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Books that pass the Bechdel test?
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have the aliens finally landed?
See >>23557025
How is this supposed to prove anything when in media men talk about women constantly
Name 10 media
Vidya games
Uhh help me out here guys

Do you have any /lit/-related tattoos?
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Tattoos are gae
I like DFW but damn that's a stupid ass tattoo
I suck bbc btw if that matters.
Nta but Is that all you think about ?
no because Im not a degenerate faggot incapable of thinking 3 days into the future

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Why's every thread here being polluted by some promoter of the Bible? I mean, I respect your book and everything but stop forcing it into every conversation you come across
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Snow Crash actually explains how its a mind vírus.
It would be nice if they wanted to talk about the Bible as literature but that's not what they do.

I thought this was bullshit, because if it wasn't then anybody could make one intentionally to promote their business or politics. But then Qanon happened
QAnon is just the psyop that Boomers have fallen into.

And Snow Crash points out that several isms are part of the virus, including marxism.
You have to flex your mind to create a certain immunity to the virus, or something crude like the Sumerian code. In the book they even say that Jesus was real, but just a human who tried to restore a healthy mental state to Jews who were falling under the influence of the virus again, so followers wanting influence invented the resurrection myth and they spread a new strain of the virus throughout the world with Christianity that went against what Jesus really wanted.

It's an interesting book even though it was made more as a cyberpunk parody a gente that was becoming very stagnant and focused on the same shit over and over again.
>I mean,

Is it just me or is Stephen King the most overrated author of all time? He's never written anything I've enjoyed and a lot of it makes no sense or is extremely corny. It's impossible for me to suspend disbelief enough to even get into any of his books.
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The weird ending aside, 'It' is a great adventure. That is legitimately a classic.
>Who is saying Stephen King is a great writer?
Neil Gay Man
impressive numerals
From which reality is this reddit? One where moot deleted 4chan and everyone moved to reddit after being brought by hotwheels?
Would say boomers but werent greatest generation also making their boomer kids turn hippies because fight the man and shit?
Fuck gringo culture, really
Can we have a real discussion about his works here????

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He is literally me...

Why is this novel so underrated? It is as good as the best from Dosto and Tolstoy.
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you're a noble with your own village and serfs? damn
It is painfully mediocre and one of the few "classic" books where i feel i can write something better.
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"Goncharov" was badly OCR'd from "Gomorra" and printed on a shoe label. The meem trend started two years later
I'm an obese american who loves blacked btw if that matters. You must read my cuck fantasies.
The book is an exact critique of the modern faggot using /lit/, and that is precisely the reason they hate and avoid this work.

This nigga was a resentful, lier piece of shit incapable of understanding nature, love and compassion because of his ugly face and weak body and character. All people taking him seriously are deformed niggas and faggots like Foucault
Opinion rejected.
Stopped reading immediately.
It's alright OP, let your hate out, you will feel better. The Nietzsche strain has no vaccine so it either changes you or your body rejects it, of course the rate it mutates at means it is highly likely you will be exposed numerous times throughout your life. This process makes you more powerful, or you die.

>We do not belong to those who have ideas only among books, when stimulated by books. It is our habit to think outdoors - walking, leaping, climbing, dancing, preferably on lonely mountains or near the sea where even the trails become thoughtful.

Doctor's orders OP.
>This nigga was a resentful, lier piece of shit incapable of understanding nature, love and compassion because of his ugly face and weak body and character. All people taking him seriously are deformed niggas and faggots like Foucault
So 99% of post 18th century philosophers? There's a reason why the depressed Nietzsche gets all the credit and philosophical renown for stealing the ideas of the optimistic and life affirming Emerson who is left forgotten in the philosophy world.

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>In an early draft of Brideshead Revisited, an endnote explained that Charles Ryder shot himself in the chapel shortly after completing his memoirs, and that Julia used her influence to secure a Catholic burial for him, despite all evidence. When Graham Greene learned of this, he opined: "If only that passage had been retained, Brideshead would have been the best English novel to come out of the war - full stop - rather than merely the best English Catholic novel. You cannot really mend a man like Ryder, and it saddens me that Evelyn knew that, wrote it, then papered over it in furtherance of his tract."
>You cannot really mend a man like Ryder, and it saddens me that Evelyn knew that, wrote it, then papered over it in furtherance of his tract."

