The price of eggs and chicken are gonna skyrocket.
I’m on the west coast so this isn’t my problem
>>21114279Ignoring the fact that literally every major chicken producer is east of the Mississippi, meaning this will have a bigger impact everything west of the Mississippi are you aware of what interstate commerce is?
Honey the election was two months ago, food prices don't matter anymore.
>>21114282Well duck is cheap these days anyway
>>21114278How is it bird flu is a yearly thing and for some reason a few billion chickens have to be incinerated? Either I'm having deja vu or this happened every year for the past 2-3 years.
>>21114306Its easy for diseases to spread when chickens are kept in close quarters like this
So we can expect chicken to rise by another 20% on top of the (real) inflation this year?
>>21114501yes but don't worry prices will come down as soon as there's a 60% tariff on raw materials
>>21114278Can't you just cook off the germs?
>>2111451050% of the birds die and the ones that survive are all fucked up and can infect people and lay bad eggs and shit, it's cheaper and less risky just to kill everything, bleach everything, and start over
>>21114285This. Enjoy Project 2025 (Yes it is real)
>>21114510You don’t want to eat sick animals
>>21114510Hey look, this guy's a retard!
>people get mad when you say you should wash your chicken>this happens
>>21114278Time to go hit up the store and find any chicken.
>>21114503It's more like prices never come down, but your wages will also perpetually remain stagnant, while your dollar's value diminishes. The US deficit spending and immigration policies have made the american dream impossible for most americans. The elite wanted the QoL to go down and it has precipitously in just 3 generations.
>>21114310i have seen these chicken farms from the outside and they alwaays have a couple of them near each other surrounded by endless nothing and i dont get it, whats the point? it would make sense if yu had the entirety of your land covered by them then i would think, right they are growing as many birds as possible but they are not like they could at least use that land to grow the food they feed them but they dont even do that, why not just build a fence and allow them a couple hours of sunlight every day?
>>21114534good point, we should cut taxes for the ultra wealthy and enact state violence against browns
>>21114537>state violence against browns in retaliation to their SA-tier violenceYes.>cut all taxes completely because they're just used to remove money from the supply to hedge against inflationYes
>>21114537what about the ultra wealthy browns?
>>21114534For years the US and certain people with power have been greedy but usually wages went up over time so it was hard to notice but we are at a point where the green is continuing and getting worse and people are making less money so the system is going to break
>>21114278Will the price of eggs and chicken go back down when production resumes? No? Ok then
>>21114551>he thinks his own taxes will go downamericans try not to fail at math challenge IMPOSSIBLE MODE
>>21114535It's to save pennies on infrastructure needed (water, feeders, pipes, fuel) The industry is incredibly minmaxxed
>>21114535keeping the animals happy costs money to the shareholders and makes them less money which is non negotiable. I feel bad seeing the cramped conditions of the factory animals, I would rather have my food happy in the open.
If i was to raise chickens what do I do with them during the winter? It gets cold here? Kill them then buy new ones during spring?
>>21114534>>21114557On the discussion of deflation, who is hurt by declining prices besides the retailers? If corporation increased prices because they could, seems lowering prices wouldn't affect anything besides their profits.
>>21114577Chickens are pretty hardy, mine have a coop to go back to at night but I'll see them roam around even when its -20f out and there's half a foot of snow on the ground.
>>21114563No one's taxes are going down, you just can't read. Corporations already had enough investments and losses elsewhere to barely pay anything.What would be better is for the US gov to stop pretending like they need your taxes when they're funded entirely by selling debt to other nations. But for reserve status, there would be no deficit spending.Which would mean the end if boomer and brown welfare like social security, medicare/medicaid, actual welfare state, etc.
>mandate use of faulty test that has high false positive rate>"hmm the test says these chickens, which might look and act perfectly healthy, actually have a deadly deadly disease which has been around for decades, so you have to cull them">"actually just cull the cattle too, since they can't catch bird flu but they can spread it">"yes the aged cheese too, cull it">"you know what, just cull all the food crops too in case corn is spreading bird flu"Cool another engineered food shortage.
>>21114278how exciting. can we freak out and shut down society again?
