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So am I stupid or is every single eeveelutions completely outclassed by other pokemon? I feel like their movepools are incredibly shallow, they don't have a lot of synergy with other pokemon for teambuilding, and they just feel lackluster in both casual playthroughs and comp.
Umbreon and Sylveon are still somewhat useable in VGC, but that's just incidental, The Eons' main purpose is to just be cute gerbils for casuals to gush over and by merch of. Battles are more of a CHARIZARD thing (Game Freak are just so incompetent the wannabee dragon is a complete shitter without it golden parachute shill forms).
I think the worst part is still them trying to force Eevees as endgame level opponents. The shallow movepools really show when someone like Hau or Penny has them, and they really just aren’t end boss material.
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Uh hunh, right, anyways, dropping this Chappy here, in case we'll need this new colony.
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Bump, someone tell me what to do with these fuckers.
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Pet them.
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This. For your pic, Espeon is a nice surprise to switch in when some nigga is gonna try to set up hazards or something, and can probably still one-shot that thing if it's a Poison type trying to give you Toxic Spikes. It also looks like Umbreon got Toxic back, so that might still be fun.
I always thought Eevee's were PEAK for casual playthroughs?
You get them as a gift at like Lv20 so there's practically zero grinding and you can evolve them into whatever you want.
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I'm very much glad I'm not so autistic that I obsess over efficiency in casual playthroughs
Imagine being so bad that glancing at stats and abilities and moves is such a monstrous herculean effort. Wow, such efficiency, """very much glad"""
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In competitive? Fair. The Eeveelutions suffer from formulaic stat spreads and shallow movepools.

In casual, though? How would they ever feel lackluster? I've used Vaporeon and Jolteon in multiple RBY and Platinum playthroughs, and they never disappointed. Even Flareon was able to pull its weight when I played Sun, though I was admittedly using the EXP Share.
The point of the thread was to see if there were players who are better than me who knew what to do with them and see if they can spruce up my own understanding of these pokemon. Glad you can jerk yourself off over some vague sense of autism though.
>are they outclassed
Always have been
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Jolteon is great in a casual playthrough of Kanto, and whatever other games you get Eevee.
It's super fast, you can use it on rain and Thunder everything with 100 accuracy and almost always outspeed even if underlevelled.
You can keep Bite from Eevee, and it's attack stat is okay enough to use some coverage moves like Dig, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail. You could run T-wave to paralyze things to help your other mons outspeed them too if you switch out or Jolteon is going down.
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Depends on which game you play. Jolteon is the best Electric-type in Kanto except for Zapdos. I use Vaporeon over Lapras if I don't have a Water-type by Celadon. Lapras is too low level by the time you get it. Electric is not needed much is Kanto. I don't bother with Eevelutions that are non-stone. Having Espeon and Umbreon as starters in Orre was fun though.
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It just works that much harder for you, so be sure to pet it a lot.
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Ew it’s got fleas.
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I would argue that electric Pokémon (or at the very least something with a strong Thunderbolt) is incredibly useful in Kanto. Ripping through Lorelei (arguably the strongest Elite Four member) and auto-deleting things like Agatha's Golbat, Lance's Gyarados, champion's Pidgeot...
Sylveon is an almost strictly superior Florges
As a Florges enjoyer I am pretty butthurt about it
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It might be just because of how a lot of things could use Electric moves as coverage. They still didn't hit as hard as Jolteon, and certainly weren't as fast.
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>merely pretending
Blud, you just get Jolteon/Vaporeon and you have a solid Thunderbolt/Surf machine. It's not hard to use Eevee casually.
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Brave, but dumb. If Jolteon gets hit by lightening, Fishcat is still going to fry.
Ehh most of them are still plenty good for single player. The only ones that really absolutely suck are Flareon and Glaceon.
At least leafeon would keep vaporeon dry
Careful not to spend TOO much time out in the rain! Don't want to get overwatered! Don't want your leaves to start drooping!
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Thanks for catching it, anon! Can't believe I overslept
Is... Is that Jolteon okay? :(
Needs rape correction
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Just woke up!
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Thanks for those, anon! It's really nice to see Jolteon getting love intstead of abuse.
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I'm a fan of big Umbreons
Err, I mean, I'm a big fan of Umbreons
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>Tsitra360 posts sketches in February of a new Dynamax Sylveon pic he is working on of it helping cars cross a broken bridge

