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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Previous thread >>7363712

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress or finished work and post it here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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This sure sounds like good advice, but I lack the skill to understand what you are trying to tell me
Which muscles are best for supporting large breasts comfortably? Pecs, Lats, Traps, etc.?
You know, to support the extra weight
Anything that is not completely black, or specifically done in a gray environment should have some reflected light. Thus a general advice is to use cool-warm combinations of colors for lights and shadows - which one of them is warm color and which one is the cool one depends on circumstances and the mood of the whole composition you want to have.

Let's take for example your picture:
Instead of just using neutral skin texture with different dark/light value use yellow (maybe even a little closer to orange) for the highlights and tint the shadows a little greenish to simulate the reflected light from the grass.

Subsurface scattering is when the light hits the skin and it take on the somewhat reddish hue due to blood under the skin.
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the torso is killing me
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any tips other than hands?

Does anyone have schoolism torrents? Would appreciate them
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link expired for everyone else too?
ye, it's down.

good thing I downloaded everything already
sucks, got just few of the courses i needed. thanks anyway
It's probably my fault... Don't ask me how...
Oh nevermind, it really is expired

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Previous conquest >>7430640

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school
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i'll do it... next thread
Fuck anon that looks really good. You even added the nails. You've motivated me to try harder and study hands.
Also thank you very much for the redraw!
AI trash nonsense and also not yours.
don't mention it

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A year has passed, it's all crap, nothing has improved
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Two weeks has passed, it's all great, everything has improved.
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Forgot the picture!
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fear over making something that looks like this is why I will never touch digital art

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Welcome to /life/. Life drawing is a great way to solidify your understanding of perspective, forms, and movement in the real world to apply them to your own works and pieces. Drawing from life is critical to your development as an artist, yet unfortunately ignored by many artists. Draw from life. It has all of the answers to any question you have.

“Reminder: Famous artists that learned drawing from life
>Kim Jung Gi
>All the Renaissance masters
>Andrew Loomis
>George Bridgman

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Forgot the file that’s embarassing
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I'm just so fucking tired, man.
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Can /ic/ draw a circle?
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Almost there.
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And I just won.
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Apparently XX.X% is the actual lowest. Fuck that, I'm not doing it.

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I have no idea what I'm doing when I make these. I don't even know what to ask in order to get better. Everyone in my life lies to me to be nice so I can't get any kind of real feedback on what I'm doing right or wrong, and I don't know what questions I should be asking on here so I get ignored.

Should I just give up? Really love the hobby, but I have no one in my life willing to give me honest feedback, and I'm too stupid to automatically know what I need to do to get better. I enjoy drawing but I'm never going to improve, and even if I did it's a hobby and doesn't matter. I'm cooked here right?
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really cool and good art imo, though I think I could do a lot of nit-picking

Black circles - what even is this mess supposed to be? This area is mostly flat and seems out of place to me. is the thing in the smaller black circle supposed to be a hobbit home or something? very flat

Pink circle - this band that seems to maybe be a full disc around the tree looks like a child drew it. the right side looks like it is going to be a full band that wraps around the tree, but the left side looks as if you drew it from a different perspective angle. Are you trying to make it look like it wraps around or make it so it looks like maybe it is climbing up the tree on the back side that we can not see. either way looks like crap, but maybe b/c it looks like a 3d object trying to be apart of a 2d looking object, just my opinion

Red circles - maybe not an issue for anyone else, but the white in-between the colors bothers me greatly. it is always these white spots that only appear on the edges in-between colors, so it is a noticeable pattern. i'll post something after this trying to show what I mean by cleaning it up a lil

Blue circles - really great work here, best branches imo. in the bigger circle, where the branch first disappears into the yellow leaves is really well done b/c of the lack of an outside line that you put all around most of ur branches and it makes it look good here missing a spot of that. I would go back and try to get rid of some spots in your boarders. if the branch is coming out of or going into the leaves consider no boarder in that area.

The smaller blue circle area looks pretty good, almost there, but again looks like a mix of 2D and 3D, so it could be better

great work on the leaves and clouds and colors in general (also the land(?) that looks like melting ice-cream scoops really matches well)
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to me, these small changes go a long way. not cooked if ur art is at the point of having to nitpick like this

This is helpful as fuck, thanks!

The shit in the black circle is a bad habit of mine, trying to draw shit that's too small, and having it come out looking like shit.

The mess was supposed to be like a tiny gnome city but I tried to draw and paint too small and it came tits up.

Yea I gotta get a cheap sketch book and practice color values. Another anon said the same thing. I don't usually practice with the watercolor canvas because it's expensive and I can only get it on Amazon and I fucking hate that company.

I really need to learn better perspective and avoid drawing very small things too as that can really screw up the painting. Obviously I need to actually practice.
You got the composition right which is what filters most people
And as a bonus the colors you picked are decent
The rest of this can be refined by practicing technique
Keep painting

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I love the joy of creation
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Stop posting 2hu on /ic/ and go draw.
blackpill me on ZUN
He just drew.
whats there to blackpill? Dude just makes games and drinks beer.
2hu was a product of its time and it will never be replicated

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Hey guys I need some advice

I have a strip roughly 100cm wide that I want to fill with artworks. Pic rel, although my phone has shitty camera so the quality is garbage. As you can see, I'm halfway done.
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As a solution to my problem I decided to make something myself, even though my artistic skills are level 0 please don't laugh. To begin with, I got wallpaper, and painted it with green shiny glitter paint, so that it's nice and shiny and vivid, while the color scheme still matches the surroundings, which are mostly green. Okay, I have the background, what now?
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My next step is to get another piece of wallpaper, paint it shiny glitter yellow (because yellow matches green, but it's much warmer), cut it, and stick it onto my previous piece of shiny glitter green wallpaper. This technique immediately shows a limitation: whatever I design, needs to be something that even a guy with no artistic talent and two left hands won't fuck up.

