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Hi babes im new around here looking for someone to video call and have some fun with
Add my telegram : daysidaiseee21

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Duolicious is an online dating app, but with uglier women, less realization of romances, and more male competition.

>Duolicious website
>Duolicious Github
>Server status

Relationships formed: 0
Male Suicides caused: 50 and counting
Mediocre Female egos boosted: How many women are here again?
403 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
You're still a shitbag asshole demanding a level of uprightness that you yourself don't even try to have. I'd tell you to off yourself but this prison planet was probably made for sociopaths like you.
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Cry more bitch ass nigger!
How does it feel knowing that you are just as much of a human thrash as that goth you were complaining about? You're just as mentally ill as her.
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Makes me feel good man. Let's go detestable humans!! Whoo!!!! We're numbah waaaaaan!!!!!!! And there ain't nuttin' you can do 'bout it. We'll rule the world.
You see this is the funny part about all of this, looking at your posts, you clearly dislike the current state of affairs, but besides the big world influencers, nobody does as much harm to society in general as someone like you. So keep pretending to be a retard posting this childish garbage, keep acting like a sociopath treating others like tools, but know that in the end, when you find yourself miserable and alone and just "want someone to chat" your only choices will be other sociopaths like you.

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WE LOVE SLUTS edition.

Old thread: >>33283124
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Niggers fucked up stay playing with little knives this shit that's boring as hell give me something to look at at least. bring out the kitchen knife or something post a bathtub pic idk. At least a full body. Maybe I just came at the wrong time or something thought niggers would be going harder than this in 2024. Pigs. CUT YOURSELVES! I WANT BLOOD! GAAAAAAAAAHHHhhh
What kind of pills did you take

I can't stop staring at this... it just looks like it would taste so good. I just wanna suck up all that blood. But if you let it dry like that it would be so satisfying to just like walk around like that for a bit. I can imagine how warm and sticky it feels just as it starts to dry. That sweet metallic tinge... like nectar. wish the cuts were deeper, I love when it's dark red and you can see inside. Plus, it feels so good. I haven't cut myself before but I could imagine how good the throbbing of an open would would feel... And what happens when you like, pour alcohol on it... that sting... and the way it has like a chemical reaction with the outer layer. I also love like running the tips of my fingers over it when it's all dry. like, the roughness of a dried scrape and just raping that shit off. eat humans
imagine how it would feel to just strum all those chords, like, dig your nails in at the top and then drag them down as hard as you can to try to rip all the cuts open and then just keep scratching and scratching and getting so bloody and then ripping your face off
Self harm server


>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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>About me
I'm described as cute and nice. Extroverted Introvert, means I can hang out and talk with people normally but I have to spend a certain time with them but I can also approach strangers. I didn't had any real friends for a long time. My Childhood Friend group aka The Boys drifted apart after COVID and since then I'm kind of a friendless loser (or the substitute friend).
If anyone's into it my personality type is INFP.
Reading (goes from Mangas to any other book), History, travelling the world (currently planning to travel solo through Japan), Anime, watching and doing Sport and getting /fit/, playing the piano and gaming
>Looking for
People close to my age (18-22) for a nice talk on a daily base, Gender doesn't matters. And also some frens.
> Not looking for
Trolls, Bigots, Edgelords any anything like that and People who ghost immediately (if you don't wanna chat just say it ffs)
I'm rarely on 4chan, I mostly lurk on /soc/, so I'll just link my Discord below
Discord: nudelking
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Early 20s/F/Europe
>About you
I like Minecraft, going outside, skincare, cats, silly memes. I look very boyish, and dress that way
>Looking for
Friends, girls would be nice
>Not looking for
Perverts, sex crazy people. Not nice people
>about me
autistic failed normie. i like to analyze the world around me to figure out what makes everything tick. i like social psychology a lot for that reason because people are so complex yet fascinating to know. i feel like i am an outsider looking in most of the time which probably led me to that point. i blend in okay with other people irl, but when it comes to people knowing me deeper they often don't understand me, and the friendships fall apart because of that inherent disconnect. i struggle to even fit in the "weird" online circles because i'm not different enough. i don't know where i fit in. i'm best with individuals one-on-one.
>looking for
i figure i would like to rant to somebody or two about my issues as they come along. like a support group. i can do the same for you, too. i have a lot and i am self-aware about them but a lot of them i don't even know where to begin to fix them. i'm okay with m or f.
>not looking for
coomers, ppl looking for a romantic relationship, those who can't keep up a conversation and provide nothing towards it, ppl who expect to talk daily
bye_goodhello on discord
>About you
Into rhythm vidya and vns o:
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Discord: rinne393939
Friend making server


