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these just arrived today, ordered them just to see if they were any good, gonna have one tomorrow. havent decided what ill start with yet. if this thread is up tomorrow ill report back with which one i tried and what i think of it.

anyone else have any experience with these premade meals targeted at /fit/fags? if nothing else they look like an easy way to reach protein goals, however ive seen a few people say theres less protein in them than it says on the label.
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Absolutely horrifying.
its fine just they used shitty oil and some guar gum
>Nonanal is a saturated fatty aldehyde formally arising from reduction of the carboxy group of nonanoic acid
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut my heckin epic reddit le joke
Don't care faggot

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What's this recent trend of calling simple heavy dishes wifeslop? I'm single and do a ton of my cooking in a crockpot because it's nice to come home to a meal. I make a bunch of chilli and stews abs the like. Also post your favorite crockpot recipes.
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"Slop" doesn't always mean bad or inedible, it's more like it's so low effort that you'd be ashamed to admit that you liked it even if you did actually enjoy it. People call pigfeed slop because despite being nutritious and possibly even tasty, it is nothing more than a hideous soup of scraps that you would never admit to actually enjoying. But pig farmer do regularly eat their pigs' slop, they just won't admit it. Even me just saying it out loud will prompt an army of pig fuckers to come out and deny me, but they're not fooling anyone. Not even the pigs.

So, yeah, you're gay.
That's a lot of words to defend the retard meme language you're trying to spread.
>what's with this recent trend I literally fabricated in my head for this thread
>look at these other retarded buzzwords for food btw
I'm a guy and I think plenty of "guychow" could easily be considered slop. But in a good way of course.
100x this
Steamed or stir fried frozen veggie bags never come out right and often ruin your timetested bachelor chow. It's not about looks it's about efficiency

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Nothing fancy just KFC for dinner tonight
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Nice little body. Ugly feet. Bad taste in jewellry and acryllic nails. Face isn't that good.

Kfc used to have the wedges like that but idk if they do anymore it's been forever since I've eaten there
That's the army psyops girl. Hayley i think
Did you even look at OP? He's dunking the fries in the mashed potatoes+gravy.
true as a feet enthusiast she has to have the most ugliest feet I’ve seen. Usually if they are pretty on the face they should have a good balance of ok looking feet. But she seems like an outlier as her feet are so ugly

sometimes you just have to make do
why are your lights green
Maybe... maybe they're not, but he has a green plate and his making do with expired food that turned green
weirdest shit on a shingle I've seen in some time

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Why aren't there more cheeses with things in them? The Americans were really onto something with this but I can imagine much more

Imagine something like a cheese with pickle bits, or something like a mozarella with dried tomatoes, or a creamy light cheese with bits of strawberry
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Some speciality shops do the second; usually during the summer. Strawberry cream cheese is a thing. Smoked salmon cream cheese is god tier.
>The Americans were really onto something with this but I can imagine much more
Hello Cletus.
Other countries have been doing this before America was invented.
Peppers are native to the Americas and so is Monteray Jack cheese, so no
>Peppers are native to the Americas and so is Monteray Jack cheese, so no
When was the USA invented?
Monteray Jack is only 19th century.

Are you telling me that nobody had bits in their cheese before then? Your levels of cope are off the scale kid.
These are such black girl replies.

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Thinking about getting an ice cream maker. Creami or creami deluxe or something entirely different?
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>add the salt and ice
Salt and ice method sucks balls. The cheap ones with a freezer bowl or so much less hassle.
Goodbye gains
The Ninja Creami does not make ice cream like traditional ice cream machines. Instead you freeze it, then the Ninja mixes it after the fact to 'cream' it. This is reverse of mixing while freezing that all other methods use.

The upside is you can make weird ass ice cream mixes, so long as it can blend it. The downside is you need containers for it to pre-freeze all the stuff.
The other downside is lack of air, which can drastically alter the texture. If you like airy ice cream the ninja ain't it.
It also doesn't keep very well unless you're going to re-mix any time you want some.
I have a ceramic and love it, but be aware that the texture you get out of them is not really ice cream. The ice crystals are larger so it's rougher than proper ice cream.
Personally I don't mind, but it's worth considering.

