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1. All camming, 'rate me', meet-up, 'report in', etc, threads welcome.
2. All posters must be 18+.
3. No random porn dumps. Post pictures of yourself!
4. No asking for drug hookups.
5. Don't make duplicate threads. Use the catalog (try the search feature).
6. No contactfagging.
7. No signfagging.
8. No paywhoring, begging, or soliciting.
9. Guys, don't post your pics in girl-only threads (and vice versa).
10. Be respectful to each other.

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blahblah bump limit.
209 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Wanna feed me photos of girls whiel im jerking live?

21m Giving up my tight crush’s insta. Please bully me with her. I want to feargasm.
anyone want to chat about my lifelong crush? i have loved her since grade school. was deep in her friendzone. now i am addicted to her fb pics. sharing them makes me feel like such a creep, but nothing else turns me on

Bored at work and so horny
Looking for pawgs, bbc and amateur vids
Also looking for groups
Feeding Asian a bit longer UWEKWUHAG

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Contact, hookup, dating, or just share some pics!
This thread is for all BBWs and chubby women and their admirers.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
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Disc: thegr8eight

Praying you add me
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>About you/Hobbies
I play and stream on twitch/yt sometimes

>Looking for
Guys to appreciate the wifey

>Not looking for
If I let you talk to my gf don't be cringe

Contact info
Hit my disc:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

I'm a cosplayer and streamer and I'm looking for a Chubby F to be my pet and maybe meet

disc: ban1gr
I have to say, this is excellently crafted. You now have a considerable list of discord and snapchat accounts that you can easily mess with. The retards who responded seriously to you don't even realize that at 4'11, a bmi of 22 makes you about 50kg. You knew, clearly. It was too obvious a detail and you wanted to see if these morons would think before they hornied. You got your answer.

Maybe they'll palm it off by asserting they only saw the 2nd and last lines of your post. Maybe, but we'll know, won't we? I know, that's for sure.

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DDLG Thread. Daddies can find their special little girl and little girls can find their own daddy. Post your contact details and what you're looking for. (18+ only obviously)
343 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
In Bongland you can go to jail saying mean things on Faceberg about a sandnigger that just stabbed you. Jailbait? Live a little. Fuck some fine pussy; the Muzzies will if you won't.
Telegram is the fourth largest messaging app in the world, bro. Behind WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger. Which are all shit. WhatApp are all Chinese scams, and Faceberg for boomers.

So Telegram is the largest messaging app worth using.
Discord is cool, though.
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I genuinely cant figure out if this is b8 or youre fr.
Its ok to have a small dick, but if you post it expect people to tell you its small lmao
hi ]
trying 2 find that special some1. never been in a ddlg relationship before so i'm not exactly sure what kinds there are and what kind i might want
i like sports, distance running, european films, reading books. currently reading: Bystander, by Maxim Gorky. and I also like to smoke weed and listen 2 industrial music like prurient and genocide organ
if ur interested pls add me on discord: meatballmrr

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Can't believe there isn't one of these around! For all those interested in BBC and BNWO.

I'm an extremely submissive sissy who has recently become addicted to BNWO. I blew a MASSIVE black cock and that lead down a rabbit hole of bbc and bnwo porn. Now i can't stop thinking about it and gooning to it. BBCs hmu or if you want to share experiences or porn!

Kik: purplesplotches
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ive been making vhs edits of blacked scenes. would love to chat about them or analog film stuff relating to editing. or goon lol
On X at Gooner1988
LF BBC tributes or splitscreen vids/Gifs of wife. If you come through, I can show you more

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25 femboy California
Love sexting/role playing with black men and making them cum
Very chill and sweet :)
Kik: sdthrowaway481
bbc looking for cucks with wives or gfs to share

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Old snap thread reached limit
Post your snap and what you want
455 replies and 63 images omitted. Click here to view.
28/m with a two hander pretty white cock, have an oral kink like crazy
Looking for real cucks down to talk ab their woman and show her off especially if she’s a skilled sucker,, down to loyalty test, but only on gf/wife
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Snap: mendezpana

bored, wanna vid call?
F21 UK

I'd love to fullfil ur fantasies daddy! come with me, i'll drain ur balls <3 loving to spoil you! sext, joi, gfe, cam? dm me

