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What is that rash between the vagina and asshole of my wife?
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because you're a sissy faggot who loves cocks .. duh

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Guess who I met at the Dunkin Donuts this morning. We even shook hands. Jealous?
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I doubt that evil cunt shook your hand
She was in the news for dying in a car accident while out of her mind on dope. Recently

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do it anons. where are the god damn hoes

bonus for 843
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You mean lesbians?
I live around there and I don’t wanna see anyone from here naked.
I have a fetish for trailer park girls. I grew up around them.

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Same day my bullies shoved me into my locker.
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So the rest didnt have too see your ugly ass
People aren't paper, and putting them in a morgue doesn't settle much it just makes more people hate you. You'd be surprised how the people doing that to you now are going to over react and probably shoot up your school if you escalate things. They have the money and means to do things.
Key cluster

>Hahaha, Scientology is so dumb, right guys?
Genuinely what separates Scientology from any other religion? It's all a long line of the latest cult meant to make billions of dollars.

>Hahaha, Mormonism is so dumb, right guys?
It's a fucking timeline of cults. If your "____ is so dumb, right guys" ends at a certain point on the timeline of religions/cults, then all that determines is where your brainwashing begins.
Everything is done to make money. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "The Bible is the best selling book of all time"? Look at who makes money off of every sale. It's the same with the Quran.
People literally kill each other over this shit. Look at how the most successful religions stay around for so long? Mormons only recently disallowed men to practice polyamory. Most Mormon families have more children than they know what to do with. Once you're brainwashed as a child, it's even harder to break free.
Please, everyone. Stop believing in cults altogether. It's okay to enjoy the Bible as a book, and you can admit that some of the chapters suck without being blasphemous.
Why do you think all religions tell you to never worship any other false gods? It's because they want all of your money and they don't want you to share it with anyone else.
Seriously, Christians. Your religion literally demands you to hand over ACTUAL MONEY in a basket every Sunday. Are you that brainwashed? Break free, please. I'm begging you. Please break out of it.
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you don't believe things exist that do in fact exist?
not proof of anything

dont feed the troll, hes just spewing bullshit. ignore him.

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Why do faggots always chose one side?
>I-I like tall woman
>I-I like short woman
Go suck cock and give the two to me, I'll make a great threesome.
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What even is a tall man?
I'm 6'1 and feel like an average guy
no one does this
i like girls unless theyre fat
People do, they do it because they don't want to be considered a pedo, since nowadays liking small woman is being a pedo apparently.

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Kill all trannies now.
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The claims that all transphobes are reppers is hilariously autistic. I get that you have weak theory of mind, but not everyone who thinks about something thinks about it the same way you do.

Have a nice day, sir.
All trannies have low IQ, nothing you can do about it.

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>jorking my shit to animated video
>Middle of video extremely loud and wet farts start sounding off
>Someone made it a fart edit
>Lose boner and get angry

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I'm gonna get my cock pierced. I'm probably gonna opt for a reverse Prince Albert piercing. What do you think /b/?
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start off at the larger gauge to avoid having to stretch -- less chance of migration or rejection, "pinches" much, much less, and actually feels much better to just wear.

with the larger gauge (if placed correctly), you can tug on it pretty hard and feel confident that it's not going anywhere, whereas a thinner gauge feels like it could cheese-wire cut right through, giving you a meaotme.
Are you in a nu metal band? What kind of fucking idiot wants their cock pierced
Get whatever you think works best with your shape, size, and what it means for you. Example being in some LGBT circles, a top would get a PA while a bottom would get a reverse PA, but none of that will apply if you don't identify with those groups.

Yes, it hurts a lot at first, but after a few months you forget it's there, the ring shouldn't have any negative effects in the bed once it's healed unless you're really going too big too fast. If your partners can't deepthroat with the ring on, or even bother to clean out before anal, then that says more about the partner than the piecing.

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Just imagine how fucking hilarious it would be if we advocated for people to vote for Jewelpet in the Sanrio Character Ranking Contest in public. Preferably with flyers in places most people will probably be likely to spot. If you guys want to be involved, don't forget to spread the word absolutely everywhere and to get people talking.
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Apparently you define "hilarious" differently than I do.
I mean, 4chan's community is known for being chaotic, but in a fun way. (I think)
Besides, it would be pretty cool if we got together to do something really crazy that just might work if teamwork is involved.
So, is anybody interested?

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Any anons suck cock before? What's it like? Tips?
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sticking your tongue out while deepthroating reduces gag reflex
Find your "type" you'll enjoy it more. Don't just take the first dick that comes around. I'm married but I meet and blow younger guys on grindr when I can. I'm picky, but shit is magic when I find someone hot. Making a dude cum is a hug turn on for me so that's why I'm into it. Be you, do you, have fun. And be safe.

Met this older pregnant milf.
Greatest fuck off all time, they are wild!
Share pics of your pregnant wife/ girlfriend
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Can't wait to get my wife pregnant. I told her she'll be a twinkie for 9 months.
They are the best, ive had sex all the time. Rough sex aswell!

share our little naughty lady

slut legion
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She is molested so often by our mutual friends at parties, everyone knows they can have a deal with her
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How does it feel having several hundred kWh of child pornography pass through your head and body every month /b/?
Ok OP, what drug are you on?
>How does it feel
it doesn't
pretty shit design for a death ray; are they even trying?

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