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Previous: >>993129
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

News: Daz Premier replaces prior subscriptions and doesnt add much aside from a free character bundle every month and some tools that are worse than using another software like blender or maya.

Some anon created a cool character morph. Meet Quinn! https://mega(.)nz/file/rmZQWLKZ#lh4aluWj6drjfPLkW7FVAUVDaOZZqJfqjoAvsREDo7U

Now, lets see your Christmas themed renders!
Preferably a nigger because it wouldn't be right otherwise.
Christmas renders? little early still but good weekend project
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Aeon chads always eating good
Aeon is a good nigga. He makes great stuff, and is quite nice when asked for help, too.
Are PBR materials better for human skin? I've seen some comments from people who like it, others who don't, but I have the impression that it's the best tech because it's based on physics and so on.
I also have some models that have PBR skin and others that don't. Is it a bad idea to mix them in the same render?
You mean the PBR shader which was released with G8.1? It is nearly the same as the normal Uber shader. The only real difference is the added Detail part.
Any tutorials on applying dforce to non-dforce hair? I've painted the weights but it unfortunately explodes too easily
What are the best places to look for free Daz assets? Anyone have links or DLs?
Man, I started playing around with daz and I'm having a blast. I feel I've got an amazing game foundation started. I'm worried about monetization though. I know patreon doesn't allow incest, etc. What's the best alternative? It will be pretty important to the narrative so I'd rather not use an incest patch.

Mc is a teacher at an all girls school(original, I know). Characters are all 18(considering letting it be changed, although most of them are clearly around 18). Controversial planned tags include incest, blackmail, rape, piss, and corruption. I'm not sure if any of those other ones will pose a problem either.
You literally just have to google the assets to find multiple sites for that...
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4d-cum is the best, but it has a bad issue of pictures not showing since last years. But it's the best. Roughly this week it is trying to branch into STL 3d printers models, for some reasons. Bold move. We'll see if it pays off.

depict-countries is the second best, and actually doesn't have a problem with their pictures not showing. But they have a 4 ads websites link referrals before you can click on download. Trivially bypassable by Adblock, but extremely irking. 4d-cum doesn't have that.

Then that russian website tried to create a community about pirating Daz assets ages ago, and are actually the primary sources of both 4d-cum and depict-countries. NOT to confound with that other russian website, and that other russian website. There is only one russian website being the source for Daz assets.
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>Developer of WEG, Proud Father, was arrested by Australian police

Reminder, Patreon will snitch to your local police. I wouldn't play with fire.
Nowhere close to that young
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I'd have him arrested for still using Gen3 characters in 2024.
Yeah, it's well known that Patreon is a cesspool of everything wrong in American politics, and will ban you and take your money for the slightlest reason, since roughly 2018? 2016. There have been several waves of porn artists and content creators and whatevers trying to use the platform, and being utterly raped by it.

Don't fucking use Patreon.

One policy decision which infect a population of weg is that all mind control must be consensual, or else it is rape, which means roughly a dozen mind control weg reworked their stories in 2022 to be consensual. Because someone entering your mind and changing your thoughts somehow could lead to real rapists entering your mind and changing your thoughts somehow.

So now if you've got a mind control weg on Patreon you need to make it extra clear in the final product that the girl is into it, she really wants it, she's basically roleplaying being mind controlled, or else you're banned.

Don't fucking use Patreon, retards.
lmao pedos mad
Nah mind-control enjoyer mad. But it's a real problem since fucking Sargon of Akadd or whatever. Patreon is a cesspool. It banned everything it could under the sun, under false pretenses, and then banned some more. Sometimes it got the law involved. Don't use it.

And if you use it, don't be fucking surprised if it rape you in your ass, because it has half a decade of decision about fucking raping you in your ass.

Use the pixiv platform instead.
Based Quinn enjoyer
>since fucking Sargon of Akadd

not beating those pedo allegations
isn't vaush the pedo who want children to fuck horse dicks, tho

i never heard sargon wanting children to fuck horses, but vaush certainly did
ah, i get it now, projection, your guy want to fuck children and horses, so any guy from the other side want to fuck children and horses, by definition.

it's not how it works in real life, moron. you can have pedophile like vaush and good standing citizen like argon. it's just life. one is evil, the other is not.

