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Fuck these useless pieces of shit. I work the line at a decent local restaurant in north atlanta and they always come in demanding that we stop our flow and cater to their massive ridiculous order tickets while we have ACTUAL customers dining in with us. If you are a door dash/uber eats driver I hope you burn in hell…get a real fucking job
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I've worked in restaurants. You just deal with the shit until it slows down or its time to close. The owner of the place you work is profiting off delivery apps so deal with it or get out the kitchen
>more poor reading comprehension
jesus are you all ESL dishwashers or something.
>The owner of the place
me, amongst others
>profiting off delivery apps
no, we have been aggressively "opting out". they don't care and add us to the apps and send people anyway, then they direct their own angry customers at us and have them review bomb us.
restaurants either have the option to officially support delivery apps, wherein drivers come in and demand special treatment and rush processing and sometimes get violent or harass real guests, or we have the option to not officially support delivery apps, which is what we're doing now, wherein delivery app customers are then directed by the apps to harass you by leaving negative reviews and calling constantly to demand refunds (from the delivery app) or demand delivery because "we offered it" (we don't).
there is no option in which delivery apps do not jam themselves into your restaurant and demand special treatment for free.
I've never posted on reddit but the impression you're putting forth is that a rdditard is smart enough to know not to get into a shitty profession. I still don't see the problem here, you and the door dash driver are in the same boat making the same mistakes. Am I really supposed to feel bad for you?
fpbp, his boss wants him unhappy so he can make a few extra bucks from low class pieces of shit
>works at a restaraunt
>tells them to get a real job
lmaoing at your life

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All I need is a simple wrapper for breakfast sandwiches I make and freeze
>parchment paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>aluminum foil
Not microwave safe
>paper towel
sticks to the food
>newspaper/paper/brown paper bag
toxic/possibly flammable in microwave
>deli paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>unwrap them before microwaving
Requires additional dishes and/or cleanup
>paper gas stations use to wrap their sandwiches
Impossible to find for purchase online

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Uh... buddy?
Not microwave safe
Why would they need to be? Put it on a plate. No matter what you're using, that's going to be some some drawback, whether it's a greasy paper, 10 seconds of dishwashing time, etc.

Post bread that you've baked, or bread that you'd like to bake, or questions about baking bread.

I made a light rye loaf last night, this is my second attempt at it and my first time successfully kneading by hand, up until now I've just been doing overnight no knead stuff. The dough really can smell fear.
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Looks great. Would smash with almost runny scrambled eggs and butter.
Washed down with a nice darkroast with sugar and cream.
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That looks good anon.
At least you caught it before you fell asleep..
t. drunk baking and I are NOT strangers.
And the best part is, here are all these anons who are not only eating Cheaper and healthier, they will also carry this traditional food preparation to the end of their days, and also pass it on to their progeny.
I don't even trust most supermarket "Bakeries" anymore, since they just get frozen shipments of pre-fab dough with conditioners and other "Additives" already in them.
Nice spread, very inviting.
Whole wheat flour is a nice pizza crust for home oven baked pizzas. gives a nice hearty, nutty flavor.
3½C water to 2C flour seems backwards though.
not my choices for toppings either, but it looked like it turned out well.

What is your favorite sweet treat?
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Cumming in your sister's pussy
I eat pieces of shit like you fou're breakfast.
belgian pralines
wtf are you trying to say?

aahhh.... nothing beats cold Japanese beer after a hot bath...
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Good thing you came to a weeaboo forum, should be safe here.
I would like some omelet with my ketchup
Asians are lightweight when it comes to alcool, so yeah, one root beer per patron won't destroy a business
Drop the third bomb.
You don't actually believe that's why they went bankrupt is it?

Hello, I am Indian and I made this vegetable soup. It has lentils, carrots, onions, Indian cucumber, and a few other vegetables. I am looking to improve the soup, as in make it more hearty when eating it with rice. Keep in mind I am vegetarian so I would prefer not to add meat. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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They are not "alive" to begin with they are just yolks inside of a shell. Unsexed chicken egg will never grow to higher state so there is nothing to "kill." Shit for brains mutt.
Forgot to mention all the "anti-nutrients" (toxic plant defense chemicals that bind to vitamins/minerals, preventing their absorption), also present in plant foods, i.e. oxalates, tannins, saponins, phytates, glucosinolates and goitrogens, gluten, and phytoestrogens. If you don't believe me, look it up. Even Harvard acknowledges they're real. And if you aren't delusional, you'd know/understand/agree/accept it. Cooking may degrade some, but not all (if at all), of these antinitrients, so either way you're still microdosing poisons all your life, and then you wonder why you have health issues. It's not just "because I'm older". It's not normal despite what you've been led to believe. If there's pain, then it's a problem and not normal. Same with digestion; gas, farting, bloating, cramps, pain. Plants being fermented and pooped out (not even digested because you're not really getting much from them, unlike meat, and other animal products). So, anyway, yeah, look into it.
there might have been if chickens weren't abused by humanity. If you are okay with eating dairy products and eggs you aren't veg
Heart attacks happen basically because people are consuming carbohydrates, sugar, and especially seed oils. Very inflammatory things that cause lots of stress and damage to the body. People started having heart attacks once Crisco (crystalized cotton seed oil) was introduced and people switched away from butter, tallow, lard, etc. and ate less meat and more carbs and shit and going plant-based.
Also I'm 26 btw. :P

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That's it! I'm done! I'm done pretending to hate this place just to fit in with you autistic retards. I prefer this place over every mom and pop Italian place I've ever had and I live in the north east.