But the entire point of Christianity is that you CAN mend a man like that, not through any act of humans but by the grace of God, unmerited. It's a supernatural transformation, and there are multiple instances of it in the history of Christianity itself. Saint Paul is the most famous example, but there are also others. Mending the unmendable is part of the core of what Christianity even is.
I hate myself for liking the 20c Anglo-Catholic novel and for being like these people
>the world is moving fast but I stick to muh eternal truths
>good solid common sense like that fat guy with the tweed and pipe said
>ooh naughty me, I'm sinning!
everything about it is narcissism and cope for silly people passing away
I don't get the ending.
So Charles ends up back at Brideshead, sees the chapen and becomes a Christian somehow?
I found it pretty unsatisfying. Charles after the recollecting the tragedy of the decline of a Catholic family launches on soliloquy of the beauty and endurance of the Church. It doesn’t really follow.
I guess so but Brideshead Revisited doesn’t really succeed as a redemption drama like Peer Gynt or Wagner’s works. People remember it for the richness of the prose and vividness of the memories. It’s a pretty brutal tragedy. A suicide to finish it off makes more sense. This pseudo-conversion seems random, though grace could very well seem that way.
Midwit theist dogshit.

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A group of twenty intellectuals each chose one book as the best they had read this year so far.
What is the best book you read this year?

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/lit/ is retarded and high on their own copium and farts to appreciate such books, that's a fact.
The guy with Shogun and Blackwater is the only one there actually with some decent taste, together with the one with Hyperion.
Is The Spear That Cuts Through Wayer any good?
it's all goyslop lmao
The Ocavia Butler and Harlan Ellison books are fine.

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Ok so I decided to look up the winners of the Hugo Award in recent years because I thought it would be mostly genuinely interesting novels like Cixin Liu's Three Body trilogy.

But unfortunately I had to realize that I was completely wrong.
First thing I noticed is that literally around 80% of the award winning authors are females. How the fuck is this possible? I thought science fiction was a manly genre...

Also the most common themes among the awarded novels were things like
>why colonialism is bad
>why gender identity is important
>why women have it so hard in the patriarchy

Or has it always been like this?
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another 1783th life sucks thread for you fatfucks? you are the very problems you are bitching about. i'm out
>you want to moan about the state of literature pick the pen up! the pen isnt that heavy and you are already blogging about it on 4chan.org/
This stupid fucking argument will be the death of the west. Just because I think something's undeserving of the praise doesn't mean I have to be able to do better. There are people out there who *can* do better but are not being recognized due to political and corporate reasons.
No comment on awards because I don't follow them but recent publishing offerings are whitebread bland, follow trends for cheap cashgrabs, formulaic, and unambitious. Maybe it's always been this way to an extent but it's gotten to be 100% of the market.
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They are making fun of us, cuckchan sisters...

To me, they same a collection of short sentences together who sometimes rhyms... I just don't get it.
It feels like some sort of gnostic secret knoweldge to "get it" like poems lover...
What I am missing here? I'm fluent in french and english and I've read the poems from Robert Frost a long time ago and I just don't get it?
If it's a flaw on my part, help me to understand poems and why I should read them.
Buy an introductory book about poetry which explains to you what metre is, and read plenty of poets who are good as introductions to poetry, like Shakespeare, Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Kipling, etc. That's not to say these poets are only for amateurs but their charm is easy to be appreciated by amateurs. The point being, just read a lot of poetry, find poems you like, and then analyse why you like them. One way of looking poetry, though not at all serviceable as a standard definition, is as compacted and concentration language.
Poetry shouldn't be approached as prose cut up into short sentences (which is incidentally one of the reasons poetry is so shit today).

Poetry, is, above all, a rhythmic style of communication, almost musical in form, and you have to read it as you might read a song. Pay attention to the words and their meaning, but also pay attention to the rhythm, the flowing of words together.
You need to read aloud

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Just wondering when the concept of hero got subsumed by the concept of moral acts. Cause it seems well into the early modern period, Hero had the primary meaning of one who does daring world changing deeds. Like Acheles who would slaughter innocents and would't overlook slights to his honor. Or a viking of the same mold. It seems even in Arthurian literature, where piety could be a strong source of might, an obviously antagonistic knight who stole someone's beloved and broke his oaths could still be referred to as a hero, because despite his evils, he was regardless a man of action, and that was the operative nature of heroics.

