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A thread for Aussies.
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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Kinda wild op posted thread but had no @ of his own lel

> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, people social dynamics, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
25/m/Aus Queensland
>about me
im not trans/femboy, if you are tho feel free to ask about me
anime, photography, cooking, gym, homebrewing alcohol, gaming
>looking for
>not looking for
i am a fly on the wall. my job is to connect others
> ASL:
20, troon, melbourne

> About:
Shy socially inept introvert. Chubby but have been dieting for a few months now. Newgen R9K enjoyer. Not sensitive or like typical troons.

> Interests:
Vidja games (WoW classic, gachas, whatever my autism decides that month) Anime, Manga, Writing, Animals,

> looking for
connections and good fun chats

> not looking for

18, troon, brissie.


Living life. Been going through a bit and just want some friends to chat and play vidya with. If you're also an artist I'd love to do a drawpile.


I like drawing/painting, miniatures, reading, vidya, writing, ancient history etc.

>looking for

friends, fellow artists.

>not looking for

fwb, coomers, anything beyond a platonic relationship. Not a fan of sexual promiscuity and hate that I have to even mention this.

22 F
>about me
barely leave the house except to work. I don’t have many friends and even less that like the same things i do
literature, film, learning random shit
>looking for
Im mainly looking for other writers, readers and film enthusiasts. music heads are cool too
decently socialised people to maybe hang out IRL one day
>not looking for
nerds - youre cool but im sorry i cant pretend to be interested by tabletop games and anime for much longer
people who use this site for lewd purposes

>about me
I do art (pixel art, digital art, oil painting, drawing, etc), I do coding and im an indie game developer, and I play games sometimes, but recently I prefer being outdoors. I'm 6'3 tall, white, average weight. I don't watch anime.

>looking for
Mainly looking for a serious relationship, with a feminine boy or transgirl.

Beautiful gif
Grant Us Love
We could only hear the weakest and faintest of their acts. We sought for love and compassion from them.
Ag:e 0 | Sex: N/A | Location: Melbourne
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looking for chill frens
no gay stuff
uh oh im retarded

discord: trashlord9665
You forgot:
Not a thread for troons
that looks really nice however im not gay so i can't help you
Any trannies in Brisbane wanting their dick sucked tonight?
30M Melbourne
I'm a raging mysoginist and homophobe incel that is contemplating an Heroing due to perpetual crushing loneliness and an inability to feel hope or joy.
I have tried not being a misogynist and putting myself out there to meet women but they all ask why I look like a child in front of a plate of vegetables whenever they start talking.
Doesn't help that I work 7 days per week and cant afford to move back out of the abusive parents house.

Any ideas?
Sharing aussie butterface IRL. Love to hear your opinions.

why do you even work so much if your reward at the end of the day is coming home to an empty house.
What else can I do with my time?
rage about woman. talk shit about normies. be comfy
37/M/Near Canberra
>about me
Lots of tattoos, long hair, Mo.
I do high risk work to stay fit, shoot guns and fight with swords. But I'm into panting little plastic army men and reading books so I'm probably almost normal.

