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Brazilian here, going to buy a Nissan Sentra, redpill me on it. Our market sucks and there aren't many decent options, and this is one of the few cars that are sold here identical to the unit in the US market.
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Long term yeah I'd say it's worth it
Thanks anon.
>Brazilian here
What drives you to keep living instead of just killing yourself?
I work remotely from here to an american company, so plenty of disposable income, it's not that bad.
The problem is that the nissan cvt transmissions are going to fail on you. If you can still get the versa with a 5 speed manual, it will actually last.

this is just the first
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Spark plugs are small and they don't expire on the shelf.
You can just keep them for next time.
Yeah, spend the $1.50 today so 10 years from now if I still have that same engine I'll have beaten inflation when spark plugs are a wild cost of $2.50.
This. I suspect more people are DIYing then ever with the amount of free online video tutorials and increased price of both new and used cars. It's just that prices at the parts store are insane. Used to be a $200 dealer part was $70 for the knockoff at the parts store, and maybe online could get it to you for $65 with shipping but who wants to wait? Plus the hassle of returns etc, vs. having a guy at the counter who could help.
Now the guy at the counter is a retarded nog who only knows about cars what he learned watching a street takeover on his phone and the $400 dealer part is $300 for the knockoff, which rockauto can do for like $120 including shipping. Or maybe scamazon can get it to me by 10 am tomorrow for like $135.
The only thing I go to the parts store for now is oil change specials, and even those are getting stingier to the point I might not bother.
or when they become NLA for whatever reason and they were really good ones too
I can remember when everyone was bitching about OBD2 because you needed a scanner (which used to be expensive) and couldn't just flip the key to get a DTC flashing on the dash in a Morse-code like fashion.
Now that basically every car has a display wired to the ECU (&BCU, etc etc) they could easily eliminate the need for any scanner and just let you read/delete codes on screen. But where would be the money on that?

Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Here's mine: are most gaskets you buy for exhausts these days asbestos free ? Just metal lined with graphite and glass fiber ?
I ordered a cat converter from magnaflow and I'm wondering if the gaskets they sent are clean. Ofc the gaskets sucked anyways and I didn't start to think about what they were made of until I was changing them for felpro.
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the oil pump still pumps at the same rate. whatever the oil level is at now with the engine running, the extra oil will raise that level
Stop being a homophobe to the point of gayness.
ok, you don't just replace cylinders, you need a new engine.
first if you think it needs an engine because one shop said so, i would absolutely get a second opinion. shops are routinely retarded and say a car needs a new engine because they're too lazy to actually diagnose the problem.

if it does actually need a new engine, find a good independent euro shop that would be willing to put in a used junkyard engine and get a quote. should be $3500 - $6000 including parts and labor and will have your car back up and running good as new.
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I'm not exactly poor, the used BMW is my mom's and I'm saving up for a car. I figured why not fix this non functioning car for about half to a third of the cost of buying another car and save myself the trouble of the used car market. Worse case I'm down about ten grand max although I could be wrong.

Well it started with a drive train issue that killed the overall performance of the bmw, eventually coming to a complete stop and unable to start again. Took it to a shop that "specializes in bmw cars" and according to them there wasn't any compression in the engine (Pic rel).
I already replaced the pressure sensors prior to sending it to a shop, so I can't think of what else it could be the source of the problem. Also the BMW is actually under 100k miles so I'm leaning more towards fixing it up.
Captcha: G4YYD
Interesting, good to know. I just fill as the dipstick needs.

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I got my licence finally, wish I could buy you all a beer
I got it on Yamaha MT-07 2022
full A category here in Europe (fucking expensive)
I really like picrel but they are expensive and made in india
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are KTMs good quality at least to justify the price? or are they ripping people off because of le brand
>leaky bastards
I've never seen a KTM in a dealer without a drip tray under the gearbox sprocket.
Just saying.
In the UK, the smaller KTMs are a slight step above Chinese bikes. 390 Dukes are £4500-5000 new. CBR500s are £5500-6000 new and Z500/Ninja 500s are £6500 or so.
>muh 390 Duke is comparable to CBR300/MT03/Z300
A class of bikes that literally do not exist on the road when you can get 500s on the same restricted licence.

If there were yuppie bikes it would be gucci Italian bikes they can throw their money at, no rich cunt would buy a Bajajaj tier built in India tiny capacity thing
in russia, we affectionately call ktm guys "клyб тpyдoлюбивых мeхaникoв", club of diligent mechanics. you can guess why. they are light and powerful for a seemingly fair price, but that balance comes at a cost of reliability. you might luck out, you might have every single piece of electronics fail in a sequence.
People buy KTMs because they feel that jap bikes are for commoners.
They're the kind of people that would buy Louis vitton socks.
Not knockoff socks with the LV logo.
But actually go to the Louis vitton store and buys socks.

