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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Practice drawing planes of the face using Easter Island Heads

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Solid Geometric shapes brother

kill all kikes
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Where do I grow? Reaction to my stuff here has usually just been a thumbs up. I post on other places and have an ok following, and around 4chan people are like "oh I know you". So, that's good for my feels but it doesn't give me the critical feedback. What do I tweak or how should I compose drawings and make them better?
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just become the edgy version of moebius.
The colors are awesome and the style could be worked on, sure, but there is nothing bad on symbol drawing outside being limiting to learning volume drawing

OP if i were you i would start putting a plot to that and make a webcómic. Find someone to write a stupid plot for you if you are dull for that, but get the ball rolling even if it doesnt become popular. It will allow you to draw what you like, and force you to draw a lot of shit you would never do otherwise

Really the most basic plot would do
go harder on the shading. you are being too scared
be more ambitious
when in doubt, learn more fundies, study more masters
you don't know what you don't know
I like the art but what is killing me are no backgrounds like try to fill up those empty spaces it will look even better.

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Previous Thread: >>7390717

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 2000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

Completed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vm4IJpq0Mbvb-Krl5_mJ_m6TsC_qjsaN/edit
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

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I think the nipple should leave a trail
And functional/aesthetic guns too apparently. Christ that guy was up his own ass.
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Been stagnating for some time
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I drew this yesterday
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I know it's completely fucked, but I can't see it myself at all. Any help?

Redraw this/post images to redraw. The sticky image is broken, keep this thread alive until a mod fixes it.
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Based and shalom-pilled
Can we talk about how all the resources in that thread are dead links
>Mfw should've save them when I had the time
True they need to either update them/replace them.
give me something to redraw that isn't shaalom pilled
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Title. I don't see many people mentioning Norihiro Yagi for example when Claymore has a great dark fantasy aesthetic and creative monster designs. Such a shame the newer series he did look so much blander by comparison.
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>Japanese humor
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>imo kotoyama
did you just discover anime
>did you just discover anime
no. he just draws nicely and no one talks about it
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Taniguchi Jirou
i just like his art. it screams 80s/90s soul, it's just honest and simple.
Hiroaki Samura doesn't get talked about nearly enough.

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Post your 3D references for drawings, poses, etc.

PS: not suitable for crabs.
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i came in here specifically because ive been expecting a schizo thread
its quite underwhelming desu
you are a self-depressed faggot, don't blame others.
Milk Shoot
More, but not futa
I miss when we only had quality schizos like pixel art scribble guy maintaining active scribble threads on multiple boards simultaneously. And namefagging schizos because they're filterable. Even the obnoxious schizos were preferable to this because they were autisming out over one thing and sometimes their conspiracy theories and rants could be fun to read.

These new schizos suck ass. Half of them are low quality and surface level with the personality of cardboard and memory of a goldfish. They don't rant, they don't theorize. Instead of debating and convincing people to see things their way they just brute force spam and samefag their way through every obstacle. If you argue into submission they can see when they've lost and give up until the goldfish memory resets and they pretend nothing happened after their dumb post has bumped off the thread preview, then it's time to gaslight and samefag away if anyone points it out. Not even derailing like a normal person just insult spamming.

I think a lot of our new schizos are just one terminally online guy who gets bored when his other posts get ignored, because a lot of them do all this shit and even talk and insult the same. Hes posted responses to people arguing with other schizos in the wrong thread before.

A true schizo doesn't see reason, a true schizo doesn't back down, true schizos engage in debate to bring someone to their side. This cancer on our board is a sadistic abusive gooner retard larping as multiple schizos. Hes driven away most if not all of our real resident schizoids and now he wears their personality as a skin.

It's disgusting and he isn't even entertaining at all. Just annoying like a child that wants attention.

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Goodbye /ic/.
I just bought myself one of these bad boys, a 5000 paper stack for me to learn how to draw. I have downloaded every single course that I will ever need for a few years and in a few moments I will disconnect myself from the internet and cut the cable. I also got a drawing tablet for when I need to start using it. But for now, the paper will do. I have downloaded every single resource over at /asg/ and I will go through them. I don't need the internet anymore.
Thank you for providing books and helping with courses. I wish you only the best and nothing but the best.

