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guys lets talk salads
what are some of your favourite salad recipes
would you put rice into your salad?
how would you spice salmon to put it into a salad with spinach and rice? how about chicken?
what other toppings do you like on your salad?
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If you didn't care, then you wouldn't have bothered responding.
my intent was to get you back on track, you puling Child.
Now then...
What does little Ralphy like to put on HIS BIGBOY salad?
I like cold rice and lentils added to a leafy salad, often with craisins, sometimes walnuts, croutons and usually a simple vinaigrette using olive oil and ACV plus herbs if I'm feeling fancy.
Almost always a cheese, and is it just me or are super big salads sometimes better the next day after the wilt? I'll often make my whole meal a salad and only eat half. I just refigerate the rest and add more fresh greens--like romaine or broken kale to bring back some crunch.
I love a good ceaser salad but. One of the best ive ever had was a warm pancetta salad. basically reduce big chunks of whole pancetta in olive oil until golden brown. take out the pancetta and blend the crap out of it. then mix oil/rice wine vin, ground mustard seed, and mixed together with pancetta, warm up. the salad was mixed greens, fetta, pine nuts, and dried cranberries. pour warm dressing on top and serve/eat immediatly....its so fucking good.
vegetables, salt, pepper, vinegar, oil
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sounds amazing.
I forgot to add, I almost always include a meat, usually chicken, but sometimes pork.
Fair enough.

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please give me a pizza recipe
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Point out one piece if the recipe that deals with celestial bodies. I will wait
>Using football field measurements
>Blooming yeast
>Not refrigerating dough for at least three days


Lolno, this is NOT a doctoral thesis. This is an amateur.
>buffalo sauce

If you want a pizza recipe that has already been perfected, then I direct you towards the pepperoni pizza.
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No it doesn't

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I find the weird apprehension towards generic brands to be a sign that food prices aren't actually that big a deal and people are just retarded.

>Oh but they're worse
They're really not.
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some can be absolute shite, others not. you need to read the ingredients. ketchup for example, its almost always less sugar, less salt, bigger bottles and (imo) tastier than main brand ketchups if i buy non-main brands
>You are not very smart
Extreme newfag spotted.
Incorrect, Ingrid but congratulations on your shiny new vagina
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>doesn't recognize tourettes guy
>unhinged tranny projection out of nowhere
First day as a woman and already that time of the month, Monica?

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>this meal only costs $1.40 per serving!!!!
>oh btw you have to spend $55 on getting all the ingredients lol hehe
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What kind of basement-dwelling incel are you that you don't already have flour, cheese, pepperoni, and bell pepper laying about?
>bulk, difficult ingredients cost less than efficient, easy ingredients
>wooowww wtf
is this your first fucking day on earth? jesus christ
I don't believe for a second that you somehow didn't understand the point. It does no good to sell me on the practicality of a cheap cut of meat if I have to buy an impractical amount of it.
Yes, tell me more how it is more expensive to be poor

I see it a lot at the supermarket when I deliberately try to buy smaller amounts of things I use rarely: they always cost more per unit volume/weight
What's impractical about 12lbs of meat? Are you so stricken with poverty that you lack a freezer? I guess Obamaphones have Internet access. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to post your special (emphasis on special, tard-o) brand of stupid here, poverty-kun

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Are there some alternatives?
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>Literally writes a book called "How To Die"
he seems so trustworthy guys
hardboiled eggs aren't essential for nearly as many dishes as cheese is, and aren't that great anyway
steak can't be substituted either, but steak is not that difficult to go without
>aren't that great anyway
Bullshit. I fucking love hard-boiled eggs.
Cheese tastes like foot fungus, why would you want to replicate that taste? I guess blended up mushrooms mixed with nutritional yeast and a lot of salt?
Cheese is made from milk, you can't make cheese without milk. It's impossible to make vegan cheese.

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What are you getting out of the dairy case?
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I dont buy very much dairy. I like raw kefir but its too expensive.
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Mozarella, greek yoghurt and milk
Multer takk

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Do you like Newark style hot dogs?
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Thanks for reminding me that these exist, I keep meaning to try them and keep forgetting. Now trying to find the easiest NJ place with these to get to from NYC via train. Might be Dickie Dee's
Nobody tries to even hide their embarrassing redditness anymore. Basically, fuck you
I'm with the other guy, that sounds really great. I don't think I'll drive 4-5 hours to get one, but if I'm ever in the area I will definitely grab one.
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Okay, so I decided on Dickie Dee's, and it looks like my best bet is to take the PATH to Newark Penn and then light rail (which I've never actually taken before, we killed it all here in NYC ages ago) to the Bloomfield Ave station. Might be a fun trip!

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Amid an outbreak of listeria that has killed two people in the United States and sickened around three dozen others, Boar’s Head Products announced on Friday that it would recall more than 200,000 pounds of deli meat, including all liverwurst products currently available on the market.
Good, I hope my Boar's head buffalo chicken breast and uncured capocollo kills me.

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I can't help thinking that it'll be good with these Hawaiian rolls, pretty much anything is, but ...
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I know what the boogie needs to bring up it's smile and that's some chik-fil-a sauce. It looks mean and the chik-fil-a sauce will give a happy smile while you eat it.
Don’t have a picture but yesterday I made a burger with grilled onions, pickles, jalapeños, bacon, and a pretzel bun
Let's see it
that looks gr8 m8

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my bitch gf doesnt like onions it makes her gag how do i fix it
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I'm not DENYING that humans gaine evolutionary adaptations against anti-nutrients. I'm just pointing out there's going to be variations in what anti-nutrients we're resistant to.

