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You DID read something today, right Anon?
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Yeah, this post
“Dramas, Fields And Metaphors” by Victor Turner. Not a bad book by any means but it’s far from light reading, slowly getting a grasp on anti-structure and liminal phases.
Yes. A chapter of Joseph Frank's abridged biography of Dostevsky.
Looks really cool anon, thx for posting. Love this kind of stuff.
Haven't finished a book all year.

In the lavish confines of his Seattle mansion, Bill Gates stood before the mirror, his countenance a testament to eternal youth. Paul Allen, his closest confidant and artistic muse, had captured his likeness with masterful strokes, concealing within its depths the secrets of his soul.

Yet, it was not Allen alone who held sway over Gates' fate. Beside him stood Steve Ballmer, a force of exuberance and passion, whose presence stirred within Gates a tumult of emotions.

As Gates beheld his reflection, Allen's voice echoed in his mind, speaking of beauty and artistry beyond compare. And yet, Ballmer's fervent declarations of "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS" rang louder still, a reminder of the relentless march of progress.

Caught between the allure of artistic perfection and the intoxicating rush of technological innovation, Gates found himself ensnared in a web of his own making. Each passing day brought him closer to the precipice, where the truth of his existence lay bare before him.

And so, he danced upon the razor's edge, his fate intertwined with those who had shaped his destiny. For in the world of Bill Gates, beauty and brilliance were but fleeting illusions, while the portrait hidden within the recesses of his soul bore witness to the darkness that lurked beneath.
Bill is a nice man, but this world is an abomination and the souls suffering here must be freed to return to the pleroma
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Dat nigga lookin' zesty
Bill got dat bussy

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I have a small penis. What are some books for readers like me who were not lucky and blessed by God in this life? Men with big penises read stuff like Tom Clancy but what about fellas like me? What should I read?
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Wasp factory
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Use your finger. Piv sex is gross anyways.
its from houelelebeck, retard. probably whatever

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"too beautiful" edition
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aint nobody got time fo dat
What is time? A secret – insubstantial and omnipotent. A prerequisite of the external world, a motion intermingled and fused with bodies existing and moving in space. But would there be no time, if there were no motion? No motion, if there were no time? What a question! Is time a function of space? Or vice versa? Or are the two identical? An even bigger question! Time is active, by nature it is much like a verb, it both “ripens” and “brings forth.” And what does it bring forth? Change! Now is not then, here is not there – for in both cases motion lies in between. But since we measure time by a circular motion closed in on itself, we could just as easily say that its motion and change are rest and stagnation – for the then is constantly repeated in the now, the there in the here. Moreover, since, despite our best desperate attempts, we cannot imagine an end to time or a finite border around space, we have decided to “think” of them as eternal and infinite – in the apparent belief that even if we are not totally successful, this marks some improvement. But does not the very positing of eternity and infinity imply the logical, mathematical negation of things limited and finite, their relative reduction to zero? Is a sequence of events possible in eternity, a juxtaposition of objects in infinity? How does our makeshift assumption of eternity and infinity square with concepts like distance, motion, change, or even the very existence of a finite body in space? Now there’s a real question for you!
I don’t know
>Anon inadvertently sends me on search for TV show I know isn't online again

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Behold, aldous huxleys great-great-granddaughter.
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Ok? I wish her the best, but I'm not sure why this deserved its own thread. What's there to discuss?
you aren't get...aroused? you arent thinking lustful thoughts?
You know maybe women with strong chins might not be too bad, I have a weak one and I need strong sons, so anything for eugenics. It helps that we’re both English, why not?
She looks inbred

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What are some good novels featuring/about homosexuality?
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Dreams From My Father
>Carol Burnett
Impossible to unsee this
He's more attractive than most women.
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Him now
Christopher Isherwood - A Single Man

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> buy a book
> get excited
> read 2 chapters
> come on lit
> learn of another book
> buy new book
> repeat

I have an entire bookshelf of books on the back burner.

So what is the last book that was so captivating that you finished?
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>started From Hell in January (haven't finished yet)
>in that time I've read the first two Dune books
what did you guys think of the book?
Based Geertz anon. You read the essay about the Balinese cockfighting ring yet?
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The Lady in the Lake
It was alright. Not my favorite by Chandler. Good characters but the mystery got a bit convoluted
The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Confession by Tolstoy. 2 really good books

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Why do people have a problem with Peirce's infinite semiosis? How is it anti-realist? It seems like Peirce was heavily biased towards realism, with his crusade against nominalism and everything.
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Do your homework and read the thread again, I am not going to spoonfeed someone who hops on the bandwagon when he has only read the last 10 posts.
So you're just making more shit up now huh?
Yes, are you frustrated, why do you keep replying if you are? I am still not going to spoonfeed you.
Are you comparing your /lit/posts to the greatest philosophers who have ever lived? No wonder you're all fucked up lol.

