Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:One-Stop Beginners' GuideThe w/ic/iAnd don't forget to HEED THE RULES
If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.DO NOT REPLY to crabs, nodraws, and howies and instead focus on posted works!>STICKY:Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Qw/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view>WHERE to get study materialsannas-archive.org>>>/ic/artbook>>>/ic/video>Want to practice figures?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7502583>Just tracing over 3d models.
week 2 progress how bad is it guys.hellish week with unexpected life-altering events, had very little time to draw. probably should have just skipped but it was a nice outlet
>>7502776Better than my first 2 weeks lmao. Keep at it
>>7502746holy shit i just want a structured way to learn. every time i read i gotta do something differentill just copy shit using construction
>doing more studies doesn't guarantee any "improvement" >even if your art "improves" in some technical sense, it doesn't mean you'll actually be any happier with it... nor does it mean other people will like it more - in fact, they might even like it LESS than your less refined earlier work>whatever goal you aspire to reach might not even be attainable, and whatever "perfected" art you might one day achieve might not even be an art style that you yourself like I envy people who justdrawmaxx and wind up liking their own work, producing things which other people like, and don't seem to have to fret over "improving." The fact that I was happier drawing as a beg, and hell my art was arguably even more popular then than it is now, just totally wrecks me. I can't even go back to drawing how I used to, because I don't remember how to make my drawings look so crude and warped, like intentionally fucking things up doesn't produce the same results as trying your best and just having things come out wrong. I see this in some other artists' work, where things are clearly distorted and wrong in ways which indicate lack of knowledge/care as opposed to intentional stylization, but they seem so happy with it, as do all their fans. Sometimes I really wish I never actively tried to improve, I was happier with my art when I just drew whatever the fuck without being burdened with "knowledge" and was apparently on a better track to creating appealing art had I just kept on that path, but now it's too hard to go back, like trying to force yourself to shit in your pants.
>>7502457You aren't me. I don't post my work. >>7502425Pretty much. Too many seem to view technical ability as the endgoal of creative art, like the more anatomically correct your figures are, the more accurate your perspective, the more pleasing your art becomes. Unless you're a medical illustrator, product designer, or other similar technical artist, this isn't the case, because what matters most is how well your art stimulates viewers and instills whatever feeling you're trying to achieve. Just look at Munch's Scream, a painting in which the artist paid nearly no attention to the anatomy or even the three dimensional form of the central figure, yet it clearly conveys its feeling and has become one of the most memorable pieces of art going. A lot of people will never achieve such an eye (or hand) for composition and expression, so they toil away to create accurate figures and scenes, which ultimately inspire the viewer as much as looking at a diagram in a medical text or a random photo of a house on Instagram.
>>7502645You should learn all of these things anon. I agree that technical skill is not the end all of art , and appeal and composition must be incorporated as well, but learning anatomy/perspective isn’t just gonna end up with medical grade artwork or a house like you said, they are merely elements of life artists learn to make their art more interesting. There’s a place for artists like Picasso and the one you mentioned that don’t break the rules and don’t do much, but there has to be a presence of technical skill for art to truly move forward in a meaningful way
>>7502645The piece you mentioned also has plenty of expressions of technical skill, even if it isn’t much. The fence is in perspective, the hands look anatomically correct, and the figures in the back look accurate as well. Just more indication that these things are necessary to make appealing art. They are not the end goal, yes, but the technical skill being *present* is necessary
>>7502654It's not that they aren't worth learning, it's that too many people seem to think that their art sucks so they go running to the anatomy books thinking that their art will become good just as soon as they do enough studies.
>>7502645fuck you, do bot impersonate my IAM OP
What the fuck happened to Sakimichan? Serious question
>>7502463there are fewer competitors at the time tooplus old Sakimi works still hold up so I would say
>>7490629You're making a lot of assumptions. Some artists "fall off" not because they don't care or aren't trying, they've just literally exhausted their creative reserves and skill ceiling, so in trying to improve, all they can do is change, and sometimes those changes just look worse. Like you really think Coppola was phoning it in for Megalopolis? He was trying, and it still came out a mess. He's spent his creative potential.
>>7490075she actually got better
She probably made enough money to retire.
>>7502700>got betterNo she didn't.
The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.Previous thread: >>7491720Some resources:/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asgBooks:Understanding Comicshttps://e-hentai.org/g/2042453/83e7da6ed0/Making ComicsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7502720>do not have any professional ambitionsI forget sometimes that we are playing pretend here.
>>7502695>It's not a huge deal. When I see on publishing sites >"sexual content only allowed for story purposes" I assume suggestive fanservice and something like sex scene in Tokyo Ghoul:RE is the furthest you can take it and puritan hammer will swing after anything else, where I want to make doujins like from Borusiti for example included as canonical chapter>Comicfury is also one of the most relaxed websites out there with plenty of absolutely disgusting comics.At least freedom is enticing. >You can also edit your page's html any way you see fit.Now that's very neat.
>>7502742I'm not
>>7502742Pornanon and Rosenkreuz anon have serious ambitions (former having actually made it with the magazine and the latter is still in talks with his editor if I'm not mistaken?). Another anon (or two?) here has stated that he has absolutely no desire to live a mangaka's life so he intentionally doesn't pursue that route. It's not necessarily all playing pretend if you don't want it to be.
>>7502761Too bad publishers don't let you write whatever you want or I would have tried harder to get their attention. I don't love manga so much that i'm willing to give up on my specific thing just to pursue drawing a different story in the medium.Now you can self publish your own tankobons, it removes the barrier of never being able to see my work in print haha.
