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Can’t you jannies just auto ban this image

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How are you bros holding up? Anyone else still have PTSD? Did you pick the winning side?
SNES forever.

Chrono Trigger is one of the coolest games ever made.
Nintendo as a child... then Sony came along and I grew up... Still Sony from day 1, and I'm fine
The game's not great, but the music is.

Fuck these dumbass captchas. They're why I never post here anymore.

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i feel so depressed and alone and i want to give up
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i don’t know why i’m still up. i want to die. and my mom starts her job tomorrow. this made me cry.
Well, at least you aren't a faggot, right?
If you wanna come over and give it up, I may be willing to accommodate that.

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Wincest is Incest
Lets talk about your special someone, posting of green text is encourage and archives of interesting past stories. There is several anon's not in incest relationships but they have interesting stories and need advice so please don't give them a hard time.

Naming is allowed, so no hating. Cousins are fine but see below!

Remember this group likes loving relationships not rape, if you want to talk about raping someone make your own thread. this includes pedo's
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My elder half-sister and I began hooking up during COVID quarantine when her kids/my nieces would go to their dads or grandparents house. I was renting her basement at the time. It started out as drunken mutual masturbation, then helping each other out, and quickly evolved into a romantic relationship. She doesn’t know she took my virginity. Also, when I was a teenager and she was 30, she was drunk and I fingered her when she passed out. She also doesn’t know this.
Damn, she’s hot.

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Post Candian girls you know, recognize, or want more of
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anyone wanna trade 250/604 hmu

xrtrtx0 on kek
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Post requests. Closeup hi-res face pics are the best. Not doing every girl.
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hell ya thanks wiz

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hey b try guess what this game is
Wright coupe from mafia

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First thought that comes to mind
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>First thought that comes to mind
Does logfag regret his transition surgery?
He will never be a woman.
Why does she just lay there and take it?

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One time I banged a co-worker whose pussy was tighter than a priest's handshake. 23 is the best age.

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I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence.
Ty I really needed that
The entire page 1 is full of logfag shit I've already seen countless times. Do something else.

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>A large white dick cumming inside a black woman.

What's the first thing that comes to your mind?
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Hell yeah
race traitor

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Don't we all.
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Gas is 2.80 a gallon. You so poor you'd sell out to corrupt authoritarian dumbfucks to save a buck?
Not really.

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you trumpers can never get away from the fact that you are essentially supporting a carnival barker in lieu of supporting two people who've had long, successful careers in government and policy.
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all outta fucks to give about your personal resume, fatty

geddafuggouttahere, nazi pigshit
This. America was beginning to heal under Trump's rule. Then Facui and the chinks released Covid-19 upon a broken medical system he could only begin to fix, and that was that. The worst fraud in the history of the world - aided by mail-in voting - occurred. The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. And here we are all over again.
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Oops! Fauci.

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waifu thread
>In this thread you will post/claim/discuss your waifu
>Lewding her or posting objectional content of her will result in bad karma
>in general, ERPing is not permitted except in cases of medical emergency
>if you have a complaint please direct it towards management
>posting means you are guaranteed a spot in the insane asylum
>most importantly insults must be original and post a picture fitting of your post (no rage comics plx)
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Doofus lost their wallet and I got 100$ right now
Why do you only appear when the threads about to die off?
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Necrobumper pulling a shift.

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Why does this beautiful man anger so many people on the net?
kill yourself.
kill yourself Ole, you fat, ugly, virgin pedo loser
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No freakin idea

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