it's like i'm talking to a child
This shit is going on not only with games, but also with books (see the crap Amazon does).
Monetizing porn is becoming impossible, and after that censorship of violence has started too (check modern games and remaster removing/lessening blood).
I watched a video on WEG demonetization a couple weeks ago
tl;dw Visa/Mastercard does whatever the fuck it wants
>4d-cum is the best
>depict-countries is the second best
>that russian website
How the fuck am I supposed to find those sites?
Googling and "lurking moar" doesn't help .
lurking moar will help. I promise
Both sites were mentioned in the previous thread by their real names don't know why that guy's being obtuse.
You know people sold things on the internet before Patreon and Amazon, right? You can sell all the porn you want, you just can't force someone else to sell it for you.
Thank you anon, found at least one of those (4d-cum).
I think I got "depict-countries", no idea what "that russian site" is.
>You can sell all the porn you want, you just can't force someone else to sell it for you.
It's a little difficult to buy/sell something online when Visa/Mastercard stops you from doing so.
Stripe has the same shitty policies. The only choice you have are those shady payment processors used by porn sites. They take huge transaction fees.
>Asilios will never return
Truly heartbreaking
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Hey guys, learning Daz and would like a couple pointers.
1) IIs there a way to make the yoga pants more form fitting? While smoothing has made it better than it was, the pelvis area is still too stretched for my liking.
2) Any tips for making the face less uncanny? I'm stumped on how to make her less lifeless.
You want the clothes even tighter? That's the opposite of the usual annoyance. You can try getting Fit Control and messing around but it might just be a limitation of the pants sculpt.

Expression-wise mess around with the sliders. Get the smile to reach the eyes a little. Get a light aimed just right to make a nice eye highlight. Make her look directly into the camera.
There's lots of little tools to help with that stuff too.
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How's this an attempt to get rid of the Boobsock effect? I never really used Zbrush before I've always just used Marvelous Designer, but it kept making the part around her waist loose.
genuinely asking, does daz have any utility beyond being a porn game?
It is designed specifically to help users create characters quickly, using a store and preset morphs, making it accessible for those with no 3D modeling experience. If you want something customizable just stick to Blender.
You can also render wholesome fully clothed pictures of waifus/husbando's.
You can make creepy music videos

Incest isn't the only thing that's perfectly legal to write about, but banned by credit card companies. Rape and piss are too. So your game would be breaking 3 rules.
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Thanks for you tips. Fit Control has certainly helped. It's not perfect, I think it is just a limitation of the pants as you say, but Fit Control has allowed me to get it to the point where it's not weirdly stretched. I also used it to make the top smoother too.

Making her look at the camera and making the smile wider has helped a lot. I'm a lot happier with the render now
Ignore fit control and other meme solutions that are always subpar at best. Get Zbrush, and just do whatever you want. It's a one click process with the Daz plugin.
Not a fan of the logo
new logo I mean
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How does Daz handle normal maps? I have a game character (Jane from CoD BO6) as a Genesis 8 female Daz model, but it's missing some fine details (wrinkles in skin) that I know the game handles with normal maps. The model's textures look like they're somehow based on the ripped game textures, which I have access to, so I just want to map the AO and normal maps to the Daz model to make it look more "correct" because right now these features like they're painted on the character's face.
Piss? Really? How dare they, its not even remotely illegal. I can't believe this injustice pissbros...
It handles like any other renderer. Sounds like a bad port, the guy was probably an xnalara pleb before getting into daz and kept the workflow
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I'll give him credit for sticking the face and head onto the body which is beyond my abilities at this point. I checked inside the Daz texture parameters and there is no normal, so it looks like I'll have to diy.
I plan on shifting around the UV map in blender since the game's normal map uses different coordinates than genesis. Is it even possible to save a new normal file based on how I moved around the genesis UV points?
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anyone making money making comics with daz3d?
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working on a big Christmas render and finally got most of the models done (or close to)
based, who is the blonde dead center? She really stands out.
its supposed to be a Margot Robbie lookalike / clone.
I see it, killer smile
Anyone who has this morph? gayZonefagx had one request fulfilled but the fucking site doesnt actually share it, you only get it via DMs, fucking bullshit.
Bigger is not always better.
very very true. But I want to try and do like a big scene just for fun
Here, base64 it