My grandpa gave me 7 thousand dollars to pay an online art schoolWhat courses would you recommend I take?
>>7501187>>7501468>I can't make it because my grandpas died long before I was bornRigged
>>7501780Both aren't bad options, but don't be like me and buy a bunch of non-live courses. Nothing beats having a teacher tear your ass apart for drawing like shit.
>>7501934>just burn your money on glorified gambling, brokill yourself
>>7501780Don't do Brainstorm, they used to be good but now most of their teachers are just former students that haven't worked professionally.Get your fundamentals skills up first, Watts is affordable, take with Ben or Erik, maybe Dynamic Sketching with Han then take more specialized courses from places like Concept design academy or Warrior Art Camp. What do you want to do?
>>7502478it's not your money, thoughbeit
What the fuck were they thinking what program will replace CSP bros?
>>7499881actually retarded. you don't just port pc applications to tablet and phone guis, that's not how anything works.
Liquify and puppet warp are interesting assuming they work with vector but not enough for me to upgrade from Ver.1 ex.
>>7497784>>7497840like, never lmao
If at any point you have to design a damn flowchart to explain your program update options, you seriously fucked up.
>>7497518Search window for subtools is pretty damn nice
>draws like shit>still designs shit better than most trained artistssovl is genetic
>>7502766>only Asians have soulstrue
>Basic programshttps://opentoonz.github.io/e/https://www.synfig.org/https://motorpen.comhttps://tupitube.com/>Referencehttps://vimeo.com/groups/anirefhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvspTjApofA2Yg3i10gTdQhttp://www.rhinohouse.com/http://www.animatorisland.com/51-great-animation-exercises-to-master/https://www.catsuka.com/gengal/artworks/>2D FX animation course:https://bitey.com/pages/fxComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7501705besides skewing, I'd need to look up a better add-on for krita.I already disabled scroll-bar zoom in the notePad.added an addon that makes my eraser a separate brush.remapped almost every key just to make it usable.anyways, picarto link is https://picarto.tv/54MI'll be picking away at the walkcycle there.
>>7502271You have an interesting style and humor, anon
>>7501146Whinging anon here, I passed the assignment by the mercy of Allah. I sperged out here because my teacher gave me a pretty scathing critique of my last submission and if I fail this course then I'm losing a shit ton of money for nothing. The pressure is fucking real.btw you got some nice animations. it inspires me to keep going.
>>7501171oh fuck, that's hot
Do you guys have any tips for backgrounds?
Anybody got the Yuming Li course?
>>7502430buy yourself broke faggot
>>7502532I'm good
>>7502534i know you are nodraw
>>7502141pyw, coursecuck
I have a Huion Kamvas 16 (2021) and my OS is Windows 11https://www.huion.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=16&myform=2&down_title1=Kamvas%2016(2021)&down_os=Windows&down_type=Driver&category=undefinedWhenever I have the HuionTablet app installed, it disables pressure sensitivity on most if not all drawing programs (like paint.net, krita, and adobe photoshop) for some reason. Yet the pressure sensitivity works in the pressure/stroke test section of the HuionTablet appIs it because HuionTablet isn't supported on Windows 11? How do I fix this?
>>7502567Get a Macintosh like every artist has done since 1984.
// PLEASE CHECK THE LINKS BELOW BEFORE REQUESTING ///Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.PLEASE ENCODE YOUR LINKS BEFORE YOU POST THEM HERE!Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!>Thread recap file (updated 13-FEB-2025):aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNzZwMEhad1EjdUpqZXZ3QmZfNmQxTXRYRnhKSnZtblZGMWMyb1pPcWhiLUt2UFBSdF9iYw==>Artbooks:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZvbGRlci8xN2F4cGY0ZDdrMDV1L2FydGJvb2tzI215ZmlsZXM=Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7501081artificial scarcity
https://www.trileart.com/does any kind anon have these?
>>7501081it's over... I didn't manage to collect the fund in time.
>>7501081Scan it fag.
>>7491228>somebody else besides me thought this scene was absolutely iconicGlad to know I'm not alone.Seriously, everything here starting with how she first tries to fire with one hand and flinches at the recoil is masterfully done.
previous thread >>7495785>New here? Please read best practices.1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one.>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Loliconhttps://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/>Costume coursehttps://online-courses.club/anatomy-of-clothing-2019-by-ron-lemen/
>>7502731Very sexy
>>7502731Big breasted child...rare but cute
>>7502731As long as they are cute budding cone breasts that itch and are sore.
>>7502731They can even have big boobs. No bullying young girls for having different bodies than other girls
>>7502731Bigger the better
Maybe this one will last the whole yearPrevious thread: >>7222766What is /ALT/?If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.>Rules & Guidelines(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.------>Community Resources>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
>>7501815why is this is fucking funny anon good work
Drawing i did for my fucking grandpa Yes he is in jail and he will be free one day. I miss my grandpa even though he did some horrible things and one day he's going to get out and I'm going to be able to hang out with him
The colors Duke the colors
>>7502759I forgot the image.
Why do people in this board obsess over anime shit instead of learning actual art
>>7500765I understand EuroHate as well as anybody but frankly the Italians set the bar by which art should be judged. It is what it is. Other expressions have their places, as you mentioned, indigenous arts etc. But comparing some dumbass things like ukiyo-e to idk, Caravaggio is just laughable. Just be thankful it was taken from them.
>>7500758Because manga and anime is actually better than old paintings done by rich farts.
>>7500758This is literally what a Nazi would say OP.