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Gentlemen only thread (no neets) for women looking for gentlemen.

>what makes you a gentleman
>looking for
> be creative. you are a gentleman.
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>there are going to be no "gentlemen" on 4chan regardless
Except for me, I’m a good boy. Very handsome too :3
oh I GET IT!

it's because it's his birthday!
Ridiculously based
protip: if you're hating on op in this thread, you're hating yourself. be a gentleman :)
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Mid-Atlantic US.
>>what makes you a gentleman
I am a genuine and authorized pope.
>>looking for
Someone inspiring.

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Post what you're looking for.
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Dfw anon also checking in ^w^ 21 twink here, looking to give head, reply with disc if you have a huge cock and need relief!
Im a fire fighter thats big (not ripped not fat) and autistic, i am looking for anyone cute to cuddle with and play games with. So women, twinks, femboys. All i ask is be nice to me.

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what's the discord server for lonestar
22 loser bio girl in 210, need someone who will treat me like shit. no skinny fagggs pls, body hair is a must.
discord emobtch
if you know me already dont interact pls
361 looking to trade
kik anon6942020
disc anon694202

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>about yourself
>race you're interested in
>looking for
>not looking for
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19 male usa (west coast)
>about yourself
i’m a 5’11 165lbs white guy with green or blue eyes depending on who you ask and medium length blonde hair and glasses. i’m mostly an introvert and only really like spending time with people i like. i’m not in school but i do work. i play a lot of video games, play guitar, write, read, etc. i honestly only go outside for food or work and thats abt it.
>race you're interested in
primarily east asian girls. open to middle eastern or maybe african.
>looking for
someone who shares interests with me and that i can overall get along with. i’d prefer if your closer to my age but if we click i don’t really mind if there is a gap (to some extent atleast). as long as you’re into anime, music, video games, and any form of fictional nerd shit we will get along pretty will. especially if you have a bit of a competitive streak and have strong opinions about random niche things.
>not looking for
people who randomly ghost for hours at a time. we are both on soc neither of us is doing fuck all else. obv if you’re working or something that’s fine but ykwim.
disc: pariah_solomn
bump this shit up
don't think you did? lmao

29m from the DRC living in Europe.

I fuck racist girls raw and then dip, sharing stories and pics/vids with you guys, doing it for the community.

If you're interested hit me up on kik: josephkilongo

Started a Kik group for chubby/fat girl lovers. Join us if you like your women with a few extra pounds and for the women. Join if you love being controlled and dominated. Or if you just like sharing in general
You can also use #cubbsub to join.

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>Your age and location
>How often do you get added by women?
>Age and location of the women that add you
>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
>What threads do you post in?
>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?

I'm not asking for advice on how to talk to people. I'm good with that part, I just never get added

Also no incel bitching and moaning. Blah blah no one cares retard
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I get tons of matches on dating apps...
... some of them have penises...
... and the others have dishonest intentions.
i've had 4 women add me from here over the last 8 years that i've edated

only one was worthwhile, god she was so hot funny and cute (and not mentally ill, just slightly autistic)

i miss her every day
>Unless, you're asking cause you're interested...~? Oh anon you flatter me :3
Yeah I wanted to get your tag to be added, but I guess you're not interested >:3
What happened? Did you send a pic of yourself?
story pls!

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>go on /soc/
>90% of the threads have a dick as the thumbnail
>check replies
>95% of the replies are gay men or femboys

I'm wondering why this is. any oldfags (or anyone really) can explain or know why?
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>Dating apps

I've never had much success on those. But a lot of that is because, and I'm sorry I have to be honest, finding a woman who truly stands out there is almost impossible. Literal cookie cutter carbon copies with nothing special, and most don't respond.

I get what you're saying about being a femonon on this site, and the amount of dick pictures in these threads speak for themselves. But honestly, any time you meet a guy on a date, whether it's from here or anywhere, he always will have one end goal in mind. That doesn't mean he's a creep unless he does other things that make him creepy. But at least guys here can be honest about their intentions, I just wish they'd use more tactful approaches so it wouldn't give the rest of us a bad rap.

