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I smashed my tablet and jammed my pen onto the (brick) wall until it broke, then proceeded to delete every single of my pieces, sending them to the recycle bin and then perma-deleting them. Not satisfied, I went and punched the bed hard enough that the cat came to investigate and ran off as I started ripping through the bedsheets, its fear making me angrier.

I still feel the need to direct it somewhere else.
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Art is for humans you silly goylem.
Try again.
Ever heard of pencil and paper, silly little fucker?
>I don't have anything to draw with, I broke my tablet.
Pick up a random pencil lying around your house and a scrap piece of paper. Go outside, find a stick, and make lines in the dirt. Prick your finger with a needle and use your blood to draw something on the walls. No excuses, fucker.
Like you were ever going to make something good anyway. Fuck off my board and go blogpost on tumblr, you underage faggot.

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>comics will never look like this ever again
What happened?
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From what I heard, it applies to all drawing mediums.
You are obviously trolling, nobody is this retarded.
Just fishing for some actual advice. I like the strong contrasting, but using just black gets old pretty quickly partially because it also limits the color variety while it doesn't pop out like witg monochrome.
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Well, you heard wrong.

Okay? The black ink is for print reproduction. Also nobody gives a fuck what you think "gets old".
"Don't shade with black" is purely paint-mixing advice, because it just makes shadows look muddy and weak a lot of the time. You can generally get much nicer shadows by mixing some context-appropriate color. This does not apply to inking, where you're not doing any color mixing at all.

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>coffee addiction
>no AC
>cannot concentrate
>no commitment
>dont understand how to learn
>think sticky is shizo nonsense
>norwood 5
where do i go from here? I dont understand how drawing squiggly lines like in keys to drawing is supposed to help. Loomies did help a little but i am just tired and can only shit out things like this.
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Simply stroke the canine
not into dogs
Embrace the AI prompting. Commit the inevitable future. Accept your fate.
unironically go outside and practice drawing random things

i drew this arianna from a poster i saw
>unironically go outside and practice drawing random things
you know what? I think i will actually go outside and do something instead of sitting in front of the computer all the time. We'll make it, everybody will.

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>quit job, be unemployed until I make it. So I can discover if art is a positive influence or not.
>dumpster diving between cubicle library sessions.
>it will only be a year.
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I think this is an excellent idea anon, nothing could go wrong
True maybe 10 years ago, but look at the scale of layoffs in the industry right now. Vidya is toast.
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>There are almost no jobs anywhere anymore, in any field
What's worse is that the few art "jobs" open right now have hundreds of artists flooding them.
>Picrel is from DA but it's the same everywhere you can find art jobs like UpWork, Fiverr, Leddit.
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>Concept art is probably where all the jobs will be
Did you just woke up from coma?
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>professional prompters
Pajeets are so damn funny.

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Alright anatomyfags, care to explain this?
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Explain what?
Like this >>7219522
tl;dr thicker and heavier lineweight towards the bottom to better convey volume
You kniggers act like no one knows what "motion" looks like.
It's a real life example of an inbetween
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How many frames should pixel art sprites use for walk cycle animations?
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I used to dislike these schizo threads but now I realise that they are more interesting than half the things posted here.
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Mario did fine with 3 frames and after like 60 years he's around, so don't be one of those fags and narcissistic retards that think they'll do better, than what's tried and proven right
If you want to be extra fucking fancy, and actually put in the work for it and are the michelangelo of sprites, Metal Slug does 4
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How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
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What you're doing is more like gesture drawing. >>7220945 Is a little better but there's still not really a clear understanding of form. Also it looks like IG-88 from Star Wars.
Concept is an idea. Ideas can be manifested with not much detail
I can't even tell what this one is supposed to be. A spaceport? A weird gun? A dildo?
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How does its engine compare to the popular ones? I mean strictly in terms of painting and drawing, no text manipulation or vectors.

It usually gets high score in yt ranking vids but when I look up art made in krita it's all mid at most, even their splash screen is low-end mid, but I'm reluctant to blame it all on the software, it could be the user base. You can have the best brushes and still do crap job with them. If it's good, why there is not many who use it?

IDK, has anyone used it along other programs long enough to tell about things like stroke sensitivity, color blending, texture clarity etc?
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I love Krita. Great software.
I like krita
how is animating in krita compare to csp?
i want to FUCK that squirrel
How old is that squirrel by the way?
Krita was released 19 years ago..

I have a project in mind that involves the use of surgically removed human body parts (my own, non-essential, they need to go either way and I might as well have fun with it). I want to encase them in clear acrylic resin cast in the shape of said body parts, using a mold I make using that part before the surgery.

While I'm researching the best way to safely do this and get the best results, there are a couple questions I have regarding whether or not it can actually be done. I seem to get mixed results from my research - some sources say that they'll rot no matter what, while others suggest that if done correctly so no air gets to the pieces, they should stay more or less preserved. I also want to make sure the formaldehyde and other chems the pieces will probably be returned in won't fuck with the resin.