I will keep checking the thread while I finish up unpacking everything. I will report back once I've finished using up all of this paper.
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the fact you replied means you didn't immediately quit the internet to work, it means you made this thread, and waited with bated breath for dopamine replies, meaning you won't draw shit, will stay NGMI, and keep making dumb threads how this is the one time you actually do it.
fuck off cris
This. It's so fucking overwhelming having so much information and so many "correct" starting places. It's much better if you just sit down with ONE book (Fun With a Pencil in my case) and start there. Otherwise, you're just gonna be paralyzed forever. It's like having too many video games and not playing any of them BECAUSE you have so many to pick from.
>I will disconnect myself from the internet and cut the cable. I also got a drawing tablet for when I need to start using it.
You *did* download the drivers first though... right?
list the courses and resources you're learning from bud
give us the timeline

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One thing I never understood about the Loomis method and it drives me crazy is in the books Loomis draws the head as a sphere with it's sides cut off. But all drawing tutorials, and even Loomis himself don't cut the sides of the sphere when it's seen from 3/4 or any other angle. It doesn't make any sense. A sphere doesn't have foreshortening, it doesn't matter from what angle you look at it it's 2D contour is always a perfect circle. But when you cut it's side, with exception of a few angles it makes a huge difference in perspective. Most drawing tutorials and even Loomis just draw a sphere with ovals on it's sides, but if the sphere was actually cut it would look something like this. Also from most tutorials the back of the head isn't cut to give the cranium it's distinct oval shape.
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Imagine getting filtered by loomis
90% of my future monthly salary
Just learn from chommang on youtube
Just do what David Finch does
>>7441587 is also a great resource, especially if you want to draw pretty azns instead of beefcakes and statuesque wimminz

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Is there any way to move beyond drawing like a 10 year old and having little to no creativity? I think I might need a mentor because I definitely wasn’t made for self-teaching. It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circles
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that's something, but respectfully, could you answer the other questions I posed (and others, if you like) about how you've been studying?
>It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circles
I wasted years but now I'm serious.

3 months is nothing. It takes years to be good at this.
you were supposed to be having fun all those months, so it wasn't wasted. Getting mileage is good, you WERE having fun, right?
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>It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circles
Learning art is just like this. Obviously the catch is that you don't want to actually be wasting time and learning nothing, but even while learning it can feel like that's what is happening. So you have to have a certain level of self awareness, while also not being too in your own head to the point you hold yourself back.

As for how to draw more gooder, draw from life. Do specific exercises like "full body, 10 minutes". (this is what you do in art school) This also helps with comparison over time. I will feel like I have made no progress, then I see my drawings from a year ago and it looks like doodie compared to what I do now.

For drawing more creative-like, think about what you want, what kinds of art do you wish there was more of. Try to get over your inhibition. I struggle from this. I think "that idea sucks" then I never pursue it. But ideas aren't just a thought, they are developed. Just like how drawing is something you build up, work back and forth with. You don't just do it all at once and it's perfect. You have to massage it, caress it, you have to kiss the neck of your idea, and really feel its curves.

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krita fucking sucks and I'm tired pretending it doesn't
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every program has its flaws, i can appreciate how krita is more customizable than other programs though
i also find animating way easier on krita than on csp
honestly though, just use what works best for you! since YOU are the one using these programs CAN YOU DIG ITTTTT?!
>Like I hate that I can't move objects or selections with the arrows
Just hold shift and move the layer and/or selection with the arrows =)
>it's simply better
And yet no one uses it. Curious.
you're supposed to learn shortcuts for whatever software you use, to avoid wasting time
I fucking love the chrome brushes in krita but I hate how I can never remember how to zoom in and out every time I try to use it again KEK

