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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

Ceramic eyes of cobalt blue. Clay Golems moving arcanely or like muscle marionettes on tendinous strings. The mind's a puppeteer, or rather, the Hand of God, stigmata and all. Clay statues of the Virgin Mary weeping blood and miracles in the skies in Portugal.
Stunning and brave
Not a bad string of text. Who are you quoting?
Jesus Morrison
Let me guess, you saw the word Golem and thought, this is perfect to post on 4chan.

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I've heard it's awful for learning about business, but good as an autobiography. Anything I should know going in? I'm not really a politics guy but a couple of my friends said I should read it to provide context for current events.

I've also been reading some real business books as well, but I'm running short on non-grifter ones...
Half-way finished it. It does really connect with his persona and makes sense of it. You can tell he hasn't changed much. There are a couple of interesting things you'll notice if you followed his career into politics. So far, nothing mind-shattering though. It'll be a good read if you like politics or New York in the 1970s and 80s.

Also, there were a lot of claims that Schwartz wrote the book. If that's true, he's done a good job, because the whole thing sounds like Trump speaking, down to the sentence structures and words used. Like too many autobiographies you feel it was mostly dictated.
You sound like a massive faggot, I’d recommend to avoid this book as it would likely make your putrid self-inflected axe wound where your genitals used to be puss up.
Looks like a rightiod got triggered!

The closest things I have to business books are "Readings in White-Collar Crime" by by David Shichor, Larry K. Gaines, Richard Ball and Them and Us: Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat by Dr. Arthur J. Deikman (there's a brief section on cult-like thinking within business).
>Say crazy shit like you're gonna annex Canada or invade Greenland to generate free hype and fuck the market up.
RIP to OP's amazon recs

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What the fuck happened to Stormlight archive? This was unironically the worst book I've read in the last decade
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>it's so le bloated!!!
I don’t think that Sanderson will ever improve his writing substantially. There’s no incentive for him, since most of his fans give his works 5/5 automatically, and they’ll buy it anyway.
He also made Adolin needlessly mad at his father to separate them because the character writing got too hard. Rob Jor did this GRRM does it too
He is getting worse.
Working parttime at 7-Eleven while waiting for your crypto wallet to moon isn't a "career" you dumb faggot.
Hey, you stupid slobbering fucking baboon cunt, look at Point A. Sanderson's "art" was already fucking garbage. The only reason you think him inserting woke shit "ruined" it is because you are a tasteless, politically-lobotomized zombie who probably thought the MCU was the HEIGHT of cinema before Disney went woke. Sincerely kill yourself, you are a waste of space and oxygen and I'm sure your poor family would be better off without you causing them so much pain and suffering by proximity.

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Did I get filtered?

What the fuck am I missing? Why do people like this book?
>Did I get filtered?
No one "likes" Ulysses, it only exists for people to wank over namedropping it being part of the special club who knows what the hell some of the sentences signify.

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Anon, what novels do you know that are talking about gambling?
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>I will write some moralistic sloppa, to be gobbled up by righteous hags, in order to pay for my gambling debts
considering that he already wrote 10 better novels by then, it's a bit of a let-down... just proves that it ain't worth reading a writer who had no choice but to write
>yes, chess is gambling
it is not
why not? even at the highest level one party wins just because the other party commits some mistake
sure there is some skill involved in catching that mistake, but it's the same kind of mistake catching the baccarat dealer committing an arithmetic error
as for the party making the mistake, well, he's just like a dude who hasn't got the perception and intelligence to predict on which face a die will land
anyway. by the time most players realize this, they are too deep in... look how Morphy ended up, how Steinitz considered dignity more important than a win in chess, and how Magnus Carlsen who has invested more in the game than anybody in its history just said "fuck it" and forfeited his world championship title for the sake of the game... these are only the peaks, there are probably enough examples to fill a book
anyway, to paraphrase Morgan Freeman at the end of Se7en: life is worth fighting for
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>same kind of mistake catching
same kind of skill catching
I would say it's worth reading. If anything, it just highlights how Dosto is able to craft a good story whenever he pleases, even if it doesn't have the philosophical gravity of something like TBK.

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Why else would O'Brien refuse to answer Winston's question about it? Though Winston was never in contact with it and Goldstein likely doesn't lead it
The existence of the resistance is irrelevant, that Winston is unsure is to the very end is important.