That's a lot of dolphin porn
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Why didn't I start making money from porn years ago??!!
Fuck off to /biz/
Looking for recommendations on ass and thigh morphs. Skindentation with clothing is a big bonus, suggestions?
First attempt treating the normal map like a color texture sort of works. Probably will have to tweak settings to make it act like a real normal map.
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I will post whether you like it or not :3
Do you think we're getting these marvel models imported?
its only a matter of time before some chud like 3duk flips them for big third world bucks
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Is she for vanilla or for ryona?
I created a morph already in a different scene in Zbrush how do I add that morph back into my shirt again??
Clearly for the whole "Getting captured and ends up loving it" genre, no QoS/blacks bs tho, be more original with it. I would do "breast expansion hucow breeding experiments" or something like that, just see something that isn't overused as of now and could become common later, read a doujin or something like that if you need ideas.
How much would it cost to 3D print my Daz waifu?
so this.... is the power.... of Daz....
Is it though?
>that butt
>soft body with Daz shitForce
Has anyone here tried using Blender to replace DAZ Studio?
I can't stand DAZ Studio anymore, it's terrible, but I don't know if Blender can replace it completely, or if people who use Blender still do certain things in DAZ like dressing the character, posing, etc., and then transfer the scene more or less done to Blender.
My intention was to completely remove DAZ Studio from the work process after having created the basic character (morphs + hair).
>My intention was to completely remove DAZ Studio from the work process after having created the basic character (morphs + hair).
That's the idea with DAZ, once you morph the base, you just export it to an actual 3d program. DAZfags usually just use presets for everything and make shitty WEGs that usually they never finish or adult comics.

Blender can replace it completely, you just need to git gud, but the git gud folks use Zbrush + Autodesk
It depends on your workflow. If you need to regularly kitbash entire scenes, Daz still might be a better option because of the fuckhuge asset library. Which, as far as I know, is still impossible to dependably port to Blender.
As far as making wegs/vns/whatever goes, I think that Daz + Zbrush is probably the fastest and most effective way of doing things. With a little Blender on the side for those few little things this combo won't be able to do.
Anybody have the files for PTF Grungy Threads? zonegfx doesnt have it. Would be much appreciated :)
I'd say this is way above of the regular daz level shit, if someone told me it isn't daz I'd believe it
Why do guys use ZBrush? Is it to make fine adjustments to things like a clipped garment here or a fucked-up hair there?
If so, can Blender play this role? The problem with ZBrush is that it's kind of expensive, and I try to keep things kind of legal here on my PC because I use it for professional purposes and there's a minimum of care I need to take.
In Blender I'll have an environment that works as a poser? Is it easy to apply a pose and then adjust a facial expression? Can I build libraries of basic poses or things like that?
From simple shit like fixing clipping things, to custom clothing morphs, to skindentation, to more advanced shit like making your own characters/editing existing ones, or your own HD morphs (there is more fuckery to it, but it is doable). Zbrush make Daz good, can't imagine using it without it.
Anon, no one is going to give a single fuck. Especially when it comes to Zbrush.

Can Blender sculpt? Yeah, fairly well. Enough to do nearly all above, though you will probably have to put out more effort. But can Blender/Diffeomorphic do one click morph/character/geometry import and export back and forth with Daz? I don't think it can.
>But can Blender/Diffeomorphic do one click morph/character/geometry import and export back and forth with Daz? I don't think it can.
And is it that simple in ZBrush? Like, something 100% functional, without any kind of inconvenience that arises in the import/export process?
Yes, it is. You just need to install Goz. The only fuckery is that you have to manually clear the cache of the addon from time to time. Which has it's own menu item.
The worst part of the process is learning how to work with Zbrush itself. It has probably the most retarded fucking UI in the entire 3D software, not to mention its complete disrespect of even basic 3D terminology.
Its not dforce. He is using collision smoothing.
That's even worse. Why would he do that.
It's just a character generically standing in front of an hdri with hair that is way too shiny. I think you're just getting fooled by the sexy outfit.
>I try to keep things kind of legal here on my PC because I use it for professional purposes
Nobody will give a shit unless what you make its either very successful or you are an actual company, besides most CG productions pay the suscription for a short while until they get the cuck agent visit sent by the software company, checks if its all good, then as soon as they confirm shit is legal, they dump it all back to piracy.
is gen 9 still shit? Iam using gen 8 and although I have everything covered and satisfied with it performance I kinda want to switch to g9 for a change
anyone using filatoon? getting some kind of cool results using the shaders on regular gen9 figures so the results are stylized but not full on weeb. rendering is instant as well. never going back to the iray uncanny valley
Unless you want something specific out of G9 there is no reason to switch.
G9 has worse performance than G8.

