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I find it easier to draw for long hours, when I see someone else also drawing instead of wasting their time.

Do you guys know of any streamers that show themselves drawing? I'm NOT looking for streams like pic related, where it's just a screencap - I want to see the person behind the canvas as well. Something like Bob Ross, but longer and with more focus on drawing/digital than traditional painting. It would be a dream come true to have a live cam of an mangaka, but I doubt that's gonna happen
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"x artist", as in, insert artist here.
>Is English your second language?
Is it yours?
Maybe these would work? It's just their hands in view but you might get something out of it:
They do work, thank you! :D Especially the first one, since those streams are a bit longer.

>doesn't know about mirror neurons
>calls others retards
>mirror neurons

literally anything but opening and anatomy book at studying huh. This place is hilarious.
>can't connect something being drawn to someone drawing them
>not retarded

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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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Solid forms on all of these, really should catch up
fuck fuck fuck all my figures are stiff, i need to take the gesture pill even though i absolutely loathe doing it.

thanks, desu could easily spend another month just on this feel like I'm finding out all my weaknesses.
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dancing with myself

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What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?
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>so many trying to get into the arts are trying to run away from the social aspects of work, despite it being as important in art jobs, or perhaps even more so.
I agree with you OP but there's a lot of artists nowadays that do the bare minimum of socialization, specially if they're their own boss like the guys on Patreon.
I know a feel that make thousands on Patreon and all their interaction with their fans amount to "what should I draw next? Vote on the poll"
You're probably talking about the industry, I don't remember anymore, sorry anon, but there's workarounds nowadays for the asocial artists.
I do agree that you're generally better off learning to do networking, but the internet is here to save the socially inept guys.
Plenty of Asian artists have negative social skills and they're still pro artists.
>Huh, is that so? I've heard stories of Ditko in the office and how he was stand off-ish and how he didn't get along with Stan Lee and such.
Like I said, it's a myth:
I try quitting art every time
But i can only hold it for day or two
When i "quit" my body keeps urging me to pick up pencil and draw
When i don't care about improvement or likes my brain keeps forcing me to draw
I cannot resist not drawing despite my skills
I cannot stare at the object and not try to make up an oc out of it
I draw because it became an necessity for me to function
tbf storyboarding is probably the only part of the process aside from writing that doesn't require you to be a good artist
Never implied I'm a genius. My work will always be subpar in my eyes no matter how much I improve, that's the point of my post.
Some of my drawings here >>>/i/780972

Uh oh! 5 months into 2024, years is almost over and you are already old as fuck but you did make it in time right? WELL POST YOUR FUCKING PROGRESS.

Only NGMI bitches post here without posting their progress
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found this ol ass picture when i was permabeg, 2019.
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and now as proud beg
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i need to start making money
Start trying color at the verry least.
You could also try different ways of rendering besides the hatching.
You're pretty good at that so try something new.
It'll help your hatching aswell.
Still a cool selfportrait there in 2024, kino.
There's something very awkward about some of your composed scenes. Stiff, maybe? I'd do more life figure studies.

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Should I keep going with this shit?
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is this loss?
Relatable. You painted these? If so then yeah, keep going yo.
a picture worth more than a thousand words, well done op
he's just like me fr
Hey, I remember those. I think you should keep at it. Looks cool.

Last one: >>7121414
A bad sharpener will slow you down and ruin your pencils.
A good sharpener is like a fresh breath of air, such as pic.
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My beloved.
With a Pilot Precise V5 for my ballpoint.
Thanks for the heads up. Never used Aliexpress before, but I'm definitely checking this out.
brush mogs the hardtip fudenosuke
The trick is to check the store's page before ordering.
Ali is like Amazon. And just like Amazon, if the store you're buying from is a stationery store with stationery stuff at good but realistic prices, it's legit. If the store you're buying from is full of random novelty/luxury shit at absurd prices, it's a scam.
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if you are willing to pay a bit more, you should go for acrylic inks. Pic rel I use regularly for almost everything. They layer better, are lightfast, and can be used inside of pens for details. The best brand in the market is ROHRER & KLINGNER, but they are way too out of my budget. I have one of their reds

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*Solves drawing*
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Could be that he is not the writer but just the illustrator as is common in western comics.
By not being black
He has a good course.
his nma course? He also offers critiqued sessions on comicbookpro but its not really clear how many actual critiques you get (i think just one for 15 minutes or so)
>He's a pretty big guy.

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When I normally draw, I get something like the left. The vertical line looks almost perfectly vertical to me. But as soon as I flip my canvas, the vertical line looks ridiculously tilted like the right.

I'm assuming to most anons looking at this, both faces' vertical construction lines have the same tilt angle.

So is it just because my actual eyes aren't centered properly? One of my eyes might be a bit higher than the other, does this mean my art is always going to be fucked? Or do I just lack practice?
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Have you ever had this happen though, when you flip it, fix it, and then flip it back and it looks bad but just on the other side, then fix it, and flip it and it looks bad again, etc... in terms of efficiency it seems a bit rough.
>Got a HUGE monitor and started drawing left of center.
>Grabbed a second monitor to hold my references

You mean on the huge monitor, at first, you had something like

> drawing | reference

and then you got a second monitor so your huge monitor could just be

> drawing

and the second monitor could just be

> reference?