>>21114606If the value lf the US dollar rose, anyone in debt would be absolutely fucked.Corporations and wealthy operate their lives in a "good" kind of debt in the form of investments.It would sink everyone, so the elites actually have an interest in seeing the dollar be valuated in the dirt. It keeps them rich.
>>21114636I have to hand it to you people for discovering that if you pack in as much stupid shit into your statement as possible before the other person speaks, you end up in a position of rhetorical advantage because no matter what, the other guy appears to concede your points by failing to spend all day constructing a methodical refutation of a bunch of shit you just pulled out of your ass in 5 secondsit's sort of the 4chan version of charging an arrestee with every crime in the book from defamation to obscenity to petit larceny to RICO, so that they'll plead guilty on "lesser charges of obstruction of justice" and take a few months in prison, regardless of whether they did anything at all or it was just the local authorities had a hate boner against you for putting a harris sign on your lawn
>>211142782 more weeks to flatten the curve.
>>21114310ah yes, the "finding out" part
>>21114650It's called gish galloping it's not a new thing. It's like when you ask someone "what has politician x done wrong" and they dump a copy pasted list of 10000 things knowing you can't refute them all. In these scenarios I just focus on the first point. If you can argue the first point is wrong you can then argue the rest of the points are wrong and it's back on them to now defend it
>>21114557While eggs have trended up over the years, we've been through several of these price shocks and once it passes, the prices do decline, though not to pre-shock values. So the answer to your question is yes, prices will decline once the outbreak is contained and the chicken population rebounds.
>>21114577My aunt and uncle have a chicken farm in Ontario where it gets very cold. I've never asked them about it but the few times I've visited during the winter, it was warm inside the chicken houses. I'm sure there was some supplemental heating going on but the chickens themselves do produce a good deal of heat when you have that many of them crammed together. One thing that seemed wasteful to me what each morning when my uncle would make the rounds, he'd collect all the chickens that had died over night and toss them in a bunch barrel outside the chicken house. Guess the number that die each day is too small to make an incinerator whose heat could be put to productive use a poor investment.
>>21114701Those dead chickens probably got turned into pig food
Eggs were $1.46/dozen when Biden took over from Trump. Now they're $4.15/dozen and that's before the news out of Georgia. Can they reach $0.50 per egg? If nothing else, this is making egging houses an extinct practice.
>>21114278It begins.
Election was two months ago, no one cares about food prices.
The US will totally make it to its 250th, guys.
>>21114715This is going to be eggcelent news for Trump if he can lower prices
>>21114743There will be no prices to lower if you can't buy any
>>21114743He won't. Lowering prices was never in Babylon's Agenda, and it's no different now that they're putting the puppet back in after his gap term.
>>21114743No way for him to be able to accomplish that in the short term unless there's some huge government reserve of powdered eggs that can be provided to food producers so whole eggs are only sold to consumers.
>>21114310This by the way is what Musk, his fuck puppet Trump and all the other oligarchs want to do to humans as well. Gaze on the hell you see there, soon it will be yours.
>>21114798Ok troll. Lol. Trump won.
why have egg prices went up but chicken prices are still stable?
>>21114773There are no "lower prices". The only time we've seen "lower prices" in the past 30 years is when gas prices temporarily dropped during COVID and it was glorious and hilarious, boomers at the pumps having gasoline fights like in Zoolander, because it was like being in a time machine. But it was a mirage, all gone. My last McDonald's "lunch" was almost $20 and it might really be the last one.
>>21114807Egg prices are cheap as fuck now. Stop bsing.
>>21114807My /x/ explanation is that they're dumping all the chickens they were meant to destroy onto the food market.
Oh nooooo what am I gonna dooo
>>21114818They're all over $4/dozen here in SE Michigan. Looks like you posted a loss leader sale price.
>>21114824Well, it is the cheapest in town, they were 89c a dozen for a 18 pack. Just looked now and it's 1.48 so yeah I guess they did go up a little recently.
>>21114568right but growing the cheapest feed right on site should save money so why dont they do that instead?
>>21114809>The only time we've seen "lower prices" in the past 30 years is whenBabylon made their power moves towards fulfilling their Agenda, yes.
>>21114310this is the type of cage free disease-spreading housing that california retards just mandated all chickens have to be kept in.
