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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>drinking alcohol
i sure hope you don't do this
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what's her onlyfools?
>don’t drink alcohol
>don’t smoke
>don’t even drink caffeine
The perks of being autistic.
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>Tags: ntr, xray, guro, dirty old man
How does she stay like this being the queen of goyslop and alcohol?
Some time in my late 20s alcohol stopped giving me that energetic/hype mood. When I was younger no matter where I was with alcohol, I used to get hyped up (even if I was just chilling at a friend's house). I'm now 30 and alcohol makes me apathetic, like I stop caring about things or having strong emotions while under the influence. Sometimes this can be fun, like if you're talking with random people you don't know there's no anxiety or awkwardness. But really it just feels like taking a tranquilizer shot or something. The only way I can into that "party drunk" mood is if there's a really good concert going on, or some sick event or something.

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>be me
>bench 250 for reps
>do straight arm burpees to burn calories
>chest gets fatigued
>cant train right
wtf is this
I had a 20 day streak of burpees everyday but it was affecting my chest day so I had to stop, and I realized that it, in fact, was affecting my push days
They are british. mutts would be wearing levis 501 and new balance trainers.
I turn into that sushi sperg from that one show whenever I see a white trash faggot acting demickey and being disrespectful in Japan. Pisses me off. If it's a brown then their retarded monkey behavior is to be expected and only serves to redpill the Japs so let them continue
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>white piggus having some innocent fun on a fairly empty train instead of staring solemnly at the ground secure in his personal salaryman hell

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The one boomer who mocks all /fit/ gym rats and wannabe lifters
I always find it amusing when somebody is too based to exist in society but not bad enough to execute. Napoleon, for example. What do you do with them besides exile?

He mocks me as he does partial ROM DB rows while leaning on the rack. At the same time his keys and phone are on the bench press so he can do 45lb barbell skull crushers after.

The boomer gets in your way with his fake workout and knows you won't do shit. It's actually not even boomers anymore. They are Gen xers.
>I'm the king of the press-ups and the sit-ups. I've already said I once did 25 press-ups with two men on my back, and I've squatted with three men on my shoulders! I've been making prison fitness records for as long as I can remember. Show me another man – a man half my age – who can pick up a full-size snooker table. I can. Show me another guy who can rip out 1,727 press-ups in an hour. I can ... I once went eight years without using weights, then I went into a gym and bench pressed 300lb ten times.
>spends his entire adult life in prison because he cant stop chimping out
Good for him. I'm much more satisfied with my life.

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Hello /fit/
I really need some advice on how to fix my low libido and ed. There seems to be no consensus on what causes it and on how to fix it so it has been an insanely huge problem for me for the last 2 years. The two times I tried to have sex went horribly and I don't even talk to women anymore because I know it won't work when push comes to shove. Here is some background:
>22 years old
>Go to the gym 5x a week for 6 months
>Lean, 5'7 140 lbs
>Still get erections from time to time, morning wood is very irregular
>Ex-smoker of six years
>Fixed my sleep recently
>Taking Zing, Magnesium, NAC, Ashwagandha, D3, Multivitamin, C, Omega-3, Boron and Melatonin for sleep
Went to the doctor for my yearly check-up and for the last two years he has been telling me that the cause is "feeling down" from a big break up. It has been two years and even though I am still "down" due to other things I have going on, I refuse to attribute it to that. My erections aren't that hard either, I could consistently get 7,5 inches of length when fully hard but now it's more like 7 inches.
So what could be causing this? How do I fix this? Thanks in advance
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Stop watching pornography
psychological reasons.

What's going on in yout life right now? Lots of stress? Are you happy with your job, friends, life in general?

Next time take a cialis to overcome your performance anxiety.
this along with cleaning up your diet.
also, consider low dose viagra/cialis. there are really cheap ways to get them now and plenty of generics.

if you insist on doing this naturally, and neither of those things above work, consider um....
i mean....listen...im being serious here and maybe people will laugh but....

consider anal play. Sometimes you just need a spark in your life again. try a small butt plug and see if your johnson perks up.
how's your blood pressure? high blood pressure can also contribute to ed

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread: >>75431479

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age


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>roidtranny is a faggot
>rock collecting season
this is fucking hilarious and exactly how I used to squat
the stoltman wives know damn well they married way above their smv and if she's saying luke boinked peacock then good for him
not surprising, they both look like evil cunts

