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How to stop being afraid of showing mine art to someone?
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Unless it's someone you plan on fucking, a customer or your art teacher chances are they'll go "wow, nice art anon" even if it sucks dick.
I bring abominations like picrel into existence several times a week and I have yet to face any consequences for my sins.
You can show me (:

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Advice frog here (I'm a gigachad artist who's worked professionally, some of my pieces have had 50k+ likes on twitter)

No, drawing more isn't gonna make you a better artist. Rote drawing is the absolute worst form of learning. It teaches you how to freehand curves and straight lines, but past that it doesn't really teach you anything.

10 minutes of quality observation and studying is worth more than a lifetime of rote drawing.

For example: how many hours of drawing are you gonna learn the main muscle groups that goes from shoulderblade to arms (one of the most important places of anatomy to learn)? Some people have drawn their *entire lives* and never learn this. However, 5 minutes spent reading Uldin Zari's Anatomy for Sculptures and you gain this knowledge.

Sure, does practice matter? Yes. But guided practice and being mindful of what exactly you're trying to achieve with this practice is often the most overlooked skill in art education.

img is random sketch of fern I did
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the cns adapts and strengthens regardless. numerous other benefits as well like optimizing hormone levels even without an increase in calories.
You're retarded, and a permabeg judging from your sketch
I'm a gigachad artist who's worked professionally, some of my pieces have had 50k+ faves on newgrounds
TL;DR: Drawn more... (using reference)
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So what OP is basically saying is to draw while being mindful of what you're drawing? Observing references carefully then applying it for your own stuff?
Dumb question, but isn't the point of "grinding" is to make sure that stuff sticks in your head? Just observing and doing a study of it is difficult to retain in your head for long term memory though, at least for me

Also your pic mogs the crap outta me, so if you're still here OP, I'd like to know more of what you mean.
I'm tired of going around in circles and being inconsistent of every drawing I do, I'd like to get out of that cycle.

Is sculpting the future for artists? AI is not goingto take any manual/physical jobs even though elon is trying his hardest to make that happen. So although digital art is dead, maybe physical art is what will boom next.
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Try sculpting a beautiful statue that will stand for more than a few years before the hordes tear it down for being racist or some other gay reason.
>But muslims hate art though
Deeply. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_art

> Also this is obviously all avoidable if governments just treated their people better
Government grows from the people. If the people behaved better, gov agents would be better too.

But people don't want to bother being more respectful to each others.

> Religious empires always fall quickly though
That's a good one. When has there been in history a long-lasting empire who wasn't religious... Atheism is like 100 years old. Widespread atheism probably more 50/60 years old?
In the future we'll get ABI , AI will be bowdlerized, and we'll all sculpt stuff.
Muslims hate figurative art
Figurative art is not art. They have a very rich artistic tradition.

The lack of figurative art comes from an interpretation of the Quran, an interpretation which hasn't always been prevalent everywhere.


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Remember, you don’t need to be skilled to get likes or a following.
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yet you haven't passed 50 followers in 3 years
What's the OP pic's secret?

We wait until page 10 edition

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware.

>Tablet news: all's quiet on the western front

Recommended tablets:
>Pen tablets (non display)
Wacom Intuos pro
Huion Inspiroy
Xencelab Pen Tablet
XP Pen Deco 01 v2 / Pro

>Display tablets
Wacom Cintiq pro

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My initial thoughts on the XP Pen Deco Pro Gen 2 15 inch:

Compared to my Wacom Intuos Pro 5 Medium, the upgrade in size is definitely a plus. The drawing experience though is noticeably worse, but I'm still figuring out if it's worse enough that it warrants a return. My biggest gripes are
>the XP Pen requires noticeably more initial pressure to make a mark compared to the Wacom
>the XP Pen feels laggy compared to the Wacom, like it has a lower refresh rate or something
>the XP Pen hover distance is significantly lower than the Wacom. it's about 1 cm from the tablet max that you can hover the pen, but it's laggy past 1/2 cm. my Intuos is around 6 cm before it cuts off

So basically right now if there were a similarly sized Wacom for the same price I would get it. Will draw more with it tomorrow and see how it feels
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Wacom One CTL472 or Wacom CTL672??
Which one?
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Clip Studio EX
Is it worth?
if you already have a CSP workflow and want to animate, yes
Regular CSP has very limited animation features in comparison

Art hot takes that you would never say in public?

