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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Nada ñ sou estou aqui para dizer q noz da o cu porra é o orochinho presidente do brasil

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Previous: >>979755

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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It's not in this section of parameters? This is the default location for new custom morphs.
Is there a plugin that makes clothes change more naturally when you increase boob size? I'm 90% sure i've seen something that does exactly this, but I can't remember what it's called.
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You have a few options. The two major products for most generations are Breast Helper and Fit Control. Aside from that you can also use dforce like shown here: https://youtu.be/kk8GpirVVLw
For the best look, export the item to your software of choice and sculpt a proper "strained top" then import that as a new morph.
Daz is retarded and sometimes imports morphs as hidden. So, show hidden in the option and check if it is there.
Based coomer retard. That is barebones coomer morph bullshit. Step it up.

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I've reached PS2 levels of SOVL.
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>successfull developer.
Post work.
are you blind?
have you been to a doctor?
is this just your autism overwhelming everything else?
you have been working on this shit for decades at this point, you still seem incapable of the tiniest bit of critical analysis on your own work
everything you do is caked in layers of absolute fucking shit that just could not be there if you had a functioning brain and healthy eyes
Is the PS2 in the room with us? that's below n64 graphical fidelity, not to mention art direction that makes it even more wonky, start over from scratchj8mh
It actually makes me tear up a bit because youve been working on this for a decade now, this is actually fucking sad
Eternal Permabegness is real…

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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can someone tell me how I can select two different objects in the scene collection window, at the same time, without selecting the objects that are in-between the two in said window. pls help
Isn't it the standard shortcuts of ctrl to select multiple one at a time and shift to select everything between two selections?
hmm.. that was my first thought and I tried it, but now b/c of your comment I am remembering I changed a lot of my shortcuts early on, I better double check those, thanks
lmao, nope, my keyboard just rly sucks and I wasn't properly using it, good times
Shitty donut

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How much time do you think this should take? I'm working on this for 12-14 hours total at this point and honestly I expected it to go faster, but there are many minor issues along the way and they sometimes take unexpected amount of time to fix. For example, when I choose a face for custom transform orientation and start moving something, snapping to vertex/edge stops working as expected and instead snaps things to some weird locations, which makes some things really hard to model or cleanup. I wonder are there any plugins or workflows which make it easier/faster to model stuff like this?
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These people saying it takes 15 and half an hour are so full of shit lmfao
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Sitting on this for hours. I've lost count of time.
Boolean simply doesn't work at this point. It does random shit and fucks up geometry.
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I just want to remove this upper part, but there's no way to do this with boolean because it simply doesn't work for unknown reasons.
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Idk, maybe this geometry is already too tricky for further booleans.
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Settled on this. Not too happy with it, but it will look better in NPR renders.
Although, I realize, most of this should be smooth shaded, but I have no idea how to properly make it smooth shaded. It looks even worse than flat shading when I try.

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Hi, I'm just getting started with rendering things in blender. I tried rendering this cube with my handpainted textures applied but I seem to have some sort of seam around the border of my cube's edges. I'm guessing this has to do with the lack of padding around the cube's uv layout so yeah how do I fix this
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Here's it now with no lighting detail and of course a brown fill layer around the diffuse map
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The diffuse map.
try making the material either diffuse or emission and hook it up as an image texture
You're going about this completely wrong.

Make 1 plane, apply your seamless texture (without repeats like your cross) and then duplicate that plane to form all sides of the cube.

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Aibros made zremesher with worse edge flow and nonsense geometry
I think it might finally be JOEVER
This is actually really cool. Nice practical use instead of retarded anime girl posing in a void #948288583.
More AI kino?

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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Questions that don't deserve their own threads

I wanted to ask a question that didn't deserve its own thread but I didn't see one active, so I'll start one
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>Make scene in blender
>Render scene
>Reopen scene to see if I can improve it
>Select object
>Just tells me the object is selected and all I can do is edit the materials
>Can enter edit mode
>Can't actually edit the model
>Lights light the scene
>Can select them
>Can't see their outline
>Can't do anything with them

What have I fucked up here?
Is there a way to bind rig bones to a vertex position or something like so the rig will auto adjust to a mesh's shape change?
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What is this shit I'm seeing in Substance Painter?
I'm modeling a side by side break action shotgun in blender. I need to make sure that the ejectors (flat bit + a cylinder) move in one piece RELATIVE to the barrels of the shotgun, so I can animate them popping up when you open the gun.

