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She's not wrong.
98 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
Face it. He had a tantrum because 2 ppl got sick and needed medical help....then had no idea what to do so he acted like a retard.
Honestly get over it.he isnt going to get elected, will be in prison soon and you deserve better than his bullshit anyway.
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They literally gave blanket to white ppl with smallpox....then gave them as gifts yo native americans. Eurpeans knew all about small pox and knew that alcohol and disease blankets were a great way to subdue the native population.

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match made in heaven
They'd absolutely tear her in half
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too big

Friends you stroke to
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Wife’s friend
Just here
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300 replies and 69 images omitted. Click here to view.
Just looking for a toxic asshole that will use my crush to quickly shoot a load to before telling me to fuck off and ghosting me until next time you want to use her again..

>Kik: totally_completely
Throwaway75757 is the anon who fucked her
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Fat ugly pig needs degradation


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Sorry Anon, you're not my type
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I'm certainly not your body type. You big fat gay.

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Bonus points for girls who’d hate to have their face and feet shared and girls you know irl.
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No links in bio, just two regular ass girls slanging feet
Fucking love it
Please tell me you have more

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girls that need dog and horse cock
14 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
Alison Tyler. And that’s probably what she does already.
Looks like she takes the knot
Easy yes

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continued continuation
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Why lol
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Drawthread: Muscle edition
295 replies and 102 images omitted. Click here to view.
All of her characters are shit

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Snapchat dick pic tread. I'm horny so give me bitches usernames to show my dick to.
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OP died on us, won’t give us updates
there never are any replies to these
She definitely doesn’t mind

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Post Canadian girls you know, want more of, or recognized
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Have her video OP?

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Bubbie moserim
looks like grandma is eating well tonight
debbie diaperful

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Drawthread: gambling edition
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bb pls finish this
BB is for flora only
ok and?

Leaks edition

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Han Chinese men experience the highest rate of forced penis removal at the hands of women.



There have been thousands of recorded cases of Han Chinese men having their penises severed by women

Why do Chinese men get their penises severed by Chinese women so much?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
10 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Love from Kazakhstan
do you remember when this was spammed every day like a year or two ago?

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