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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

>As for the ‘theory of evolution’ in particular, it seems to be one of the strangest aberrations of the human mind; by a singular inversion of the truth, people see a ‘progress’ where there is only a manifest degradation. Far from being a conception worthy of admiration, it is, on the contrary, a lamentable product of an epoch in which men have lost all awareness of the true nature of things.
So in other words he was wrong about everything. I can’t take anything anyone who doesn’t believe in universal common ancestry seriously. Dropped.
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That's because we live in extremely mechanized times where people who shouldn't have learned to read or write (you) spread destructive delusions like Flat Earth and creationism during a volatile period of increasing automation, social turmoil, and more. You shouldn't have a voice. Period.

Abrahamist peasants, which is most likely what you are, are scum of this Earth and exacerbating the global predicament more. You belong on Yahoo comment sections or Reddit where you can freely scream like a moron if you don't want your feelings hurt by the truth.
>So you think God created the first RNA moleculee that led to the diversity of life via evolutionary processes?
yep, but to be more precise, that first RNA molecule was itself the result of an antecedent evolutionary process, which process ultimately leads back to God as its initiator and architect.
Okay, and that's the entire premise of the theory of evolution. I was just making sure you and the general scientific crowd were on the same page.

Now let me posit this: there is absolutely zero reason at all to believe that all life originated from a singular entity rather than an equally as plausible scenario where multiple cells/organisms/self replicators developed either simultaneously or at different times in different areas of the world and evolved independently into different species.
The idea that God created the universe, and by extension the first RNA molecules, can be consistent with evolutionary theory. However, it's crucial to differentiate between the role of a divine creator and the scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.

One perspective is that God's mind or spirit could have initiated the conditions necessary for life to begin. This view doesn't conflict with evolution; rather, it suggests that the divine set the stage for natural processes to unfold. It's a viewpoint that can bridge belief in a higher power with the scientific understanding of life's origins.

Regarding "special creation," this concept posits that God directly placed life on Earth, bypassing natural processes. However, this idea doesn't align with the extensive scientific evidence supporting evolution by which life diversified and developed over time. Our closest ancestors, such as chimps, and the entire evolutionary tree, support the idea that life evolved through natural processes rather than being directly implanted.

In summary, it's possible to believe in a divine creator while also accepting evolution as the process that led to the diversity of life we observe today.
Do Catholic or Christian Traditionalists exist? I only see Traditionalism being popular amongst Muslims.

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Wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters
Last thread: >>23584755
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I always thought the Lhazareen were Jews
One of the basic points of the Quentyn theory is that it isn't actually stated that he got hit by dragonfire.
>Quentyn turned and threw his left arm across his face to shield his eyes from the furnace wind. Rhaegal, he reminded himself, the green one is Rhaegal.
>When he raised his whip, he saw that the lash was burning. His hand as well. All of him, all of him was burning.
The way it's described is ambiguous: he feels the dragon's breath and then finds himself on fire. It's also inconsistent with how deaths by dragonfire are described elsewhere, even in the same chapter.
>The crossbowman was fumbling for another quarrel as the dragon’s teeth closed around his neck. The man wore the mask of a Brazen Beast, the fearsome likeness of a tiger. As he dropped his weapon to try and pry apart Viserion’s jaws, flame gouted from the tiger’s mouth. The man’s eyes burst with soft popping sounds, and the brass around them began to run.
The argument goes: if he got hit by dragonfire head on, he should have died on the spot and his eyes should have burst immediately.He shouldn't have had the time to look at his whip, then his arm, then the rest of his body.
One theory is that the heat of the dragon's breath caused the oil on his whip to catch fire and spread to his arm, as well as the fabric of his clothes. If he immediately jumped down and rolled and was helped by his friends, he could have survived with some bad burns on his arm and minor ones elsewhere. I am not sure how much physical/medical sense this makes, but the inconsistency is interesting.
End of next year. If it doesn't release by then, it's probably never coming out.
I made the terrible mistake of going on twitter and looking up what people were saying about dragon show, it's full of morons.

And now they are making an Aegon's Conquest show apparently, I honestly don't find it interesting, it's just dragons burning people.
I'd much prefer an Aenys and Maegor sitcom.
Or Visenya being angry at her siblings, because if you give it even just a little bit of thought, she must have been pissed that Aegon also married Rhaenys.
the twitter/instagram fans are so unhinged they bullied the greens actors to the point that Jaehaera was actually recast because her parents got so much shit

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Hegel is often credited with proceeding according to a "dialectical method"; in point of fact, however, Hegel characterizes his philosophy as "speculative" (spekulativ), rather than dialectical, and uses the term "dialectical" only "quite rarely". This is because, although "Dialektik sometimes stands for the entire movement of the self-articulation of meaning or thought, this term refers more specifically to the self-negation of the determinations of the understanding (Verstand), when they are thought through in their fixedness and opposition."

