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Last one hit the bump limit
You know how this works
>About you
>Not into
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35/M/US western time

> looking for
Multiple possibilities here (as long as you're a woman)

I'd love to meet a cute ladyfriend to flirt and chat with, maybe watch movies and/or play games occasionally. Open to anything from dirty talk to voice calls, pics, video or more if we like one another.

If we have very good chemistry, then I'm open to a longer-term dynamic. For more on what I'd want out of that, see sexual interests below.

> not looking for
anyone with a penis, catfish, dull conversation, text-based roleplay

> sexual interests
Daddy style dom, sadist, and rigger. Particularly interested in ddlg (obviously) and free use/total power exchange type dynamics. I prefer taking control and work particularly well both with brats and the more eager-to-obey types of submissive girl. Happy to work with you even if there is little BDSM experience!

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27m US, add me if you want to RP about cucking me and stealing my waifu(s). Most of them are furries.

Tag: afxclone

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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here. Let's hang out together in this thread and have pictures be part of the conversation.

>Women posting pictures of themselves ONLY. No gf/wife pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>No lazyposting. If you're after simp attention and not looking for interactions at eye level - post somewhere else. We're about interaction here.
>Asking for/posting contact info is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Don't be a brainless coomer parasite. If "more pls" is the best reply you can come up with, don't even bother.

Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules: >>17318579

Upload videos here:

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Can you make a gif of you riding that?
can I see up close inside your pussy?
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Last and time to sleep

Bye guys! Tis was fun
>hair and holes
Doesn't get much better than this! Well, apart from the buttstuff earlier ^^ Sleep well Sapho, do come back at some point!
Thanks for posting hope you do so again
great body and hot as fuck content

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New cock wager thread.
You know how it goes, post your wager and your card contact

24 m
Need some more butts for my collection will it be yours or your girl's
Wagering myself or my ex
Open to fun wager ideas
Kik gzloz8
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I gzloz8 lost my ass(photo attached) and my ex's to kwhite94634 's hung cock
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user1234432 was emasculated by kwhite94634's huge cock
I’m down to bet my wife, throwawayy12321
Betting GF pics. BWC over 8+ gets it for free.
Kik: topkek63
Not making people pay btw, just mean don't have to beat me if you're over 8" and can prove it

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i used to live as a transwoman and took estrogen for ~8yrs. i have gyno because of it. do i pass as a fat man or does it look to booby?
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Hi Ray Alex Williams how’s it going
People will notice but if you’re in a public space (most likely) no one’s gonna say/do anything
Your tattoos are uglier than your tits
Hilariously gross body. What's the watch for?
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It looks like you have tits, I was horny until I saw your pic dude. I've never had a soft on before, never have I been so flaccid.

Stop fucking dying edition

No Canada Thread?

>What you're looking for
>What you're not looking for
>Whatever else you wanna say
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fuck yeah, could have lots of fun with her
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M/24/604 lower mainland
I like a lot of things, from outdoor activities to the gym and vidya
Looking for some local-ish girl to chat with and see what happens. Doesn’t need to be locsl but preferably. Need myself a cute, (real) girl like Konosuba’s Darkness. No trannies or gays

Full time employed, currently transitioning into a new job

Disc: 4chanandothers
Yeah I'd like to hold her hand and watch spooky movies with her if you know what I mean.
M/40/Near Ottawa
>What you're looking for
Younger women near-ish to chat with and see what happens
>What you're not looking for
disco: planet_smash
>not looking for a long term relationship
>I will ghost you on a whim
Good luck, lol

A Chaser Thread, for those biologically male/female people who want to specifically look for a MTF/FTM people
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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comming out the closet looking for people to talk to
disc: _045432
>About me
Black ftm' 5'3. Relatively skinny with a fat ass i plan to lipo away. I like science, politics, and learning. Am currently really into Puppet comedy and the fall of East germany.
>Looking For
In person friends or chill people. I am open to hooking up, but i dont wish to be pressured to. I honestly just want someone to just talk to and reciprocate interest in me.
>Not Looking For
People that expect me to be a little ftfemboy. I am a nigga in the military w mild anger issues. Only online- we should meet once. Super skinny/super fat people.
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not me, I didn't post this. don't fucking add me from this thread ^_^
>about me
5'7 androgynous skinny/average weight
Art, anime, cartoons(adult swim and childish ones too)
>looking for
Kind european men(cis or trans) with similar age to talk about our interests and everyday life
>not looking for
Sexual interaction (at least not at first)
server full of agp ugly white trannies* fixed it

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Can't believe there isn't one of these around! For all those interested in BBC and BNWO.

