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G/fur and whatever else
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Even after that you're still standing? Good for you.
Did you think this fool could never win?
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Only once you had a taste of love in a simple way.
If you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away.
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Thanks for that, that song's been popping up in the back of my head every other day for a while now <3
Always happy to help. I have Beethoven stuck in my head. Specifically the second movement of his 9th. It's been playing in there all damn day.
yall both cute
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Beethoven isn't bad but I was always more of a Tchaikovsky but that may just be my time on the flute in band.
both of those are fun to play on piano
Nyet. Look too hobofied to be cute.

Tchaikovsky is one of my favorites. His ballets are incredible, and when I want to hear music about longing I go with him. For me though Beethoven speaks more to the baser emotions. Lust, despair, rage, joy. He's the music for us brutes.
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True, but one is more fun on the flute than the other~
Beethoven has the better work imo, I'm just greedy and want the most fun works for myself~
oh i know and I have some expirence with flute but not the lung capacity for long songs. So I play piano instead.
I like them composers who are all madness and despair. None of them pansies who go twinkling on the keys. I want to be punch in the gut and thrashed about the ears. Which means no Mozart.

I'm not a musician. Not smart enough, have the stupid hands meant to dig in the dirt.
they did get the shins to do the acoustic cover of "never gonna wipe my butt" for the credits of the same episode

yeah, i do. it's ass cheeks.

good night
What fetish do you look up most often?
Yeah, but James Mercer is kind of a weird beard. Though I suppose Aimee Mann is too. She cut off her toe cause she thought she would get a million dollars.

You should get a different roommate.

I don't look up sex stuff. Seems too self indulgent, and I already do plenty of that.
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The flute is a tricky one but pleasant when you're good with it, hopefully I'll get there eventually~
You can always learn something, it might not be the most delicate instrument but there's one for everyone.
>I don't look up sex stuff. Seems too self indulgent, and I already do plenty of that.
So you don't look up porn? Or you just don't have fetishes?
I don't look up porn. I have plenty of kinks.

Drums maybe what I'm suited for music wise. But I'd really like to learn the trumpet and play some of really frenetic jazz with screeching brass.
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Trumpet is a really good choice, tough on the lips but probably the most fun brass instrument.
Yeah, these last few months I been really into the high energy brass. Been listening toba lot of bebop and free jazz and a lot of funk. Interesting change of pace from the gloomy stuff I usually go for.

It's more the lung capacity I'm worried about, though since I quit smoking I been breathing a lot better. I suppose I'd have to learn to do that thibg where ypu inhale and exhale at the same time to be able to play the longer songs.
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Circular breathing is a talent not everyone can master, honestly you'd be surprised how crazy you can push your lung capacity just practicing daily. Start with basic scales and arpeggios then work your way into simple songs and you're pretty much there honestly, especially with a not so breath hungry instrument as the trumpet.
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The problem is the cost, plus I live in an apartment. Can't afford to purchase one and can't practice without disturbing the neighbors. My ex left a bass here I'm gonna eventually pick up and try and learn.
i must exit the sanctity of my room to pee. there are invaders sleeping on the couch. i think i can make the distance
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Pee in a bottle and throw it out the window. What like truckers do.
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Yeah that's a serious downside with an apartment, I'm lucky I've always rented a house with friends and being a bartender I'm home when they're not so I have always been able to practice in peace. It's a tricky one for sure.

Also I'm tired so I'm off to bed, night everyone~
I'm a cook that works closing shifts. I've lived alone most of my adult life.
im renting and im renting literally overlooking a hospital parking lot. its all sorts of weird moral and ethical background thoughts
Then just forgo the bottle and piss straight out the window.
I read Capcom is remaking RE5. So we're finally gonna get an hd boulder punch.
Last man standing again and again and again.
Nobody's watching, time to dance.
I have never danced in my life.
Is fun.
I wouldn't know.
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Start stalking people and selling your mouth. Target dying people and just suck their cocks.
I'm trans btw ;^)
Still a very strange attempt at an insult. Nobody but deranged right wingers give a shit if somebody is trans.
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love that art
As a homosexual myself (who is far from right wing), I also think transsexuals are mentally ill.
Why would you cut your dick off?
Transients not welcome.
Not enough appreciation for cow cocks.
that and prehensile dicks
That's a very stupid take and shows a clear lack of understanding. I would say you are by no means "far from a right wing" woth idiotic reactionary takes like that. To answer your question, it doesn't matter to me. I am entirely apathetic to gender, my genitalia would change nothing about who I am as a person except for how I look and how I would fuck/go to the bathroom.
Slaves get castrated
And what am I a slave to exactly?
for me its a bit more calm when it becomes to trans stuff.

