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>Part of PA
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>starts meetup thread
>doesn't even post in their own thread
Maybe when it hits page 10 with zero interest, OP will come back to post "bump".

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Welcome to the General Introvert Contact Thread!

>Previous thread >>33230199

This thread is designed for private exchanges not romantic pursuits, so please refrain from using it as a dating platform. Use it to talk to people online, make friends and find like-minded individuals. Discuss with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults chances are you will be blown off as an insufferable person. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.

Please share some details about you so others might see if you have something in common. Use the template below or write it in your own preferred way.

>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>Favorite Video Game
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?

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I don't post my info anymore because everyone here tries to make some sexual advance within the first day of contact, even when I explicitly say I am not looking for that.
Losers remain losers for a reason.
> 31, Male (Queer), PNW Oregon
> Fav book Hitchhikers Guide
> Movies r for fags.
> Fav music DEATH METAL!!1!!!!!
> Favorite Video Game chess, or apex
> What are you looking for?
what any one else is looking for: family, friendship, acceptance, a sense of belonging.
> Who do you want to add you?
Anyone (Not a jackass)
> Who don't you want to add you?
A jackass.
>>Contact info
Haha right.
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
22 M NYC


No idea

No idea


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Previous thread >>32898935 hit bump limit, time for a new one!

Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.

Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.

Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...).

>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!

Accredited Audio Discord: https://discord.gg/MADgVBuw

(I am not an admin of this discord, just a member sharing the love)
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The plap plap plap always does a little something for me. It cannot be helped. Your sfx were also pretty flipping fantastic. I enjoyed them very much. :3 Thank YOU for working up this whole consent based demon business and making my nethers twitch. (I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoyed it though.)
This made me snort laugh. Thank you.

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Calling all uncock cock owners.

Post pics of your skin pulled right back as far as you can, Bonus points for red/pink shiny heads.

Size doosent matter, soft or hard aslong as that skin is pulled right back.
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Same cock not entirely pulled back but dripping precum
Amazing cock anon, love the red head.
Can we see some more pull back shots from different angles?
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Kik onlyuncutstuff
Will answer everybody, curious people welcome

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We like pictures of girls showing off their feminine curves/big booties/big tits and soft tummies!

Read the board/site rules >>17318579

>Asking for/posting contacts (AKA contactfagging) is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>Females posting pictures of themselves only.
>Provide a TIMESTAMP if you're new (today's date written on paper)
>No nevernudes (tits/ass/pussy REQUIRED).
>No trolling, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No generic 'mOaR pLS' replies to the girls. Make specific requests and try being creative.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload vids:
Longer videos - https://www.erome.com (new account takes 24 hours to activate)

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I would love to cuddle them, they're so beautiful. Post more, I bet your ass is as stunning
Stick a sharpie or something in your pussy
Guys, do you remember there was the girl nicknamed Juicy? Miss her. The best one

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Use the existing rate threads
im going to sex u up rn
bro he looks exactly like him what the fuck lmao

Thread for people that are searching for their soul mates.

> Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
>What are you looking for in a partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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I just want a gf who's a good person with huge boobs.

disc: madegood1234
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>describe yourself and your life. Your interests
I work at a plastic factory Monday through Friday. If I'm not working, I'm either playing games or working on music (usually rock/metal influenced). I love listening and writing music, collecting vinyl, instruments and games, playing games (I have a pc and all the new gen consoles), and going to concerts, aquariums, malls and museums.
>what are you looking for in a partner
Someone that likes to do similar things and introduce me to new things too, and likewise for me too. And someone hopefully in the same state.
>what are you not looking for
One night stands, and bad hygiene
>discord tag
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28/M/Wilmington, Delaware

>About me
I'm your average chubby white guy. I moved for work a few months ago, so I'm new in town and don't really know anyone. I used to live in the south, so I'm having a pretty tough time adjusting to life up here. I like vidya, movies, tabletop gaming, and youtube vids. I also like to play casual sports, though I haven't found any good groups for that since moving. I really like trying new things, whether it's food or hobbies or anything else, so if there's always something you wanted a partner for then I'm totally down to try it. I have a passing interest in many things, from history to sailing to Broadway musicals. I have always wanted to travel across the world, especially to see cool ancient structures like the pyramids and Petra.
>Looking for
A sweet, supportive girl who is okay with ethical non-monogamy (MFF+ because I'm straight). My ultimate dream is to wake up to two cuties on either side of me and just cuddle the whole morning away. I would prefer a whole poly relationship rather than just having casual fuckbuddies. Beyond that, I have no absolute requirements as I just love meeting new people even though I can be a bit shy myself.
>Not looking for
- Trans girls. No hate, I'm just not equipped to handle that kind of relationship.
- Open Relationship. I may like my threesomes but that doesn't mean I'm just looking for a fuck pass. I won't be chasing any tail without my partners' enthusiastic permission.
- Other Dudes. I know I'm a hypocrite for this, but being straight plus wanting a full poly relationship means I don't want other dudes involved.
- Kids or Pets. Chill pets like snakes are alright though.

