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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
33 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
Would play fighting games with, but no age is sus
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Discord: wait4what1
forgot to add it, but I'm 22!
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discord: cranapplestains
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29/M/Southeast USA

>looking for
Women (females) that will actually want to talk to me and not ghost me after 12 femtoseconds. I'm not really sure what to say anymore.

>not looking for
Trannies, radical /pol/acks, schizos

Discord: platocavegoblin

Last one died
107 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
8/10, very breedable.
My Lord , you are sinfully perfect. Stunning. Kik?
Insane that your literal dick and balls pass better than your room.

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Old one hit the limit, you know what to do.
M/25 fit guy with thick uncut cock looking for some femanons who wanna masturbate/sext.
Dudes who share their wives/gfs/etc are welcome either.
I also do loyality tests.
Kik: MoonlightBWC
520 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
32m. Maryland USA. Looking to cheat on my gf. Fit Latino with a thick dick. Anyone looking for a bull to fuck your girl? Any woman looking to cheat? Kik cresentmoon91.
Drunk, fit 24m with a big cock, just wanting to chat with a girl, no strings attached. I can keep secrets and I also want to get you off. Message if you think that's what you're looking for, good at conversation.

Kik: Anon69xd
Anyone want to talk about Mother in laws or girls we know?.

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22/F/US veryy kinky emo girl <3

Corrupt me :)
Contacts on pic!
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Are you a couple looking for a Latino man to fuck their girl? Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or just want to show yourself off to me? Hit me up. Kik cresentmoon91.

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Cute. Got disc?
Looking for fems/t in chastity
Met a trans woman 20 years ago and she opened my eyes to femininity. Was into trans porn, married a cis woman, then discovered sissy hypno 5 years ago and that sent me down a rabbit hole... Became hypersexual and obsessed with sissies. At first wanting to fuck one, but gradually cock became more appealing and started to become more subby. The more hypno I watched the more girly I wanted to become. Started imaginign wanting to be the girl. This led me to wearig wife's clothes and panties. Down the rabbit hole I go. 2 years ago started eating my won cum, and getting turned on by guys. Now I do this daily. Really want to go deeper and meet like minded people to help me. <3 <3 <3xxxx

Discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
these threads used to have tons of posts
did chastity as a fetish die out in terms of popularity?

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You're adventuring into the zone TOMORROW. Quickly, pack your things and post your loadouts using https://innawoods.net/
Bonus points for only including items you own.
Also, post your:
If another anon has the same location as you, you MUST go on a larping expedition innawoods.
99 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
would i survive if i were black
You would have to be built improbably differently for what you claim to be true. You're just retarded lol
>have to be built improbably differently
i am
No, you aren't
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Don't touch me.

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22 year old bi male in NJ seeks to live with an m, f, mtf pre-op within the USA. Looking for whites or fairer skinned Latino/as. If foreign, please finish your case for citizenship/perm residency first or I’ll feel taken advantage of and be fluent in English.

This method of control is TPE. Total Power Exchange. You must be pudgy or thick with a decently sized penis, and breasts, average or above and not over 30 or under 19.

Have NO limits or basic extreme stuff like scat and impact play. If you’d like to convert to messier things please say so. I love to corrupt. Expect to have your dignity taken by a smelly autistic functioning perv looking to regain his prior confidence by any means necessary.

You are expected to labor and teach me how to do higher order chores too. My family is refusing to teach me because they want my autismbux. What the fuck ever, I don’t need them.

I have controversial opinions, an abuse history which gave birth to a chunk of my fetishes, and am angry at the world. Help me calm down for good. My shrink didn’t tell me to do this in particular but I know she’d approve. I must rebuild my character. “Don’t let anger be your whole life” or something like that, she said. Everything you do and say are subject to me and whatever limits you assign. Too much limits and I will be turned off. The only way I feel secure is if I find somebody totally obedient unto me. That is what I need to stay asleep well at night. Will provide you with the decency to let you control your job and professional life. People work too hard to just throw it all away.

What do you say?

Drop discord in comments. Mine is blackwolf3818.

Camera and voice expected within first few conversations.
you better be willing to pay up a lot of cash or nobody is gonna do this you faggot
There’s a younger dude from Dumfries Scotland but that’s extreme long distance. Are you saying I need an actual slave?

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guessing what race you are.

dont tell me.just give clues.

if i get dubs, i am correct no matter what.
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credit card fraud
Least entertaining but quiet country.
Lots of green

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cum drinking thread

tell your stoires about the first time you drank cum. i thought it was salty. nothing really great but i guess i'd do it again. i'm not gay btw.
>tell your stoires
>2. No whining (aka "BAWWW") or "life" threads. This is not your personal blog.
I loved how it felt like snot. I stuck my finger in my mouth and left it there the whole night cause it took the worst of my wank. That + not showering = I got fucking gingivitis overnight and my dentist said it was one of the worst cases he’s ever seen. Had to see CVS.

