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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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She could've been here right now, riding on my dick as we listened to my neighbor
I feel this post more than you could imagine.
Was she a redhead with blue eyes for you as well?
Why did you listen to your neighbor?

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I promise NOT to wank off if you post your physique wearing cute briefs. I just want to see your upper legs and only briefs facilitate that.
So, lets see what you look like wearing only briefs-style underwear.

To repeat, this is NOT wankbait, I just want to see your muscles to evaluate what I should be working on in the gym.
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based wicker basket enjoyer
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we were talking about jockstraps the other day, heres a slightly older image i have on hand
the whole point is to take new ones and post them here to show current physique
i have this 19 year old whose body looks like this i hope he lets me bareback him i habent jerked off in three days he's gonna get the load of his lift if he does
can he fuck you too?

>Step 1: don't be fat

That's it
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>abloo bloo blooo woman are so nice, they just lack all agency and free will and its you who needs to protect them
give them the same rights as animals/pets and I Will. Until then fuck off with this shite.
>no one posted Tammy Slaton
>realise I've been on /fit/ for 10 years
kids these days probably don't even know the Chubby Bunny Challenge
This. Everything we've been taught since childhood about diet and nutrition turned out to be a lie, to make us spend more money on snacks & sugar. Kellogg's and other companies need to be executed for what they've done.
>it's not my fault
>it's not my parents fault
>it's the fault of the company trying to make money off me.
Take some fucking responsibility you fuck. Maybe if more people did that, we wouldn't have this issue where you outsource your responsibility for your body, to companies and act like it's their job to make sure you are healthy.
Their "job" is to squeeze as much money out of you, don't forget that retard.
LOL a girl that looks like the one on the right approached me tonight and asked if I was out hiking at 4 in the morning when I was walking back from the gym. Same gut and everything.

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74119638
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wheres the pause?
That's obviously not good for your back, at that point
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yday was neutral grip and now youre doing a chin up.
the other guys were doing regular pull ups and you still havent done it.
whats up with you
> commemorate a real one

A real retard

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Idk edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unhealthy Uglies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Based but then it got cringe at the end.
Fattieboombatty chunkychunga here, started CICO and I was thinking of stealing my chadbros home bike to do a mile or two a day. Is that even worth it, or is it so little that it wouldn't do shit?

325lb creampuff crate btw.
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My bi-annual 6 month diet schedule
>month 1: it is important for me to eat right and exercise properly, and eating well makes me feel good, I will only cook at home
>month 2: man I kinda feel like shit just thinking about the future, I'll just add some comfort foods to my meal schedule, I'll just skip breakfast
>month 3: fuck it, I'm ordering a pizza... oh shit I acquired a taste for goyslop again, I'll just allow it on weekends
>month 4: this country has no future, it's so fucking over, I'm so bored, nothing ever goes right, might as well just stuff my face with garbage
>month 5: okay, that was a mistake, I'll get back to eating right tomorrow... okay not today but tomorrow... okay this time I will quit... yep this is the day I quit... oh I haven't tried that restaurant yet... okay NOW I'll-
>month 6: debit card hidden, credit card locked, no cash, time to fast for a month and starve away all those calories and try not to go insane, I deserve suffering after all
>month 7: ah, it feels good to eat right again, this time I'll stick to it
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>10 kcal each
the ultimate weight loss food

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can you go first i'm shy
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>new testament jew gets angry
christcucks worship jews, their entire live revolves around jews, they live and pray hoping that jewish gods will send them to jewish heaven afterwards (they won't), they shit and piss on their race, their history and culture because none of those mundane earthly things are important to them, what is important tho, is to get to those sweet ass jewish heaven via praying and being a good goy. Notice how cuckservatives (who are the most christian) are more eager to help israel (the birth place of their jewish master - Jewsus), and completely ignore helping e.g. Ukraine (white country). Weird isn't it? Also a lot of the big cuckservative media figures are jews (e.g. Ben Kikepiro).
nah fuck israel fuck ukraine they're both gay
bud god trembles at my tqlon and apl.
but im just sitting in a daze thinking im an archangel getting raped by the devil. i cant respond to any of ur trivial shit of the commoj grounds. ur merely a bloodclot on the view of my destiny from the ivory tower.
bobunr bud........... bobt borru......... bll bd bood......... bll bd budght.........

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It is true that the body absorbs nutrients better?
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All these people Hawking raw food have no social life. Imagine wasitng your life eating raw ground beef alone at home to "get all the nutrition" that will have literally zero impact on your life, while people you could be having memorabile times with go out for drinks and eat wings and burgers. Thus regarded meme is only sustainable if you have literally no life
>your ancestors ate raw meat,
I dont live in a cave and die at 30. We are not the same. Why would you eat the same?
If you can't digest food go to a doctor. You having issues doesnt negate reality

It's not keto. There's also carbs to be had in form of fruits but it's not a whole lot unless you really exert yourself.
Even if you only ate raw meat and nothing else there's still carbs in your food. Keto does not really exist - it's a meme.

