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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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>debunks christianity using only the old testament
>shows the problems of christianity without ever appealing to scholars
>only talks about historical context when it's ultimately necessary
>proves that paul misquoted the old testament
>proves that the septuagint was the standard for the new "testament" writers

Christians need to be honest and admit they have no arguments against this guy.
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Literal Pedo-Jew who is on the run from the cops in Indonesia(?), literally the most Muslim place on Earth, while also running a "Children's Charity". He also looks EXACTLY like the famous etching of Sabbatai T'Zevi. It's uncanny and true testament to the power of their incest practices.

Beating up Christians with the Bible is low hanging fruit and he's just as evasive and dishonest when confronted with the same short comings in the OT.
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>Jew fights with Christjews over who the Jewish mashiach is
Why should I as a gentile care about this?

It's called "LXX" (70), but there were actually 72, which is a very significant number in Jew-Doo and all things esoteric Astrology/Astrotheological.

72 "watchers", "demons", "names of god", etc.....

Get your facts straight, Dummy ;)
>Are young women usually virgins?
Erm. No not in the bronze age they were not usually virgins you fucking tard. It's ireelvant anyway. Matthew says nothing about "implication" or that there is any" inference " of the woman being a virgin when he misquotes the old testament.
I wanted to simplify it and not have to write the extra paragraph you just wrote.

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Why won't Atheists accept Christ?

Why are Christians unable to learn this one simple lesson and draw the conclusions?
True, but what if the fear has a legitimate basis? Then what?
I don’t agree. Lots of great rulers of Europe were respected, but also had their authority rest on a monopoly of violence and thus fear. Are you also going to cry about Alexander the Great being a mass murderer?
If you lived in Guatemala, how much respect would you have for psychopath cartel members?
Then you're off topic since we're talking about God.

The WHG were Jeets in Europe
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Also, there's H as well, although you need to distinguish between gypsy and farmer clades in Europe. And J is technically 'farmer' as well since it's from Iran_N.
But why did the old WHG look like Jeets?
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Because they are the native European abos with C y-dna who got raped by some West Eurasian population we don't know of yet. Unless you want to believe an alien spaceship dropped them in Europe.
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Imagine if hunterjeets still existed today. They would definitely be like Australian aborigines saying "THIS IS MOI LAAAAAANNNNNNND" all the time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18DCUS_ZNi4
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>blue eyes
>brown hair
>wide high cheek bones
>powerful jaws

How is that like the Jeet? The Jeet is mixed with gracile Iranian farmers and then experienced 2000 years of malnutrition and cousin marriage.

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Not that anon but given the fact that the Ancient North Eurasians spread all over Eurasia and the Americas (and, for some reason, their fundamental mythological and artistic motifs managed to survive into the modern age), it's not unreasonable to say "their art looks the same because they're descended from the same ancestors". The ANE weren't high-tech - they were shamanists with a really intricately developed religious mythos. But they influenced the development of indigenous religions and art movements all over the world.

This. "We initially thought the Oogaboogu tribe were purely vegetarian, but our recent excavation have found deer bones showing clear and deliberate signs of butchery, so they may have hunted for meat on occasion as well" is what 99% of new truly ancient discoveries consist of.

Noone has found a statue of a bearded man leading animals into a boat and are hiding it in a warehouse guys.
>Are you for real? Haven't you bothered to do a 20 second google search?
>They didn't. They sculpted the rocks. And we know it because we DID find the tools
The tools don't explain whatsoever the precision and scope of the cut stones. Tools have been found, which were likely used for something else, something smaller. They are falsely married together.
>Because that fauna is from millions of years ago, when Antarctica wasn't even in the south pole, not the last ice age, you retard
Impossible to say, actually
>They didn't either, what the fuck are you talking about? All the similarities are due to basic fucking physics.
Knowledge of such advanced geometry isn't "basic" in any sense. There is nothing "basic" about any of these structures. That knowledge doesn't just appear out of nowhere, it has to be passed down. Your argument is like someone finding an iPhone in Australia 1000 years from now and saying "of course it's the same as the one found in America, basic physics"
>They don't. Archeologists are desperate to sell their books. Just fucking read them
I have, but the grand narratives are increasingly unpersuasive as new evidence comes to light. However, most academics aren't courageous enough to question the grand narrative, leaving only Hancock and a handful of academics to do so. Hancock is merely a conduit for a lot of alternative academics, in this respect. Ironically, by criticising Hancock, you criticise those academics with alternative perspectives.
>The Vatican Library is way less important than you might think.
Been in there yourself?
What if they have the full version of Critias? That isn't impossible.
>stick men carved in a rock
>therefore electric universe, gravity is fake, Saturn caused a plasma storm

I love schizos so much bros.