>>21114804I'm not implying Harris was going to be any better or different. I'm saying you're all fucked if you don't see that. You think Elon Musk has your interests at heart? Top keks retard.
>>21114282>Ignoring the fact that literally every major chicken producer is east of the Mississippi>texas is number 5next you're gonna tell me your shoes aren't full of piss right now lmao
>>21114858Because the experts say so, I assume.
>>21114278This cant be happening....... Expensive eggs were supposed to be the Bidens Crim Family's fault!!!!! Blonald Blumpf told me that he would fix this!!!!!!
>>21114848That's below wholesale, meaning they're selling at a loss. Which is fine if you're the one buying them and they're not making up for it by charging more for everything else in the store.
>>21114902Cheeto Hitler isn't president yet
>>21114905I'm genuinely curious what the reaction here is going to be in the next year or two when your food prices have shot up even more.
So why are egglands best and organic free range vegetarian fed organic yaddayadda bs eggs now a dollar or two cheaper than store brand? Explain that.
>>21114927I expect the moment Trump takes power that the entire media complex will stop pretending we are in a healthy economy and blame everything on him
>>21114929The rebel microstate known as "Eggland" is not recognized by any other nation except Sealand, and thus the exchange rate of Eggdollars ($EGG) can be extremely volatile.
>>21114934Who in your media complex is currently trying to say the economy is good??? Isn't one of your biggest issues that the economy is complete shit and no one can aford rent or food? Who says otherwise?
>>21114902It is biden fault, and also your fault for refusing to advance White interests and condemn jewish influence in this country.Don't cry when you have to deal with the consequences Germany warned you about 80 years ago
>>21114951this is amazing gaslighting. Next, you'll be talking about how the media wasn't trying to cover for a genocide committed by israel.
>>21114876Based we're-fucked-either-way-stop-sucking-billionaire-dick anon.
>>21114951>Who in your media complex is currently trying to say the economy is good???The way our media lies is by lies of omission aka not reporting things.
>>21114876>You think Elon Musk has your interests at heart?No, I believe he has his own interests at heart, but his interests are pretty cool and he's a sperg so i like and support him.
>>21114955I don't watch much American media so I'm genuinely curious if you have news outlets saying your economy is good.>>21114960Enjoy being a human chicken lol.
>>21114955>Next, you'll be talking about how the media wasn't trying to cover for a genocide committed by israel.Go rape a goat Mehmet. You people deserve to all be sent to Allah and I'm glad Jews are dying to make it happen.
>>21114965>Enjoy being a human chicken lol.I don't speak schizophrenic what's the closest translation?
>>21114969Musk sees you like the owner of this >>21114310 farm sees chickens. You willingly support an autistic psycho you looks at you as a resource to be milked and exploited till you die. Have fun.
>>21114990Whats your opinion on Warren Buffet or Mark Cuban?
>>21114994Same shit different package.
>>21114858>should save moneyYou think that, but it won't. They have calculated that keeping the chickens in a tightly packed enclosure is in fact more profitable when everything is considered (facility setup, maintenance, worker man-hours, etc) than letting them go outside. This may seem counterintuitive, but it's true.
>>21115453i said growing the cheap feed in the empty land surrounding it should be cheaper than buying it from someone else and doing nothing with that land
>>21115583It's not
>>21115583The feed is indeed already cheap though and you would be, relatively, a small scale operation. You would have to do all kinds of shit to do this.>buy farm equipment, silos for storage, etc etc etc>probably get some (permits) to grow food industrially>hire a bunch of mexicans to do all the harvesting>still not any cheaper than buying it from somebody who runs an ultra-large-scale 6million acres operation the next state over, or if they're lucky, just imports that shit from some third world hole where the farmers get paid 1 US cent per hour>and that is if you actually have enough land to feed your chickens without buying it from elsewhere despite all of the aboveMore to the point: if you can grow chicken feed on your land significantly more cheaply than chicken feed is sold for, you should switch from chicken farming to chicken feed farming.
>>21114282Egg prices have been $7 for half a dozen for a year or two now anywayThe only people I know still eating the bastards are gainsbros who are burning their pay to stay swole
>>21114306>this happened every year for the past 2-3 yearsIt's this. Why this only started happening in the last couple of years is itself a mystery.