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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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Previous thread: >>7235046

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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Well anyway, that’s pretty smart considering kids are out of school st the moment. I googled if there were any changes and apparently it’s an uncensored version that was intended for toonami but again, it’s not Saturday so that’s odd.
Oooh wait there is a "toonami rewind" on Fridays. That makes sense.
Wait, you guys all still have cable
Kids dont watch tv anymore. Not stimulating as tiktok/yt for them. Unless it's something like teen titans go
Just block comments. I hate you btw.
bitch got eggshell for skin.

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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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...and while the examples I gave are more likely to be ornamental, my thoughts apply to art in general; any piece has the potential to be considered beautiful.
>The art-object is not the entire art-experience, and the subjective nature of art means that the individualized art-experience is formed from the observer/possessor bringing his life into play and fusing it with the art-object to complete it.
often times yes, but, and I'm not sure if you've ever had this experience, but some art experiences are truly transcendent in that you momentarily lose your sense of self and are fully immersed in the object itself and its beauty. Schopenhauer has some interesting thoughts on this, though I imagine there are more recent scientific studies and other research into such sublime experiences which corroborate some of what he wrote on it.
>The sad thing is that what you describe is kind of a "solved problem." Go into hobby lobby and you will see plenty of things that fit this critera in some way, just in cheap mass-manufactured forms. Your image could be one of those mass-manufactured as canvas prints and sold for 10$. The art-experience is cheapened by this, but that is due to how you encounter it. In isolation if you saw it in someone's house, say, while cleaning a recently-dead relative's estate, you would not have the negative context of that and would possibly associate it with how the relative displayed the piece, who they were, etc.
I'm sorry, but I do not see how cheap, mass-produced artworks some normie might hang up on their wall "solves" my "problem," even acknowledging that you loosely mean that, given the scare quotes. not to say any of my misunderstanding is your fault. (2/2)
Yes, art, I drew every day for 4 years right before the psychosis. Also history, Minecraft, programming/game dev (I suck), linguistics and languages, knitting and crocheting (when you're disabled, what's it even matter to have "feminine" hobbies?), and I would like to make some cosplays or costumes some day, maybe a full suit of armor.

My mother was also into art and most of my friends were made in art class, though we long parted ways.

I think my favorite subjects to draw about are (hard) sci-fi, fantasy, and futuristic, I like the idea of mixing classic fantasy (dwarves, elves, orcs, etc.) with sci-fi/cyberpunk, I just don't think there's much of a market for that outside of cat/dog girls/boys, or appealing to LGBT people (hot orc dads in your area or whatever) or to furries.

I very much still have an imagination, I can make original things, just that I don't know what I'm feeling and I don't know if I have emotions anymore, I definitely get angry, and I laugh at things that feel like they're supposed to be funny, I cry without knowing why I'm crying, but shows I used to enjoy are no different than watching some guy walk past the house.
>I do not see how cheap, mass-produced artworks some normie might hang up on their wall "solves" my "problem,"
It's not solving "your problem", but solving the problem of "people not valuing merely beautiful art as much." They do value it, they display it. They are curated to normie tastes, but the lack of meaning and simple beauty is what is there. The issue is that the context (as you even noticed) of them being obviously cheap and mass-produced makes them seem less interesting.

Overall my point is that even art-objects that are "merely beautiful" are still subservient to the subjective experiences of the observer.

The closest thing I've had to the experience you described is when I stare up at the clouds after a bike ride. But that is in part caused by the context, the endorphins and sweatiness and large amounts of focus and attention needed giving way to simply... "ah, cloud..."
Unironically write shit down, may help you process it.
If you want to mix those themes, do so. If you build it they will come.
Well, I think you have things laid out for you then. There are art communities who center around making tributes to history (and naturally
, history and linguistics are intertwined).
The second part is a problem for everyone who doesn't 100% fit into a mainstream subject. But your sci-fi genre doesn't seem too niche, I think you could make it work.
Genres can change with as little as a different art style and art style makes up alot of what's marketable.

practicing lineart but i dont get why it looks so shitty compared to my sketch? i tried adding a bit of line weight but it seems like im doing it wrong
looks like you forgot to enable pen pressure

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7206002

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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it also depends on what you mean by "possible". boichi made doctor stone and he's a south korean foreigner, but that's very very rare and there are already enough desperate japanese artists who went through manga school and have experience as a mangaka assistant, so the chances of being picked are very low.
cyberpunk edgerunners did well and the creator being able to make manga is something, but that success is also tied to one of the biggest games in the past decade so it's not really a fair example.