YES onions are low in anti-nutrients but it can still affect some people.
Chop/mince them up very fine and start adding them to dishes she won’t notice them (stews, heavy sauces, etc.)
Why, though. What's the point?
>how do i fix it
Can't believe no one gave you the right answer. BREAK UP WITH HER.
to prove she likes them, because everyone does

Are these things worth it? My ex I had to throw out has my kitchen aid, which I never really liked, or used in the first place.
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OP I've used robocoups at work, owned kitchen aids, here's what I use now
Decent in-between, it's solid, spare parts, pretty affordable
That one you posted looks EXACTLY like my mom's Kitchen Aid from 1984.
It only came with 3 slicing disks, but it's still chugging along to this day.
The Robo-coo I'm familiar with is the all stainless one.
I honestly never use one. anything that needs to be pureed gets the stick blender, and if you have a mandolin and good knife skills, I can't see any reason for these antiquated counter warts.
If you don't have one, just get a good stick blender, many of them come with a processor cup now anyway.
Isn't my personal preference, just an example.
The robo-coo was renown for being high quality commercial kitchen equipment, I'm not sure if that's still the case.
They work, i've used them in restaurants. The average home cook might not find a lot of uses for it though.
Only if you're making things that justify cleaning it. Maybe salsa, lots of grating, spinach pasta... possibly a pastry dough... actually not a lot of things come to mind. Definitely not pesto, you want to use a mortar and pestle for that.
>you want to use a mortar and pestle for that
>Only if you're making things that justify cleaning it
dishwasher, barring that, make the woman clean
you cook, she cleans, it's a perfect symmetry
you decide what to cook and get to eat whatever you want

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What do you make when it's too hot cook?
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NTA but why the fuck are you phrasing that as if living in a city is superior? Have you BEEN to a city before?
crackers, cheese and cold sausage
deviled anything, ham or eggs, its all good
ice cream/froyo
>too hot to cook
wtf? Why do you think the stove is going to have any noticeable effect on your house temperature?
In Europe, the houses are very small and they don't have air conditioning
>the houses are very small
In my country, at least, houses are quite large but most people don't live in houses. It's a very crowded place so everyone lives in apartments.
>they don't have air conditioning
That's just flat out wrong lmao

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Places to eat at/Things to eat in 'Go.
Besides 'go 'za.
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t. finance goy who loves pissing away his inflated salary
lou malnatti's is the best

order it with extra sauce and baked an extra 5 minutes
Maybe a Rick Bayless place, or a more down to earth Mexican place. Chicago has a big hispanic population. You can prob find most types of food somewhere in the city, like Ethiopian, Jamaican, French, German, Japanese, Korean, etc. Same like NYC - the big cities always draws a wide crowd

The Portillos Chopped Salad is the best salad.
Paco's Tacos @ 4311 S Archer Ave.
Limited paid street parking, bit a trek from the L, but buses swing by regularly. They close early because the area is "mostly peaceful." Just don't be retarded. Their tacos seem overpriced until you feel the weight and girth. Their tortas are nothing special. Burritos are good but not as good as their tacos.
Okay will go there when I'm there next week.

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What pizza do you like?

It doesn't have to be the best but if you enjoy Totinos that's cool too.
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Imagine if Shinji wasn't a depressed teenager he couldn't hit this
$30 artisan pizza
>one of the toppings isn't quite cooked
>the cheese tastes weird
>the crust is just overcooked toast

$10 pizza hut thick and crispy pie

I don't know why people gaslight themselves into eating gourmet pizza. It's just fast food. It's made to be mass produced. It's not even on the level of a hamburger which is made in the grill. Literal Red Baron is better than le authentic local place 9 times out of 10
Nardi's on North Avenue is pretty good.
that shit is made with fake cheese.
>writes like that
>implies anyone else is black

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How do they work? Is a freezer bag just a thicker version of a regular plastic bag, or is it a slightly different material that is less permeable? In a pinch can you just use two regular bags?
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OP, just stop and think for a second. Imagine one of those super thin, small baggies they put chex mix in and give out to toddlers or retardeds; the baggie usually has like a cheap looking decoration running along the width, the ziplock is green.
Imagine freezing something in that. It would be freezer burned after day two. So it has something to do with the thickness of the bag.
>It would be freezer burned after day two.
It'd be cool to see an actual test of this. Somehow I don't think much moisture would pass through the polyethylene in two days.
I feel like regular ziploc brand is a good middleground between the cheapo knockoff sandwich bags like that, and the actual freezer bags. I freeze stuff in regular ziplocs and never had a problem.
idk, maybe the freezer ones are good if you're freezing a lot of stuff for a long time. but for me, regular ones that are a little cheaper, and I can use to occasionally freeze something for a couple weeks, works just fine.
I didn't bother with those. Due to how stiff they are, I can never get as much air out of them as I'd like. I prefer using "bakery bags" or whatever you call them. Or fold-over type sandwich bags.
> Or fold-over type sandwich bags
you’re a monster

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