>grinding noises>a loud bang>the cry of an infantthen I let it warm up for a bit before hitting the road
>>28208479KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK knock knock knock tick tick tick broom broom broom broom broom broom broom broom
eugh eugh eugh eughhnnnon non non NON wheeze pop>*dies*>repeateugh eugh EUGH WHEEEEEEEN>solenoid backs out and starter free spins GRRRRRRR>starter doesn't engage properlyeugh eugh EUGH NON non non non nonTakes like a good 5 to 10 minutes to start my Niva when it's colder outside.The battery is the real MVP here, that bitch has seen some shit along the years.
>REEEEEEEEEreeeeeerererere-VROOOOM-MUHHHHHHHHAt least when it was frightfully cold today. She always complains a little before turning over when it's in the negatives (F).
>>28208479Starts up? :'-(
>>28208479My Tacoma weirdly sounds very diesel-ish, apparently it's some part of the duel delivery system.
4chink spam filters acting up again, I'm not going to figure out why so noise attached as an image.
>15° outside>feeble whine from fuel pump priming>Shuuuuck shuck shuck shuck shuck shuck>HMMMMhmhmhmhmhmhm>constant MMMMMMMMMMMMM from power steering pump>silence from the radio since current draw from the starter erased all my settings and reset it to standbyhell yeah brother, it's cruising time
>xf falcon wagonBoongboongboongboongboong
>>28208479>be below 50 degreestststststs grrrrrrrrrr hmmmmmmmi love bosch starters
>>28208479ErrerrerrerrVROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmmmmm*tickticktickticktick(it makes this sound before its judt easier to hear at lower rpm)mmmmmmmmOOOOOmmmmm
As the owner of a Prius it goes:>oh you
Car:DUTDUTDUTDUTDUT (silence)*click…*clickDUTDUTDUwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBike: >Didididididididididi>BlupblublupblupBLUBBLUBLUBLUBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBLUPBLUPBLUPBLUP>ratatatatatatclickclickclickratatatatatatatclickclickclickclick (accompanies BLUPBLUP after 30 seconds or so)>(After 5 mins or so) RUUURUUURUUURUURUUURUUUR
tsiutsitsi BBRAGHRRRRRRhrrrrrrrraaahhhhrrrrrrtaptaptaphrrrr
who /dodge dolphin/ here
spam post
*CRACK* wheeeeze wheezewheezewheeze RRRAAAPP tickticktickticktick>>28208519just get a new battery its like 50 bucks
>>28211136Why would I? It's still completely fine
>>28208479Someone has already done the sounds for me.https://youtu.be/v3y7CvHxF54?t=253&si=-HZwZrDi9PAPnU6L
>>28211387Those are stock mufflers? Is that an active exhaust?
chug ----- chug ---- chug chug VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
vvvvvvvv pssshhhh ding ding
>>28211581Yes, stock mufflers and active exhaust
>>28208479>Chicharron chicharron cheech cheech CLACK cheech >CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK>continues for 15 minutes>clack clack clack clack>>28210989Pushrod gm engine?
>>28208479*TINGCrankcrankcrankcrank Broooooooom *clankclankclankclankclankclankclank*toyota AZ engines have a very loud starter pinion. fun story:>be out drinking with buddies>exit bar, walk to new bar>while walking hear the distinctive sound of a toyota AZ starter pinging off in the distance, in a parking lot behind some bushes>say, "ooh a camry">"anon..." friends try to reason with my autism>the white 2006 camry pulls out of the parking lot, across the road from where we're walking, drives a block and turns off>"see?">friends are amazed, or just severely disappointed in me for memorizing engine sounds>my drunk ass is smug all night
>>28208479This might take some work:UhRuhruhruhRuhruhruhRuhruhruhPfftruhPfftPuhPfftPuhbrrpuhBrrPuhPuhBluhPuhpuhpuhpurrhpuuruhpurrpahpurruppuurpurrah, By then cylinder 8 starts firing and sounds something like a 390.
>>28208479GRNTwhrnrhrhrhor. It's a 3800 Series II with about 32K miles on it. It kind of depends on the temperature, but once it's warmed up to idle at 750 I can hardly hear it unless I'm standing in front of the hood. I can't hear it from the driver's seat at 70, but it does become noticeably audible when you hit 85, but not much louder at 100.
chuuuuug chugCHUGVROOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmtakatakatakatakatakatakammmmmmmmmmmmm
>>28208479Straight piped flathead so something like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKNLnSBAPzQ&ab_channel=JodySmith
>>28212790you should replace your timing belt.
>>28208479ra-i-i vvvvvvvvvvv.....