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If you like reading for prose then your thoughts on works of philosophy are questionable at best because you're more susceptible to being swayed by sophistry. You're the intellectual counterpart to the consoomer, devouring content simply because it has been given a certain form, with little regard as to the internal coherence of any body of work.
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every human is attracted by beauty you imbecile
just because you find other things beautiful doesn't mean you won't be seduced by sich either
aesthetics matter
>beauty doesn’t matter I’m le ebin rational man
I look forward to your inevitable suicide
Hylic thread, worse yet, as atheist as it gets
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What if I like certain prose for its clarity and effectiveness of communicating?
stop posting this forced bullshit everywhere
>he had to look up what hylic means
Kek, hylic alert
congratulations for discovering rhetoric, you punk ass bitch
Well, I don't anymore, because you've been posting it for years now, but I like posting the definition anyway from a sunlight is the best disinfectant principle.
People here know what hylic means retard, you aren’t shaming anyone by explaining it, you’re just making yourself look like you grossly overestimate your own intelligence. It makes more sense as an insult for someone who can’t appreciate beauty than “faggot” or “retard”
I just think it's silly to forcedly inject gnosticism into random posts and will continue calling attention to it. Evidently I've struck a nerve.
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>he latched onto the second half of the post because he really can't help being swayed by evocative words
You people really don't think do you?
Yeah you struck my “annoyed by smug self important spergs” nerve, you’re the one who literally got triggered by the use of a gnostic term in a shitpost reply to someone else’s post so bad that you couldn’t help but respond to it
>anime poster
>obvious low iq
>incapable of appreciating actual beauty
Many such cases!
anime site, by the way. marxist, too.
>anime site, by the way.
Fair but what I said is still true
>marxist, too.
hang yourself
You’re forcing a very dumb and false dichotomy. Reading beautifully put-together language offers aesthetic enjoyment, whereas philosophy admittedly offers a more abstract, cognitively-oriented, conceptually-oriented or intellectually-oriented stimulation. You’re right that these are different and clearly distinguishable, but there’s nothing to prevent a person from enjoying and being drawn to beautifully-written literature, while on the other hand also being interested in and seriously engaged with philosophy, even in philosophy written by philosophers with famously clunky prose-styles, or, on the other hand, very technical and non-poetic styles. All you have to do is compartmentalize it. It’s like saying, “Anyone who likes listening to good music, appreciates music for the wonderful sounds it can make and what a rapturous experience it can be to listen to it, clearly isn’t worth taking seriously on matters of philosophy.”

That’s a dumb dichotomy, again. Enjoying beautiful music doesn’t somehow make you incapable of engaging with Aristotle or Heidegger or whoever. Now, it’s possible that the following COULD be true in cases — someone likes listening to beautiful music, or enjoys literature for beautiful language (whether in prose or verse), and isn’t very good at engaging with philosophy. But there’s no direct X —> Y relationship there.
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Philosophy and religion are literally hylic bugman tier on par with science. If you study philosophy or "believe" in a religion you may as well be a programmer and listen to "hustle" culture podcasts while worshipping Elon Musk.

Only those with the inner essence of an aesthete can appreciate art, music, and literature.
further, there's a total domain mismatch between the aims and accomplishments of philosophy and literature. op apparently treats art as a subset of epistemology.
yeah and that's the other way to be an idiot about this
Your thoughts on works of philosophy are questionable at best because you're a moron.
I don't understand the psduds who read for prose, nor those that read for the plot. A work of literature should the embodiment of a philosophical insight in action.

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