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Last one is near limits.
You know the drill: post dick, rate others
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>Sexual interests
Big dicks, twinks, femboys, girls.
>Looking for
Wanna jerk of on videocall if i find your dick good looking, send cum videos and such together
>Not looking for
Talks, Roleplaying and dicklets
Anon1i on Snapchat, Anon7inch on twitter
Kik: curtainrug

Show off your big cock
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Kik fr33xspirit and I'll rate, especially if you tribute hehe

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The true new Europe thread post your asl a little about yourself and your discord

No server posters y'all suck

19 m ireland
> About me
I don't know man I like things and stuff you should jsut add me and ask about it
Discord: vox.cxst
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Would any English anons like to be irl friends? A lot of people here are lonely, myself included.
My two friends think I am autistic.
Enjoys: exploring London by tube, would like to take up tennis, existential despair
23/M/Near London
'cord: centre5
Pederi slovenski mater vam svima jebem

>About me
Chill dude who is just tired these days, but always in a some what good mood, my hobbies are, MTG, D&D and pathfinder, as well as cooking food, and a ton of video games

>looking for
Someone who shares my interests and want to hang out online in voice, perhaps we can play a few games or watch some anime toghter

>not looking for
People who have a hard time writing back and arent good at trying to have a convasation, i am not the best either but i at least want some effort
Also i am straight so not looking for anything sexual with men

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28, M, Northern England
>about me
Autistic game designer for a living (both of those things but that goes without saying)
Video games, music, Airsoft (new to it), new nature / hiking routes
>looking for
Meet some new peeps, have a few chats to combat work from home


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38m straight
I microdose MDMA to treat my depression and I'm feeling down today so I might try some at work. Anyone want to chat with a cute dad while I have a mild roll?

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I'm all by myself at my girlfriend's apartment, jerking off. Hit me up with cool ideas and shit, don't hmu to just be fed.
Snap tim_2422
Just got banned for some reason, new snap: nick20243981
Sc: makart62
M 35 French
I exchange photos, videos and live of my wife on snapchat ^^ Only with man in a relationship. we prove each other. she sleeps naked I can snap her
What do you mean microdose, it's MDMA, there's a threshold dose. How many mg did you take? A 'small dose just above threshold' is not a microdose.
22/f bored.. entertain me fuckers


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how do i deal with being a subhuman italian and stop being ashamed
it's completely joever for you anon, time to rope.
Stop spamming the site with this.
‘k0bryNME7PdnShCU2hhs7g==’. 10 results found.

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post only a sfw image and your discord

if you post porn you go to hell before you die
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To the guy I told to "bog off" I didn't want him to delete me but explain what he's all about so please do re-add me
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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33258406
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Would never do it on the time of the month. No sex for a week.
>having a guy stick his cock inside you doesnt "bind" you to him
But it does
I live in somewhere I can't move out from in near future so I don't contact people in 4chan for dating purposes.
Cool, thanks for the abstract one sentence explanation on why I should hold my nut butter in; dont know how that'll get me laid though.
If it's just an issue of it doing nothing for her, I would be determined to find a way. Even if it means getting toys involved. I wouldn't say it's a dealbreaker, necessarily, but it would frustrate me a bit if I can't make it work for her in any way.

