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This is a thread for anybody who is Jewish/Jew-ish or wants to talk to Jews!

Please post discord tag, about you, whatever you want to get a conversation started!
>looking for
>not looking for
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Crypto Millionaire with npd and aspd..not Jewish I hate Jews. Argue with me

I hope all zionist meet their god as soon as possible and palestinians fuck jewish girls so much their pussy gets like a hanging rostbeef and give birth to 6 childs each, as the palestinian cock is so good even idf whores cant help but ride it when they capture one.
Can i join your pathetic discord so that i can see the last generation of zionists?
dont you have another war to be losing, habibi?

26 BWC Israeli Mizrahi Dom bull looking for cucks and wannabe cucks to wwyd and talk about their Jewish women in private

Kik me

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Thread for fems! Female, trans fem, femboy, as long as it’s girly, it’s welcome.

Will start, 25, femboy (enby maybe?), petite, and love things like film photography and indie music. Tired of nudes from men that can’t shave.
Kik: BookmarkThePaige
Telegram: LilBean98
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forgot to include a pic.
This was a good thread desu
>nobody likes me :(
>anyways here's how i have the worst personality you've seen on this board
god you sound exhausting and miserable.
44 sissy seattle needs traininng.

Wife doesn't know... eeek... corrupt me..

discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
> Join this SFW female safe space server


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No whining so the jannies don't remove it edition
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I miss sending you turtle pictures and pretty scenery pics. I miss the way you speak and think; especially your voice. I wish I could hear you one more time. I love you.
guy named “rekay”, was rlly cool :( i think he would go on /fit/
Courtesy bump for the folks whose posts weren't deleted yet.
> Join our female-only community. No males allowed

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if this is who I think, you chose to be cruel. you chose to let your emotions get the best of you and to lash out. you don't love me, you loved a specific type of attention I couldn't consistently give.
please let yourself heal, go sit outside, watch the rain, eat some strawberries. and know that you can't heal alone. its messy, but you need to stop cutting people off and pushing people away if you want to grow.

good luck, but not with me.

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Any other black anons here? Post in this thread!
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i was at a con recently so sure xddd
handsome jack wtf
Holy fuck I don't want to go to work today
> Join this server specifically made for black females. No men are allowed.


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Any other anons on fet?

Would be cool to follow/friend other anons
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Has anyone noticed that every remotely prominent female profile basically just says


Yet their profiles are also filled with them being abused, tortured and humiliated in the most fucked up ways and that they obviously enjoy the attention? What on Earth is that about?

Like does literally every woman on it have BPD? It amazes me that no one ever comments on this. It's probably because so many of the men there are faggot simps who'll do/say literally anything to have sex with them and never call them out on it lmao
A lot of people on FetLife don't have any intention of meeting anyone through FetLife, but use it to keep in touch with people they already know.
That can mean a few things.
>"Have your wife contact me."
>"If you met my standards, I'd have already contacted you."
>"Where I said men, I meant jeets, but the jannies won't let me say that."
I don't really buy this excuse, it's very easy to just set messages/media to "friends only". It's obvious that most of these women are suffering from severe cognitive dissonance
It's been a long time I bothered with FetLife, but I remember it having kind of shit access/audience controls.
So you can't be friends-only AND attention-whore at the same time, thus the attention whoring with the "I DON'T WANT ATTENTION" profile disclaimer.

Are you a lonely piece of shit like OP who needs genuine human contact and to connect with people and are told to constantly touch grass? Then this is the thread for losers like you!