I`ll start: Kim Jung Gi is not THAT good, also his books are way too expensive
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The view count would be even higher if she was completely naked.
all men are brothers actually, this makes reactionaries like you seethe.
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When i donate enough im gonna get to try her awesome pussy and prove you guys wrong, you`ll see
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> draws everything with ink large scale so you assume he has bad composition
> actually has really good composition and shape design

that pic you posted is like you picked his worst most generic shit I couldn't even find a worse piece he did, and forwhatever reason you defined him by it.
he bodied the fuck out of jim lee in an art show in his own genre, think that says enough

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Where do you start to make this sort of distortion? I understand how to place straight 3d boxes in 5 point perspective but how do you go about a bunch of curved 3d forms and body parts rotated in space randomly like in this picture?
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70/30 rule
>it took over 35 replies for you to finally understand that the background is basic 5 point perspective while the character was eyeballed
>it took over 35 replies for someone to waste more than 20 seconds telling OP the same shit everyone else did
tl;dr eyeball it
Bro you don't need perspective grid anatomy proportions etc for fucking everything just draw what looks cool doesn't have to be accurate nor should it most of the time

How did he do it? What is the step by step procedure to doing an ink drawing that feels like this?

Do you block it out and do the values in pencil and then volumetrically go over it in ink? How much of the thinking should be done in pencil before you go to ink?
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Ligma pen
I don't think Richard goes into too much details: as far as I remember, for example on Wrightson, he explains how to replicate a small portion, but there's still some road ahead to make a complete copy, let alone designing a piece from scratch.

You have more control with engraving when it comes to making straight lines;it's also an older form of art (than ink-as-used-by-Booth, not than ink ofc), so there must be accumulated knowledge somewhere about how to control the lines, values, etc.

NTA; I have this one, but don't recall reading about the penciling technique (I may not have read it all). I also vaguely remember a quote about him advising his students to generously use white ink, but can't find it back (I'd be delighted if you had).

>getting a straight line is much easier
Yup, but controlling the values and line direction still requires a considerable effort. A slightly wobbly line won't matter too much (nta).
bump (for once we have a good thread)

Obviously he found his own, very solid logical system and rules on which direction to put the strokes in. For a piece like this, it requires pencil first unless you're a superhuman.
>very solid logical system and rules on which direction to put the strokes in
I'm not sure about that. Unless you count "intuition" as falling into this category. Sometimes it just "feels good"

>Joined in September 2023, already has 39K followers.
>Doesn't tag his tweets and doesn't even bother to import a profile banner.
There has to be something that we're not doing right.

His first post he tagged some unpopular fox lady and he draws well, but that doesn't explain how he got so many followers.
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My coomer instincts tells me i've seen these same exact pictures before but with different characters
A really cool trick is to repost other people's art while shilling your own AI images apparently
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>even teal
He posted recently though
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this anon is doing gods work, ty

Post artists/drawings you find have great anatomy/skill to study and share methods of drawing anatomy in perspective
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It's baffling that someone could do this without 3D models
Yeah well…
It’s crazy.
Still can’t be refuted

Should I buy an iPad for art? I want to draw at work during down time, as well as without a PC. Is there any better alternative?
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Get a pro. According to google 3rd gen is the oldest pro model that supports the gen 2 pencil. Buy the best model you can afford for better cpu, don't worry too much about storage space (you can just encrypt you chit and put it on cloud storage). I bought new but definitely look at the used market.
>you chit
your shit*
Also make sure you get a 12.9. The other one would feel too small to draw on imo
is CSP the best app? is it worth buying? ive been using PaintTool SAI for the last year.