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You hear people talk about Packard and Studebaker quite a lot, but you don't hear many talk about DeSoto. What's the deal with that? Were they shit?
Does your age start with the number 7, by any chance?
If it did perhaps I would have a better understanding of the brand, now wouldn't I?
DeSoto made some beautiful cars

What happened to all the sticker companies that used to sell cool/lewd stickers?

There are a couple of sites still around but they haven't added any new stickers in years.

Surely there must be plenty of sticker sites with new and exciting products. Does anyone have any companies they can shill?
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he made those. I have one floating around my tool chest

better than mine :tup:
didnt that one guy get murdered as a result of a towing truck turf war
WAT o_0
Sounds like he's talking about this shithole. Also the police just watched instead of doing anything. Like 6 trucks slamming into each other until they were all basically write offs.
>police flee
yeah, that checks out

And yet I almost never see a Tesla on the road
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You might live in the hood or a white trash area.

Also 2 things I haven’t seen mentioned in this thread that are the reason the market cap is so high:

#1 is Tesla technology. Every complaint about Tesla is simple to fix assembly line issues. Tesla’s autopilot tech and everything else is miles ahead of the major car manufacturers. They could license that tech to Toyota for $$$$$$$$$$$$

#2 is Tesla’s charging network. The Tesla charging type is probably going to become the standard for all electric cars at this rate because anybody who buys an electric car will want access to Tesla charging stations, and Tesla is going to bank when Honda and Ford have to pay Tesla a fee for each car they install a Tesla charging port on. It’s like it’s 1920 and Tesla is making gasoline engines and bulding gas stations while the other car makers are designing cars to run off whale oil.
>Bunch of dudes in california all agreeing the company they are heavily invested in is worth a lot of money
Very foolish of you to assume Toyota couldn't do those things and that people who wanted X type of car wouldn't buy X type of car with a Toyota badge.
All Toyota has to do is copy Tesla half as good and that share price will become massively over valued.

It has to be the self driving tech.
Some things they literally can't do. They literally cannot bypass dealerships like Tesla can. It's legally not allowed in the USA. They cannot develop their own supercharger network. They can put Tesla ports on their cars so owners can use superchargers but you have to pay more to use one than it you had a Tesla. And Teslas have the superchargers built into their navigation system. It keeps track of where they all are and how many free connectors there are, and how many other vehicles are en route to a supercharger, and will weave supercharging into your long distance travel so you don't even have to trip plan. Toyota could potentially do this but I don't know if Tesla shares that data like that. They could develop better software and an app and self driving but how are they going to spend several millions if not billions developing all that and not pass the cost onto consumers? You think they're going to just eat all that and sell cars at a loss for 10 years hoping they'll eventually have strong market share?
Isnt Porsche and VW the same thing...?

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>just soak the timing belt in oil bro
>don't worry it can handle the extreme stress no problem bro
>it will totally not disintegrate and clog the oil pre-filter bro
>replacing it will cost 1.5k bro
who came up with this incredibly retarded idea?
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Doesn't help that the 172/182 run an absolute shitload of accessories off the aux belt. Water pump, power steering, alternator, AC, all part of the aux belt setup.
On the D-series, K-series and later F-series the water pump is ran off the timing belt instead and I think they switched to electric power steering on most models by then too.
By comparison mk1 Twingos with no AC just have a little belt running to the alternator, which is also its own tensioner.

If you just machine your keyway correctly you get the same/better alignment.

Also that is a moot point. You have engines turning 14 grand with keyway alignment.

Fucking S2000 and so on have keyway alignment on cam and crank. You telling me some 4,000 rpm diesel eurobox noticably benefits from non-keyway crank and cam sprockets and an oil soaked belt? Get fords dick out of your mouth ans stop defending the offenders

>Holy shit fucking toyota corollas have a transmission cooler, lmao

Were you just born? All automatics have a transmission cooler. Most are in the base of the radiator.
>Most are in the base of the radiator
Also know as the transmission heater.
I forgot about the keys, we used a get a surprising amount of chavved up focus' in because they had changed the grill but pulled the bonnet release lock thingamy too far while swapping the grill out disengaging it internally, they didn't realise until they needed to get the bonnet open again.

Also these stupid stacked hub nuts, and those swelling up chrome capped wheel nuts, and stretchy accessory belts so they didn't need a tensioner. so many bad ideas for 1 car company to make.

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>low drag coefficient
>lighter than what came before & after
>easily modified
>can be had relatively cheap
>t-tops and flip up headlights
>can be made into a decent road car and is actually quite nimble for an American car
>still one of the coolest looking cars ever made
>briefly held the record for fastest top speed in a production car in Europe... when the Bugatti Veyron existed

>generally mediocre build quality
>lots of squeak and rattle points
>many got bubba'd up by rednecks
>hard to find one in decent condition

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Sure there is. But most people would never bother because it just doesnt make sense, dollar for dollar youre getting more power out of a 350.
Basically what I was gonna write. You could do a cam, intake manifold, and heads to a 305 and make some more power, but for the extra $400 of grabbing an early-mid GMT400 roller cam 350 and bolting it straight up, you could do all the same work to it and not just have proportionally more horsepower, but also make more torque at all engine RPMs (especially down low) which makes for a much more fun to drive car!
Can you retrofit 4th gen front suspension into 3rd gen?
Not without major cutting and welding.
Not without a ton of fab.
Youd be better off with buying race parts for the front end tbqhf.

