I decided I wanted to get good at drawing figures, so after some looking some things up I found that simplifying the human figure to.. uhh.. boxes? I guess you'd call them? is a good way to draw whatever pose you want. I tried this, and the simplified version looks alright imo, but the figure I drew over the boxes looks really weird. In all fairness it is a bit of a weird pose in of itself but damn I really screwed something up and I don't even know what. Any of you can show me what I did wrong and how they would go about it?
why did you spend more time on shoes than anything else
>>7421626Boxes are pure autism, anon. No one draws like this. Go look up any time lapse on youtube you won't find a single person doing this. Anyways to answer your question draw 10000 more boxes every single day for at least 2 years then you will MAYBE level up enough to do 3/4 floating loomis heads
>>7421691How to draw differently? Without boxes I won't understand perspective, without perspective all shapes will be flat
>>7421626People do use boxes for simplification, there's really not much to it other than imagining the limb as a simple form in perspective and the only way you memorize the perspective is by, you guessed it, drawing it simply
>>7421898so what did i do wrong in my drawing? cuz the boxed version looks ok doesnt it?
>>7421950The box version doesn't matter you just can't draw figures, draw more and it'll fix itself
>>7421691>No one draws like this. Go look up any time lapse on youtube you won't find a single person doing this.You are gay and a liar
>>7421953How to draw figures?
>>7421965Will Weston's figure drawing course
>>7421957don't mind the fag, it's just your typical /asg/ shitstain.
>>7421626the reason it looks weird is because the right foot is bent to his left. even if you cross your legs, both of your feet still point generally forwards. I don't think it's possible to sit like that without curving your right thighbone to the left
>>7421957link pls
>>7421626From this picture, it seems like you aren't treating these solid shapes as solid, but as lines. An important part of figure drawing is the ability to imagine all the parts as 3D. That's the benefit of this construction method - it's easier to figure out how a box would turn in space, than a more complex shape like the whole chest. But as I said, I think your solid shape drawing skills are lacking. Look at the leg over the knee, it looks off because the shapes don't look like they are laying on top of each other. The arms also look like they sink into the body, because the cylinders are not properly leaning against the box. Also, that box the figure is sitting on looks messed up.I suggest studying anatomy (you can't really avoid that one, all artists have to do that) and focusing on drawing 3D shapes in space. Check out Perspective Made Easy, you can probably find a pdf of it online. It looks a bit dense at first, but the beginning will really help you visualise things better. Good luck!
>>7421626Imagine boxes as a piece of material you plan to sculpt. The boxes exist to make sure you have the rough proportions and positions mapped out and its easier to fix mistakes in this phase. Next phase is breaking the simple shapes into more complex ones, and then further break those complex shapes down until you get the exact shape you want. Its hard,especially for beginners like us, to go straight from box to finished products without some more intermediate steps.
>>7422003may I ask you to draw what I attempted to draw? Because I find it hard to follow with just text alone.Would greatly appreciate it
>>7422062Sure. Admittedly, I am not a master at 3D drawing (yet), so this is definitely not perfect. But I tried pointing out some things to improve. The basic thing is, you have to draw the objects so that they look like they are on top of each oter, instead of sinking into each other (unless that is your intention, of course). For that, you have to use your 3D visualisation skills, which can definitely be trained. I really do recommend Perspective Made Easy, it explains things much better than I could.
>>7422142okay, so then what does the final figure look like using your corrected version?
>>7421691Some people like having a tool to visualize the 3D space their drawing occupies. I'd rather blow my brains out than get into box autism, but it's a valid method regardless
>>7422222penta of truthcrabs eternally btfo'd
>>7422195Just as practice, I redrew the pose the way I would do it. Whether you think it's better is up to you.
>>7422282he looks a bit stubby (could be because of the weirdness of the pose itself) but overall that is a 100% improvement thank you anon
>>7422282>>7422495dude actually fuck i cant stop looking at how much better yours is goddamnit i still have so much to learn.
>>7422142nta but damn actually good advice on /ic/? i hope this is a board wide change
>>7421626The problem is not the pose, you could make it work…those boxes are for you to visualize how the figure sets up in space, but it’s only a visualization tool. I drew a quick demo for you. Your drawing lacks any volume or rhytms or life…hope this helps.
>>7426871Sorry too big picture heres a better one
>>7421626The main problem with this drawing is the limbs. The length of the right arm and right leg looks shorter than the left side. Also the right shoulder looks undefined. In general, your box drawing looks fine but the transition to line drawing looks like it's "shrinked" the person a bitRemember, the box isn't the final shapeDraw your person to be the same size as the boxes, or make the boxes bigger to mark the out the boundaries of the person shape
>>7422142Perspective Made Easy is great read and it actually helps a lot it's free on Internet Archive and you can download it in PDF so also would recommend to OP to read this.
>>7421691>No one draws like this>The guy who taught Andrew LoomisRetard.
>>7421691More than just Loomis btw
>>7432413cut your nails pls
The amount of autists whose thought process boils down to >construction = boxes staggers me to this day