it's definitely possible, and has been for a while (boichi started in the 2000s), but it's still highly improbable and you definitely wouldn't be able to make your dream series unless you grind out comic work you have little to no (or even negative) interest in for decades.
fixed! ty
I use a zig kuretake G-pen and menso brush
You have to win gold in mangaplus creators at least... And good luck with that...I only saw that manga winning gold. Also the writer is a known showrunner and the artist a toptier level who probably got paid good money for drawing the manga 24/7. Honestly I dont think any of us will have his shonen published in japan, if we are veeery lucky maybe we can have oneshoots published (doublty). But yeah... If you want to do shonen boy I have some bad news for ya
It was always possible, it's just a long journey with a lot of hurdles. Some but not all of those hurdles can be circumvented nowadays. The main problem IMO is still the sheer amount of time going it alone for free it takes to get anywhere near a professional/publishable level. Just getting to the point where your writing and drawing and comicmaking skills in general are good enough to convince a publisher that your work might sell is a very difficult task, and it's not like the job gets any easier once you are published.
That's not a weekly is it? That style is not sustainable for a weekly.

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I’ll draw 6 hours per day from various references including morpho book and see how far I can progress after a few weeks
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Now answer me this, throughout those 6 hours a day of arduous artistic exercise, how many times did you get up from your (I'm assuming you were sitting down) chair, stand up to stretch and move about? and how long did each recess last? Did you also remember to hidrate during that time?

Art prowess is important but your health is more important, you can't do art if you are dead.
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Why are artists so committed to the starving artist bit? Commercial art has historically been a very lucrative career, and while that has changed somewhat in the 21st century I can't help but think artists are partially at fault.

They've resisted becoming office workers and companies have responded in kind by turning creative work into gig work and telling artists to market themselves on artstation. With AI we've seen another retreat, many talented pros leaving and expressing they will make it on their etsy shop alone (lol) and telling other artists to do the same.

It's like artists agreed to the worst parts of both being your own business - no steady paycheck - and being a wage slave - asskissing, strict hours. If artists want stable jobs with benefits they shouldn't see themselves as different than the factory worker.
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You really need a longer view of things. The art industry deskilled decades ago and all unions do is make the actual production inefficient and eventually kill the industries, as well as leeching money out of the workers and (as happens nowadays) being in bed with the companies to quash competing unions so nothing ever gets done.
In like the 20s, carpenter unions opposed power tools and union leaders would get mad at people who were trying to improve their technique to hammer nails faster.

>benefits people even after they've been canned
You really don't grasp how little bargaining power even the collective of artists who would join such a union have.
>if I were paid a livable wage to produce like 1-2 paintings a month
You can already do this if you're good enough, live in a cheap enough country and keep your cost of living low.

But really you're doing this weird dance where you're "pro-artist, anti-art." Because only someone who is anti-art would advocate for artists to be stuck making corporate slop and doing less art overall. You do not want to be an artist, you want the schmoozey hollywood-fantasy beret-wearing lifestyle of an artist, to be living in some cosmopolitan hive, wearing the badge of a corporation for all the social status points it gives, while barely making anything.
Dripping paint on the floor isn't painting, agent Bootlicker
do you find having no money a boon to your creativity?
Not directly. It is a boon that I do not participate in normie consoomer bullshit due to this lack of money though.
and what exactly art prospects are available outside of 'normie consoomer bullshit' that you engage in working freelance? My understanding is its mostly porn or corpo slop but low paid gig work and some niche indie comic stuff consumed by normies.

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I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
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She is the best
I'm going to Armenia, all these models are from there
>who are Polish and who adhere to Banderism
you have brain worms, Poles absolutely despise Bandera and his thugs
the only reason we 'forget' about volhynian massacre (known to Ukrainians as 'tragedy', lol 'oops a tragedy happened') is your stupid war
>(and no, before you ask, I'm not ukrainian)
You are a redditor though, that we already knew.
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thank you

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>Be Hungry Clicker
>Have almost 700k followers, including prominent indie, comic, and manga artists
>Hasn't followed a single person in almost 10 years
>Exclusively posts their work, and doesn't talk to anyone
What mode is this?
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send me the lora when you're done
Hews has 1.5x more followers though and draws significantly less
he also plays the social media game, the op guy doesn't, heck he doesn't even bother to put any text most of the time at this point

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How do 2D animators endure the physical pain?
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These senrans are cute. Where are they from?
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This image spooked me so.

