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I made a new thread because I don't always get a lot of feedback and I'm desperate. My work that I put effort into comes out poorly, but my random studies are more successful. I know part of this is perceived skill vs actual skill, but I don't know how to improve. I'll post work for critique, or I'll post in yearly progress threads, and I'll get advice like, "go back to studying from references more, work on your basic shapes." I'll revisit material and work on fundamental things again like gesture, blocking in shapes, or trying to better understand perspective. I think these all come out ok, obviously the examples I provided could use some more work, like the hand on the figure is messed up, but I think they're "ok" for quick activities. When I try to make original ideas they lose whatever was making those activities work, and I don't understand.
I still use reference, and I put much more time in them, but even if I were to take them to the next level and fully clean up stray marks, they look even more amateur. I try to do a lot more of this kind of art though because I find it fun, but something isn't working. Is it an imagination issue and I need to step back and draw from my head and work on internalizing figures? Do I need to be doing even more studies? I know part of it is just mileage, but it feels like my brain is broken. I tried to think about things like the composition, or how having both socks fully on would look less interesting. I was given advice from someone outside of this board to ignore color for a while and focus more on form readability and cleaning up lines and I think that's true. Does anyone have suggestions for what to practice to achieve that, or other suggestions? I'll put in the work, I just would like some guidance please.
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Thank you, I assumed this is roughly what I took the one anon to mean by increasing observational skills. I think I get stuck trying to understand when I should be aiming for a perfect copy, and when I should be trying to understand their process so I can utilize it for my own work.
I'm rambling but I struggle with what I appear to be slightly more skilled at, what I enjoy, and what I enjoy looking at. I find the painting process more fun than extremely clean lineart and cel-shading, but the kind of art I like looking at often has very neat lines. So then I'll allow myself to be a little messy with the copy/study because it's more useful to how I like to work.
I recently started trying to do more gesture drawings again and do 2 minute ones and I think those I do with a lot of intention of pushing poses, but then trying to study anatomy or certain things baffles me.
I knew folds were an issue prior to the one girl at the bottom so I was looking at drapery books like the morpho one, but just copying it doesn't make anything stick because I'm not being deliberate with it. Thank you for giving me things to think about
accept it, you are hardly learn anything from this site
> if you can't recreate it, you didn't really learn it.

This is really great advice >>7245003
. OP didn't even post any of their studies and I can't imagine being able to do 'amazing' studies and then being unable to apply that to when you are doing your own work.

OP should do the study and then do the study again and then again just for good measure. Sucks, but that is how art goes.
My bad OP did post them, but they are not reflecting what OP is saying. In fact, I think OP's original work is reflective of their studies.
OP here, this was helpful to me if anyone else feels like they relate to anything from this thread. Maybe its really obvious to some people and I've seen variations on it and heard these things said but this one was very clear to me.

