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>Untitled_AUTOSAVE_997.ma failed to save: No disk space
delete some of your animu titties before you start workin.

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...and yet almost nothing of that gets implemented anywhere. Especially, Blender:
>I sleep (for years)
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where can I read them?
when i read papers and then give away implementations of the advancements for free everyone shits on me and says 'the big studios are not doing it for a reason therefore you are INCORRECT'
What "implementations of advancements" have you given away for free so far? Can I see one of them?
He means that he's screaming at developers to do something on a paper that he doesn't understand.

How do you even justify a stylization like this? It's so disproportionate.
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I found this at my mom and dad's house
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He's always so pg, I don't know why he did this
I'm throbbing

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Blender General - Birds, they know what's good.
Previous thread: >>980304
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how do i nest my bone collections? or is that a 4.2 thing that;s not out yet and Im just a retard
I'm guessing here, guessing mind you. But it's probably
>select child collection
>shift select parent collection
Migrato --->
Migrato --->
nice work
Thanks very much. Really appreciate your response
>you should absolutely make your own individual thread when you finish your donut
Kek, A thread of my donut? Will it be worth it anon? What if my donut is bad?

It does seem both you and that other anon suggested following blenderguru's tutorials if I want to learn Blender with no prior knowledgeso that seems to be the tutorial to go with. Thanks.

I also appreciate the link to the courses and especially the recommendation. The trouble with having lots of courses to pick from is you can also pick a bad one, but your rec is the one I will go with once if I make my donut and want to continue.
Unless it's too advanced in which case any animation tutorials are welcome as well

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>Koreans start getting into mainstream media
>All their models look like high quality DAZ renders
Explain this, I can't be the only one who notices.
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Many Koreans use presets models and just fix them up.
A lot of people do that, mostly in porn.
I've got a lot of commissions for heads of characters, and then I see them attached to daz bodies. I have never seen a Korean game company using any daz model. Maybe a solo developer?
>generic, soulless, generic, soulless, literally
I think we're due some new buzzwords
Can anyone explain what this stands for? (please)
it originally stood for Digital Art Zone but it doesn't mean anything now..

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Thoughts on how Bloodborne PSX looks?
As far as faux-PS1 goes, that's pretty good.
how do i replicate ps1 low poly style blender studio ghibli shader 256x256 in blender 64 nintendo low poly psx legend of zelda studio anime???
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+ lowpoly massive ass
start by deleting the default cube
disable anti aliasing completely
adhere to ps1 screen resolution and ratio
probably 8 bit color texture, maybe 32x32 textures
there was no skeletons/armatures back then so you would animate stuff with move scale and rotate

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God bless non-photorealistic rendering
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Comparing this, which while not perfect, is actually decently animated, especially by asian animation standards, while also looking visually appealing, to RWBY which is probably not only one of the worst animated shows out there but also worst looking overall, is just being deliberately dishonest, or you're literally blind, or have 0 understanding of what constitutes good animation. Just because something has interpolation in it, doesn't automatically make it bad or comparable to the worst 3D shit out there.
>you didn't even realize it had a bunch of 3D.
I just finished watching it, and honestly I had no idea, just though that maybe some backgrounds were 3D, but that's it. If you find any video showing it could you please share? I'm super curious.
Is there any vid of this model in motion? It looks great
why mild strabismus is so hot?
Anon, she has her head slightly turned away from the camera while looking at it with her eyes.

some school project thats going tobe 3d printed.
It looks so flat and i hate it. Im thinking of just putting stickers instead of coming up with details. What do you guys think?

17 parts in total excluding the wheel+motor
>What do you guys think?
You could do better and you know it.
I also think that this could have been posted in /wip/.That you aslo have eyes and know it's not a good model, that you know we know, you know that it's not the best and could be better.I aslo think that fo a school project it's more than ok, and that you know we know you know it.
I'm also opinionated on other stuff wrong with you, this post, this board and the internet in general but that is for some other thread.
Damn. Didn't know about that /wip/ before. Social media 's just not my thing. Thanks.
>Social media 's just not my thing. Thanks.
Don't worry 4chan is Anti-social media.

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>try to search for tutorials on modeling
>everything is a fucking youtube tutorial
Why are modellers so fucking ADHD brainrotted? Is there really no text resources for non retarded humans to study?
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I didn't realize we were having an argument. I was simply trying to educate someone, who clearly doesn't understand what AI's use case is. Again, it won't create you things from scratch, but it will help you create things from scratch.
Again no, it doesn’t. You just make that up. AI has proven to never do such thing, the thing is called generative, the definition of random bullshit.
Seriously, why is there so many pajeets with Blender tutorial channels? I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU FUCKS
Oh man I remember doing that Joane of arc tutorial. Text. Step by step.
It's generally easier to understand something when real uses of it are demonstrated, which videos are good at. Text is not good at that, especially as this is a visual art. Sequences of pictures demonstrating, with a little explanation text, can be wonderful though.