If you've read this and you're on the fence, don't be afraid to send a message. I won't think any less of you if it turns out we aren't compatible. I would still like to have had the opportunity to meet you.

Discord: brocephalous
28 m uk
>about me
White, 5"8 bottom gay guy. Work in marketing. Social, outgoing, not bad looking.
Music, history, politics, festivals, travelling
>looking for
Looking for a dominant guy for a relationship ideally. I want a guy who likes control and power and wants a relationship with a high level of kink and dom/sub dynamics.

Especially interested in guys who are white, and nerdy and right wing guys.
>not looking for
Bottoms, guys who just want something casual
telegram: twb96
Discord: zarabp

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Currently in uni, I like to read and I have lots of plants
>open to long distance?
>looking for
a girl willing to mutually obsess with me

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Just post a pic of you and then your tag. Don't overcomplicate things.

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Dis: robm31015
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Would it be a good idea to have an autism thread? We're looking for different things than most people.
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Me, its all here.
Join my server tailored towards autists

>Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)

What does that mean?
Just someone being so edgy its a wonder they havent an hero'd themselves yet
Is your comment ironic on purpose?

This is a thread where Young Men and Older Women can either sext or have a hookup. Post your kik and location to meet and talk
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28 male looking for older women.

Down to earth and love a good conversation. Looking for an older woman to chat and see if we are compatible for something more.

patheticsl0t - Kik
21M from north Texas. 6’4” with a thick BWC. Would love to chat and flirt with older women. I’d love to make you feel special. Down to sext and swap pics as well. Hmu on telegram I take all comers.
Do you have discord?
Mine is redk69 if you can add me
22m looking to sext with girl older than me, the older the better

kik: jonsnow1443
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Ain't no women coming into these threads bruh

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Some retard sat down and actually made this picture.
Autism is truly fascinating in a sad way.
Wojaks and their posters have been retarded ever since they leaked out of this site.
is it bad that this is my type? literally ideal gf here
Hit too close to home huh?

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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here

Read the site and board rules. Mods do ban. >>17318579

>Women posting pictures of themselves ONLY. No gf/wife pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>Asking for/posting contacts is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No coombrain replies like 'mOaR pLS'. Keep the girls engaged by making specific requests.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload videos here:

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have you got any toys you could show off?
she's timestamped before btw
This is one of the greatest pussies i have ever seen! Add me on snap Random1690
We appreciate it.
In what way am I being weird? That these threads are all about the interaction?

>hair growth drugs
not even once
normally once a day, more when the girlfriend's on the rag, to the point of needing bandages on my dick with certain drugs
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Hey you tee the one with the nice fat juicy ass right? What was your Kik again?
As someone with a hair fetish this thread was a major disappointment.
I automatically swipe left on tinder when I see this hairstyle
I know my hair isn’t working right now, give advice pls
You’re cute with it like that though
Not sure what to say here, it’s not bad but it’s no hair but I guess it works if you can grow a small Afro thatd look good probably
I think it works for you man but also maybe just try a regular short cut you particularly like
It’s not bad I usually assume girls like this kinda cut
Not bad, I dig it man
Girls surely compliment your hair when they hit on you not bad either my man >>33246946
Gorgeous, it’s very nice on you like that
>You look like you live in a very ghetto ass apartment.
nailed it! poor but happy, not much else to say.

hi serious question - would anybody young (not underage but like anything 19+), femboy or female, be interested in an older man (33 years old) simping from them/being their bitch?
i'm looking for this type of dynamic online because i find it really hot but i doubt anybody would want something like that..
Are you offering gifts?
yes if i feel like the connection is real

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Let's have a 'soft to hard' -thread.
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Growing good
Too bad it's blurry.
i assumed you'd be asian desu
u have fascinating genitals, and i'd like to see u fuck
Dicko Funko Pop

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