>God tier value
>God tier Salad
>God tier breadsticks
>God tier soups
>God tier pasta
>Chefs trained in Italy

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made som chicken katsu curryraisu ^_^

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Kimchi ramen? I dunno. Would you?
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Commonish for Korean shops
>here's your sour rancid cabbage, bro
No ish about it. Every Korean cafe ever does that shit. After three different places pulled that shit on me, I put off every ordering ramyeon from Korean cafes. idgaf if there's banchan included. Wow. Boiled potatoes, rolled omelette and marinated fernbrake (also the kimchi in the soup). Totally worth paying $13 for instant fucking noodles. Fuck that.
Fuck would I. DESU I wouldn't even eat ramen. Because I associate it with estrogen filled manchildren weebs
koreans have it rough

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I dislike Bacon.
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Ok mohammed.
Never claimed it was, retard.
bacon is CURED, THIN slices of pork belly, retard
What are you rambling about, retard?
i lay this argument to rest now
have a good rest of your day, seriously

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>I put two very large onions in every meal i make
no apologies, its an onions world.
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Even onions have gotten expensive. It is insane.
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i swear, every fucking meal i eat has fried onions and bell pepper in it. everyone around me thinks i'm autistic because of it and always asks me why? why? because it's delicious and it makes me very happy when i crunching into it with my teeth. i also like to add paprika and onion powder.
I like raw onion but it's good when cooked until soft and sweet too. I don't like onions when they're cooked less than that.
>the ol' caramel onion mixed with the caramel apples trick

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>Asahi Japanese beer
>made in italy

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You damn retard
>Explain to us exactly how a mid range lager from the USA tastes different...
Easy. You have a shit palate. Anyone with functional taste buds can tell the difference.

>Do you actually believe they add secret ingredients???
so you are stupid as well? that's a tough break.

I don't think beer is for you. Go drink vodka over ice or something.
>All steak tastes the same because all steak has the same ingredient, steak!
This is you. put more effort into your thoughts

>Different price ranges so obviously different beers.
please try thinking before you post.
i'm a retard for expecting companies to do what they advertise i know, i should be worshipping caveat emptor and worshipping the government instead

fuck you man
>i'm a retard for expecting companies to do what they advertise i know, i should be worshipping caveat emptor and worshipping the government instead
Soda is done the same way. Wherever the closest bottler is located. Whatever. Japan is half a world away and yes, beer does get skunky and spoils.

Did you enjoy your Super Dry? They used to have dry beers in the US, every brand made one, but I guess they always stayed popular in Japan when we discontinued it. One of my favorite things to do is have a bowl of edamame or shishito peppers with an ice cold Asahi.

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Loblaw Cos. Ltd. and its parent company George Weston Ltd. say they have agreed to pay $500 million to settle a class-action lawsuit regarding their involvement in a bread price-fixing scheme.
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You aren't fundamentally rational. You're a human being led by his emotions and biases like everyone else. You eat and shit and bleed the same as everyone else, and you will die the same as everyone else. All life is equally sacred; you aren't better than anyone.
'ight buddy. We'll see you on the news months or even years from now on, killed by a pack of joggers over nothing. Want to be a slave to retardation? Go and impose it on yourself and suffer your own idiocy, if you are even able to conceive the meaning of it.
I hope things get better for you, pal. I'll be praying for you.
Galen Weston hanging from a tree
P A T H E T I - Cally!

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what goes in your pasta salad?
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lol I was going to post this
It's just like my seaweed recipe.
I'm on the seaweed diet. I see weed, and I smoke it, and then I overeat and stay fat.
If your eye offend thee, pluck it out. Better to be thin and blind than a sighted fatty.
Bbc sauce

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Has snacking finally gone too far?
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Sure, niggas be eatin frisky feast
i like chocolate covered pretzels, so whats stopping me from enjoying these!?
>limited edition
I couldn't find them online...
Once you start eating Goodpoop like in OP's pic and eating lead paint chips then the snacking has gone too far but then after all that the eater likely wouldn't know.
these are good, its deep fried starch covered in chocolate, cmon
dairy free is where i draw the line. this shit is for hedonistic cult fucks. enjoy your koolaid.

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