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What's the least appetizing meal you've ever seen?
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>no one posted the thanksgiving bullfrog
I was thinking the same thing lmao

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redpill me on corn chowder
potatoes, corn, chicken stock, what else goes in it?
some of my family might not eat it if I add meat...
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Caramelized onions
>Milk/cream or it's not a chowder by definition
Encourage OP to explore
These French's fried onions go great on a chowdah.
I have buttermilk!
I mainly use it for pie dough.
What about onions and carrots? Mushrooms?

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Can hotdogs have ketchup?
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but how did she taste
like dandruff and morphine
how do you even know what those taste like you weirdo
because I leave my house once in a while. by house I mean hammock with a tarp over it.
okay based

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O.K. you limey cooks, the time has come, and I've been dreading this day for too long...
This is my LAST BIT of pre-pandemic Sriracha before they had to settle for shit ingredients and fuck up the recipe
I want to give it a proper send-off.
What should I use it in that would honor it's beautiful flavor?
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how much butter?
Have an idea: Soft boiled egg on toast, onion, cheese sprinkled, atop a spread of Sriracha butter on toast.
no, i'm sorry.
i cant.
from here on out there will be no flavor in my life: oatmeal, water, and suicidal thoughts.
i simply can't forsake my love.
i hope you understand.
the goose sauce is better
disregarding my idiocy of the double-mention of toast debacle,
what kind of toast? I was thinking plain wheat, but now that I think about it, why not some fancy bagel or garlic naan?
Could easily top it with a bit of verde or even pico? though I don't want any of the flavour to be lost amidst the garnish.
so just maybe cheddar cheese with toast, thin slices of onion, sriracha-infused butter, and a cup of chicory coffee from Cafe du Monde?
Came here to say this, minus the funnel.
Last blast in your peehole.

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we feastin
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you got the next best thing, you know it now
The mask.
Folded empanadas
God damn that looks good
Someone jizzd on your shrimps bro..
Looks delicious. However I would replace the beer with a coca cola.

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Ok, I got a bowl of Udon.
Add two (2) more ingredients of your choice and one (1) sauce and let's see how clever you are.
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chicken breast and onions in a frying pan
get em nice and good
udon in
yakisoba sauce in
stir that shit
wa la
japanese cutie sweat
japanese milf sweat
Pork belly baked to crispy perfection. Green onions. Sauce made from siracha and eggs. Cooked at low heat. Pork belly carbonara.
That looks nothing like udon dude.
there are many different kinds of udon which depend on where in the country you are, not every place serves the exact same shape/style
the large square noodles you probably think of when you see someone mention udon are just one variety

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I can't find anything on the internet documenting anyone marinating soft boiled eggs in hot sauce. So I am marinating soft boiled eggs in hot sauce. Got these babies marinating in some habanero hot sauce next to some other eggs in some Japanese soy marinade. It's been one (1) day. How long should I let them go? Ramen eggs usually marinate for 5 days at most but this is a vinegar based sauce.
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>but the longer they sit and the marinade penetrates the jammier the center will get.
Ooo nice, would you make it again?
good cramming energy from this pic 2bh
MSG is cheap

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Can chili have beans?
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I'm surprised those are white hands in those posts frankly
it's like goulash in hungary vs goulash in america. one is a stew made out of peppers and pieces of meat. the other is sloppa made out of tomato and ground beef.
Would having both beans and ground beef be good?
Chili will have whatever I please.
Who's gonna stop me?

jesus goddamn fuck I love bagels.
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>no one figured out how to boil dough before Herschel Cashski, trust us goy we invented smoked salmon and potato pancakes too
i even like shitty landers bagels from the cold section of the grocery store
when i'm running waffle house we will have bagels and never consider rye
>montreal bagel
>shoelace thin
>giant fucking hole in the middle THAT YOU PAY FOR
It's more that grain is easily grown and harvested in plentiful quantities in a wide variety of climates, I love bread too but it's a traditional staple because wheat and rye grains were the easiest thing to grow before potatoes were shipped over the Atlantic. It's the same reason rice is the main staple crop in Asia, it grows like crazy all over there
they're ok for a sammich if you lightly toast them and then flatten it with the palm of your hand and toast it again.

