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Are artists online getting too comfortable with ignoring criticism?
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they're also trying to imply the artist is a pedo because they're friends with a 15 y/o while they're 18
i used to tell 14 year olds to draw hentai when I was 20
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I think that's a bit different buddy
8 million views and the guy gained 4k followers from all of this. Used to br 3k followers before all of this, saw it from a screenshot
Good. I hope the bitter fags that dogpiled this degenerate autist seethe.

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hello, my names Vic, I'm looking for general feedback and critique of my work

would love to see others work if it at all relates to what I do as well! (could be 2d)

I make geometric sculptures out of wood and stone, inspired by sacred geometry, the aim of my work is to show how nature and geometry are connected in a beautiful way

thanks for looking!
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work in progress, 4 three-petal flowers and 12 leaves, holly wood
Have a blog OP?
I have an instagram! working on making a website, but until then @asylacorp is the place to find my work and see the process :)
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yeah and bizmuth

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I found Snoopy cartoon in
Pinterest and I copy it to learn how to draw (I learn by copying)
Ty for coming to my TED talk
This goes hard OP. Ive been drawing for 10+ years and I can tell you this is the purest form to make and enjoy art. Keep at it

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im learning tattooing
both reel skin and pig skin
anybody else? post your suff!
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Lord have mercy on your soul if that is your first romantic experience and you don't know any better. You will leave a husk of the man you were.
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I’m the guy that sucks at drawing. Also an incel in my soon to be mid 20s. Hope I can see my dreams realized someday
I say this as somebody who cares. If you ever find yourself in a position where you can be in a relationship with someone who's cluster b personality disorder just remember that either after they leave or you're forced to walk away, you did nothing wrong. They're just fucked up and broken individuals. If they haven't started trying to fix themselves when you found them, you sure as hell aren't going to fix them. I can promise you that. Another bud of mine is actually a legit tattoo artist who happened to date one of those witches. It fucked him up for a while. Many long long nights, but hey, canon event. Best of luck on ya journey pal.
What if you’re cluster b yourself?
im 35 i only want freaky sex
im too old to start relationship shit again

My license to Toonboom recently expired and I've been trying to find an alternative that doesn't absolutely obliterate my wallet but has just enough features to make using it viable. I don't need rigging or plugins/nodes, just enough for frame-by-frame that I can edit like a simple drawing program.

Already looked into updating my CSP from Pro to EX, but I have v1 and don't want to spend hundreds just for simple animation. Any ideas on what might work?
Opentoonz, or the Tahoma2D fork of it. I've been fooling around with it and it's fun,
I also recommend opentoonz. Was used by studio ghibli as well. Thing is, it crashes. Not frequently, but enough to where you should save periodically. An alternative is blender with grease pencil. There are some good tutorials for it as well and the plus is since you're working in a 3d environment you can use 3d assets for backdrop and the camera is more intuitive to use.
If you have a Windows PC, then you can pirate Toon Boom pretty easily. Your ISP definitely doesn't know what Harmony is, so you should get away without a VPN.
But if you don't care about rigging, then you could look elsewhere.
Not that I'm going to do that, but if one were to do that, how would they do it? Or where should they look for some kind of guide or insight?
There's already an animation general. Read the catelog, faggot OP. Also fuck anyone who enjoys tweening 2D. Take the rotoscope pill & learn some real animation skills.

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Hey looking for just general art communities, I don't have any art buddies so it would be nice to have some so post your discord servers
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for the animefags the asg server is decent, you’ll get some pretty good feedback if you ask for crit

Where's a good server to get retweeted?
that requires you to actually be decent at art and have a likeable personality(90% of this fails at)
Which of these servers is best for being groomed?
This one

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How do I ensure to have max acuracity?

It's tracing to get the proper measures the only realistic approach?
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I've been drawing since 2005.