>looking for
Don't really care. Talk, hang, smash or drink. My expectations are pretty low but I've been surprised before.
>not looking for
I'll tell you if you are
Tele: humanreplicant
I tend to just get grim and suicidal when unoccupied.
20/m/Melbourne Australia
>about me
I am incredibly normal compared to some freaks here. I am an engineering student right now and I enjoy getting out of the city. I am 4'20 and before you say anything, Napoleon was short too and he conquered Europe.
Video games, computers, camping (going to baw baw in summer :3), indoor rock climbing, cosplay/dress up, movies and anime. Playing fate SN, zomboid, factorio and tarkov and I;m rereading GeOD right now.
>looking for
I don't really care, friends or relationships. I want to hang out with people that have similar interests to me, preferably aussies and kiwis. Don't be over 23 or so I can't really relate that much to you...
>not looking for
Overseas cunts for the most part. Singapore is fine timezone wise and the california time zone is managable during our day light savings time; your midday would be my 6am.
It's an alt I'm not handing out my main here lmao
>looking for
We got a tight knit aus incel server, looking to build a local community to meet up and get outside or at the very least provide an outlet for those in the same struggle to socialise. DM to get vetted in.
>no foids
>no troons
>no fakecels
>no severe retardation
18 m sydney
>about me
cute white twink boy, unemployed lol, i like skateboarding and watching movies
>looking for
hot guys that want a relationship (or to fuck my throat) and girls are fine
>about me
5 10, good looking, funny, love a chat
Guitar, fitness, reading, my dog,
>looking for
A cute boy to chat with
>not looking for
Daddies. I've got some already
Kik - teddycreek
Got Kik?
18 m nsw
>about me
furfag, gamer, nerd. pretty chill
music, internet stuffs,
>looking for
males, frens
>not looking for
26, M, Central Coast NSW
>about me
Currently isolating, not an extrovert at all but not exactly an introvert, used to have an active life but isolating currently, varied interests so I’ll probably be able to rant and rave about what you like, people call me ‘male dasha nekrasova’ but I’m not a transformer so that should be enough to describe me physically. This is the first time I’ve been on 4chins for 5 years and I hate that I came back here.
too varied and diffuse and fleeting and changing to actually list right here right now, but a constant interest is reading history, I can read your history if you’re willing to share. Idk, it’s a feeling of liking many things but not ever devoting myself to one in particular.
>looking for
People, anyone, literally any human to speak so that I don’t go all Jack Torrence and get murderous cabin fever. I’d also like someone who can relate a bit to my situation, but I’m a beggar so I won’t be a chooser. Just talk your shit.
>not looking for
Cock pictures or old predatory faggots, I already have had enough of those decrepit cunts chasing me, you won’t make me change my sexuality with yet another shrivelled little softcock.
Discord: spiccibobicci
just watch anime and play vidja and be comfy
Open minded. 30 M Bri.
Looking for fun soon tonight. F, trans, ladyboy
Must be clean
Tell me your asl
I cant do that.
I am basically homeless at this point.
Kik: Deskmetal

25 m bicurious Melbourne
Hmu to chat if similar or if you can teach me a thing or two
31 / M / Australia

>About me
Strict, experienced Master. Looking for a cis or trans girl slave to serve me IRL in the very near future.
I will take you in, make you feel safe, happy, and cared for, and fix everything wrong in your life.
I will reshape your mind and body to my preferences, and make you into a perfect slave.
I have one IRL slave. A trans girl I have owned for the last three years.
I'm white, 5'10/178cm tall, 75kg, attractive.

>About you
You are an Australian or New Zealand citizen.
You are 18-22 years old.
You are 5'7/170cm or shorter and not obese. Any ethnicity/skin tone.

>NOT looking for
Anyone under 18.
Anyone who isn't an Australian or New Zealand citizen.

Discord: Lyatemp

I will almost certainly still be looking for someone even if this post is weeks or months old, so don't be afraid to add me.
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33/femboy/Geelong VIC
>about me
Submissive type, 172cm, 70kg slim build.
Have pretty extreme interests when it comes to kink, with passions in becoming a rubber doll/rubber gimp slave for a capable and sadistic Owner.
Latex, Feminisation, Heavy Bondage, Encasement, Sensory Deprivation, Isolation, CNC, Breath Play, Objectification, Chastity, Orgasm Control and Denial, Anal Training and Stretching to name a few.
>looking for
Someone who has the desire and passion to help transform me and keep me in such a position as I seek.
>not looking for
The opposite of above.
Kik: Rdelle111
Discord: Rdelle111

