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what makes Photoshop popular among professionals although it's expensive?
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Photoshop's brush engines are faster and better at blending. Every brush in CSP blend like greasy crayons.
There is no offset function in CSP, so I have to use PS to make seamless textures.

0$, better
It's good software packaged in a UI designed by the average open source/linux fanboy, aka someone who hasn't talked to a real people with real requirements in the past 10 years and thinks their autistic way of doing things is what makes the most sense
I just open it to use certain paint brushes that work miles better than what they do in CSP
>believing in customer support
not even AWS which is arguably the best, is reliable. if you have issues you solve them in house not by someone external.

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Post hard round gods
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the absolute state
You really think its painted with a round bristle, or you just trolling.
I'm more of a hard square guy myself.
I'm more of a hard cock guy myself.
unfortunately no clue. Was just in my inspo folder, file date 2007. I think it's a sketch from one of those Chinese fellas like Fenghua Zhong

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Where do you draw the line between referencing and copying?
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>No effort
Every time you prompt an AI for an image it uses a bottle of water we will never get back.
He means morally, not legally
Is that shit retouched AI???
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no, this shit come straight from computers, and this dosnt even need anything else than the prompt but im pretty sure with enough knowledge on AI you can replicate kyle style 100% pefect match

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Why have art schools declined so much? Nowadays art schools are either terrible at teaching art, require a background in art already, or focus on fundamentals too much rather than preparing a student/apprentice for a specific market. Just recently in the 19th century american mormons were sending off inexperienced missionaries to europe to learn under french and danish masters and they came back with phenomenal painting skills. You hear so much nowadays 'Art school doesnt work," "Debt trap" and other criticisms but it clearly wasnt like this. Now if you want to be an artist, most art careers have people who are self taught and for the poor undisciplined unguided person who wants to be a painter, character designer, animator - he largely has to figure it out on his own and find a mediocre replacement like an atelier workshop or an online course. What happened?
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I know this piece has been memed on forever, but on a technical level I don't think it's bad. I just think it's ugly and the dude has no taste. Unfortunately, a lack of technical skill can be fixed, but if you have no taste, there's no hope for you.
it is technically bad
>saber hilt
>hand alignment
>dislocated jaw
>quasimodo tier anatomy (look at the belt-hip-back connection viewer right)
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I think we live in times with the most highly skilled artists in existence.
But also with the most art failures.

So we have more people complaining, making blunders, selling snake oils, failing to get jobs, etc.
And these people who are not cut for drawing are hogging all the good teachers, meaning (You), who are probably part of such crowd, cannot have access to him either.
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>El Greco
He was quickly forgotten after his death except for his portraits. Expressionists 'reclaimed' him and saw him as a precursor to their own styles but they didnt get inspired by him initially. Caravaggio was way more influential in his own days.

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Previous episode >>7353379

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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who's the most artistically commercially successful person from /dad/ and/or /las/?
I want to make a furry dating sim, but I need to finish my fucking 20 minute long animation first, and I've also got all these challenges I've signed up for too, I'm so tired.
>furry dating sim
the cancerous nature of that aside, just make explicit priorities. if your game is more important than the challenges you've signed up for, but (at least) temporally your animation is more important than your game, then focus on your game. if that means you have to miss the deadline for this or that challenge, so be it. if you like it so much you can just catalogue them somewhere and do them later. sure you won't get the badge, but again it's all about priorities. just a part of life, crodie.
grrr now you've done it. i'm going to finish it faster now that you've said this. you've been warned. i'm going to put a curse on this post number hidden somewhere in my game. just you wait.

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How do you avoid getting doxxed as an artist?
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That's when you send a subpoena to reveal the person's identity for libel.
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someone got doxxed via ko-fi but shit if I know if that's true. see picrel
lmao try that on kiwifarms. on 4chan it's doable since you can report posts in archive sites pretty easily
Oh that sucks, I've looked it up and it seems to be some general shittery with paypal so I might just delete everything and just post my art on my socials instead.
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Consider picrelated
never take payment using paypal for any step in the process. even if you have an llc acount they can still look up who owns the llc.

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>doesn't mark out the total length/width of the figure before starting
>doesn't draw boxes
>doesn't draw gesture lines
>just draws the whole outline in one go, starting at the top with the head and arms and working his way down
Isn't this exactly the "wrong" way to draw? Why isn't he drawing boxes? What's going on?
These are just 1 minute practice sketches but if you check he's finished pieces you'll see he's clearly very skilled.
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>even more to put in some anatomy* and start modelling.
most pro artists draw the figure like this
Yeah for hundereds of years before him people did gesture drawings. You're stupid if you think you'll find someone saying a term he coined.

You should spend more time drawing and less time writing, smooth brain. Words and thinking arent your strong point.
ok, so find someone in the hundreds of years describing gesture?

