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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Should I take a week off?
I've been lifting 4 days a week for 7 weeks now (I'm a beginner) and I'm experiencing a few things :
General fatigue/completely drained after my workout
Waking up at night and being unable to fall asleep
Lifts are a still progressing but I think at a slower rate
Generally feeling more anxious throughout the day (could be poor sleep)

I'm scared to take a week off though because I'm worried ill lose progress
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Take a rest week every 6-10 weeks if you struggle with recovery. For beginners its tendons and joints being overworked due to imperfect technique, lacking muscle activation. If you've been working very hard you will even make gains during the rest week when supercompensation sets in. You def won't lose any gains in just a single week and as a beginner probably not even weight on the bar.

It all depends on the intensity of your training. I start a new training block every 2-3 months with 6-10 rest days between for complete recovery and switch main lifts.
Waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep is generally a pretty strong indicator of central nervous system fatigue.
Reduce volume and reps for a week, or just take some time off. A deload does not need to last a full week. 3-4 days off is long enough
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> I used to train to failure on every set whilst cutting as a beginner doing 3x per week
Yup. Should've added four rest days between each workout
Post routine.
Are you weighing all your food on a scale, or just guessing the calories?

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Are you bullet-proofing your shoulders, /fit/?
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Why do all of these faggots live in florida

Fucking awful place to live
Hypothyroid people (mentally ill, faggots etc.) have a lower body temperature so they love warm places.
Hyperborean Chads have 38C body temperature so they don't give a shit about being in a cold place.
Upper Midwest stay winning
Non, I have sex-consensual women with yes
People really just be doing the stupidest shit nowadays. Just do old fashion workouts BUT me personally have seen significant progress in my gains by blasting 11-15 reps for every set for every workout. But that’s just me

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>gym shadow mage keeps casting gravity on the weights
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Nice titties btw, do they squirt?
Hitler was not anti-Christian, lol. He believed that the church should remain, however, it's power structure should be subordinated to the state.

The quality of /pol/tards nowadays has plummeted.
That has nothing to do with what I said.
How much of /fit/ today is comprised of actual English-first-language speakers? Fucking hell.
Not much. Most of it is as brown as sewer water (a sewer is where we shuttle shit away to be disinfected and the water cleaned, for you brown people on here who just kind of shit everywhere)
Kill women

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I have an annoucement to make
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What's all the hullabaloo?
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I'm all ears
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All women are whores
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gotta love it

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scream into your pillow little chud
>oh these? These right here, they’re celebrating my departure. Off to greener pastures. Enjoy my friends!
>leave and never talk to anyone there ever again
Enjoy America in 2 decades when social security goes bankrupt lol
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>Muh Russia! Show remote controls up asses! You traitor!
I’m pretty sure OP meant to ask how you avoid the temptation of eating office treats and such.

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>spotter compliments you
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Why do chad compliments hit the hardest?
Cuz we're all gay for chad desu
> Church of Iron
Cringe af son
I'm really not. Anything gay causes me to dry heave.
You sound repressed. Did Chad push your set a little too far anon?

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Hello Gamers.
I have gone 573 days without a single stroke of my penis.
I have turned real life into an RPG in which I am the protagonist.
Each completed day is an XP point. Each urgewave is a bossfight. Each milestone is a level up. Each involuntary emission is a death.
Eternal Nofap is Eternal Bliss.

Thoughts? Questions? AMA.
why dont you fap? what made you decide to start this giant game?
Why so red?

Jacked dude called me big man at work made it brehs
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older lady at the costco cash register called me cute earlier. I had a cart full of kombucha and 2 trays of organic eggs. my face just got very red and I started stuttering.
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>got put in the "big guy" group in bjj class
see you valhalla anon
I'm so jealous holy shit all I'm packing is some insecurity
based mire
A few years ago this black guy with massive balls walking around naked in the lockers once slapped my ass and said “you gonna please a woman real good someday”
I am a small White man

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the dessert devourers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.

