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Left or right?
Beastiality is illegal.

She said she hated niggers. She used to call them monkeys and stinky.
Why did she sleep with one?
Shut up, commie. KYS. You lost.

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Insult people you don't like by calling them this little girl in disguise
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Disc or session?
Got disc? anon75923

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It's been 69 days since this man left this woman. He has been blocking every attempt she made to contact him. It's been two weeks and a day since she had stopped harassing him and trying to contact him. If she sends him a happy birthday text in 21 days from now, will he appreciate it? Will it raise the chances of him coming back? What if he blocks her? Also, are they looksmatched?
120 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
My man is out here learning the hard way not to stick his dick in crazy.
Kill yourself. Exit my thread.
You wish, sourpuss. Seek psychological help.

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Why are grocery prices still high if it was Biden's fault?

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kemono.su is banned in spain((((((
i havent masturbated in like 5 days((((((
Use a vpn...

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in final fantasy 13 (as well as X-2) the battle system is pretty much just attack, attack, attack the whole time, it's super boring but i still enjoy playing those games.

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Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
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convicted criminal and registered sex offender
ranking consistently among the worst 5 in all scientific rankings (rank 41-45) out of 46...
while Obama ranked among the best 10 to 15
Currently we still have free speech for perhaps a few more months. Therefore, your president can gargle my semen and spin on a donkey penis my guy. Fuck you
As one of the MANY Gay Republicans, I absolutely LOVE Donald Trump. His approval of Village People's hit song "YMCA" truly makes me appreciate his LGBT friendliness, even if more covert.

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Thousands of years ago, a prophecy was made... It was said that an angel would descend upon America and bring with him an era of peace and prosperity.
That angel's name?

Donald J. Trump.

I wish I were an anime girl.
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just be careful, they can get a little...intense
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night baby girl, wish we could have talked

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what do?
tell her to lose weight
even the AI rendering engine would agree

gravity's not doing her lardsacks any favors

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283 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
damn yes, thank you so much

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