Pic is me.
istg this smells of NSN
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42 m
shy smiles & kickin' it
This is the sort of shit that makes me wish I was bi, that ticks so many boxes. GL out there.
Which messenger? Love to see her?
33 m brissie
>about me/looking for
Not a crazily social guy but miss having bros I can just hang out with (in person) sometimes and play vidya together, watch movies and just generally chill with
Looking for people around my age into just fucking hanging out sometimes kek
Vidya, drinks, etc
39m and 42f
ballarat vic 3356/3350
looking for not-boring local people
kik palekiwi
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> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, goals, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
Aha, dang, what a shame you arent! You too.
scammer seller catfish
they don't live in australia
30 f Melbourne

>about me
I moved to Australia 3 years ago. :)
Mentally stable, self-sufficient, reliable, I live alone, and I'm a communist and an atheist. I'm into SM and looking for someone with whom to develop a long-term relationship because it's much more psychologically satisfying when we know one another well. I am a masochist and need someone who can derive sexual pleasure from being cruel, callous or unfair (and enjoys being called Dad).

Learning (especially medicine, linguistics, engineering, religious studies, history, social science), poetry, and I play some online games.

>looking for
A man with whom I feel a connection and can respect enough to submit.

>not looking for
- People who've spent so long alone they don't know how to talk to others like a normal person
- Nazis
- People under 24

serialvictim is my discord burner. Please include some sort of comparable intro in your message after I accept.
looking for picrel, come back

discord cultmember12
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oops forgot image.
27 M syd

chink gay sub looking for fwb or man to serve, hangout with

>not looking for
fems, nazis

kik: jugl.ans
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30 m Geelong.
Bicurious newbie.
Looking for any guy that would like to teach a newbie how to please.
Pic is me

Disc: rfbubble
Telegram: rfbubble1
man this thread died lol
Aus threads are only active on the weekend, it’ll spark up again soon enough
Sounds like you need a therapist not a SM relationship.
It also sounds like she needs to accept her adds. But we both know both of those things are unlikely.
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>about you
autistic neet stoner, 70% of my body is made of movies.
>looking for
male or female, introvert who wants to be a neet staying inside watching movies, playing coop games and taking it easy, and also lets me take care of them
>not looking for
LDR, someone who wants me to get a job
>contact info
disc: weded
how hard is it to find someone hot around melbs who will hurt me without caring about my safety
I'm in the US where all the sickos are kept at. I hope you find someone to destroy your worthless body! Drop discord if you give up and wana talk
18 m Vic
>about you
loser lonely gymcel
>looking for
foids or trannies
>not looking for
LDR, normgoids
>contact info
discord: hamaphor

25 m bris/qld/whatefverrr

add me if u wheavet NO Frgb2ng4AGGSS yess
man friend or woman i dontr care nuhst be human no inhuman no murgo ihuma i miss adslhlee i mis ashlee]fat bald fixable wiagh caocga ass cic===aocghca haha
how are we gonna survive if we're both neet?
Anyone WA??
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you're worrying too much, just take it easy, I have it sorted
Would they have to fuck you or something or do you just want a homie to leech off your leeching off the government/your parents
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Yeah, what's up?
Wanna be friends? got Discord or Telegram?
18, female

I'll talk about whatever, I love reading manga and playing games, cause I don't care about being unique, I'm currently in college learning Audio visual shit.

reply with your tag and I'll friend you
in college huh

in an australian thread
yes, that is in fact me? I took the "Australia" out since this is an Australian thread
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Sure, drop a tag.
Stroking bwc

I know it’s degen, but go easy

Kik - opyo24
27M Brisbane

>about me
6ft straight extrovert. Medium build. Software Engineer.

Music, singing, karaoke, nightlife, dive bars. Binge drinking.
I also used to play video games but not really anymore

>looking for
Alcoholics and fun people.

People who struggle socially and want advice

long distance female friends

>not looking for
I have a lot of friends and many are women or gay / bi sexual men so I don't want any misogynists, bigots or homophobes. If you disrespect my friends I'll tell you to fuck off.

people on either side of the political compass that won't stfu about politics..

gay or bi sexual men that think they can flip me.

aggressive "alpha male" type men

entitled women

DC: dane1996
29M Melbourne

>about me
Bi/Gay IT guy into indie games, anime/tv/movies, hiking. Also a kinky switch with a chastity cage and more. Not a femboy.

