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I have a not-terrible follower count (1000-1500) and my own drawings consistently get 400-800 likes, but my retweets never contribute more than 20 likes to the post. Why does this happen? I just want to help my friends get their start.

It's probably worth mentioning that I only recently started retweeting stuffs, would that have some implications to the algo?
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Let guess. You're retweeting complete beginners with sub 100 followers.
>would that have some implications to the algo?
Yes, the priority of your retweets and presumably your own tweets too will decrease if you do it too often.
>Yes, the priority of your retweets and presumably your own tweets too will decrease if you do it too often.
You've got to be kidding me. Why would they design it to work that way? Then how's an artist who's new to social media supposed to even start?
>You've got to be kidding me. Why would they design it to work that way?
So you don't clog other people's timelines.
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>my own drawings consistently get 400-800 likes
is this thread a humble brag? I struggle to get 5 likes. on a good day.
is this a humble brag? try 0-3 bud

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>decide to make a socials account
>use as an avatar an oc made on pic crew as pfp
>experiment painfuly slow growth, but growth nontheless
>decide to draw myself a custom pfp
>its a character from a game i like
>the character is black
>growth stops
>well i guess i peaked with my first batch of drawings oh well
>post a few more drawings
>decide to change pfp again because my ass cant stand still
>another character from another game i like
>the character is white
>painfully slow growth starts again
Are you black?
If so, then they are racist.
Are you not black?
Then stop appropriating their culture you chud
Either because people are following you cause you’re a black waifu or constantly changing pfp can shadowban/slow growth(which happens)
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Your first avatar made people think you were transgender and you still got some growth, there are definitely other factors than racism at play here.

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Previous Thread: >>7148959

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

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eh I like the thumbnail better
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Crazy how much better it looks scanned, looks awesome
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My Dragon's Dogma 2 character

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Got any interesting reference or photo packs to share? If yes, please feel free to.
Anything welcome, websites or other sources, packs of packs, especially non-conventional stuff like vehicles, machinery (please), weapons and items, animals, buildings, plants, scenes, people in funny clothes, close-ups of faces (basically not naked humans but those are welcome too).

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro
NEW- Browser access URL (iPad):

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, make note of your own monitor resolution and magnification. Try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements.

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So at last I got around trying the animation thingy in Drawpile. It seems to be working well.
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>in an all hands meeting
>my brain: "nigga nae nae, nigga nigga nae nae..."

I don't get it?
What don't you get?
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All these beginner guide to drawing body, really should be upfront and tell the beginner student to get a reference image of a human dude to copy and apply whatever guide they are supposed to follow.
idk, I suppose the gesture lines. Says they're suppose to mirror, but then don't?
or I might be taking it too literally.
I know Huston went to Pasadena, but this just seems like a /beg/ rehashing his book
Every species in the animal kingdom are born and evolved from worms. Thus the cyclinder bodies.8====D

What's a good way of finding references for new designs? Let's say you get a com to draw a space viking, so you need a bunch of photos of viking larpers, maybe historical clothing and then some pictures of space suits and sci fi stuff. How do you find some good refs?
pinterest and sketchfab are my go to. can then make a reference board with pureref
For entirely new designs I’d say think outside the box a bit. It’s a good base for general reference but if you’re just looking for ‘Viking’ and ‘Astronaut’ you’re going to make the same shit everyone has seen a billion times.
Do some word association, get a bit more abstract with it, go down rabbit holes of tangentially related things for inspiration.
Yeah I do this, too. But is this really the endgame?

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Honestly what i believe is a fundamental failure of AI that i dont think will ever get fixed is that since it's not sentient it only ever short of "predicts" what makes sense so you can never trust it to make anything really specific or say, fill out a thing and keep every part of it coherent with what is next to it, like if you want to fill out a children's book or even make an animation you cant really prevent the ai from saying fuck you and picking out a random part to exaggerate uncontrollably. Then you have to adjust either through prompting or manually at wich point you're better off making it yourself
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maybe it'll get fixed but by how i understand language models it would have to also learn to analyse 3d models and then you have to build a 3d rig and then there's more work work work instead of being a tool wjere you "cheat" and you press a button and then it magically makes the whole comic
AI fundamentally can't do perspective. It's like toxicity in LLMs no amount of training has fixed the issue, and belief it can be fixed is one based on faith not reality at this point.

