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why cum this hapen?
forgor to assign material to vertices?
Bingo: the purple faces have a Material assigned but said Material is missing its image texture. OP, go into Shading mode and see if your textures are setup correctly, if images ARE pluggedin pay close attention to the file names
tank u

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alright, just modeled this
what do i do?
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le new antispam filters really stopped the 'eens, didn't it?
you should delete it and make something actually good, this looks ugly as fuck
give her a giant ass and do twerk+fart animation, nusoicaca will goon for weeks
you got that wrong, their actual goals:
. getting people to pay for passes
. datamine email accounts from normies
. fucking you over so they do any of the above
You could've made a gemerald with your unique talents, but you made jartycuck coal instead.

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The truth is, AgX is good, its damn good, but any tonemapper or colorspace isn't going to make or break you when it comes to what really counts which is animation.

The truth is, there are avenues out there that AI art has been totally unable to crack.

The truth is, maya is just as necessary as houdini in VFX.
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look at the comparison image on the official blender 4.2 release download page comparing khronos / agx / standard. It's khronos in a landslide.
If you're not set on anything specific, and you're looking up this, looking up that, and testing testing testing, just use ACES or old sRGB. You're wasting time
nobody understands ACES, not even the creators
Check your rendering space is set to aces
Use SDR - 1.0 as your view transform if you're using modern aces. Pump your lights up if switching from a different space
Un-tone-mapped is for inspecting shit, like flat lighting
For typical gamma curved textures (jpegs from the internet) use sRGB - Texture
For linear textures use Linear rec.709
For data maps use utility - raw
Aces/AcesCG Textures don't exist unless you export in those spaces in your texturing software, they don't make a difference to anything
The space of EXR's you render out to disk are dependant on the software you're using unless you specify what space you want them to export in. They may be exported in Linear despite working in aces

That's it
kind of related but does anyone here use nuke anymore or has everyone switched to vinci? What are the pros to vinci besides it being free but paywalled?

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What the fuck
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retards who say topology doesn't matter aren't the ones who will be rigging this
Because it's not the type of topology you rig...
>polycount for the player character literally doesnt matter,
yes and no, they only dont matter as long as they are big in screen space, gpu architecture didnt change, subpixel polies are still instant silky smooth 10 fps
even if you use impostors or lower lods you cant transfer skinning from shit to a finished model and expect for it to not look like shit
Both had terrible topology to begin with.

Anyone have a 3d image of her I seen it here before?
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i am making a rat!
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A friendly reminder:
Links to NSFW are SFW.
/3/'s mods also don't enforce that shit so long as it isn't straight up porn, so a matcap or wirefrrame of some tits are unlikely to get you a vacation here. I've seen so many genitals on this board, it's not even funny.
ive seen so many genitals on /3/ that its very funny.
cheesy bump
thank you xir god speed

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your board has suffered greatly so I drew this cube
hope it helps
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Qrd on why /3/ got nuked?
like a dozen boards got nuked because some mod went full retard
there was a "we're sorry" thread but not sure if it's still up
thanks man, this helps

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Let's do math.

This model takes 4-5 hours to be finished and have 1 animation.

At 2 usd (my country wages) this means it cost basically 10 usd to make.

A 32x32 pixel art takes me 10 minutes to make.
So it boils down to 40 cents more or less to me.
After 25 sprites, the price is the same.

Making a new character would usually require a new texture, which would be 1 hour of work.

If we assume 8 directions walk cycle and idle cycle, at 4 frames each one.
Then is 8 * 4 frames being 32 sprites.

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like at least 50-100 usd if he's american.
Could you please give more detail on this model? Polycount? Did you model it from reference purely using polymodelling or sculpting was involved? Does it actually have textures or is that face/vertex colors? How you did it in brief words? The model itself is quite ok imo, the animation doesn't look even half finished. It's like 10-15% of what I'd expect it to be.
In your country, because you are mixing wages from 2diferent counties
No, I don't think I will.
Fuck off Kris

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>that feeling when you are animating directly in unity's animation editor
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This graph makes no sense. Shouldn't all the curves be downward trending? As it is it is implying that all the softwares get more difficult to use the more you use them which contradicts all basic logic.
No. As opposed to following paint by numbers hand holding guides and tutorials you have to make your own stuff and you have to compete against everyone else and then you have to do it faster
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You know you can use keyframe animation and just add 'Animation Events' to the timeline of the animation clip to send messages to run whatever function need at any given frame?
i'm setting keys for what i need (gui events) and creating animation events
I like that no one even argues with the Houdini part of this meme

unity has apparently caved and completely abandoned the run time fee. they will keep the seat based subscription model. if you use unity6 you maybturn off the "made with unity" logo too.
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speak without your static noise, rather.
I walked. I could do nothing but walk. And then, I saw me, walking in front of myself. But, it wasn't really me. Watch out. The gap in the door... it's a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
Well said, this whole thread is a perfect example of reddit level shit slinging with very little in the way of valuable discussions
Who the fuck is we?
If you don't like it don't join the conversation, there's a lot of threads here.
>If not, shut up and sit down you grown-ass toddler
What amazing discussion you bring to the table, the same name-calling that I used. You are not better than me, go and moralfag some other place.
Maybe don't make a unity thread a unity Vs Godot thread and you will have a normal discussion.
If you want to talk so much about your game engine for mentally ill people you can make a thread for Godot, it's simple.