Telegram / Discord @ Lilyfreak
Kik @ preciousasiann
F21 UK

I'd love to fullfil ur fantasies daddy! come with me, i'll drain ur balls <3 loving to spoil you! sext, joi, gfe, camsex? dm me

Telegram / Discord @ Lilyfreak
Kik @ preciousasiann
M 27 into anything
Send me whatever you want

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Dalmatian Edition

Thread for the tiny ones
Don't be shy, we want You!
Post yours, rate others and discuss small penises

>No random porn dumps. Post pictures of yourself!
>No paywhoring, begging, or soliciting
>Be respectful of each other

Old thread >>33493721
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Thank you, glad you like it. What else would you do to it?
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Goddamn. I'd love to talk to you.
missed few days, a lot of new juicy anons came in

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Previous 3 threads:
#21: >>33500095
#20: >>33423908
#19: >>33364725

Deleted #22 general: https://archived.moe/soc/thread/33577272/

>Duolicious website
>Duolicious Github
>Server status

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Seems that there are way more people on here than initially shown. I keep going through everyone with all filters off, and new people keep appearing. Especially if I mess with the distance filter. Sure some of them may have hidden themselves, but I'm seeing new people appear who have been offline for a long time. What's going on here?
Retard are you seriously implying that everyone that gets murdered is important
not even just weird but actual deranged freak behavior
>You shouldn’t take every encounter that serious anon
Rationally speaking, I don't. Don't get me wrong, the situation is totally fine, no harm was done to anyone. What I meant by "this is fucking stupid" is that I got too attached and was in an emotional state that wasn't really warranted by anything that happened.

I don't feel as strongly about it today but still I may not be cut out for online dating. Which is bad news because I'm basically a hikki lol
Ok this is definitely a thing. Everyone try opening up your filters and set distance to max. See how many people you get. Then lower distance to like 1000 mi. I am seeing more people with a lower distance setting.

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Old one approaching limit
501 replies and 74 images omitted. Click here to view.
Looking for chatty anons to talk about my thick, PAWG gf with huge fat ass.
Tell me what u think about her, if she was ever BLACKED, gangbanged and how slutty she is!

kik: whiteboi.withpawg
Bored perv trying to enjoy myself before work. Let me enjoy your irl girls. Gf and wife preferred but whoever you want to send. Kik Anon_0512
Your slutty girlfriend made you promise not to share her nudes, but I’m gonna degrade that bitch while you strip her picture by picture. Betray that slut like she deserves.

I don’t share, so don’t ask me. Not my thing.

Kik: randombull97
kik: WKL1901
Come and tell me how you would use and abuse my pawg wife
have a hot wife/gf to trade

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Last post just hit bump limit:

>Mental Illness
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Drug use?
>About yourself
>Looking for
>Not looking for
182 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
im not a tranny lol
I always thought I was a pitiful sad sack of shit but then I see how fucking cringy some people here are fucking lmao mid 20s and higher anons never aged past 14 holy shit
Time doesn't give wisdom or knowledge or even change you. Experience does. It should come as no suprise most people here have not progressed beyond adolescence. Normie retard.
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goodmorning cunts. discord username baberelli. i'm 21/f. if you live within 2 hours of utica ill rock your shit for fun. i have only had one taker so far but we ended up just making out passionately. can't really fight im honestly just a lover. i love narcotics and alcohol and mentally ill/narcissistic men aged 21-29. hit my line i need a new eboyfriend ^_^
my hobbies include shitposting, making fun of people, and being maybe 90th percentile in misc rhythm games. send friend request if you dare :*
Because I don't want to stand out too obviously or be too memorable

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Send nudes to 3 above you and don't forget op ;)

Kik Anon.793
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@angii.rar my Kik f21 latina
hello @angii.rar

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How are there so few people from CA posting