By contrast, "Hegel describes correct thinking as the methodical interplay of three moments[:]

(a) abstract and intellectual (verständig),
(b) dialectical or negatively rational (negativvernünftig), and
(c) speculative or positively rational (positivvernünftig)."
For example, self-consciousness is "the concept that consciousness has of itself. Thus in this case concept and referent coincide:... 'self-consciousness' refers to mind's taking on the self-contradictory (and thus also self-negating) role of being subject and object of one and the same act of cognition – simultaneously and in the same respect." Hence it is a speculative concept.
>Hegel is often credited with proceeding according to a "dialectical method"
His philosophy has two sides. Researching and explaining. His research is speculative and his explanation is dialectical. He makes the distinction clear in the Preface.
Ah frog, how is your process of leaving your stoic/sceptic trappings behind to experience concept and truth going?
Es geht.
You have it backwards. Dialect preceeds and results in speculation.
Natürlich Frosch, können wir die universalität der welt und unseres Geistes nur genießen, wenn wir verlassen, was wir sind und sehen, was ist, und die versöhnung, die uns bleibt, ermöglicht es uns, dem abgrund zu entkommen.

It also helps sometimes to take inspiration from the best stoics and sceptics as sources to find instability of sorts. Kant is always a major bonus since he technically can go either way. The ability to speak as both and even as an intermediary, have to include that one, with Hegel it always has to be 3, will move you further along your path to the absolute.

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Why is Christianity shrinking while Islam thrives? Is the Quran a better Holy book than the Bible?
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I get your joke, it just isn't funny. Christians are supposed to reject worldly things like money and power.
I didn't post it. It's just shitting on stupid Catholic memes like >>23629659. Get the stick out of your ass.
Terrible pivot
Do you love bricks? Your house is made of them
That's why jesus said if you dont have a sword you should sell your clothes and use the money to buy one right

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>Read Moby Dick expecting a story about man's battle with nature
>It's the most homoerotic book in literary canon
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It's transparently and intentionally gay you braindead mong
>So I kindled the shavings; helped prop up the innocent little idol; offered him burnt biscuit with Queequeg; salamed before him twice or thrice; kissed his nose; and that done, we undressed and went to bed, at peace with our own consciences and all the world. But we did not go to sleep without some little chat.

>How it is I know not; but there is no place like a bed for confidential disclosures between friends. Man and wife, they say, there open the very bottom of their souls to each other; and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till nearly morning. Thus, then, in our hearts' honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg - a cosy, loving pair.
Whats gay about going to bed with a homie and opening your heart to him to become a cosy loving pair? Just bros being friends.
>in our hearts' honeymoon, a cozy loving pair

Would Nietzsche approve? I think he would.
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No, but I mean what was this produced for?
Olympics opening
The more I hear about this nietzsche guy and what he would approve of, the more I grow to dislike him.
Wait, the Brits really opened with sacrilege and degeneracy for their biggest event on the world stage in decades?
Honestly, the most triggering, avant garde thing a country could do is have an entirely serious, traditional opening ceremony that simply celebrates its history with respect and no post-modern irony. Massive bonus points if Christianity is included. Heads would explode.

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>download book from libgen
>em dashes have been stripped from the text and misprinted i's replaced by l's
>genre slop has been transformed into a postmodern masterpiece
Some are worse than others. I read a sloppy OCR job of some book from the 1800s that went on and on about "God's Wifi"
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>reading pirated post-modernist novel
>can't tell if transcription error or metafictional structural artifact
>mfw post-post-modernist
If you haven't read pomo as an epub converted from a pdf made from a 1990s-ocr'd first edition have you really read it?
authors hate this, turn a court of thorns and roses into finnegans wake with one quick trick
>pirate recent a wes anderson movie
>pasted with ads for a turkish casino
>quality is so bad I can't tell if it's the actual film or a parody
>wondering if it's all a dream I'm having, none of it makes sense and it keeps getting worse
>not even sure if the part that is in black and white is supposed to be because the ads change with it
>not even stoned, can't follow the plot
>friend who isn't stoned at all has the same experience
>there's a girl in the room watching bootleg indie shit and having a postmodern breakdown with me
>it just keeps going and there is no next part
>it's like a film made from stills by russians in someone's basement
>start freaking out and go smoke a cigarette while boiling a pot of spaghetti
>come back inside and make spaghetti
>forget about the movie
>never forget about the movie we watched together

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This is how I read JG Ballard's The Atrocity Exhibition

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What are your top 5 or 10 books in your library?
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Bonus: books in my closet
Thriftbooks depends on what they have in stock but I've gotten decentish prices.