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ITT: Foods that are bad but people pretend are good.

90% of eggs are slimey, overcooked or taste like nothing. People will scarf this shit down with a straight face like they didn't just eat something nasty.
>japanese food
if you get meme'd into enjoying any food from japan. Just know you got PSYOP'd. Sushi is ridiculously bad. Most dishes taste like nothing. Maybe ramen's alright. Asian food in general is a thing that is bad but people pretend is good.
>most of seafood
clams smell and taste like taint juice. Crawfish is a meme food that southerner's pretend is good. They've dissect each an every crawfish to eat a shit covered half inch slab of meat before sucking it's brain out and urge you to try it.
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>picky eater
>"the texture is yucky!"
You have autism.
>Japanese food

Japanese food is a "celebration of flavor" sort of thing. You have to have a clean palate and an open mind to understand it. Japan is the single most culinarily autistic country in earth, even above Italy and France, both of which Japanese chefs learn from constantly.

I love Nashville chicken and Doritos as much as the next guy, but I also know how to tone it down and enjoy the clean simplicity of gyudon. You don't get it because you have grown accustomed to having as much flavor as possible to fry your neurons the most efficiently. That's why they find all American food too intense. all except for American BBQ, which they commonly love to pieces!
>Japanese food is a "celebration of flavor" sort of thing.
No it isn't. It's about presentation. Spectacle is baked into their culture and has been for centuries.
>celebration of flavour
>70% of the bowl is white rice
>clams smell and taste like taint juice
of course you would know that
I had 5 soft boiled eggs in my ramen this morning

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What do my fellow wagecagers bring for lunch when all that's available is a fridge and microwave?
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Nope, why must everything be a version of white people food?
You paid for that? Jesus Christ man, that shit's dire.
What else can you get for 1000¥?
>What else can you get for 1000¥?
Oh don’t worry I’m an American, I’m just here teaching English.

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20409957
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I use the OXO Brew Gooseneck Electric Kettle as well.
i would like to have a gooseneck kettle but the reality is my 20 dollar one works completely fine and id rather spend more on tea before worrying about that
i ordered the yiwu dragon balls as well and they just came in, super excited to try those. curious as to your thoughts for the rest of them too
I got a single yiwu dragon ball as a free sample, pretty generous of EOT.
I forgot to include it in the picture but I also got a sample of the 2004 Smokey Manzhuhan brick, I'm enjoying some right now.
It has a very nice aroma but it doesn't seem to carry over into the flavor of the soup so well. Interestingly, the aroma of the leaves is quite different than the soup or gaiwan lid.
It's still pretty good though. The smoke isn't super pronounced but it is there, and if I push the brews there's a pleasant bit of bitterness. Nice aftertaste too.
when i was a child we had so much iron in our water it would put rust deposits on anything it touched, it was vile

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how can I make egg salad sandwiches that don't just taste of egg and mayo? I want to add other stuff so its less of just soft bland creamy texture and overwhelming egg taste.
I will be making my own mayo.
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The sandwich is also overfilled for that type of filling and it will fall out the sides with the first bite.
Add fresh dill

those aren't crunchy
I really should have been specific that I wanted to try adding something crispy/crunchy

are fried capers a meme or is it transformative?
technically that's a burrito

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Breakfast menus should be banned. If I go to McDonalds I want a Big Mac, simple as.
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>tfw you're hungover and you're there at that magical golden hour where breakfast swaps for normal and you can get a double cheeseburger with mcgriddle buns
I refuse to believe this exists, because if it does I'm going to have to plan a day at some point around getting one.
I hope it's everything you want it to be.
i got fast food breakfast for the first time in ages today. wendys. they had a new cinnabon thing. it was ok. then i also got the buttery chicken biscuit. it was good but i should have asked for jelly to put on it. 6/10
Based and redpilled I work nights and I want a fucking burger at 7am so I go to Carl’s Jr or Burger King

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Are you a picky eater, /ck/?
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they taste like spoiled meat to me
Yes if I see any lunchtime rowdies in the dining area or in the kitchen I leave and pick somewhere else to eat.
>Also Onions make me shit myself and are in everything
It's all in your head grow up. I could put onions in your food and if you didn't know they were there you would have no reaction.
>yeah buddehhhh

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