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Let's get a Truth or Dare thread going. Post ASL and Kik, Disc, etc
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I can't play truth or dare with more than 5 people at once lmao
Kik: paganluster794

31 m bi bored and horny
Kik: MoonlightBWC

M 25 bi

The other thread is too much centered on a fetish that pleases just a group of a few guys that are doing a cockfest without achiving anything so instead a better thread lil bit more SFW for all Whites and Asians who have a preference for each other.

Myself I'm looking for a white or half white half asian bf 21-29, I'm F 21 Chinese-Indonesian living in Toronto sadly, atheist, I'm quite creative studying architecture and probably it's my biggest thing i really get fixated on beside anime especially making my own comics.

Use this template or anything else

>Race/ethnicity and orientation
>Are you into LDR?
>How you look like
>Hobbies and interests
>Who you look for
>Who you don't look for
>What are your plans with your future partner

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Are you looking for other Canadians?
White 29 6'2 M toronto, OP left no disc
22, nb (amab and masc), Portugal

Specifically looking for Girls, trans Girls, trans Guys, Femboys, and Twinks

> About me
178 cm / 5'10 masc switch, decently healthy body, with a love for gaming, music, and manga and recently getting into Airsoft

Usually I'm a nice person I think, i try to be as sweet as i can and just make people comfortable when we talk.

Intimately i am a hard dom mostly, with a lot of kinks and phantasies, tho i do my best to keep it controlled and safe for everyone participating


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
27 M US
>Race/ethnicity and orientation
White, straight
>Are you into LDR?
>How you look like
6’, blue-gray eyes, short brown hair and beard, broad shoulders
>Hobbies and interests
All the nerd stuff: Books, manga, video games, movies, anime, sports, politics, history, religion. I also love animals!
>Who you look for
Desi girls, hit ya boy up. Bonus points for plus size and cute accents.
>Who you don't look for
Bigots, impatient people
>What are your plans with your future partner

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Old thread about ate it, so let's get the ball rolling on a new one. I'm taking a quick moment to drop off a link to the new and improved Slut Hoard - A no save channel built for showing off your sluts. Come check it out, maybe show off your favorite slut and make some new pervy friends.

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Send mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do
Kik: polsk1
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Would really love to be sent huge futa (especially anything horsecock), hung trans, pegging, femdom, teacher-student, mom-son/bully, belly bugles, cum inflation, monsters, tentacles, hentai beast, BD toys or any big dildos/dicks gaping and pounding holes and even more to edge and leak over.
I can tell you what my horny mind is thinking about what id want to do/how id want to be used with each thing sent too, hot to know my thoughts turn you on. Tell me if you want to hear that or not.

add me to group or send me what you want
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1

Really high 32m cripple that loves fucked up kinks and genuinely "evil" people. BPDemons and sociopaths especially welcome <3 Let me live vicariously through your experiences hurting people

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Voilà pour ceux qui veulent se faire des amis c'est ici ;)
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M 30 Benelux
Je cherche une jeune jolie fille qui veux voir le monde avec moi. Une fille qui a des espoirs, des ambitions et des reves.

Jai francais dans lecole cest pourqouis mon francais nest pas tres bien.

Je suis ici parce que je pense quelle ca fille est francais. Je ne sais pas pourquous.

Discord: mef_3
Teacher, very strict but kind, progressive, and understanding, 6'1, speaks French Spanish and English
Prof blanc quarantenaire gauchiste et bienveillant au bahut cherche jeune fille à éduquer à l'ancienne en privé
>Sexual interests
D/s, Daddy Dom, Pleasure Dom, body worship
>Looking for
A younger woman to educate in the ways of life, meeting IRL
>Not looking for
Guys, trans, larps, ONS, obese, terminally online, sugar babies
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[m4f] 44/M

Cherches petite chienne français pour un éducation encadrée.

Discord: daddyishomehoney
sexe avec garçonmodeur...

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F19, in Pennsylvania lock haven area, really like the idea of various older guys using me and passing me around and really want to set up a day/night at a hotel for a group gangbang/trade me around. Opinions?
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Ew, no. Nobody actually wants a used cumdump.
This is your brain on porn addiction.
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Its a little far but worth it 7 inches btw
drop contact to see
whats your contact

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Girls, post your tits and your n count.

Guys, respond to girls with fuck, marry or kill. Pic related, is the risks of marrying a high n slut.
Because any number given by random anons can be taken as sincere. This thread is dumb.

just add me and tell me anything idk and idc
Discord: .jpr
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>this level of attention seeking
I just posted my discord on soc gango if you never got any attention in your life just say that and move on
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American Sign Language?
do you add black people as well?
You have to be 18 to use this site

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