I don't get it. How the fuck do you make eyes point in and focus in the correct direction?There's not a lot on this subject, and it's especially hard if the head is at an angle
>>7437805This nigga would rather give up on the problem he asked for help on than post an example of his work.
>>7437832>implying they draw
>>7437832Even if I just did two circles it would turn into personal attacks
>>7437671I hate drawing eyes so god damn much
>>7437832this board is 80% populated by bots at this point, mining questions and answers to create a simulated board experiencewe may already be there
Welcome to /life/. Life drawing is a great way to solidify your understanding of perspective, forms, and movement in the real world to apply them to your own works and pieces. Drawing from life is critical to your development as an artist, yet unfortunately ignored by many artists. Draw from life. It has all of the answers to any question you have. “Reminder: Famous artists that learned drawing from life>Rembrandt>Kim Jung Gi>All the Renaissance masters>Andrew Loomis>George Bridgman>Sargent>Rubens>Repin>Gibson>Rockwell>Hopper>LeyendeckerComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Day 2 of portrait class. WIP.>>7435218I would say just remember to breathe and most importantly, think, and think slow about the geometric forms and keep them simple.
>>7436128Forgot the file that’s embarassing
>>7340588I'm just so fucking tired, man.
Pic related is the best /trad/ fags can do. What is even the point of spending years on learning to draw and handle paint if the end result is such a bland result?You can see the rest of the winners (all of them just as uninspired) in here: https://www.artrenewal.org/17th-arc-salon#/introduction
>>7438666Yup, it’s an important colloquial conversation though because it often tricks students into a life of revolving door art classes. When you see every “New Master” teacher say the “Old Masters, such as Sargent and Bougereau” it not only loses the essential meaning of Master, it even muddies the idea of Old. Even at the time, what Booger did was seen as archaic, and a pastiche of older styles that were once original. He’s Pre-Raphaelite at best, but a Disney ride at worst, and recent enough that people alive today had parents who had heard of him. Old Masters ran guilds, Old Masters have long since turned to dust. Sargents body is still fresh, his legacy unclear, his “Mastery” still scrutinized, but he’s marketable to dumb students the same way you could show a junkie art student a Warhol and they’d find a way to agree that it’s good art
>>7438669What is he even trying to do. There is an ungodly amount of fucker in the art world, who deserves hate much more then him. But what is he trying to do?Is he working from life?Why are the shelves full of stuff?He could at least make the still life more interesting, maybe telling a story through the items, otherwise is just modernistic nonsense.
>>7438246One can do so much more, with so much less, like pic related.>>7438678Old Master is not a very precise therm. If you want to be exact, you can name the time or the movement.
>>7438678Shut up Brian
>>7438678But we're not talking about Boogaloo and Sergeant, we're talking about 18th century painters.
Who is the best artist i should learn to draw shortstacks from?i tried watching honey goblin's tutorial video on youtube, and she draws them too damned tall.
>>743634799% of non-general threads are bait or bot.
>>7436347>>7436641everything is bait. my attention as a neet is important enough to warrant trying to be tricked,i am definitely not a paranoid schizo with delusions of grandeur.
>>7436340I just looked her up. She actually doesn't have proportions like that, it's an illusion. She's midget like, but has to pose funny to sell it. Jemma suicide
>>7438476Honestly, most midgets have faces like they've been hit with a frying pan right out of the womb so she gets points for having a nice face, at least in my book
>>7436447>PlagueOfGripesSince when does he do shortstacks.
If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!>STICKY:Completed rip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vm4IJpq0Mbvb-Krl5_mJ_m6TsC_qjsaN/editNew collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Qw/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view>WHERE to get study materialsannas-archive.org>>>/ic/artbook>>>/ic/video>Want to practice figures?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7439756And the Lord said:>
>>7439784Okay you got me thereAlso tips on how to make the bodies I draw not grossly thin? My issue is while I'm drawing, I think it looks too fat, but then they end up looking like bobble heads/weirdly tall>>7439793I mean Tatti issues does that to you but at least I'll never like men younger than me!
>>7439798By size jitter you mean pressure based size? True, I can't control it yet. Doesn't really make sense to me that I shouldn't use it though. How else would I get better at it?
>>7439780>>7439805Holy ganoli. You're so demonic. Thats the only word that fits this.
>>7439572yeah I'm thinking it's about time for new thread, no need to wait for page 10 this time, no?
game dev here. I need to learn how to draw game assets like this. Please give me resources. w/ic/i didn't help. FYI I'm starting off at 0.
>>74365783 being the most points?Aye.
>>7436682NTA, but my favorite games would all give you eye cancer.Let's start with Dwarf Fortress.
>>7436303You can make a list like that for everything that makes up visual arts. You'll never be an artist. Focus on the skills you have and just commission/generate the art.
>>7438452You could try not being a dogshit judge of character. If you hired a bad artist it's your own fault you got suckered into it.
>>7438602>aif that was it, it wouldn't be an issue.I think it's inherent to artists, unless one pays the big bucks to contract a studio. But that is of course outside of my budget.
How exactly did they do this? i can see certain things like adding glow to the eyes with different colors, but can someone explain what they did overall? how to make it pop more like they did.
>>7432097No. Do a study and try to copy it. You'll learn more than anything you'll get here. Or anywhere for that matter.
