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Hello ed boy! Many doors yes?
rolf was, my dear fellows, a gnostic peircean

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>reading moby dick online
>get to the end, 400 pages
>end of vol 1
>theres a vol 2
bros...I can't take any more of this whale shit
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Well well well
Then kill yourself
I came out of Moby Dick knowing more about whales than any other animal on the planet
Pierre Menard, is that you?

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I would like to read your opinion about Paul Auster's novels, please !
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Extremely jewish, and I'm not even anti-semitic.
Ghosts > Locked Room > City of Glass
How is his fiction extremely Jewish? I wouldn't have a problem with someone characterizing an author like Philip Roth as extremely Jewish, since his works actually concern aspects of Jewish culture. But Auster's fiction is much more universal in nature; closer to the philosophical works of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. (And, yes, I'm aware that he was Jewish.) Sure, many of his characters are probably secular Jews, but that isn't really central to his stories; had he written them as cosmopolitan, secular goyim, the stories themselves probably wouldn't have been altered that much.
>I wouldn't have a problem with someone characterizing an author like Philip Roth as extremely Jewish
right because he mentions jews on literally every page lol a work can be jewish without doing that. auster is a very jewish author get over it it's ok to be a jew
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>it's ok to be a jew

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Looks pretty interesting, if anyone has read it, is it worth a read? The synopsis seems cool.

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just learned about this, seems interesting at first glance, what's your thoughts on it? Thanks
Smells like some cult shit desu
looked it up, its following is certainly cult-like, the reddit gives off odd vibes

Vladimir Nabokov's opinions on various authors (1/3)
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what about mandy flores and Mia malkova anon?
I think a lot of this comes from the fact that he was both a turbo-autist and extraordinarily well-read. On the turbo-autist side he could appreciate when he saw one thing done brilliantly even if the rest was merely serviceable. Take for example pic related where he basically calls austen a stunted woman-child writer. Yet at the same time he rates her as "great" because of her ability to marry form and content in a way he finds satisfying. So one thing can ruin a writer for him, one thing can elevate a writer for him.

On the well-read side, he probably read more than the vast majority of writers he rated, so he's seen most everything before. If any aspect isn't great (without at least one thing being genius), he'll shit on it. And if he finds the story to rely on too much contrived melodrama, pathos, or platitude, then the best he'll rate them is "powerful mediocrity".
See >>23981480 for context.
>Women in general aren't much different from men in terms of sheer horniness.
Yeah, if you just ignore everything that shows they are extremely different.

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what are your thoughts on kristeva? i find her psychoanalytic theory fascinating
She is fascinating. I recently cited her work for an essay about David Cronenberg's movies I am writing. If you appreciate her, I recommend reading Linda Williams and Barbara Creed too.
i would totally read your essay it sounds interesting and thanks for the other recs anon

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>You have to spend $400 per book if you want to get the best editions available
What the fuck? Does anyone really buy them for that price? What the fuck is wrong with Oxford? Why would it even be so expensive? Capitalism is such fucking bullshit...
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you can buy a full 30 volume set, from the 19th century, in fine binding, in very good condition, for under £2000
Those are for academic libraries
Why should there even be a difference? Why do libraries get to have hardcover critical editions with great printing and binding while the normal consumer is stuck with paperbacks low quality printing and binding editions?

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That was disgusting and I hated it
It was fine up to the scene in the church and then it just sank to a level of degeneracy and evil that I didn't even know Bataille was capable of
This is some satanic/evil writing and I gained nothing from reading it
Bataille is a sick fuck
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Thin-skinned pearl-clutching larpers
It was a very cool erotica desu
Porn will never be art, deal with it mindgeek
implying this book is solely read for it's erotic content.
You sir are an idiot. Just like 120 Days of Sodom this is a political satire and a grotesque social commentary.

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I recently learned about this book series and was thinking about reading it. Has anyone read it? What did you think of it?

