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have you ever wear panties?
haves you never speaking englixh¿

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Super cute girls that make your heart throb
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t. Opinionated autism faggot.
Strip pls

How come we don't spin off the earth? It's spinning like super fast.
14 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Because the Earth is flat and doesn't actually spin
>It's spinning like super fast
you know how you can balance a ball on your finger if its big enough and spins fast enough?
its like that. but without any other gravitational force applied to it aside from one.
>the one that causes the gravitational spend

What do you do when your ex won't leave you the fuck alone? Can't block her because she was living with me and she needs time to move out. She's still trying to convince me but I'm done 100 percent. She is volatile and definitely has Cluster B type personality disorders.
I dealt with something like this 5 years ago. Are you able to move someplace else? I did, but told her that I was going to work at an Antarctic research base, and moved to a different part of the country.
Dig your heels in and refuse to budge. Don't respond to anything she says that isn't about her getting her shit and getting out.
Kick her the fuck out thats not ur problem its her problem i put my ex her clothes in a box and i just put it near our main door if she is fast enough she gets her stuff otherwise homeless people have nice things

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Jesus fucking christ...

If Biden won, you would get 5x your money back..
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The flood of diversity bullshit was a direct response from the Hollywood jews towards Trump's presidency. They'll double and triple down if Trump wins. You won't see a single white dude on video ever again.
thats not what that means
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Cope n dilate..

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this can't be my real life. i mean there is no fucking way this is real. i remember beating final fantasy 8 when i was around 18 or 19 years old, but something inside of me is telling me this never happened, like i never actually beat the game.
Maybe u should do it again
FF8 was the first one I didn't beat, because it fucking sucked, like all the ones after Amano stopped doing character design. FFVII sucked, I just played it through anyway.
Hell, homosexual rape might be preferrable to FFX

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Which medieval helmet represents how you are feeling today?
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9 fr
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that's terrifying

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I have posted myself for years with my kik attached. Do some research
I don't need to do research, I know her in real life. Just because you've been pretending to be a woman for a long time doesn't mean that you're telling the truth
I have no idea what is going on here but that is the most Laura looking woman of all time.
100% chance of Laura.

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I'm a short black dude, 5'4 or so, living in Seattle. Every time I walk down the street white people cross to the other side. Yesterday I was walking home in my own neighborhood and a white guy kept nervously glancing back at me, then after a while broke and sprinted into the nearest bar. I laughed and scoffed but cant help but thinking this kinda stuff happens a lot.
I had problems at my old jobs where my boss would one day have someone tell me I'm doing something wrong after it had been going on for a long time. I would see him and he would smile and chitchat or give instructions nicely. But I then found out when he had a coworker tell me that id been doing some stuff wrong for months and the boss wanted him to tell me. This was some important stuff as well, me being a rookie. I asked why he didnt tell my himself, the colleague said he confessed he was afraid of me and other workers were also afraid of me and said I always looked angry and violent.
People always tell me I look upset or like I'm about to punch/hit/attack somebody. Im actually very peaceful most of the time and a very nice guy.
I was in jail earlier this year and some guys automatically respected me and allowed me into their "ingroup", gang involved dudes. They let me bunk with them etc and we hung out all day.
People are very hesitant to make me angry and always seem to think they need to talk to me in an especially careful way and have even told me things like "if I upset you please just let me know in a calm way and Ill take care of it" etc.
I don't try to intimidate anyone or be violent and Im calm and a short guy but everyone is racist and scared of me.
When my phone died and I tried approaching people for directions etc, they kept inching away as I got close and backing up.
Please help?
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You're on the internet anonymously. You aren't proving anything to anyone aside from the fact that you're an idiot.
People is scared of you because you are a weirdo. Its not racism, its fear.
Take a chainsaw start chasing them if they fall u found a new fren if they flee they wasn't worth to interact with anyway.

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Hi, i am very sorry to ask this and i hope people will see it but can y’all report a tweet for me ? i don’t have any solution anymore
This tweet contains a private conversation i had with a «friend» that is about relationship problems i’ve had..
https://x.com/teamnaps69/status/1808257725484147152?s=46 this is the tweet

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Rate a titty
Leave a titty
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Love big areolas.

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I think antidepressants permanently killed my sex drive. I only jerk off every other day ever since I quit taking them
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what are you on? I used to be on 200mg Zoloft for a couple of years and that stuff killed off my sex drive big time. Jacking it was basically a damn feat.
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you let the "doctors" push the dickdestroyers on you huh..good luck fren, you'll need it
Idk man antidepressant killed my whole palette of my feelings i guess ur sex drive just yone bc u jerk off a lot

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Nosoundgirl get back in here you lying cheating whore. Time to set your whore ass straight
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You must go back
She has a lot of questions to answer
I just want to try to get up in her butt cheeks

My fanbase grows every day.
Thank you, /b/ !
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Kill yourself.
based king of /b/
kill yourself Ole, you fat, ugly, pedo virgin loser

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