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hello anons. i am depressed bisexual mess. first time doing this. my camera is very bad cus i am with chinese stuff lite edition and also i think i scratched my face too hard with my nails cus i keep forgetting to clip them playing video games and i had to remove a bit of blood. i am obviously chubby btw and i am too lazy to shave so i am sorry if i look like a monkey.
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nah i am bulgaria. i dont like the k word. i dont like swearing in general.
that's a south slav country, silly. wdym k word?
you know the word polish people say with a k
i'm drawing a blank, i don't know much polish and the only k word i can think of is kabanos but i'm pretty sure it's not that
OH, i'm dumb, i get it now lmao

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Am I doing this right?

I'll go first:

Looking for tributes of (and maybe abusive language about) my ex. Soft features, a little hairy, mid-20s

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W6TZXJ32Y stroking my black dick to hentai and irls. Might Trib if you send something good
Relapse time, building a collection for tonight's goon sesh, gooner and perverts help feed a brother

No lims barring scat
Looking for femanons/femcels/goonettes with taboo pasts that would happily talk about it with a perverted guy

Also looking for subs that wanna look at my cock :)

Help gooners and perverts, jerking later so getting ready now. Trades, taboo, no limit.

Anyone got a group?
teleguard: BZ26AUHKQ
high 100lbs horny goonette mtf into filthy hentai / porn
I can send voice notes too if you're into that, just not into hearing others back though
pls hmu~
I can totally beg u to grape me <3

Spiritual successor to old yandere threads, but with a twist!
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nah, I know you too. you're just like the rest. you get a million adds just for claiming to be a cute boy on the internet and then don't respond or say a word. why do you do it? do you get a kick out of wasting other peoples time?
I've only gotten 1 add so far and I'll be on all night, love to talk, can talk forever.
I don't think there are hot people with that type of personality irl. Seems interesting for fiction.
Painful accurate representation of every discord interaction I've had with people "looking for a long term connection"
Why does the idea of finding love in another boy attract so many unhinged schizoids?
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the only thing you repulsive reprobate faggot trash want is a teenage boy with your user in their dms. that is what this thread is for. not for someone who would dote on you, think about you, genuinely care and be fiercely loyal. no. the people who browse this thread are looking for "shy", cute boys (under nineteen). this thread deserves to die and so do all of you disgusting, nasty fucks.

on another note my discord is wormsblood. i am a tall, ugly guy from the uk. i am twenty-three years old and really want to have a boyfriend one day or anyone who wants to talk to me. never had anyone be interested in me before because i don't really look that nice or have any stereotypically attractive features. describing myself personality-wise is impossible for me as i cringe at even the idea of it. thanks for reading.

on another note; i am not terribly, horribly ugly. some people i believe have thought i look nice. or wanted to do things with me before. i also do workout because i don't want to be alone forever and i do want to look good for my future boyfriend if i ever get one. i keep adding things imago.

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I'm looking for the perfect cis/trans woman.

The pic on top describes all the sort of women and features I prefer.

I'm looking for a woman who is obedient and would do nearly everything for me. Someone who is very masochistic but also isn't afraid to bully me from time to time.

You have to either have no preferences or strong preferences for fat hairy short guys who are bald like me.

As a NEET I'd hope to find a woman who provides for me financially although it's not a dealbreaker.

I'm want a true connection a best friend but as a partner. Someone who enjoys art and music as much as me and also loves being critical of the media they consume. I'm a leftist so I vastly prefer other leftist women with the same perspective as me.

I have extreme kinks. I will want to treat you like a slave in bed who doesn't say no. I will do quite disgusting and painful things to you if you let me. We can get into the details if u add me on discord.

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you make so many demands op, but have you actually thought about what value are you bringing into a potential relationship? because as far as i can tell, pretty much next to nothing.
how were ppl contacting this guy? I make geniune posts and get crickets and this fat slob pedo has women asking him to breed them
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Probably some troll
The randon joan slide in is fuckinf hilarious SHIT

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I want to go on grindr and meet a guy for once but I keep pulling back by fear, convince me to get fucked, OC above
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you are already a homosexual man, kill yourself immediately for posting this dogshit roleplay. also, use the existing lgtv threads faggot, no one wants to see your fag monkeypox riddled ass
Wearing my gf lingerie and sucking her toys. Message me

I wish Trump would kick the gays out of soc
im really glad this is fake because women don't deserve to suffer due to faggots engaging in classic faggot behavior. either troon out and enter a virtuous straight relationship with a man or fucking kill yourself freak

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This thread is where sexy hot patriarch masculine Men comes here to cheat on their wives and girlfriends with deliciously sex girlyboys with wide hips and phat thicc asses that'll make a straight guy wanna clap and nut inside that tight bussy. So if your a girly bitch boy or some fine bitch Tgirl with a plump up butt that needs to be clapped and nutted on simply give out your contact and we'll have a fun time.
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M 26

Fat ass bottom looking to rp or chat with anyone interested in big brown ass. I just want a huge cock to make me cum like a girl.

