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Post your contact info ITT, I ended up getting 2 adds from the last thread, but they were both underage.
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7.5 inch dick looking for casual chat

kik: velikynovgorod
do any asian girls want a submissive twink?
26 M CA

>Describe yourself
- 5'11" nerdy half white
- minimal autism
- Dark and retarded humor

>Looking for
- introverted slim bio asian girl 22-30
- likes Vocaloid, anime, foodie, plays MC
- yapper

>Discord tag
Dom and horny BWC love a good sub asian

Kik: domitabwc
26 m, NYC, 6’2 athletic white guy with a 9 inch cock

Looking for women who fetishize white men/like to be fetishized by white men

I really want to pick your brain and learn how you got into it

discord doemoe62920

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Post ASL and what you're looking for.
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I need a sugar daddy
Looking for a girl probably around the 18 to early 20s range thats in Europe and likes to play pc games and get autistic and edgy, eventually if we hit it off you can stay with me I got my own apartment, I dont mind you literally being a housewife just cooking and cleaning and chilling like a cat as long as you like it and enjoy the company and wanna get fucked hard whenever we feel like it, up for voice chatting and watching stuff and all the cozy cute stuff as well :>

discord: severhead
I see you around, but you never say what you don't want in a guy.
This stupid cunt just adds and ghosts. Never says shit. Probably some fag pajeet pretending to be a woman.
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22/F/US veryy kinky emo girl

Corrupt me :)
Contacts on pic!

Pennsylvania - PA
New Jersey - NJ
New York - NY
Delaware - DE
Maryland - MD

>looking for
>not looking for
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36/M/Pittsburgh, PA. I'm a bearded, ginger, Marine Corps veteran that just graduated law school.
TTRPGs, being outside, niche legal issues(or not so niche ones), a whole variety of nerd stuff(outside of anime and manga, never got into it).
>looking for
Honestly? Sex. This weekend. I'm studying for the bar exam, I take it next week. I need to blow off some steam and have the weekend free to do it. I tend to be dominant and LOVE performing oral more than receiving, to be honest. I've been with couples before too and I'm open to that as well.
>not looking for
Just chatting, people not actually near Pittsburgh, or dudes that just want to jerk off talking about me fucking their wife or "wife."
Kik: lifegic
Snap: sam_hyne2020
Telegram: @aggravatinghumor
Discord: samhyne
Anyone in Baltimore or MD? I need a drinking buddy. F/21 Discord: badatmath
28/m/201/ Jersey City NJ/NYC
5’6, fit, attractive
PC gaming, anime, manga, sports, gym, foodie
>looking for
420+ friendly female to hang out with. Down for whatever
>not looking for
Creeps, clingy, guys
Discord Mo0lu
interests are video games, metal music, pittsburgh penguins, fashion
looking for friends, male and female, possibly to meet up with. i need female friends so if you’re in the area hit me up
not looking for anything romantic or sexual, i am happily taken.
discord is manicpixiecheezcurl
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>asl 22/tranny/northern MD
>interests fishing,hunting,camping,paleoanthropology,skulls and bones,taxidermy,
>looking for people to talk to and maybe hang out with
>not looking for anything sexual
>contact erithealien on discord

Welcome to the ERP thread!

Rainy Edition

Previous thread: >>32800935

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.

>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.

>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.

>I'm looking for something more advanced.

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does this thread have overlap with /flg/ on /trash/ or is this a different group?
The overlap is that I'm from /trash/ and made this version when the spam got out of hand over there. It was only supposed to be temporary, but I decided to keep it going for fun.
im a man you retard
Seeking to play as your Asian girlfriend through a pseudo-texting/IM based RP. Focus would be on hidden NTR/cheating dynamics with a preference for WMAF (though BMAF can work too if thats more your jive). No prose or detailed thirdperson play, just text messages with subtle hints of what I may or may not be up to. It'll let you imagine whatever depraved stuff you want.

Kik; ky0ma
Yes, trannies are men.

