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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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This flag is the ugliest thing ever. Like seriously. I blame 90% of lgbtphobia on this abomination of a flag.
The gays need to design something that's cool and edgy.
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The rainbow was a sign from God to Noah after the flood. A symbol saying He would never hard reset things again. Also a sign of hope.

People took that sign of God and turned it into a symbol for sin.

Evil truly cannot do anything besides corrupt.
Something something “black and transgender people need to be centered in every conversation even if the conversation has nothing to do with them.” At least trannys are actually part of the alphabet people, it’s so fucking weird to throw black and brown in like race is a sexuality
there's no biblical proof that gays are sinners, the only thing corrupted is your american version of christianity. get fucked, heretic
wont be taking the bait
I would have taken it, thanks for saving me.

Welcome to the first installment of the Yuri Girl Love General. I invite you into these threads to challenge ourselves by drawing at least two or more Female figures and put an emphasis on the figures interacting with each other; that means you're going to be getting involved into a little bit of story telling with your figures - not with words but purely under a visual medium and adding an environment or background with the figures is highly encouraged but it is not required. These threads should operate similar to the Yuri board >>>/u/ in the aspect that a drawing must contain at least two visible Female figures in order to post. For other drawings with a single Female figure such as the "1girlwhitevoid" pin up drawing or any drawings with a visible Male figure please post in the regular draw threads instead.

New to Yuri? Yuri is a genre from Anime that puts emphasis on relationships that are powerful between Females whether they be tender loving, sadistic, or just plain unfriendly. Please visit the Yuri board >>>/u/ for a general introduction to this Anime genre and just like the Yuri board suggests, drawings of Lesbian sex or nudity between two or more female figures is allowed but not required.

Have an OC? Shipping your favorite anime character with another lady? Got a personal project you're working on? Feel free to post them here but remember this is a visual arts board where you tell your story not with words but under a visual medium with forms and shapes.
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Man you’re slow. I already said i’m Mikus #1 follower which means someone likes them.
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sexy, but her right arm is looking way too big. It must be the hand.
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I got 24 hours to finish this piece, send help.
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Fix-ed, gonna do more shadows i got 1 hour+ more XD
It is done.
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Cool wings, cool, hair, cool, cape, cool dragon. Good overall rendering. Good enough effort.
Forearms, hands, torso, may need more work. also his shoulder plates should be attached together somehow, I added a strip of something on his chest to hold them. I think bigger plate guards on the arms helps a lot too.
Keep the good work anon.
So much better, I'm spent. GG. Next time I will not do a 12 hours challenge, it's dumb.
Based OP, thanks for sharing your work

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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You could do that if it helps you to go forward. It will be easier, because sometimes I struggled to decipher the original drawings myself. So I guess I made them much clearer to understand, to me atleast.

I should say that Bridgman style is not "anatomically correct" in "academy terms" lol. It's an artistic depiction. I just looks cool, wich is an important thing in art. Frazzetta used it to produce his style and changed everything. It's an "artistic exercise". It's a meme tool. "Do Bridgman twice", it's a meme to psych you up to do a tedious art exercise and finish it. You will learn shapes, for sure. There's no other way to learn, but to copy and reproduce, again and again... and again.

You could do the same with any other thing, like I dunno, do "Naruto twice" and you will be a mangaka, lol. Of course it works, copy, copy, and copy, till you don't need to copy anymore. You will tweak shapes and styles to your own needs. But also, trying to "mimic an style" never works, it always ends up having your own signature. So you shouldn't worry about "getting infected by someone else's style". That never happens in a literal way.
try to make the material easier to draw first, imagine something that doesn't really fold or clump up that much, just get the weight down then you can make the form more detailed to fit the material you want
Also her feet are huge but its kinda hot, make her look at the came though
The problem is that I haven't worked with folds that much yet and I can't find specific examples for this pose so it's a bit hard to imagine how it should look. Do you have any references or guides that can help with this pose?
you got it right, the folds themselves are just bad, some of them at least, feel the form my nigga
I will try

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i dont wanna show my coloring, because when i do color, it ends up looking like this. poor shading and borderline flat.

all i wanna know is: how do i STOP and NOT end up coloring like this forever?

preferably, something in video format to teach me? i find they usually go in depth more when it comes to instructions and it's easier to keep up with that than written instructions or pictures.
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this was posted on 4chan in aco.
Still shit
the lighting lacks a proper source most of the shadows imply its coming from the left but others imply its also coming from the right. the air brushing is also done a bit senselessly it removes a bit of the weight from the shadows and makes it feel flat
The biggest tip here is to not shade with black
>the air brushing is also done a bit senselessly

what exactly does that mean though?