I'm an extremely submissive sissy who has recently become addicted to BNWO. I blew a MASSIVE black cock and that lead down a rabbit hole of bbc and bnwo porn. Now i can't stop thinking about it and gooning to it. BBCs hmu or if you want to share experiences or porn!

Kik: purplesplotches
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Desperate ass nigga
Bitter much lol?
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I'm looking for fellow whitebois who'd like to simp for the iconic Coxville bimbos. Those BBC queens are so hot, and it's always amazing to see them getting BLACKED. Let's have a chat and worship those goddesses like good betas should!
You're into the darker side of this fetish? That's even better!
It's not a problem if you don't know the lore!

I'll be around for another 1,5h, don't message me later.

Kik: lucifuger
Looking for big black cocks to tribute my blonde haired blue eyed white girl. Send me a pic of your cock to start the chat.
Telegram: OnlySFF
Looking for you likeminded pervs to have nasty, depraved chats about my cute IRLS
bdsm, “forced”, degradation, misogyny, ageplay and raceplay

Thread for fembois seeking hairy men, because opposites attract.
femboys are all autogynephiles. none of them are gay, they're "bisexual" and only attracted to mtf troons and other femboys at best, but they all wish they had a girlfriend
I've talked to plenty of femboys that are attracted masc men. Sexted with one the other night.
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You're wrong, I as a "femboy" dislike fem types and I find women to be less than desirable. I actively seek out masculine men who are the furthest thing away from flamboyant. Borderline straight if possible.

Might as well post my contact:
Two men

Any other niggas on here lol? Feels like I'm the only black guy that uses this board. Shit gets mad lonely
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Larping as who or what? A White supremacist? I kind of hate generalizing but you sort of look like the type of black women they'd drool over. The hair gives it away.
Go back to your containment ass thread calix
you’d be correct, right-wingers are often attracted to me (which is a pain in the ass when you’re literally everything that they hate)

I pretend to be a white surpremacist online just to study that social circle it’s interesting to say the least!
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Do white supremacists approach you irl?

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This thread is for autistic people to meet other people who are also on the spectrum.

>special interest(s)
>looking for
>not looking for
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>special interests
Emergency medicine, vidya, fashion, internal decorating
>About Me8
love to lift and cook, spend a lot of my days outside. Enjoy hiking, shooting, camping, and mischief. Enjoy a lot of media as well; vidya, music, you tube, and anime. recently been into crafts and 3d printing :3
>Looking For
Gaming friends (I need more game recs), people to chat with, low maintenance friends, adult communication, suitors
>Not Looking For
pervs, ghosting, general bm / rudeness
>About yourself
I like vidya (tower defense, civ 6, ffx14), music (indie, rock, electronic), sitcoms (friends, office, seinfeld), cartoons (family guy, american dad, south park, simpsons), reading, twitch, walking and running, tech stuff too. I have several houseplants and some pet ants atm. I work from home and really introverted! Hm I also like watching animal videos on tiktok.
>Looking for
A goofy goober :D
>Not looking for
-20 or +33
Care to expand out your retro vidya tastes? Sorry for lumping you two together, but I otherwise would basically ask the same twice ITT.
good morning! bumping my server for autists again. all good vibes. :)

what it's NOT
>a hive for drama queens
>overrun with sensitive mods that ban you for no reason
>nsfw-focused (no sellers. ever.)
>seriously, no sellers

what it IS
>somewhere to meet fellow autists and have conversations about things you enjoy
>uniquely community-moderated by trusted users so you won't get banned for nothing
>a hub for artists and academics to talk about and share their latest work

if you want to find cool people and have relaxed and interesting discussions, you should come join
if you're an aforementioned drama queen and you just want to put others down or be a nuisance, please stay away

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33 M Atlanta, GA
>about me
I'm not autistic but I have schizoid personality and I get along really well with autists, I even find it preferable
5'11" physically active Latino. I have a healthy life besides being a loner, secure job, 6 figs
>special interest(s)
cooking LEGOs exercise anime tea/coffee videogames
>looking for
F for dating/relationship/IRL interaction
>not looking for
not F, men, online only or long distance

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The old one is hitting bump limit soon (497, three to go).

