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Jussie Smollett or Donald Trump:
which one was more fake?
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Fbi says trump as hit by a bullet, whike the feds prosecuted jussie for his hoax. I guess op will end up hanging himself now like trannies inevitably do.
Fucking kek!! FBI Director Wray was forced to apologize and state he now believes Trump was hit by a bullet. Libs can't stop taking Ls

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This stuff makes my cock so hard and weak at the same time
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Worship them

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You don't need to be into lolis to enjoy this anime. It helps, but you don't need to be...
Anyway, let's watch it!

Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 1
Title: I'm Doremi! Becoming a Witch Apprentice! - 私どれみ! 魔女見習いになる
Original date: Feb 7th, 1999

>After a rough morning, young girl Doremi Harukaze comes across a strange and unusual shop she has never seen before. Stepping inside, she discovers something amazing: a real witch!

Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/vpow4e.mp4
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Reika is flat, but not eight-year-old flat.

So she's the weird one.
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 7

Title: Aim for Level 9! The Witch Exam - めざせ9級! 魔女試験
Original date: Mar 21st, 1999
>Doremi's time practicing for the upcoming 9th exam is interrupted when her mom asks her to follow Pop; who will be adventuring out by herself for the first time. Doremi accepts the task, but is she willing to risk using all of her magic to help her sister or will she be forced to bail at the last minute?

Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/oqb7is.mp4

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family members you would fuck and fap to

bonus for some brother sister material
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I plan to. I have have found her attractive for a while now
greentext the first time / how it started?

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Ruthless pumping, paint my entire groin red. I really like that sweater and want to coat it in spit throating her.

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Deranged leftist obsessed with penis.
You're a Democrat shill. Of course you constantly think about cocks.
Cocks, couches and christ

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I already worked as hard as i could. Got a CPA, exercised, helped my family and friends, the list goes on of "positive actions"....i have nothng to show for any of it. What now?
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Now it's time for you to eat shit
Kill yourself. We both know you're considering it.

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logging in
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G/fur olympics edition with hoobers
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How does anyone have time for relationships when they're stuggling under the weight of capitalism?
Mornings, fluffs

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/waifu/ thread

song: https://youtu.be/yvFgNP9iqd4?si=BJtY4SRhIuwwpSLC

>claim waifu
>post waifu
>dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you)
>no erp
>no overly lewd content

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I am most certainly not, but thank you <3
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Ressurected to be killed then maybe born again

I'll always be Kezia as long as any hope remains
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i'm the fat guy with the raccoon hat and plaid shirt who always reeks of booze
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Thank you for your service o7

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Would you listen to what this person told you to do even if you didn't have to?

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Do I look ugly and annoying ?
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You look hungry

Choose your slice of Europe, /b/!

(East coming soon!!)
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Based central chad
They make some top tier bimbos
She's the only naked one and has the most cock hungry state on her face

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