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Back agaim friends, this has taken me 2 hours so far.
Still on that Adventure Time mood lol. I want to call it something horrendously snobby, like, "Ooo's Last Son Falls Before His Holiness, Golb's Greatest Miracle" I guess you can say the title was inspired by my recent obsession with Blasphemous as well as the conglomeration from Carpenter's The Thing. I want to finish this one, i think its really cool, i just cant stand my inkjob thus far. Oh well, this was a lot of fun to make. The stringyness of Adventure time's style allows for ease of posing while still being able to be quite expressive without looking off. Good practice for one so unconfident in posing and posture such as myself!
Hey thanks friend, and perhaps so! Im not sure myself as, at least conciously, i drew my inspiration from a combination of dinosaurs and loosely the gwythaints from the black cauldron, lol.
Back again friends. This one took me 2 hours to complete.
I find Crash Bandicoot to be a very visually appealing character. I am surprised that there arent a million recolored ocs of him as opposed to Sonic. Maybe i am missing something, but i feel like there aught to be a bigger fandom than there is of Crash and the like. Anyway, I tried to emulate his older game box art, as he looked real gnarly in it. A kind of gnarliness absent in his current iteration. I dont dislike current Crash's design, but there was something missing i tried to capture, but alas, i could not. Oh well, it was fun and i got a bit of foreshortening practice in! Lol
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Back again friends. This one took me 45 mins to get here.
I had an idea for a fairytale to tell young girls. Tell me what you think as i would love to tweak it to make it a better story.
Long ago a princess was curse by warlock to have an invisible monster chained to her forever. This monster would kill and mame anyone who she grew fond of. After seriously injuring her father, the king, he and the queen decided with a heavy heart to build a castle on a lonely hill and keep the princess there forever.
Over many years, many brave generals, knights, hunters tried to slay the monster in the lonely castle and save the princess. However, none of them returned.
One day a prince, known not for his strength, nor his prowess in battle, but his kind heart and cleverness, rode into the king's kingdom. The king informed the prince of his daughter's heartbreaking fate. The prince offered a chance to save the princess, but the king was drenched in doubt. The prince was not imposing in any way, nor did the young lad have any experience with monsters or war. But the youngster assured the king that all he needed was a chance, and the king relented.
The prince prepared himself by reading on all the scrolls that documented the princess and her encounter with the warlock. He then went to the local smith to forge a pair of weapons that might kill the monster.
The next day, the lad made it to the lonely castle. The halls were covered with the bones of fallen heros and shattered glass, and wrung out metal, just as the boy suspected. He called out to the princess in a long corridor and she came.
"I have an offering to you!" He said and laid a box on the floor, stepping back. When she felt he was at a safe distance, the princess went and opened the box. A note laid on top that read, "you have never seen the beast because it always shatters the way it can be seen, take a look but you only have one chance."
I'll work a bit more on the pic and post the rest tomorrow. Goodnight friends!
Back again friends with part 2 of >>7243220
It took me about 30 mins to ink this far, something im rather uninthused about. I think i am done with this piece. I just feel tired of it. I could have done better and am bit wiped from it. Ya know. Anyway, back to the story:
In the box was a mirror and a cerimonial knife. Before the princess could reach for the mirror, the box was flipped over by an invisible force. The beast had caught on to the prince's scheme and attempted to break the mirror. But the mirror was not made from glass but polished steel and was difficult to break.
The prince then drew his sword and slashed at the invisible foe, but to no avail, as it was like fighting a ghost. The monster threw the mirror aside and in its rage, attacked the prince. The princess hurried to the mirror and looked upon it.
The horror, how could it be?! "This monster, its flesh, its evil, was all a part of me?" Yes, the monster wasn't merely chained to the Princess, but was apart of one flesh with her. It grew out of her faces and coiled around and out to the Prince. At last, she saw what had harmed her father, and killed all those brave men.
The prince was suffering the same fate. The beast grappled him to the ground and savored every moment as it drew out its many teeth and probuscus like tongue.
"My lady! I beg you!" The prince called out, "Only you can save yourself! Read the blade's name, give it your greatest wish, and slay the beast!"
The princess scrambled to the sacrificial knife. Its name was HOPE. But its blade was dull, like it was never sharpened.
"I cant with this! It's impossible!"she pleaded.
"Then I am as good as dead!" He grunted under the coils of the beast.
The princess fell to her knees and begged, she prayed to the heavens, she beseeched her one wish: to be free.
The knife glowed with a holy blue and with nothong to lose, she struck at the monster's coil that grew from her face.
I'll juat wrapp up the stor in the next post. Lol
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Back again friends tgis one took 30 mins. I didnt want to take long today. As i wasnt feeling too well. I like the gnome facination that occoured recently and it was fun to draw. Now to wrap up this >>7244351 story:
The blade, though little sharper than a letter opener, sliced through the monsters flesh. The princess hacked away at it like a lumberjack until its horrid chain of flesh was severed. With the way it was able provide it with a sustainable lifeforce cut, the monster writhed to the floor. Before long, it ceased all together.
The princess fell to her knees in absolute shock, she was free. The prince rose to his feet and offered her a hand.
She took his kind, gentle hand, "You... you saved me!"
The prince smiled warmly, "Only you could have slain the monster, you chose to be free. I only showed you what you needed to see."
Tears gathered in the princess's eyes as she embraced him amongst the bones and shattered glass. It would be the last time she would ever find herself there again, happily returning to a loving home and a loving kingdom. And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Phew! What do you think? I tried to make it as short as i could for this format, but what do you think of the story and the potential messages that could be drawn from it? I want to make a few new grimm folktales that i feel are relevant to day, particularly surrounding child victimhood and the like. But i also dont want to be seen as foolish if the message is not conveighed properly. What do you all think? Might this be a good mildly macabre story for young girls?

