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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>1003156
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>see nice figure
>sculpt nice figure
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the other trainers look at me with disgust, but they don't understand this special bond that I share with my Vaporeon

nice, you should do another head today too, with a bit more hair
[spoiler]did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more[/spoiler]
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i don't know how to sculpt hair yet, still learning anatomy

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Previous thread : >>997198

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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i wish i was this good
Just keep practicing anon.
anatomy hard :(
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I've been obsessed with one porn artist and his anime 3d style pausing his videos and staring at them for hours on end trying to catch some clues, its hands down one of the best and most unique and well made models shaders (and animation?), the blend between 2d and 3d is so fine tuned, and the line between them was so thin and blurry, that artist took me down a deep rabbit hole about rendering pipeline and trying out blender/3DMax/Maya/C4D/MMD/After Effect/custom RPL/unity/ue5/substance painter and list goes on, i still have no idea how he make his videos, i have all of his videos downloaded with mind map and notes everywhere trying to decipher his work way, one keynote i discovered is he might be using Live2d SDK For the facial expressions because i have not seen a rig this detailed when it come to anime facial expressions let alone from solo 3d artist

I'm writing this in hope for someone to give me any more information they could provide to add to my project, i genuinely wanna recreate this style and im studying a lot of stuff related to this project including learning HLSL
Almost anything in life that come easy is bland,
hard stuff reward you with hard to earn rewards
with practice and consistency you can achieve your desired result, every failure is one step closer to success

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Great, that's all that the big-headed Blender Foundation needed, even more praise and ego stroking (the animated Oscar winner thanked them).

So now they can keep investing their precious open-source funding that so many other FOSS projects thirst for, into useless stuff like the VSE (video sequence editor) that will never compete with proprietary or even specialized solutions, while somehow ignoring the many quality-of-life and useful ideas available in rightclickselect or in the ACTUAL CODE from pull-requests that people send them with useful additions, stuff that they refuse to add / ignore and let rot because they don't have to create a competitive product that sells, as it's already funded.

Blender gets to become this bloaty sluggish package that only "looks good" because there's no competition. There is no other 3D DCC package, and even if someone tried to create one they'd be discouraged from evangelist comments like "but Blender already exists".
But hey look, we changed the version number to 4. Hooray, that's progress, right?
Thank you, Blender?
More like get your shit together, Blender.
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>thank you, software devs we paid out the ass for
>thank you, software devs that put out their work for free

That's the difference.
Oh really?
The very first version of Blender, released at no cost, was indeed a work of generosity. Nobody knew about it, so it was a gift.
But now there's a dev fund. Try erasing it, see how many developers stick around :)
I'm sure any "ideas man" is gonna run out of ideas. No more fancy photo studio profile pictures either, oh no. How else are they gonna look important now while mis-tagging bug reports and disabling API access, instead of adding more useful things that actually help people?
Was not entirely free, $5 million is not a joke. Custom code, marketing and other movie cost isn’t free.
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You too can become a national hero through Blender

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I'm working on tranime slop series before the AI leaves me under a bridge eating garbage or something, pic related is my OC, her name is kiru, kiru is a 22 year old girl or around that range, she's just another loser with no boyfriend and virgin like you and me anon.

it has more story than that but in general it will be comedy shorts where she lives somewhat traumatic and funny experiences, it's like a lolcow or something, it sounds kind of boring but I think it will work, anyway this thread will be to show my progress and receive criticism or death threats or maybe everything will ignore me I don't know.
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don't forget K-On aswell
Ai sucks at helping, if you draw inside the lines it goes outside, ask it for a straight line but Ai will leave the page borderline, precisely tell it to make a wedding dress in a outdoor setting and Ai will put inside a church with sad dark dress. Stop lying about how you believe Ai works, we know it doesn’t work.
that's a skill issue
It’s Ai skill issue you idiot.
How are you blaming a tool? it is a skill issue that you don't know how to use Ai

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - Bolts edition

A thread for work in progress of your projects, for recently finished projects or things you'd like critiqued.