Whenever someone passes a barrier or strictly identitifes as female I immedately lose interest in them completely.

It doesnt even matter if I knew them for years my brain just shunts them to friendzone.
Gender means nothing to me when it comes to fucking.
A slave to it in what way? I am in the system as little as possible. I work just enough to pay my bills and have a little comfort, of which I am always trying to find a way to reduce and I have no material possessions that have a monetary value that I would be upset losing.
for me, I refuse to lay my hands on anything identifying as female or as a woman. Because I refuse to perpetuate rape culture. If I was to have sex with a women I would require a formal signed document with a witness.
I don't mind trans but I'd also fuck a hedgehog if it asked me to.
You do know that even a signed document doesn't prevent a sexual partner from withdrawing consent at any moment before or during, right?
as an exsonic fur all i can say is thats complicated lol
oh I know the document is more to protect me then her because I will be the unwilling participant.
That doesn't make any sense. Why would you sign a document to get the consent of a woman to fuck her if you don't want to fuck her?
Well, you need a dialator now, those aren't cheap. So by removing your dick you added an unnecessary expense to your budget.
You paid top dollar to have a worse sexual experience. Cutting off dicks is a thriving industry in today's world.
Well, you were convinced thrpugh propaganda to remove your sexual organ. So take a guess.
Trannism has only existed for 100 years. People who cut their balls off were called eunichs, cutting your dick off entirely and adding an axe wound is a modern concept.
Ducks are simply better. But so long as they can fit their head between their legs that's good by me
Cross gender identification isn't new. Having surgeries to affirm this identity is.
its so that if she wants to fuck me. I have been molested in the past by females on top of other tramas so I just want to be safe.
Huh, what about it is complicated?
If you were transforming into a canid wouldn't you do the same?
in my broken brain due to how i was treated as a child I saw tails as kind of my "parasocial brother" in a sense. I had no sexual feelings for him but I saw myself in him enough that I felt like he was my adopted brother or something.
Are you called Ramp because, like an inclined plane, your ass reduces the work to reach their summit?
Sounds very lonely
Then again I was pretty lonely too
well living in the south and being a computer nerd in the early 2000s before they really became popular didnt net me many friends. Combine that with constant switching schools due to ever changing rullings and questions of child ownership because of having 2 mothers and no father.

CPS where called to the house atleast once a month by the school system. On top of that my school selection was ever changing due to my need for assistive learning due to being heavily ADHD fueled and many schools would not accept either my enrollment because of my 2 mothers or because they wouldnt accept my need for an IEP.
You do know that dilation isn't a thing you have to do for the rest of your life, right? Do you also know that most MTF women don't undergo bottom surgery? And are you aware of the advancements they have made and are still making in constructing vaginas? In fact, over a decade ago they were able to successfully grow and implant a vagina onto a ciswoman who was born without one. She wasn't trans, she was born a female, but her genitalia never developed in the womb.

What the fuck are you even talking about you actual retard?

The first actual gender reassignment surgery is over 100 years old with the first one being conducted back in 1907. Before that the Roman Emperor Nero paid physicians in an attempt to turn a young boy into a girl so he could marry the kid. The Roman Emperor Elagabalus also paid physicians in an attempt to turn their penis into a vagina.

No, but I mean, why would you need a contract? Like, what is the point? If you don't want to fuck her then don't fuck her.
my partner and BiLs were denied IEPs because of their mother too. Really sorry to hear that you were denied resources that could have helped. Especially by someone who should have been eager to get you help.
>Nero paid physicians in an attempt to turn a young boy into a girl so he could marry the kid. The Roman Emperor Elagabalus also paid physicians in an attempt to turn their penis into a vagina
Funny thing is I thought of Nero. I figured there would be some fringe examples. Though Nero's "bride" was hardly a willing participant.