Kik: Argonian101
19 make this slut ur personal toy
Kik/sc/telegram kindasushehe
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Forgot pic
23 m sub
bored and horny
open to anything

kik: kurbgac

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Can we skip the "mainly looking to chat right now" and go right to fucking and sucking?
>4th largest city in the US
>it's all fags
make it make sense
24 M Buckeye


>about me
Single guy, some refer to as a "twink". Lover of fashion and music.

>Looking for local friends to play vidya n hang irl wit, maybe hookup or sum too idk. Be chill, be cool, don't be a chud

Discord: quesarito
communication is not everyone's cup of tea, so I get it.

maybe the problem is you?
music production, harsh noise, synths, i want to get into mtg
>looking for
people in phoenix area, i'd like to make some local friends, but i'd like to talk to anyone :)
>not looking for
horny or sex
qrlj, this is a burner but i'll add you on main if you're cool, i also have signal which i'd like to connect to others on

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Anybody within the east coast of North America (New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, etc) feel free to post for meetups. Template below.

>Looking for
>Hobbies and interests
>Describe your looks
>Looking for women or trans people to be either FWB's with or to go on a date with. Preferably someone who's dorky, dependent and hypersexual, and someone at the very least over the age of 18. No fucking minors, please. I can drive anywhere around CT, Mass or New York, though if you're epic as hell I'll go elsewhere, too. I'm in CT. Preferably, so are you.
>I'm into writing. I love poetry, fictitious literature and essays. I'm also big on driving, both at night and day. I'm goth, but not the conformist kind who force you to be exactly like every other goth. Goes against the whole message. I'm super into video games, TV shows, reading and basically all music, too.
>I'm 5'8, 175 pounds and tan white. I've got curly, long in the back hair, black eyes, usually wear eyeliner and I'm confident in myself. I'm average build, but some people like my stomach.
>discord: voicefromunderthecovers
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Diagnosed ASPD; I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Cyber Security, Finance, BDSM, Traveling, Photography, Videography, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, DDLG, Degradation, Humiliation.

>What you're looking for

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21 Femboy (I ain't giving out my location but somewhere in Asia lol)
Kind of a loser, out of shape as a guy but I'm getting my life together- it's just still kind of hot to be a secret femboy behind closed doors ;> because suddenly the chubby kinda curvy body is appealing to guys. I have a fat ass, and thick thighs, and if you're into the Thicc kinda girls whose asses you can plap then I'm definitely your type- I also love raceplay, and love black and white guys both a TON.
>looking for
Honestly, I'd love to have a semi regular friend or something- i play dnd online on discord with friends maybe i could introduce you- it'd be kind of hot if behind the scenes we fucked around ;P stuff like that, or maybe just someone to play games on discord and sext in the side ;;)
yuveeray on discord
Amberfemm on kik

Don't be a simp, don't be TOO mean, and be a little talkative lol- and yes you can call me a fag and threaten to breed me <3 I like that kinda stuff
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30, chubby sissy.
I need someone to tell me how to humiliate myself and expose me
Kik - Drenched15
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Kylie, 29, smooth fem slut with a tiny clit and a tight pink hole. Looking for a dominant owner and fem playmates!

My kinks include feminization, humiliation, chastity, orgasm control, anal, ass worship, ass to mouth, bondage, cum, shaving and more:)

Oh and I have kind of a big kink for being made to lick and suck on shaved, sweaty cocks, balls, armpits and assholes hehe

Kik - kyliesiss934
18m caged femboy cowpet

im obsessed with dick, porn and rape threats so send me all of that, will take pics in whatever pose you want

disc is-
forgot to attach the file like a fucking dunce cap
horny bwc looking for femboys, twinks and traps to fuck around and goon

my kik goonerman128

Hey, anyone likes lifting weights?

T. 6'2 235lbs fat powerlifter hobbyist
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If you're anything like the cockatoo, hmu
Discord is: middle.name
Gymrats login
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i was hoping someone would make a gymrat thread someday, i felt like there weren't enough lifters in all the other threads, i barely ever saw any

>about me
been lifting for 4 years but only lifting heavy for 2, before that i used 'girl weights'
Got put on SNRIs on dec 2023 and unknowingly went on a bulk (weight gain is a side effect I didn't know about) for a whole year. Quit cold turkey when i realized i had gained almost 15kgs. I've been off of them for about 2 months and I'm losing weight without even trying. Luckily it hasn't affected my strength too much and I'm still lifting heavier and heavier

discord milliepedeleggies
is this what post-wall men think attractive means?

