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Contact, hookup, dating, or just share some pics!
This thread is for all BBWs and chubby women and their admirers.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
303 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino with a thick dick here. Ladies want to try a price of this latin dick? Or just want to show off? Hit me up kik cresentmoon91.
Add me back then
>About me
6ft 2, shut in who somehow has a job, 1 friend (Not even a pity joke), got dumped about a month ago from a 10 year relationship (fml), gets overly attached quickly... basically a loser lmao
Airsoft, video games, music (sabaton mainly) and cooking
>Looking for
Any girl who's willing to take a chance with a 19 stone loser lmao (though I am working on that, don't like being fat)
>Not looking for
honestly don't even know, dudes I guess. and maybe people larger than me
Discord: averageroman
(no I don't see myself as a roman don't worry, it was a inside joke between my old friends back in high school)
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Are you a couple looking for a Latino man to fuck their girl? Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or just want to show yourself off to me? Hit me up. Kik cresentmoon91.
32m Bwc, Send me mom/bbw pics or sis pics and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1

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Post your fully hard penis and age if you've never had sex before. Let's see those unused dicks.
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I thought this but then I put "looking for an autist to cuddle" on my bio and suddenly very attractive men are initiating conversations with me
Just post it, you're among other virgin men here
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multiple angles so that you can fully understand
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sharing and talking about this dumb thick zoomer Latina whore I know with virgin anons

Anoyzesy on disc or jerstenz on kik
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I need e virgin paypig
add me if you’ll be a good slave and send me money

onlyfans: puppyuh & meowelle

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looking for a good slave to send me money :3
onlyfans: puppyuh & meowelle

discord: kittenzy ((only add if you sent a payment))

nah bitch u got to pay to suck my dick
stfu elle

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/boob/ - Boob General
>Post, critique, rate and discuss boobs

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

477 replies and 76 images omitted. Click here to view.
Would pay for some f to spit on her boobs for me
can you add me on discord: kklpq02 i wouldn't mind reminding you how beautiful you are
Mmm mmm tasty ;)
u look amazing
can we have more

you know the drill.
post username and wager.
kik: exploringsubm
190 replies and 18 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why is the link always expired
Kik kenttwalton
waging server

Hard mode: loser has to find a bigger cock than theirs on grindr and suck it

Kik: pikkzal

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M30, married. Bored and horny,need femanon to keep me hard.
90 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anyone got experience with sexual slavery
Willing to talk about mine with someone who interests me
join my dirty server

Join my server

M22 into hentai of various tags (except scat, gore n rape) come chat or trade

I love when mean straight guys call me faggot and bully me for being gay. Please be as mean to me as you want.

Or threaten to expose me, I like being scared like that.

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looking for human ATM slave :3

onlyfans: puppyuh & meowelle
discord: kittenzy ((only accepting if you sent payment))

Young hung from DFW looking for a kinky/taboo couple or hotwife in the area. I have a few fantasies I want to talk about :)
kik: @Theskyguy___
tele: @leonanonxx

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55 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
From the prairies and would love to rate and discuss some prairie girls. Totally discreet chat.

Kik scotty2108

drop your telegram & i'll add you there
looking for MM/MF for this weekend
Canadian server

I love when a bot hasn't been updated in a while, and it has an expired link just wasting it's time
Owen sound, Ontario area. Chat with me see where it goes. Will talk about/rate pics
Kik: myfunaccount3

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>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
422 replies and 188 images omitted. Click here to view.

>Fact about me?

I'm a depressed neet, who is a porn addict and hasn't got a single job, I want to chat with someone who won't make me cry about it I'm so embarrassed


Join our server


>Fact about me?

I'm a depressed neet, who is a porn addict and hasn't got a single job, I want to chat with someone who won't make me cry about it I'm so embarrassed


[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
>looking for
soft wholesome egirl w/o too many red flags, including but not limited to:

Bad relationship with family
Being a chronic e-dater
Extreme Political/Religious/Cultural views
Overtly Bratty
Emotionally Dead/Damaged
No Personality or Conversational Skills
No life skills or future aspirations(i.e. no job, not studying, basically a NEET)
Over 10k eboys in her DMs
Body count higher than her age
Never initiates conversation first

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Spot on
Thank you, plain tired
Rating server

Sus link

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Voice Chat Discord Thread:
>asl >interests >looking for >not looking for >username
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most active 4chan cord server
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
M20 just looking to jerk chat or trade with somebody im down for whatever

Disc miscacc15445
MiHoYo games, anime, 80s/90s tech, vocaIoids/utauloids
>Looking for
frens, I hope, maybe vc when i have free time because i work a lot
>Not looking for
Join our discord server

Bumping, had some good adds, would still like people to call while at work.

This thread is to find Spanish people and make friends!

I am quite new to this site, so I would like to see if there are any spaniards in here

>looking for
>not looking for
171 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'm a 27 year old male interested in meeting sissies and fembois in Spain. I'm looking for someone to treat right and have fun with.

la cantidad de hombres o trans comparado a mujeres está bien chistosa ngl
salgan al bar a buscar a alguien tío que no vas a conocer al amor de tu vida en 4chan
pero k es esto
un maricon

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The last thread is about to die so post good discord servers here
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Tell me some cool servers
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Join my server

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18+ only, low mod

This is a thread where Young Men and Older Women can either sext or have a hookup. Post your kik and location to meet and talk
206 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
32m. Maryland USA. Looking to cheat on my gf with a more experienced woman. Fit Latino with a thick dick. Kik cresentmoon91.
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
Bump I’m back
Always dreamed of being with an older woman. The experience and knowing that they have control is thrilling. Use me and tell me what to do and how to please you
Robdobflob m22
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Are you a couple looking for a Latino man to fuck their girl? Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or just want to show yourself off to me? Hit me up. Kik cresentmoon91.

Cambiemos contactos o converse de lo que sea
50 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Creo que porque es facil de hacer cuentas. Solo me acuerdo que esta llenonde pornobots y cuentas de timos.
Una en cien cuentas debe ser de verdad
kek estos hilos medio valen la pena para ver como nos tiramos mierda los unos a los otros
es que hay que mantener el hilo un poco. no hay nadie en soc, hasta donde se todos los chaneros hispanos estan en int o pol. y aun asi son pocos.

encima yo el unico argentino que me encontre creo que me pelie o algo por el estilo porque se puso medio flirtera la conversacion, entre en panico, y pedi ayuda en r9k. despues me ghostio
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agrenme si andan cerca
when no sabes del wordfilter
Join my server


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