Never heard of Elagabalus. Might look into that later.
its just to be safe because I may fuck her for some kind of "price" or something.

yep my late mother spent most of her time fighting the school system. And every time they asked for "the fathers opinion" or "can we speak with the father" we would have to explain there is no father or my 2nd mother would have to suffice.

And around the time that fact and the IEP made many schools out of reach for me.
I thought you were gonna say they smear themselves with shit and roll up into a spiky ball, didn't expect this kinda sad story.
Do you cope well with it by now?

Ramp is for Rampage because I keep walking into stuff. And one or two other reasons.
Ramp only advance horizontally and that's enough, never from bottom to top.
I can go through solid matter! I AM CHAMPION!
There are always examples. Precursors to modern ideas and practices.

You mean being a prozzy. In that case you probably won't want a signed document given that most places in the US solicitation is a crime.
Not exactly I am very very much broken still, and my autistic brain refuses to give him up as my brother or "personality template".

If I could I would honestly live in the mobian world and work in his workshop with him as a mobian completely leaving my human form behind.

But I do exist as a semistable otherkin furfag.

oh fair I have no clue how any of that stuff works I just know that if I was to have sex with a female I want some kind of legal paper that says its ok to cover my own bases.
Prostitution is illegal in all states other than Nevada, and in Nevada it is only allowed within the confines of lisenced brothels. As for fucking women, if you want to fuck a woman fuck a woman, if you don't then don't. Getting involved in contracts and paperwork only makes things messy and won't end up helping you anyways.
if its any consolation the only thing I would pay a women for is if she looks like my late mother so I could hug her and cry on her shoulder for just a few minutes.
It's not a consolation for me, dear boy. I think that is a thing many people want after they have lost a loved one. Especially a parent or child. My mother still hasn't fully accepted that my brother is gone. She told me she still waits around every Sunday for him to call, even though she knows he isn't. I found myself going to text him several times for the first few months after he died.
like I would honestly pay a prostitute 1000 dollars or double thier normal rate for just to be able to spend 30 minutes with my "mom" as long as she looked exactly like her.
I think many people would do that, though maybe not explicitly a prostitute. The desire to see the beloved dead again is something that is innate to us humans. There are myths going back to the first societies about brave men and women going on quests into the underworld to see and retrieve their loved ones.
A 14 year old boy shot and killed himself after falling in love with a chatbot modeled after the white haired lady what rides the dragons in Game of Thrones. What's her name? Danielle?
oh yes the whole thing that shook character AI to its core.
It's insane to me that anyone cpuld fall in love with a thing that is fake, and that they KNOW is fake. The kid was supposedly very emotionally disturbed, but still, even at my most disturbed I have never mistaken a fake character for a real person.
you forgot to add in the effect of lonelyness
That's understandable, with that background it's no wonder you needed someone similar and close.
I used to like living in my fantasy worlds as a kid and up into my early youth, daydreaming all the time.
Existing is fine enough but it gets really annoying after a while and depressing when it gets too hard to add a little living.
Altho being a furfag does make existing a little more ":3"

There was another kid, years ago, who killed himself because he believed he wanted to get reborn into his fav cartoon show.
Lonliness can be pathological. And I would say when it gets to the point of forming actual romantic attachments to fictional characters it is pathological.

Did he get reborn into it?
yep for me being a furfag is pretty much inseparable. My brain is just always in that headspace. I will fully dress somone down for an IT issue in fursuit. Because to me I am a fox/animal in a human suit.
welcome to the faults of the human condition
The human condition is an absurd one. We desperately want some meaning to ourlives while living in a world that doesn't provide one.
Its not meant to be an insult, im just samenamefagging you and saying dumb shit to confuse others. Namefags are just redit niggers who got lost. Picking a name here is pointless and i intend to keep it that way
The world provides plenty of meaning for our life its your small ego that stops you from acheiving it
Reach outside of western knowledge and learn about the world and you wouldnt be such a pseudo-philosopher about worthless nonsense.
But it isn't confusing to others.