Oh well.
I wouldn’t say everyone is only interested in one thing. A lot of people here outside of the blatant nsfw threads are pretty genuine and interested in a bunch of topics when it comes to being friends. When it comes to the opposite sex those interactions usually go well too for me, very innocent on both sides.
You're not wrong. But still, virtually any time a single, heterosexual guy messages a woman that instinct is in the back of their mind to see where things go. That doesn't mean that if nothing sexual develops or happens that he necessarily loses all interest if there's common ground. But the ratio of women vs men I add on this site is like over 100 to 1 for that reason. And most of the time nothing develops when I add a femanon and if they're boring or unresponsive I delete them. But I still talk to several femanons I've formed platonic friendships with even if there's been no romance that came out of it.

But I'll also admit, if they were guys I would have most likely never added them to begin with.
What are you even talking about? What does sexuality have to do with it, you don’t even know what they look like lol
>how do we find channers like you?
Hell if I know, it's not like we group around in a secret non-coomer discord server or website something like that. It's all about luck.
>Are you browsing /soc's discord threads and adding us when we post our user?
Yeah, I used to quite frequently a while ago, and most of those adds ended up in either ghosting, no messages at all from either of us due to no chemistry, or getting blocked out of the blue mid-conversation like after a month of knowing the person. I'm at a point in time where I'm more tired and busy than usual and not really looking for more friends, but still browse in case I see anyone that catches my attention.
Nta but anon, I very well know that if I post in a horny thread I will get dick pics because that's literally the reason I even posted there in the first place. What I and the other anon was probably also talking about was for all those other times we added someone or got added by someone else in a not horny thread, where it's expected to have casual conversation and actually meet people and got sent a dick for no reason.
I find that discord communities are always filled with normies, autists who have melties and sjw underages. Not to mention that I personally find it tough to make friends in a group setting with other randos I don't know. I don't think the polfag issue is all that bad in /soc/ desu, most of them make themselves known in their posts one way or another. And that leaves dating apps, which are... basically their only purpose is hookups which I'm not interested in.

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Welcome to /aan/ - Adopt a Neet

This is a thread for poorly housed and cared for NEETs as well as Providers with both room and desire. Also, just compatible roommates if that’s more your speed.
The ultimate goal for all participants is to move in together as flat(room)mates, friends, or something more. Your call.

If you are looking only for sex or "online only", you are in the wrong place. Shoo.

>/aan/ Discord:
Join the discord, it’s fun. Make sure you post in #intro to get full access!
NEETs: it's especially important you join our Discord so you can benefit from search tools, community support, 'safety nets', and critically, any dubious providers are banned.

About yourself:

>Status: (Please pick one)

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What's her OF link?
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Welcome to Hikikomori Homes! A server made to have a best effort 18+ only community for adults to meet and hopefully find a beneficial situation with someone else.

We believe in the concept of:

Providers who can assist those in need.
Roommates who are looking for someone to help share the burdens of life.
NEETs who are looking for help or moving in to a new position in life.

All of these can be found here and we hope you will find something that will suit you. We look forward to seeing you there and wish you all the best in finding what you are searching for.

Reminder that they require your ID and picture in order to enter the server which even discord themselves says not to give out.
Yeah I don't even give that out for real dating sites, much less a collection of randos on Discord. How many people have fallen to identity theft scams there...
I asked if she was serious about getting adopted, she said no. I asked her to prove if she was a biological woman, she deleted me. Judging by
This post, I'd steer clear. It's someone trying to profit off simps.

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are you tired of spending hours of your day browsing redpill forums? do you want to just relax and maaybe chat with cute twinks? join boy heaven!
we're a server full of twinks and femboys who are looking to chat with more of their kind, game and have fun!
we're one of the fastest growing 4chan femboy servers by far, and we cant wait to have you be a part of us!
twinks and femboys only, women and trannies get banned on sight. no minors

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It's filled with niggers and mods are mentally insane
Do not join, waste of time
Hi!! Here's a normal server (literal) join it instead! Or join both, haha no need to be stingy

Link doesnt work, i wanna give it a try :3
Disc: s_chat
disc: azuisdreaming
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OP here, link was deleted on accident. heres a new one! https://discord.com/invite/ddCzCqKJA7

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I want to communicate with perverts, with people who think about sex every minute. we can discuss many different topics. But the one to which I invite you is the topic of discussing ex-wives and girlfriends.