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I'm going on vacation tomorrow and I need to load up my ereader with some books. Give me your favorites and I'll put em on there if I haven't read them already.
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>accidentally amazing nazi propagandist
>soviet spy
>black hitler
I'd say "Hard Times" for sure. It centers explicitly on how toxic and dehumanizing the drive for profit and production are, both to those who are used in this pursuit, and even to those who become bitter and hateful because they sacrifice all human feeling in favor of this type of cold power. Of course, Dickens was majorly influential in bringing to light this problem in Victorian society, and his novel "Oliver Twist" actually convinced Queen Victoria to implement social reforms because of how shocked she was to read of the plight of children in the city being abused and exploited by criminals or work houses.

If this is a topic that interests you, I'd also recommend Eugenie Grandet by Honore de Balzac, it contains an excellent "Ebeneezer Scrooge" type character which I believe actually inspired Dickens to write that character.

Do you have any recommendations? I have yet to find a novel as gripping as Germinal by Zola on this topic.
>Can't engage in the slightest
>Can only respond k-kys
Anon, if you come onto a literature board, you should have more to offer than this. Do you actually compose these shoddy little posts and think to yourself "yeah, that'll get him"? Do you understand how sad that is? This is not meant to be purely an insult, I hope to be able to inspire you to actually change how you engage with this board, because frankly, you are shitting it up and I am confident you could actually contribute something even slightly valuable if you tried. I mean, you already took the time to come here, to read the posts, to write out something tawdry and trite, and then fill out the captcha, and then post. You might as well take 5 more seconds and actually make a point.
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King is my favorite book I can't recommend
Read Moby Dick if you can get through chapter after chapter about whale biology and the whaling industry and you get an amazing story bordering on psychological horror
Reads his way through the collected works of Woolston, Nesmer etc, immediately gives up on life.

>Among all the varied manifestations of human life, it may be said that sexuality is the only one with which all are familiar, and in regard to which none are altogether incompetent. Thus it would be superfluous to open our discussion with a proof of the importance or the actuality of the facts of sexual life. The most deplorable intellectual or physical inertia will not suffice to hold in leash the luxuriant vivacity of the sexual instinct, which often breaks free none the less. This instinct, in such cases, stands firm like a column amid the ruins of a pagan temple, the rest of which has been destroyed in the passage of years or by the devastation of war. This instinct is the only one which remains active when all other psycho-physical manifestations are dead or dormant.
What is this from anon?
English translation of Robert Michels' Die Grenzen der Geschlechtsmoral (translated as Sexual Ethics)
weird that I couldn't come by the German original
This is why I can't read old stuff
All of them take stuff like eating, having a family, sex, for granted
I can't relate to them
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What are your favorite essays/books you've found on picrel?
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Read it you filthy anarchists.
the breadbook duh
- Lobe

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Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass
>broken glass
It didnt need to be broken to appreciate the moonlight on it, its needless literary vandalism
It’s writing advice
>I never saw the moonlight until it shone off of your breast
does plastic reflect light science anons?
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dont tell me the glint of the glass or the shine of the moon, say something interesting and important and dont fucking waste time talking about the moon

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anyone familiar with this or it's author? thanks yah
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Lo anterior fue un escrito que hice en el trabajo que llamé "ENCUENTROS CASUALES PARA CENAR"
Tu olvido es mi condena,
el efímero momento pasado
que solo yo puedo recordar,
la remembranza de un mero espectador,
un testigo, un agente del caos
que vivió aquel suceso en carne propia.-
La reminiscencia de sentir tu piel con la mía
de tu ser aferrándose a mí con fuerza,
ese olor, como un perfume de licor barato
que desprendían nuestros cuerpos,
aquel sabor amargo de tu boca seca,
el eco del humo que nos rodeaba y acogía

