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critique my art
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its really good whats your patreon bro
Better than dickasso
You didn't draw me accurately. So add observational skills to that list also.
Draw me
Gojo entering the battlefield and sukuna is surprised

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Is Patreon still the go to for NSFW or what do people use nowadays?
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Don't bend the knee for those schizo.
When they show their discontent, draw 3 more of the same.
I don't, I just block them. I'm just saying it doesn't matter how you draw them, some faggot kid that thinks he'll get likes will always post a comment like that.
Gotta start calling these people dorks like they are. They would definitely be embarrassed by labels like that even if they pretend not to
At best Patreon reviews the drawing in question. Don't feed the trolls.
I was just talking about twitter. I don't even post on patreon directly, a lot of people don't. Both as an anti piracy measure and because Patreon won't check your discord or mega
Don't block them, as annoying they can be. Those shitters that make twitter threads and replying to your post actually helps boost your account by a whole lot, but you will get more money too. a couple of guys that got attacked by underage users basically on twitter having each post being 10k to 100k shot up from 10k followers to 50k+. A couple of em even gained 2k-4k+ a month from patreon because these outrages. As long you aren't bending the need as >>7222434 anon said, you are shooting yourself in the foot by not doing it.

Why do people overdesign their characters with all sorts of retarded props, outfits and crazy color palettes? Simple but grounded and down to earth designs regardless of the setting will always be more memorable to the masses
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draw and write a manga with 20 pages a week and then complain you faggot niggers
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>Clutter piece has the best character design rn
I would agree with you if it was Pre TS purely due to it's charm, but for the past decade OP has been a parody of itself.
>Name a better character designer
Togashi and Araki
>Name a better character designer
Atsushi Ohkubo
Kazuki Takahashi
Hiroyuki Takei
I’m still amused that Gojo’s power is based on the observably false part of the Achilles-Tortoise paradox rather than the part that is observable true
Also amused that Gojo’s Infinity is portrayed several times as a force-field rather then space-time fuckery. It should be portrayed like one of those Non-Euclidean spaces I think

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I had a friend who I considered to be pretty close, and I made some art for him. At the same time, he started becoming very distant from and the relationship started to become one sided to the point where he would rarely reply to my texts, and he when he does its like 3 word response showing that he really doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

Having only a few friends already it does sadden me, but also the art that I was working on for him is also one of my better pieces I've done recently, but now it just hurts me emotionally to even have the file on pc, let alone working on it and finishing it

Any ideas for what I should do? I've been wanting to finish it, show it my friend and apologize to him if I did anything to anger him, then just cut him off completely, and release the lineart of the illustration as a free reuseable lineart base

or as a fuck you, use it as a ych raffle on twitter, and tell my followers that it was a gift meant for a former friend before he started ghosting me, and that they deserve it more than he does, and use the raffle as an opportunity to build up my followers/community

And most importantly, I will need to keep better friends
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what i do with this kinda either-or decision is imagine myself doing one, then imagine the other. which scenario leaves me with the better residual feels? which do i regret? if i don’t like either i might imagine how something else might pan out and feel residually, like maybe sending it, then stopping being the one to start conversations with him, if a gradual distancing is not your pref. this way he might have a temp ‘oh wow that’s cool’ moment, but then you’d quickly drop away from each other after. after a bit of time’s passed when you guy’s’ve moved on, you could release it like your second option, and imagine whether you’d residually feel better looking back on it if you included a snarky subtitle about him or if you were more neutral. or if you’d feel better mentioning if you send it to him as a last fling that it came out well enough you’ll put it up or not. dunno. good luck bro.
i do the same thing as that dude sometimes and it never means i don’t want to talk or dislike the friendo, i’m just shit at socializing and end up disappearing all the time in a totally organic absent-minded way. i need to work at getting better at this so badly. i’m sorry for us idiots.
Put it in a folder on your computer for stuff you rarely look at.
They're not your friend if they're treating you like that. Under the sword and move on.
Some people, especially people who grew up with the internet as it was in the mid 90s through the mid 2000s (like not the BBS era or the social media era) probably never got used to viewing online people as real people. They're words on a screen. When those words no longer bring you good feelings, they stop reading them or trying to trigger more of them.
You seem kind of intense, is it possible you were coming on too strong and that's what made him want to put some distance? If that's the case I think gifting him art would really put him off speaking to you again.

