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Where's my Scots at?
Post info below!

27/M/Not Edinburgh

>Looking for
Cool new fun frens that would like to have interesting chats (Lewd/Degen is fine)

>Not looking for
Hooking up with guys,

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Bored 37f from Scotland but rather not say where

Into feet

snap niccanning
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fuk yea scotland thread

22/mtf/north east

i got all these naive idiots around me livin in fuckin lala land. listen, kid. you think its all fun and games in this world its not. youll learn that some day same way i did. that its not all fun and games. you might think theres fun and games but there isnt. ive been on this street corner saying this shit for 30 years. dedicated my life to it. why? because it isnt fun and it isnt a game. because they dont exist kid. its just one big fuckin laugh. just fun & games

literature, fashion, pretentious music, people from NE scotland who want to speak or hang out, linux, etc, sewer planet

take of your panties and let me lick you clean baby. Now doesnt that feel foodf? Yyou are my sexy little princess.


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19, tgirl, scotland
Bi, trans
>favorite food?
Uhh idk greek salad maybe idk
>interests (be specific)
Philosophy, art, video games, star wars
>looking for
Friends, maybe even a bf idk
>not looking for
Boring people, annoying people
>About you
6'2", White, long brown hair and blue eyes. INFP. I enjoy walks, hikes and camping, reading and writing, baking and playing video games, Rimworld and CK2 and stuff like that mostly. I used to play ttrpg's like VTM but I don't really play that much these days. I'm open to exploring new interests and hobbies.
I guess pegging and getting topped, but I can switch too, also just praise and cuddles and being sweet and that sort of thing, i'm open to soft bdsm but nothing cruel or degrading or anything like that. I'd be open to try other things too.
>What you're looking for
'm looking for something long term and relatively normal. preferably from nearby but I'm happy with long distance / online as long as there is a realistic possibility of it turning into something IRL. I'm a virgin so if you are too it would be nice to lose ours to each other but obviously don't be put off if you're not. I like big and tall women (preferably as tall as me or taller but that's very unlikely) but again don't be put off if you are not. Basically I'm looking for a gf to have a relatively normal relationship with, if more equal rather than male dominated like most hetero relationships are.
>What you're NOT looking for
degradation or cruelty, no cuck stuff, scat or piss or anything disgusting like that, torture, anything transactional like findom.
40 m scotland
all my pals have kids and shit so don't game much or play the games I like, my gf doesn't play the games I play either, probably on the spectrum but socially capable, pc only, into tech, edgy humour and all the other shit (except anime) you'd expect from anyone here, work most weekdays so it's evenings and weekends for me
>>looking for
people to play mostly arpgs with, I play every poe league, will probably play every last epoch cycle and if they fix D4 to not be boring as fuck ill probably add that to the rotation too, just wanna shoot the shit and maybe run duo league starts and random other games. if you're into other shit like cooking, good music, drunk weekend gaming sessions or fish faggotry I guess that's a plus
>>not looking for
dunno, i get on with most people, not interested in getting involved in any lewd shit but im not against talking about lewd shit
doubt anyone's gonna be interested so if you somehow are just (you) me and ill post it

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Florida meet up thread

I don’t need to explain this to you.
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I'm an athletic 35 year old white guy. Looking for a girl who wants to chat and eventually meet up and hang out. I do something every weekend. Whether that be going in to the city for some urban exploration and trying new restaurants, or looking up a hiking trail I haven't been to yet and taking a drive to go explore it. I also go to the beach occasionally, and I've been wanting to get in to kayaking.

There's a lot of beautiful spots in the city and in nature I've discovered over my time doing this, would enjoy hanging out with someone and showing them all the good spots I've found. Pic related is the view from one of the city spots I like to read at.