You could also just use both.
post me some screenshots?
I use toon shader by dimensiontheory for the cel shader look and its not bad at all
can you check that out, too?
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EmmAnon please post some new WIPs. I miss seeing your updates on F95!
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ah I've heard of the dimensiontheory shaders but didn't get around to trying them before switching to filatoon. there's a lot of trial and error w/ seeing which assets will work in filament, so I can see the pros to the iray + cartoon shader method. might end up doing that if I can't get the results I want with this

still trying to get the hang of filament lighting so these are a work in progress. making basic sprites for my VN
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what do yours look like with the sketchy shaders?
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I know I saw it but now I can't find it. There's a genesis 8 character with detached limbs. Like the head and legs and arms and torso are all separate parts you can move around. Does anyone know what it's called?
Which viewport is the least taxing on your system? I usually stay in Texture Shaded view because it seems to be the smoothest. I recently upgraded to 4.23 though and it keeps opening on Filament mode.
There are 40mb dforce hairs that look just as good if not better than the 700mb shit.
>10,000 x 10,000 pixels
>strand based hair
>10k texture
some of these motherfuckers need to get punched in the dick.
why the texture difference between her legs and torso?
That usually happens when you modify skin material settings after applying genitalia of some sort. Since the genital process usually involves a material copy.
Its from the pantyhose I used, seems to come from the translucency map.
maybe you should have fixed that before sharing it
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pantyhose are like that in real life.
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How do I stop this stupid popup from appearing every time I load in a G9 figure?
Ok, it looks like I'm not the first to have this problem with this figure and I guess it was just set up poorly.
Dazlets are mental
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something likes this
u should try it out and post the result here!
sure but your render didnt have any pantyhose
it did
you did a poor job of representing that if thats the case
How viable is importing a Blender model (a person, not a prop) into Daz? Is there resources for learning how to convert the skeleton and such?
Pull everything to blender instead
Which is the best Jenna Ortega clone?
leeleesss on renderhub. There are a few others, vicey's isnt bad but none aside from leeleesss capture her mexican freckles
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For those familiar with Daz Dogs, what causes the light reflections on the end of the fur? I've changed the lighting a bunch and it happens each time
Is it less apparent when there is a background for the scene? Like add an HDRI or just some environment props behind the dog. I think its a composition issue having nothing to contrast against.
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No it's the same. Any kind of lighting makes it do that. Only really low light doesn't.
nigga is the headlamp on?
This, bright as shit
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>merge character into existing save
>character looks fine in texture shade preview
>go to render and their skin turns extremely dark brown and looks fucking creepy
>fuck with translucency settings and other random shit
>nothing helps
>load new random figure
>skin looks fine
>existing characters on scene look fine
>load new/fresh scene and merge same character
>looks fine in render
>exit daz and reopen
>open saved file again that has merged character
>skin looks fine now in render
I hate this stupid program so much what the FUCK
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No the headlamp was not on. Like I said, even in lower lighting it's still doing the ethereal glow around the edges of the fur
How good is the bridge diffy something nowadays? Can you export it with all them morphs?
Any G8 Kamala Harris model yet?
It was probably just accessing the wrong skin texture. Resetting cleared the ram or whatever. You can also try deleting your character and then undoing.
Any modern young Kurt Russel character clone?
I would have finished this a month ago if it weren't for MetaReFan.
Filament for me. But if you're having problems with anything in Viewport I suggest turning off the interactive updates in all your clothes.
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I have a g9 morph that I'd like to extract the head shape from. The artist unfortunately didn't make separate morphs. How can I achieve this?
Looks pretty sweet to me, how is it when posed?
not at all, compare her face with the average daz ITT
are you savy enough to regconize the character from just the textures?
Iam looking for the owner of this texture. Some guy was using it for some blender model but I know it belongs to some Daz girl
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Here's a pose coupled with Breastacular for some breast deformations.
Hard to say from the pose, but it looks to be contouring to the body well
It's just the morph and textures.
Just because lots of people like to go exaggerated doesn't mean it can't do subtle and cute.
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where can I pirate DAZ?
don't mind this retarded question. I thought it was paid software.
But how can I get free models other than the ones that come with the software?
How do you guys do expressions?
Never maxing out the morph, often mixed with others.
idk looks 91937 times less uncanny that the pretty much all the daz stuff I've seen
I hate 4.23, how do I go back to 4.21
It should be considered false advertising to promote a model with parts that aren't included (in this case the hair which is from fucking 2015 and made by another creator, and the clothes) as the main image, I've been let down so often by this shit.
The shop at least says that it is not included and even tells you which one it is. Nearly all models in the offical DAZ store are promoted with stuff not included and don't even mention what was used for the promos.
True, it just reached a boiling point since I really liked how this looked only to end up with a bald bitch. The clothes weren't specified though but they look simple enough to replicate.
g9 fucking sucks

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