What do you think of this body on a guy at 25?
Is it still considered impressive to normies?
Tryna look like this at 176cm
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You should have looked like this at 15-16, you're too old for this body type.
It's like wearing graphic t-shirts and snapback caps at 25.
Work towards getting bigger and manlier.
to normies yes, to fit youre dyel
and id agree with >>75449557 but then I remember brad pit in fight club, imo you can pull that off easy at 25
what the fuck is a "Tryna" ?
yes and then have this thing called "intimidating physique" and be pussy free wondering why girls don't want you lmao

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When I was auschwitz mode (120 pounds 5'10"), I had very defined cheekbones and jaw, I got compliments on that while being super skinny. Now I'm gaining weight slowly (1 pound per week) and I'm at 160 pounds, my face has lost some of that definition and I can only assume it's gonna lose more as I gain even more weight. How can I have that very lean, skelly kind of face while having thick neck, arms, chest, etc. at the same time?
By keeping your bodyfat down. You're going to be a little puffy while bulking, sorry, but then you can cut and get your BF% back down to cheekbone town without losing muscle mass
What if I exercise more? Do cardio, I don't want to be a fat fuck
Exercise more and eat more, of course*
You can just walk off fat, but it takes a lot of time.
why did ronnie mcnutt do it again?

I started watching light gore videos. I have NO desire to watch cartel flayings or kid torture or anything completely depraved like that.

but I’m fascinated watching gun fights and suicides and I don’t know why

>girl saw the Vaseline container sitting by my bed
>asked what it’s for
>I use it to moisturize my face before bead
>she doesn’t believe me
What the fuck bros. That’s literally what I use it for.
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Say that it's terrible lube then show her your actual lube and ask her if she wants to test it out.
i would avoid natural oils on the face because they feed bacteria
>don’t use any face soap
>just wash you face with water and put lotion on after
>use sunscreen every morning
It’s worked for me.
this post was written by someone who hasn’t kissed a girl
It's literally a no-brainer and OP still fucked up

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For fatties who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.

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couldn't you just eat peanuts?
I've been smoking so long "munchies" aren't really a thing for me anymore. Believe it or not smoke to actually suppress my hunger now.
My adjustable dumbbells go in 2.5 lbs increments until they reach 25lbs, then it's in 5 lbs increments.
So after a week at 25lbs, I thought I was ready to bump my workout a notch to 30lbs, but man, that was humbling. Failure after 2 reps and massive ego damage.
I had to give up and go back down to 25lbs to finish the workout. I'm just going to work on increasing my reps for a little while before trying again.
One day, I'll be stronk.
Don't eat nuts. 10 peanuts is like 60 calories. Eat pickles, cucumber, and carrots.
That happened to me with 45lb dumbells, but I injured my bicep or a tendon, now it hurts like hell to do almost any pull or curl motion.

Get to where you're doing 20+ reps per set of 25's before attempting 30 again if you want to be careful about progressing.

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Day 13, we're almost halfway there brothers
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I want to bust to fat ass viet girls on IG today but I managed to resist
Day 5.
>more energy
>wake up easier
This has been an issue for me. 17-21 I just got up at 4am and I was up. Sometimes it took maybe 10 minutes to get out of bed but I was up. 22-28 my sleep has been fucked. Felt like I never slept no matter if it was 3 hours or 10. Got a job a few months ago which requires me to be up before 4am and that’s helped me kind of set my sleep cycle but this last week it’s been effortless.
>starting to be able to make eye contact again
>bass in my voice again no longer talking softly unless it’s appropriate (interacting with a kid, with a coworker who’s had issues with me while needing to ask for help etc)
>better moods
>giving less of a fuck about what others think
>getting checked out by women
>men starting to be way more respectful
>women being friendlier, having a ton of positive and warm interactions with women, they seem actually eager to talk to and interact with me
If I continue with this and cure my porn addiction and cure the damage it’s done (coomer since 14, been watching porn since I was 8) and become my true normal self AND a I get cut and achieve my other goals then I will be unstoppable.

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keep at it champ
I think I must be depressed or just thoroughly burnt out on porn because I’ve basically flatlined for the last 2 weeks aside from when I manually stimulate myself just to confirm my shit still works. I have had a rough couple of years :/

well at least I’ll make it though this time prolly, I only took it up cuz some guy got trips
It's easy to NNN when you are unfuckable. literally every single time I get hard i just remind myself that i have never felt the faintest interest from a girl ever. I lift for 2 things. Saving Gojo sensei. And Jesus. I also want to be like Tom Cruise when im 60.

