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Good Evening anon
congrats on not killing yourself.
see you tomorrow.

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Hello. I am here to bring the attention of a notorious pedophile named BunnyDreemurr. You may know them as the creator of SoulShatters on ROBLOX. They have been found out to be grooming multiple minors. They need to have a stop put to them. Do whatever you can. (Note, I’m new so I’m not sure where to put this) Here is an expose doc with proof: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ofXuAa8RqQQeZSmJGAGHFQj-d1hvYutv8hQ6EDZlW7o/edit?usp=sharing

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I had a really nice sandwich this afternoon
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yeah, maybe learn to respect personal boundaries in future you nosey prick
What was on it?
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two traffic cones, half a giraffe and the non-trivial zero solutions to the Riemann zeta function

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Don't be mean to mia !

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He's had many set backs, but he will get totally ripped this summer.
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Is he still too fat for hats?
I started a “diet” that was just basically no fast food, low carbs, and normal portions. I RAPIDLY and noticeably lost weight. Although for being a fat person, it’s hard to get used to being slightly hungry at all times. But it was simple as cutting cals significantly.
I had one litre (a little more than one-quarter of a gallon, if I recall) of the most fucking delicious banana-flavoured ice cream this morning, it was SPECTACULAR

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Would you allow this woman to babysit your newborn infant overnight?
Why are virgins obsessed with other people's sexuality?
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transgenders dont have nothing to do with sexuality, its mental sickness.
holy shit, what kind of broken human is that?

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Thorny Edition

Previously: >>921932977

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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
247 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thats not always the case. Depending on the countries system it can be funded by private insurance, public insurance or taxes. The term "free healthcare" instead of "public healthcare" is simply more popular
get in that mouth, I want to see that mouth lovingly closed around that cock <3
suck a wet titty <3

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>Paris Olympics opening ceremony hardly qualifies as woke.

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Post silly girls in clownface!
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borderline clowngoth
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here ya go ;O)

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Perfect end yess

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Friday evening edition
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she is cute anon, can we see her gash?
more from this session?

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I can’t stop cumming for her and I put that on my dead homies

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Lmao dead jews
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Do we have anymore of this content? Despite significant losses to IDF forces Hamas honestly doesn't seem as prone to record enemies dying as a propaganda victory. Which honestly I agree with because I only see boomers and unemployed ADHD video game cheater people get excited over drone footage of poor people dying, or hypothetical mass murder by for instance nuking cities or blowing up civilian infrastructure, innocently proposed in various video essays and journalistic publications. I think on the whole people find such things vulgar and repugnant and it only activates a defective fringe of society who's highest and best use is mopping floors.

I'm speaking of course of the human victims of war and violence. These are Jews. Post more mutilated ones, please.
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Really, Felt like it increased a little them went back to normal.

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old >>921930486
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it's cause they are now miz adults
most have moved onto families of their own
the rest are basement dwelling incels
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fuck man. britt and erobb have to help kato pee.
he cant walk anymore.
fuck this fucking world man
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This fat dude on maxs stream was on mizs florida stream with emi

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