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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Realistically the leg changes shape when it moves because the muscles are attached to different (literal) bones. I'm skeptical you can just weight-paint really good; surely professionals use a different method. Can you do something like create a second model with the leg raised and anatomy corrected and morph between the two?
I've done modeling in Blender before and focused on 2D art since, and I'm interested in getting back into 3D but the impression I'm getting it modeling machines with hard joints is a better use of 3D.
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You’re the dumbass who thinks legs can do impossible things. I showed you a video and that wasn’t enough?! Really, what human can do a 70-80 degree leg up.

What part of “show your work” isn’t a challenge in 3D, are you a newfag? Why even say such things when you know someone might post something.

It’s not smooth, 100% cube not like a noob like you understand basic professional skills. I also said it was rush, i have real work to do that pays me for my skill. The model obviously is missing IKs and controls, that’s why I said it’s rushed, the maya playblast is obviously showing me moving the bones.

So let’s run things down:

1) you failed at noticing it’s a maya playblast

2) you failed at identifying the difference between sculpting and modeling

3) you failed to read

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Are you perhaps a little person? Because real humans can do about 120° forward and 20° backwards at the hip joint. Just so you know.
I believe you because my uncle works at Nintendo and he told me that everybody knows you and how talented you are.
can you seethe any harder?
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Sorry for the jank but I'm busy today. This is about 100° at the hips and it's a perfectly natural pose. Just because Blender's Armature modifier is broken it doesn't mean everybody in the world should limit themselves to 70° per joint. If you know how to do it, you can do 150°, which is necessary at the knees and at the elbows.

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I see /ic/ has a /beg/ thread often and figured this might be a good place to have one as well.

If you're already proficient in 3D, use this thread as a way to help new people grow with either tutorials you know of or general advice. I'll grab any that are good and try to stick them at the top of each new thread if this takes off

If your a /beg/ use this thread to ask questions or to post some of your works you've done.

Also, try to avoid the donut tutorial. We get enough of that on this board as is.
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Ah, thank you

You're right, new enough to not know the terminology I guess. But yeah second anon is right I just need to keep going.

Having said that, haven't made any progress since then because I'm not sure how I want to model the chamber/bolt
Personally, I'd model the charging handle and barrel first and then do the chamber. That way, if you want to animate this at all later down the line, you'll be able to match it up better since the barrel will directly connect to the chamber and then you don't have to worry about moving things as much around to make it just right
second day using blender, just been making ocs for now. any advice is appreciated. im a turbo beg and only started 3d modelling at all yesterday.
so, I have an issue, and usually I'm pretty fast to figure them out but...

>donut tutorial
>solidify modifier
>part of the base mesh layer (not part of the solidify layer) had upscaled wrong, leaving a littler triangle
>saw it after adding the icing solidify modifier
>deleted the 3 faces and reconnected them
>turn solidify modifier back on
>2 vertices are all the way back inside of the model, and attached to the wrong vertices nearby their original spot
>can't get the specific vertices to move

nvm, just deleted the modifier, found out I had missing faces, just empty vertices, added them, and then redid the modifier

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Hopefullymodswontfatfingerthisone Edition
Previous thread: >>992490
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hello. i started using blender yesterday. how do you guys start your sculpts? i started with a sphere. also when making bodies, do use a different mesh for each body part? thanks!
more of my work. ive never tried making 3d before so anything helps.
i'm still a beginner and learning and wanted to know if the bottom navigation key is useful? My key died because of some water droplets and was wondering if it would impact anything?
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I fixed it, had to check connect and arrange bones boxes when importing lol
you can't use the compositor inside blender's video edior?
lmao even

Previous thread >>986003

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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6.5 head is accpetable for teen right
as a suggestion
whops i'm retarded
timelapse channel

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Previous: >>https://warosu.org/3/thread/986993
Someone thought it was a good idea to use angel wings at the op pic.