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One must imagine Sisyphus horny
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Eternal bambisleep session
Everybody's read it. Even the art hoes read it. Stop trying to act cool just because you read some entry level shit, Zoomer.
This why didn't he push the boulder with his dick
>B-Boulderzzz r-rolling b-back on m-myyyy diiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!!!
Would certainly be one way to stick it to the gods

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What criteria must a modern work fulfill to be considered an "epic"? Does it just have to be really long?
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So Harry Potter can be considered an epic work then?
I mean actual wars, not battles with magic wands and woo woo.
So, is Lord of the Rings is an epic work, or do the wars have to be non-fictional?
You're exhausting to talk to. Good luck.
It was a just asking a question, bro. I wasn't trying to be patronizing.

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Does anyone wear gloves while reading? I was thinking about buying some cotton ones to keep my hands from getting my books dirty.
Yes I do to prevent the oil from my hands staining the pages.
Gloves are le shit for handling books if you have normal non sweaty hands. I thought about it but cant be assed desu.
Just wash your hands, genius.
The only reason to wear gloves whilst reading a book is if the book you’re reading is an actual relic 100+ years old minimum and/or worth $1,000+ Either way washing your hands does the trick 99% of the time
Even with old books I've seen numerous people who deal with them in museums and collections say that they don't wear gloves because with gloves it's easier to tear the pages or harm the paper. The little bit of oil on your fingers will do nothing to a book.

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Is there a word that means "To live out one's fantasy" As in
>People went there to live out their fantasies
But in one word?
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Yeah, I was really only curious if there was an actual word for it. Seems like there ought to be.
Indulge? Enact?
slay queen, or "sleigh" as the case may be
Not a word but "Blow your load" means "do as you please, or do whatever you want" in street parlance

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Why do Buddhists deny an all powerful deity but regularly pray to devas and Buddha's ? Also their thinking borders on pantheism but for some reason they still deny the notion of god.
Also why is there something rather than nothing? If the universe is eternal what set it in motion?
Why are there so many canons? How is it even possible to follow any of that shit?
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*such as being without Atman(s)
If someone says the sky is green, telling them they're wrong isn't dogmatic. An Atman is not directly observed and it does not hold up to reason. It contradicts dependent origination, which is the fundamental teaching of Buddhism. The Buddha was not one of the eel-wrigglers he criticized in the Brahmajala sutra, who just disagree with any position asserted without asserting anything of their own.
>An Atman is not directly observed
It’s not known as an object but it’s self-evident to us and known in every moment in a manner that doesn’t involve the subject-object split.

>and it does not hold up to reason.
Completely false

>It contradicts dependent origination, which is the fundamental teaching of Buddhism.
>it's self-evident that i am eternally unchanging jeetgod
The presence of the Self here and now as self-shining awareness-presence is self-evident to all.

That the Self is unconditioned, immutable, fearless, desireless, peaceful, pristine etc is not self-evident but it can be obscured or apparently hidden when unenlightened people mistakenly attribute Self to non-Self and vice-versa as also their respective traits.

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>Buy his book
>open to page one
>”Facts don’t care about your feelings” *vine boom*
>close book
Damn, $12 bucks down the drain

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Why are most translations of classics terrible af?
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pleb opinion, learning languages for literature is the second best reason to learn languages besides going to live in a country where they speark the language. Languages are living beings and learning them will make an enormous difference in how you perceive a culture, a people, a literature. It will also make you behave towards people who don't speak your language as if they were human. Learning a foreign language is the closest you have to develop real life telepathy for a (until then) completely foreign human being. There are few pleasures that go deeper that beginning to understand what people are saying and thinking around you. It makes the world feel alive, and it's one of the most rewarding learning experiences out there.
Stop posting here for a while and try learn other languages.
I have learnt a language though, to the point that I can read novels somewhat comfortably in it
Learning a language is like getting your first hit
It's never enough
You're constantly learning the language and then you begin to hunger for another language, another experience, another canon, another world
It is stupid
If I could go back and tell myself to just stick with English I would
Not everyone is NEET enough to learn all major literary languages, retard. Not to mention how It takes 3 or 4 years of intense reading in the language to gain enough fluently that you don't read at a decent pace.
Skill issue. Andrei learned Romanian in like 6 months.
Correct unless the translation is itself a work of art, e.g. Chapman's Homer, Fairfax's Tasso

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