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Why do I struggle so much with dating
Yes my body I bizarre but I’m 6’
Isn’t that enough? Should i roid ot I’d it over
Tired of being a sexless freak
Rate me?
91 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Maybe if you stopped being a disgusting pig things would change. Embrace the ozempic pill.
op looks don't matter
I'm a fat ugly bald dude with a small dick and bad teeth and I get pussy because it's all about being secure and confident
more than once I've approached a girl and she reacted like an ogre was flirting with her
I smile, shrug, say "suit yourself" like she was a silly cunt, and went on my way
eventually one of her friends likes the confidence, peels off to talk to me, and I fucked her
you don't have to like how you look and you definitely don't want to pretend that you don't look the way you do, but accept it and learn to deal with it
nothing makes a woman less interested in a man than if he comes across as a sadsack
be funny, be fun, be creative, there are many other things to be besides attractive and it all works
how do you think ugly fucks get hot wives?
im fucking dying, the replies are so funny
thanks for the thread grinch
I saw in one of the comments you have significant weight loss, excellent job with how far you've come already! How heavy do you lift proportionate to your 1rm?
I saw that you exercise but still can't get rid of your stomach... your image was honestly shocking to see. It looks like a tumor or something? Has it always been like this? Otherwise maybe go speak with a doctor... if it's fat you can probably get lipo and a tummy tuck or something.

You don't have to change anything about your body if you don't want to, but I can understand not feeling at home in your body like that. I don't think exercise alone will fix it.

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For those for whom the abominable relationship thread is too toxic. Like... you need something pretty toxic. But not *too* toxic.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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This bitch never replies. I wish she did.
Massive creep, HARD avoid
And the "nurturing" thing is a lie. He's really obviously after collecting pics.
Sharing pics of my ex for you to expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

You can save her pics and do what you want with them.

>Not looking for roleplaying!

Kik: totally_completely
If you are in your late twenties or older and want to push each other to transition/feminise/crossdress, drop your discord. Or even if you want to feminise me and turn me into your gf, or just talk about this shit. I am going to do it and want encouragement. 28 m.

Post your discord below, we can all add each other.
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need a toxic findom relationship :/
discord: kittenzy

previews of me here :p

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postem uma música que vocês gostem e a tag de vocês do discord
op começa:
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This isn’t a female, it’s a catfishing incel male
Florida is not a Brazilian state I know

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For those interested in finding femdom/gentle femdom-gfd/mommy domme/role reversal/etc relationships. Questions and discussion are welcome.

Friendly reminders:
-Women overwhelmingly choose to lurk on here. Don't be discouraged if you see a lack of female posters, they're out there. If they like your ad then they'll contact you.
-It takes two to tango. If you don't put any effort into talking to someone, then neither of you are going anywhere.
-Be nice! Don't just ghost/delete someone over something trivial. If you don't like something someone does or feel it really isn't going to work, be honest and talk to them about it.
-Give people a chance! It takes time to adjust to one another. A real connection doesn't just "happen".

>About you
>What you're looking for
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info
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34 m USA

Married, dead bed, wife spends more time doom scrolling than she spends present with me.

I'm in to CNC, biting, oral (giving and receiving), breeding, cream pies, lactation, dom/sub, wouldn't be opposed to water sports. I guess I'd describe myself as a switch that leans Dom. But I want to try being a sub really bad.

Looking for someone to lewd chat with and to cuckquean my inattentive wife. I want to be your hot husband.

Disc is silverjay2345
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah but I'm also very clingy. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

picrel is ideal gf
discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
if ur over 60 or a convicted felon swing my way instead
Doing whatever I’m told
21 bi m
Kik: ghosca
>white guy
>bad knees
>discord: strez0105

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Are you also 27+ years old and have nothing to do on a Friday night? Let's chat!
Rate pics, share memes, or discuss when your back started hurting :)
Let's get to know the older generation on 4chan
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im 26 years old and can never seem to find friends. im not looking for anyone to flirt with just someone to talk to. this is a small server with ppl around my age group as well. pls join (:

>your top 10
>contact info

Discord - yourdeeprest
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disc: ket.kitty
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i like jim steinman lol

discord: spagetmen

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>fun facts about you
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info
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I am black.
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20, male, Philippines
>fun facts about you
a first year IT student, once an Agriculture student. Had all the ups and downs during my early schooling. From being the first in the class to the last, being on the first section to the bottom, having the highest grades and the lowest, etc. Idk how to put it but I have been through interesting experience in school.
>looking for
someone to talk to, anyone, like when we have the time we could talk and thing, no strings attached, just reply when you can, just trying to make most of the time before school starts.
>not looking for
I am open to anything as long as we could talk lol I have been talking to myself these past weeks so its fine
>contact info
discord: overlordykv

I could also send you my insta or something its fine, if you need a friend hmu, thanks

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a thread for people who are also into any science, e.g. disciples from pure math to civil engineering, or individual topics like number theory and relativity

>Looking for
>Not looking for
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Anime & Mental illness discord thread!

