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congrats. i have dr.pepper and crunshy m&ms
I like ale as well.
Red ales are fucking awesome, pale ales taste like skunk piss.

So do I make a post about how /b/ is shit now and has become everything it originally hated or do I just exit quietly? How does this work?

Why is he eating so much junkfood. What kinda role model is that for a country with so many obese people
It's so he can't get poisoned retard.

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What do you think about Zuzia and her cute wacky face? I wish i could see all of you jerking on her
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excellent dick sucking lips
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Yes theyre perfect for cock like this

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Many other great men have been labeled "cOnViCtEd FeLoNs" by a crooked system. Not least of which was none other than Jesus himself.
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The one on the left ducked his nieces and forced his wife to die by refusing medical aid, the middle threw tires full of gasoline around his enemies then set them on fire.

Did Trump butcher babies or is that just Israel?
Man is only at peace via death.
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they don't
evangelical Christians (a large number of them, anyway), however, have strung together a bizarre end-of-days theory based largely on Revelation and the book of Daniel that requires Israel to regain control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rebuild the temple there
the end can't come until the Antichrist comes, and one of the things the Antichrist will do, according to their interpretation, is
"[muster forces,]...and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation." Daniel 11:31
so for the end to come, the Antichrist has to stop the daily sacrifices in the Temple and set up the abomination of desolation, and for that to happen, there has to BE a Temple where daily sacrifices are taking place
the problem is that the Romans destroyed the last Temple almost 2000 years ago, and the jews can't currently rebuild it because they don't exercise full sovereignty over Jerusalem, and the Muslims have their third holiest site built on the Temple Mount
so the jews have to regain full control of Jerusalem, boot out the Muslims and rebuild their Temple for the evangelical prophesies to come true, which is why they're die-hard kikesuckers
in reality, the passage in Daniel is likely referring to the desecration of the Temple by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, which happened in the 2nd century B.C., and not a future event
anyway, the bizarre theories behind the evangelical support of the modern state of Israel are not, historically, a mainstream Christian idea
Then why is it happening?
why is what happening?

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blacks are so opsessed with pushing BBC porn because back in the old (bad?) days, white slave owners used to rape their black property whenever they felt like it.

BUT if that was true, where are the ancestors of the mixedrace offspring these days? surely we would be able to find such gentic traits to prove the wrongdoing.
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Based dub dubs, chkd
African Americans are like 50% Caucasian and 30% White because Black Africans are already a quarter North African with a smidgeon of White. Their baseline is being mullatoes of the darker variety.
bbc porn is pushed by porn companies because the degenerate losers consuming it are mostly niggers (they can't get any poon irl)

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Should I be worried? Think my friend is becoming a chud incel. He’s never had a girlfriend pure virgin and is sending me pol memes, he thought getting a job would land him a girlfriend and he’s surprised it hasn’t been working for him he’s also 26 years old. I’m worried because he shows me black pill content on YouTube. I myself am neet but get multiple hookups and he tells me about female nature and the red pill. Just afraid he might go ballistic or something? Should I write a police report?
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> should I write a police report?

No, while your concerns for your friend are valid, it is not illegal to be an incel. I'd try to encourage your friend to get help.
hes on the right path

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/cub/ doodlin'
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Might want to bring an umbrella if it's outside
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We’d be inside
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Inside the rain?

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Prince, yay or nay?

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Why are they so submissive and feminine /b/?
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Why do black guys want to stick there dicks up men’s asses? Are they all gay faggots?
They also post threads asking anons on /b/ to suck their dicks as well. Seems gay to me.
Liberalism and its consequences
Liberalism makes blacks gay? Interesting.

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Which one are you?
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very gay. barely missed Eredar main-er. Can't even be a wizard. hope it was worth it bucko.
33 kissless virgin. Have to fight the urge to conjure up some magicunt.

I lost mine around 15.

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Is he telling the truth?
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How many people were involved?
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He was a registered republican.
yeah I'm terribly curious if he's a fake or if the USSS seriously tried to farm a shooting with low security and got lucky, there's zero other possibilities so I just wanna know heads or tails

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