God damn you're stupid. One of the stupidest people that's come around in awhile.
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Wow, that's dead!

Hahaha neat.
It's not that deeply rooted in me but I deffo get what you mean, to me it just feels good to let some things out in certain ways during day to day life.

I don't know too much about reincarnation.
I've read something about having to guide the soul or whatever to the belt of Orion where it has to go through a bunch of tests and if it fails it has to live another life on this planet.
If the soul makes it, it gets to evade all the bullshit and doesn't get reincarnated.
Either way I'd say the dude is screwed.

F hoober
Post your heels
Good day phaggots
you missed it i had a pick for you i think around 2am
Cleared the name for some reason
your cache went poof it happens
I don't crossdress.


Beeeh, 'sup fag?
i mean I used to run an actual FA archive ... a decade ago .
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Easy fix
I told you I’m not a fag! My socks stay on! >3>
they stay on for now~
Also for me sorry for going on some kind of vent spree time for this furfag to crash. I have been up for 24hrs because I didnt want to face my own nightmares but the snow and cold and my own exhaustion are taking thier tole.

So stay safe and warm ya furfags.
If you're a professional archivist I suppose I'm in good hands.
As long as you're not some kind of sinister genius super villain archivist.

The socks come off and go into my collection, fag~

Sleep tight.
Night gae boi~
C-collection? But why would you have a collection of stolen socks like that? That would mean all those guys are gay now!
long day
long yeen
hi derg
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I mean I legit setup my own functioning offline boru website that dynamicaly kept its own tag database using data from the webpages themselves on top of the tags the owner provided.

Also maybe ill give you my socks for your collection one day.

Also im not some kind of true professional Im just some autist who wanted good search over art.

Also have yeen as i crash
Hai dubtrip Dyant

hi dragoan !v or whatever hows u
omg yeen
ugh borb
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It is my god given duty to make the world gay. God wills it.

Hey pup! Hang in there, the week is half done.
How do?

Hey Drag!
How do? too.

Oh bitch, bitch, bitch.
Fiiine, since it's gonna get posted anyway and everyone currently in here has seen it except for Derg and Derg's cool.

That sounds professional enough for me, I'm good at saving things but that's about it lol.
SOOOOCKS! I mmmust have them!
I’ll find a way to lock my socks onto my feet so you won’t be able to remove them!
I don't see that working out unless it hurts you a little.
But that's alright with me if you're into that~
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Hey bitch you blond cunt
Derg is cool but don't tell him that
I’ll find a way and make sure I’m the only one with the 4 digit passcode to undo the locks! I will remain straight!
alrightish, yourself?

Hai ramp, kinda same, kinda alright, yourself?

no grr
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Post your flat tummy grrr
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I will keep shush.

You can deploy any locking mechanism but I'll finagle my way through it!
You will be entirely gayed, it is my mission and I'll see it through.
And the only thing straight will be my dick pointing at you, which will be gay as fuck.
Just give them up voluntarily and embrace the gay, you're gonna get the dick anyway so you might as well like it :3

Sounds mediocre :/
But I'm not doing much better. I don't have any energy today and gotta put in a real effort to get anything done.
Tends to happen for me during this season, gotta roll with hibernation mode.
I’ll never give them up! No matter how many mind-numbingly hot and potent loads you paint my insides with as my legs eventually give out from the feral breeding as my insides are permanently rearranged to match the shape of your cock~
>cutting dick off
file not found

Lot of bs going round, trying to find ways to make my own little sparks of light.
Yeah it's not the best lately, lots of fog and rain. Sunlight should be increasing though
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Wow rude
Sorry running RudeOS lately
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Yes u

Keep bleating, goatboi~
I'll give you a reason to and let the friction take off those socks!

