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Old one is full. Post ASL and what you're looking for.
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Back for the day

Dad bod, nerd, musician, etc. Looking to chat with younger F. No real pressure, let's just see where it goes. I like petite girls, chubby girls, and everything in between so don't be shy!

Kik: Garf.1

Discord: zombiecake1

Snap: zombie-cake8

Teleguard: ULFDBNAHG

Bored at work. I’d love to see your tits. I’ll even show my cock. Hurry before I have to go home to my wife and kids.

39/M/NE Ohio

Attorney, looking for mid-late 20's women.

Interests: outdoors, travel, reading, movies, gaming, cooking

Stats: 6'1, 190 lbs, brown hair/eyes

Discord: ohionugz
Bump. Don't be shy, add me!

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nsfw allowed
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NSFW incel discordian shitpost paradise


tired of these fucking women. JOIN OR KYS

debate the blackpill, discuss inceldom and ascension, and more!



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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33545399
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a guy being social isnt important because he "seems popular". it's because it proves he isnt a retard whos gonna be a leech that expects me to be the only source of emotional fulfilment in his life for that aspect and will not be well adjusted because he has no friendships so how tf does he expect to maintain a romantic relationship
>When was the horniest you've ever been
Had just gotten through a liberating breakup about two weeks prior, hadn't gotten around to going out, had some promising interactions on dating apps but hadn't closed on any of them yet, and it had been almost a month since I had gotten any pussy. Then, one night at the office, what was supposed to be a "pretty bad" snowstorm, ended up being "one of the worst snowstorms in decades" and became so very quickly, and before anyone in upper management had the sense to give everyone the all clear to go home, conditions were such that you couldn't see more than ten feet in front of you, and nobody was driving anywhere any time soon. Luckily, the person who owned the company I worked for also owned the hotel right next to it, and he put the twenty or so of us who were closing that night up in that hotel.

Anyway, after settling in, I go to the hotel bar to have a drink and maybe socialize a little. It's mostly uneventful; banter with some coworkers about the weather and social events, but it's kind of a dead and a bit of a sausage fest. I'm about to call it a night, when a girl who I have had palpable sexual tension with for a long time has a seat next to me, and when I say "palpable" I mean "the only reason we haven't fucked is because I was in a relationship and she's married."

The flirting starts immediately, and not long after that she starts venting about how unhappy she is in her marriage, AKA what married women do to broadcast their willingness to cheat. It becomes very obvious to me, very quickly, that she has an idea for how she wants to wait out the storm. Fuck it. I didn't know her husband, she was too hot for him, and it's not on me to keep her faithful. It took the plows almost three days to clear the roads, and I spent the entire time sleeping, hydrating, and cumming inside my coworker.

>Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually woudn't?
Not really. I don't cheat, but unless a girl is with a friend of mine, if I'm horny enough she's fair game. If anything, I kind of have a thing for married women.
>How many times did you get off?
Over the weekend, more than twenty times. She is/was hot AF, her dirty talk game was elite, and she was ovulating, and the idea of getting a married woman pregnant made me more or less indefatigable.
>How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?
Morality becomes but a whisper, drowned out by the roar of instinct.
my bf ghosted me
if I messaged him that I have not eaten since he stopped talking to me would he talk to me again?
Emotional manipulation is not a healthy way to manage a relationship, anon.

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Tinder keeps matching me with ugly brown people. I’m pretty sure they just got sued. Are any white guys experiencing this problem as well? I only am shown brown people and Asians.

Looking for a man preferably over 5 foot 10, white, someone who doesn’t have a criminal record, and has a college degree. Would be nice if you prayed or were spiritual in some way.