>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
>Looking for
>not looking for
>Discord tag
348 replies and 169 images omitted. Click here to view.
>mental illnesses
depression and suicidal, ptsd, cutting
>favourite Anime
Serial Experiments Lain, Welcome to the NHK, Toradora, Yu Yu Hakusho
>Describe yourself
Despite my issues Im pretty level headed, I hold down a good job running my own construction site, love listening to rap and vaporwave, making my own beats whenever I can, takes time to get to know me but once I figure out I can be edgy and offensive and say whatever to make us laugh then were good, love to cook and always thinking of something nice to make, playing PC games and VR too
>looking for
A girl thats anywhere from 18 to late 20s thats easy going, wants to resolve things if we argue, wants to partake in whatever Im doing especially games and watching stuff or calling and whatever, someone from Europe because I can let you live here with me since I got my own apartment, someone that understands if you give energy its coming back to you double, basically a little house gremlin that wants to stay around until I get back from work to play games and hang out cuddle and fuck rinse repeat til we die
>not looking for
bitches that wanna get combative and got massive ego's, overly religious, doesnt take accountability for their mistakes
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full of weirdos
we accept anyone
owner knows everything
low to no mod

This guy is full of shit, larping as mentally ill while he sniffs breakfast roll farts all day.
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i need a mentally ill man to love me and spoil me :3

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Linux users thread

>About me
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Name: Anastasia, may or may not be subject to change
A/S/L: 19, boymoder on HRT, Poland
Interests: Linux (obviously), Arch to be specific; vidya, especially indie platformers/RPGs; movies
Likes: cats; sleeping; cuddling; good, seasoned food
Dislikes: social situations; mean people; creeps
Mostly looking for talking with like-minded people, though wouldn't oppose a relationship if we click (I'm bisexual, attracted to feminine people with some exceptions)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>You have autism.
>implying it's a bad thing
Serious btw. The "looking for" part was part real, part joke. I'd also be willing to accept a "normal" racist trad-wife that's not a slut. Maybe a girl that's in touch with her feminine side, hates big corporations, likes nature, etc.
Correction of my post, "anti-corpo" meant anti-(big)corporations, not any other meaning.
its fumo here
add trenfumo on dc

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Old one about to expire.

Join the best discord server EVER! we got always active chat and vc, we got games, we have the most sophisticated and intellectual posters around so what are you waiting for join NOW!

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My son needs more holes to worship him. His hypersized cock is far too big for me to be able to satisfy it alone. He's ruthless and deserves far more love. Be original and be fun. Be ready to spam him with porn and feed his ego. That's all you're here for anyway.
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owner knows everything
low mod

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bpd owner and schizo emo admin
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lewd discord server :3
join to see me naked??

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New thread. More Peaches. Keep the butts clean and smooth

Previous thread >>33248946
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My love video call until you cum 15$ snap: vanessapink00 telegram: rossluna2024

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>looking for
>not looking for
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
I am a Veteran, currently working in IT.
Video Games, Disc Golf, Reading
>looking for
People who want genuine Fatherly Advice, or just someone to confide in.
>not looking for
Nothing immediately off the table, just talk to me first.
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IT guy, mostly working but have some free time.
Politics, History, Philosophy, Music, Cars
>looking for
People to just chat, discuss some stuff, can be either long or short term.
>not looking for
Braindead retards, one-word responders
I live alone in suburbia and try to be nice to people.
Music, music-playing, birdwatching, scale model building, anime/manga, western animation, /fit/let, /lit/let, /g/let, /o/let, /sp/, /pw/, /biz/
>looking for
>not looking for
Lewds, people looking for a therapist here
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21 "M" UK
Autist who likes philosophy, STEM, and art
>looking for
Friends or a partner

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It's Saturday, /soc/suckers. Get in here and strut your stuff! Post a pic, a song, or something that will help you not be forever alone.

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This isn’t a female, it’s a catfishing incel male

PNW Thread: New and Improved Edition
Leave your bio, location, and interests
228 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
Met a trans woman 20 years ago and she opened my eyes to femininity. Was into trans porn, married a cis woman, then discovered sissy hypno 5 years ago and that sent me down a rabbit hole... Became hypersexual and obsessed with sissies. At first wanting to fuck one, but gradually cock became more appealing and started to become more subby. The more hypno I watched the more girly I wanted to become. Started imaginign wanting to be the girl. This led me to wearig wife's clothes and panties. Down the rabbit hole I go. 2 years ago started eating my won cum, and getting turned on by guys. Now I do this daily. Really want to go deeper and meet like minded people to help me. <33

Discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
that's fucking terrible, gah damn
That Anon is definitely a born and bred Worrrshingtonian. I thank God every day I was born in a normal part of the country. Is there something in the 150+ rain days annually and gray skies from October to fucking May that make men troon out and embrace faggotry? Must be.
Anon if (you) were any fruitier than you already are you'd be on sale in a wooden crate at some farmer's market
28/M/Seattle area
6'2", Bearish, dad bod?

I'm just here to fuck anyone that looks fem in the ass, don't care about gender or genitals.

Kik: dimestorefilth

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