I kinda regret giving away my 10 inch ipad. It was actually perfect and it was only $10 per month for internet. I didn’t need a cell phone, it did everything I need.
idk about the best but its extremely convenient and easy to use, never really gets in my way, you can easily customize it a bit and its decently popular so any problems likely can be solved with google where when i was using pirated photoshop i wanted to kill myself and the complaints i had were only echoed and ignored online. fuck photoshop dogshit garbage faggotry i will never ever again in my motherfucking life use adobe trash and will actively antagonize people who do. fucking cretin scum adobeniggers could not pay me to even be neutral on the topic FUCK PHOTOSHOP, IF YOU USE PHOTOSHOP, DIE.

but yeah csp is pretty good, i would wait for a sale though. buy the cheapest perpetual license you can unless you wanna seriously animate, they limit frames on the cheap versions

I saw a video about this book called Vermis. It contains a lot of art like picrel and I think it's really cool. But I don't have any clue how it was created. I really like the hatched shading and the 'crunchy' overall look. I am a complete art newfag and I don't know shit about it. How would I begin to make stuff like it?
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This might be a stretch but to achieve similar effects ive often used After Effects because for this type of stuff its like non destructive photoshop/illustrator with access to a lot more effects and third party plug-ins and all the blend mode/matte features. Obviously you prepare the drawings in something actually meant for draftsmanship first but you can achieve pretty neat stuff just by messing around with halftone plugins, paper textures, shape layers, magic bullet looks, sapphire/boris fx, etc
This was "drawn" by a "buddy" of mine. And by this I mean, I hate the guy but I can't fault his grift.
Like %99 of the art in this book he just prompted a bunch of AI shit and threw it into Procreate.
There he can crop and move shit around; and after getting the layout down he'd throw it through the Screentone filter at like, %3. But a couple of times in a row. It covers all the more visually "obvious" parts that would let people know it's AI. I'm surprised how many people fall for this shit.
>source: trust me bro
I'm sure that sounded funny in your head

What turns me off so hard from making original works is that I need to design every character I draw. It's sucha bother to think of the clothes, the face, the hair, it's an entire extra process.
This made me finally understand why people constantly do fanart or reuse the same design (aka they make an OC). Thing is I'm not a huge media consoomer so I don't really have a lot of characters in mind that fit what I want to draw (I don't want to draw something out of character). I also don't like taking characters from media I didn't consoom, I respect art too much to just draw those characters without knowing them.
Making OC's doesn't really fix my problem, I would design as many characters as drawing I wanna make so there's no point.
I really don't see a way out except getting so good at designing characters that I can whip them up without much thought.
DAE have this issue?
Sounds to me like you don't like designing characters.

I love it personally, all the little things you describe are exactly what I like. I'll spend days just doing breakdowns and close ups of belts, accessories, jewelry, hair, how the character moves, etc, until I can feel them, breathe them.
If it's a bother... maybe don't do it? Draw what you want to draw. And if what you want to draw involves original character designs, then weigh up your options:

Is the pain of designing original characters worth it to achieve your goals? If yes, persevere, if not, change course.
What if I just got over stealing designs
Take a character from some media and change a few things to make them fit what I want. Could just be any random illustration, i don't even have to know where the design is from
I have this same issue, except it's 10 times harder if you're shit at fundamentals.
Wait until OP know everything is not orginal
Op consume the art for the characters you wish to create

>Draw something that I think is nice
>No one bats an eye to it
>Compare myself to other artists who get hundreds of favorites
>Lose self esteem
It happened again
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give up your vows
Some finna SOCIAL MEDIA??
Grower not a shower
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>>Draw something that I think is nice
>>No one bats an eye to it
>>Compare myself to other artists who get hundreds of favorites
You know what's funny? A lot of artists here are better than some famous artists on social media yet I doubt they have 10% of their followers.
Being a popular artist is not the same as being a good artist or even a pro artist.
Shadman is a popular artist and Rob Liefeld is a pro artist yet they're terrible.
>its kind hard to do
Is it? I don't care at all about how good other artists are. I'm Neuro divergent tho.

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When did you realize social media is poison to the minds of artists?
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I was gonna complain but then somehow i started getting a following
>Be me
>Small artist
>Draw fan art of things i like
>Sudden influx of new fans
>First new follower then next week new 2 followers and then 2 followers in one day
>Some like the ocs and other content
We're so back
I’ve seen it all before.
All before pal.
imagine being stuck at this level of mental development as an adult
what would you do if this was the case

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