Again, not amount of practice will make you draw from imagination with the same accuracity from using a reference.
How are you gonna check the measurements on a fictional character like Bugs Bunny?
head proportions.
end your life, cris, you talentless spic
what if I have a small intuos wacom, there isnt much space to use the elbow and shoulder

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Artists are now plagiarizing popular AI artworks.
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Right? Fucking lazy assholes. All of them. That said I don't need nor want to partake in it. I just want them to leave my shit alone. Or at least for laws to change in such a way that they suffer repercussions/ are held responsible if they decide to launder my stuff through these corporate machines against my will.
We all know your phenotype by now.
Just take shad or whatever he's called as an example. That's the stereotype associated with you parasites.
Implying you nerds would even have the willpower to lift weights in the first place..
You can't even learn a skill. Lack the fundamental drive and self discipline.
Keep projecting.
Didn't even read the meme btw. But nice bait. Here's a (you). Fucking shitstain.
Keep telling yourself that. Most artists regardless of their skill level are heavily against this. All kinds of artists.
Remember how many professional artists up and left artstation when they started scraping their work?
Established artists with great work to show boot just disappeared over night.
You just refuse to see this from a sane perspective. You refuse to see how this is extremely damaging for artists and how it was only meant to increase profit margins for corporations.
You're essentially aiding these same companies getting away with plagiarism on an unprescedented scale.
You're ripping us off, resorting to manipulative arguments, twisting the truth, mocking us and then cry about being bullied afterwards. We're calling you out. You're a bunch of morally bankrupt scammers and nobody likes you people.
tbf 3d tracers are not far away from AI shitters
Again, just because AIfags are the "Untouchables" of the art community who are universally disdained and ridiculed does not mean that some of the shitty artists ribbing on them are not shit and should use AI shitters being shitters to validate their /beg/ness. They should aim to become better artists, something AI artists lack the discipline to do.

Mocking AI art does not automatically make these Sudra-tier niggas Kshatriyas or Brahmins.

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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he was cooking with this one
Just keep it as is, maybe you can add some venting that resembles fish gills or some rivet and weld marks across the body. Once it's flying around in space it's a spaceship anyways

Im been seeing a trend of artists with good art that can stand on its own resort to this path eventually what would make them to this? are they tarnishing their legacy doing commer shit
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Imagine being so new you don't know coomer is just what we called twitter pinup artists after cumbrain got filtered
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go back
Shirow's always been a coomer artist.
Shirow still draws the cutest girls. Today's animeslop can't even come close.

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A Miku thread died for this.
Hello sir, good morning sir, this is not a false flag sir.
>when you illegal download hundreds of music albums, movies, how to draw books and video games but you get upset that people ignore your 'do not repost' warning on your art
memes can be made/pumped out in seconds, just like al slop. Those meme accounts that constantly post the "new" latest meme was posted from 10 other different accounts. Meme post also brings in no followers at all, since there's no point in following the account, since you can find another one just like it in 2 second s of scrolling. Drawing actually requires effort and gives genuine engagement and followers because people like your style or how you draw things. Outside of artist, the biggest complainers of getting no views/likes or followers are meme accounts and clip channels(3 second to 1 min clips of pre existing media)
Speak for yourself.

What Is your biggest critique of Muratas artstyle?
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Crabs calling murata mid, we reached a new down
>its another thread of dunning kruger fags criticizing a stablished artist´s skill
is this the contrarian thread?
More or less.

Just for fun, enjoy!
Are you just bored at work or something
>implying he has a job
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AI, huh?

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does anyone else have the image guide on how to do anime renders? it had a drawing like this in it I think, and they were saying that they would have several layers, use the selection and blur tool and use layers of screen and multiply I think
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You can simplify this to like 3 layers
Collecting layers is for pussies, merge them together after you're done with them.

Cel shade, blend it, slap color on it, merge it together and overpaint some details, done. No need to write a table of contents for your psd
>the upper torse wasnt finished,
was it going to completely redrawn? my guy please just get a reference of a woman
>blur adjust
>shade adjust
>it's all like that
>anon say it's "life saver"
jesus christ
why's it so... lumpy?
Because I like them fat

At this point, pyw

I got challenge for all anons who like ocs and trying out different things.

>How does it work?

I'll post a picture or someone else and everyone in thread has to design an oc based off the image presented. It doesn't have to be 1-1 with image but can have similar themes off the original
>What can i post?

Anything. Oc can be anything if you try hard enough/if you are autistic enough. Hopefully someone might have fun with this.
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sounds like fun OP
Spanish Arthropod
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Will try something tomorrow involving mushrooms
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this looks like the guy from risk of rain
cool sketch tho

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