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Going out to approach girls was the norm just a few years back. In fact you were a pussy if you didn't do it occasionally. Today nobody is fucking approaching. Women book a table and sit there alone all night till they get bored and leave. I'm seeing this all the time. Women going out, getting a table, waiting for guys to approach. Nobody is approaching until they leave the place disappointed. What is going on? Are men done?
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Cry moar
No, we just recognise that women don't deserve to be treated like princesses by default
I don't approach women in public spaces because I think it would be creepy
modern women (zoomers) are mentally ill fucked up whores who will break up with u, ghost or ignore you over the smallest shit. In fact if you even manage to get in a relationship with her without being ghosted you can consider it as a success. it's not about being fatherless or feminine, it's about the cake's not being worth the candle
Show tits

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Design YOUR ideal partner! The template is in the replies.

>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

Make sure to be UNIQUE! the best images will have:
>lots of color
>clear, legible text

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428 replies and 154 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ideal BF:
Looks like Nikita Lytkin.

(seriously,would take off boxers w my teeth kek)
I just want a girl who will pretend to shrink me / be a giant for me. I don't care if you think you're ugly or fat desu it adds to it for me. I wanna worship my big gf and if you're down for that ill love you forever.

Disc: sneed2100
>approaching peak modern woman
I meet all those except
>fashion taste
>listens to neofolk and industrial (i don't care much about music and listen to stuff depending on my mood)
>snufkin's literally me (never heard of him before)
>18-25 (i'm 28)

Otherwise you sound perfect

Add me on discord if you are interested: atazs

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A thread for gay men looking for something more than just sex:

28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

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you seem like a nice guy. I hope you find someone special, I truly do. but you won't find them here.
soc is nothing but a glorified hookup/erp app at this point. even if you're not necessarily looking for serious relationships, you won't even be given the time of day if you're not just as vapid, flaky and selfish. and this gets so much worse with gay guys.
that said, best of luck. but don't expect a "true love" thread to gain any traction on a board infamous for its numerous tranny e-whores.
I'm unironically starting to think this is some sort of dta collecting operating that weirdly only targets gay people. There's no fucking way someone could be so mentally ill as to post this everywhere and not even spend half an hour talking to the people he adds. That's beyond female behavior that's "bpd, high on meds, abused by stepfather and seeking validation from number of contacts" female behavior.

Kindly stop posting your garbage everywhere until you stop being garbage yourself.
word? is it not worth looking for love here? I like the anonymous aspect a lot, and i assumed there were non gooners, but I'm starting to feel that you are right and I should try to find a man somewhere else
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>About myself
30 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield, DFBHD
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien

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This thread is dedicated to all the beautiful very skinny and lanky men out there. Bonus points if you're a skeleboy and you post yourself.
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only your legs are skeleton otherwise you are a very attractive young man
bodies like these made me have a twinkwakening last year
beautiful, likes thiccums AND baneposts? do you just want to get married now or something?
>even for twinks all the best boys are still straight
I fucking hate my life.

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Old one is past 540 replies.

Doing long captions in exchange for caps and vid/cumtribs in return.

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Well-spoken 28M here, with a huge variety of fetishes.

**I am open to hearing anything you are into and participating in it with you, no matter how taboo or unusual you may think it is. I also love to roleplay.**

Some favorites of mine that have come up recently:
- Video game/anime girls
- Cuckold/girl sharing/gf swap
- Noncon/CNC/BDSM
- Feminization/body swap/transformation
- Ethnic and exotic girls/raceplay/religionplay
- Tribal/primal/animalistic
- Beasts/animals/monsters fucking humans
- Boys being turned from straight to gay
- Impregnation/breeding/pregnancy

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I’ll be using my toys rn who wants to see my BWC or laugh at me

Playing hangman for my girls nudes, each right letter I'll strip more and more,
Kik anon785755
I’m looking for a young girl to be longterm friends with. I’m tall older and chubby. I want to be able to show you tons of my dick. I’m not expecting to see you nude.
I’m just looking for a young girl to be long term friends with maybe more. I want a girl I can show dick pics too. I’m not expecting nudes from you. Be real and honest and have time to talk

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I added you though I doubt you are my Joao. I'm not Portuguese and my name starts with S, we reconnected about a year ago
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Not sure if I should bother posting my ad in this dead-ass thread
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go ahead, you never know.
28M from Lisbon

