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Not even Washington and Oregon are considered safe for Biden anymore. Nor are Illinois and New Jersey. Yikes
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You should be considered an enemy of this entire country. Sherman needed to burn more of your kind.
I honestly don't think Trump is going to win.
I'm not rooting for either because they both suck. But I feel like the swing voters are going to care more that he was criminal convictions and fucked a porn star than they do Biden sundowning at the debate.
I could be wrong. But I'm just giving my prediction.

post a picture of the fattest girl you've nutted in
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I cum in this one all the time
More of that hog
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Second time I’ve done this, first time went pretty well.
I found the phone of a college freshman, from what I can tell she used it for a year and a half and threw it away cause it was cracked. Lots of fun stuff on here. Tell me what to do or search and I’ll post pics as proof. Have fun:)
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Ok here’s one
Any nudes in there?
How was it found?

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Give Miku a big bunda and she's truly brazilian.
miku's teal bush

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Nobody cares about soccor ball
Go lose to the japs in baseball

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Post initials
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this girl literally wanted to have a cozy fancy dinner and now she's being posted by fat smelly 4channel retards. What a world I live in.
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just got home from work.
traffic sucked.
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> tells anonymous his small time problems
this isn't twitter. jh84p2
I had someone interested in me from the STATE but it was less money than I was making so I didn't jump on it. I would have considered it if it paid more or had more benefits like 3 day work week.

I work for the department of transportation. I get about $20 an hour right now but the pay goes up twice a year. Benefits are great, I get health insurance, manditory pto, a pension, and I'm a public servant so if anyone tries to fuck with me it's an automatic felony.

Now in my 33 years on this planet I've gotten into exactly 2 fights, and I'm a pacifist now, but still good to have under my belt.

It's the first time I've ever genuinely loved a job I'm doing.

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and they're purposely making their shitbox cars so they backfire all the time
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because now I live somewhere with none of the niggers but all of the gunshot noise
Start shoting fireworks every day for 30-45 mins at least you can have a joy with it
I finally found it buy some of theese just in case https://youtube.com/shorts/6myC6Rfunj0?si=-uqlNtpI_--vfkCh

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Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread

Come on in and read some chapters with us all!
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.

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English in thread only please. I am still learning
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no i'm french canadian not surrenderfrench
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Chubby girls with big tits IRLs
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Chub chub

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Need her socials damnit..more

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>Aggressive banging at your door while you and your notgayhomie choke on that last bong hit freaking the fuck out now
>You nearly knock over a bunch of dumb shit heading to the peep hole of your heavyset door only to wish you played dead, because


>What do you do?
>cousin furio
You are a jew. Go to hersh and suck off jis nigger brother in law for mercy

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Post your favorite nude of your favorite girl
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ludovica penha tap
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2017 Las Vegas shooting got swept under the rug pretty quickly... what do you think actually happened?
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to be fair, he had purchased a room overlooking another music festival a month or so prior, but he didn't execute the plan for whatever reason. I don't think the fact that it was a country festival had much to do with it, as opposed to the convenience of its location / timing. Also, being an atheist =/= leftist. I'm pretty sure he was just some blackpilled boomer out to get off some sick kicks before offing himself.
bumpstocks had absolutely 0 involvement in the entire thing. not used. at all. not one.
yet trump stomps on 2A and bans them
Trump is not a 2A supporter. He's publicly stated he'd take guns away from people.

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