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It's that time again.
Post, rate, critique, discuss.
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>See with that simplicity
>This nymph begins her golden days!
>In the green grass she loves to lie,
>And there with her fair aspect tames
>The wilder flowers, and gives them names
>But only with the roses plays;
>And them does tell
>What colour best becomes them, and what smell.

This fits better with the meter you were working with:
And there with fair aspect she tames
The wilder flowers, gives them names
But only with the roses plays

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hi anons I have joined an online writing group and there are a lot of poets. I write fiction but I want to be able to give good feedback to my peers. Do you have any suggestions on what good feedback for poetry sounds like? Obviously, I will be taking the time to read more poetry in preparation.
See with what simplicity
Anon tries to elicit me
Into a poet's sympathy
4 every dactyl/spondee
eidolons is one of my favorite poems
yes it's very nice.

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What's your favorite contemporary poem, anon?

You do read poetry, right?
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>Does a appeal to authority give you pause
Also no one I respect holds such a opinion.
Imagin thinking poetry depends on education
Who do you respect Mr. ESL?
Sad to hear
you don't know
that matters.

hoi polloi
hoi polloi
Define "contemporary", please, I don't know what you mean.

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You are affirming life, aren't you anon?
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Being an ordinary man.
he mainly criticized the religious institutions of his time while also growing out as a protestant, not religious faith itself, it was not yet a time for christian personalism to flourish. i think proper christianity is life-affirming
Isn't he very incompatible with Christianity? I don't mean that as an insult to either Nietzsche or Christians.
Nietzsche had Atheism as a starting point. Christianity is centered around God.
It is not even that they are at odds with each other, since the starting point is so different.
shitposting on 4chinz provides me with much mirth. i live. i laugh. i shitpost.

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I was talking with a coworker and the topic of hobbies came up, I mentioned that I liked reading and he looked at me weird, he chuckled and said reading books is a girl thing, I was too confused to even say anything else, what causes this mindset?
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>So men stop reading because they are totally outstripped, just as they stop having sex or getting married
Stopped reading right there have sex incel
this is a totally annihilated perspective. every day i learn more and more that I am a paragon of masculinity
That happened to me a few years ago after I mentioned that I was studying Shakespeare in my spare time
It's weird but in that moment I felt happier and more blissful than I've ever felt in my entire life
I'm not some kind of mentally ill troon but idk, something is wrong with me
American direction brain: You are either
>an effeminate weak beta soiboi vegan who loves science, trannies and lgbt
>a god-fearing lumberjack who lifts, goes to church, hates the establishment and thinks themself redpilled
it was marketed to them ever since the printing press became mainstream and all the important works were already printed (i.e. the 1700s) which coincidentally was the same time newspapers "evolved" from informing people and businesses to spreading lies and slander

today it's also because chinese and pajeet printing presses need to make money to feed mouths whose only purpose is to produce more mouths to feed

the only independent bookseller I know only survives because he spends 99% of his time entertaining old hags who then buy smut & YA from him by the boxload

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Literary legacy status: Destroyed
George still haven't found an answer to that plot problem, right?

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>At the age of twelve, Friedrich Nietzsche, attempting to prove to his classmates at Schulpforta that the story could be true, burnt his outstretched palm over a book of burning matches without expression of pain and was only saved from serious harm by the school's prefect.[5]

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Quote Edition


/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

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Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.
(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)

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Yet another different short story sent to yet another different press. Keep wishing me luck!
>out of all the ideas I tried, one was creating a KDP account and uploading a smut short story
Was it good at least?
Nobody make a new thread
Also, how easy is it to pay to win? I hear that breakout science fiction author Pierce Brown was rich and bought his way into the industry
I thought that site was only for fan fiction?
This is the year I actually complete writing projects even if I think they are bad once in the middle of them.

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mortality edition

ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters

old: >>24107943
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What happened to Lynch then? Healthiest-looking 78 year old I’ve ever seen.
He was housebound and living with emphysema for years
if gurm was housebond with emphysema do you think he'd write the book about the winds of the winter?
Well, apparently his best period for writing TWOW was in 2020 when covid made him housebound
I think GRRM would probably be in a 'misery' scenario to finish winds and spring

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