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I went through a few of his videos but his books are also good albeit repetitive. You can get his ideas from his videos
Parte 1:
Después de tantos años me la tope ayer de casualidad, relativamente cerca a mi casa, era una
compañera de mi antiguo trabajo, una chica tan normal que se confundiría en la multitud si no fuera por
su belleza física, normalmente habría pasado de largo, no nos veíamos hacia mucho tiempo
prácticamente desde que renuncié de ese trabajo de mierda, a duras penas recordaba su rostro y no
estaba seguro de como era su nombre, por lo que me sorprendió cuando se acercó para saludarme e
invitarme a salir para ponernos al día.
Tuvimos una cita casual nada significativo, salimos por unos tragos cortos, charlamos sobre
trivialidades que la mantuvieron intrigada, todo fue excepcionalmente ordinario y aburrido casi como
una rutina, se sentía como si hablara con un personaje genérico de un juego, sin personalidad, sin
talento, una chica tan insípida que me fastidiaba su mera presencia, lo más interesante fue cuando ella,
alcoholizada y caliente quiso acompañarme a mi casa, se veía curiosamente emocionada en ver como
era, así que la llevé con gusto, no hay mejor cena que la que va directamente a tu boca.
El ambiente en mi casa estaba ordenado, entramos, puse algo de música de culto y seguimos hablando
de estupideces tan básicas como ella, de un momento para otro se puso todo más intenso en cuanto se

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Antes de finalizar, me detengo un momento para poder apreciar su rostro, es linda, indudablemente una
persona común y corriente la consideraría preciosa, hermosa, toda una belleza deseable con lascivia,
pero para mi, su belleza está más en el interior lejos de toda esa superficialidad estética, debo encontrar
la forma de sacarla de aquel envoltorio de carne y huesos, por lo que inicio mi obra de arte con un
ligero sonido de algo que se quiebra.
Con su fino rostro, sus ojos cristalinos, sus suaves labios aun un poco hinchados, una caja que sirve de
lienzo, mi navaja, mi martillo y muchas horas de diversión después la noche avanzó en una especie de
niebla, como si todo sucediera a través de un cristal empañado. Los sonidos se tornaron sordos, el rojo
comenzó a teñirlo todo. De pronto, ya no era una persona, había dejado de ser un ser humano para
convertirse en algo más; logré terminar mi cuadro, majestuoso de una forma que pocas personas en el
mundo apreciarán, esos pequeños detalles que logré hacer con sus dientes, es un toque único que resalta
la viscosidad de la sangre que cae por la nariz como un hermoso goteo carmesí, lleno la caja de resina
para conservarla por siempre y la guardo en mi lugar especial; ha sido un buen añadido a mi colección
de cabezas, será la número 16, la nombraré: “Recuerdos insípidos de un pasado de mierda”.
Tan pronto acabé mi trabajo artístico procedí con mi deleite más personal, rasgo y desprendo la ropa

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Parte 3:
El proceso fue largo, meticuloso; no la destruía, la transformaba. Como un escultor que trabaja en la
arcilla, mis manos se movían con precisión, cada corte revelaba una textura inesperada. La carne se
convertía en algo diferente, algo que solo yo podía entender. Cuando todo estuvo listo, pasé toda esa
masa carnuda y viscosa a la trituradora, la enciendo y el sonido que produjo fue como una melodía
oscura, una canción macabra de cocina.
Entonces comienzo a hacer mi festín de carne molida con diferentes platillos únicos para mi deleite
personal, comí lentamente, disfrutando de cada bocado. No tenía prisa. Sabía que, al final, todo se
fusionaría con mi ser. Cada trozo, cada mordisco, se convertía en parte de mí. Su sabor como era de
esperarse fue tan exquisito como ella, sentir su ser entrar a mi boca, sentía como pasaba por mi
garganta, mientras poco a poco la absorbía, convirtiéndola en parte de mi, sin embargo, no onions un
egoísta ni un estúpido, además con mi gran corazón y bondad decido compartir esta maravilla con el
mundo de forma sutil a un precio accesible.
Una vez finalizada mi cena, lavo los platos, me limpio y uso la carne que quedó para hacer varias
hamburguesas, las aso en la plancha, corto un par de verduras que sazono, un buen queso, mis salsas

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