Seedoilbros... our status?
>>21175228Shalom, sneed oil shareholder.
>>21175229I should listen to you instead, much more reliable information coming out of your pie hole, eh?
>>21172881Sneed oil shills absolutely SEETHING lol LMAO even I keep using my natural lard,so easy to make at home,so much better than vegetable oil and it's free radicals,also food taste betterCope
>>21172933>>21172939they use vegetable seeds
>using sneed oilsI will continue using my homemade olive oil thanks
New haul, let’s see if we can keep this QPR red trend rolling
>(((Greenwalt)))>(((banking career)))Qui?! in all fields
>>21174572Literally me
Got this for tomorrow
>>21175268that one's good. proper weekend barbera, will work with pizza or pasta
>>21175274Yes should be good. I've had some of the other vintages of this before and they were pretty tasty.
Well, okay. This is okay.
>>21174557I want the cheddar onion burger back
>>21173283The old political paradigm is over. We were already a dictatorship laundered through endless layers of bureaucracy. Now there's no pretense and I don't care.
>>21175071>clickbait UUUUtube videos That's a nope from me
>>21175020Julia Child stopped eating McDonald's fries when they stopped using beef tallow
>>21175020I love how we're at "not significantly better" now instead of actually saying slop oils are ok.
My girlfriend turned the heater on while I was away and my bulk fermentation of this sourdough loaf was tripled in size when I got home. I didn't cold proof and just baked it right away, I didn't get much expansion from the score or an ear, but I'm really impressed by this crumb.Post your breads m8s
>>21172412I meant fermentation/proof after you made the dough, can you clerify about that if you don't mind, thanks. The crumb looks so good I decided to try to make sourdough again.
>>21171526Lower hydration, more kneading, always putting it back it into the bowl as a nice smooth ball, cleaning up the bowl with a round doughscraper after the initial mixing.Semolina flour and rice flour are both decent alternatives to oil, it takes the dough a long time to wet and absorb them.
Has anyone got experience with making their own dried sourdough starter?I can't be arsed to always keep it in good health but i'd be fine with raising it for a week or two, drying it and then using that for a few months.
>>21173875I think you can keep it in the fridge and then revive it.
All your pics look amazing. I feel like if I made this and showed a woman, I would get laid immediately
What's stopping any random person from doing this?
human beings don't want to hurt random human beings (who could be their family or friends), and demons are operating within strict rules.
This is why I only buy canned bananas.
>>21171032Prison rape is a very real thing.
>>21170995unironic lynching
>>21171032I used to know some COs, trust me it is a real thing and they let it happen all the time. American prisons are literally third world tier and you should avoid them at all costs
Is corn good for you?
>>21174163>Is corn good for you?Corn is perfectly nutritious if it's nixtamalized, Id Est; boiled in limewater or some other alkali solution, in order to make its' nutrients more accessible and remove the toxic plant substances in the grass. Even our meso-american, people-eating, ancestors knew this process and would nixtamalize corn by steeping it in a limestone bowl/cauldron. Just normal untreated corn on the other hand is kind of a bunch of empty (albeit tasty) indigestible calories. Herbivores can access the unprocessed nutrients in corn, no worries there, but humans simply can't.
>>21175204it's trueI'm 38
>>21174163Provides nothing for you besides energy. A luxury for the hunter gatherer, slave food for the modern Man.
>>21175251From the earth I rise, and to the earth I one day will return. What's up mothershuckers, my name is Colonel Cornelius Cornwall, and I'm here today to introduce you to... corn. Corn is a North American cereal plant that yields large kernels on a cob. It is also called maize because it's easy to get lost in its incredible flavor. Side effects of corn include choking... I guess. Come down today, and try some corn, or we will sacrifice your newborn. aEUGHHH
would you eat this pizza?
>>21171975the one thing i learned from my time in korea is that putting potato chunks on pizza is the tits
>>21171975I love decent junkbread when I see one. I also love pizza where I to see one.
>>21171975nippon corn doggo pizza
>>21171975i don't like pizza
>>21172417look at this fancy bitch with mayo
>barista called my macchiato an "espresso macchiato"
>>21175214Just be grateful they didn't say eXpresso, like a fucking moron. This thread is pointless BTW.
>>21175214Haha this is so funny omg I almost spit out my venti Carmel Frappuccino with non fat coconut milk exactly 2 1/2 cups of sugar with 4 chocolate drizzles, 6 1/2 pump of caramel drizzle, 3 expresso shots mixed in Extra whip cream, as well as birthday cake pop mixed in with a bit of strawberries on top, chocolate flakes, pump of vanilla, one pump of hazelnut, banana slices mixed in, chocolate shavings coating the bottom, cinnamon dolce and just a pinch of matcha powder
>>21175235Why are you bumping this?? Leave a comment if you must, but don't push this shit to the top of page one when you do it. The image is bad, the topic is bad. It's a bad thread. Fuck you and fuck OP.