>Week later posts a WIP of it on his Trello that looks mostly finished

>No mention of it months later

>A Dynamax Glaceon pic is started and completed along with several others during that time

>The WIP has now been deleted from his Trello

Guess he decided to cancel it for whatever reason, damn, I was looking forward to that one :(
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Let the poor thing out :(
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>Petting your Jolteon
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What are they saying?
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Dunno, can't speak moon :(
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Well according to Google translate, the idea is that the first panel is Jolteon sleeping in winter and the second is in spring. Then the 2 Eevee are happy about being able to touch Jolteon’s soft tummy, which they can only do in spring since Jolteon curls up to sleep when it’s in winter.
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It's been months since I used that image translate. I hope that means it's working again now!
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Petting your Jolteon would be a lot less hazardous if you just invest in some rubber gloves!
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This is the same dude who shoved his Flareon inside his jacket when he was cold, then was surprised that it started burning him and he desperately tried to get it out. He's not very bright.
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The Eeeves are absolutely an example of “in-game first” Pokémon, along with most starters and early route joiners. They’re not the best in VGC or Smoggy, but they’ll pull their weight and more in-game.

Honestly all I’d do is
>Every Eevee gets its corresponding LGPE move, but renamed and with the nerfed Gen 8+ attributes for them in the code. Glaceon’s now inflicts Frostbite if it gets into Gen 10
>Swap Flareon’s SpA and Spe, it’s not Gen 1 any more it has physical coverage
>Give them more coverage - there’s already some overlap, don’t be afraid to play into it but keep it so they don’t outclass each other (i.e give Glaceon a 70-80 power Water move, give Flareon and Leafeon Crunch)
>Give Weather Ball and Terrain Pulse the property of using the higher attack stat or give them physical counterparts (mostly for Chlorophyll Leafeon)
>Maybe bump their BST to 530/535 to match the best starters but by that point they’re actually higher stats than most starters
>Honestly any sort of buff to monotype Pokémon as a whole would be a god send to the Eeevees
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While the moves would help a lot, I just dunno about signature moves. I just always thought of the Eeveelutions as using the iconic moves of their type. The main problem is just not having a better physical Fire move. All those would still be nice, though!
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Not if it's volt absorb
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Do you see Umbreon more as a dog...
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... or as a cat?
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>someone tell me what to do with these fuckers.
This might not work at high level competitive where everyone has hazers and phazers, but an all-eeveelution, all Baton Pass team could be a fun, different thing to try for 6v6 singles. Maybe lead with Acid Armor Rest/Chesto or Wish/Protect Vaporeon and pass a +4 or +6 defense on to the next mon. The next mon could be, like, Calm Mind / Baton Pass Umbreon. Should be an easy sweep if you can avoid roar / dragon tail / haze bullshit. 100% guaranteed to work against in-game AIs and low-level competitive players.
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But that *is* one of the competitive strategies, whenever you're able to use it. It was probably the most fun to do in a gen7 format. It's really just that if you can do that, your opponent is also allowed to do a lot of nasty things. You also have Espeon if you're worried about getting Roared
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Where is this from?
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From this one!
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Mine wanted to play Monopoly when I got home from work today, so that's how I'm spending my evening.
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What a cutie! Makes me really happy to see those get so much love. I really should make a plushie folder for all those pics.
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The fish is a good companion to play monopoly with, I think you should be able to win that. Vaporeons are not known for their gaming skills.
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The holy grail of eeveelution plushes
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