Location: Jacksonville FL, but I often visit St. Augustine or Fernandina area. I don't mind traveling a bit.

discord: We can chat here after I confirm you're not a bot or a spammer.
30 m sanford

tryin to drop acid or smoke with some big titty/big booty girl

telegram: blazeit407
kik: 407blazeit
Melbourne, FL
Let's leave everything else a surprise.
post more of your ass

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>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida

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35/m/919 NC
>Physical description
5’10 white, dirty blonde, blue eyes, average build
Conversations about religion, politics, esoteric topics, pretty much anything but sports and celebrities. Homesteading, long term planning, economics, hypotheticals, theories, and nerd stuff (Star Wars, Warhammer, Diablo, DnD, etc)
>Looking for
Non-sexual: friends and conversations.
Sexual: if it gets to that point, bi but only into foreplay with guys. No anal.
>Not looking for
Mentally ill, trans, drags, furries, people who don’t change their smoke detector batteries, and non-English speakers.
Discord: bitvarekin
>Physical description
Brown hair, 5'10" 200 lbs
Games, movies, drinking, bars
>Looking for
Person to hang out with, do new things, no judgements.
>Not looking for
It doesn't matter. I'm down.
Snap waynekingit
Bumping this
would like to talk but I don't have disc. got an email or privacy messenger like Session?

oh yeah, non-sexual

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how is the bunny hat?
Better if u had no clothes on
>max's severed head
>not painted
built for bwc

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Dating/contact thread, pics only for intros!

All the other threads have landwhales. This is NOT a BBW/BHM thread.

Post here if you are/are looking for someone who is on the heavier side but NOT obese.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
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23 m upstate ny
>About You/Hobbies
When I'm not working with metals I'm typically reading about stuff I'm interested in watching anime or gaming. I try to workout but the heat and picking up 100s of pounds of metal makes me be less active/wanting to working out.
Plus I been out of the dating game for a while and irl girls haven't made me interested because they're not my type
>Looking For
Similar interested and props if you live in the same state. I mainly like making friends before we take things seriously
>Not Looking for
No neets no freaks
>Contact Info
Disc jarfdrzaly
21m tn
gaming music and history
I play squad fifa panicore mc
lf a chubby QT GF who is nerdy and not a whale just chubby jesus how I love them so much
nlf not really all are welcome
Added you
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>About You/Hobbies
artist/musician who computers a lot. i find a lot of joy in trying to experiment and find ways to expand my artistic horizons, stretching contrasts like harshness and softness/comfort

i find a lot of inspiration from the outdoors and forests as well. have had a fascination with the combination of technology and nature. also want to get into etymology/linguistics more. if there's anything else u wanna know, just ask
>Looking For
cute chubby girl to date and play games with. would also be cool if ur autistic or like being creative
>Not Looking for

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Yo how’s going guys I’m living in Iraq I want to meet with open minded people in Germany or USA or Hollanda only high people message me IG ; mamilan0
I’m not giving you a green card.
Also the heritage foundation has called for a bloodless revolt and Biden says trumps agenda will destroy America. There is a resurgence in the right in Europe. It’s gonna get hot. Might I suggest Canada? Through an honest move.
enough of your shitskin brethren are in our countries already, fuck off

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I’m on Kik @lightning2112
reminder that nobody is this stupid and this is probably just some cunt posting some other poor cunt to rile them up
I think I recognize this dude
Reminder that you can message me and I can happily verify however you’d like. Stop being such a dumbass.
Maybe but you’d have to take hrt and eat poopoo out of my butt

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Thought these were cool so bringing em bk
Props to whoever invented these
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No I want it now
I'm too scared to ask what the T is
Don't go getting my hopes up.

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If you're a girl who is smelly, Slobby, dirty, messy, "gross" or anything in that vein post here!

Girls like the above are special and awesome and deserve our love so we are gonna give it to them here.
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im one of these girls
need someone to spoil me
white pls :3
I am white, feel free to add me on discord: justanalt0879
drop tag
we can be disgusting together <3
me kek ^-^
disc: sleepypony42_65724

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The old one is about to hit the limit and there is no reason for anybody else to post because once it hits the limit their posts may be voided.

