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Socials 3
295 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
new thread
keep those feet coming mmm
Made a thread for them >>924661277

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Does any other femanon like average to less than average cocks? I think they deserve love and appreciation too. My boyfriend has an average cock and it feels really good in doggy and anal!! And perfect size for mind numbing deep throat without making me feeling like pukeing, I love sucking him off, moving my tongue around his foreskin and discovering new ways to please him :3
Also, I don't like how most posts under the small penis tag on rule 34 are sph, when I'd wish there were more small penis adoration and I'm also asking for recommandations on small dick appreciation porn
If u want and feel comfortable, send ur small dicks for rating :3
No big dicks allowed!! Only if u wanna rate
>Does any other femanon like average to less than average cocks?
my wife does, she finds it far more comfortable under 6"
I'm a dude, but I prefer cocks on the smaller side of average. I consider 6 inches big. So many gay guys are size queens, and I just don't get it. I love a cock that's 3 to 5 inches.
I have a dildo that's 6.2 inches, and I can't take it fully, so yea

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>God:I should make another bug that eats spiders and other pests that hangs out in humans homes
>Also God: I need to make it as scary looking as possible
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They have a war going in my basement. Cellar spiders versus house centipedes. The spiders appear to be out breeding them, but they dont last long as the only food they get is the odd fruit fly or house fly. Both are harmless to humans, so its just something interesting to watch.
>all the non-scary ones got killed by kids and women
>only the ones scary enough for them to need to summon me survive because i'm smart enough to know they're good
it's proof of evolution to me
I am a staunch Christian and I agree with you. Creationism is some deep fried south shit and its utterly braindead. Evolution works well enough to give us the biology we have, but doesnt do an adequate job, in my opinion, on WHO we are. That said, I agree that they are a cancer than needs to be humiliated into irrelevance.

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This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
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my ideal husband
t. Shlomo Shekelbergsteinbaum
That's a nigger.

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typical nazi retarded cowards
Did not do enough
should have worn matching outfits

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Shut up & open your mouth.
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Get back to work. Your day isn't over.
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KYS wage cuck
enjoy your leisure, op was an fag
Hell yeah brother lets annoy the pay-per-thread pajeets, eternally-seething incels and conservitards that need their ass blasted (with cum).

Give me the POOP
You're the poop giver, daddy.
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Sliddin his warms n corns

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Rate my gf bros.
>OP (aka FUNGO) is obsessed with this bitch
>OP cannot approach her because he suffers from several fungal infections
>when FUNGO comes within 100 feet of her, his stench causes a ruckus
>this bitch put a restraining order on FUNGO
>so FUNGO copes by posting her picture every day
>FUNGO rarely talks, but once in a while he tells his stinky story
>everyone tells FUNGO to take his meds, he usually refuses
once in a while, even FUNGO agrees to take his meds, maybe realizing he might have a chance if he didn't stink like a rotting goat carcass
>maybe FUNGO is just mentally ill, besides being very stinky

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Bug bites. Probably bed bugs I had something similar on my mid section, it kept getting infected and ended up leaving a scar after fully healing.

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Jesus is King
you forgot to put "YLYL" in the Subject field, OP
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>you forgot to put YLYL in the Subject field, OP

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Imagine being so stupid...
>>924660722 (dubs)
checked trump will win
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Double checked

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I will look like this soon
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then post more nudz
You gonna be a BPD cutter too?

looking for OC or social pictures of hot women holding rulers or tape measures.
>be feeling insecure about penis cause sad virgin
>recently learned porn is all for show and the guys are not freaks and the girls have tiny hands intentionally
>have to shake hands with dainty female sitting in on job interview and notice how small her hand feels in my average sized hand.
>google stock images of women holding rulers and measuring implements and compare their hand measurements to my length measurement and realize how big my cock would look in their hands
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Got the /r/? I can't seem to find it.

Dubs always deserves the request
Thanks mate.

What does it feel like sucking dick?
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
It's like having a dick in your mouth.
nice dubs and reference
suck on your finger, there you go, but wider.

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