How do I do this?
I want to start doing a bit of CAD, what's a software worth learning and sticking to? Fusion360, Solidworks? There's too many names and I don't know enough to pick one

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(You) use blender because its free as in free beer.
I use blender because its free as in freedom.
We are not the same.
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I use Blender because it's actually good.
It’s so bad that fork Blender developers like Bforartist are finding plugins unable to work. Blender is forcing users to choose their Blender instead of fork Blender. That’s very anti competitive, this is the same egotistical behavior you should expect from Blender developers.
Reminder to everyone to filter all mentions of maya when on /3/
lmao, a fork just to make modeling half as fast because shitters can't into hotkeys, good riddance
Don’t defend Blender ecosystem like Steam or Apple. Nothing good comes out of it.

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T pose or a pose? Which is better for rigging and retopo? And why?
The optimal bindpose for animation would be one where your characters limbs are pre-bent at 50% of their motion range.
like having the character curled up halfway into a fetal position as this means the limb will look more correct at full extension and
full compression than if it was extended, without having to resort to additional morphers and systems to support the bending of the limbs.

The problem is that modelling in such a position or make additional outfits/clothes for a character in such a position is a big hassle compared to
having a pose where all the limbs are out of the way and easy to work on, optimal position for this is the sort of tailors position where you stand with your
arms raised forming a letter T, the T-pose. Problem with the T-pose is that not all your limbs are not only fully extended your shoulder is also at one extreme of
it's motion range, meaning you will get the lowest quality shoulder during animation unless you address it with a lot of finicky systems.
It will also be difficult to judge what a character will look like arms down wearing a new outfit garment you model in this T-pose

So enter the happy medium; The 'A-pose'. The limb that has most motionrange in the entire body is the shoulder and having the shoulder at 50% of it's motionrange
vastly improve the ease by which you can tell what your character will actually look like articulated while simultaously being almost as easy to work on as the
T-pose as the limbs for the most part are out of the way.

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What I meant to say was: "problem with the T-pose is that _now_ all your limbs are fully extended and your shoulder is also locked out fully raised".
This is the definitive answer.

Just to add:
You can model a character in t-pose, bind it to a rig, move it into the optimal semi-fetal position, and then fix all the geometry. Rebind it back to the skeleton in that pose, and then rewind the skeleton back to the t-pose to model clothes and shit. You can reduce the extra work by not killing yourself getting the joint geometry just right before the repose step, since you'll have to do it over again anyways.
Sounds about right.
However, all of that is true only due to the fact that we still rely on weight painting for deformation, instead of a volumetric solution for deformation.

what are some good methods or techniques for doing 3d gibs and other weird gruesome stuff? or at the very least, depicting broken bones or injuries? are models instanced to replace the original model with broken parts? is that animated in manually or is there a workflow that supplements this?
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> the vertex normals of deformed vertices have to be perturbed by adjacent normals somehow.
Is that true? I would have thought that each vertex's normal would strictly be determined by it's original normal multiplied by the computed skinning matrix (or the inverse transpose for correct normals, w/e)
If that's the case, then as long as the seam vertices have the exact same position and the same weighting, then they will undergo the same normal transforms during animation and no seam will be introduced
I hope you are right and that's how it works, I will give it a test later I guess cutting up some rig and manually edit the normals and see what happens.
have a look at this zombie model from re2 remake. there's loads of gore meshes inside the body and they hide the outer layers as you damage them
Yeah, I'm done. I got fucking filtered. How much would you charge me to set this up for my characters? If you were willing to do it of course.
just buy a system https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/assets?keywords=dismember

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Is there another software with a better brush system that grease pencil?

Is there a way to have some raster tool like Krita being able to export to grease pencil.

grease pencil brush engine is just cumbersome compared to drawing with a raster tool like Krita.

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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So is Cris the local /3/ schizo?
Not just /3/, he also likes to infect /v/ and /vg/ threads with his shitty AI “workflows”.
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For some reason I am only allowed to download this render of Klez, the Warlord’s underling. I’m trying to download a different render of Fygoon and his friends, but this Botnet keeps co-opting them.
Wait until I model Cryptolocker, another fiendish cohort of the Warlord.
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Here’s a render of Fygoon and his best buddies. I made a bunch of renders exclusive to my website for the Fygooniverse.
can you stop shilling your shit in /v/ and this board please? the last thing we need is spamming avatarfags

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