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What ethnicity is that?
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he was a Tatar churkamutt like you.
at least he had high CHG, unlike you.
and he ruled your ancestors
>Slavic I2
This is such a cope. You can say "Germanic I1" too, but it doesn't change the fact that these are not steppeoid haplos.
Moreover, in modern europeans I2 is preserved through farmers, but its not even from ANF

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Why is Europe the only continent that didn't independently develop agriculture? Was it due to the harsher climate?
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WHG were dumb as fuck.
the local plants just sucked
This is the answer whg weren't very smart people and likely were unable to conceptualised the idea of farming.

But I also think the environment was so good and bountiful that they didn't feel the need to grow an additional food source.
Contacts with the Middle East who invented agriculture first. Then they adopted already existing invention that they can witness. Other regions were isolated and didn't have chance to adopt agriculture by copying.
Continents don't develop things, people do. Europeans independently invented agriculture in Anatolia and then moved to Europe.

Just like Americans brought their European inventions to America - they were the same people in a new place

Since you guys love to purity spiral, who are the whitest whites? My bet goes on Scots since they are the most genetically Northwestern people.
>My bet goes on Scots
Bro doesn't know about the Norwegian conquest of Scotland
They are still more Northwestern than modern Norwegians so whats your point?
Scottish genes include Norwegian genes?

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How do you define an empire?

Muh 'Byzantines are Romans' fags can never answer this simple question.
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>How do you define an empire?
It's a definition based on social acceptance
If we all agree it's an empire, it's an empire.
>it's how it socially identifies!
>m-m-muh consensus!
brainlet response. imagine being too scared to have an opinion on the matter, lol.
> to have an opinion on the matter, lol
But I do, when I say "we all agree" I mean everyone should agree with my definition
The Byzantine Empire is not Roman. It‘s a Christian Empire, which quickly lost all of the territory, which wasn’t following their particular interpretation of Christianity. There is nothing Roman about this Oriental Despotism. As ever Western Gentlemen, actual Aristocrats, were right about their assessment of the Byzantine Empire, Only plebs and their paradox video game addiction and heir pleb youtube commentators regard the Byzantine Empire highly, because they think they discovered this super secret awesome Roman Empire in the middle ages, which their teachers never told them anything about. The Byzantines were a far-cry from the height of the Roman Republic or Empire. They are a degenerate offshoot of lesser people.
>There is nothing Roman about this Oriental Despotism
They ruled in the same way as the Empire did during Diocletians reign though

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thoughts on him?
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Based. One of the good ones.
Anti-Christian isn't a larp, it's the natural European state. Jews and Christfags have Israel and the USA to go back to.
I like his videos about religion. A shame that he seems to be more interested in genetic and acheolgical autism.
All these people are and more unironic nordicist who southern europeans, think the ancient greeks were nordic and hate Jesus as well.
I'm not Nordic, don't care about South Europeans and don't mind Jesus. Calm your tits.
His videos are interesting and well-researched

Nordicism is based entirely on the fact that Greeks and Romans did not have words for proper brown hair and used words that literal mean yellow for any hair color lighter than black (greek xanthos and latin flavus respectively).

There are no other reasons for the emergence of Nordicism. Sculptures, paintings and genetic studies always show that Greeks and Romans were brown southern Europeans and even a bit darker on average than modern ones.

The whole ideology is based on a misinterpretation of two words, intentional or not.
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Central Italy is genetically and linguistically closer to southern Italians than to northerns
Name the cultural and intellectual accomplishments of northern Italy
>Mfw genetically Southern European
>Mfw also pale and blonde
>Mfw nordicists hate me because Im southern
>Mfw medicists insult nordics for their light features
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Same reason California is not a part of the American South, those are not a strictly geographical description.
Abruzzi was part of the Kingdom of Naples/of the two Sicilies so it's considered part of the Mezzogiorno.
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Unrelated to what I said and pic rel
Nordicism is just a spook that haunts the fantasy world of brown people. It isn't a thing. Just cope

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What were some of the good things Hitler did for Germany?
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the actual figure is actually 0.2% when accounting for selection bias
That's not how it worked. All the parties got dissolved.
>were subsumed INTO the Nazi party
No. What does this even mean? Many SPD leaders were forced to leave the country. Zentrum obviously also never recovered.

