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Anyone with pimeyes give me her reddit or nudes?
I got chu, anon. I found this.

Been a while since we had a good 3d/western loli thread for sharing and discussion over best artists and characters.
Ciri starts the thread.
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Why are you not posting vids with audio
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There is no audio on b.
no audio on /b/, only on /gif/ but ll isnt allowed there

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120,000 vote dump at 4am... 100% for Biden

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You hit Trump's main button
is that lexi belle?
no idea
but the name doesn't sound Russian

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Drawthread: Superior version edition
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Nuh uh
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Stop thinking about sticking birds up your ass

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You naughty nugget you
Get in ma belly
I want to fuck that woman
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Biden Pedo cult has to make up lies to cover up their own failures!
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it's the jews?
thanks, fren
>Kronald Blumpf
What ever happened to Von Shitzinpantz?
It's in the court record.

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Roll for whose asshole you get to lick
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Like I’m good

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I'm quite hungry, I might make myself a sandwich now
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Please halp me getting married.
Guys I found the love of my life and want to marry her, found her on Tinder but I was banned. How can I bypass the ban? Thanks in advance. Can’t buy another sim card or use a different internet spot. She liked my profile!!!!
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oh wow, it's 2024 and there are still people who don't know how to bypass a Tinder ban? are you like 90 years old? or 12?
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Dude I can’t use other persons phone right now, and I might loose her contact very soon. I just have one internet spot and the same sim card. Can I use a proxy to hide my ip and then use a program like google voice to receive sms codes?

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Jesus called, he says he hates you

>This is my sister Satori, she wants to rape you in your sleep.
so should I sleep now?
will she put her feet on my face tho
Sorry but this shit makes me mad.
You honestly think some weak tobacco, yellow finger typing beta shola cuck can take me on.

Even as a joke I got called the dragon. Snapped on everything that went my way.
Like. You don't know me, but the shit I used to do. The shit I STILL can do.
Fuck fap. Just drained by some cotton wearing daisy dick faggot like you saying that. Sleep thight homie, cuz that's the last night you're gonna be before the dragon.

After /cub/th
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I’m glad muffet is easy to spot in thumbnails
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I’ll stick my banana in your chocolate muffin
Wait that sounds gross

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Turns out there's a surprising amount o blood in a prostitute.
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Are you gonna eat that dead hooker?
boil it and increase oxygen in the room. build a shitty blast furnace and dissolve carbon dioxide into it to pump out of your house, christ blood might be better than melamine. a blast furnace for bonding is cheaper than an atomizer.
inb4 blood contains coagulants.
get the spleen, i think it should be squishy like a sponge where everything else is squishy like a water ballon.

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My favourite artists (most had been keeping this title for over a decade, so I know it's not a premature hype):

>Chelsea Wolfe
>Vampire Rodents
>Boards of Canada
>A Perfect Circle

I relate most deeply to those bands' music. There are many other great formations which are half a tier below those, but unfortunately, for some undescribable reason, they can't fall into an "eternally perfect" music category for me. I can't remember how many profoundly beautiful, exciting, mellow and energetic (interchangably) evenings I experienced thanks to those artists (and marijuana). Thank you!

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> A Perfect Circle
My man. I love Tool, but APC distills that down to perfection.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nShkRKrozrA
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Yhn6-jJPE
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6kd0FQhd5k
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWkHQQpzuF8

These are my top five.
> A Perfect Circle

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*blocks your path*

Not even Washington and Oregon are considered safe for Biden anymore. Nor are Illinois and New Jersey. Yikes
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You should be considered an enemy of this entire country. Sherman needed to burn more of your kind.
I honestly don't think Trump is going to win.
I'm not rooting for either because they both suck. But I feel like the swing voters are going to care more that he was criminal convictions and fucked a porn star than they do Biden sundowning at the debate.
I could be wrong. But I'm just giving my prediction.

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