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So, I am a begineer at art, and I feel like I do things 1 step at a time despite wanting to do other things. I feel trapped. Like for example, there's this art advice where you copy someone's art pattern and emulate it, and if it looks off you take notes. Then you try again. I forgot thay youtubers name, but he was japanese.

I wanna do so many courses, not paid ones but like books, like The Art and Science of Drawing, how to draw what you see, and Micheal Hampton. But I always feel trapped saying no I have to do keys to drawing first, than do those books. If anyone has advice please tell me. Thank you
Don't get stuck in a tutorial loop. Don't save your "good ideas" for when you're good.
Draw what you want. Find out what's wrong. Take course to fix it. Draw it again or something similar. Repeat.

Don't be a chode who does nothing but studies praying for the day theyre good enough to paint what they want.
I'm bad at observational drawings and doing things from memory, but. I feel like there's more. So that's why I watch movies and analyze the composition and also because hideo kojima inspired me

Might do some figure drawings. But thanks anon. I'll take your advice.

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do you have a personal website for your art?
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yeah that's really what i meant. neocities is cool and i wish more normal people made websites on there instead of using social media.
>so many BLOATED websites with NOTHING interesting going on.
This has been a (valid) criticism of the amateur web scene since the beginning, Anon. All that's really changed since the 1990's and today is that people realized it's gauche to cover your homepage in hundreds of gaudy fucking gifs.

I don't wanna discourage anyone from creativity but ftlog have more things on your website than a landing page and two blog entries about banal shit, written in 2021.
Not anymore. I used to have one and then ran a poll on my most popular platform and asked what people thought about it. I got "huh what? you have a website?" and less than 50% of people even clicked on it. This is despite me still getting commissions and donations. Remember, people are dumb and have 1 second attention spans. That was enough proof for me to nuke my site and just link to my Patreon or linktree.
>made a basic website, spend a lot of time to make it the most simple
That's awesome! building a website from scratch with just HTML is a big win. In time, you can easily monetize it with Hydro without any hassle. just upload your site and let the profits roll in!
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One good thing about the earlier internet is that websites were more common. I
Now it seems like only bugger companies has one

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Is it cheating?
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It is, you have to draw the whole thing from scratch otherwise it's a crutch that will hurt your development long term.
ic died in 2016
Very useful stuff eh
this fucking board kek

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I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
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Thanks a lot anon.
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thx a lot guys!
and by the way

you r legends guys!

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How much time am I supposed to dedicate to drawing to notice progress? I've practicing for 1 hour 3 (sometimes 4) times a week for a while but can barely notice my drawings getting better.
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congratulations, you figured out the secret to mastering art.
That's expected. You should spend 2-3 hours a day, but instead of spending all of it on studies, just dedicate 1 hour for studies and the rest is draw whatever you want. I'll give you a hint: try something new once in a while (like every few weeks)
It's kind of like losing weight, you'll notice little things like your clothes fitting better before you're able to look in the mirror and feel good about what you see. Appreciate the little things like a line that comes out exactly the way you want or a gradation that you lay down well.

How good is this guy for learning porn? Probably gonna grind some out via his tutorials. If there's others like him by the way do tell.
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>Porn often need other skills like "make the hips larger because men's monkey brain go apeshit for le evolution and babymaking BS"
>Make the thighs tighter, make the tits huge because it's a signal of fertile and mature woman, breastfeeding and shit like that.
This is precisely the logic that makes so much porn look absolutely awful. What you suggested only makes for "good porn" insomuch that it appeals to the lowest common denominator of coomer.
stupid question but I'll bite as well.
no, you cover a lot of fundamentals to make good porn. you'll see a lot of fags seething about coomers when they can't draw proper anatomy to save their lives.
Ideally you should vary what you draw however.
>gonna grind some out via his tutorials
We are trying to run a business here, anon.