Now it sounds worse.
But I can imagine that stuff's a slog right now, judging from what I see you posting about work it's not much fun in general either.
Yep, starting next month there should be some days with plenty of sun and I'm gonna try and soak up as much as I can.
>give me a reason to
Do it~ make me take them off myself~
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Do it really be like this?
full of bloatware and if you try to format it only allows fat32

Don't worry about it, I'm used to it and I've stopped caring. Simply going rogue again until someone gets triggered or something. Had some fun with someone else running stuff our way while almost all leads were out and we had one of the best efficiencies of the last couple of months, maybe even year with their team. Hope some ego's got hurt
A high-status twink would never kiss an ugly fat hippo, this is too unrealistic
Oh I'll make you do and take a great many things, the socks I'll take will only be a trophy for a job well done.
And you won't be able to take them off yourself, you'll be busy trying to remember who you are~

Still, changing places kinda sounds better than semi-trying to get called off or kicked out by doing a good job.
Heh, or are you just trying to give the others a kick in the head and change a few things themselves?
That's Birbs' fetish.
Don’t need to remember who I am, just what I am hmm~?
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Bet I could flatten this tum with oats
You need my dick in your ass and then I'll show you exactly what you are.
A horny lil goatboi whos holes need to be trained into a goatslut~
Mostly second. I'm done hearing certain targets can't be reached while we go over the targets with a smaller team. People want a racing car but can't shift gears properly? Move to the paddock and let those who can race.
Maybe just a little <3 I’m sure just trying it once or twice won’t hurt
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Sounds like it's time to put in an application for manager of the joint, if it's an option or not just much more responsibility and working hours but not so much more money.
I mean it sounds like youre fixing up shit that shouldn't even be a problem in the first place and your current manager sits there playing with his dick,
reporting in to the higher ups about a job well done.
You spend about half of your day working that kinda shit out, about half of your life.

You will consider "once or twice" an appetizer when I'm done with you, and I'll have you ask for seconds and dessert.
I definitely wouldn’t do that, that’d be lewd and gay!
Ramp crash. Night, fags.
Night, fag~
Put on the slave girl outfit, faggot.
Night Lewdie~
I don’t wanna! It shows too much skin >:(
That's the point.
Clothes are for covering skin though!
Too bad, bath in some Nair and show us that butt.
Thinking about shaving before trip to England regardless of meeting the friend from Liverpool.
Do they sell Liversausage at Liverpool?
Probably, tourists are stupid and will buy anything you tell them to.
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Do it, you sexy faggot.
Is there a big Pool filled with chopped liver in the center of Liverpool?
It’s not gay to shave your chest + armpits reeee!!!
No the liver isn’t chopped it’s just straight up full livers from exotic species from every country England has ever occupied.
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Hmmm just like the English Museums
Exactly but more liver-y
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Shut up, twink.
I won’t be a twink forever, my twink death is imminent and I welcome it!
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You're a twink.
For now, soon my age shall strip me of that curse and I can just be average.
I'm confused, are you saying you'll sodoku, or are you planning to get fat like Nikado Avacado?
This is why I'm a fascist and pro slavery, give me my government issued twink.
Good afternoon. I just had the best sleep I've had in a very long time. Only woke up once during it after five hours. Usually it's once per hour.
insomnia sucks, im lucky i sleep through the night but for some reason im really tired throughout the day
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It is awful, I've never been very good at sleeping. I used to have to exhaust myself fully by staying up for a couple days to get any sort of real sleep. Why do you think you're tired in the day time?
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i have no idea. want to talk to doctor about it but dont have health insurance no more
I also don't have health insurance. I'm supposed to see a neurologist every few years or so due to the nature of my TBI and the scar tissue pressing on my brain. But the last time I did they seemed really annoyed and refused to check my head out.
>But the last time I did they seemed really annoyed and refused to check my head out.

the older i get the less i trust medical professionals
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I think he just didn't want to take on another patient, especially one that would theoretically need a lot of treatment as brain surgery may be nevessary at some point in my life.

When I sliced my thumb a month back and went to the hospital, that was the first time I'd seen a doctor in 10 years. Lotta the trust for me is entirely dependent on the doctor. Do they listen and are they willing to actually do tests and figure out what's wrong or have they already formed a conclusion about it and are going to refuse to consider anything else?
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i made a dr appointment and the soonest appointment was like 5 months. dont understand why doctors are all suddenly saturated everywhere

even if theyre attentive i still dont know that i trust their skills, had bad dental work recently
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oh my god frank allen ball is the satanic man who made behind iron mouse, tex. whoops! he's wearing a cheap star vs the forces of evil wig right now to cover up his putrid, balding hairline. 50 year old. watching bluey the dogshit playhouse show in his ex wife's things that he yelled at her not to take as she left with her cat... my poor cat will never be the same after he was done if you know what i mean... she took that, too. she took it. she's going to get even with him for what he did to my little boy when i was out of town... daddy's pantyhose
I haven't been to a dentist in 15 years.