Post your discord.
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I work in this field. It's quite literally the opposite. AI is coming for white collar job. This is not theoretical, it is happening as we speak. Robotics is still decades away from being able to do blue collar jobs.
It's a government mandated job that requires oversight. You're replaceable if your job doesn't require a government mandated license, which is every construction worker.

and theres also a bunch of retards who will fall for this catfish
U have somebody for expose? Kik me- justooz, or erome sirtooz
Discord is big_dude_55
I'm also in WA

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>Looking for
>Not looking for

20/M/Eastern US / bi, bottom
>About you
5'9, workout often, enjoy military history, surplus, low fantasy and mystery themes in books, movies, and games. Love to discuss guns, politics, and music, favorite artists include Kino, Warren Zevon, and Jimi Hendrix.
Often described as righter-wing.
>Looking For
I like nerdy CS types usually, but open to everyone, I would be up for sexual chats but would also mostly like a friend
>Not Looking For

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tag is discord btw
Those are some cute tranny tits and hips.

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>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
26/mtf/DMV (DMV thread, after all...)
>About you
5'7" redhead. i'm cute and can send you selfies if you seem sane and send me yours first. workaholic who needs an excuse to stop working 60+ hour weeks. i need to do something fun at some point or i'm going to go insane. i read lots of webnovels (basically serialized novels online. think like manga but in book form). mostly fantasy/isekai stuff, but i like some sci-fi as well. if i'm going to go out and do something, i like to go to places like museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, etc. lucky for us, DC has tons of those, and they're all free. first date idea?
>Looking for
someone sane who has their shit together. big ask on 4chan, i know, lol. ideally plus or minus 3 to my age. so, 23-29. but there's some wiggle room if you're cool enough. i'm open to anyone - man, woman, other, so long as you're attractive, nice, and fun to be around. i can be a little picky about how people look, unfortunately. one of my more frustrating (even to me) traits. it's not even that i think most people aren't attractive - obviously that's not the case. i just have a specific type that's hard to put into words. "i know it when i see it" lol. but even if i'm not into you romantically, i am still down to hang out and do stuff. i need some more friends. actually, i might be moving apartments sometime this year, so i'm even open to finding a new roommate, but that one might be a bit unrealistic lmao
>Not looking for
<20, >32. anyone not in the DMV. anyone without the ability to drive or to handle life responsibilities (in most cases, this means having a real adult job, but if you're independently wealthy or something, it could mean not destroying your life with drugs). people who are overly lewd way too quickly. people who aren't interested in ever meeting up and doing something. people who freak out if i don't reply quickly

discord is um._.weh but i hate discord so if we get along i'm going to force you to talk with me elsewhere
28/m, DMV
>ab me:
two hander pretty white cock, have an oral kink like crazy
>Looking for
real cucks down to talk ab their woman and show her off especially if she’s a skilled sucker, down to loyalty test
>not looking for
NN , and not interested in showing my cock to people without contribution
there are 0 women in maryland

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Thread for blackanons to post their socials and chat with each other. Mixed blacks are okay to post
>NO WHITES (make your own thread)
>NO BROWNS (make your own thread)
>NO RACEPLAY/BNWO (make your own thread)
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If yall would post a bio maybe they'll come in this thread too
nah man some of them are rice cookers too now
They want effeminate asian men thanks to kpop and white dudes who call them niggers as a "joke"
Can I be counted an honorary black person as a Southwest Iberian?

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...I actually did... I actually fucking did it.

I turned sissy after DECADES of putting it off. Lost a shit ton of weight. Anyway, its thanks to you faggots that I actually was convinced in the end.

Anyway posting some of my whoreshots here, but go follow me on OF as well, AmaraTrap
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its in the mail... I needed to find an actually tiny one. Can't wait for it to be dribbling and throbbing throughout the day while I think about my ass getting fucked.
Cute feet and butt! You single? I'd love to take you out sometime.
Remember troons and cross dressers need perfect angles and outfits to appear passing. Any video of them walking or talking will reveal their true gender. I do t condone transitioning but 30s is farrr to old. Only youth can moderately make mtfs passable
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:( do I need tits? kinda not the point though, I'm supposed to be a trap, not a trans.


aw thanks... I'm not out trapping in public yet though. maybe one day.
That one's the hottest outfit. I'd follow you home and rape you until your tiny sissy clit leaks through your cage.

keep it sfw, pls
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Trans women get all the chasers, might as well give the other side some love. Who doesn't wanna knock up a guy sometimes?

