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femanons, mock my tiny pp pls uwu
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mfw I will never be a soft femboi with a cute pp like this.
who the hell is this guy

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Haven't seen one of these in a while. Would love to see everyone's stuff saved from there, noteworthy links etc
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anyone have any decent sites to view/download vsco pics?
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They're so good
Mmmm her face is just such good stroke material

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always hard for her

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hey /b/ here is my cat , Rupert he is visiting here as part of his grand tour for his fourth birthday! He's going through every board this time

I hope you like him, hes sitting down very politely waiting for treats
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Happy birthday, Rupert.
Rupert is cool.

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Why do virgins here find this so triggering?
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el autismo has arrived
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7/10 I like those boobies
Disgusting pimples everywhere
C cups ain’t big. You’re average sized.

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My fav fetish is cumming into shoes and socks girls i know, and at this pointy i think my sperm was inside shoe of every member of my family, every friend, every cocowrker and even my boss
Doing cumtributes with my wife to celebs.
Kinda weird but nothing crazy.

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Hey b, i'm here alone at My ranch, can You please order me humilliating things to do and I Will obey and post pictures, please make me your sissy bitch
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Piss on that concrete and lick it.
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take and post pictures of your cute animals

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Because they cheat, lie and steal
If that was the correct answer then niggers would be the richest motherfuckers on the planet. Try again, retard.
Usury. The tribe shares its shekels with heeblngs to get them on their feet.

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you will be banned again
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you tell me.

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It's time she fucked off back to Africa.
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Not falling for it comrade
She's Jamaican and East Indian. What does Africa have anything to do with her?
Better practice saying "Madame President".

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crop the picture
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is that where zucchinis come from?
no wonder they taste like shit

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period blood art
>inb4 virgins isnored
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I'm not black
yes you are
I'm white

Last night I accidentally bit myself in my sleep.
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Looking good, Ole!
everybody hates you here we don't like you and nobody has ever liked you

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