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Good evening anon
I didn't kill myself today.
glad you did not either.
Not for lack of trying...

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>Not picrel
>Obtained noodz through friend who got them from the person who was fucking her and took them
>Really want to establish an online masturbatory relationship with her
>Anonymously messaged her on Reddit after finding posts that her partner wanted an open relationship
>Not heard back in 2 months, meaning she's either ignored it or never logged back in

What do I do 4chan? I desperately want to cum all over this whore, but without the real life risk of exposure. Do I just stay satisfied with what I have or how can I con her into just being a repository for my deviant pleasure?

Literally are so many women in my life I'd love to con noodz out of. Any other tips to lure them?

What's the sluttiest thing you ever did??
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I fucked my girlfriend's pussy while she sucked off her best friend. He came over one night and the 3 of us got drunk. He kept talking about wanting to see her tits, so she literally showed him. Right in front of me. I wanted to see how far she'd go so I encouraged her. She got up, got down on her knees in front of him, took his cock out and started sucking him. I moved up behind her and started fucking her. Hearing him moan from her sucking him turned me on. After awhile his breathing started to get heavier and before long he told her he was going to cum. She deepthroated him as he exploded down her throat, and hearing him cum made me cum, and I blew my load in her. She was definitely a cum dump that night. Was easily the sluttiest thing I ever did in my life.
Back when I was in the Navy I cheated on my girlfriend with 3 girls who were on my ship.
When deployment was over I moved in with her and proceeded to fuck 2 of her best friends behind her back. I was an absolute alcoholic mess back in those days.
spam ir cuck porn for 18 hours a day on this board
t. OP

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White supremacy is self-defense.
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gotta defend yourself for sure

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When will groceries get cheaper?
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When we kill all the fat trannies and kick out the 30 million Mexicans reducing demand
when will we get rid of all the illegal niggers
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You ever shown off pictures of your wife/gf nude to a friend irl?
If so how did it go down?
Did the return the favor?
Was it worth it?
If not why not?
Pic not rel
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I take it he got his dick wet?
I showed up and he kept going she compared us he was 4.2 inches bigger I didn't see her until Monday
Sounds like she got railed good. Mine could use some of that.

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anime girls you're fapped to this week
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/b/ sucks today.

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Trib thread
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New thread, I’m there

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have you ever boxed before?
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It’s not as physically taxing buts a lot more brutal. Getting used to someone trying to punch you is a huge adrenaline dump.
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today was a heist day

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
honk honk sry bout trump bein rude 2 canada fren pls drink murican whiskey thx

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Would you fuck Kamala Harris
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His license plate reads ANGLHVN because he is an angel in heaven
I’m scrimming and hollerin

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BWC is undefeated.
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But is YOUR cock big and white? Is YOUR cock undefeated?
maybe, it's a mystery

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