I'm sure there's some sort of doctor rating website out there that you could use to research your docs and dentists before you go see them. Back home we only had the one neurologist that was in network so I didn't have much choice.
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there wasnt a lot of good picks from the insurance we had

i needed a lot of dental work cause i didnt take care of myself for a while
Yeah, insurance is a huge fucking scam. They severely limit who you can see, refuse to pay for treatment, and charge you out the ass for the privilege of ruining your life in a medical emergency. They're hideous ghouls gorging themselves on pur blood.
i mean, rent is dirt cheap for me, so. either room with an annoying asshole or pay way more, the choice is obvious
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insurance is a scam universally

medical industry has too many middlemen too
I'm not saying that I'm advocating for the cuttjng off the heads of the insurance CEOs. I'm saying we should treat them the Dutch way and rio them apart then eat their livers.

Is this police the only person you can room with?
yes. unless you can name me 1 place that offers rent for 400 (800 in total) or less, i'd love to hear it.
you have a cop roommate?
yes, with a big wooden blue lives matter flag on the wall
No, but I mean why not get a different roommate instead of a police?
because he was already here before i moved in. i'm technically not on the lease since my housing situation is pretty abnormal, i thought it wasn't gonna be important. 8 years later, i was wrong.
It snowing literally everywhere in florida except where I am. This is Bullshit!
So you're renting a room in someone's house or are you splitting rent on an apartment?
PREACH everywhere else is getting the fucking snow, barely any on the fucking ground.

it's one of those... apartment houses. with the upper floor having a specific entrance and stairway. got rent cheap because of history with the landlord, who lives downstairs.
So you don't even have your own room? Or are you in a boarding house?
no no, i do have my own room. it's just a regular house and we live upstairs.
I'm gonna start calling you Arnold.
from hey arnold?
if i had a football head, maybe. i've never watched the show, so the reference went over my head.
You live in a boarding house, that's the extent of it.
so less like arnold and more like some poor serf
Serfs lived on farm land that they were bound to.
and i live in my room where i'm bound to
You can leave anytime. Serfs were legally not allowed to without getting permission from the local lord.
It's not excessive, ain't it?
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>REAL pic of matty bound in his room (2025: Colorized)
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i am legally now allowed without getting permission from my head

it has his last name engraved on it. you tell me.

how'd you get that really real picture of me??
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Sergal Psychic Operations
Pic related, ME conducting a REAL psyop (Psychically Operating a pizza right into my mouth)
holy fuhfghkhs am i becoming a sergal sleeper agent?
Do you feed your head?

I've had dumbass highschool friend who was too much of a bitch to act an adult without all modern comforts starting out in life.

Crazy ass hick from one of the real hick towns and I partied with, which I saw him the other day and he seems mellowed out and now cali sober, that's another reason why I'm not so trustful with people because he went on a lot or rage benders.

and a crazy coked out 24/7 Mexican, that was annoying because I had a lot of withdrawals to put up with, who realized the woman he was trying to gold dig with wanted nothing to do with him and his child custody case was a lost cause for good reason.

Your roommate sounds a lot like roommate Numero Dos to me.
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feed my head? i've never figured out what that meant at the end of white rabbit.

i am hopeful that eventually i can move out to my friend in washington, since that's an open door for me to move to.

the worst part is, i have been unwell for the past while, unable to really do much out of bed; he doesn't even do the dishes. so excited to have to clean up a all of his bullshit dishes.

ah, but enough with complaining. plans are being worked on.

yeah, katten, I know.