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but what are the Breast Exercises to Improve Symmetrical Drawing?
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holy shit anon!! nice curvy sex goddess. perfect clock booba. my only piece of criticism is that the facial expression is a bit too neutral and doesn't particularly convey any strong emotion.
thank you for creating this bro. if you don't mind, buroggu?
bumping just once so more anons can see this cool art

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So what happened? Any advice?
How could I improve and become a pro? What to use anyways?
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Can anyone tell me how to start all over again and this time improve?
start with something you enjoy drawing
Printer paper + clipboard. Start doodling more with ink. It will be ugly at first but creativity is a muscle that gets stronger with use. Stop watching videos on YouTube about "how to start a sketch book" etc. Pentel High-Tec pens are nice. Draw a rabbit holding a knife. Draw a bunch of bananas, draw Moana, draw a comic panel of a snake cult doing snake cult stuff, draw circles. All on the same page. Draw while watching TV.

Never have beens online will only pull you down. Learn how to relax with a pen and have fun. Stop caring so much.
you can't, you were born with no talent because of your genes
What about the 10+ year permabeg?
Did he die too?

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What is the key to using asymmetry in character design tastefully?
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art isn't really 'subjective', if it were we wouldn't study fundies. things like good color scheme, shapes, etc. none of these are subjective, they are universally recognized as good -- if done right.
>you'd recognize that all design is subjective
not at all. if this is true why are there character design classes?
>what makes you think that you are good enough to distinguish good design?
i'm not a drooling npc.

anyway see picrel for a good design. simple and iconic. she is a princess. everyone, regardless of their background and mental state and [x] will recognize her as that. shapes are clean, colors meld well, and she's cute. it's not endless shit tossed all over a generic deviantart tier "oc base" or whatever
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onmyoji is a gacha game with, actually, good and creative designs. genshit slop could never ever
Asymmetry is only good when its encoded into the design in the first place
Making a character, and then splatting some thingies here-and-not-there, like the retarded shit on your OP, is soulless, lazy, cringe and it shows
Art is subjective. You study fundies to improve draftsmanship. Good color schemes, shapes and "etc" are subjective.
Peach is only iconic because of the ip she is associated with, the design cannot get any more generic
I would argue good color schemes, shapes and the like aren't as subjective as one would think. Most things in nature are derived from certain harmonious mathematical principles. Music is the same in that there's "no objectively right way," yet the tendency has been towards notes, chords and structures that sound good together for thousands of years.
The principles of design apply across just about everything and while styles come and go, most styles that take off have at least something about them that can be said to be "objectively appealing" to most eyes.

I think the key with everything is understanding your audience and your intended purpose. A design is good when it achieves it intended purpose in the context of whatever it is in.

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So, that's what being 30 is like?
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Decade? More like spent my entire life with little to zero physical activity. I’m a great big fat fuck and I’m gonna die young.
I only regret not knowing that I wanted to draw earlier in life, since I never really tried prior. But it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done. I will draw where I can, when I can.
30 year olds now are more weathered and jaded than 60 year olds of the past. The internet has advanced our brains and world experience so much that we knew more than boomers did at 17. I see 60 year olds that just watch tv and dont think all day, their entire life has been like the npc meme. My life was way worse and way more cluttered, Things that would blow their mind make me roll my eyes. Anyone in their 30s now is just waiting for the world to end or for aliens to attack, something even a little bit interesting like that. Because we're not getting anything normal like a loving family or a functioning economy or a living wage.
Real. But I'm still excited to see what I'll draw next and how far I can go until I can't.
But they legalized weed man c'mon it's not that bad

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Should I attend life drawing, or is drawing from photos just as good?
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You need to go to life drawing. If you're copying from a flat, a good master copy is going to be better than a photograph.
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real life colors (seen with your eyes) look different than in photos and cameras. Even with high quality photos you will not be able to get some colors that exist in real life. Best way to notice this is when you try to take photos of a sunset or other phenomena where the sky is illuminated in a subtle way. It's almost impossible to replicate that unless you've seen it with your eyes multiple times.
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That looks like one oh morpho's anatomy books
get 3d models from realistic games like ff7 remake or tekken 7/8

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Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

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i like the composition (overall) anon. like i feel the doodles complete it
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My submission for the Host Club event!!

I can't imagine my OCs taking a fancy setting too seriously so I let them run the local tiki bar instead lol

I've watched this several times already, and I cannot stop bopping along with the characters >:{}
I can tell you poured your heart into this, and it shows!!!

Extremely good work!!!
Great work anon this is sick.
Doodled John’s lizard form :)
Lizardmen are allowed here, right?

I swear cavemen had better value and lineweight control than some of you retards
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I have an urge to get some charcoal(the grilling kind or maybe make own) and go scribble in some back alleys and underpasses.
This. If these cave pictures seem daunting, it's because they are unrealistic goals for your art.
The cave paintings in Chauvet cave are relatively deep into it. There's no pinholes for them to have used, nor is there evidence of any having used to be there. they were just good at art.
They could've traced on bone disks and copy them on the cave. That's like 50% cheating
Using references isn't cheating, theyd still need to draw the animal in various lifelike poses.

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