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Looking for a nasty owner to take control of my life all behind my GFs back

> turn me into whatever you want, sissy cuck etc

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32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to fuck other woman. Guys, want this latino to fuck your girl? Help me cheat on my gf. Kik cresentmoon91.
Looking for someone to play an F in a roleplay

Looking for someone to degrade my 21 year old whore girlfriend. She’s been shared and gangbanged before

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looking to trade pics or just show off
kik> 08_MyNameStartsWithT
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Are you a couple looking for a Latino man to fuck their girl? Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or just want to show yourself off to me? Hit me up. Kik cresentmoon91.

people look at me alot while I walk down the street. why?

(Front and back camera)
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why don't you get a hobby? Do you not have friends to go the movies/drink with? are you that bored that you just wanna do stuff just to annoy me someone you don't know?
i have hobbies, but most of them are passive
also yes, i don't have friends
and yes, i'm bored
I think you are extremely cute.. trans or not... you got discord?
Probably because you look like a creepy fucking serial killer and you provoke animalistic instincts of defense and self-preservation. Either that, or you're a delusional narcissist. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one looking at them oddly, provoking them to glance back at you. You are not handsome.

Stop obsessing over yourself, get a life, and more importantly, get a job.
nigga what are u... ur literally one of those like deformed gen alpga niggas thas been coming up like, the niggas thats fucked up cuz all the moms these days be so stressed out / retarded like... damn... even if you naturally a boy like... nigga... you'd be a sexy girltho prob. u thinking bout switching?
also the niggas not sucking his shit in, i have this shit too like, nigga just stuck like that shits kinda annoying cuz u literally mog all in every room you walk in and it makes niggas hate you and then you become a outcast cuz you're features hella defined. shit just makes u stand out too much. its kinda fucked up cuz everyone glorifies that shit online but when u see a nigga irl like, everybody wanna stare at you like..?
niggas lowkey got the structure / some features but everything else like
these niggas showing up everywhere

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Reddit is being dumb so I'm posting here instead. I'm looking for a long term friend to msg daily on discord. Only requirement is that you're uncut and preferably skinny. Just post dick pic with asl and your discord username and I'll add you if I like it! <3
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28 m us

are you from england ?
>hi i want dick pics galore
is what you may as well have posted
Even if the info is true How is a zoomer newfag that openly uses reddit and discord that is only interested in sex and has to make an entire thread for herself getting any positive attention at all. You should all kill yourselves jesus christ

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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here

Read the site and board rules. Mods do ban. >>17318579

>Women posting pictures of themselves ONLY. No gf/wife pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>Asking for/posting contacts is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No coombrain replies like 'mOaR pLS'. Keep the girls engaged by making specific requests.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload videos here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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friendly bump, this thread rules
new id again. go on, go on. one post faggot.
you, that fucking french cuck and the nigger swede are what killed most camwhore threads.
That is the French one, or possibly just all of them are the Swede larping and at times arguing with himself because he has no other interactions in life.
bush bump

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this thread is for germans who want to make friends!

>looking for
>not looking for
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36, männlich, deutsch
Gelehrnter Mechatroniker ohne feste Anstellung.
>looking for
Freunde, Liebe oder einfach nur small talk.
>not looking for
Vieles aber ich werd schon bescheit Sagen wenn irgendwas zu viel für mich ist.
Discord Hungry.Hunter
Germany discord server

I'm a German guy living in Brussels. In which city do you live?
Freunde oder Sexfreunde?
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Alphas ficken natürlich. Uns erzählt sie dagegen ihre Probleme.

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Fellow dudes of /soc/, do you have a skincare routine?
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Dove soap bar, once a day
concrete dust keeps my skin oil free and exfoliates when i have to scrub it off.
Dove is magic
Oh hey! That's me on the left :D
balanced diet
dove shower gel
picrel(love this lil nigga)
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Just make sure every time when you back home do the shower.and i usually use body scrub and body washer at second.after finish the shower i will use body lotion as my last step.and use skincare when you work outside

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Be honest. Can i wear this all black? Do i look akawardly lanky? (6.4) trying to find a new look, thanks
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If you're gonna wear csrho pants don't fucking wear those awkwardly borderline skinny fit borderline straight fit ones and then a tucked in black tee. Find some good black chinos, ditch the airwalks for some decent looking boots.
Cargo** I wasn't looking at phone while typing.