Looking for anyone to start a goon friendship, get to know each other and eventually meet up if we click and you're not a weirdo.
All genders and sizes are fine for me, as long as you are fun, talkative and horny 24/7.
DM me if you goon to Rule34 (2D and 3D) or you enjoy PMVs.

discord: helltop2
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Hate that I have to be grouped up with the bottom-of-the-barrel PT gooners that tend to post here

A shot in the dark, but here goes

25M North
Philosophical guy with autistic interests
Kinda look like satou from NHK but actually have ambitions
Would like to know the PT girls that lurk here
A relationship could be fun, if you can handle me
dc: farwhisper

Neuer Deutschfaden weil es schon lange keinen mehr gegeben hat
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Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn <3
No thanks.
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Posting to MOG you personally

6'2, 8 inches, unemployed.
Pull up if you like mentally ill guys who need to be saved by you specifically.
Discord: gayserum
no homo btw

>About myself
Berlin (ukrainian w Niederlassungserlaubnis)


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I guess dann schau ichs mir mal an.

Wegen joyclub - ich hatte halt ne alte gesehen die nen lernwilligen Rigger gesucht hat.
Als ich ihr schreiben wollt kam halt auch direkt die Bezahlkeule. Ergo direkt Konto gelöscht.

Da kann ich lieber auf den nächsten Rave gehen und ne Stunde lang Mädels annöhlen und hab wenigstens für die Kohle was rausbekommen.

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Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.

Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite
sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.

Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...)

>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!

Accredited Audio Discord: https://discord.gg/6gSmtTVC
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Could anybody tell me it's not my fault and that I'm going to be okay? Please.

don't be too harsh on yourself, you've got this
I would gladly welcome any yapping in my ear. Especially the soft sweetness of your words. Thank you. I needed this today. <3
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I know someone else filled the request but I don't think you'd mind more comforting.
This felt... more creepy than comforting. Bit of a yikes, mate.

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wtf is this angle nigga
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40 yard stare :D

cute but psycho

genshin player
Are you half Filipino or south asian by chance?
Middle school scribble
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Into fat guys
A Hopless Romantic
Very sexually obedient (like a doll or a robot than I can abuse)

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you have way too many expectations for someone who is obviously unattractive
>my expectations
woman (optional)
this is that retard who has been spamming the board looking for someone he can abuse and mooch off of, aka someone who doesn't exist

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get in here!
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I’m an older chubby guy looking for a young legal girl to be longterm friends with that likes to talk about anything. I’m hoping for a nice and real girl who is ok seeing lots of dick pics and vids of me at times. I’m not expecting nudes in return.
Need some tits in my life! Show them off and I'll try and guess your age and size

I’m an older tall chubby guy looking for a young girl who would like to be longterm friends. I would love to be able to show you lots of dick pics etc. I’m not expecting to see you nude. Please me nice and real and honest.
I’m a tall older chubby guy looking for love and friendship. Maybe more with a young girl. I’m looking to show my dick and I not expecting to see you nude.
Lonely and horny older tall chubby guy looking for a young girl to be longterm friends with. A relationship? I want to be able to show my dick to you. I’m not expecting nudes.

Please honestly tell me how ugly I am I’m tired of people lying to my face and calling me “cute” I want to be told the truth
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>some random troon's thread has become a sort of town square for the people of /soc/ and hosted at least two people's mental breakdowns
I have more than enough experience with trying to get teenage girls to stop thinking they have depression or bpd or whatever else they think it wrong with them. Its almost always self confidence issues. The good thing is every one I've had come to me has grown out of it after a few months of actually taking care of themselves.
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Hey guys this is sad you are all sad im ordering food tonight what food should i order
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stick my iron in your mouth and let it hit the back

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/sma/ - Skinny, Medium & Average Girls Post ITT

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

previous thread >>33550846
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fuck, look how nice that clit hood looks

also come to new thread, this one has hit the limit
Fuck, younare so hot!
Any chance you are from Brazil?
new hot girl came and left
roast beef so cute love how the big labia flops to one side because it's so heavy >_<

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post ONLY your contacts (SPECIFY WHAT PLATFORMS/apps). Not a single word after or before that

to avoid visual clutter, anyone seeing that their post will be the 8th image post may upload an image. the image MUST be RANDOM and you may only not post it if it's:
>literal porn
>Something private
you can then randomly choose another image.


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i'm a tranny bored at work, ask for a picture and I'll provide within reason
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Pederast moment
Armpits and tits
nice foreskin
I've seen you post before and you're really sexy
what's your discord?
i hope someone sends this to your boss and you get fired for being a sex pest at the work place

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