This thread is intended for people to find friends, romantic partners, friends with benifits, gaming buddies, somebody to talk to, somebody to spend time with irl, activity buddies

>ASL / description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Other things you might find important to list
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>ASL / description
18/M/US, shut in going to uni, some mental issues, enjoys music from the 90s and tf2
>Looking for
cool people to talk to really, dont talk to many people why do you think im here
>Not looking for
anything romantic, ive only had bad experiences and dont want what this website has to offer
>Other things you might find important to list
chronically online so i can talk about most anything, i enjoy deep conversations most
disc: obscenery.
>ASL/description: 27F San Antonio, red hair, blue eyes
>looking for: Tall thin men, ages 30-39
I get obsessed if you text me enough. After I get obsessed, I'll then want to text you all the time. If I really like you, expect at least hundreds of texts a day. I'm disabled due to schizophrenia and I don't work, so I have a ton of free time and want somebody to talk to. Hoping I can find someone that replies almost instantly to match my obsession.
Spirituality is very important to me. I've had spiritual experiences with both God and Lucifer. it would be nice to find someone who appreciates it.
I also would appreciate help making decisions. I really like it when the guy I'm obsessed with decides my stuff.
>not looking for
People who take forever to reply
Guys trying to sleep with me right off the bat
Fat people
>Other things you might find important to list: Into a lot of things like spirituality, mental health, meditation, yoga, writing, horror especially Stephen King
22m ny
>looking for
I'm looking for lonely 18+ women who want to voice call on discord.
>not looking for
Men, minors, anything illegal, anything disrespectful (if that makes sense?)
Okay this is the part where I ramble lol. I'm an autistic guy. I have a quiet monotone voice, which helps people to calm down. I'm looking to talk with women who are overwhelmed or just not feeling good. It's (sometimes) kind of my thing to play that therapy daddy role - whatever that means to you. We can talk about your problems, or not. Maybe I can put you in little space, or not. Maybe you just want to hear me ramble, or not. I like helping women calm down like from situations of sexual abuse especially because my life is spiked where I'm pretty naive with a lot of things, but because of a lot of exploring with porn, well tldr is I talk about perverted stuff because it's what I know and what makes me feel comfortable. I'm (sometimes) silly or a flirt too and because of the autism, it can fall flat. That being said, feel free to leave if you want but I've had scenarios where ig being patient with me worked out well. I will say, I might ghost or get avoidant if I'm uncomfortable. I scare easily. It's not to hurt ppl. I just have my triggers per se. Anyways, I'm hoping you can communicate boundaries. Also, I plan for this to be platonic (even if I start talking about something raunchy, I won't direct it at you if that makes sense?). Some stuff like drugs and cutting, I will probably disappoint you in helping you out because I'm sheltered in a lot of ways. But, no worries if you scream or cry or shit on men or whatever. I don't like misandry, it makes me uncomfortable, but it's different in this context because sometimes those feelings come about with trauma. Also, no promises I can help, but I'll try as much as you're willing to try. I am busy too btw, just a warning.
>discord (lmk where you added me from and your asl)
Any lonely girls want to talk to an older guy? I enjoy giving advice, listening, and chatting. Not looking for a relationship, lewd is fine if you want but I'm not pushy about it.


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Post a pic from your favorite game lately and add your discord.

As someone who has browsed /soc/ a while, many of my best adds were from the discord+pic thread. So why not try that with gaming?