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Do you guys remember around 10 years ago when an extra large pizza with 3 topping was 14 dollars? What the fuck happened?
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That's cool and all, but here in reality you order pizza directly from the store, not an imaginary third party.
>ten years ago we had johnny cash, steve jobs and bob hope
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Sigh. These were the days. I miss college.
I sometimes buy frozen pizzas when they're on on sale at $4. Paying restaurants in 2024 feels like an IQ test, like lottery tickets and gambling
>spending real money on indog SEA trash
fuckin bake some chicken or a pot roast ffs you don't need to be eating Indian slop larping as east asian

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this is fucking highway robbery
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Anon, if they could raise their profits by even a single penny they would gladly kill you. That is what they think, that is all they care about. Someone should make a song about that.
>stupid goy does stupid goy things and pays the stupid goy tax

Stop patronizing these establishments. Retard.
Irony of me working at petco i never even asked if there was a button to charge for a bag I just give people bags, nobody has said anything yet soo
Revolutionaries are not born they are made.
>get charged a $0.46 bag fee every time I get a delivery from Aldi
>sometimes get paper bags, sometimes get nice canvas bags, sometimes groceries just come in a large cardboard tray thing
I have never understood this

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>sorry we are cashless only
You can't really be cashless if you receive payment after the service is rendered. Otherwise after refusing someone's cash, they could legally walk out without paying because the debt was tendered and you refused payment.
>That’s quite the assumption isn’t it
What did I assume?
And you don't get to dictate whether or not I call you a worthless faggot who should rot in hell.
>You can't really be cashless if you receive payment after the service is rendered

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ITT crack in food form
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These used to be much better many many years ago, they changed the way they are made now I swear, the texture is completely different for sure, and I don't think they taste as good.
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I love Fruit Snacks, they're like candy but fruit

I never could figure out what tasted better, transclearant ones or solid colored ones
>they're like candy but fruit
You know they're literally just candy, right, they're not "healthy"
Yeah I love crammin food too man!
arguably crack, nothing's stopping you from eating it, even if it's not very cost effective.

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Just saw Chili Cheese Burritos are back at my location, probably being test run.

Are you a Gordita or Chalupa person?
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ask for easy beans
What will that do?
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these were the best things taco bell ever had.
why don't they have the basic beef burrito anymore?
I just went on the taco bell website because the op was sort of making me want this slop again, but apparently you can't even get baja sauce on your chalupa anymore. get your shit together marketers.

Times when you've been bamboozled?

This was by the gravy but is just A1 sauce, it's a better tasting version of the product but it's the same product
I have no use for it since I actually know how to cook meat, so what's the purpose?

What products have tricked you?
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So it's the latter? Post bingo wings, Mary.
I made brown sauce out of my ass this morning. It smelled a bit to vinegary tho.
brown sauce on a pie? christ I wish the germans won ww2
No offence, but what the fuck would you know
might be me trying to justify buying picrel, a whole case for shops to resell, but I like how this one tastes. It's not JUST salt like ichiban. I liked the nongshim spicy seafood too but it was quite overpowering in flavor, making it hard to eat more than like twice a month

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I finally decided to try one of those meme cans of premade cocktails I see every time I'm in the store. Time to see if I just wasted $5 or if I'm in for a pleasant surprise.
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I personally buy pint and half pint bottles of liquor because they are easy to conceal under clothing when I go out for entertainment.
Holy shit that's a lot of sugar for 5 ounces. For comparison, a 12 ounce can of Mountain Dew had 46 grams of sugar.
>Why do you blow money on the little bottles?
Hadn't tried this bottle yet so I only wanted to buy the little bottle to try it.
What a rip off.
Flasks are a thing..

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Why haven't intestines caught on as food in the US? I see a bunch of liver shills, but nobody ever shills intestines here. They're on of my favorite animal parts to eat.
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for me it's chicken hearts
The whole giblet pack is pretty good if you ask me
Because they poop from there.
Wait until you find out what happens in muscles
Japan, South Korea

How come no other fast food chain has attempted to make their own version of the baconator?
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sounds pretty gay
Men have compulsions to put meat into their mouths, and get genuinely upset at those who dont eat meat at all.
>food is gay sex
nah that's just you
Nobody mentioned gay sex
Well, you can, but as a marketing tool and regular menu item. Wendys has made a sort of brand out of it.

I also find if you custom make a burger at like McDonald's it costs more.

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