>looking for
Friends within Victoria that enjoy chatting with similar interests. preferably someone kinky. Feel free to message and just say hi too :) I just moved to Melbourne.

>not looking for
Only sex, or long term relationships.

I'm pretty open to all types just be respectful.

DC: tofubur
oh, okay
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Send me your Melbourne irls.

I'll let you know if I know them.


Send me your girl or girls u know, Strokin my fat bwc

Moving to melb, so show me what the girls are like n what postcodes best

Any Ausie wishes to add me on Teleguard, I can feed random regular porn gifs daily

Small cock bi twink
22 Brisbane
Love sph, feet and gooning
Will show off to get fed
20 f4m bored and horny baby kik userwolf0 snap userwolf0 telegram userwolf0
Im horny rn we can talk a bit maybe some fun kik userwolf0 snao userwolf0 telegram userwolf0
Tag is Kindredspirit333.
>>33554517 Sounds interesting
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37, M, Vic
>about me
Looking for people to chat to and get to know initially, see where things go. I'm intelligent, got a career, I need conversation to be engaging. Want someone to share my time with who is like-minded.
Technology, film/TV, gaming, cooking, music. All the usual suspects for someone who grew up with the internet.
>looking for
I'm open minded. Just want to chat initially.
>not looking for
Masc guys, or anyone under the age of 23.
still says not found
Works fine for me
29, Man, Australia NSW.
Average build, Kinda shy at first, white
Gaming (mostly mmo's atm), Mtg, Reading (fantasy mailnly)
>What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone interesting to hang out with.
>Not looking for:
open to most things, just be able to carry the conversation a bit.
discord: daexros
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>about me
i like to play and draw
>looking for
24yr old guy that did comp sci and lived in nsw. i would like to be friends with you again (i know you lurk here). other people can add haha (i need more friends)
>not looking for
disc - angelofthevvired
m 21 adelaide

8 inches looking for fun

dis tomjones2458
I love cross dressing, cute anime girls, and cosplay
>looking for
Trans girls or cross dressers that want to suck me off or get fucked in the ass~
>not looking for
People without anime girl profile pics.
>about me
gamer, weeb, degenerate, full time job
changes weekly. atm dancing, skateboarding, tft, baking, hiking and dnd
>looking for
just people in perth that arnt sensitive like a the average reddit user to play helldivers, stardew or factorio with. also maby catch up for a beer if we vibe
>not looking for
jews and the captcha timer >:(
dis (throwaway) thevoidenigma#0000
>about me
gamer, weeb, degenerate, full time job
changes weekly. atm dancing, skateboarding, tft, baking, hiking and dnd
>looking for
just people in perth that arnt sensitive like a the average reddit user to play helldivers, stardew or factorio with. also maby catch up for a beer if we vibe
>not looking for
jews and the captcha timer >:(
dis (throwaway) thevoidenigma#0000

NOT 15 :(
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Is there a server for Aussies cause I haven’t seen an AusChan ad in forever.
some cooked cunts in here
not currently, auschan is dead
24 m, NSW

>looking for
sharing/spreading around a few uni sluts i know (friends, classmates, mutuals etc.)

Looking to expose and degrade them, get some tribs, chat about what's in store for the lucky ladies ;)

dm to look at the "menu" and pick out a college cumrag to ruin ;)

tele: alexsluttery
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25m nsw Wollongong
>about me
I like to cum on anime figures and dakimakura
>looking for
Someone to cum on anime figures together
Discord haydo
m 19 kik// sephyrawth
horny bottom boy looking for hung dads and older brothers with big fat dicks that wanna chat, show off, and fuck around today~
Honestly I'm normally too nervous to post shit myself, but I'm super drunk atm, so I decided "fuck it", and decided to post here.