I just wish I had a plan forward myself. I'm kinda fucked on my own here.
not katten. nobody here would know him, he's an old friend of mine back in my server running years

who knows, one day you might hit a chord with someone who needs a roommate, you never know.
It means take psychedelic drugs.
I needed one yesterday.
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honestly if i knew anyone who could hook me up near here, i'd do that.

it would also really help if rent wasn't priced in a way to force poor people out to the streets
stick to shrooms, everything else isnt worth the time.

and I dunno, I'm just fucked anyways.
Just chug a bottle of tussin and take a handful of benadryl. That's how the hillbillies do it.
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yes a yeen
well my socks are open to you and yea the site was more or less an offline e621 that preserved all metadata on images and thier creators/posters.

Also good evening furfags.

Also on the subject of medical stuff, if its recorded in your record that you attempted to commit minecraft even if you didnt, your rates will go up.

I have been fighting that on my medical record for years now because it was done by the public school in hopes of putting me in a new home.
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snow shoveling is hard expecially when you dont have the clothing for it.
hey leto.
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I bet. How're you holding up?
It was -2°F this morning.
Hiyo! How's you?

still just hanging in there. nothing new to report. You?
I am holding up pretty well I will say tho it was around 8F this morning. And remember thats 8F in an area that is known for its swamps and mosquitos and gators.
>It was -2°F this morning.
I'm writting a story, if anyone is intered in seeing the roughest rough draft.


Devin the dragon walked with his head down in shame. The only article of clothing was a dirty cloak, and bands on his wrists as he was escorted by armed lizard guards to his cell. Devin towered over the lizards, were he not bound he could easily overpower them, even with exosuits the lizards wore. They stood on a floating platform that hovered through a tall corridor. The prison block looked like a narrow passage between two tall buildings with thousands of doors. The hovercraft arrived at his prison cell, the door opened when one of the guards waved his key card in front of the door sensor.
As soon as it was opened the guard behind him butted his gun into Devin’s back, right into the wounds and scars left after his wings had been surgically removed, still stinging and bleeding. Devin cried out as he fell to the ground. The guard in front of him stepped over him, one of the guards held a baton to Devon’s face.
Devin looked ahead and there was a figure lurking in the corner huddled by the corner shivering in the cold of the cell. The other guard tapped the figure with the barrel of his gun and the figure flinched. Devin was able to see his face; it was a grey wolf. The fear in the fiercesome wolf’s eye’s made Devin’s heart sink.
“Come on faggot get up!” the guard yelled as he struck the wolf with his weapon this time much harder. The wolf complied quickly, though he moved slowly, but he wasn’t hesitant to follow the orders. The wolf had been escorted out and the other guard kicked Devin.
“Get in the fucking cell asshole!” the guard yelled. Devin scooched further in and as soon as he was in the door shut almost too fast to see the motion and Devin watched the platform hover away through a small window
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Just the weather... temps bottomed out this morning and are climbing back up a little. low 30s this weekend will seem like paradise.
Deer are coming over in droves for snacks. Fiver managed to get through the snow tonight for some dinner. I make sure they're all well fed.
Maybe it'll put a hurt on the skeeters.
I didn't feel lucky... but it is easier to bundle up than suffer in bad heat.
Not for me, my furnace was out when I woke up.
I guess the intake got ice in it, I took the panel off it so it can get air from the basement, I'd rather die from Carbon monoxide than freeze to death.

HVAC fellpw won't be around till tomarrow
oh all them mosquitos are thankfully dead for now.
They're saying mid 30s in a few days. I haven't been able to leave my place at all so I only go out for one meal.

and at least the buddies are keeping fed c:
I HATE the heat
If I had a genie id wish for 27 hotdog lengths high worth of snow to the entire planet

