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This image speaks volumes.
Very true. Amen.
Light Metabolism is a pretty riveting book, but it’s nothing compared to Islam Life. Best of the series. Almost lost my head over it.

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This image speaks volumes.

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Insure you for third party only?
Sure but we must have the vehicle parked where it won't be stolen or we cannot insure you!

You want to cancel the policy because your bike broke down 2 weeks into the policy and is unrepairable?
Sure but you must pay 3 months worth of fees to cancel at all!

General society is fucking idiotic for not complaining en-masse!

And the government is weak for not doing something about it.
20 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Yes, I am aware there are arguments why, but simply hiding them because people cannot see fuck all is not a good look.

So come on someone, explain the reasons so we can all agree you are right or explain why you are not.
Yes I see why you do not want to explain but the reason applies to why the outcome will not be what you fear too.
Fit dashcams to all cars, it costs a tiny amount at a factory and will provide the evidence you need for crash for cash.

Then you can stop making us wait because of those prior fears of escalation.

Thank yew for cawlling the amazun refund deapaatment this is mike wilson speaking how may i help you today?
Sar can yew please conform me do yew have a laptop or dekstop in your house.
Sar yew need to buy me google play gift card or yew will go behind the bar the police and the fbi are on their way sarcit is only i who can keep yew out of the bar go right now and buy me twenty five hundred gift card.
Sar now give me each and every numba amd letter of the card.
Sar do not redeem it
Fuck you motherfucker son of bitch i fuck your mother in sleep one tousand time I fuck your mother ten tousand time
Teri maki lori madarchode lauda
im going to fuck your sister im going to fuck your mother im going to fuck your daughter im going to fuck each amd everyone ok? you dont need worry about this becouse im gonna put my dick in your mouth you know? I fuck your family one tousand time then ten tousand time

remember that (((they))) took this from us

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Smashed a mouse with my fist while visiting my uncle
What did you do yesterday?
(it was on the 2x4 railing under a little bird feed roof so it couldn't escape without jumping, I was faster)
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u should just really do all of us a favor and kys

Right on, anon. That's basically a right of passage.

Also, now I hope you realize why you shouldn't have bird feeders.

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Hi. Drunk again. Anyway want to hang out with me? I feel like I only have two hours left before I pass out. At least its Friday this time.
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Pringles as a mathematically purse potato chip. Its what an engineer would design a potato chip as. Its a blend of various grains to give a solid grainy base, coated in a flavoring powder. It is a "saddle shape" which is to say it features negative curvature in all directions. This allows the most efficient packing possible, which preserving its structural integrity. Its the decomposition of a potato chip into its platonic ideal. It is the product of industrialization. And industrial crisp for an industrial society.
ignore the spelling errors. English sucks. I no typing good. Bad me. Bad.
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goddamnit, how is /b/ still incapable of posting mp4s? Is it really that hard to figure out?

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Will /b/ ever truly be random again or is it always going to be full of shitty porn that could be posted anywhere else?
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I'm doing my part
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I mean there was always porn but there was certainly a lot less of it.

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well it's not christmas yet

How funny will it be when these Disney-fied cunts get sent to the shadow realm for the 2nd time?
Maybe well get another speech from Madonna. Thatll be fun. Looking forward to that.
If they get too feminist like they did with Hillary I'll vote Trump. Hate that nigger, but hate the hubris of bitches and faggots more. If there wasn't gay faggots singing "Hilary in the housssseee" Trump would have easily lost.

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blacks are so opsessed with pushing BBC porn because back in the old (bad?) days, white slave owners used to rape their black property whenever they felt like it.

BUT if that was true, where are the ancestors of the mixedrace offspring these days? surely we would be able to find such gentic traits to prove the wrongdoing.
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You're a virgin, cope.

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2024 is our Final Battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all!
ai generated shit propaganda smh tf are those hands his fingers are literally merging into one loop

only the highest quality chocolate goes down my throte
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When did it become okay to replace cocoa butter with vegetable fat?
Like two decades ago, never buy that imitation crap. A woman's fresh dump is better.
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never was lol.
captcha NOG DT

Multiple factors accepted. Romance/Sexiness/Caring/Intelligence/Personality etc...

Starting with Sherry.
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Does she qualify as a loli?
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Sherry is queen.
I can agree with that.

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