Since I only get one chance to do this right, I'm 100% accepting of the probability of imperfections and air bubbles. Maintaining the structure of the parts themselves is also not a priority - I want them to be messy, twisted and alien, simply encased inside a resin replica of what they used to be. My biggest concern is that I'll run into something I haven't thought to prepare for, because this will be my first foray into resin-encasing amputated organs.

Is there anything I need to know or prepare for ahead of time, regarding either the resin or the preservation of organic material, that I'm not going to find through my own research? Anything that experienced resin artists wish they'd known ahead of time and only figured out the expensive / hard way?

(Image is a photo of bakery art by Kittiwat Unarrom)
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are you perchance, a troon?
Doesn't Damien Hirst do stuff like this?
His work is definitely one of my inspirations, as well as Marc Quinn, but the shark in Physical Impossibility is immersed in formalin, not resin, iirc, so it did fall apart and have to be replaced over time, which of course isn't really an option for me. I can't exactly afford to amputate more that what absolutely has to go, and I'm sure the surgeon would be very against it as well, lol.

I've seen a few resin artists on YT encasing organic material with success, though. For instance, one encased their dead pet fish, and it still looked pretty good a decent while after the project. Then again, he encased a few other things that did decay, like an apple and an egg.
ask a doctor how to keep it as a souveneir?
wow, such artsy, much edgy

You're a faggot, OP.

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Now that the horse has decomposed, was the pawell project the conclusive evidence to prove /IC/ self help tier books all dont work?
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>somehow managed to become
And I'll say this applies more to ~20th century artists, following the eras where a lot of masters went through apprenticeships when they were 10 or whatever
>you'll read that they had other jobs, obligations like serving in the army, and even hobbies
name some bro. I think you're thinking of novelists, not painters. Painters, draftsmen, you can't get good without long periods of obsession (8+ hour days)
Discord fags in this thread like >>7222599 say this because they cant get past beg/int so they drag others down. Thats why they spend all day shitting on this Powerll guy because they can never be good themselves. They spend hours on their drawclubserver and then nonstop vendettaschizo on /ic/; they make one low effort drawing a day at most
I don't even know what discord is. All I do is draw all day
This taste, is the taste of a liar! You are lying!

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Very nice man
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Its called a Kanada flare.

compositional exercise.

pls rate.
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Try to use higher levels of detail as dark space and lower levels of detail as white space. The eye is led towards whatever creates contrast
what are some composition exercises? how can I grind composition like you'd grind perspective or anatomy?
read grid systems for graphic design, breaking the grid and read something about the rules of ornamentation.

also reverse engineering beauty, design for hackers, has chapters on composition.
Go to https://film-grab.com/
Pick out scenes you like.
Create thumbnail sketches.

Refer to this playlist if confused about how to thumbnail.


This is a good video on composition basics
The people on /ic/ filter out every 6 months, don't they? This guy has been posting the same image and thread multiple times over the past decade, as a meme

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Genuine Question: What's the point of drawing from life? Especially for people who want to draw in an anime style. Isn't it better to just copy other artists to learn?
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>Sort of like learning Latin in order to write better English

What the hell kind of logic is that?
If they were really smart they wouldn't be trying to get into art, at all.
> smart people always find the easiest way to get he most results
Then just use AI, faggot.
People like you should quit larping as artists and join the ranks of AIbros or is writing prompts also too difficult?
curry talk

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How can I achieve this particular style? A lot of VNs seem to have the same feel to them, Fate is the same and it's not just "style", are they all using basic round brushes? Limited colour palettes/gradient maps?
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>they hated Him for He spoke the truth
we get it, stop the samefag
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I don't know, my guess is probably the late 90s/early 2000s coloring. I imagine a lot of japanese artists of the time were using similar techniques, since it was still the early ages of digital art.
great post, really helpful advice lmao

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Classic Disney goes hard
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>when he's a doctor
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The 2d Disney drawings are so beautiful to me, especially when you can see the pure uncolored lineart. It's simple, but also pretty complex at the same time. I tried to learn to emulate it, but it's harder than it looks like. It's so elegant and natural looking, but also stylish. How did they even do that? Surely, each animator must have copied Bridgman at least three times.
>How did they even do that?
Not many could do that. That's why Milt Kahl is so recognized today. He was one of a few handful who could draw these characters. The rest were stuck with Mickey Mouse and animals
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Feels like the new Flintstones series with an adult Pebbles played by Elizabeth Banks should have a Kahl-inspired design for her character. The cartoon-ier take in Rock-A-Bye Baby didn't always gel. A Classic Disney take on Hanna-Barbera would be interesting if they got the mixture right because obviously they still need a certain amount of slapstick. I don't remember the tone of Sleeping Beauty, but the Black Cauldron is very Kahl-inspired and that had a very Burtonesque element to it.

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