>Hobbies and Interests
>Looking for
>Not Looking for
136 replies and 43 images omitted. Click here to view.
34/M/West LA (310)
>Hobbies and Interests
I like vidya and fapping and internet
>Looking for
Swap porn and fap together online for a bit, then if we get along well potentially do lewd stuff in person. I'd prefer women but I'm bicurious enough to enjoy the prospect of jerking off and more with another guy. To be honest I'm just lonely and touch starved and want to change those if I can.
>Not Looking for
People that wanna fuck my ass.
discord: california_non
34/M/San Diego (760)
>Hobbies and Interests
I love movies
>Looking for
Girl FWB or more
>Not Looking for
KIK: My username is slickslickslick7
24m in socal
i get off on sending my gf being knotty
telegram: knottyking

Bro can you not
30/m/Orange County (Fullerton)

>Hobbies and Interests
Running, cooking, drinking, reading, movies, guitar, traveling, video games.

>About me
6ft, 180lbs, software engineer, glasses wearer, hispanic and french, been told I have a nice dick. Not an awkward person lol.

>Looking for
F for going out to a dive or cocktail bar, getting food or someone to cook for, movie watching, hooking up.

>Not Looking for
love lmao

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NO FAKECELS ALLOWED!!!!! this thread is for virgin men and virgin women ONLY.

>looking for/not looking for
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hikkikomori neet i havent take a shower since last thursday but if someone wants me i will take a shower for a date, i like to play strategy history games like eu4, ck2, hoi3 and vic2, i just leave my room to piss, if no one wants me dont worry im plannin to buy an onahip
It's no wonder you're permanently single. You guys are so fucking insufferable.
I can't imagine having to put up with someone like you IRL.
He's right, virgin is not one of the qualities of a chud.
You're responses are bait or brain damage.
I'm an incel virgin but I'm not going to post because,
1. it wouldn't matter anyways, girls don't like me clearly. only guys ever do, so why don't lesbians ever like me? Nvm. Anyways 2. People treat incel virgins like they're evil mustache twirling villians and any attempt to dispell that notion as deciet, and of course they pile on every negative personality trait in their mind that they can think of.
The truth is girls simply all have the same biases:
>if he hasn't been with a girl, there must be something wrong with him
>his hair is so pretty, he must be gay
>he grew up in a normal suburban lifestyle he must be booooring
>he probably wouldn't have liked me when I was a teenager with braces, and that hurt!
>He's so desperate for love! There really must be something wrong with him!!!
>How does he not go out and be social like me?! Ugh what a loser!
>He probably would have broke my heart like (insert hs bf name here) did! I need better!!!
>He doesn't partake in (insert substance here) what a square!!
>he probably never felt emotional pain
>he's too short! (5'8") he shouldn't even exist in my world!!
>he's unworthy of breeding and women should make sure he doesn't

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>dating app
only damaged insufferable girls are on those. delete those apps.
Sane girls don't need dating apps to find a partner

A thread to find people to voice chat/call with.

>looking for
>not looking for
>when you want to call/how often
110 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you Anon it's appreciated!
Think so or like half asian
24/F/Europe (that's as specific as I'll be on here)
169cm tall, 68kg, 32D bra, pale skin, light blue hair, light brown eyes. Currently sleep deprived so can't decide what to include about personality/interests.

>looking for
(Friends or more if we have chemistry)
A guy who is tall (min 6 foot), skinny (the more visible bone the better), medium length hair, pale/olive skin, big scary smile.

Better if you're a virgin or inexperienced. Be interested in creepy, dark, and cute things. Someone who likes to dress up and wear face paint/makeup. Would be cool if you're creative and well spoken. A sub outside the bedroom, a dom in the bedroom (or at least a switch). Femboys also fine. Someone who doesn't mind their partner having several mental illnesses (medicated), occasionally unpredictable moods, and still developing functionality.

Bonus points for clown stuff.

Quite flexible, but more likely to be available from mid/late afternoon to the evening. Online most days.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
hey i match like all the criteria heres my disc
Username didn't work

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Previous thread expired. Post an image which describes you + your discord
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F21 UK

I'd love to fullfil ur fantasies daddy! come with me, i'll drain ur balls <3 loving to spoil you! sext, joi, gfe, camsex/facetime? dm me

Telegram / Discord @ Lilyfreak
Kik @ preciousasiann
I'm male

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I hate this life
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