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How do I find the horizon and vanishing points in my painting?
I don't really know where the two characters should be positioned in respect to the viewer.
I relied on eyeballing so far but it's starting to fall apart.
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I fixed your cartoons
yes @latinabaddies
Are you this coomer?
This is why your father left, Jeremy.

first of all, your scaling is absolutely fucked. Either the figures need to be lowered to demonstrate they are closer to the foreground and not standing directly next to the building or the building in the midground needs to be made a lot bigger

Also, I like what you've got so far otherwise. I want to see the finished piece anon

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>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/

Recommended Resources:

Last Thread:>>7146222
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the thumbnail looks lewd and hot.
I will look into all of that, thanks again anon
It's a cartoon, I'm not talking about cartoons in any of my posts, my focus is entirely on realism as a foundation (not photo-realism)
Also the picture I posted of the Belvedere torso has a lot of white space around it, if I were to print it out I would crop the image first else it would still appear tiny even if you print it on large format paper. Just a little thing to remember, it's the kind of mistake I would make.
Oh my bad !

In an old Monastery that is ofted booked for seminars and things
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It needs more like this
this is just blatantly disrespecting religion.
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> she looked up, searching for "something" with her watery eyes full of tears... searching for a reason?... an explanation to such cruelty?... a justification for the destruction of her beautiful body?... she was losing the plot already, which was that the reason of what was happening to her, was that she asked for it... she knew what she was doing to her body last night playing with herself like that, she knew it was bad, a sin, and she knew the price to pay for that profanity....
> The assistant nun cruelly held the sharp thorns against the lacerations in her wet and twitching plump ass ... the sentenced novice muttered a grunt... she wasn't ready to cry yet, she was still in shock... the sharp thorns were digging into the bleeding wounds... was that better than the direct brutal hit of the thorns tearing up her delicate skin?... the answer was coming... any second now... she was starting a deep search for God right at that moment of expiation... a little bit too late... humans are like that, only when they feel the consequences of their sins they search for their Lord in heaven...

I know nothing about muslims, so I wouldn't know the difference. We Christians are VERY complex, that I know. We are an amalgamation of lots of things. We are the cultural union of the whole western world, the greek and roman myths, the nordic myths, celtic culture, all intertwined in our Christian world. Christianity is a very potent cultural civilization that needs to get revitalized, it needs hot blood poured into it, pumping hard. Youths today are falling for the "esoteric-occult" new cultural mirage, they fantasize about anthropomorphic creatures and demons not even related to Christianism anymore
Even the "hot nuns" thing must look like some "old boomer outdated fetish" because Christianity is culturally stagnant, it is getting pushed out by the "occult" movement, "make nuns hot again" anon, that should be your goal in life if you want to save Christianity
I'll pray for you
It pains me to agree with this, but same. Atheists and their ilk have been mass murdering Christians since the French Revolution and the Vendean genocide and there's been barely any reaction.
At least they got what was coming to them during the Spanish Civil War and they were defeated before they could commit yet another genocide.

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>You get to choose any artist (living or dead) to be taught by for a year
Who do you choose, /ic/?
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>he would probably zero interest in teaching me anything
Given how much he wrote, and how, he'd be probably be quite interested to teach anyone willing to learn
Todd McFarlane.
I don't really want to learn art from him, I want to learn his grindset.
every frazetta photo looks like a frazetta painting. he was born with good composition
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Are all retards here? There's only ONE answer to that question:
Leyendecker, funnily enough

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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It's the truth
You can say whatever you want but the reality remains clear, you can't have black face characters in this day and age.
What's your point?
You get the point
No need for further explanation

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>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

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thread's dead but i'm having fun drawing so whatever
>Doesn't post drawing
How do we get the people who kept the threads active to return?
>How do we get the people who kept the threads active to return?
You can't. The better question is:
How do we keep the threads active on our own?
i will when it's done

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It's starting in a few days and the event lasts the whole of July. Are you joining in this year?
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The event's been extended by 2 days.
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Up to attack #31. Feelsgood :)

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Post your work and Anons will give advice in the form of a redline/redraw.
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Trying to learn poses from above that aren't just t posing mannequins or just neutrally standing there
How's this one looking?
Cringe subject matter side, any help on the posing? I know it's stiff but I'm trying really hard to match the art style. Struggling especially hard on the groin in general for the Blue character. Any help?
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Really struggling with this. Not going off a reference, and it just looks wrong in so many ways lol
Sorry, hopefully this flips it
Love this, reminds me of Claire Wendling. There are many ways to do something artistically beautiful and "right".