Share more about your gaming habits if you want
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add 4 r(ivals)o(f)a(ether)2
im like silver i can compete w/ golds, if ur higher elo pleeeaaase mentor me im so shit its disgusting
i fw vc'ing, not a requirement
@toy23842 PY8YN

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Post ASL and what you're looking for.
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31/M/Midwest USA

Dad bod, beard, IT Professional. Not bad looking, well hung. I'm the kind of guy that wears loafers and beige dress pants with a longsleeve.

- Looking for a younger female to chat with. Ideally I'm looking for a potential relationship with somebody who is interested in relocating and being provided for.
- I want to be slightly obsessive with you and would like the same jealous peering into my true intentions as well. I don't just want a girlfriend younger than me, i want an emotionally invested relationship.
-Things don't always have to be sexual, i'm genuinely looking for a relationship here, but sex is a big part of my life and I need somebody with a drive as high as mine (2-5 times a day minimum)
-Ages 18-25 preferred. Girls my age tend to be tapped out on sexual ventures, and again, it's a big part of my life.

Discord - Fastball44


football, rock/pop/punk music, FF7, creampies, pegging, breeding, cnc, age gap

>Looking For
18+ CIS Female who wants a FWB online to chat, cum, and maybe more

>Not Looking For
Trans, dudes, sellers,people who waste time. We know what we want. Let's be open and honest with each other.
If you're interested, would love to cum with you on a semi-regular basis
if not, no biggie

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Bumping please

Hey there, I lost my job recently and I'm all by myself at the moment, the bills are pilling up and my rent is due tomorrow if you wanna help me out for some hot custom content then add me..):

Kik: diaxoly
Snapchat: diana_xolly
Telegram: diaxoly

Basically, there is no difference between finding a job and dating online.
So it's best to combine the two into one, fixing our terrible status and exchange you get a wageslave.
People with a job or people who are providing a job can post their offers here and NEETs can post the job or training they desire.

>Job wish /description
m / ~40 / MO,AR,OK,NE area


>job wish / description
Wife, basically. Younger than 35, willing to help/work, and humble/friendly.
Preferably chubby with low self-esteem (because I can't trust pretty women) but a cute face so I can fix you and make you my joy

I almost meet the full 6/6/6, but I'm shorter than 6' by about two inches and longer than 6" by about one inch... if you know what I mean
absolute shut in dork myself, but with an adventurous streak

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Thread just hit bump limit:

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
166 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
discord: bimbolexi22

28 sissy looking for dom men who want to save my old sissy pics and humiliate me with them
28, M, Aus
>describe yourself
naturally very friendly as a default and lover of fun, above average intellect (Iq tested, altho i think they're a poor metric personally,) above average looks.
very creative, spontaneous, hedonistic, impulsive, adhd/trauma/addiction, high-achiever, love being able to have the best of both worlds: wholesomeness and friendship, and enacting hedonistic and emotionally fuelled desires.
>looking for
a female. i want both a friendship, and a fucked up whore who knows whenever and wherever i decide, she is then my cocksleeve and will make me cum as its her job to let me use her. if you're fat, ugly, old as fuck, you can stillbe my whore because you're just a hole (that's why i also want the friendship duality!)
that should satisfy us both in our individually fucked heads and desires:
so: F, friendship fulfilment and fetish fulfilment.
>not looking for
anything other than stated above
>contact info (discord, kik...)
telegram: loveadogfromhell
>describe yourself
chubby, 5'10, kinda long black hair, glasses.
dont really do much besides draw and listen to music.
>Looking for
friends or just anyone.
>Not looking for
dont ghost me please lol.
24, M, Europe
>describe yourself
5'10, skinny, white, curly light brown hair. I'm gentle, humble, well spoken and occasionally funny. I like music, movies, video games, botany, and i love to talk about any kind of topic.
>looking for
A kind, confident and protective man (around my age, not 35+), who will treat me well and who likes to talk and listen to me babble from time to time. Someone to get to know and eventually that will care for me :). Blue eyes are a plus. Both sfw and nsfw topics are welcome.
I won't judge and i'm looking for the same.
>not looking for
women, people loooking just for casual, NEETs, toxic people in general
Teen puppy girl looking for an owner to push and train her.
Into intense humiliation/ degradation.
Very few limits and want to be really pushed.
Kik: emym0ore

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