So where along the lines did heroism change from "One who does great deeds" to "One who does great Moral deeds"?
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I saw your other posts around the board, at this point I know you are someone baiting and trying to make me and others have more contempt for e-christians.
I mean, no one can be so stupid and obnoxious on purpose.
Old Testament is a great recollection of how pathetic Jews are, beings full of insecurity and malevolent thinking. Pure impotent frustration. No wonder they created the small dick energy god from a mycelany of based Sumerian gods.
>y-you're a troll!!11!
Get b& already, EUSSR pedophile.
4/10 bait.
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So I was reading picrel last night, after having spent a lot of time with postmodernist books/videos and being fairly convinced by the arguments they made about capitalism and the systemic problems it causes.

However in the book, Evola talks about how capitalism had effectively fulfilled the promises of communism (at the time of writing) where no one really existed in the proletariat state and everyone had access to a bourgeois lifestyle and material comforts. Now this is no longer true today, but his point remains that the end goal of communism was temporarily achieved and it did nothing to stop the decline in personal happiness and well-being of people. It did nothing to stop the decadence and spiritual decay of the general population. If anything the rate of misery increased.He seems to argue that because of this communism is not a viable solution to the problem we face.

What do you think? Is Evola correct?

I also noticed something else, not related to Evola, but what Marxists call "Capitalism" is exactly what the far right calls Jewish Hegemony. They seem to be describing the same system of inhumane demoralization of people for the benefit of the few. Am I onto something?
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truth bomb
I decided to visit /pol/ today after five years and the place is straight up depressive. Mostly bots, boomers, facebook wine aunts, discord zoomers, feds, etc.
No wonder why people from other imageboard use the term "cuckchan" instead of 4chan.
You are entitled to your own opinion even if it were all not exactly true, afterall Evola and tradìtion affirms a diversity of individual human natures.... so of course like the book in OP which is addressed to the special type of human, the differentiated man who has had the energy of transcendence descend into his human circuit, will be incomprehensible in essence to you. One of the subtle points is that it's not about empirical proofs as you say, these things are all relative, the work on symbology serves as a means to something deeper, which is not limited to the exterior level which appears contradictory and oppositional
Afterall the only type of knowledge evola really reverse is one of being, outside of that, theory, be it philosophical, political, etc. Is really besides the essential point
Even when he was popular, it was overwhelmingly people who maybe skimmed Ride the Tiger and Revolt Against the Modern World, completely ignoring the esoteric writings beyond "lol he believe in magic???"

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Besides Bronze-Age Mindset, what books from the new Nietzschean right are worth reading?
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me, continuing to turn the other cheek
Achilles, Heracles, were definetly granite men. Antiquity had plenty of them. Think of Julius Cornelius Sulla, who started a massacre against the patricians so only strongmen would be left among them.
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tf a granite man?
>I'm not hearing a problem so far
That's because you're fucked in the head
Post still 100% unrefuted by /lit/.

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How do I journal?
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Just start doing it. Be a man of action. Do it everyday.
I work so much that my journal is quite literally my work notes. Possibly I could include what I heated up for dinner that night, or a funny video I watched on the toilet. I really don't know what else to do with myself other than work or browse the chan before I sleep. Everything else just seems kinda dull.
Ya, that's a journal.
Wait patiently for the first good question you hear that day.

Start answering it. Let the tangent take over.

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What's the most frightening, disturbing, fucked up book out there, /lit/? I want to feel the bugs crawling under my skin...
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I felt like it wasted some of its potential. I wanted more of the bizarre dark endless labyrinth and less of the le wacky postmodern romp with passages about a dude getting his butthole fingered during a blowjob and whatever the fuck.
Selby’s The Room.
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The Egg by Andy Weir
People keep shilling Andy Weir, but most of time I saw people saying his books are literally midwit slop for little girls and fat redditors. I got Project Hail Mary, I still need to read it, but I honestly don't think I'll enjoy it,
Yeah I skipped all the shit I didn't want to read. I can't think of a better hook than "family comes home from vacation and finds a door in their living room that wasn't there before" but here we are

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