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these are the pictures on my dating profile, why don't I get matches?
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>those fucking cuts and bruises
what were you thinking, anon? Did you think they made you resemble Jeremy Meeks' mugshot or something?
Jesus fucking christ can you post one pic where you actually smile? Like seriously.
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Sorry for late reply OP. Everyone summed it up pretty good. You look like a fake person almost. There is this odd uncanny valley vibe going on in most the pictures. It's like you are a mannequin being forced into unnatural poses.

Additionally, get some real friends. That will help with meeting girls as well. Find some people who are honest with you and want to see you succeed. Most women are going to feel that aura of loneliness eminate from your photos.

Look more active and engaging damnit...
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Get a photo of yourself with a pet.
Here's one of my kitten and I
>putting up a picture of yourself bleeding and scraped like you just fell off a bike

actually chad maneuver

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You know the drill

19 Little slut will obey all tasks no face
Kik/telegram kindasushehe
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Kik: tayx904
24 m bottom
I love a hairy dominant man. If you have a hairy body and don’t shave your cock, balls, and ass I would love to see

Straight curious. Every big cock in my inbox brings me closer to finally saying fuck it and sucking one
Stuck at work for the next few hours, looking to show off my soft penis while sitting at my desk. Rate it, praise it, ask questions, make fun of it, whatever :)

Kik is burner_1155
32 bi looking for super thin guys (visible ribs and hips) or lean guys with sixpack abs who like showing off

telegram atomic_muffin (kik is too buggy for my tastes)

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Hey Anons who have been to college what are your hookup stores?
Heres mine

>Be Me
>20 year old white guy with autism
>Go to Halloween party
>See this girl I know
>Cute fit and has some great boobs
>Had a thing for this girl for a while always thought she was pretty cute
>Go up to talk to her
>Compliment her costume and tell her she looks cute in it
>We start dancing together while music is blasting
>A little later when the party is dying down we leave and somehow my autistic ass gets this girl to my room
>We get in my room and start making out
>We start taking off our costumes

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you really should have told someone if that is true
there was a trashy science major in college that I wanted to hook up with
we both started drinking and making out and I realized she was waaaay more drunk than I was because she smelled like a bottle of rubbing alcohol up close
my dick got hard and at first I was like "uhhh what should I do" but in the middle of making out she BIT HARD on my lip
not like a nibble, not like a playful bite, a full on fucking CHOMP
I tried pulling away but she hung on like a fucking lamprey
eventually I got away, my lip was fucked up, and I looked at her like she was a psycho and she smiled and licked my blood off her lips
she saw how angry I was and I think she wanted me to hit her
instead I called her a crazy bitch and then she got very angry about me calling her "the b-word"
a brief argument ensued and I egressed
the next day she tried spreading a rumor that I was gay (this was ~2009 when being gay was still very much not okay) and instead everyone thought she was gross for making out with me lmao
you should have showed everyone your lip
didn't have to
everyone thought she was a loser for making out with me
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>be me
>4th year out of 5 in uni
>basically nothing happened as of time being here
>tfw will probably (if not definitely) end up alone after graduation

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Let's see your cock completely flaccid and fully hard

> collage or separate pics
> potato quality is better suited for UFOs
> same angle for soft and hard? even better
> have pics taken from more than one angle? post them all
> have a timelapse gif or a vid of your cock getting hard? awesome, share it with us

previous: >>33133294
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this is for that one anon
dude, fucking nice, holy shit.
and hard? That's the point of the thread
Btw mirin that body, amazing skin

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I will be moving to Seattle in two weeks.

Anyone wanna meet up?
I'm interested in developing my programming skills, anime, aesthetic pics, hiking and camping, and possibly other things too!

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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
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Would play fighting games with, but no age is sus
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Discord: wait4what1
forgot to add it, but I'm 22!
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discord: cranapplestains
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29/M/Southeast USA

>looking for
Women (females) that will actually want to talk to me and not ghost me after 12 femtoseconds. I'm not really sure what to say anymore.

>not looking for
Trannies, radical /pol/acks, schizos

Discord: platocavegoblin

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