You seek an online/irl friend? You can find it here (hopefully)

You want to date somebody? (Good luck…but hey u never know)

You want a gamer buddy to play online games with so u don’t play alone (or irl in person)? Put ur gamer tags

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
>What you look for in a friend, companion, buddy, romantic partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
>Gamer Tag(s)
>Any other socials if u have any
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you're too good to be true
29 M Sussex, England.
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like people and learning about them, I have interests but they're so niche I doubt anyone reading this also has them. Sometimes I get bored and try to read/watch anime but I don't really enjoy it
>What you look for in a friend, companion, buddy, romantic partner
Just someone to chat to and pass the time with, I like to draw/paint and have a switch/ gaming pc that barely gets used
>Not looking for
please don't message me if you're transexual
>Discord Tag
nice sweet young lady

i don’t have a lot of interests.. i enjoy binge watching shows whenever i’m bored, my favorite shows are lucky star, code geass, nana and scums wish i enjoy romance animes

>looking for
for friends preferably girls people who like vcing and talking i wanna feel less lonely i don’t have that many due to my shyness and awkwardness probably.. i don't go out that much and tend to stay inside a lot i have plenty of free time i don't go to school or have a job. i can be i am open and honest whenever i am asked questions but its hard for me to hold conversations sometimes

>not looking
for dickpics, overly sexual freaks, people who want nudes, people who have lots of friends and talk to a lot of people

6 foot hairy Whiteboy
>Abt me
I like cars, humor, a lot of techie shit, and I work with airplanes
I have emotional intelligence but smoke a lot of weed

Looking for a woman with a vagina to talk and spend time with!!!!! Be Yourself!!!
Willing to travel far if shit gets real

Not looking for penis or dude friends

> Join this dating community


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Welcome to /aan/ - Adopt a Neet

This is a thread for poorly housed and cared for NEETs as well as Providers with both room and desire. Also, just compatible roommates if that’s more your speed.
The ultimate goal for all participants is to move in together as flat(room)mates, friends, or something more. Your call.

If you are looking only for sex or "online only", you are in the wrong place. Shoo.

>/aan/ Discord:
Join the discord, it’s fun. Make sure you post in #intro to get full access!
NEETs: it's especially important you join our Discord so you can benefit from search tools, community support, 'safety nets', and critically, any dubious providers are banned.

About yourself:

>Status: (Please pick one)

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M, Europe too, not religious.
What are your minimum expectations, things you want and don't want?
Send me a mail with a discord and some more details about yourself
Anybody live near, or willing to drive into Lakeshore area Illinois? Looking for people to ride ebikes/dirt bikes with. It's quite therapeutic. I have spares you can borrow. Bonus points if you want to escape being a shut/in or neet or don't have a lot of friends

If it sounds cool to you, email me at nagatoclassbattleship@gmail.com or drop a disc tag
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

30m provider

Looking for young white men preferably 18-24. I run a successful business but hiring regular employees is a real PITA so I prefer this method. You come give me your labor, I pay for all of your expenses. Located in Pennsylvania. It's basically a more involved personal assistant gig. Prefer if you have a drivers license and a car but that isn't necessary.
> Join our pro NEET community. Let's all support each other


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A thread for soc anons to chat, share, and contact over similar music tastes

Music links as examples help in addition to just naming genres and bands

Drop contacts if interested
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This planet is decepticon property naow autobots
> Join the music sharing community


Welcome to the ERP thread!

Rainy Edition

Previous thread: >>32800935

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.

>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.

>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.

>I'm looking for something more advanced.

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bros, I was just sitting in a tik tok and saw a video ad for this site with ai model girls, I thought it was gonna be bullshit as usual, but even I'm fucked with it
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>ASL- 23/f

>Looking for- any type of roleplay. I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, horror, anything super creative or long term. I usually tend to stick with zombie apocalypse with a bit of erp obviously involved but i want to expand my horizon.

>Not looking for- Weirdos, anybody under 21, anybody who can’t actually rp/form a sentence.

>Kinks- cnc/rape, bondage, being rough, knives, blood, being dominated ect. I’m sure you get the idea.


Discord- Meatjpeg
Looking to do some kinky and/or taboo roleplay, bring a theme or I can give one and we can make a role for it, m here. Got a Fallout 4 based one that I would love to do, long term.

Looking for rp (aunt/nephew)(mom/son) would love to share and cum live. Kik:throweod7

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/legwear/ - Female Legwear Thread

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

from:>>33217637 (404)
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inb4 the new ID
There it is.

