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continued from >>24152404


So far, we got 17 entries and only SIX casted votes.

(reply 'voted' with a trip, use that trip as your NAME on the strawpoll.)


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>If the above are digs at Catholic orthodox rites & customs, like, bravo, Trippo—I was this close to consigning this whole Debenhams backstory to unnecessary, but these tough-to-notice details (if they are actually intentionally planted) bring the story full-circle.
Well of course I HAVE to say it's all intentional now, don't I? That's a brilliant analysis.
>If you have a character who talks cold, in order the reader isn't "freezing", conterpoint/contrast them with a character who talks hot. It's the opposite in your story—your MC is [so] overflowing[/boiling] with nerves and sporadic digressions, that intermittently hearing the measured retorts of a frosty interviewer[/interrogator] would go a long way in making your MC seem more on-edge by contrast, as well as helping to introduce a structure and [some] cool-downs to your MC's tall tale.
This is some very good advice and a memorable way of putting it, so thank you. I'll need to keep it in mind for the future. I thought leaving the interviewer as an implication would be interesting, but I think you're right that it perhaps doesn't quite work as simply as that.
>Pressing charges against whom? "Andy" is dead, right? Does she mean the Church? If so, I think you should explicitly state that that's an option on the table for her
>is just so... [to borrow a word she used] cliché (again, not necessarily pejorative), like, sad and disappointing that that's all there is to her
>I always crave some small glimmer of hope or beauty or reform in narratives as [open-and-shut] bleak as this one. All I feel I'm walking away with is --> wow, how small of some people... If you could add any details [at all] as to why your MC is like this[,] that maybe could help
Absolutely agree with your points here. If I'd had the time for an edit, I would have tried to tighten up the characterisation and add some more depth/details to her. The narrator is slightly too two-dimensional as it is.
>congratulations on crafting a very odious character, trippo, someone who invents miracles to cover up the mundanity of evil.]
Thank you -- that's what I was aiming for.
litcomp tripfags, please come save this pyw thread from itself!
That thread is not a good place. Avoid lol
they don't deserve us
It's an admirable attempt, but I feel the looseness of the OP opened the door way too broadly, causing a lot of anons just to shallow-post their own material and move on. Granted, I spent only a few minutes perusing it, so I might be wrong, but I feel specificity is key when it comes to sharing/making works outside of /wg/.

I was writing a prompt-based OP inspired by >>24169981(me), but didn't end up posting it.
Thought I'd just dump it here 1. Because this thread needs a bump. 2. Because it seems dumb to write something with the intent to share it and then never share it, and 3. In case anyone else wants to carry it forward and make it a real OP or something.


[Subject: Wiki-Roulette]

1. Go to this link:


2. No matter what you get, you MUST write about your result in some way. You may use up to 3000 characters (i.e. 1 post).

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Was he the GG Allin of literature?
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Wouldn’t categorise him as such but I can see where you’re coming from. Guy had guts and sheer unbridled passion.
Not even Seth Putnam or William Burroughs?
Literally me
Harlan is more Sex Pistols than GG Allin

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Is there a good book on foreign propaganda in the USA or just how foreign propaganda is effecting countries in general? Especially if they have a section on propaganda that’s seems pretty obvious and why they even bother with it. Like that North Korean stuff is goofy I don’t get it.
Cultural narratives based on nonsense, native propaganda, and foreign propaganda are the trifecta of mental sexual assault in the modern day so I’m surprised there isn’t like a famous mainstream book on this subject when manufacturing consent and simulacra and simulation
are so famous.
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I already brought up North Korean propaganda on TikTok and Chinese propaganda exists and such. Like I said USA propaganda is much bigger but this still exists and still fucks with people. The white monkeys phenomenon with china is another example. There’s also that 50 cent army shit they do. There’s also the bots of other nations on the US net
Also I think the old hunter Biden Ukraine shit was an example of Russian propaganda but I could be wrong. Even if I’m wrong about this everything else still stands. Less relevant forms of brain rape is still brain rape nonetheless and I want a book on it.
I do agree with the Ukraine and Israel stuff though because they don’t really count as foreign propaganda. Israel and the USA are one and the same and Ukraine is good for USA interests. That’s why I didn’t think the israel lobby book counted earlier. I don’t get how you can act like foreign propaganda basically doesn’t exist at all. The USA isn’t God things still go through their filters
As other people are suggesting, if you live in the West, then, ironically, the propaganda you’re most likely to be heavily subjected to by the mainstream news media, popular social media, and popular sites and forums on the Internet in general, is American propaganda, NATO/EU/Five -Eyes-alliance propaganda (closely allied with what elements of the U.S. State Department, Pentagon, CIA, etc. want spread), and, most infamously, Israeli or Zionist propaganda spread through Hasbara agents, JIDF, the whole gang of them.