It's right there in the Law Against the Formation of Parties from 1933.

>Anyone who undertakes to maintain the organizational cohesion of another political party or to form a new political party will be sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or jailed from six months to three years, unless the act is punishable with a higher penalty by other regulations.

>ministers kept their old jobs
I mean, why wouldn't they? They were all from NSDAP or DNVP as this was the coalition that formed the government.
>Persecute innocent people including Jewish war heroes from WW1
> break international treatys
> end personal freedoms
> invade foreign countries and genocide civilian populations
> complain about "Jewish financial tricks" while rolling out MEFO bills LMAO
> instigate a European war so damaging it ends 5 centuries of European global hegemony and reduces once proud empires into vassal states of the twin evils of America and the USSR
Opposing and fighting kikery.
>for Germany?
How about for the world? He showed that there is hope against the behemoth that is International Jewish Finance, if just one country can rise up and almost succeed against almost the entire rest of the world, what could we achieve if we unite?

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These are all things that ancient and medieval lords valued. They practiced all sorts of martial arts (and accordingly kept fit) and were always willing to defend their honor in duels. Elites nowadays are sedentary, work 12 hours a day, eat crappy processed food, probably have never been in a fight, and shutter when someone insults them. When did this change occur and why?
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Elementary school understanding of the fall of the roman empire.
Also said Barbarians often admired, copied and inserted themselves into the structures of Rome.
Nope. Where's the Empire at?
Elites favor these things still but intelligence and obedience produce more benefits for society and them. The importance of manual labor and capability in combat has been diminished by tools and honor is not worth intensively cultivating in the populace as long as you can effectively threaten with punishment, another thing made possible by tools and social agreements. Health and capability in combat will always be valued in general as these are connected to value as a mate.

Honor has always been more a luxury than an important characteristic.
The WASPs were more competent than the current batch of fags. No group who wheels into power is ever going to care about the common folk
>When did this change occur and why?
It occurred when humanity reach a certain level of civilization. War has many externalities, and, not to mince words, a shitload of suffering and horror. You too are a hypocrite since you would never willingly subject yourself, your children no less, to that. That's the why.

What's the historical reason for westerners thinking they can get rich burning coal and chopping down forests to the point Europe is one big front lawn, and then suddenly "discover" the second the global south has the potential to compete in the global economy that actually the world is on the verge of habitat/environmental collapse?

Where do they get the gall to tell an SEA or Africans or SAs or MENAs that not only can they not use the same cheap and effective methods they themselves used to get rich (while murdering SEAs and Africans and SAs and MENAs), but in fact, SEAs and Africans and etc must buy their incredibly expensive green technology?

Why does the "left", who is ostensibly on their side, shill for the neo-white-mans-burden to suppress and keep-poor brown people? Did the colonial administrators also think they were in the right in the Congo for the belgians/doing people a favor? I know American southerners like Lee did...
I never heard about green westerners suggestiing banning coal or plastics production and consumption in the China.
Instead they ban plastic soda tubes in California that has zero impact on the plastic pollution. Streetshiters gonna streetshit.
It has more to do with the fact that European countries are America‘s satrap and this lack of sovereignty contributes to absurd behavior like the Green movement, who think eating insects can prevent bad weather and nuclear energy is evil and sustainable building materials should be replaced by non-sustainable buildings materials, because even though they are not sustainable, they are Green and thus sustainable.
Green Imperialism is a lie. Europe subsidizes Chinese solar companies. That’s literally the opposite of Imperialism. That’s Leftist retardation, who care more about creating a world favela without air conditioning than having a strong country.
South Africans are going days without power because the west won't let them build coal power plants.
Environmentalism is an annoyance for Californians, it's a boot on the neck of developing countries.
>Europe subsidizes Chinese solar companies.
Of course it isn't made directly obvious at all levels. But if China was allowed to develop the way Europe had, they'd have left them in the dust many years ago. Their economy is just so OP they rolled with the punches and embraced the bullshit. Other countries are not as blessed, and can't overcome the way they did.
It is absolutely an anticompetitive measure taken by the west.

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