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Picked up a girl from a bar and ended up fucking at her place. She lived in a pretty small apartment with her dad and she turned out to be a really loud fuck. We were both trashed so I thought "fuck it" and went with it. I'm pretty sure her dad woke up as I heard him doing the fake cough

Am I a piece of shit bros? I would be pretty fucking pissed if I had a daughter and heard that. She's Asian as well so I'm actually really surprised that her dad didn't just bust in and beat my ass lol
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
took a girl home once that lived with her dad and he def heard it all. the next morning he was sleeping in the living room. i felt like shit about it at first but theyll forget about it
Damn these poor dads. I really hope I don't end up having daughters
Thanks, I'm glad I'm not the only one here

Favorite vidya girls to spend a cold Christmas with?
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Paheal? I don't look at 2d much
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Bonus for 570

Any buttcrack flashers in here?

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If you are white, have you ever had a non-white friend?

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How can I improve my looks/life?

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It's incredible to me that we all grew-up believing race was real, only to know in the post-structuralist age that it isn't at all.
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i see redditina has shown up, tell us your pronouns sister
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race realism has lost
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why are you reading blasphemous text, my child?

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Dani J. Aka Donutchan fandom thread.

Post your fave pics of this titcow.
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Hmmmm. Looks like no one likes whores.
why did she delete twitter
She got doxxed. Know any other socials?

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Time to test your luck and show that ass!

dubs: post ass
trips: take a request
quads: thread slut
69: sharpie in pooper
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aww 2 off
aww 1 off now fml
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i am a 19 yo south african whiteboi
i used to be racist now i gave in and i get off only to bbc cuck porn,beatdowns and white extinction stuff <3
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take your meds
Show the potty you poop into :3

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Unfortunately, it is my solemn duty to inform you that heaven has indeed gained an angle.
how can you be so acute?

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>be me
>28 year old male 10/10 chiseled jawline, green eyes, hot bod and all the 9 yards, but antisocial and suicidal and from south america
>get super hot gf that came from the us to work here
>be 6 years with her and be happy as fuck
>never cheat on her
>one day i find out she is pregnant
>she had to have tests done
>after results came, she went silent
>she killed herself 2 days after she received the results
>lost my job due to depression

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
There is a lot of fish in the sea. Go for beers to meet people.
Get some magnesium in you.
Magnesium levels have been found to be extremely low in people with chronic depression since the 1970s

Magnesium supplements are low cost, available almost everywhere & do not need a Dr. prescription.
You've survived all the other shit, don't lose now because of a mineral deficiency

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Would you suck my cock? Age, gender and location in reply please.
Yes, looks tasty

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Just bought this for my son as a Christmas present. The poor guy is four years old and still shits all over the floor.
Will you let him suck it out?

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I did a very frothy piss this morning, should I go to the hospital?
Why do you ask 4chan just go

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