Russian psy-ops, botfarms, trollfarms, trolling and shilling in the West through the Internet generally seem to be very real. One straightforward intent of theirs seems to be to get relevant Westerners against funding and supporting Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine war, and to see Russia as the victim of NATO and American machinations in Ukraine, provoked into this war and fighting an entirely just war. Of course, this is a biased view, but it’s simply biased in the opposite orientation from the U.S./NATO/pro-Ukraine axis and their propaganda. (Both sides of this conflict suffer from psychopathic personalities in power in both of these spheres, hence why they both indeed have valid grievances to pick with each other.) And then, ironically, a clever trick the U.S./NATO propagandists have done is to make a huge deal and fuss about “Russian psy-ops and shilling in Western media, alternative media sources, and online”, Russian infiltration, Russian propaganda, people being brainwashed or compromised by it, etc. Which is again rooted in truth. But then they also are completely mum on how, say, entities like USAID and the CIA definitely are also doing these things to other countries, and even groups like the 77 Brigade of the British Army also engaged in online shilling and psy-ops, besides of course the infamous Israeli Zionists, JIDF, Mossad and even the Sayanim (Jewish volunteers) they get to help, and, hell, sometimes even entirely non-Jewish shabbos goyim helping out, that whole complex.

Anyway, the clever trick they did is to exaggerate the evils and significance of Russia doing this, and downplaying that they themselves and their own allies also do it. They also significantly brainwashed (retarded) Redditors and the like to automatically “prebunk” anyone suggesting alternative, sometimes controversial, offensive, or politically incorrect viewpoints on a range of matters as all invariably being “Russian trolls”, or “brainwashed by the Russians”. Which, again, could actually be true in some cases, but also suffers from some of the faults of the former Red Scare some decades ago at its worst.

I guess the Chinese are probably doing some of this crap too. I mean I’m putting that too casually, it’s certain they’re doing it and it’s only rational they’re doing it, corrupt as it is, since America/NATO-and-co. are also doing it and have gleefully been doing it for decades at least.
Never seen NK tiktoks. White monkeys are internal, they target the Chinese not me.
The most effective propaganda that most easily destroys minds is purely based on framing and quantity. Flat out lying undermines its effectiveness.
NK making pretty video shorts trying to present the positive sides of life in NK isn't harmful until that framing reaches some critical mass of saturation without any counter messaging moderating it. In the current context this kind of NK "propaganda" would be healthy counter messaging.
I think you said it perfectly. Do you know any books on this matter? It could touch on the western state’s throwing propaganda at other countries to. (Just countries throwing propaganda on other states in general but a focus on the effect on the US state) One example I’m thinking of rn is how the USA spread lies about the Chinese vaccine in the Philippines to make it look like
The white monkeys as in the Chinese tours met to just say how good it is and such. There’s the uygher muslims and the downplaying of their situation. I already mentioned the bots of other nations and the Ukraine hunter thing. What do you have to say about them. I do think they had a great effect on us. It’s not obvious like the NK tour videos. I’ve also met people irl that dick suck Russia and their economy because of this propaganda. like tucker going to Russia and such. Of course there’s more propaganda in favor of Ukraine. Reddit is an example of this where they think Ukraine is 100% winning the war hand over fist and if you say anything different they think your crazy. There’s probably reason most the vids you can find are just Russians dying
>uygher muslims
I don't know what's real there but both perspectives are presented in the west so the critical mass hasn't been achieved on either side.
>tucker going to Russia
Is an example of healthy counter messaging as visiting the "enemy" almost always is good. We know Russia is fucked up but they also have plenty of cheap locally produced goods which most in the west don't.
Never seen even one confirmed case of these supposed bots, just admitted NAFO shills pretending they exist while they themselves carpet bomb all media with textbook propaganda and flat out lies.
It's harder for China or Russia to flat out lie because in the west they don't have that critical mass or the pressure from virtue signallers. They do have all that locally though so they can lie to their own people and control what they think.
US propaganda usually doesn't need to be careful anymore, they can say anything and you're the enemy if you don't believe it, even when a public paper trail completely disproves it. The 2012 Magnitsky act that sanctioned Russia was based on a completely made up story.
Framing a refusal to evacuate their own military base as a "covert invasion" is textbook propaganda, it should be taught to children as an example of what to watch out for.