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Old ones full you know what to do
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Send your young slut on. Kik fr_ted86
Anyone tribbing sharing all irls for trib. Have plenty of Asians. Love raceplay, heels, nonenudes. Kik throwbane20
mf couple, trib her, whatever:)
her kik is naught2
Bump, still sharing

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/feet/ - Female Feet Thread

>Girls, post your feet

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

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>I'm a findom
Imagine being so coom-brained you offer advice to a self-admitted paywhore
Try one of these poses >>33246498

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Let us guess each other ethnicity :)
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Everything in you screams SLAV.
By the way, I've noticed these kinda ears are always Slavic too. They're not the biggest giveaway of course, but a nice touch still
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I'm Anglo-German, but I do see why you'd think Celtic. My eyes aren't close enough together though lol
i didnt even remove the necklace to make you think im latinx
you mean i look jewish and not slavic right? right???

Are you even serious? You're the epitome of a Slav lol, there is usually some ambiguity when guessing ethnicities, but you're like a 100% pure Slav.
no cant be true why do you all say that
i look med im swarthy and short and rat faced
i look more like a mexican than a potato headed pig snouted fat eastbaltic slav

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22, male, bi, Satanist, mixed Latino into hard kink but cannot tolerate doing sadism or masochism due to trauma. Will dominate in a loving way upon request. Please let me control you. 308 lbs and slimming down. Likes being stinky. Self-described as a disgusting but moral degenerate. Calling me a she is okay because it’s cute, not in public. Let’s defile eachother. Masculine.

Searching for a regional long distance thing. I’m in the tristate, NJ, in the NYC metro. THIS WILL BECOME A TANGIBLE RELATIONSHIP OUTSIDE OF THE INTERNET IN DUE TIME. Plans are to move in together and hopefully marry. I feel like an ass asking that on 4chan but what’s an autistic guy to do?

Stopped work due to relocation in the coming months + legal issues but nothing criminal. Should be out before new years. Medical field.

Please be willing do a parent/son/daughter role play and we will alternate. Be so dominated that you will expand your boundaries and become different person if you aren’t one already. Change for me, I will tweak you to my specifications and make you mine.

Hope you like topping but that’s okay if you don’t.
You must be into yiff and do things that outsiders would scoff at. Bad Dragon and the like.

>black metal and alt
>lifelong gamer
>police procedurals

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And my discord is blackwolf3818.

Plumpers and chubbies permitted
Anon did you have to post this picture and make me look at it on the catalog.
There doesn’t seem to be a furry thread so I’m taking the open space.
OP here.





Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, and DC... and their associated burbs.

12 states, 103 counties, and an overpriced high speed rail line. Surely you can find a friend here anon-kun ;)

Use any template. Or the one below if you need a nudge.

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
437 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

Looking for a white man preferably aged 18 to 24 who wants a new life. I will pay for all of your expenses and give you a very nice life in exchange for your labor. Basically a personal assistant gig. Would prefer if you have your license and a car, but not necessary.
23 M Philly

Software Engineer who likes weightlifting, movies and video games (RPGs, JRPGS especially)

Looking for a woman who I can have some shared interests with, but also friends in general

Discord: quixoticai
Forgot Physical description:
White, 6’0”, Muscular Build, Shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes
6 foot hairy Whiteboy
>Abt me
I like cars, humor, a lot of techie shit, and I work with airplanes
I have emotional intelligence but smoke a lot of weed

Looking for a woman with a vagina to talk and spend time with!!!!! Be Yourself!!!
Willing to travel far if shit gets real

Not looking for penis or dude friends!!!!!!!!

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40/m/south jersey
>5'7, extreme dad bod, otherwise reasonably attractive
Nerd shit. Gaming, table top gaming, web development, kayaking, hiking, kung fu (did judo back in my 20's, just started BJJ a few months ago)
>Looking for
People to talk to, normalizing myself to the east coast (moved from California two years ago). I've got kids and a GF, but the relationship kind of sucks so make your own inferences there.
>Not looking for
Gay stuff I guess?
discord: potatosgonnapotate

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