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges

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Hell yeah reallosers where we at??
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right here big guy with functional up to date software
When will it get a good looking render engine?
What an asset collection!
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Post cartoon clarikters you've made in your preferred 3d program
i like it
I like you

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Beeple did it so I am gonna give it a go, in fact I think I'll up the difficulty and make em animation loops.
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youve been fucking called out Arizona.
don't be too harsh on arizona, it's one of America's containment states. you may not like it, but you're better off for it.
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Actual Day 14
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Day 15
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Day 16

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hi /3/ this a rendition of my cat, Rupert.

What do you think of my work? I used blender
I'll post a picture of him for a follow up to compare
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anon i think your cat has autism
hmm it was second blend in real life he some more stripes i think thats the big difference
I think he's lovely, both of them. Good job anon
I have 100s of images of your cat on my phone
pls compile them into a drive and share i beg i need them

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "Mistake" edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>991621
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Appreciate the feedback noticing a lot of details. Yeah it's a dark, hard sci-fi setting that's supposed to look like 90's full motion video. There's fantastical elements but it's still heavily grounded in reality, such as tacticool armor and guns. Every character is generally unhinged, unhealthy and exhausted and him in particular. He's a philosopher and scrawled his suit with reminders to maintain his and others' rationality in hard times. I'm a NEET with a lot of time to sink hours in moving a few vertices around obsessively to get things right. Don't want to shill but if curious it is called Fleeting Death.
>Every character is generally unhinged, unhealthy and exhausted and him in particular. He's a philosopher and scrawled his suit with reminders to maintain his and others' rationality in hard times
That's an interesting premise, as someone who feels their sanity slipping away at times. I must admit I'm not much of a bookworm (I just don't enjoy reading a whole lot), but I'll keep an eye out for those animations if you publish them anywhere
Actually I found an audiobook of it on YouTube, made by you I presume. I'm half an hour into it, is it you doing the narration too? It feels like a campfire story, really enjoying it so far
Yes. Glad you like it so far. I don't want to clutter up the thread because other people have projects but I'm glad to get feedback.
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a kobold.

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I'll start.
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might have been me, I think I posted in /beg/ or the blender thread because I was having issues getting the yotsuba image to properly stick to the cylinders. ty for you're help :)
This looks great! Any advice on the process/shading? It looks way more like a real mini than anything I've tried to make in the past
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Very early test render — cut short at <50 samples so don’t mind the graininess. Looking for notes on design more than anything desu
This is really nice. I agree with the other anon, the shaders/mats are very believable, good job.
SSS & use something based on your diffuse for your radius (or whatever your software equivalent is called) lol

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so this is what passes for AAA these days? they don't even bother making high poly for assets anymore. the whole thing feels like it was outsourced to some third world asset-mill for $200
the hell is happening to this industry
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They had to save the polygons for the 1 million polygon apples.
forget the model, the textures are horrendous
couldn't tell what i was looking at until i noticed the fangs, i knew their art direction was terrible but this is unacceptable
>the industry is making more money than ever
Don't take those figures at face value, take inflation into consideration as well. We're in a recession
theyre also playing the same finance>flop game as the movie industry.
The industry is washed. Being independent is where the money and security is

>This blows the mind of the zoomer
Zoomer here, that's pretty neat. Not mindblowing but I like watching it.
Not as cool as this: youtube.com/watch?v=vfNCtSBH7cY
Hell yeah.

I got a design for a razor that could change shit...

I need a modeler
I use SOLIDWORKS 64 and know software that was in 2013...

But yeah all the free shit I downloaded just isn't solid works 64

Extrude/revolve/cut/fillet/chamfer... Etc

We could potentially make money I have a discord

Basedrapist we can work on something if u want or u could just steal it like everyone else does... Ppl are niggers on all boards here this place gets two darkies

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Use this as a place to help rebuild after the great purge /3/

I autisically save everything so hopefully I can help give back to a board that I love on this god-forsaken Mongolian basket weaving site
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how does this work
renderbaking detail from a high poly mesh. you'd be amazed how little geometry you can get away with and it still look good.
looks like ai generated garbage

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