This shit is cheesy kino that's unironic
>not The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause
Sounds fun

This guy is fucking terrifying
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If you watch an ad and you now suddenly want a shiny new car, that's a manufactured desire. It's not an authentic lack. You'e not really lackin something. Now what about the fact that you desire anything at all, manufactured or not? Claiming that this does not signify a lack on any deeper psychic level seems more diffcult to argue.
Desire in buddhism is more often translated as "craving" now. It is seen as the root cause of dukkha (suffering, dissatisfaction) and it comes in three forms:
Craving for sensual pleasures.
craving for existence/becoming (ambition, power, eternal life)
craving for non-existence, sometimes understood as craving for being.
These desires are all considered unwholesome and are linked to attachment. Wholesome desires are ones directed toward nirvana.
He was an atheist
The sudden " rupture" of Inner Experience can absolutely destroy your sense of self. I say this as someone who has personally experienced it (or at least something like it).

It has taken me years to revert from a husk like state of pure unending perceptual dissaray and reclaim myself. It has been pure hell every step of the way and I am only glad that I can now again form coherent sentences.
Only on the surface, guy was actively working with dark forces and energies

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Is writing in 3rd person preferable to writing in 1st person?
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Done well, 1st person can demonstrate unique writerly gifts. Done poorly there might not be a worse experience on the planet. 3rd person will rarely reach the same highs unless the author is capable, but even when it’s bad it’s serviceable
Second person unironically
3rd person with free indirect discourse
Depends on the space you attribute it to
Do you like being a follower?

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How do you figure out what to read next?
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I look at /lit/ charts, go through the list in thegreatestbooks.org and read the premises to the books, ask ChatGPT, read the interviews with my favorite authors and find out which books they like, ask for recommendations here.
Then I order them according to priority.
a vibe hits me and i just go in. that's why it's important to have piles of unread books cuz u don't what will happen.
Books come with inbuilt recommendations to other books. If you read widely, you'll have a logjam of good stuff in no time.
pay attention to any books referenced in what you already read
I just peruse my stack.

Do you guys think Jordan Peterson would fight the basilisk inside the DnD planeverse where the hydra-nymph has fifty heads and uses smite on Svidraigolov?
The beholder is copyrighted

>A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days. Of the nigger I used to dream for years afterwards.
Why are wypipo like this?
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There's no way you wouldn't be shocked to see some enormous Shaq-sized negro in late 19th century Haiti
Conrad decided to become British.
They can't stop consuming the BBC. They even pay a tithe to it.
Sure, but to dream about him?
Shaq is really big
Projection from a brownoid. You are mentally ill.

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I've been undergoing profound transformations lately - revisiting philosophical debates, reexamining my past experiences, and reflecting more deeply on fundamental truths. Ultimately, I’ve come to the conclusion that the manifold diversity of the universe is nothing other than the myriad expressions of Brahman.

My main issue with Buddhism lies in what I perceive as its philosophical inconsistency. Its doctrines often seem scattered and internally unresolved. For instance, the Sarvastivadins, with their quasi-Platonic ontology, illustrate the tradition’s varied and sometimes conflicting influences. While I hold deep respect for Buddhism (having once followed it myself), I find Nagarjuna’s dialectics to be largely sophistic, and much of the Pali canon to be an expansive yet loosely structured collection. At times, Buddhist thought leans toward extreme nominalism; at other times, it pivots in a markedly different direction.

Even in its critique of the Self, Buddhism paradoxically reintroduces something akin to it - particularly in its treatment of Nirvana as a determinate state. Over time, especially within Mahayana traditions, this tendency seems to risk veering toward nihilism, as the rejection of inherent essence sometimes dissolves into an absence of substantive affirmation. There comes a point when one must move beyond mere upaya (skillful means) and directly articulate truth. Historically, when figures such as Huineng did just that in works like the Platform Sutra, their insights bore a striking resemblance to Vedanta.