This is the reason why people are ill and weak - destruction of natural foods. On top of that industrial waste.

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Post your /fit/ blackpills and I'll tell you how we're all going to make it
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Low bodyfat, some muscle mass and a head full of hair are the main requirements of being attractive.
Being bald/balding is a death sentence for 99% of men under 50 (no, you are not "The Rock" or Jason Statham, even those guys would look leagues better with hair).
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>posts wrists

What now, faggot?
no timestamp kek fuck off larping nigger
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You truly make it when you ignore the blackpills and see them for what they are. They were set in stone by the fabric of nature, which might be obvious, but i see so many people ask "why me?" And the answer is.. of course it's you, there was never an alternative!
Again, obvious, but cementing that into my mind put things into perspective and removed tons of anguish
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>larping nigger

Here. I know you shitskins are mostly fags

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If I want to grow muscle and get big do you move the weight quick or slow?
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>Angry face
>Tries to look menacing
Very incel

>explain pro athletes

Unironically they get injured all the time, sometimes so hard their career ends
the results are from roids retard
I tried slow and wasn’t impressed. Control the weight, keep the mind muscle connection active to keep the tension on the muscle during the negative and not the joints. That is absolutely vital and takes a lot more skill and concentration than people realize. But I find the results from slow negatives to be underwhelming and for me personally it’s demoralizing because it’s such a boring and tedious way to train.
If the weight is heavy enough, you shouldn't be able to move it fast anyway.

im fucked up and the homeless tweakers keep screaming along the back of my appartment im gonna fucking kill thwm..........
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>Op isn't white
how do you know
>neither are the "tweekers"
twitter user. = tweeter. twitter plus tweaker. yup. brain is on blast our society is fried lol drug addicts to the fapse profit..........
drool. good. do it on my boot now. look at that pathetic man in its shine. as if it were dirt i need to scrub u to dust.
this is cutw to me for some reason lol.like a little mascot for limbo or a life long failwd. tunw in tomorrow
*havws hoof*
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How has bloodfag not been range banned yet

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Slave morality vs Master morality
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right looks disgusting
>people say a man's made out of mud
>a poor man's made out of muscle and blood
>muscle and blood and skin and bones
>a mind that's weak and a back that's strong
do not redeem ser
Masters wear jeans in the gym
Unironically I don't know how to get my back to look like that. I train and train but it looks soft, it gets stronger but it isn't much visible. I'm skinny if it matters.

Bars open, what are you having tonight?
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Was walking home from the gym and a bunch of drunk zoomers asked me to take a picture with them and saw my backpack and asked if I was hiking. Was pretty funny. I think I look friendly or something happens a lot for some reason random strangers approaching me.
Exactly what I am working on brother but i assume people wanna fight or hurt me a lot so I am standoffish but not a jerk. I often worry about if my actions or words hurt others.
She's calling you to either gloat, make you feel shit, or check if you're still an option.

Block the bitch.
Blue Moon on tap.

>"You're cute"
>"You're good looking"
>"Girls are gonna be all over you when you graduate"
But not right now huh...?
Money can't be it. I hear about guys with much less stability in their lives who are in steady relationships regardless of finances.
And its the girls telling me that about their own boyfriends.

So what gives? Am I just not attractive enough in some other aspect I can't figure out? I got weight to lose and muscles to gain just like everyone else but money can't be the issue here.
Really weird self-centered Female behaviour. Life isn't like one of their retarded chick flicks where the main character gets to stand up at their friends wedding, and demand silent attention while they monologue about their feelings for 10 minutes. Find a better, more normal way to communicate, stupid women.

Hear them out I guess, but be prepared to shut down any bullshit with some grade A lawyerspeak and indifference.
>"Oh, sorry you feel that way Becky, guess us guys will go bowling by ourselves next time. Anyway, did you hear about [change subject somehow]"

Unless this is a gangbang that went too far and you're not telling us the full story?

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who was in the wrong here?!
you guys aren't gymcels right?
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post body
Spbp. Gymcells can only escape through the leanpill
Truth nuke.
Man I physically cannot watch this shit, I've cringed less at cartel beheading wembs.
A lot of men can learn from how she was just able to move on and dance from that

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I have around 110-120 days to go from ~215lbs to 190 and getting in decent shape. I'm 6'0 and 33 years old, have some lifting experience. Can bench 200lbs for reps and OHP 1pl8

Can I make some gains while losing weight? I'm very dedicated and have a lot of free time
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Lmao why are blackpillers so bitter and angry?
caffeine, ephedrine, high protein, high carb, high fibre, low fat, and alternate days lifting weights and zone 2 cardio. 10lbs a month is simple and manageable until you get very lean.
>high fibre
A meme
Throughout the heaven and the earth
You are the retarded one

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