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Also if I load the model in clip studio it's kind of hard to manipulate
Just use controlnet
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Why haven't they released this yet? It's been close to 15 years.
I need this...

ALSO I loaded the fucking stupid ass figure into clip studio but it literally changes to default male what the FUCK is up with this garbage ass celSHIT programs

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At first glance, as in, imagining the page was already full, how obvious is it that there are no pieces on the chessboard?
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I really fucking hate how the eyes are turning out
obvious or not doesn't matter, it's disappointing.
not that obvious, could be in the end game.
>like that and this is all that i've done so far and i was ment to have already made 30 pages
You are clearly not gonna make it
If you gotta do 100 pages and you are running on less than 1 complete page so far, you are absolutely not gonna make it.
You have 1/5 of two pages jesus christ
"100" lol

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Why didn't you go see Kui?
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I was busy drawing.
And on the opposite side of the globe.
I would but im hikki and there would simply be too much spaghetti
> wage cucked
> decided to go tomorrow
> it was tonight
> could have made it
> don't have anything to have signed
God fucking dammit.
>Why didn't you go see Kui
already answered in your own webm. it's a ticketed event and the tickets already sold out from mid june. i know this because i TRIED to get one, but alas
hopefully the ones who did get to see her used that opportunity to ask something useful instead of dumb shit about their shipping headcanons
I'm a thirdie.

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Art Supply Thread: Dip Pens Edition
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the tapletop easel is finally arriving next week I WILL draw now
this time surely
Sure you will, anon. Sure you will.
Seriously though, good luck. Hope it works out for you.
I've been using a little sponge ring screwed into an old pen body, but I really should buy one of these.
Mine is a simple and cheap wooden one, varnished so it doesn't feel sandy. It just werks, so I will buy another one or two when I return to that same art supply store some day.
If you do, put some grease on its threads. It's dry as fuck in there.

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I'm no artist but recently, i had a discussion with my friend in terms of racial features on character designs.

The main question was this: is it okay to give black designs thin lips and straight hair as well as give white characters curly/coily hair and full lips?
Though he's white and i'm black, we both came to the agreement that it's just a fictional design so....who cares?

But recently, I've noticed that some people really don't like it when an artist do this. ESPECIALLY other black people.
For example, they'll claim that it's misrepresenting the black community cause "They're not black enough" or something like that.

I never really cared about that though. The race could be anything. As long as it looks cool, i'm down with it.
I've been like that since i was a kid and haven't put much thought into it until now.

Am i wrong for thinking this way?
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>but when you look at a real human being and decide that depicting him with big pink lips was a good idea, you might want to go back to the drawing board.
Humans also don't have dot eyes, or perfectly circular eyes, or yellow skin (Simpsons), or heads that are a quarter of their body height, so on and so forth. It's a cartoon drawing, a caricature, an abstraction. Sure it's a shitty drawing and they should have gone back to the drawing board regardless, but what about it is racist?
A caricature should resemble the original human being. You're supposed to emphasize traits they actually possess. If you just decide to ignore that and then just drew whatever you felt like it's not exactly executing the intent very well. if you wanted to draw something original that would be one thing (the crows and rabbits in fritz the cat for example I don't think were drawn with any malice and stay in the realm of cartoons) but when you start ignoring what a real person looks like entirely I'm just going to think you're ignorant at best. If you're picture looks closer to one of the most infamous pieces of animation known widely for its extremely racist depictions of black people with big pink, large extending mouths, and eyes that resemble a fish more than the real life man who exists today, you might have made a bad drawing.
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Compare these two pictures of a caricature John Boyega and shot from coal black de sebben dwarves to understand what I'm talking about.
>For example, they'll claim that it's misrepresenting the black community cause "They're not black enough" or something like that

Tell them to kick rocks and move on then. It's irritatingly funny how only the black community will do this and not other races. At least on the same scale.

Your art isn't gonna have a gigantic impact on the community like that. Anyone doing that "you represent all of us!" shit is just trying to add more stress
>the motherfucker complaining about anime characters with donut lips

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