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Make an offer and if it’s worth your value we have a deal.
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Isn't that the pope?
that’s my mom, asshole
Sold for 900 billion zemulons

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I can't make threads on certain boards because some faggot in my ip range has been spamming hard for the past 3 years

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The alpha males are back.
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>can’t handle the cold weather
>Trump might get pneumonia!
lol, kek even
literally no one noticed you were gone
>double dick jerk dances to the gay song
Pick one

Be me
Scrolling Twitter
see post making fun of local pedophile Jasonafex posting amorous 2 teaser
the thumbnail and video AND music are Ai Generated
Why The Absolute Fuck?.jpeg
The man is an artist and the girl he groomed has open coms???
that's sure is a lot of laziness for a man who I'm pretty sure has no job
watches teaser
expected absolutely nothing and still disappointed

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Not trading allat

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The Cheese Tax! The Cheese Tax!
You got to pay the cheese tax every time you're cooking
When the cheese drawer opens this puppy comes looking
The rules are the rules and the facts are the facts
But when the cheese drawer opens, you gotta pay the tax

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Post lucious boy butts that you would want to slide into

optionally being filled with cock
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bet this boys ass felt like heaven
Is that hair I see?

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s/fur never dies
New bread?


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Calling you shitdick, fudgepacker, ass pounder and other degrading names. Also share humiliating stories of being caught enjoying a nasty male ass with your little faggot princess dick.
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if you’re looking for stories like this archiveofourown is the site. just look for gay kink humiliation tags and see where it takes you.

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comfy thread
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imagine having a snack as much as this sun bear loves whatever it is he’s eating
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> Be born in Georgian SSR as Georgian nobility, but reject status as felt he didn't earn it
> Grow up under communism, read about a thousand books by 15, many of them illegal
> Be sent in to clean up in Chernobyl
> Become police officer
> Marry, and have kids, divorce as the Soviet Union collapses
> Live through criminal wars and poverty in Georgia
> Move to Israel and marry fellow ex-soviet woman
> Have kids and move to Canada
> Be autistic about the minions
>Be sent in to clean up in Chernobyl
isn't that place still abandoned
did he just do a really shitty job cleaning up or what

Israeli 2025 Edition
There's no choice here, Hamas already fucked them all
I really like this. Too bad there aren't more posters. Well done!
Kill, kill, kill. None are even attractive enough to rape.

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Bring it.

(I can't take this anymore).
Is it ever mention why sisyphus simply doesn't stop pushing the boulder?
Are the gods going to whip him or something?
Because what else is there to do, besides push your burdens forward?

You can give up at any moment, and all there's left is to wait for death. The idea is to push your burdens upwards only to see them roll down and starting it all over again and finding peace with the pointlessness of it all. Nobody is saying you have to do it, but that is what you can do.

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To what extent is the POTUS allowed to make changes to the appearance and utilization of the Oval Office? Yet, more specifically, I want to know if Donald Trump would be allowed to transform the Oval Office into a gooncave and if so, what degrees of freedom he would possess during his gooning, regarding length, gooning material, possible goon buddies (i. e. Elon Musk) and in what way the Secret Service would have to be involved, to guarantee for the proper security.

My reasoning behind this seemingly absurd question is as follows: With gooning gaining popularity in recent years, Donald Trump MIGHT be a gooner for all we know. He is unlikely to admit this publicly, as gooning is still frowned upon by the vast majority, and coming out as a proud gooner could significantly impact his popularity. So he might choose to keep this private for strategic reasons, for now at least. But let's assume he HAS taken quite a liking to it and considers himself a passionate gooner (or a "fine connoisseur of distinguished erotica", as Eric Trump has put it so eloquently during an interview with the New York Times once): As president, he will (if not currently on the golf course) spend the majority of his time in public spaces, surrounded by cameras and journalists. The Oval Office is basically one of the few places where he can enjoy some alone time and privacy. So if he wants to follow his debauched hobby any further during his next term, the only logical decision for him is to transform the Oval Office into his own private gooncave.

Pic related: how I imagine the Oval Office might look like if Donald Trump gets his way.
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What's the point when he can't even get it up anymore?
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Trump is hardly the biggest pervert that's ever been president there was that guy that liked to pull his cock out in front of people and drive his boat car into lakes pretending the breaks went out. Haven't you seen mars attacks they probably got secret passages where they go to hook up with marilyn monroe.

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