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So I made a skeleton for my game and now I want some animations. I downloaded a bunch from Mixamo, scaled and applied their rig to my model and overall everything works fine. Except one small but important detail. Feet are kinda floaty in z-coordinate and not consistent regarding it in various animations. For example if I move model to make feet perfectly align with ground during walking animation, I will get them slightly above the ground in sword attack animation because knees are bended more at all times in that one. Moreover in those attack animations feet are moving sligthly inside the ground and slightly into the air. Is there any good way to fix this without needing to edit every keyframe in animations? I think this is a general question of principle/approach, but if that's important I'm working in Blender. I think there should be some way to lets say ask feet bone to be as close to given z-coordinate as possible and everything else animate around that "pivoted" bone.
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>autistic screeching continues
Do you have anything particular in mind that can, for example, [apply scale] to imported rig without fucking up animations?
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The power of reading compiles you: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rig-it-right-tina-ohailey/1112102972;jsessionid=52368EB08D256BA297141517405D433E.prodny_store02-atgap07

You can’t expect free stuff forever or actually do something besides stealing.
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Tbh I don't really like reading books on how to use software. In my opinion books are good for fundamentals like anatomy or basics of computer graphics, but for volatile applied stuff like software, reading 4chan, blogposts, reddit posts, stackexchange questions, & watching youtube videos is a better approach. There is little inherent value in knowing every feature of a software, you most likely need a very small subset of what any tool is capable of, but there might be inherent value in knowing some theory fundamentals, for better intuitions at least.
There’s your problem, the answer to your problem should be reading. All those blog post and videos don’t care about accuracy or quality. They are Google SEO exploits to get people like you to be mindless customers.

Reading will always help you, it’s how people know the wrong things in blender and why blender developers should be held accountable for their crimes against Blender community.

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20 years old photo realism
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I'aint posting a donut even if you give me a billion dollars.
I don't have a billion dollars I lost all my money in the donut market.
just want a donut
Post your donut
>Being a name fag lets people target me specifically. It's fucking hilarious when they do.
Well, if you think that is hilarious then post the doughnut
Where's the donut chair nerd?

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people are getting ridiculously good at these.
hats off to blender users.
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Why not a donut?
Eclair is the superior pastry. I'll do some errands today but you can fucking count I'll post something tomorrow.
Not a donut, I'm not interested
Ok then I'll never post a pastry in this damn board.
What about a donut?

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Welcome to our thread dedicated to honing your topology skills in 3D art! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, mastering topology is crucial for creating clean and efficient 3D models. In this thread, we'll share and discuss various exercises aimed at improving your understanding and application of topology.
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thanks anon
bumping so I can still share stuff here
I dont understand something about topology. Specifically - clothing and stuff like that. Okay, body should have specific loops here and there, so it deforms and animates properly. Okay, now, what if I want to somply add a pocket to the character chest, but only to one side?
if people are new to retopology and are not sure how to retopologize a character i recommend downloading free DAZ software, start a project with their Genesis8.1 Female model, export this model in .fbx and import it in to Blender.
You will have a very good game ready realistic human toplogy that you can use as a reference or just use it as a shrinkwrap modifier to put over your model.
You can also use metahuman

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Why won't this avatar just stay in a T-Pose? Enforce T-Pose won't fix it. It looks fine in the Mapping tab, but it does this in Muscles & Settings. It resets every time I try to move the bones.
It changes to this whenever I add an animation controller, even if the animation just moves a finger.
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>this is in Unity.

Start checking that all the pivots and axis are configured correctly for what your avatar expects them to be or start looking how to reconfigure the avatar to map them as your custom model demands. Unity is Z-forward Y-up with X pointing right, you'll simplify things immensely if your rig is made to reflects this.
>It also translates downwards by about half a metre.

Unity prob expects a root bone/node placed at origin that the pelvis is linked to, this is common practice for tracking where ground plane is located for a character. In the absence of this extra bone unity treat your characters pelvis as the root bone and moves it to position zero.
Quite the conundrum indeed.
Some of my 3d waifus do the same, but I'm rather attractive for a 3d modeler
I gave up and made a T-pose animation, and just let other animations override it.

I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya. How does that work? How does Maya handle subdivision? How do meshes generated by Maya look like? What does Blender lack in terms of modeling tools since its users need to resort to topology knowledge?
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He won't because it doesn't exist
>I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya
Nah, it's just one troll messing with my topology thread.
>both of those are quads you imbecile
You can clearly see the tris that form the quads when the mesh on the left is deforming
the graphic just shows the difference between bending quads along their "edge flow" and bending them at a 45° angle. a regular trimesh has fundamentally the same problem, but 3 instead of only 2 preferred directions

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