what's the most 80s looking car i can buy?
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Depends on what exactly you're trying to do. Clips, buttons, handles or trim pieces are a piece of cake, airboxes or intake manifolds need more exotic materials but are doable, and something like a turbo exhaust manifold is possible but prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of projects.
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I had an 88 Turbo for my first car. Great while it was working until the turbo exploded and sent shrapnel throughout the engine bay. Got it for ~3k from the original owner with about 70k miles. Full service history too.
>ceramic turbos
Not even once
>it lives in my dad's barn now

This is funny and I don’t know why. At least you still have it.
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The Pontiac 6000 STE comes to mind.

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Why does society expect me to buy a hybrid/electric worth 30-50k dollars when I could buy a much cooler looking one from the 80s for a fraction of the price?
So that corporations don't accidentally run out of money
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i was about to say the only downside is that in a collision with a karenpanzer you will be minced meat in something older but then i remembered it doesnt matter because nucars will get annihilated all the same.
Wish a company would make "skateboards" to convert old shitboxes to ev.
Some are. There is a company in the UK making drop in conversions for FF cars and others will make kits for you otherwise.
Oddly they mostly use engines from crashed Teslas.

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Here’s a tough redpill to swallow for yinz guys: the E90/E92 N54 335i is the best modern tuning platform on the market. I could list hundreds of reasons why, but I’m sure you already know about them.
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incel car
E30 coupe and E92 are the best lookinf 3 Series.
The rest are mostly ugly. Mostly.
>the F80 is ugly
You’re mentally ill.
It’s too bad everyone of them is clapped out due to previously being owned by Ahmed or José
Don't you have a toilet in your walless basement to be shitting in?
>The best "modern" thing is over a decade old
Big oof
Honest question, are there any platforms that had a b58 and a manual transmission without xdrive or moon prices? I have the impression the b58 came out at the same time as the manual getting axed in most of their portfolio.

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>I drive an '01 picrel. 2.0 AQY (Golf IV Platform) 5 Speed Manual.
>So far I've switched: Pads, Discs, Calipers, Brake Tubes (Not lines, no rust on them), Master Brake Cylinder
>The system has been bled multiple times using both a bleeding machine and using the 2 person method.
>After that didn't help I had a master mechanic bleed it using a machine + VCDS to make the ABS open up

The problem is that the brake pedal has a long "travel" where I need to push it in a good bit if not basically the entire way for it to start doing something and to start having resistance. When the motor is switched off, the pedal is rock hard already but can be made harder my pumping it a bit. The pressure is kept well if I keep my foot on it.

When driving I can feel the brakes having an effect from basically the first mm onwards, it's just that for actual brake performance to happen it's 90% travel. After that it begins being kinda squishy but with resistance.

When standing, the pedal is very undefined until the 90% "resistance point".

I've taken it out for drives and the brake performance is consistent.
I can make it ABS brake just fine, and it's survived a couple emergency brake processes too.

When I bought the car, the pedal already felt kind of shit. (Not that it's much to go off of. The suspension + brakes had to be basically completely redone. New Shocks + Springs, Wheel Bearings, bushings, stabilizer bar etc. are on it now)
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Yeah, calipers in the back too.
Discs all around.
picrel is the cylinder. No bleeding nipples in sight, and when I installed it, I also didn't see any.

You reckon that there's somehow air trapped inside the cylinder despite having bled the system and having had it bled by someone else as well?
Possibly or air being drawn back in somewhere. That's more likely with wheel cylinders though, hence asking what brakes you had on the rear.
why would i want to ride a vibrator?
Booster also has a pin that you can adjust for spacing. Check make sure that is in spec. Seen it happen twice.
>Almost like a "half misfire" of sorts. Just a tiny vibration. No error codes thrown.
I would do the needful and replace the fuel filter, plugs, inspect ignition wires, etc.

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I don't know much about cars.
would like to know more about maintenance, car parts, car models. My current understanding is nonexistent to very miniscule. Where do I learn more?
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>Where do I learn more?
Buy a fucking Chilton manual.
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>Where do I learn more?
By actually fucking wrenching. What the fuck do you think "hands on skill" means?
No amount of google or YouTube tutorials will be put any experience into your own hands.

Buy the shitbox, buy the tools and turn the fucking wrench.
for real?

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Let's just be honest, there is simply nothing more kino than rally. It's peak driving ability and peak car performance.
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I wish I had the hand eye coordination to drive one at any capacity. Because I would LOVE to be able to take one through a cobblestone European street at speed.
Dakar only gives the route maps like 1 hour ahead of the start time now. It used be given earlier in advance but the big teams (KTM) would have 20 people going over it with satellite maps to find all the shortcuts.
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