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Yeah or nah
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I usually only get mcdonalds breakfast but I've gotten lunch there a few times in the past couple months and I swear the fries aren't as good anymore. There's barely any salt now and without the salt they're garbage, and like many have said already you got about 10 minutes before they get cold and stale. I don't have many fast food places where I live but Dairy Queen has the best fries out of all of them.
Not true.
It's the only thing there I remotely like since they stopped deep frying the apple pies.
yeah but nah i ain't paying for them

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I have 13 dollars and 40 cents to last me the next two weeks. I need some help with a meal plan, ceekay.
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>not eating garlic or cucumber once in every 2 week period is very bad health wise.
>People live for 6+ decades on the american diet which is 100% processed garbage

Get your vegan mentality the fuck out of here. If he had money and only ate beef he'd be healthier than eating garlic once in a 2 week period.
should have started planning for this about nine months ago, a good rape baby can sustain a person for weeks if prepared and rationed properly, and are obviously free
All well, guess I shouldn't be surprised the gambling addict has no foresight whatsoever.
ohh was that guy posting some retarded and faggy underage b& meme this whole time? i fell for it but im glad he wasn't that retarded for real
lead and gunpowder
if you don't feel like offing yourself spend it all on pasta
oil has calories too if you're just gonna live off fry bread. Rice and bread both just need salt
if you're going to go for a while you can buy active dry yeast by the pound and make actual bread and it'll still be cheaper than rice

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Can anyone give me the sardine pill? I have never eaten them before, honestly nervous to try them. I have heard they are good for protein and omega fats.

Am I a retard for buying skinless boneless sardines?
Are they disgusting to eat out of the tin with olive oil?
Recommend heating or cooking them somehow?
Are they good with eggs?
Do you have any sardine recipes or anything you eat yourself?
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>Am I a retard for buying skinless boneless sardines
no you're a retard (and a faggot) for being nervous about trying a $3 food item
>skinless boneless sardines
I didn't even know this existed. I want this shit.
First, fry the garlic, then add the sardines to the frying pan along with the oil, mix in the boiled pasta, and it's done.
Also, sardines actually go well with ramen.
canned stuff has already been cooked into mush, there is zero reason to ruin them even further with more cooking.
Chovies are better. Put a can into any soup. Simmering for 30 min or so removes the fishy flavor

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Abomination Edition

>chorizo baked from frozen
>instand mash potatoes with onion flakes, garlic powder, black pepper
>microwaved peppercorn cream gravy pouch
It's absolutely delicious and after 11 hours of work it wasn't a whole project.

Post your bangers, or just your working person's dinner ITT
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What on earth is thurdie?
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I don't get it.
that’s a fairly small amount of mash for an average-sized person, I’d say?
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I'm watching my figure anon

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Is it the absolute best fast food burger?
What comes close?
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Honestly? I don’t eat much fast food but the Burger King whopper is pretty good
Just look at the bun though, why the fuck did they have to shrink it to like half the size, absolutely retarded. It does go down very well, but I just never bother buying maccas since the stomach doesn't even bother trying to absorb it.

Double whopper (hungry jacks) used to be a go-to before drinking, but I guess I got over it. The tomato and lettuce they put on always seemed to be colder than it should be, and that always stood out.

Don't really do fast food a whole lot and we don't have a number of those other joints from the US, but the burger I'm most likely to spend money on would be the kfc zinger stacker since it fills you up pretty good.
in & out is better
and the whopper is underrated for a big chain
for me, it's the Big Mac™
No, you buy two double quarter pounders with the hundreds of bogo coupons they mail you every month their away two buns, put together and make a proper cheeseburger.

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Are these worth the price and hype?
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don't spend more than $30 on a nonstick pan, they are disposable. i use the $5 ikea nonstick when I need one
You know you can't put tomato in stainless right?
>abandoning ceramic nonstick meme shit
glad to hear. Just remember to preheat properly and play around with oil quantities
>Dyson Vacuum
Not even remotely true, I have pasta with sauce in a stainless steel pot right now

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It was very good I’ve cooked it before
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>Not sure you are making the point you thought you were.
I didn't make the point that the wealth and class I grew up with was entirely from my family fighting back from the brink of extinction in the backwoods of the backwoods of Europe?
I didn't make the point that my family fought for everything I grew up with and it's not my fault that that faggot's parents didn't strive to survive?

I dunno, I guess my point is have your family be massacred and then maybe the survivors will understand the importance of family.
Nothing bonds like shared suffering.
you made mom wear a black turtleneck thus time, didn't you?
you got 2 dads, mate?
Shut up retard

Why and how are these people more insufferable than fucking vegans? I love meat, I eat a lot of meat, but what the fuck is wrong with eating fruits and veggies as well? Scurvy having motherfuckers with blocked colons, fuck these people. Who the fuck just eats steak with a side of steak? Are you 6? Steak, with a potato and asparagus or broccoli, now THAT'S a fucking meal!
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Shut up OP everyone knows its you
>Why and how are these people more insufferable than fucking vegans?
Vegans politicized diet and the sort of fragile white incels who are hypersensitive to that sort of thing responded with their own politicization of diet in the opposite direction. The difference is that while vegans generally have actual moral reasons for their diet (if misguided), carnivores have none whatsoever, their diet only existing as a reactionary response to the diet espoused by people with whom they disagree politically.