Waiting for WIlliamson's Darker Than You Think to drop down in price, which means waiting for their stock to bump up again.
There’s probably like 5 dozen book titles that if someone mentioned them I’d say that’s a favorite. I’m good at adapting to what I read and generally know what I like so I rarely read a book I don’t like. Whenever I’ve posted in favorite books threads I’d say Van Gogh’s letters, DH Lawrence, Henry Miller, Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau, the Chinese classics, Mysteries by Hamsun, Sometimes a Great Notion, Casanova, Cellini, The Trial, or some assortment like that but I still feel I leave too much off that I don’t want to go unrecognized. Some recent favorites I’ve read in the past year are William Carlos Williams, Edmund Wilson, Robert Burton, The Snow Leopard, Lichtenberg, Joubert
yeah its hit or miss. i havent used them in over a year though. i got a ton and my public library is closer than my previous address so ive just been doing that.

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Seethe edition

Previous >>23627328
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Have no cigarettes until the 28th and I've been doing as I would being as if homeless. I'm going to go for a small walk and gather up some smokes and perhaps watch more of Deadpool & wolverine.
I watched it last night and I feel raped by how retarded it was, I feel ashamed of watching it. I know how women feel now, when a guy who isn't rich or tall looks at them. Feels like filthy bugs all over my body, like I'm tainted forever.
I think environmental science is an even worse choice.
They can help you stay in a positive mindset but you still won't get anywhere without actually doing the task
I think the thing that makes the dynamic I mentioned interesting is that it is present even in relationships where the woman is one hundred percent submissive and the man is one hundred percent dominant. Is he powerful because of his physical superiority and his capacity to enforce his will when he pleases, as he pleases on his woman, or is he weak because he is enslaved by his innate lust to her body? Kinda buddhist sounding now that I think about it. One does not only possess or crave things, but is also possessed by those possessions and cravings in turn.

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C.G Jung's observations concerning America:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.
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Skin color doesn't matter. There are "good " and "bad" people of every race, nationality and creed. Why would their be genius visas if people cared about race and different races representing in Olympic events? Obviously people care about intelligence and competence more than race.
>Skin color doesn't matter
But it strongly correlates with things that do matter.
>There are "good " and "bad" people of every race, nationality and creed
At different, often greatly different, relative frequencies.
Much of what white people infer as signs of inferiority in other people, are actually signs of spite and sabotage that they misunderstand. For example, black people aren't stupid, most of them are highly aware. Rather, they're unmotivated, and uninterested. Many of them are also pissed. This makes sense historically.
Same with Asians, white people see Asian maneuvering as "sneaky" or untrustworthy. But everyone is just doing what they must to survive with their identities intact. Black people don't perform well in school, because it isn't their school. It wasn't developed by them, and over time, has proven that it hasn't any interest in developing for them, except as a pacification technique. Asians do perform well in school, for the same reason. It wasn't developed by them or for them, so they responded by mastering it and shaping it. One by means of total rejection, the other by means of total subjugation.
I dont mean to imply that white people are bad. White people are socialized, just like any other group of people, by power interests and their role as pawns to be moved about.
China is a good example. Today we talk about the "undiplomatic" measures they take with stark confusion, or we make essentialist arguments to explain these moves. We never talk about how China, a millennial civilization of traditional excellence, was subjugated, virtually destroyed, desecrated and colonized by the anglo empires of the recent past. I take no sides, but don't explain through essence, what can be understood through causes and effects, motivations and perspectives.
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If you're European then there's no need for me to convince you of anything, but if you're an American, then at least pick up something like pic-related and a history of your state before saying stupid stuff like that.
>reddit spacing
low IQ = high quality DNA?

