Fuck lettuce, literally nothing food
>>21162947If you don't enjoy lettuce all your opinions on food are invalid
Iceberg lettuce is pretty much useless. If you are gonna have lettuce get something more leafy and green like Romaine at least. I got some free bok choy today and cooked it up in a little bacon fat with fresh garlic and onions. Also Ima make salmon burgers and put fresh cabbage on it. Greens are good for you. They put some dick on your balls.
>>21163016>no vitaminsActual retard
>>21162947>Fuck lettuce, literally nothing foodThank you.
>>21163047I must be built different because I've never gotten sick from eating raw veggies. sorry you're susceptible to E. Coli, bro
Post the culprit.
What's the general consensus on Carl's Jr.?
Hardee's is better
>>21164617Big ass burgers. They're far though, so I rarely go.
Isn't that gonna make a hangover worse
I made this for lunch for the week. >spoon hunks of ground beef into hot skillet>chop potatoes, throw them on top>stir things up, throw in 350° oven>half hour later, stir again, grind black pepper, sprinkle with lemon herb mix>oven fir 15 more minutesTakes about 5 minutes initial cooking time, will be lunch for most if not the whole week and cost about three dollars. Anyone else have cheap, easy lunch meals they like to prepare?
>>21164979Yeah that's more or less how I make beef stew, though I would use chunks of stewing beef. This was for the dog.
>>21163557Congrats on making a breakfast hash, anon. Maybe next time you'll discover bell peppers, mushrooms, or cheese.
>>21165402It's not that I don't know how to use more ingredients, take more time and make something ultimately more a well rounded dish. The point of the thread was for super quick things you can put together with almost no prep time but still plenty tasty to stand on their own.
>>21165347where in Canada? I'm in Onterrible and ground beef has rose in price pretty dramatically lately.
haha..... seriously tho make it stop
i bought 10 dozen eggs before all this shit went down, I still have 5 boxes left
>>21165002I just wipe till I see blood. Gets the job done
>>21163691liar liar
its $6 for a dozen here, they run biweekly coupons for $4/18just buy liquid eggs faggotsnobody buys that much eggs anyways other than restaurants and bulk bro carnivore diet
Been trying to lower my cholesterol and targeting my diet at first. It's been a month and I hate the shit I eat now. How do I make good food or moderate the food I used to eat?
>>21165482>How do I make good foodTry searching the internet for recipes. >or moderate the food I used to eat?It's called "discipline." Wax on, wax off.
>>21165482i lowered mine from 220 to 190 just by losing 20 lbs. i ate the same shit just less of it
>>21165488I need to look into better stuff, yeah. Guess I'm looking for a good balance between eating healthy and having a cheat meal.>>21165491I've cut out fried foods, dairy, and red meat for the better part of a month and only cheated here and there. Like when it was ordering out and it's just baked into it or something. I've dropped 10 pounds but that just means I'm 155 lbs now.
>>21165496>I've dropped 10 pounds but that just means I'm 155 lbs now. Think of my picrel as a vague guide as to what your minimum standards should be if you want to be in the same realm as the dumbest members of the US military. To be fair, even the enlisted people are among the top 10% in the USA regarding physical fitness and intelligence.
>>21165523Also, check this outhttps://www.atu.edu/rotc/docs/aprt_7-22.pdf
when was the last time you ate alone in public?
>>21161904Is the main character in this autistic? She's so awkward.
>>21160101Is there really any good reason not too?
>>21162589no. only boring restaurant plates
>>21165200I had a feeling you'd be exactly like me. There is probably some bias, being 28 and seeing other people the same age (like You) with more focus.Anyway, that seems pretty comfy. Do you see yourself going to cafes and being friendless for the rest of your life?I see myself living in my 4chan and tech oriented world for the next few years. I don't really care about friends, but I'd like a wife.