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Fuck I need help /ic/, can someone assist me with perspective, or make a redline for this? It's a gift for my sister and I would prefer it not look like shit.
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looks good to me anon but maybe someone else can offer better help, I think what may be "missing" is that the perspective isn't very accented so the scene kinda looks as if viewed from far away (the bear dude's legs/feet are smaller accordingly but then going up from there for the other 3 characters not much seems to change perspective-wise), but I think it still looks fine and I'm sure your sister will appreciate it very much, it is so nice of you to make a gift like this :)
>but I think it still looks fine
I think this might have sounded too harsh I mean like turbo accented fish-eye lens kinda perspective would be a bit overkill I think (it looks good ofc and makes things look more dramatic/pop out more but it's very hard to do and you don't need it per se), it looks like a lovely gift
you know people in wheelchairs can't move their legs, right?
the perspective is fine enough, everything else no so much, but you should finish it anyways, go make your sister happy and remember not to fuck her
Ambulatory wheelchair user, Google dot com

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>be 30yo oldfag
>want to achieve the art skills of my favorite artist
>too old
>set a goal to achieve within 3-5 years
>check his first pixiv art
>already better than what I'm doing right now
It's over for oldfags, do I really have to spend another 15 years to draw good anime art? a 45 years old man, drawing cute anime girls, as a hobby? WTF IT'S SO OVER FOR ME
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I've learned that a lot of people tend to have a specific field or style they get really good at quick regardless of age.
>t. 30 year old boomer who spent 10 years grinding anime without much success and got to a pretty good level at landscapes and layout drawing in about 3 years
You're 100% overcomplicating the process. Take a photo or a piece of art you think looks cool and copy it with a pencil and paper, compare the two and note down which fundamentals your version hasn't matched, then try again. If that's too much you can just trace a piece of art you like to get a physical feeling for how the artist drew before doing your own study. Work big to small, do some light lines to get a feeling for the overall composition before you start going into forms and detail. Most of an artists visualisation happens on the paper, not in their head.
If you convince yourself it's impossible, erase every line a thousand times, punch yourself in the head while saying "stupid! stupid! stupid!" and scrunch up the paper before you're finished you'll never progress. Put down the eraser and just finish something even if it looks bad. Quantity is better than quality.
Menea the dog got good in 4-6 years
ah yes the good old "i'm gonna cram some books and get good in a year" plan
>Waaaaaa I'm so sad that I'm old and I don't want to learn or practice!!!
>Waaaaaaaa life's so hard because I'm old!!!!!

Just fucking draw. You're old, we get it, your brains slowing down, now fucking draw already. Less bitchy more worky

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Is tracing over AI shit cheating? Not with the purpose of learning, of course, just producing a piece. Theoretically no one will ever find the "original" artwork from where I trace from so it's safe from legal problems. I would like to hear your opinion, /ic/.
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AI's pretty good for inspiration.
The only use I've seen AI for is for people to falseflag and use it as reference or trace over it. They get the gains of a decent artist, and the fame that comes with it without any of the work or baggage. That's the best use case.
>people who use or seek to use a certain skillset for profit, being immensely upset at a technology which can produce results similar to that of a poorly-skilled person in the same field."

Then obviously we should just be getting rid of drawing in every commercialized industry. Thank you for the insight
close to home?
I've seen people use it to make backgrounds and as "photo"bash material, or special effects like magical circles. Really not much different from grabbing or making assets.
Also toyed around with making UI elements before (buttons, bars, icons), but only did it a couple times so I don't know what the limits or possibilities are.

There's also things for auto-lining and auto-color now, along with some other tools that could be useful for bashing together inbetweens for animation, making longer films possible for independents and small-teams.

If people are doing shitty work for shitty pay then yea that should probably be reduced into less people doing the shitty work for decentish pay.

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Why are you not studying renaissance art? And making art in the renaissance art style? For maximum art gains? You want to be the best artist, right?
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they werent even that good. reference painters are a dime a dozen now, and quite often much better
yeah the ability to capture the essence of something without drawing it realistically is totally gimmick
why not mix both?
High Renaissance sure.
I have done my fair share of Leonardo and Michelangelo studies.
it's a gimmick because it's based on technique, whiles still remaining essentially realism. the essence of impressionism is actually realism, but their fans pretend to be anti-realists, while doing the least interesting and laziest form of abstraction of realism. there's little depth to impressionism.

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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I like the way you paint but that face is all sorts of fucked up.
bro If you cover the right side of her face she looks good. you must work on understanding the shapes.
this video made me understand How Boxes exercises Work
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today's sketches
hope I have more time to keep going later
>forgot da link
embarrassingly didn't really draw today. had no time to. will probably try to do extra tomorrow.

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