Typical intro format expected, you know the deal.

>About Me
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Contact Deets
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Still looking. As some extra encouragement...
>33/M/USA-Northeast OK
>Blue collar type

>Not hairy
>Want to get bred by a real man who reminds you that you aren't one, you stupid incubator cum dumpster

kik: obiwanjacobii
27 / M / Austin TX

>About me
Latino, 5'10, stocky build, employed and new-ish to the city

>Looking for
a ftm twink friend to hang out with and fuck (as bros, of course)
kinky is a plus

>Not looking for
bearded guys or people with tons of face piercings (body hair not a problem though, kind of a plus desu)

Disc ~ angels_shared

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Sounds fun! If you're like most the dudes in here I feel like I could pin you so easy :)
it was fun in 2012 when being "ftm" just meant a girl was skinny and cut her hair short, now its the grossest fetish shit, women are disgusting and ruin everything

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I'm a troon and won't deny it. I just had some fun playing with my new scalpels and honestly I hate myself and think troons should just kill themselves I just don't have the guts to do it. Picture actually is me and all ppl asking for timestamps can piss off lmao. Anyways I'm just intersted in getting word ideas for cutting thanks <3

I won't sext ( I have no libido and desu sexting is boring irl is much more fun I can get all the sex I want) but I will show pictures of me cutting it
Rapebait, animal, subhuman, 56%, tranny, whore. Do it on your thighs and send us a picture.

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Can you give me a rating? I really dislike my body
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no one cares about your angry yapping, post more nudes already Julie
>How bout you let a woman define what is and isn’t a woman.
No, how bout you let DNA define what is and isn't a woman. Ever heard of a thing called science?

>I've got many cis female friends irl who have always supported me.
I'm not racist, I have plenty of black friends. What the fuck does that have to do with whether or not you're a biological woman?

>And they sure as hell don’t think of menopause or periods as a gift.
Oh boo fucking hoo, millions of women before you have endured the pain of child birth and have not complained one bit for the joy of having children. Raising children isn't easy but millions of parents do it everyday. Because children are a blessing and a gift of life and they are worth everything.

Millions of people go to work everyday to make money. They may not like their jobs but they sure as hell don't complain about their paychecks. Life isn't always easy. We have to do things we don't like.

Don't like having periods? Grow the fuck up and put on your big girl panties. Welcome to womanhood.

What a shit tranny argument. You want the best of what makes a woman but are too chicken shit to endure the worst of being a woman.

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you're actually delusional
I'd rape you. Bend over some more.

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meet new people
no porn, no gooner shit, keep it humble
no selling, etc.
if you wanna goon theres another thread
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I'll post mine in a bit I'm sleeping
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Archives of Obscure Youtube channels & Internet Lore

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31/m, I am recovered NEET who is now pursueing the respectable life even though at heart I will never be a normie. I work and study. I do best with a diary-style friendship, that means lots of talking, sharing mundane daily occurances, I like to take pictures of nature and /out/side. If I like you I will spam you with wall of texts. I'm learning how to draw right now, I also like to cook, I like to make music and watch odd movies. I'm also an indy wrestler. I like black metal. Talk to me if you need a friend or a personal trainer, but bring something to the table, I tolerate retardation, but not too much.
My telegram is crude_angel
Taylor Swift official fanclub

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Uncut cocks with foreskin pulled back to the max

Lets see 'em boys.
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I got to admit, its fun taking them.
Great shot, you got the pull back almost half way down yopur shaft, well done.
Keep posting that cock turned inside out pls anon =]
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Amazing thread with amazing intact peens. Would love to rate or worship anyone that likes to show off their goods <3
Disc: metalkaiserslime
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If I pull too hard it starts to bend like in the previous pic.
If anyone wanna chat disc: rockman10x

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let's see that ass bb
dubs you gotta add my disc
trips request
quads request until 404
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Show me your cute butt or just you in a cute outfit

Kik: DrungKk
So tasty and fresh! Any pics of your balls and dick, can you please?
Discord: eosofdays6167

Love showing off
And more pics of your fresh and sweet asshole if you have ofc
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