Why does it seem like everyone in Artstation is trying to be a concept artist? Is there a benefit to that position, or are people just too lazy to finish drawings?
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It's not written anywhere.
>“ Your portfolio needs to be on ArtStation „
Tim Simpson — Senior Environment Artist @ Ubisoft Montreal
literally the first thing on the about page
are you retarded? what do you think "the industry" means?
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Because outside of Google Doodle "art", there are only 2 paths to become a "professional" artist in 2024, soulless Merch_wip shitters (fossils of the late 00s) or coombait anime tiktokers.

And the anime ones make it big on social media, whereas conceptspergs need to look professional to be hired by the game startups that will skimp their talent away.
>there are only 2 paths to become a "professional" artist in 2024,
And those two paths are 3d and graphic design.
>hires you
>feeds your art to the AI
>fires you

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I have a wacom tablet to draw digital one of those intuos small and I think it is enough to draw in CSP I was thinking to get the Samsung S9+ but as an artist this is really an expensive gadget.

It is really worth the price to draw digital, I mean I will notice a difference drawing or should I save the money and keep drawing in my mini tab which I think handles the work perfectly.
get a large wacom intuos tablet, its 500$ , i bought mine like 10 years ago and its still good. You get extra pen nibs too

Might be a good option and cheaper but drawing in a tablet directly in the screen sometimes and using as a 3rd monitor for my pc is convincing me.
We have a tablet thread.

You can get something like a wacom one if you sit at home and just want a screen, or a magic drawing pad if you just want the portability.

There are also other brands like huion that sell solid 16" displays. I think the S9 is best if you have the ultra so you get 15" of space, I dont know that its worth it for the price to get the small ones compared to other tablets.
>inb4 wacom schizo aaron awakens just to post in here

>dude, you can't enjoy kusoge art because is bad
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That sure looks like a game retard
Nah, I don't think I will.
is this neko sugar girls
he's using the chanspeak term, not the japan net term
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For me, it's Tsuki Desu and Kawaii School girl

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cant draw anything, you have a million ideas of what to draw but cant because you can barely draw a stick figure
people who started drawing as kids dont know how good they have it, its basically like being born the son of a billionaire and sole successor of his fortune
there is truly no harder part of drawing than trying to start as an adult /beg/
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Anime girls on white backgrounds are braver and more essential art than 99% of what's in modern art museums. Desu.
when did he say that was his idea
It's the only skill that is mystified to such an extraordinary degree. And because of this midwits don't even try to properly learn it like they would any other skill. It's also the only skill autismos cling to, even if they hate it and don't really want to learn to draw and would be better off doing anything else.
It is and it isn't. You know what other skills are hard, even harder? Being a surgeon. Brain surgeon. A fucking dentist. A psychiatrist/Psychologist. Even being a carpenter and crafting furnature is really hard to master. Same with almost every craft. The difference is, drawing has the lowest barrier of entry, all you need is a pencil, a sheet of paper and the time. But the most important thing you need if you want to learn a new skill? Neuroplasticity. Just kidding, it's to believe in your self, to not hate yourself when you fail, and to critique yourself constructively. Now go, pray to Jesus and draw.

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Any idea what this aesthetic or style of art is called. I’m going to be painting pottery and would like more references. So if you know what this style is called or have any pictures saved that fit this style please post below. I’ll have more examples of what I’m talking about in the thread
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Another Stretch Panic / Hippa Linda enjoyer!

I dont know what the style is called, but it is nice. I have seen similar designs to these in Madoka Magica when they are in witch zones.
Yes, surrealism/cubism vibes for sure
Yeah anything from treasure is great. The moon and sun images are from wario world which was developed by treasure the same team that made stretch panic
Majora's Mask might be another good source of inspiration; make sure you're looking at the original official art and scenery, not the remake stuff. Sorry I don't have a name for the style.
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Okage Shadow King.

But what I assume is that these artists got their influence from classic painters like Gustav Klimt (guy who made the Kiss). You can also study 2000's japanese pop art style too (SEGA arcade games, Pop'n music, Parappa the Rappa etc.)

I would try studying the classics, then look at the recent examples so you can get a gist on how they made stylistic choices into a modern cartoon.

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>Be me
>Freshman in high school, 2016
>Take an art class
>Artworks were worked on for 2 to 3 weeks at a time
>”Start” my art journey
>Draw painfully slow
>See people knock out quality art in a few hours
>Continues to present day
>Realize that I’ve been drawing slowly this whole time because, for my first real art education, I was conditioned to go painfully slow on art projects
How do I fix this?
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Bro I dont give a shit one way or another about food metaphors but I really hate yours, it sucks and is cringe. Please get better food metaphors. Also, fuck raviolis.
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I gave myself 2 hours this morning to draw something. How do you guys think I did?
use ref

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Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7169584
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Yeah just referring to the op
no fat dudes banging anime girls in this general basically
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wip bump
cute and sexy, nice drawing

I wanna draw like Taiyō Matsumoto no matter what.

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