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This is a general thread for femanons looking to contact other anons to date, hangout etc. Trans girls are fine too, just disclose it.

>about yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
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>not interested in HOOKING UP RIGHT AWAY
The west. Has. FALLEN
There’s still zero proof this is anything but a tranny. I’m calling catfish.
Oh she's cis, she's just fucking awful.
Oh, Colton.

We've seen your vile, mutilated Dr Goldstein fake cunt.

Not even /r9k/ would fit your vile, diseased, bloated form. No biological woman would ever date your entitled, vile self.

The best thing you can do is commit suicide. The second best thing you can do is repent to God and become a celibate monk. You have castrated yourself of your manhood and embraced total self-destruction.

Cope, seethe, and dilate. You will never, ever be a woman. You are a depressed loser, because that is how pathetic you act. The sooner you stop wasting precious resources to suit your vile fantasies, the sooner God will be able to reclaim and redeem your soul. May He have mercy on you.
I doubt it. I’ve heard they used other people’s pics as “proof” and got caught (which is why they refuse to verify). And they sound like a guy on VC. It also doesn’t change the fact they’re a pedophile who groomed a minor.

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Low mod/active vc

Where the FUCK do I meet nerdy girls that are into the same things as me?
Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that have not worked:
just existing in real life - no way to identify nerd girls plus I'm not going to cold approach, I'm not a weirdo
clubs/meetups for my hobbies - they're all sausage fests
tinder/normie dating apps - all normies, plus they're all slight sausage fests
duolicious - there are some cool girls on there, but it's a sausage fest, plus most users have no intention of actually getting into a relationship
soc - the female users are cool, but it's a sausage fest

things I have yet to try but don't have high hopes for:
discord edating - sounds lame lol
tumblr - gender ratio looks good, but do people even use it for finding relationships?

nerd girls where are you?
guys with nerd gfs, how did you meet?
is the only solution to just brute force the problem? Like spend as much time as possible in social situations to maximize my chances of meeting a girl that I'm interested in?

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>where are the nerd girls
With my bf
Can this just become a nerd girl contact thread please, this is boring and I need a chubby nerd girl to bounce on me
I find some interesting girls but I don't match with them lmao
They all are? Must be some lad
Oh yeah, matching is a whole other matter

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Post a Vocaroo sample of your voice while rating other peoples voices.
mine: https://voca.ro/11glbiZAl7Sn
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Part 4
For every 15 different anons, will await my whispering shenanigans.

I curse you of removing away your sadness, may it be hasten.
Normal voice
Bracelets nerdy.
Becarefull and don't trust them.
Serious man a type that confronts bullies and beat them for justice.

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Not American, but tired.
Did you work for AT&T, you sound exactly like someone I spoke to on tech support a while ago.

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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls

You can share also what you were using for language studying (guides, sites), if you took any exams/certifications, how much time you can dedicate to studying, etc.

Also if you moderate any language discord serves, please, share :)
68 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
26/M/Spain for now but will be US soon
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Cycling, bikepacking, running, brewing coffee, Russian literature. I biked from Montreal, CA to NYC, US recently. It was pretty fun (I slept in the woods but didn't die as there's black bears but no black people in Vermont).
Coffee brewing and drinking is a fun hobby of mine and I travel the world trying and comparing different coffee shops. Top 3 countries for coffee have to be US, Japan, and Netherlands.
I also like regular guy stuff too like video games, gym, and casual racism.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Yes. Mostly texting and voice messages first but I'm down to do calls if we get along.

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Are you offering to teach German?
>Languages I speak
German and English fluently.
>Target language
>Short bio
I'm not much into anime as you might have thought. I'm more of a video game kinda guy. I'm currently learning Japanese only with learning apps, like Bunpo, MochiKanji and I recently started using Satori Reader. Other than that, I don't have a single Japanese person in my friend group so my progress is rather low.

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