The technology will have to radically change to fix these types of issues. Until then no amount of rendering will make up for this amateur quality (just like with beg artwork vs int and pro).
Skill issue.
AI can't even do the exact same picture twice with small corrections like changing hair and eye color, or adding make up to a character.
And that's the real reason why it's useless for real studio work. 90% of studio work is doing a million iterations of the same picture for "idea guys" who don't know what they want.
yes AI is very bad at details and it'll probably remain so forever
it fails spectacularly at creating small things like accessories and texture because all it can do is create the impression of detail, not actual detail

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I’ll start:
-rhytmical fragmentation
-western-centered dynamic compositional shape language
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Givivng art advice is hard because most of the time you're mostly doing random new shit during the process
This is me accepting new work every time. "You can design UI right" "you can paint complex city shapes right" "you can paint a mural right" "you can draw in this specific anime style right"

I have no idea what I'm doing 99% of the time but I always say yes. I'm not turning down a $20k freelance contract. I will do literally anything for money and if I don't know how to do it I'll learn how. I just don't know how people can see my portfolio and think "yeah he totally does this kind of work" when it couldn't be further from it.

So my advice is to accept everything that comes your way even if you have never done it before and always ask for more money than what you think you're worth. You'll be surprised what companies will pay.
the latin alphabet is optimised for printing genius, the cursive script is barely used by anyone
What is it called when you assign hue shifts to your values?

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Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:https://kupdf.net/download/animals-real-and-imagined_58cd8907dc0d60e255c3465e_pdf
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:https://anatomiaartistica.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/ellenberger-atlas-animal-anatomy-for-artists.pdf
Botany for the Artist:https://docviewer.xdocs.net/view.php

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so, why nobody draws horses?
that's sad
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Painting I'm doing for a family friend
sorry anon I haven't forgotten ive just been swamped, your horses are lovely however. They always put a smile on my face.

Wow, that looks amazing anon. Is that acrylic I see?

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HIMZA arrived.

How to defeat himZA?
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Which NiGHTS character is this btw?
Call him a faggot
What would Bejita do? Why, Kneel and Cry of course!
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The salvation of the Saiyan lies in Vegeta's womb.
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>Artist says their work sucks
>Look at it
>Coolest shit you've ever seen
Why is this so common?
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Something that happened to me recently when meeting such self-critical/praising artists, but this led me to think this bullshit...

Sometimes I think it's also because some people describe their work that gives an untrue value to what is being said about their work.
I say I'm the best artist in the world, I never make mistakes, but if you see my works you can see that they aren't great as I said before... they are full of errors and they look like a child's drawings, so this means that what I said is something completely false.

The same goes for this.
I say I suck at drawing, but if you see my works they're not that bad.

Obviously this is my idiot hypothesis but I wanted to post it here.
However, remember that this is not always the case!
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Good artists tend to be self critical and want to achieve a really high standard. People say this is for egotistical narcicists but I think it's the opposite. An egotistical person will say everything they make is good.
People who draw their work have to look at it and it's flaws for a lot longer than the viewer, the more skilled you are the more flaws you can see.
If you were an artist yourself you wouldnt need to ask this question

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Challenge! Draw a perfect circle!
Rules for the challenge:
>You can't use any tools. (I.E. A compass or a round object.)
>It can't be computer drawn.
(Image Unrelated)
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A triangle has three sides, and a circle is simply a flattened-out triangle.

So, if a triangle has three sides, and a circle is merely an extended version of a triangle, then it follows logically that circles must also have three sides since a circle has an infinite number of sides.
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post results
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damn. i suck

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to use as reference every once in a while, specially the shading.

Do you think it's good enough? i feel it's a bit crude and would've liked to give more definition to the muscles around the back but the day ended and i had more stuff to do
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There is one way to find out. Just try sculpting. Take same clay or cheap plasticine and anatomy book.
It's a bit rough but I think it's useable.
I will make a man later
we keep our multis on the same side of the desk

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How do I reach this skill level realistically
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it's like boomers discovered memes
>monster girl
By practicing you stupid motherfucker
Muscle Ear Man in the background is killing me
okay alex

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