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200 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
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I would be in heaven
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What got you into IR?
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Started with me being attracted to my mom. (Petite latina huge fucking tits on a small 5ft frame). Jerking off intonher bras seeing her change etc. Found out she only fucked black guys on the weekends I was at my dads (my dad's white they split when I was a baby) I snuck back once and watched her tiny brown pussy get obliterated by a dread headed nig with a cock as big as her torso. After that it was all over
Maybe a tattoo like that would be hot if it was something really subtle, but most of the bnwo stuff obviously appeals to how men want such girls to act. Women irl don't really act and talk like that, and you can usually tell when a man put her up to it.

Yeah I like it when it is genuine and you can tell how excited they are.
Her name is Abigaile Johnson

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Post good girls
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Dubs: post cock
Trips: post cock and ass
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How many times did you roll Reid? I imagine you are 75% of the rolls.
It’s very obvious you’ve been up hitting refresh since the thread was made waiting

Sweaty loli cheerleader butt edition.

But post whatever you like.
kys nigger
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Previous bread: >>926332241

Small pp Edition

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Automatic1111 (Beginner): https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge (A1111 Fork): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

>>> FAQ <<<

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I have been using R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B but I never considered switching, what's the best quality upscaler?
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starting with more zoe.
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Perfect slut to fuck all day
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Feed me the naughtiest shit to make me come, especially that. Send it all please


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Send me anything, also cum together??

Prefer f


Sharing this dumb pink haired brat come degrade her and let’s cum together
05b93e46e6a450adc4216 d89ba3d95e4be10a5cbe4a9 ccfc88c41761dfb81c4b21

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GF/Wife Thread
Ass edition
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I would allow another man squeeze my wifes ass in public space and would not stop it
great ass. tits?

what percent of your groceries do you pay for?

tips/tricks/things to avoid? any good times a day to go?
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yea but tbh i had hit shoppers for months and months for free snacks so it probably had to happen eventually
>I've figured out the times when they clear out the unsold rotisserie food and bang the price right down, plenty of cut price hot chicken.
Yeah, that's definitely an option down my way too but by then the chicken always seems to be in such a sorry condition it's not worth even the lowered price.
Jacket with large inside pocket or pockets, anon. Mine's served me well for years now and I honestly don't expect to ever be caught.

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Post sluts you'd love to abuse. As always, other Anons are encouraged to chime in and degrade them
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Nice natural hangers though
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Girl I know..18y

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How does this make you feel?
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makes me wonder what types of toys you have and if there's a good suggestion about prostate stimulators/massagers(not just the solid things, but like a male sybian)
How did the British go from conquering half the world to this
Makes my pee pee hard.
And makes me want to suck.

I'm straight btw.

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can anyone tell me what they noticed being scrubbed from internet archive from the recent attack?
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We thought they were white : Dontell Jackson
Have you considered browsing anything other than blog.twitter.com? Or is the Twitter blog your life? Sounds like a pretty sad existence.
I like coming here to shit on jews and point out the things that they don't like being pointed out.

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Drawthread: GTA edition
131 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
I did you virgin
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>state israel
Did you mean PALESTINE?

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