Cue my current design pic rel.

1. Vertical stripes at an angle (perpendicular to the ceiling) make the design feel more dynamic, yet still organized.
2. Stars have a similar function.
3. Stars are basically the most complex shape I am capable of cutting out.

Pic rel isn't perfect but it shows the idea. Unfortunately, I'm not really happy with the idea, but I don't see how I could improve on it:

1. It's too crowded, but when I remove/resize elements, the entire composition looks even worse
2. For some reason it has African vibes, which isn't really the thing I'm going for. Probably it's becasue of the colours, but that cannot be changed.
i fucked your mom
ps. kill yourself
Post better bait than this, please.
What the fuck, is this board always so hostile to everyone?

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Exactly how many minutes, seconds, and books until I can draw a fox like this?
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fair enough
100 minutes
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Oldveri is superior.
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how do you draw low res pixel art?
i don't like how this came out...
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got inspired by the anon above me to draw pixel art as well

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do any of you make animated gifs or other animated images? They seem to be more popular that drawings because they move and people would rather see moving things.
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Maybe I can try something like Live2D or something, I wonder if it's hard to use.
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I'll occasionally make "animated images" where I distort, transform, scale a still image, or where I can control the lighting.. I've made quite a few of these. As far as actual hand-drawn animations, however, I've only made one so far, but I'd like to make more in the future.
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And the one animation I've done.
Not OP. Eyy those look nice anon, what software do you use to make these?
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Krita for the art, Natron for compositing and moving the images around. Krita has what I assume is a fairly standard animation toolkit, with frames, onion skins, all that jazz. Natron is a node-based video compositing software, similar to Nuke or Blender's compositor.

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I decided I wanted to get good at drawing figures, so after some looking some things up I found that simplifying the human figure to.. uhh.. boxes? I guess you'd call them? is a good way to draw whatever pose you want. I tried this, and the simplified version looks alright imo, but the figure I drew over the boxes looks really weird.
In all fairness it is a bit of a weird pose in of itself but damn I really screwed something up and I don't even know what.
Any of you can show me what I did wrong and how they would go about it?
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>No one draws like this
>The guy who taught Andrew Loomis
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More than just Loomis btw
cut your nails pls
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The amount of autists whose thought process boils down to
>construction = boxes
staggers me to this day

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Is it worth getting popular anymore? My patreon failed. Nobody wants my artwork. What should I do now?
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Nta, what cause you to make that conclusion?
black guy as the op picture and reading his replies in thread they emit an aura of zest with attitude. he's abandoned thread or straight up wont answer but he couldn't have made it clearer he's sassalicious.
It's absolutely much harder than it was, say, 8 years ago. Even ignoring AI, there's so much more original art posted on a daily basis that it's easy to get lost in the flood, not to mention that most algorithms (and even people) don't favor promoting low follower accounts, plus nowadays a lot of people consume art by going to boorus, discord groups, and other manner of repost repositories, instead of going to the sources. I've seen reposts of my art on twitter quite literally get tens of thousands, one time even over 100k likes, over the years, but my own twitter account only has a couple hundred followers, with most posts lucky to crack three figure likes. I'm always surprised to see how high some of my art scores on some boorus, or when commissionfags post their comms from me to their account, compared to what I manage when I post my own art to my accounts. At this point I'm convinced that you need to have a piece go viral, from YOUR account, to break through the barrier to start getting actual meaningful followers, both in terms of volume and quality.
My plan is to create a meme account first. then switch to artwork once i have some audience
I do wonder if that experiment where artists were pretending to be repost accounts when posting their own art actually had positive results in terms of engagement vs posting work as your own.

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Ever since I started drawing on my tablet by my computer, I subconsciously have stopped consuming any entertainment on my computer. It just feels like a work computer now. I don't really have fun playing games or watching anime on it. I can only really get myself to binge things on my phone in bed.

Should I have separated my work spaces? But then I'd need 2 PCs.
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>It just feels like a work computer now

A real work computer would have zog surveillance installed by your employer to keylog every stroke and snapshot your screen by the second so you'd think twice tabbing over to youtube.
Well, I’m not exactly a regular person, but I do try to help where I can. The video might have some useful info or context—thought it could be worth checking out. If you’re curious, give it a go!
>keylog every stroke and snapshot your screen by the second
ah, so any computer with windows 11 is a work computer. gotcha.
>watching Anime is part of my work
What's your work?
>any computer with windows 11 is a work computer
Win 11 made me use Linux for the first time after using Windows for almost 2 decades...

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With all this Khyle controversy i wonder what this other cancelled artist popopoka is doing.

>oh damn
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I'm more focused on the story telling aspect, the progression and the message the fiction is trying to deliver.
Not everything is about hentai, you retard.
I wouldn't call the Twitter types we have right now yurifags or fujoshi. Those were around for years and never were a problem. If I had to give a label they'd be lesbianfags, with all the annoying behavior and double standards that come with their dumb flags. Until the anime came out the most popular ship in Dungeon Meshi was Laius and Marcille but you'd be crucified for that now by the modern shippers who insist Marcille and Falin are turbodykes
damn aryan-chan tits are so small, and popopoka looks male. I miss when they were lolis.
let's be real most of those "lesbianfags" are male trannies

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