The binds on his wrist automatically unlocked. Devin groaned when he could feel the binds fall off, he gained feeling back in his claws and hands slowly it was a stinging sensation, the binds were so tight they may have done permanent nerve damage to his hands. The cold of the cell got to Devin fairly quickly. His reptilian body wasn’t meant for these low temperatures; he attempted to warm his hands by rubbing them together and blowing into them, but the warmth of his body wouldn’t last long. The best he could do was sit in the corner with his cloak and try to stay warm under it. The prison kept the temperature low on purpose; a slow moving dragon isn’t going to be able to move fast and as such won't be able to fight back very easily.
Then Devin heard a scream. And it startled him. It wouldn’t stop, this would just be the beginning of it Devin heard the screams and cries of pain again. They continued through the night Devin couldn’t get a wink of sleep that night because of the screaming of tortured prisoners and the fear that he might be next to be tortured even after his wings were removed.
After the immense amount of screaming heard from the other room had subsided the worn out wolf was brought into the cell his right leg was broken. His ears were burnt and tail was docked. But one of the lizards bringing the wolf in had teeth marks on their exosuit chest plate. Obviously why the wolf had a muzzle on. The lizards tore it off and roughly threw him against the concrete so hard he chipped some of his teeth. His hands were zip tied together and the lizards didn’t even bother to take it off; they left him there and then closed the cell.
Devin the dragon who had been sitting in the corner of the cell watched with sympathy the wolf yelped as he crawled his way into a corner of the cell to cry. His sobbing a mix of a puppy in pain and anguish of SOMETHING. Devin took pity on the poor wolf, the wolves had been fighting the lizards and the wolf was one of their prisoners of war, just as Devin himself who was considered a traitor by the lizards was a prisoner of war. Traitor because he was a dragon whom the lizards hated for their wings. The lizards amputated Devins wings, one of the biggest signs of a Dragon’s pride is the size of their wings among other things.
I wish there was a job where all you do is act as an extra pair of hands for male horses on a nude farm. Just like, help 'em get it in, jerk off the bottom when they're going at it, maybe wipe off some cum or just bring refreshments. I'd love that job. And I imagine I'd attract a lot of suggestive comments from them as a small human male. Someone should write a few chapters about that a character who has that job.
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I got a lot of meal stuff ahead of this storm. Getting near the end... hot dogs and fries for dinner tomorrow. We had breakfast for dinner tonight. Bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. Might stretch it another day and get some Chinese on the way home tomorrow. And more crackers, carrots, berries, etc for the critters.
Some snow, I don't mind. Even the occasional blizzard where we're snowed in isn't bad if there's enough warning to stock up on food. But when the snows start in November and it's almost February... and at least 2 more months of it... I get antsy for Spring.
Devin could sit there any longer he came up behind the wolf and when the wolf saw him approaching he kicked toward him weakly yelling ”Stay away!”
“Look I just want to...” Devin began to say before the wolf pulled enough strength within himself to take Devin off his feet with a sweeping kick. Devin fell to the cold stone floor backwards, catching himself with his clawed hands. Even In the wolf’s current state he was an extremely dangerous fighter. He was one of the elite fighters who had been captured. He was one of the first to shoot down a lizard’s ship when the war had just begun.
While Devin was down, he grabbed the wolf’s arms, his strength still superior even in the cold and took a bite out of the zip tie, breaking it off. But the wolf’s reaction to it was to put the Dragon’s head in a choke hold until the wolf realized his hands were free. When he did he obliged the dragon letting go of his neck. The dragon coughed up blood and crawled back away until his back was against a wall. “See I just wanted to help” He said in a raspy voice grabbing his throat with his claw, the wolf could have killed him and quickly even in his tired and weakened state, he began to wonder if freeing the wolf was at all a good idea.
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I had General Tso's the other day. speaking of.
I like that. I usually get kung pao or chicken/pork/shrimp with veggies and Szechuan sauce. Occasionally, Tso's.
But soon the wolf pulled something out from behind a panel in the wall. It was a little image viewer. Devin peeked over the wolf’s shoulder in curiosity, the wolf tried to hide it from the dragon to no avail. In the image viewer the wolf went through photos. There was another “wolf” in the images, a red one who seemed to be slightly younger. “Who is he?” The Dragon asked.
The wolf sighed with a huff . “You helped me, thanks, now go away.” The wolf growled. He was becoming increasingly angry at the dragon even though his voice was getting softer Devin could tell the tone.
Devin got up and began to walk away, but before he got far he turned back to the wolf and said “You know, I’m not like them, I’m not a lizard.”
“Yeah” the wolf scoffed, ignoring him to watch his image viewer.
“I’m a Dragon”
For a short period this got the wolf’s attention as he turned his head toward Devin. “Bullshit” the wolf said under his breath. “Where are you’re fucking wings?”

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