27 male Victoria
About me:
I am a master mong wizard!! In All seriousness, I'm a Nerdy autistic guy who loves video games, also like other stuff, but video games are my main hobby
Looking for:
I'm mainly looking for friends with Similar interests (ideally people in the same state, but it's not a deal-breaker if you aren't).
Discord: nathiepoo
>< im not aus but
i'd like an aussie fren.
someone to play terraria or DBD with, and stuff like that.

i had a friend i played wow with for a while and he was really nice and i thought his accent was cool. If anyone is nice and doesn't mind im not from your special upside down club. ><

if u dont have terraria and just want to talk/text that's okay too
30 m Vic

out of a long relationship, just bored a lot of the time and end up drinking.
talking first, can probably hang out too over time of we're cool.

kik - chillidav
Just another 4chan Nerd
bit of a introvert
usually work > Hobbies > sleep > work etc
girls in eastern suburbs who have a sense of humor feel free to caht
mel_mart on discord
29 m melb
looking to service a M or F with my oral skills (but lets be real there's no females here...right?)
send pics of your goods and services to arrakean on disc
I am 22 years old. You can write to me on my telegram @Mv0424 and let's have a good night
>about me
I'm a relatively typical skinny nerd who has recently realised he might be bi. Typical nerd, sarcastic but kind, feminine. Very creative
Card games, Dnd, Lol, fantasy books
>looking for
I'm looking for a gentle dom in the state who is interested in something long-term and in meeting soon. I am REALLY into being tied up, so bondage is kind of a must, but beyond that I'm hoping to experiment with somebody dominant but kind and maybe somebody who shares some of my interests. We could watch Tv at your place maybe
>not looking for
Arseholes who just want to use me for one night. Can't do internationals. I would also prefer somebody who was fit.
>kik: nswfemme26

Gregarious and outgoing but lately I've found myself withdrawn into the comfort of solitude. I've found that the longer I spend in Sydney, the more it feels like the routine of this city lulls one into sleepwalking through existence. I think I'll catch a train to Melbourne or Brisbane, maybe a flight to Darwin or Perth.

The last part of the previous section probably makes it fairly obvious but travel is the first that comes to mind. A change of scenery and a new person to talk to, whether that be here or irl.
I read a lot, but I get bored easily so there are currently four books by my beside and two in my backpack (though those are in the same trilogy so you could count it as two thirds of one).
I think I'll go see a film today at the orpheum but I haven't seen many recent releases that struck a chord with me. I'm not overly critical but when you like something, you like something and that seems to have gotten just a little more rare in recent years.
I play a few sports such as rugby but I've been slack this year and have only done some light hiking.

>Looking for
I don't find it difficult to meet people and get along with them, but of all the acquaintances there are very few I would call friends, if only because we all make some kind of effort to see each other. Which can get lonely when they're busy or have particular interests.
I don't game too much anymore but I have had a really good time with people who are chronically online and like 4x strategy titles like EU4 or Stellaris, or coop FPSs like Squad. It's the communication: if you're adept at conveying purpose, thought, and emotion with honesty then it's hard to not like you even if we disagree.

>Looking to avoid
I get that adding people on discord can be daunting and awkward but if you're not making an effort to share or enquire, the conversation is going to feel like a chore and neither side wants that

Bi, into video games, average looking
>looking for>

kik: MysticGoat
Seeking lost connection,
You were formerly Mac Ches on Snap, rode a motorbike,
You posted again somewhat recently, hope to reconnect
I'm MarcManMelb, please reach out
Damn, you sound great except for the fact that you're not in qld. Love creative types.
But also I can't tie knots for shit so..
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21, M, NSW

>About me
6'0 estrogenized goth femboy thing :3

Well I'm really into horror, reading (been getting really into Delta Green stuff recently), anime, black tea and latex (I am so normal about it lol)

>Looking for
Other femme individuals and/or twinks to chat with mainly

>Not looking for
Masc individuals, overly creepy dudes or people over 35 :p

Discord: Halloweensoon
37 m mackay

going to adelaide for a week to see Korn, need some suggestions on cool shit to look at/do while im there.

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