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I will buy a newspaper maybe the San Francisco Chronicle :)
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Immediately convert it to Gold Pressed Latinum, and them invest in Tulaberry wine. Then watch the profits roll in.
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Nice boobs.
I'd pay off all of my extended family's debts, buy my paternal grandmother's house so that it stays in the family, set up a savings account for each of the kids to earn by graduating high school, help my parents and their siblings retire, fund a local state park so they can build and run a paleo-lab and bankroll the production of pic related as an animated movie.
If I have money left from all that, I'd fund the completion of Crazy Horse Memorial and attempt to do so for Mount Rushmore.

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Because we are NOT GOING BACK!

Grow up
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I have intel suggesting they are currently emerging.

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SS Edition

Previous thread: >>921928966

New User Guide: https://rentry.org/voldy
VAE (Important): https://rentry.org/sdvae
Controlnet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon
Samplers: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/samplers/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
251 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Moar of Hayase please
you could just go fuck yourself, faggot :)
ill be sure i do spam reply myself at the end of every thread from now on just for you
>Admits that it's spam

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Your move /b/
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It definitely happens. Been here before, but not with you. Let's play at lest one more game :)
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board probably is to small tbh
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>>921936122 dubs
Yeah true.
Also with the 5x5 variant of this game you can choose 5, 4 or 3 in a row as a goal. Three in a row in that version is very tense.

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Ever gone out to a bar alone and tried to strike up conversations with randoms?

Turned out as horrific as you might imagine.
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That nigga is thinking about feet as we speak
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The pissed down bathroom is my only refuge
A true normie wouldn't be in a bar alone, good try tugh, We go again.

I am an autistic shy beta man with a crush on my sister. I like answering questions about her, talking about her, and sending pictures.

Kik VFlytrap
Its normal.my guy i have crush on my sis too, do u have her feet pics?
ugly manjaw

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"All my frennar dead, puh me to thedge"

Little Uzi Vert went hard on the track with these lyrics. He changed the rap game.
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Is there a modern western equivalent to one of Godzilla's best allies? Kids love robots, right? Seems like there should be one.
Pacific Rim doesn't count because the robots don't have personalities.
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what happened to this guy?
he was the funniest guy on earth
couldnt miss, then he does truman show and its all downhill. goes all sad keanu irl. wat happen? something clearly happened
he just sits around like an incel now drawing art, got a real emo vibe about him now. totally unrecognizable as someone who was ever funny
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youre one of those big brain ribbitor literalists whose gonna argue vernacular and subjectivity over a completely benign statement when you know exactly what it implies. arguing for the sake of arguing.
oh...you don't know...this "dime piece" mentally destroyed him!!!...I grew out of his brand of humor some time ago, but that does not negate his comedic chops...maybe someday he'll make a comeback!!!
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he took a few too many shrooms and lost it

he would be perfect to play Terence McKenna and I hope that happens someday

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Happy Friday everyone!

Time for a femanon Q&A thread!!
All femanon encouraged to join!!

Please no trannies
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point taken
what's a lolipop without a loli?
i want to pay to give you the finest korean pedicure and then proceed to get both of your feet pregnant.

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Is she being groomed?
The groomers have groomed their way into pretty much every facet of society
Do people groom redheads?

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can i get a rate?
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anon ur tummy is so cute. would kiss it and give u lots of head pats.
rate some pls mate.
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Dong of girth when fully erect. Not the greatest reach but great stopping power.

why do all the redditors go to /b/ what happened for this to occur
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Risking this chubby whore
What a fucking blowhole on her, would reem

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