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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

I only write to purge my thoughts edition.

Prev: >>23814688
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This is the version you heard of Watermelon Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9bfskX7sM8
Whereas the version I like is this
If you like 70s jazz he's a force
Meow meow meow
How come women are so bad at writing books when they are so good at making up stories in their heads?
>Another newb chooses to be beaten to death with Austen and her various admirers
Yeah I always found it suspicious both the birds and the horseshoe crabs agreed about what happened. I mean, they stood to gain the most

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"Literally me" edition

Previous: >>23802604

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHdzv1NfZRM [Embed]

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Anyone have recommendations for learning precise engaging short dialogue? Also world building
I'm writing a story for a video game and i think i nailed everything regarding the characters, motivations, twists, themes, symbolism, ending what i'm struggling with are the dialogue and world building
I'm anti-social so i rarely talk to people.
A lot of things in my world feel artificial to force certain outcomes for the characters,
We are talking about royalroad where ads actually drive significant views and followers. But you are generally correct, traditional ads for traditional books do very little
How do I become a better writer without going to college (I'm poor).
why would you need to go to college to be a writer? most authors don't. just write
(for an english degree I mean, probably most have degrees of some sort)
just read nigga

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What’s the key in creating a interesting, investing and immersive fantasy world?
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Study a historical period.
This has ended my writers block, which I have been struggling with for over a year, thank you.
it do be unironically like this
>19th century India
>Call it Kasrot controlled by the Colonial West Wing Company
>A detective teams up with a mage (obscure class) to hunt down warlock serial killer
Kino or cringe?

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>got to the part of the torah where it says i am specifically not welcome at the synagogue

work arounds?
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I thought you had to fall out of one
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Have you read the Tanakh? Conversion has always been a thing (Ruth, Obadiah, and of course Abram > Abraham). Besides, mistreatment of converts is forbidden by halakhah [Devarim 10:19].
>t-the big book sez you can't bully me! stop laughing!!!
not sure that's the way it works pal
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Don't convert then, retard. If you're afraid of some grumpy old men giving you the stink eye when their daughters flirt with you, then you're not ready to be a man, much less a Jew.
>inb4 let me tell you about your religion
Here's a reading list for you before you do that: Devarim, Shemot, Vayikra, Shabbat 30b, Baba Metzia 59b, De'ot, Yoreh Deah, you know what, just read the entirety of the Mishneh Torah.
Deuteronomy 23
OP is a tranny

What was /lit/ like before chistcucks infested the place?
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NTA but reading philosophy is pointless. Man is not good: proof by simple observation.
bot-made spam thread
Never once have I heard this claim being backed up. It always boils down to either jewish subversion (which includes uprooting Christianity 99% of the time) or some question begging that "Christianity allowed Marxism to take place" without any reasoning behind it. So please, without deflecting, explain your position.

How can you look at history and the current world and NOT realize that man in general need some type of external motivating factor? Genuinely curious. Any sort of secular society has inevitably degenerated into "just do what you want maaan". I'm not even saying Christianity necessarily, just any sort of divine moral grounding is better than this shitshow we have now.
Why the fuck would you build a structure so unstable?
>it's the story of the Egyptian god Horus
No it fucking isn't. I hate the Christian tradlarper influx as much the next fag, but you're just spouting obvious bullshit. Horus did not happen in the same specific way Jesus did as you described.

Is this just cheap anti-communist propaganda?
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It's anti-communist.
Nice digits. I also forgot to post the link https://redsails.org/jones-on-animal-farm/
Mao, Che Guevara and Tito all said he was all the things in that book.
>It's the opposite
>Orwell believed in absolute free speech and popular vote
Is that really so? I got the impression that the farm animals wouldn't have made it past the first winter or two giving equal input to all the animals. The book goes out of its way to show that many of the species were stupid despite the potential of free 'unlimited' education (in this case, literacy). In fact, the only animals having complete literacy were the pigs and Benjamin the donkey (the author insert). Muriel the goat and the guard dogs could read, and Clover (the female horse) knew all the letters but couldn't read. Every other animal was dumb.

So when I imagine what would be the most ideal outcome for the farm, it is an elite lead socialism headed by the pigs, for the benefit of all the animals on the farm, despite the animals' intellectual capabilities. It's certainly not democracy, republic (many of the animals were swayed by which pig was the most passionate), capitalism, communism, or socialism. I doubt a meritocratic socialism would work either.

Taken at face value, the short length and direct writing style of the text does come across as antisoviet propaganda. I do not believe that the farm's problems would have been solved with popular vote, yet maybe Orwell wasn't planning this as a commentary on ideal government but simply a hit piece about bad government.
George Orwell has sadly become the pinnacle of litslop. Thanks Jordan Peterson, and for your shit poem

Does /lit/ like Madlibs?
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"And then... i read my heckin' mad lib about the rooster named Bob who drove an ice-cream truck. NOBODY laughed, everyone just talked amongst themselves, all so normal, they're all so normal. I knew then that I was an incel, thats when I took the black-pill. That fateful day in 4th grade yep, when all the normies were busy talking about Spongebob, they didn't recognize my genius for what it was. My stupid stupid autist life."

