get rid of nonrunning cars they know nothing about.
No thanks. Old friend of mine got shot in the hood trying to buy some molly and ended up with becoming partially paralyzed, but nice try at being funny, you're real fucking clever. Got me laughing real hard over here.
Thank you.
>dirt cheap cars
>in poor condition
lol, the automobile economy is in shambles
did the nigga really need directions to go to facebook and copart

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Post them
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wrxs are Ugly, Slow, and GAY as FUCK
Just get an LCI E90 N54 335i already godsdamn
Low IQ car
>White mans chariot
>brown gf included
S550 Mustang
>no gay tablet screen
>huge aftermarket
>Coyotes love boost
>low mileage 2nd gens for $20k, 3rd gens $30k, beaters for $15k

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