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This is the worst location in the franchise.
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its so cozy
Soul. And it doesn't take 20 hours to find like in Johto.
>20 hours to find like in Johto.
>do pokeathlon 4 times
>change date on DS if necessary
wow so hard
if you change the time the game detects it so it doesn't count

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What makes a good jobmon designs?
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whether or not I grew up with it
all of these except inteleon are hot
Barafaggot detected
Where does the bottom obstagoon come from? Is that a fanart or beta design?
Still want to fuck both obstagoon...

Why did my GSC thread get deleted?
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Thanks guys. Outing myself here but I copped a 7 day you know what despite only posting the op. Is that just guilty by association?
Like a fucking week for a thread
>it's impossible to have any rational discussion about gen 2. any acknowledgement about Johto that isn’t completely shitting all over it gets swarmed by trolls
Fixed it for you
>ignoring the shitflinging between the 2 8 year olds before it
>ignoring the gsc sucks post that gets zoomer bad responses
no, you're the nigger
that sucks, and definitely not normal. Even people who make threads that actually instigate genwars don’t get banned that long. you may have just run into a newer jannie on a power trip.
lmao wrong, there were plenty of johto posts that got a pass in that very thread. gay headcanon posts and defend our honor posts deserve their shit

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>white t-shirt
>knee high socks
Why doesn’t she wear pants
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>Return to monke
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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

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I'll ask one last thing if you don't mind before I leave you alone, I appreciate everything so far.

In some gacha games, there is a time to start / reroll (Legfest for granblue/princess connect, special limited banners, etc)
Does this game have a specific time I should await for to jump in considering resources are scarce? Maybe a legendary version of a favorite, or just a good synergizing start?
Ok schizo
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The game is like 80% limited units and they only come back when the devs decided for them to. There's no pools for select groups or unit types or anything. So each month you get at least 4 new limited units and some reruns. Holiday banners don't come with previous years those ones are on a separate banner with a shared 2%. So Christmas it's 2 banners for the new ones then 1 shitty rerun banner. There's a type called Pokefair where they get rerun sporadically sometimes in a shared banner with 1 or 2 others. The shittiest ones are Master Fairs which have a lower rate and are always in a single banner. Sparks are 33k gems but they used to give you 30k per month and severely reduced that starting this year. Oh yeah there's a paid only banner that has all non Master Fair units in the entire game sharing 2% but that's not going to help you collect. Don't listen to all the bullshit about how generous the game is. Just because it might not be scummy as other more well known gacha games doesn't mean it's good. I still really don't recommend this game unless you're already trapped with sunken cost either from playing since launch or you spent a bunch of money on it already.
Alts come with their own Pokémon. Default Rosa has Snivy and her most recent fancy one has Meloetta. They're treated as their own units. The outfit comes with the Pokémon. Most of the time the outfit takes inspiration from the Pokémon anyways if it's not something canonically owned from the main games. You said you don't really care for the main games but this game is extremely main line adjacent. Which is the only reason I ended up getting suckered into it in the first place. Story wise it's an official fanfiction but I would never recommend you play the game for that when you can just watch YouTube or something.

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Reminder that (You) and your pokemon are based. Have a nice day, cheers!
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I'm a pokemon.
But who's that Pokémon?
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I tried to draw something for this thread. I won't be able to finish it before the image limit so I better post it now.
Thank you for the great thread, Regibros.
You should finish it and post it in the next thread :)

Sorry I let it die
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You don’t understand the subtle nuance of eastern artstyles. NGMI
The rest of the pokemon. Despite being .00013% of the pokemon population Absols commit 53% of the disasters. Really makes you think.
i wanna plow this cow
Get in line
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who else completely forgot about this thing
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How i could forget about the biggest missed opportunity?
ive always thought this thing mustve either been a scrapped starter evo, or at least a design that split off from an unused concept for it.

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its a pokemon themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics

play using:
^ fake offline client. you can eventually export your save to other custom servers. you will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed

off: https://github.com/pagefaultgames

>there are such things as stupid questions
check the wiki so you dont ask a stupid question: https://wiki.pokerogue.net/start

>conversation starter
I really don't want endless updates. the planned changes for endless sound like a whole new game mode that is worse for catching shinies, ha, and ledendaries
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unless you are blessed with a pickpocket (ha) tink, having a high base stat steel type with good ability gives you a good splice candidate into tink for endless or inevitable hard mode runs
>also, just curious why are you on /vp/
Well it's a pokemon game and this is the pokemon board so you know I just figured that...
I did try /v/ but the thread there died in 20 posts or so
exp balancer flat-out shouldn't be in endless, it either totally bricks your run or does literally nothing.
>rerolls a shop with big nugget and pp up
(with lock capsule which should be an item all runs start with)
>rolls big nugget and pp up
>need luck to best get shinies
>need shinies to raise luck
10/10 system

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Why does /vp/ hate her now?
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>Veepee is a traumobra board
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Thanks. It turns out the most frustrating thing about making a game is getting anybody to actually play the goddamn thing once it's done. I would not have expected that.
I am surprised Singapore is on the list who searched Cynthia Pokemon, though I get it that there is an actress in Singapore who shares the same name.
Sex with the best and strongest champ
Cynthia sisters... were we brown this entire time...?

We love Hilda!
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> >TPC always feels the need to cater to Fujos so they often shill the Hilbert and N pairing
What the fuck are blabbing about ?
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> If TPC is shilling Hilbert and N, what does that mean for Hilda.
It means that you are a tranny getting mad at a boy (that isn’t Red) receiving any sort of recognition from the TPC for once.
There are probably more of them here than in Bulgaria
>Guy is dissing a gay ship
What did the dumb ass avatar fagging as Spiderman mean by this?
who knows who cares im here to fap to how hot as actual fuck (and cute) hilda is

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It's my birthday. Can we have a Gardevoir thread for it?

ITT we post about Gardevoir, the Ralts line, and friends.
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>Why do Gardes love their humans?
Because they were created to watch over us while we develop as a species.
>Why do humans love their Gardes?
Because they're perfect lifeforms.
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for this
Man, Gardevoir puberty must be Hell for them. Is a'ight tho, we can solve this together in a wholesome way.
well, you raise a pokemon to be fast, it becomes fast. if you raise it to be lewd, then it becomes lewd.

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Lucky that we love a foreign land for the lucky fact of Kiki's existence.
Previous thread: >>55759087
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I just wanna hold him, whether he's being petulant or not. Hold him and never let go. Also sexo
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Flower Festival Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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Considering Entei is coming and that you want as many Fire pokemon as possible, go to Taupe. Your spawns will be far less diluted than having to push past the normal spawns on Greengrass. Plus, your score won't matter for the week, as your only real goal should be to get more fire pokemon rather than try to push location landmarks.

It's not going to be very good. Nature could be fine, but you're mainly just looking at the first 2 skills to be useful, which those are not.
Now that's stupid
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Ofcourse the week I used a main skill seed I find the best Ralts.
They're both female
wowza. congratulations on your wealth of berries and energy
you say that, but shit like this happens >>55798208
game has been out getting close to a year now, and i've recieved 2 subskill seeds f2p. I've got 3 pokemon with bfs and help bonus, and as friendship for more mons hit 10, it'll only become more likely to get that double

shouldermon are small pokemon you keep outside of their pokeball like Ash's pikachu
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That only works if that have Solid Rock
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Kecleon really pushing it at three feet, but it's been shown as pretty much the same size as Pikachu in the anime so I say it counts.
Based Togetic enjoyer.
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Based Helioptile enjoyer.
Well, since that's taken (that would've been my first pick), I'll go with picrel.

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