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I fucking love girls with tiny little tits
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Well if you were into hotwife and I was anywhere near you (judging by the trees/course I most certainly am not), I'd try my damnedest to give her a 6th child. Certainly looks like you and her have done well for yourselves, so keep being awesome and thanks for sharing her.
incredibly hot, more!
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Girls who need to be gangbanged by big niggers
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I'd like that too

g/fur fine. i'll do it.
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sweet dreams

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time for another amateur booty thread. post ur fav asses oc or saved. all shapes sizes and colors are welcome.
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Wu Tang
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Nuri would you fuck Caroline Ellison in the butt? Would you let her eat your pussy?
I would like to be in a gangbang of Caroline Ellison. I would eat her pussy
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264 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
new thread
go on
"Snapchat" lmao

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why the fixation on their stomach? is it cause your cum can pool on in their bellybuttons or something or is it cause just cumming over thier tummies gets you off?
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I was caught in 4k and shown in server about my activity here.
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How to commit suicide painlessly:

1. Become a registered nurse.
2. Obtain an IV catheter.
3. Insert the catheter into one of the major veins or arteries of the human body, which you have studied.
4. Do not connect the catheter to a medical apparatus.
5. Lay down in a bathtub somewhere.
6. Relax as the blood drains from your body.
7. You're dead!
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
>Become a registered nurse
Seems like an awful lot of trouble. Do a flip
That sounds pretty painful, I think you should get help instead of posting things like this
Slit wrists and bleed to dead. When I donate blood I pass out and it seems like it would be an ok death

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Incest is wincest thread!

Share your hot family members or stories of your sexual adventures with them.

Screencaps welcome, OC particularly welcome

Archive of older stories:
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How old the first time?
Last time you were with him?
How come she didn’t rat you out?
10. Last time at 16
Maybe because I tried to style it out and said I was joking when a saw how freaked she looked, or more likely she just didn't want anything to do with such a fucked up situation
How come you guys stopped?

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Let’s see the ladies of Maryland.
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what would you do to this good Christian girl from suburban MD if your actions were entirely unnoticeable to her?
need more
unfortunately there’s not much else, I called her a good Christian for a reason

i can follow up on kik or whatever if you want, but in the meantime wwyd?

Built for greasy nigger dick
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prev: >>920753733
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Because she went up 11k viewers? idk whats funny about that its like the only logical reason for it
No she could just be scrolled down a bit, likely he is first but I can not explain why she has not responded in hours if he is her first. Means she has not touched discord like all day
Amazing fanfiction

Are blue collar jobs better than a CS degree in our current dementia economy?
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i sometimes wonder if i should've listened to my dad about becoming a pharmacist, then again i can't stand drug dealers
Thanks man, I'll try but hopefully the economic outlook improves.
NTA but what it means is that a single developer will one day be able to do the work that used to require a team of coders. The tool isn’t self functioning but allows for each worker to be dramatically more productive and thus require fewer workers overall.

What it means for you is an increasingly tough market to break into, more desperate people jockeying for fewer positions, until the only ones breaking in are autismo savants from families with tech backgrounds to prepare them for the family trade from a young age while being rich enough to support them through years of unpaid internships until someone offers them a paying gig

I have never seen an Alcoholic company using a drunk person for Advert.
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I’ve never seen an advert involving a health white family in years. Every commercial is some white girl getting blacked
I have never seen a History Channel ad that did not include either newsreel footage or a photo of Hitler

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First 24 are in sames after 12

>Any code! (Loona won last if she enters she picks) or first come first serve
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Gilbert O'Sullivan would be proud
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F sweet angel
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You wouldn't fall if you had wings. *Hmph*

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