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I can now draw anything but I don’t know what to draw.
What do?
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W thread for sigma rizzlers no cap
This place is a shithole, go fuck yourself.
She is a bitch
No she's not.

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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread: >>7010561
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>shota trad art
I wouldn't recommend it . Are you going to put pictures of naked boys in your house? We weren't born 500 years ago
DOLL's stuff may be a bit too buff for some here but I really like his work, he's one of my inspirations. I just wish he posted more than once a year...
When sketching the eyes in 3/4 view, I recommend that you start by drawing the inner outline of the furthermost one, after which you can use it as a reference for that of the eye closer to the viewer.

Personally, I find it more intuitive to use a horizontal drop-like shape whose tip is pointing towards the side opposite to the intended orientation angle of the head, drawn with just a bit of a forward slant.

I prefer to sketch both eyes as the shape in question by virtue of the latter helping me achieve a better grasp of the curvatures of the former, and because a horizontal drop is a fairly accurate simplification of how the inner contour of an eye actually appears in a 3/4 view:


The degree of narrowness of the furthermost eye would hinge upon the intended position of the head: a very squished eye is indicative of a near-profile view, while a broader one suggests a more frontal angle of orientation.

Usually, after drawing the background eye, I continue by sketching an intermediate drop, adjacent to the tip of the first one, and of the same dimensions, if not a tiny bit wider. This optional step is to make sure that I'm following conventional proportions regarding the amount of space between the eyes.

Then, attached to the tip of the intermediate shape, I draw a noticeably wider drop to represent the inner outline of the actual matching eye. The level of broadness of this third shape will also depend on the head's orientation angle: in near-profile views, the eye closest to the viewer can be twice as wide as the furthermost one.

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Were you referencing at some of Miura's paintings for the colors? It very much reminds me of his stuff.

If your partner is fine with it then it shouldn't matter. Obviously put them away if you have guests over (unless they don't mind, but it's rude to visually bomb people with extreme art without forewarning) and they have to go into storage if you plan on having children.
But part of the point of art is to surround yourself with things you find aesthetically pleasing and/or emotionally stimulating.
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for me it's Okulain

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>see a sweet drawing
>want to find out who the author is
>see signature in the corner

Why do artfags do this?

>inb4 OP can't read cursive xd I can read this perfectly fine

go ahead then
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Great artists assert their dominance through their art, not a signature.
You don't have a single fine art painting on your home walls.
yeah i just put my twitter handle in the corner of my artwork in full caps.

The average normie is too lazy or stupid to reverse image search.

You also have to remember that if your artwork gets popular it will likely get shared across many group chats, discord servers and indian facebook groups. Your artwork will keep getting jpeg-compressed until you can count the individual pixels.
an unreadable signature or some weird logo won't do shit at that point. Keep your signature clean and readable, and don't shy away from making it bigger.

>>see a sweet drawing
>>want to find out who the author is
>>see signature in the corner
I have the same issue with cosplayers who refuse to watermark their photos. I once argued with one cosplayer, who complained about uncredited reposts on reddit, that if she had watermarked her shit, she at least would gain some new followers from uncredited reposts. She instead argued that if people weren't shitty assholes, this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.
pipe down sweetie and pyw
i do this when i don't want the art to get traced back to me, but want to my name on something im proud of making

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Is Paleo art the art community with the highest standards for art? Not only does your art have to be good, it also has to be scientifically accurate to be any good otherwise even non-artists will nick pick it to pieces. Feather Nazis is a term I see getting throw around.
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>have to be accurate
don't read about fossil """science"""
Just draw what you like for yourself, don't interact with any community
All fucking featherniggers must fucking hang.
>t. /an/

Nah but seriously that's about right. Most paleo art is closer to scientific illustration than it is to "fine art".

I want to learn how to draw but I don't want to make bad drawings
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What are you planning to draw anon? Are you into, "manga"?
>as long as you aren't drawing the devil or whatever
You're joking right?
you have 10,000 "bad" drawings in you. The pain can be brief or drawn out, better get cracking.
there is no pain if you are cool though.
One thing I’ve learned from /ic/ is that if you’re not immediately perfect you’re NGMI and should KYS and also YWNBAW.
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