If I could replicate those brushes perfectly into clip studio I would be so happy

for those of you who have actually made it out of the trenches, how would you recommend someone to find a job in artwork?
what sort of skill level/ specific skills do you need?
what level of output do you need to achieve?
is previous work experience necessary?
should you try to gain a following to make it easier to find work?
about to turn 21 and in college for cybersec. ive already been practicing for a few years and im fine with working for a few more before i get an art job, but id like to plan for what i need to achieve to do so. im 2d focused but advice pertaining to 3d is also appreciated
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Based. Its so hard to give trust to these people who shits on everything that dont align on the semetic experience.
>no manga niche crap soft
>I dont care how much experience you have
I can tell you are full of shit, specially with how most profesionals are moving away from Photoshop now.
>No anime, no furry shit
clearly you don't understand modern markets. this is why so many western studios are struggling.
>No employers browses internet looking for talent as if it were a catalog.
yes they do
I do so to. Never said "pay for software".
For a company, you are a tool. You will be doing whatever the AD or head designers have elaborated, you will do TASKS.
Unless you climb up the ladder you dont get to do decisions.
Again, you wont be painting anime characters, only in your fantasies that scenario is plausible. For 2D Photoshop is industry standard wether you like it or not. If you dont even understand the reasons, you are still green.
Delusional, keep gooning to cartoons anon. I will be busy making money.

ADs are easy to find, approach them and ask them how they go about hiring people.
Be prepared, the fall will be hard.
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>As of today in the Video Games industry In the company I work Im the gatekeeper that decides who works with us and who does not.

That explains a lot.

>And please share with the rest the formula of your success.

There ain't none. People who've been in the industry for decades are struggling to find work. Personally, I'm doing OK, but I know I'm lucky.

>Again, you wont be painting anime characters, only in your fantasies that scenario is plausible. For 2D Photoshop is industry standard wether you like it or not. If you dont even understand the reasons, you are still green.

LOL, I've seen long-time professionals, people with decades of experience, jumping ship for other software for the past 4 years. If you think I'm talking about anime artists perhaps you should take a look at some of that social media you despise so much.

Have you considered that you might be out of touch and trapped in the past?

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" as the azure of the seasons spring winds down, and the wedlock of primrose and cutthorn leave their stay, even as ghouls and ghosts abaddon the avurish love of their lusty prey . skeletons come out to play "

does anyone have the original poem I tried searching the last line to no avail.
" as the schizos of the tripfag summer winds down, and the shellshock of meds and overpriced graphics tablets leave their stay, even as retards and nodraws abandon the gay love of their lusty prey. Crabs come out to play “

does anyone have the original poem I tried searching the last line to no avail.

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If you actually did both you'd understand that traditional methods do a lot of the heavy work for you with textures, noise and organic variations. Half of what makes a digital artist good is being able to emulate what trad mediums do without effort. It's arguable digital requires more skill in that regard.

Mark J. Ferrari is a master of pixel art landscapes animated by color cycling. Check these out:
you couldn't do most of the posts in this thread traditionally really, like someone even posted pixel art
but yes like the other anon mentioned the cleanness of the strokes in digital leave less room for error, and is what makes most digital art unique. like do you seriously think >>7434721 >>7436330 or>>7434718 are emulating traditional?
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Anons you can't be dropping TRVTH NVKES like that here, this board doesn't deserve it.

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Is this the first noted existence of an Art E-Celeb A-Log?
the original lolcow is an artist
If there's any actual retard who are taking his class in here please tell us how much people that are joining his class and won the fellforitagain award.
I'm not interested on his lessons just want to know how much people that are signing up for his class because the fewer they are the bigger potential for this man to be the next /ic/ e celeb lolcow
crab detected
meds now

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Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:https://kupdf.net/download/animals-real-and-imagined_58cd8907dc0d60e255c3465e_pdf
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:https://anatomiaartistica.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/ellenberger-atlas-animal-anatomy-for-artists.pdf
Botany for the Artist:https://docviewer.xdocs.net/view.php
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lovely work everywhere
I will never understand the appeal of this boring ass subject matter.
Seeing nature without niggers in the shots is nice to capture
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