>me when i'm trying to order alonehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4srPBTz1XQ
Make. Them. Hurt.
literally just go somewhere elsefind a good local chain, go there and enjoy them while they're good, then when they get big and go to shit just drop them and move on to the next placeso long as you view the decline as inevitable, as it must be when infinite growth is demanded from finite customers, you won't be disappointed
>>21165339culvers mogs mcdicks
>>21165464Look how mad you get when your precious goyslop gets shat on. You need to up your meds. Trump winning probably has you nearing the LD50 though.
>>21165500>Look how gay ai get get when my precious cock gets shat on. I need to up my aids meds. I don't know what the last sentence means so I couldn't think of something clever. Regardless. OK fag.
>>21163617In a can, yesIn a gay ass glass, no
>>21163180no it's what some people eat as bread.
how should i know im only 1 american
does anyone have the "nene america-onii chan do americans really?" image? I keep coming to threads like this to see if anyone posts it, I think it's cute.
>2 centuries of euro seethe over the Pullman Loaf
Or *MAY* as they won't be requiring labels. So stock up on your stupid smelly cheese now!
>>21165307They're riddled with disease causing micro-organisms and parasites.
>all this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing from schizophrenics over the addition of a completely harmless meat to food, which is obviously a step towards the ultimate goal of da joos using goyim as animal feed or whatever the fuckWe need to go back to throwing crazies in medical facilities instead of letting them be a part of the general populace.
>>21153380>Starting soon ALL European food will have bugs in it.For now it's only NutriEarth's products.
>>21165513Vitamin D is what they will disguise the bugs as.
What is the best peated whisky under $100 and why is it Longrow?
>best peated under a $100if you're lucky enough to get Murray McDavid bottlings in your area, basically anything that doesnt have a lot of age or wine influence will be great value.
That there is evidence of one happy Cane's belly, detective.
>>211652912nd slaw
>>21165286fuck you>>21165299niiiiceeee.......
>>21165349It's pretty mid, but what do you want for all that food and sweet tea for 12
I only eat at Raising Cane's because I don't know how to microwave frozen tendies.
>>21165414Best d-grade tendies you can buy
Whats the latest meal you have prepared? Was it good? What would head Chef Gordon Ramsay think of it?
>>21159852>Whats the latest meal you have prepared?Huevos rancheros.>Was it good?Everyone eating it enjoyed it.>What would head Chef Gordon Ramsay think of it?Probably unimpressed, but I wasn't cooking for him.
>>21162755>Sounds good, can I come over for dinner?Well, sure. >>21164580>Which of his Las Vegas restaurants have a Michelin star?I just wanted to contribute this fact about Vegas.... that DJT is Michelin-starred. Trump Hotel!
>>21159852He would've loved my liquid scrambled eggs.
>>21159852Not my best effort.
I work at Papa Johnsas a driver, on the oven, on the makelineand as a managerask me anything except where I live how can we beat dominos I need your help
>>21164661Make a detroit style pizza.
Should I get Papa Johns or Wingstop tonight?
dominos beats you on price since they have a $8 promo the last 4 years and just taste betterI dont know add more garlic to the dough or add more toppings for free, yall have always skimped on toppingsonly way to fix anything would be corporate stuff
>>21164966Can you answer me, OP?
>>21165509Papa johns has had a similar deal for a few years too
What is the best fast food pizza place?
>>21165499I mean, not exactly a large category, is it? It's pretty much down to Fazoli's and Little Caesars, and we don't even have Fazoli's in my city
>>21165503Pizza Hut, Dominos, Papa John's?
>>21165499Little Caesar's of course. Tasted good when some jackass isn't telling you about a $30 pizza tasting better. Its hot and ready when you fuckin walk in. Everyone in the country recognizes the brand; they're not dicking around spending millions on a new cartoon character or logo every 3 years trying to drum up sales. Its family owned, official pizza of the NFL or some shit. They're unbeatable across the fuckin board.
>>21165511Not really fast food. You can't just walk in and walk out with food in like 3-5 minutes. Although we do have some Papa John's here in NYC that will do individual slices, most of them in the country aren't like that, so I wouldn't count them.