If you are a grown man, and you are genuinely throwing pity parties for yourself about a pretty underwhelming/inconsequential event that happened to you in grade school, you are so far fucking gone man.

Just sitting here and actually thinking about this makes me so mad. Maybe you were unpopular in school because you were miserable to be around, obsessing and wallowing in self-pity over weird shit like this.

Everybody has had moments like that in their lives, the only difference is they just moved on and didn't become a weird incel fag about it. Nobody feels bad for you, and it is worryingly delusional that you believe people should feel bad for you. We all have our own problems.
That painful memory was on-topic. Also, thank you for reminding me why I'm obsessed with omnicide, shithead. Some people meditate and ascend to become one with God...I do it to end all life in all of existence. And people like you motivate me to do so.
>.I do it to end all life in all of existence

more dumbass words from a waxing crybaby. you can dream of omnicide all you want, doesnt change the fact you are a booger-picking faggot who thinks his life is a movie.
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"Anon's Sad Day"

>I remember how, in [noun] school, the teacher would do a Mad Lib for us, and as she [verb, past tense] the result, the [adjective] class would laugh their [body part] off. I tried doing one [adverb] in front of the class, but when I tried to read it back, in the same sort of [adjective] way I'd seen it done so many times, the entire class [verb, past tense] me, and started [verb, ending in -ing] among themselves. They were so [adjective], they [verb, past tense] me out. I finished reading it, sat down, and never tried that again. At the time, I didn't realize that level of unpopularity would persist for the rest of my life. But things never really changed. In short, [verb] [diety], [same verb as previous] my [noun], [same verb as previous] [noun] itself, and by extension, [same verb as before] [noun].
Thank you for reading my [noun].

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>when video game philosophy is more profound than Marx's
but for real, I have never read anything more profound than this.
I have made the same mistake, friend.
I'm afraid the counter to this is the argumentum ad cringium

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It's Been 4 Fucking Hours, Where's the Thread? Edition

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)
Previous thread

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what fiction to read when at your objective lowest (preferably fiction)
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Gargantua and Pantagruel
Second this

>Somewhere in the gray wood by the river is the huntsman and in the brooming corn and in the castellated press of the cities. His work lies all wheres and his hounds tire not. I have seen them in a dream, slaverous and wild and their eyes crazed with ravening for souls in this world. Fly them.
antoine de saint exupery - citadelle
Against Nature

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This book is great. It's like if Hunter S Thompson was in the Vietnam War.

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Post any good history books.

>The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 by Rick Atkinson

>Recounts the first twenty-one months of America’s violent war for independence. From the battles at Lexington and Concord in spring 1775 to those at Trenton and Princeton in winter 1777, American militiamen and then the ragged Continental Army take on the world’s most formidable fighting force. It is a gripping saga alive with astonishing characters: Henry Knox, the former bookseller with an uncanny understanding of artillery; Nathanael Greene, the blue-eyed bumpkin who becomes a brilliant battle captain; Benjamin Franklin, the self-made man who proves to be the wiliest of diplomats; George Washington, the commander in chief who learns the difficult art of leadership when the war seems all but lost. The story is also told from the British perspective.


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Yes. Read Titan recently and it's awesome.
Add the devils chessboard.
Great biography of Dulles and history of early CIA.
I just realised that the holy Roman empire was not actually Roman. I feel betrayed.
This counts as environmental history although most of it is about the various wars and revolutions that occurred as a result of the little ice age rather than about the ecological or economic effects
I pirate all books that are not cheap.

Books on the Crusades?
History of the Crusades by Joseph Francois Michaud.
Deus Lo Volt! Chronicle of the Crusades by Evan S. Connell (fiction)
ai faggot kys
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>desperately trying to turn their passive hippy doctrine into a turbo war violence faith

Pic related, a christian declaration of turbo war

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>Editor's Preface
>Forward to the 3rd edition
>Forward to the 20th anniversary edition
>Note on the Text
>A word from the author

Why does this bullshit exist? I hate it. Just start the book!!
>foreword spoils the ending
Completely skipped them ever since
They were for pre-internet times when you didn't have any supplemental material you could want at your fingertips.
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Haha that’s a funny exagger—ACK!
Depending on the quality of the edition, I usually read the introduction after the book because it summarises the academic landscape regarding the text.
This is mega gay and it seems natural to just make spoiler laden material an afterword but no! Not consistency, no sensible custom of not spoiling shit.

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