>>21175241you just bumped it yourself, you stinky basement dweller troglodyte
British food Is top tier, and I'm tired of the memes saying that it isn't>Pasties (specfically cornish)>Beef wellington>Roast dinners (chicken, beef, pork with lots of gravy mmm)>Trifle>Scones>Bread and butter puddingMost dishes across the world can't beat these my friends.
>>21165133The trick with English food is just to tell everyone it's 'Irish' or 'Scottish' food and then they'll start wanking off and cumming themselves over it. Mutts here even praise shit like deep-fried pizza because it's LE HECKIN' SCOTTISH JUST LIKE MUH ANCESTORS
more like poo ding lol
The face of used stockcube salesman.
For me it’s Cumberland sausage, mashed potatoes, onion gravy, peas, beer to drink
>>21165133“11% of British people carry gravy around on their person in a flask”
Why does fictional food look 1000x better than real food
>>21174036*sigh*Same applies to women
>>21174036it really do be like that sometimes
>>21174036It doesn't. You're just lonely.
>>21174036The same reason fictional women look 1000x more attractive than real women
>>21174036It doesn't. It never does. You liars will tell us how you saw Hook as a child and all the colorful gunk looked SO delicious!! No it didn't. Not to you and not to anyone.You don't want to eat the burger from Spongebob either. No, there's no appetizing anime food either. None. None of it.All lies. Fuck off.
I don't mean the stuff at Panda Express, like General Tso's or sweet & sour pork.I mean boomer Chinese, the stuff soaking in a weird brown gravy, like what people in 1930s New York would have thought was "exotic". Ever have it? Any places near you?
>>21158996Anyone else having Chinese food for Valentine's Day?
>>21159371>Duck and Squab>Squabthese niggas serving pigeon
>>21158996China is so devoid of culture that they have lost most of their own recipes and consider this now to be proper Chinese food. Invented by Chinese people that moved America in the 60's.
>>21159037But i make American Chop Suey all the time!
>>21173678The internet says that British people are totally wild about gravy:“Brits will pour gravy over cake, rice, and burgers – while 11% have it on a pizza”It is therefore reasonable to conclude that British Chinese food has been influenced by their crazed desires for gravy and that their Chinese food is gravycentric
What was so bad about this?
>>21175111it hurts profits
>>21175111contrived by non smart people
>>21175111too many colors in that picture man dang ol red blue green yellow man i tell you what all them colors should be left in art and words on paper should be black and white
>>21175111>eat mostly plants>eat only lean """protein""">drink/eat only low/non-fat milk/dairy>also implying fat is bad like salt and sugarThis shit is insane. Do people really believe this shit? No wonder there areso many health problems and mental issues these days.
>>21175111Doesn't seem to allow for fatty meats at all. Like if you're having any make it lean and don't have much. Fuck that. Give me braised meat swimming in fat and keep your fucking grains.
which one's your favorite?
>>21170629Torn between the clubs (blt or turkey) and the salad sandwichesI miss subway daily $5in meal deals. Sunday always meant meatball subs and I haven't had one in years
>>21170629Turkey, spinach, hummus, tomato, and cheese for me
>>21170629>bacon sandwichWtf
>>21170629>which ill defined sandwich do i love bestehat goes grilled chcicken turkey or eggsalad sandwich? i know what a reuben, pbj meatball, or frenchdip are, therest are vague
>Started watching great British bake off Fucking incredible. I can cook well but I'm kind of a shit baker. Anyone have any 'low hanging fruit' recipe similar to what we see on the show? Or anyone else a fan? I made Choux puffs and they were easy and dope, so looking for something around that level of effort.
>>21173003Very good info thanks anon... I'll give some of the technicals a crack that's a great idea. Wish they published the exact recipes somewhere or something like that but I guess I can just google it.
>>21172889>British Bake Off>full of foreignersfuck this gay show
more like the mighty douche amirite
>>21174047There's probably like a bakeoff wiki with everything ever made in all seasons listed. The actual Technical Challenge recipes they give the people are purposefully vague and useless unless you already know what you're doing so you're just as well served looking up another recipe as hoping for theirs.
>>21172889Man, Noel got fat and old. IT Crowd feels like it was just yesterday.
i haven’t pooped in nearly a week
>>21168501Eat an entire head of broccoli (cooked, of course). Usually works for me.
>>21168622>>21169162>dude no one does enema these daysI discovered a few weeks ago that, after a nice shit, getting into the shower and turning the showerhead to "massager only" and aiming that right at my butthole will clean out the insides. There is always one little rod of shit that hangs back, and after doing this I can squirt that little rod out with the water that went in.Not even joking. Makes things a lot more comfortable until my next shit, too.
>>21168501An entire bottle of red wine and chug a pepto bismal
>>21174372It's unironically white people getting the shits from using hot sauce