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How should a woman lift to improve her appearance? I have seen way too many women ruin their feminine bodies by getting bulky from lifting.
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Go on hikes together. Drive there if you must and admire the views, breath fresh air
we're in Yurop, divorce law here is still very cucked. fortunately i have nothing for her to take.

have a hike planned this weekend and she's already complaining that it's going to be cold in the mountains. she's just sitting on the couch, playing videogames and ripping farts with no care in the world. wtf is wrong with this woman?
>how did it get to this point?
Started due stress from work, she begin complain I hurt her despite lube and foreplay, eventually I stopped.
My dignity as man didn't allow me to beg for sex from her anymore.
I doubt it.
She wanted to lose weight, and started 6 months ago.
She doesn't know, but i know she snack on candy bars at night.
I really pity her.
I love my wife's tits too.
She doesn't like it when i suck on her, since it make me look like a baby.
It is in some way, and aftter getting leaner my libido has only increase.
My hope is to lose libido with very low body fat.
I don't really know
Too lazy to start a divorce, and I guess I got used to it.
I guess this is how men did it, as long as they weren't bothered by it, they just lived with it.
Divorce should never be considered an option. My wife and I made a pact to never ever get divorced under any circumstances. It's just that simple, once you remove the option of running away from your problems you'll find a way to fix them.

Also, for the sex thing, neither my wife or I have really had much sex drive at all for the last year or so. We've just been so busy. But we still really try to schedule it in once every 3-4 weeks, it's important for your relationship even if you aren't really in the mood for it. At very least, book in some naked cuddling.

(picture taken after a session, so I'm pumped). I've made significant progress in strength but I still do not look as if I was a regular gym-goer, contrary to the vast majority of guys at gym :(
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They are not that big but they are definitely bigger than me for the majority, I'm not saying ALL of them look huge, I'm saying that I'm at the bottom part of the "level range" if you prefer
So you started to feel your chest during chest exercises when you reached significant strength (like advanced levels) on chest exercises? I'm trying to understand.

Day 1: 5 sets total. Split them between 2 exercises, rotate the frequency. Say 3 sets ez bar curls, and 2 incline. Go up to 15 reps for the first set.

Day 4: see above.

Day 6: add to the rest. Drop the walking lunges, these do nothing. You should probably drop the calf raises too, just do some light jogging and you'll get the same effect.
OP here, I posted my routine above. I also struggle to find a way to train my arms effectively, I'm not sure doing them after chest is good. I always have the feeling I neglect them when I do that.
I'll try that, thank you.
so pump doesn't matter, i should do less exercises and stick to it no matter the pump?
also why did you swap your and you're like that man this bothers me so much

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questions that don't deserve their own thread
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Are you suggesting something like

bracing your core means bracing your core not your lower back

how to brace:
put two fingers into sides of stomach (a bit more forwards than the hips)
activate muscles so that the fingers get pushed away
not really no, sometimes hitting legs hard does that for people but dunno how to fix
if you want to put away achieving your goal (for no reason) and risk getting away from it (when you are this close and for NO reason) then I guess but I wouldn't
upper lower arms
I borrowed a friend's dumbbell
It's too heavy for me to do curls but I wanted to do squats with it
What are some other exercises I could do with it to improve my real strength?
I was thinking about walking about holding it
my understanding is that milk is in general great, cheap, healthy food and a fantastic way of getting lots of protein very easy, is this correct?

i ask because i would like to drink a lot of it (i also love the flavour) but i don't because it used to give me lots of acne. i haven't had a drop in years.

my real question is, if i drink non-fat milk, will it still give me acne? and is non-fat milk still good for you

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Being natty isn't worth it anons, join us.
Read Reddit /r/steroids wiki before asking questions.

Old: >>75423908
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It is, Sophia Turner was 13 when Game of Thrones first aired. What a waste.
>muh hair
well you already sound like MPB predisposed faggot, so why are you even bothering with that little of shit. You don't like your hair or gains lmao.
Vanity. Aesthetic. My wife likes to play with them and I have huge balls.
what can i expect from 500 test 400 EQ over pure 500 test

considering adding EQ for second cycle but might just run it back with 500 test cause I don't think I'm even past peak natty limit size yet.

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