Design YOUR ideal partner and this time add youtself to the the template so the reader can learn more about you, use the pic related or anything similar.
>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

>your qualities
>your interests

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ISFJs don't use /soc/, or 4chan for that matter.
>32 / M / Nevada
>Black, 5'10, Slim but fit build, Feminine & Gothic aesthetic / style
>A little shy, good listener, tries to be understanding & patient, & relatively friendly.
>Art/Drawing, Video Games, Anime, Documentaries, Working Out / Gym
>Loves to laugh
>Into Alternative Rock & some Metal music
>Would enjoy having a partner to just make feel appreciated and loved. And to encourage as they go on with their gym
>Video Games (Tekken, Soul Calibur, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank, etc. I mostly like Platformers and fighting games and am more of a retro gamer)

Looking For (The art is just rough mock-up of the kind of guy I'm into lol)
>Male only
>25 to 40
>Muscular Guys (I especially love Bodybuilders - and yes, I'm okay with "gear" )
>Into nerdy stuff (anime, video games, etc)

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21m Tunisia
6ft 200pounds
bearish guy who is tired of BS
sometimes goofy
playing vidya mc enlisted squad panicore
hmu hannibaalbarca2.0
t. currently being mauled by a bear
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19 m

workaholic, always learning something
either burnout or peak productivity
always thinking, think too much
appreciates art, appreciates sciences
likes long conversations
shooting in the dark, only ever met 2 like picrel, didn't take my chance when I could
discord: carnal_.

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As always, i'm still alive and last one hit the bump limit
m 18 lvl from banana republic without bananas
somewhat fucked up stuff: anything medical procedures related (enemas, ultrasounds, colonoscopes, intubation etc), restraints, forced procedures, oviposition, slime, tentacles and belly inflation (not feeding or vore). Open to most things

Discord - vanuchkaaa
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M 28 bi. Looking to chat with gooners over trans, mature, bbw, mommy, abdl, ap, ebony, feet, toons and more! Kik is WTF1234567891
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22/f/us, veryy kinky emo girl <3

dm me your asl
contacts on pic!
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23/m looking for cuckquean girls who're interested in discussing the fetish and the psychology behind it
galaxyrobo on disc

Wanna RP, listen to, or see pics of dirty fantasies about cervix penetration, urethral insertions (both male and female), dirty doctor/gyno play, ect type stuff. Not willing to share irl pics at this time, but I've got plenty of hentai/porn to swap.

Kik is Lady_Sharpy

I am interested in speaking to those with a mutual interest in zoophilia.

This can be in fantasy or in real life.

I have experience with certain things when I was a minor. I am non-practicing. I will not share links, videos, or pictures.

We do not have to purely talk about such related interests either. I am open to friendships.

I am a heterosexual female. I would prefer to talk to men with an interest in women and certain acts. Thank you.

Discord: creammypuppy
Jesus will still accept you into His kingdom, its not too late. Whore of bablyon looking ass.
unironically >>>/trash/
/soc/ can’t. The next step is this.

Ima go to San Marino via Rimini
I need a free guide
I am a massive severely overweight weeb who lives in his mothers basement and usually doesnt go outside, but i saw that san marino has the only shinto shrine in europe and that meant that i HAD to go there because im too poor for japan but still such a MASSIVE WEEABO. Anyone any idea what i have to do once i get to Rimini? Anyone else there by any chance?
Kill yourself weeaboo, thats my tip (in your mother)
Im not actually overweight or that big of a weaboo please stop ignoring me guyse
I don't know about the shrine, but it's a pretty cool little country. Double check the bus schedule, because it will only stop on its own in San Marino proper as the last stop. If the shrine is outside the old city, you're going to need to request the stop.
The old city is worth visiting too, lots of cool stuff up there. Pretty good food, too.
Note: I do not live there, I just visited recently.

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It seems that there have never been cocks from college students. Guys, let’s show you the cocks in school.

What's the best platform for connecting with Japanese sexually frustrated fujoshis/femcels so I can have someone to discuss and encourage my sick, degenerate fetishes?

There don't seem to be that many white girls into watching me gluing the lock on my chastity cage and shoving giant toys up my ass, but going by some of these BL mangas and doujinshi I've seen with female authors/illustrators I bet I'd have better luck with them.
Go ask on 2chan
>There don't seem to be that many white girls into watching me gluing the lock on my chastity cage
Why not just flush the key?
i want to know this too except i just want to talk to regular japanese nerds / shut-ins / misfits who dared to show independence. and I only want to talk about normal fetishes like we used to back in 2002.

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