why is Blender still such unintuitive garbage?
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if you do UVs often enough, you want to use RizomUV
it's a world of difference compared to blender, even with addons
Software hopping isn't that bad, especially when compared to the benefits
>So yeah, they probably do suck compared to Houdini, but they're a hell of a lot more convenient.
what do you mean by this? Houdini is industry standard for literally decades
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the main devs arent artists themselves and dont even use it. simple as

anyways, is Sergey STILL jobbing to the multires modifier?

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Got a nasty message from autodesk on my computer accusing me of using a priated version of maya. like, i opened maya and another program opened uo a new window with spooky red text and threats. a corporation has altered data on my computer to threaten me.
is there info on this? how real is this thing?

pic related is who is why autodesk has suddenly decided its necessary and ok to do this.
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i have installed maya from filecr
is that safe?
Did you block it in the firewall? If you block it in the firewall it can't phone home so you're safe. If you ask whether it has viruses, I don't know.
i pretty much just downloaded the zips, then turned off the internet and successfully installed the software
havent connected to the internet on that pc ever since, dont plan to
i dont remember if there was any firewall notification, but i think something procced the windows defender during offline installation
>havent connected to the internet on that pc ever since, dont plan to
then you have no issues. The software is not Gona send a carrier pigeon to autodesk to report you. Also autodesk doesn't care

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I'll start.
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Well seems like that was the intention.
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comfy style

you need to watch code lyoko
Really nice. Love me some good iso renders, especially the biome/terrarium type ones
Okay, go ahead.
Indeed it was. Didn't want it to be mistaken for poop tho. Shouldn't have made it so shiny I guess.

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What would be the fastest way to bake lighting into vcolors these days? Was it done manually back then?
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Awesome, thanks a lot anon.
If you go and remap color and brightness curves of shadows in shader depending on camera angle, and still use Principled BSDF at the end, does this still count as PBR?

What are you asking, OP? The fastest way?

Baking vertex colours on a low poly scene like that is gonna take less than a second.

Are you asking how to bake vertex colours in Blender? Fucking google it, it isn't hard.

Was it done manually back then? Probably. If you are aren't artistically retarded you'll get better results painting than baking, but the bake might be a good starting point to paint from.

When you're painting, switch between textured and untextured views regularly. It will give you a better sense of what is going on with the colours.
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just tried this, worked nicely I think. just dropped some colored lights in and went for it
in the bake panel in cycles, in Output, set Target to Active Color Attribute otherwise it doesn't seem to work
also in Light Paths, Max Bounces, set the total to 1, diffuse to 1, the rest can be zero including direct and indirect light. keep filters glossy on 1, turn caustics reflective and refractive off (basically just copy the settings in the images in the imgur)
I decided to use vertex colors for texture masks. Works pretty good so far. Black/White for 2 textures, RGB for 3 textures.
Maybe alpha can be used for 4th, but that's going to be harder to use since you won't see it visually properly outside of material preview or rendered mode.

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Megascans will go behind a paywall at the end of 2024.
Or something like that. Epic just sent out a vaguely worded email:
- Megascans will be available through Fab starting in October
- Megascans will be 'free' till the ***end of 2024***
- New pricing model will be introduced
- Some Megascans will remain free
- Megascans content you got for free will still be in your account (probably?)
- Bridge will be discontinued (?)

1. Add every megascans item to your account now and pray epic lets you keep them
2. Buy a new harddrive and download everything now
3. Hope that everything free now will remain free as legacy content
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>Once Fab launches, Bridge and the Megascans website will immediately cease operations.
>You will be able to access past acquisitions through the Purchased/Acquired tab on Quixel.com or Bridge until those apps are sunset. We will alert you in advance when that happens
>Please note that Quixel.com and Bridge will eventually be sunset. When that happens, if you wish to have continued access to those assets, we recommend that you download them onto a local disk so that you can continue to use them.
They sure do like to contradict themselves, don't they?
Sounds to me like.
>You'll be able to download these UNTIL Quixel is completely sunsetted, and once it's gone it's gone. Fuck you if you didn't download them. Not our fault they're not on this "New and Betterâ„¢" site.

There's nothing there that says.
>Everything from Quixel that you own will be moved to "Fag". It might take a little bit, but we'll try to get everything.
Just nebulous language, that clearly avoids a yes or no answer.
>yeeeeahhhhh, sure it will. Keep buying our shit, all hail the CCP
That's a bummer.
it is up https://www.fab.com/megascans-free
well that was surprisingly painless. thanks, timmy.
>no api
that's a bit shit

guess i'll just write an importer for the downloaded zip

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