Probably Brat by Gabriel Smith or The Fermata by Nicholson Baker.
Embers Ad Infinitum by Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

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What's the /lit/ CONSESUS on ANTI-WORK?
You need to gain your income by some means. It is a necessary evil, and one of the three things people must pay attention to within Plato's Laws and Republic: making money. It certainly is second to fitness and your body and third to the overall value of your soul (your closeness to divinity, Good, or God)
There is a balance between I’m going to slave my life away and I won’t work at all. Productivity and income feels good, so does independence. Everyone throughout history has needed to work in some form or another to earn their keep. It’s scary seeing all these early 20’s anons with no job history and no college degree. They are going to be quickly be behind the eight ball and struggle real bad in life if they don’t do something soon. That resume gap is a killer black hole

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Imagine a fantasy novel that features an army marching to battle. The battle is hard fought, but the heroic side wins. Afterwards, the main hero celebrates the victory by consorting with a paramour. That's the plot.
Now, let's assess male and female-oriented versions of this story.
In the male-oriented version...
>We'll begin with an in-universe prologue written in third person omniscient High Tolkienesque style. Thereafter, the book will be written in the close third person point of view of a character who has almost no emotions or inner monologue.
>There'll be detailed descriptions of the mustering and march of the army with orders of battle that prover the author is the world's leading expert in 13th century Genovese military history.
>We'll see several angry war councils in which angry men anger each other angrily because everyone else is either reckless or cowardly.
>The battle will begin with a tragic skirmish that costs the life of a beloved side character.
>The battle itself will cover 3-4 chapters, in which the main hero will lose his armor, break his weapon, be covered in gore, and accomplish some battle-winning feat. Real-world military tactics will be used.
>A B plot point of view will illustrate what it's like for the band of delta brothers on the front lines, in which they will express that while war is hell, it's better than working the fantasy equivalent of a desk job at Ikea. Many will die bravely without regret, except for the married one, who will get a poignant death scene.
>Afterwards, the main hero will find his paramour and there'll be a sly suggestion of intimacy to finish: "Conandude eyed the beauty. 'Aye, lass, now it's time to come to my tent.' " In any case, no actual sex will take place, ever, and it is possible that this will be true of the author in real life as well.
>The End.
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nice try nigger.

you're not going to gaslight people here.


What's a good point to start with her that isn't Earthsea?

If there isn't any proper artistic merit or anything to get from a piece of lit, then it at least has to be entertaining. All modern YA slop just stops working after it cycles through the people who hopped onto it. I think the only YA series that've stood up in the past 20-30 years asfaik are maybe Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and possibly Warriors/Redwall or w/e its called.

Meanwhile the majority of vintage/classic sci fi/fantasy still remains eternally readable. Asimov's not perfect, but he's still damned interesting and entertaining. Heinlein, Clarke, Bradbury, Tolkein, Lewis, etc.

Weren't there a few modern YA/Fantasy/SF writers whining about competition with dead old people?
I'm in. Conan doesn't feature enough pregnancy. I want to see DYNASTIES.
More like what women want men to do. Projection.
They have not, litrpg, progression fantasy and the like is insanely popular amongst big dicked men and the authors get payed via patreon. And chinese, korean and japanese webnovels are wildly popular amongst men as well. It's just mainstream american slop they don't read.
>american male fantasy doesn't appeal to me (im talking about tall, alpha, protector or BS like this)
>I don't like books with female protagonists either
>japanese fantasy protagonists are the closest that appeal to me, but they're too passive sometimes

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"RoyalRoad" edition

Previous: >>23620953

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
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HOW TO GIVE CRITIQUE: https://critters.org/c/whathow.ht

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So it's a revenge/mystery? I don't really think a 'directionless and aimless' guy as you've described would make for a good main character unless he's forced along with the plot or changes
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Ah, I understand now, I misinterpreted your first reply. Thanks a lot for that, it might not be a perfect fit but it's given me some fresh ideas about how I want to handle the narration

Yes + I think you're right. A big part of his character is that he's pushed around, overshadowed by his family name, doesn't stick to anything for long and generally lacks agency. If I make him the protagonist, that passivity and lack of agency (being forced along the plot like you say) will probably just weaken the story/make events seem more contrived.
Thanks for being my sounding board! I will think of some more nuances to make him a more compelling antagonist/pseudo-deuteragonist
Yeah, one sounds more interesting and the other sounds more interesting to listen to. I won't say which but revealing the whole of an interesting character makes him less of an object to be understood.
No replies on your writing is better than bad replies, right? It means that you wrote something quietly profound, or at least pleasant enough not to comment on, right? I know it can also mean the shit is plain boring, which I have definitely pointed out before, when the means is available. I can't decipher the silence. I know what I'm into and I think I'm delivering. Maybe I expect too much and it takes more time, I don't know.
Responses are for very good and very bad writing
No responses means you're somewhere in the middle of the pack like 95% of writers.
Which, no, isn't a good thing, but you're right that you didn't smear shit on a page so offensively someone felt the need to chastise you.
If you wrote something 'profound,' someone would say so.

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