They're worse than vegans because they have no real reason for their diet so they compensate by being faggots.
This rings true
>The difference is that while vegans generally have actual moral reasons for their diet (if misguided), carnivores have none whatsoever, their diet only existing as a reactionary response to the diet espoused by people with whom they disagree politically.
Being vegan is more of a lifestyle choice than dietary one, but the vegan lifestyle dictates what they can and cannot eat. However, carnivore is literally keto with but with less steps. Both who practice these heavily rely on ketosis in order for it to work. Its why many fat people and those with food allergies turn to carnivore. Its not about "owning the libs", but a choice that people choose willingly outside of whatever political spectrum this seemed to have latched on to.
>lose ~250lbs on keto
>somehow this is bad

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Going to Braum’s in 38 hours. I want you picky ass eaters to decide what I’ll order. Don’t want ketchup on the burger? Say so! Extra pickles? No onions? Extra mustard? Say so. I want to experience your specific order. I’ll use a random number generator to determine the winning order, then I’ll go and order the food and I’ll post pictures in this thread…

So tell me: what should I get from Braum’s?
Request Braums sauce for the cheeseburger.
Chicken Strip Dinner
1st order
2nd order
Four cheese burger combo with fries and a vanilla shake. Small bowl of chili on the side if you're hungry enough, otherwise skip it.
I would respect them more for lying and calling it 1/4lb

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Pro Ana thread. Yes this is topical because we are talking about food and eating, specifically what is safe to eat and what is not safe. A few things to help thinanins get comfortable...
>Do you keep a diary?
>Do you wear proana beads?
>What are your "safe" foods?

Share ana tips...
>for sweet cravings, lick a chopstick and dip it in sugar free hot chocolate mix
>keep thinspiration everywhere
>celery is okay in moderation
>constantly be drinking water
>sugar free mints are a sometimes food
>cayenne pepper on everything

Remember: your body is all of the food you need and jd you think you're hungry no you're not
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Is cum allowed on the diet? I'm not sure it counts as calories.
What are proanal beads?
what a gay fetish
Go back to the /fa/ containment thread
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Red beads you wear to signal to other anas that it is safe to discuss ana with you.

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What have you seen in a kitchen that most people don't know, or will shock people who never worked in a restaurant?

1. Everyone bangs. Especially in any establishment with a bar. We would make bets who got to bang the new server girls first. It was so easy to give them a bit of wine after shift.

2. I never eat shrimp at a restaurant. The shrimp is not going to be fresh. The shrimp get thawed in 5 - 10lb batches, and that batch can last for two weeks, in and out of the fridge. At one week, the tub would smell so bad it could only be handled with gloves, or your hands would smell for days. At week two, the liquid has turned white and viscous. We had to rinse the slime off shrimp every morning when they started turning white.

3. Fryer oil is the most disgusting thing in the world. We would often have rats drown in the fryer (huge fryer, so it was still hot in the morning) and we would fish multiple rats out of the oil when we started reheating it. Once even found a deep fried bird in there.

4. Yes, if you mess with us, we mess with you. It is super easy to tell who is not going to leave a proper tip, and yes, your order is going to take longer, or might contain some specials.

5. Most of the things you think are so much better at a restaurant than they are at home are shit you can buy ready made from the store with some salt and butter added. Nice sauce? Salt and butter. Nice vegetables? Salt and butter. Good steak? Precooked, thawed, heated in butter, salt on top.
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If you can't tell the difference between different fish you honestly deserve to be scammed
More like experiences from a cum guzzling homosexual. 1 is often true, 5 is often true. Everything else is bullshit. If you serve 2 week old shrimp you will get closed down. Every commercial fryer seals tight enough to prevent birds or rats entering. It has two openings, one is a valve the other is the top. The top has a cover. Fucking with people that you don't think will 'tip decently' just means that you gave shit service to black people. You are a faggot with a cum addiction who possibly worked a summer job at a hood burger shack. What a retarded cunt you must be to LARP as a hospitality worker.
>The shrimp get thawed in 5 - 10lb batches, and that batch can last for two weeks
the customers would instantly be able to tell the shrimp is spoiled and if they somehow ate 2 week old shrimp they would probably fucking die and you'd get closed down
Experience from a person who did maintenance for shitty bars: The ice machines are fucking horror shows. I would advice against getting ice in your drink in any place that you are not absolutely certain is clean.
To clarify, they are moldy.

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This is it. This is the brand. You can keep your Nathan's, Hebrew National, Oscar Mayer, Ball Park, whatever.
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>just sausages
Sausages are better than hot dogs, that's why only poor people and children eat hot dogs.
I'm sorry that you don't know what a hot dog is but I don't know why you're making a scene
The other guy is right. Hot links are not hot dogs, and simply putting one in a bun still does not make it a hot dog
Absolute shit taste third-world tier sensibilities. I'm sorry that you only accept food when it's 70% artificial and blended into paste.
This isn't about taste it's just a different sausage. A bratwurst isn't a hot dog either. Idk why this is so difficult for you to understand

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related


If you're new and confused, start here:


If you're old and confused, brew hotter.

Previous thread:>>20900014
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Can anyone recommend a good online decaf roaster in the Western US?
all minimalism is
For me, it's SkyeASMR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaZIqsToO0
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Just finished the Blue Mountain a friend sent me. Fucking god tier coffee but at 40 bucks a lb I can't make a habit of buying it. What are some cheaper alternatives that have the same low acidity smoothness as Blue Mountain? I've heard Blue Haitian is a good substitute.

ITT: foods better raw

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>we made cake, except we changed the grain
>now we can call it "bread"
cake is made from a batter, bread is made from dough.
can we just all take a moment to laugh at this retarded cooklet op?
Cornbread is made from a batter buddy

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