In essence, Buddhism seems to orbit Vedantic conclusions without fully committing, caught in a web of its own conceptual tensions. Vedanta, by contrast, offers a more internally coherent framework - one that not only aligns with modern philosophy but also addresses certain gaps in scientific understanding, particularly concerning teleology and purpose. Even Schrodinger recognized this profound connection.

Furthermore, while Buddhism resists the label of nihilism, it hesitates to affirm a definitive purpose. If it seeks to move beyond mere negation, why not embrace a clearer metaphysical foundation, as Vedanta does?

Pic-related is the next book I plan to read.
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> Pic-related is the next book I plan to read.
The same translator has an edition published by CUNY that has more of the original text, you one you posted looks to be abridged to a greater degree. Its the one in this chart.
> why not embrace a clearer metaphysical foundation, as Vedanta does?
Because if you color outside of the lines too much, or think outside of the box too much, you risk being deemed non-Buddhist by other Buddhists. There are a certain amount of dogmatic positions taught by Buddha that all Buddhists are expected to adhere to in order to be regarded as such, and there are additional further dogmatic positions depending on the school in question. A classic example of someone being deemed to have gone “beyond the pale” is Jonang, which integrates Madhyamaka, Yogachara and Tantra into their hermeneutical understanding, but in a way that rejects anti-foundationalism and which posits an eternal incorruptible Buddha-Nature as forming ultimate reality and as being endowed with its own nature, being empty only of all that is not itself, i.e. conditioned phenomena; and for this they were attacked by other Buddhist schools.
The purpose of the Buddhadharma is to achieve buddhahood, with two-fold omniscience, and ceaselessly and effortlessly work to free all sentient beings from the suffering of samsara.

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>accidentally erased the voices and lived experiences of indigenous peoples and marginalized identities by reading another dead white male
How could I have been so callous
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greater empire always consume lesser ones.
the vulnerable shall always be in fear of the apex predator. Cuz once they have surrendered ,they shall meet every demand of their occupiers to save their warrant .this is how it always works and will remain as it. to think that you and your reservation fellas deserve to remain as a burden or responsibility of your foreign invaders only insults your own ancestors who died honorably saving this land from the white men. the only ones who are left now are traitors and dociles. same goes for every race or civilization that has been colonized.
But Breezewood, PA was always part of the Union, from day one.
Healing takes time anon. Go have your cry and come back bigger and braver than ever :)
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>At least they were able to live in harmony with nature for thousands of years
What do you mean by harmony and who do you mean by "they"?
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I fucking wish reading white men magically made abbos shut the fuck up.
Injuns are cool with me though.

opinions on Bret Easton Ellis?
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The movie is goofier and more satirical. I think it's funny that the only character that actually cares about Bateman and sees him as a human being is a gay guy, and Bateman can't bring himself to kill him, even though Bateman is homophobic.
Go to sleep, Bret.
he stinks
He is weird man but in a good sense. I'm fond of him.

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So I read Stoner because of /lit/ and I was so happy because it was actually good.
I also bought "Spring Snow" by Mishima because of a post here.
How many good books did you read because of /lit/ ?
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keep thread alive--post good books
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saw it posted a few times and picked it up because of the cover. loved the book. up to you whether it counts as "good" but I think so
Doctor Faustus
The Recognitions
Sometimes a Great Notion
A King Alone
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Can't read without my reading knife

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So this dude was a card-carrying member of the Scottish Socialist Party while writing a bestselling series of books glamorizing regime change-operations during the Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush II administrations?
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Are the culture supposed to be this subtly dystopian entity of out pf control servitor AI's?
Nta but ill get one servicing your mom. What's her bra size?
Then you're a retard who is utterly ignorant of history and human nature.
Kind of sort of. He basically wrote it as his personal ideal utopia, but the first ~5 books kind of come at it from the edge and examine its shortcomings and contradictions.
The Culture is a utopia but the main problem is boredom and the AIs that run everything are way more intelligent than them so they can do things like manipulate them to do morally dubious things to non-Culture civilizations (for their own good).

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Are there any good books with villain protagonists? Such as a conqueror or something.
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Just watch/read Berserk.
The Eternal Champion.
Moorcock massively influenced modern scifi with his universe.
Shadow of the Conqueror
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Idk if they're good but Reverend Insanity and The Kindly Ones

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