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

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how do you do krenz shape copying training but trad ?? blis resbond :DDD
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gotcha ty anon will work on this, one thing I was trying to do was change the clothes based off the character design, should have changed the dark background to make her read clearly
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Drawing of Haruka from Blue Archive
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how do I make the skirt in this pose better?
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we bluearchive now

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1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: For SFW content please go to the OC redraw threads.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

Previous thread:>>6998868
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cool oc
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She's really cute.
NTA, but it looks really good!
I'm a complete degen (into sadism, cannibalism, trannies, etc.) and even I'm disgusted by scat. I really don't get the appeal, it's just disgusting. With urination i kinda get it, put poop??
Amazing work! Blog?

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Previous Thread: >>7137033


1. [THE MOST TAISETSU] Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox, Imgur, or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Do not post child photo references, legal or otherwise.

3. Due to this general's PPH (posts per hour/thread activity), please wait until the thread falls to around page 5 or 6 before making a thread. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

4. Please do NOT talk about real children. Keep it 2D only.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & General Information

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>what did he post?
Seems pretty based
Yeah, it's obviously >>7146839
Yep, but we all already knew that.
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Because of that pic!? I don't even know...

I think you can get banned on twitter without any reason. There were a lot of haters and mass reports.

He was a bit reckless and wanted to sacrifice himself for sure, I don't know why. It's a common behavior among lolicon artists. Normies don't have the balls to draw problematic stuff.

He revealed the true essence of human nature.
This result shows the real situation.

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If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

Previous: https://warosu.org/ic/thread/7105220
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>s-sniff... I failed as an artist guys. Now let me put my face in the thumbnail and begin gathering simps that will pay my bills.
Jesus fuck this kind of shit makes me so fucking mad
Link me to the fucking video if it's recent
Disregard that, I found it and this fat bitch is just a literally who with a spoonful of subs, not really the case to insult her
seething over a bitch that didn't even make it is truly a new low

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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painted St.George while waiting for the oil painting to dry. Mainly focusing on getting a good composition that's also not too generic since all depictions of St.George are very much the same. Not too happy with his face, albeit I didn't plan that part at all and focused on everything else. I'm inhaling copium, but the the idea is that this would be some sort of card art illust so the face would be too small to read lol. At least it reads well as a thumbnail.
Heavily inspired by Arthur Rackam and Hitoshi Yoneda.

>Just in case, don't paint seated but standing, and make a habit of going back to look at your work. This should help spotting those earlier
yeah, found that out the hard way. thanks man.
btw, now I totally get why yoshitaka Amano paints watercolors while standing. You have to.
hey thanks anon

looks good dawg. I see a lot of Uni students doing leyendecker studies. Do they make you do that or is it your call?
thanks! he’s just great to study from since his strokes are easily legible and there’s a wealth of information on his process. they did hand out a sheet of recommended artists but he was one of hundreds listed. leyendecker and rockwell are common refs for people in studio programs leaning towards illustration since they have good drawing sense and popularity. this was for a figure painting class, my school likes avant garde expression so there were more Sara Ball/Salman Toor/Colleen Barry type pieces. i was surprised during critique nobody else in my class did a JCL or Rockwell, but there was one with a Sargent (portrait of madame x)
Yo that dragon flapping out his ass
This man is insane too.
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I know it's shitty but I spent my evening on this literally just fucking around, which was good for practicing loosening up a little bit.

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Video Course General v.27

No one made a new one in a couple weeks edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

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>I'd rather watch anime and play video games for hundreds of hours so I don't.
You only say this because hundreds of hours is a lot of time. But when you look at it as a whole, you have thousands upon thousands of hours in your lifetime. You're wanting to get good at art, you're gonna be drawing for hundreds of hours anyway. So are these 97 hours worth of videos and hundreds of hours of practice really anything?
sounds great, now pyw
I'm not the guy who posted the tutorials, I'm just stating a fact. If you're learning art, you're gonna be practicing for hundreds of hours in the first place. It's not something that'll happen quickly unless you're one of those guys who got struck by lightning and was lucky enough to get some super ability from it.
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>Anything on webtoons, manhwa, aeni, manhua, donghua, manga or anime.
>stop asking me to reveal my identity on here by showing my work because I will not.
Draw a sketch now and post it here then. We can measure your skill level from it and you'll stay anonymous.
Thanks for the links by the way.
Anon you seem like a genuine nice guy (or gal) so please don't let troll anons discourage you from helping others.
Thanks for the resources and have a nice day.

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Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: >>7105679
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rolly roll
in the end I didn't. I feared I can't pull it of properly

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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?"/"What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

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Which pack had a Sharpie brush again? I forgot which one it was before I deleted it and now trying to look for it.
Anyone have these hand models? There's a male and female one.
how do i export 3d models?
in general if you want to have analog feel to your lines you need to use a textured pen and most importantly not use stabilizer and have brush variation set to velocity and random and not just pen pressure
the mangaka who made tsugumomo had a video about this and he uses an old version of csp but i cannot find it anymore
maybe you need the clip studio modeler? i'm actually not sure

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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are
You don't draw and never will.
I'm kinda tempted to make a webm of my chink junk and see what you guys think
Should I fall flr the screen less meme
whats wrong with it?

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