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>if you lose weight and gain it slightly- even if its one kg, your liver fat gets worse
what the fuck is this shit
unironically worse than cancer
They would absorb all of it regardless if it was in a single meal or not.
Yes, that's how people get to 600 lbs
Sounds made up by spiteful dysgenic Jews.
In cases of extreme calorie overload in very short spaces of time, there are certain food groups you may fail to sufficiently digest. Certain sugars for example have fixed upper ceilings on how fast your body can absorb them from the food, and whilst it takes a serious effort, they can be overcome and you can intake more food than you can process. The same can happen with other food groups. In these instances you end up excreting otherwise usable materials, which means that you might intake somewhat less than you suggested - say 9k instead of 9.99k calories. If the body can't absorb the energy source, it can't utilise the calories from it.

Citation for glucose maximal absorbtion levels for example http://www.jbc.org/content/107/1/133.full.pdf

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Do they just have a low IQ or are they secretly suicidal? Or maybe they see no other way to improve their physique because their genetics or their willpower/consistency in the gym is not good enough.

What do you guys think is the reason? I know, I know. Natty lifting is a meme and all that but taking steroids is even more of a joke because you shorten your life span and risk hair loss, age your face potentially, lower your testosterone permanently, etc.
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………….. so uhhhhh… are you gonna post body or what? Still waiting for you to prove that you look better than the DYEL statue.
Why tf is that something i need to prove? Genuinely and without any irony, do you even lift?
Based but these women are empty.
They won’t be worth the bullets it would take to kill them. Don’t bother.
IQ could be less important than other measures of intelligence, but since I believe that intelligence as a whole is infinitely important, IQ is also, paradoxically, infinitely important. I'm using "infinitely" metaphorically of course.
Does that clear it up for you?
To be fair, when I said "the IQ itself isn't the concern" I meant that it's not the only concern.

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do you floss, anon?
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6 years ago I wouldnt have even thought of flossing. I brushed every couple days but I thought that was fine.
Had a dental checkup, and needed five cavities filled. Id had 1 or two before, but never 5. It cost me a pretty penny.
I asked the dentist what I could do to not have that again, and he asked if I flossed. Of course I said I try, but its hard to remember, which is true.
I complained about it in one of the /sig/ threads and one of the anons said something that has stuck with me since
>every time you don't floss, the kikes and women win.
Idk if I hated women then but it stuck with me.
Since then, I've made a habit of flossing after brushing my teeth. I only seldom forget, and I've had no cavities since.
TL;DR is flossing works bros, especially if you have weaker enamel. So dont let the jews win.
How do I make it quicker? It takes like 10 mins (20 since it's to be done twice).
Just did it, I should do it more. Feels nice, but my gums might be a bit inflamed later.
Water flossing just doesn't do it for me, but I'll still use it.
I've flossed since one time a three years ago I had 7 cavities in one dentist visit. Now I floss regularly and have only had 2 since then.
It was true for most locations and time periods.
>inb4 muh infant mortality
All mortality was worse back then because their medical care was shit.

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The peer-reviewed literature tells us that there's actually no way to know if that's a bum or a pair of boobs
nutella is so fucking good, italians don't want me to make it
Is it really worth it?
How can you even eat that beetus? Tastes like pure HFCS.

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previous: >>74773141
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>being a huge, smelly, nearly immobile blob with the impulse control of a toddler is the same as having a different haircut

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Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with beef and eggs? I assume its just zoomers, or whatever 15-25 year olds call themselves these days. They were raised on fast food and general slop and are just now discovering that eating chicken and cows is actually based?
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it's a part of this new LE TRAD, DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY TELL YOU fad.
If you think banks creating value out of thin air then charging usury on this imaginary value aligns in the slightest with John smith's free market you're retarded
Doing the opposite of what the media (jews) tell you is pretty good policy
Seems they are the latest things they are trying to create an artificial shortage of. Mad cow and bird flu seem to be doing the rounds again around here.
Literally nothing wrong with seed oil.

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