Previous >>1003386
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Started some kind of hovering cyborg/robot alien. Thinking of making guns for arms... not sure yet.
another point to box modelling
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my most ambitious project so far, a collection of 3 snake girls
it's going to look like absolute shit for a couple sessions
can't you start with a single one?
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now armed and rigged
texturing is gonna be fun

Houdini is fun and easy!
Pick up a free apprentice version today:
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Anything can.
It just goes over people's heads that dragging and dropping assets into a scene alone doesn't make for good engine comparissons.
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Dug into apex, the framework's insane.
Side just needs to ship H21 with more prebuilt scripts for it to be appealing to everyone but man, the possibilities with the low level shit runs deep as is.
what did you try to do?
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should we make a Tech Art/VFX/Material/Proceduralism thread to incorporate discussion from Unity, Unreal, EmberGen, Nuke, Houdini, etc., because this one's so dead?

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What's the workflow to model an artificial/interior environment and texture it?
>le modular assets
Too restrictive.
>tileset with things like Sprytile on Blender or Crocotile 3D
I can't draw tilesets.
>just friggin model it, Lois
Can do, but then how the fuck do I texture it?

Please help. All tutorials online are for fucking forests or how to make a city with 5 house models copy-pasted all over the place. I need help for INTERIORS
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>you cant ACTUALLY click two buttons
you're just trying to waste my time now.

the file with materials is 45kb. the file without them is 190kb. if you want to avoid inefficiency by spending more time modelling, more time unwrapping, more time texturing and more memory on the file then go for it.
Dude that looks like absolute shit.
It's really cool that you're doing this, and I really appreciate the attention and effort, but that's just not good.
>it's a prototype!
Why the fuck would I ask for help in texturing a prototype, I'm asking for the final product.
If you're going to go that route then stochastic texturing in-engine is a must to avoid the repeated pattern
>Why the fuck would I ask for help in texturing a prototype, I'm asking for the final product.
why the fuck would i do your homework for you? my investment in this is an efficiency test. its not efficient. i've already said why, so that's all there is to it.
I'm not asking for you to come up with the entire art-style of my game, I'm asking for a good texture workflow.
What you've done here >>1007986 would look like complete ass no matter the textures: bad tiling, grand total of two textures over the whole thing, probably an unoptimized amount of materials for gamedev (you most definitely have a single texture per material, which is peak "I only need this for rendering and not gamedev" thinking)

I'm asking how do good devs go about texturing environments, not "how to literally texture it". I know how to apply a fucking material mate
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the buzzword you need is trimsheets kek, also you don't need to draw to make textures, just use photos or a material, or make your own materials , bonus points, learn art fundanmentals, with that you can use any tool and still get your work done

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Is he right?
Is he wrong?
...or is he a schizo?
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Based optimization chad, on a real note, UE is open source, why would he want money to fix it when he can fork it for free or even make his engine from the ground up? I don't see why someone that educated on the topic would genuinely care about fixing other peoples work when he can easily create a tech demo to showcase how far it could go.
He is completely right in everything he is calling out, games are less performant and beautiful than they used to be, I'm interested in what techniques he would reccommend for beautiful and performant games since I've been out of the loop for a while now. Also Quake 3 Arena is peak graphics you bitchass niggas
Another thing I forgot to mention is that this whole ordeal is a low-hanging fruit in the industry since for a while now, most studios have been following the footsteps of monolithic game engines and the whole industry as a whole, is pushing towards fully automated ai genned bs which puts the least amount of strain on multiquintillion dollar corpos. It's a lot easier to make some jeeted code and tell people to upgrade than to optimise for a plethora of different hardware. Wordpress domain tells me that this has to be a scam, has he even mentioned WHAT or HOW he is going to 'fix' the industry? Even if he gets full UE acess, what then?
Where are his showcases, proofs or anything he is just talking shit. Not interested. Grifter at least had it nicely documented and properly shown this pro wannabe have nothing just words.
UE is not open source.
>You can go back and read forum threads where someone brings attention to something and the developers actually come out to articulate a response but
>dismisses/downplay the problem and it keeps going ignored even as more and more devs come in and point to the same root issue and provide proof that this or that glitch is the root cause.
this shit is the worst, open source is already really bad with the whole "wontfix because lazy" and "whats the usecase?" comments but game dev is on a whole new level
some retarded jeet will unironically go "whats the usecase" for something when claiming the fix is to "just" copypaste the same shit 500 times
yanderedev coding feels like the mean for game devs and they dont understand how things can ever be better so they always just suggest you to do dumb fucking shit
i think its partly because some gamedevs get popular off their game design skills then dunning kruger their way into thinking that means they can program so the whole community just ends up with this aura of full of themselves retards suggesting retarded solutions because "it le worked for me!!"