>>7437018>Im a professional>No i wont post my workThe /ic/ anthem
>>7432388Where to learn said render fundamentals??
>>7436902Seriously why does this site have people that hate the idea behind art creation and just think about money all the fucking time? It's a shit business for profit that just stock investment alone makes for a better career path, so why even try to push this narrative for?Unless you're a mud skinned brazilian, art isn't profitable.
>>7438608I know you’ll have a panic attack/cope once you check graphetron.
Are there any artists that get a bad rep that you like?For me, it's Rebecca Sugar. I just really like her artstyle.
Hyung Tae Kim>He's been a target for hate for over 15 years because of his anatomy and the way he draws women by artists and journalists alike.These days he's hated because he's trained AI on his own work and uses it to shorten the time it takes to make because he's getting old and doesn't draw as much as he used to. (He's pushing 50)
>>7437927looks garbage
artist involved in the early stages of a popular IP>Megaman>Sonic>Mario>Disgaea>Pokemon>Yugioh>Digimon>Final Fantasy>Disneyfounders literally make the coolest shit that gets run into the ground
>>7434485Fuckin based.
>>7437934>looks garbageBeg.
The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.Previous thread: >>7414377Some resources:/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asgBooks:Understanding Comicshttps://e-hentai.org/g/2042453/83e7da6ed0/Making ComicsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7439718Who are top middle (in the back) and left? There's also "french" anon (the other aussie anon that is making that comic about the girl who is in Paris and banging(?)the chef and his dog) and RosenKreuz(???) anon, but they jump into /mmg/ so rarely it's hard to say they count as "regulars." Course, if you two anons have been here posting all this time please correct me, not trying to step on any toes.
>>7439759monday's forecast and jack money"french" anon (the other aussie anon that is making that comic about the girl who is in Paris and banging(?)the chef and his dog) and RosenKreuzI really dont remember them
Been spending the past couple of days doing interior designs. I really want the settings I put my characters in to feel like real places, and want to make sure my backgrounds are consistent with every camera angle
>>7439773Eh dont worry about it. Feel like thats a signifier for how little they post comic updates here lol.
>>7439797>backgrounds are consistent with every camera angleThat's great anon, we need more people doing backgrounds. Just don't sweat every single last detail. Your average reader is just gonna glaze eyes over the backgrounds for two seconds before moving on, if that. Other artists will 'mire your work, but your core readership is for better or worse not gonna care about 100% consistency.
Why did he do it?
>>7438218>>7437956daily reminder he was drawing a dog
>>7438232https://youtu.be/4h4-2HRHaHI?si=kjq0Ene5wIw507-Ti was a fool. still looks good though
>>7438218Stan just let it go, you fucked up. Now move on. You could have tried to draw something resembling Scooby-Doo at least. But you don't have a sovl in that body of yours, your "brain" just can't imagine anything at all, you can only try to copy a ref.
>>7438358cease before i portray you as the lowly skeletonjack and myself as the based prokochad
Does anyone have schoolism torrents? Would appreciate them
>>7434784Thank u anon, that was easy lol. Thank u for saving my 300 bucks
>>7434784link expired for everyone else too?
>>7438230ye, it's down.good thing I downloaded everything already
>>7438233sucks, got just few of the courses i needed. thanks anyway
Alright guys, here's the deal:i'm going on a trip with my art boyfriend into the rocky mountains and were staying at a condo there for a month.I have two options:1. I bring my physical copies of Loomis, Hampton and Vilppu and study them all for a month2. I draw my art boyfriend instead as well as the surrounding sceneryWhich will net me more experience?pic unrelated
>>7438169Take books. Being a model is really annoying and your bf (fags like you will burn in hell btw) will get really tired of you really quickly. Don't think just about yourself, poor lad you've trapped wants to enjoy that trip too.
>>7438172unironically this
>>7438169>Third optionGet pregnant
>>7438169OP listen here is an idea, I know this sounds crazy but hear me out.>Do BOTH 1. AND 2.So if you get tired of one you can spend time with the other. One month is a looong time.
>>7438200OP is obviously a gay guy or a troon
This artist did some typical cell shading...but there seems to be some kind of effect that kills the monotony of the colors. How do you accomplish this?
>>7436285>has the colors separated from the values and shifted by a few pixelsAnyone can explain what this means? And how to achieve it on the usual programs?
>>7438013- Duplicate all your layers and merge them together- Set merged layer to Color blending mode- Press the arrow keys a few times
>>7438014>Color blending modeI need to read more about this. Thanks, anon.
>>7438014Thank you kind anon.
>>7437247who do you copy?
TL;DR India has their own Loomis and he made book. His name is Aditya Chari. Its actually pretty good. Indian loomis is better in some things than american Loomis>bUy aN aDHeres his book for free:https://files.catbox.moe/kj430k.pdf
>>7436986I wonder what was happening in India for the last 400 years
>>7437009We will never know.
>>7437009i mean tea is quite delicious i must say myself
>>7437009My bet is on islam. Mudslimes can only destroy beauty, not create it.
Was this bad timing due to elon?
>>7433037>>7433043case in point
>>7436330The impossible kettle.But yes, abtracting detail with the right shapes is a great skill.
>>7436184nice to know people are still interested in the history, most people just post without such regard
>>7436891it's "case and point", you brown brazilian tranny