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>spotter compliments you
I usually do when I spot people. I like to spread positivity and acknowledge peoples effort
> When tell the PT "I'm going 8 reps" and he says "with me you're gonna do 10"
> Then you do 10 and he's like "you the man"
Idk bros sometimes i kinda wish i was gay fr
>schizo nog comes up and spots you
>starts cheering you on
>his crackhead gf stands in front of you cheering
> “come on boy get that shit up get that shit up”
>finish at 3x your normal rep max
>hi-fives and walks away still talking to himself

I lift for you schizo nigger. You are an honorary Aryan to me o/
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>never talk to anyone at the gym ever
>some high schooler needs a spot
>he's like a 350 lbs fat fuck
>spot him on smith bench.....
>he has 290 loaded up
>he unracks it
>immediately falls directly on his chest
>he bounces it off of his disgusting lard titties
>does two god awful form reps, using the bounce of his fat to get them up
>last rep
>it's a grinder
>barely help him out, but just enough to get it up
>told him good job on the 290 lbs
>felt violated that I just spotted this travesty of a set
I still think about that and just wish I didn't tell him good job for getting the reps because he was using such atrocious horrible fucking form. He should at least have enough respect for the Church of Iron to lift with good form if he can't even be arsed enough to not be a lardass and disgrace hallowed grounds with his body. It's embarrassing enough being what looked to be 350 lbs, but then he was also using the worst form I've ever seen in real life. It was just too much. I feel like I need to pray for forgiveness for even being tacitly involved with that entire scenario
You clearly are
You sound like a massive faggot.
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>>his crackhead gf stands in front of you cheering
>> “come on boy get that shit up get that shit up”
I bet that felt amazing
Why do chad compliments hit the hardest?
Cuz we're all gay for chad desu
> Church of Iron
Cringe af son
I'm really not. Anything gay causes me to dry heave.
You sound repressed. Did Chad push your set a little too far anon?
lardass detected
Here since 2006 you cringe af fucking zoomer
*tips fedora*
Nope, in fact I didn't actually need a spot. I hit my new PR with ease.
Gym chad breaking through your plateaus. Based.
>early 20s qt girl drops off my Uber eats order
>starts chatting me up for 20 minutes
Feels good bros
Thanks anon. Not sure I'm worthy of the term gym chad yet but I will earn it.
Gym chad busted through your future wife's hymen as easily as he helped you bust through your PR.
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>spotter compliments you
>remember that you are home gym master race
>young bloatmaxxed gymlord asks for a spot
>strengthmogs the everloving fuck out of his spotter who has trained for many years longer than him
>spotter cannot handle the brutal mogging and convinces himself that his form is bad and he's fat
>First time in the gym
>qt3.14 muscle mommy notices me looking lost
>(dressed modestly, not an OF thot)
>has me work in with her, modifying some things for my skinny body
>tells me well done and to keep coming back to the gym, good luck with your journey
>never see her again
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come on over sweetie its always sunny and warm on this side of life
I’ll be gay with you bro. We can touch dicks together if you want.

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