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Which graphics card should I get for 3D work? Nvidia or AMD?
I remember Substance Painter was bitching about something when I was working on AMD card, but it was working pretty fine actually.
Where should I expect driver/compatibility/corporategreed fucky wuckies in various softwares?
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>arguing about random image that's purely for visuals
shieet nigga wat
RTX 5xxx series seems to be shit. Should I get 4xxx?
yes, 5000 series is fucking trash

Previous: >>1002436
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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Skill issue
Photo-to-pose. Make it happen, Brigham.
>AI Pose Generator for DAZ3D Studio – Prompt Your Poses

Revolutionize Your 3D Workflow with AI-Powered Pose Generation!
Introducing the AI Pose Generator, a game-changing tool for Daz3D Studio artists, animators, and creators! With our cutting-edge AI-driven pose system, you can now describe a pose in simple words, and watch as your Daz3D figure instantly adapts!
This was posted on the zone a few days ago.
anyone is freaking out? ai pose, ai morphs...etc..in DAZ of all fucking place. Likes daz is the last place you would think off when it come to cutting edge techs and shits. the fact that AI is here in DAZ means its much more prominent than one might think

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For those of you who made it to employment,
how the piss do you get used to switching between different programs and software suites that use different camera/viewport controls?

I'm having to switch between blender, maya, and marvelous designer.
Unfortunately, I started and spent most of my time on blender. The Maya control set, is that more of an industry standard majority? I _think_ substance painter uses it for simple things like camera controls.

For those of you who do have to switch between environments, have you found a certain program's viewing controls are able to be adopted in all the competitors? I tried once to get Substance Painter to use Blenders, but it was something like everything but one set of key commands were unable to be switched which caused an insanity spiral of moving other actions around. This was 2018 or something though, maybe do-able nowadays.

Ahhghhhhhh I hate the shit outta everything.
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Oh a zoomer is complaining about different things made by different companies in their products because copyrighted laws suck. Back in my day we always had to get used to things, it’s just unavoidable. UI and controls for common usage never existed during those times. That’s how you encounter these changes in different programs. Just gitgud that’s the only answer.
write the controls down on a sticky note and stick it on your monitor
blender and zbrush are the odd ones out, but it took like a week for me to adapt to blender. zbrush is weirdly intuitive, that takes like an hour to get used to. maybe because it's the only one i use a pen with.
get used to industry nav. don't bother changing the blender one, it breaks too much stuff.
marvelous has a maya preset iirc.

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how the fuck do i model something like this? im doing tests but they arent coming out right
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If you don’t know how to warped planes around stuff then you’re not ready for advanced tricks.

That's how you would do it, you need to pay closer attention to what the cross section is shaped like and have a lot more segments to support the twist-rate of the umbrella in your reference more closely. Your umbrella twists like 90 degrees top to bottom, reference looks closer to a full 360 twist, if not past it.
Also notice how the upper part appears to have an anti-twist that runs counter to the twist of the shaft. You prob should model that part separately and apply the counter twist. I haven't held an umbrella since forever so I don't know how they unfold but that is what my eyes are telling ,me.
Looks good imho, you just need to twist it some more
I only know what i would try for blender, but i'd start with a like 32 vert circle, randomize it around so its ridged and stuff, extrude it, rotate the extruded segment about 45 degrees, and repeat about 8 times, then re-randomize the segments

how make static object blurry? in my case I'm using that object (a fly) as physics to give the swarm impression
Apply a blur filter
>blur filter
tried but it seems that ut just blurs the textures leaving the body intact...
If your software has a 'depth of field' DOF setting for the camera as render setting or as a post filter etc that is one one to render it, otherwise you'd do it in post, render out your images and go in and apply blurs as needed in your favorite image editor.
using Blender, using dof will blur other elemnts of the scene which I do not want
Then you have to either animate it and use a motion blur on a intermediate frame where they're moving or render it out in layers and do it as a composite in post.

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