Yep, you can wear that outfit. As in, like, nobody can make you NOT wear it. You can wear whatever you want.

Imo, you don't look awkward OR lanky. There are maybe different shoes I would pick, but I think that would just be a matter of my taste being different than yours. It's hard to go wrong in an all black fit, especially one as utilitarian as yours.
Looks aggro and unapproachable
Is that the look you’re after?
Levi 514 in black.
Nobody ever looked bad in those unless they were trying.

New York Thread

>asl >about yourself >looking for >not looking for >contact
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21 femboy niagara falls buffalo NY
stole some of my moms bras n panties, n wanna show off my slutty holes n cock to anyone who wants to see!! i’m into nearly anything and will send anything, so ask away! (fems n trans get a suprise ;))
kik: femboy_noelle
discord/snap: femboy_noelle25
25/M/US, New York, Bronx
Into pop-culture, anime, ttrpgs, trading card games, etc.
>looking for
female friends, people to chat with, female partnership. Down for mostly whatever. Down and ready to talk about all the nerd things or just to listen, sexting, or something. Secretly looking for a gf.
>not looking for
Sexting or dating Men or Trans - if you are either I'm up to be friends to chat with.
Discord: nickbeneleven

also i'm black
>25, m, Union City/Manhattan
>I just moved here for work in the city. It would be cool to date someone. I wanna explore the city, I like video games, animals, and learning how to skateboard. I have a dog.
>Not looking to do anything sexual or romantic with guys or trans. Guys and Trans people are fine friends though.
>Discord: hiveoredpandas (ask me if you'd prefer to use endless Snap)
"Endless" please ignore that FUCK

electronic music, old motorcycles, reading, church, long walks, the beach

>looking for
platonic friendships

>not looking for
romantic relationships

smocaine100 on discord

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Post area code, gender, and age.

If you're inserting:

You need to bring a strapon.
If you don't have one, say so and the receiver might buy you one.

If you're a receiving:
You bring the lube.
If you want it bad enough, write that you're willing to buy gear.

Have fun, post results.
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doubt itll work but ill try
recently bought a prostate massager, add me ill I can sext you if you dont wanna meet up
am in south east usa if you do
M27 UK 6'2 Gym lover.
Looking for someone north UK
Will buy lube + equipment, come destroy my prostate (first time, so maybe take it easy).
Kik : Emu2024
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Always wanted to peg someone so bad, it's one of my biggest turn ons, just thinking about pegging a dude and making him do all sorts of lewd noises and faces and making him nut the hardest he ever has in his life...
too bad I live in a turdworld shithole and won't get to meet anyone here
Where at?
post details, i'm sure that someone would meet up with you.
you have no idea how much some people want it.

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Black female, white male meetup thread <3 I love white guys, post your A/S/L and maybe I'll add you :3
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28 white male from Chicago
Kik Poseylo
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hung 24 year old looking to chat with any girls with a more melanin than me. Kik: kyro.tn9
>>33300293 >>33297189
discord is me.at.nite
hit me up let's check the vibe
21 M Denver

Rminn117 on snap!
BWC and white as a ghost, love the contrast
Disc: kushman.exe

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Haven't seen a gooner thread in days!

I've been a pathetic porn addicted Handpussy fucker for the Last 3 years. Looking for a goon buddy that understands why Hand and fleshlights are better than real women. My current porn crushes are morgpie and Alexis mucci. I can also Show you my ex, but humiliate me and Tell me how you'd Ruin her If you want to See her

Kik: Valerie_scotts
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Captions and tributes pls

Kik amy.hon3y
Anyone want to talk about Mother in laws or girls we know? Message me!

If you have weird, taboo, or unconventional fetishes that not many people have, so you can't express them often, but drive you crazy, I want to hear about them and I will participate in talking about them or roleplaying them with you.

Well spoken 28m here.

KIK: Zargrab
M 27 CT
Looking to share my short thick legged blonde of a girlfriend with some strangers from here. If you're a fan of wide bases on otherwise tiny gals; then you'll love digging into her. If you're looking to get the blood flowing and see where things go send me a message.


Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1

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