A thread to find people to voice chat/call with.

>looking for
>not looking for
>when you want to call/how often
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25 f us
un: selfesteembro_08101

drunk chats. dont be fucking boring.

vc. can argue about politics if u want.

>looking for
To meet new and interesting people in general. Whether it's talking hobbies, ideas & worldview, cultures, projects or fun stories about life. Just have lived a life if you're going to talk about it. Willing to watch the occasional film, show or documentary, don't do much gaming anymore but I will occasionally do that as well. I just enjoy good conversation

>not looking for
Relationships, people who expect unrealistic commitments(can not and will not spend every waking moment I'm online with you), horny people, trannies or those with severe mental illness, anyone with no drive for life

>when you want to call/how often
Currently on PST(moving countries in April so this will change) but if you seem interesting we'll figure out a time that works. How often depends on how well we mesh!


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I'm high and kinda lonely, thats it
join our hispanic femboy server, lots of voicechats going on

inline skating, gaming (but sports or racing), cooking feeds, making tech, urbexing, play MGO2 and MGO3 (iykyk)

>looking for
people that aren't comparing themselves against the world at every perspective - be chill and not a pushover.

>not looking for
blobs of human beings that don't have anything going on beyond gooning and getting faded - weed is fine.

>when you want to call/how often
depends on the person

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Put whatever info you deem you think is needed. Putting your discord is one of em
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hi cut normal guy with submissive tendencies

Looking for a strong F dom goth friend

Discord onnizone_38203
long hair boy 20's/ru
looking for girl from mexico or brazil
Discord eric.crush
Telegram @Erixcrow
or just latina girl
Holy fuck catfish arent even trying to catfish anymore.
>Discord with 4 digit number afterwards that they got rid of over a year ago.
>Blonde non asian thing goes to black haired very asian thing
43/M/uk looking to be a goth chick's paypig. kik: misbehavingmalcolm

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Can we have a thread for contacting smelly/unhygenic girls? We have them for everything else why not this niche too?

>About you
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
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can you do mine?
I want to come to a slob girl's home, spend all day cleaning it up and forcing her to bathe, just to throw her onto the fresh sheets of the bed I just made and steadily replace her scent with the smell of sex after a weekend of constant fucking.

Disc: Travelerdelta
Oh omg other beautiful tall geniuses are obsessed with stinky bitches too. I'm so happy

Don't get rid of her stank you sick freak :'(
if you're in South East Georgia certainly
>About you
Dirt pervert with a hairy cock looking to take care of a smelly girl.
>Looking For
A cute, desperate, smelly girl who's dying for some big cock. Let me take care of you, eat your smelly pussy, and fuck you hard.
>Not Looking For
Men, trans, online only
Discord: @crock47

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let's see that ass bb
dubs you gotta add my disc
trips request
quads request until 404
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this pic used to get me laid back when i was being a bottom
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Kylie, 29, smooth fem slut with a tiny clit and a tight pink hole. Looking for a dominant owner and fem playmates!

My kinks include feminization, humiliation, chastity, orgasm control, anal, ass worship, ass to mouth, bondage, cum, shaving and more:)

Oh and I have kind of a big kink for being made to lick and suck on shaved, sweaty cocks, balls, armpits and assholes hehe

Kik - kyliesiss934
Big hairy ass young boy
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kik: bubblebvnz

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Guys, how long did take you guys to find your girlfriends on /soc/?
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the hard truth is that most people on this site have something that has kept them from making friends elsewhere. people are sharing a site with actual pedophiles in the teleguard/gram threads; it's generally settling to post here.
that is naturally going to mean that most men are mentally underdeveloped men and women similarly-stunted women.
the majority of men I've met on here have 0 willpower and cannot extract from excitement for le next coom the ability to care about & pay attention to a woman in order to ensure next coom.
im sure the same thing but in an incomplete-male sense happens for guys.
the solution is to be direct about what you struggle with, or what behaviors from your prospective partner are you not okay with. if they are not willing to play ball and grow with you, that's okay! on to the next one. complaining does nothing past communication.
Fuck that's a long time.
I'm not misogynist at all. I just support equality. Females don't fucking need to make effort so men shouldn't need to either, and females should get the fuck over themselves and settle for unattractive nice guy incels like me. Its funny that women whine so much about "misogyny" but then would rather get used and abused by a desirable charismatic chad than have a loving equal relationship with an unattractive guy who is bitter but not a bad person and would be nice to her.
You have no idea what u r talking about. The IQ in this board is disgustingly low.
If you have to force "equality" then it's not really equality at all. Sexual nature is just fucked. Not even Chad wins, he just knows the futility of it better than anyone else and accepts it.

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