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How did Grover Cleveland pull off his outstanding political comeback?
the Populists had some good proposals such as:>municipal ownership of utilities>regulation of railroads>greenbacks>sub-treasury system to emancipate the farmersbad points is that they had a lot of proto-Dixiecrats who opposed the last-ditch Republican Civil Rights Act of 1890 while somehow framing it as a populist attack against the elites. (Tom Watson first supported civil rights as a means of weakening the Democrat Party in the South and then did a 180 as he feared civil rights would weaken the elite rulers of the Democrat Party in the South).if i had to pick i would go with Harrison in this election was he was friendlier to civil rights and labor than Cleveland and would probably have been more open to public works projects to deal with the coming depression
>>17256283The problem with Harrison was that his economic policies, granted it was not his intention but rather rewarding political supporters (silver, manufacturing, and caused the 1893 Depression. The problem is that both parties during this time are extremely hands-off. The role of the government is too do nothing as was illustrated by the Cleveland (though he was forced to borrow gold from JP Morgan to replenish the US gold supply and thus attempt to counteract deflationary pressure) and McKinley Administration (one of the most conservative president ever. Campaigned on a platform of change nothing, won, and then got lucky that gold was discovered in the Yukon effectively ending the depression without anything being done, gold having inflationary pressures on money). I would think a second term of Harrison would continue his conservative policies and probably follow similarly to the second Cleveland administration.
>>17256283And Harrison sure helped out the blacks, right?Harrison's most significant accomplishment was causing a depression, which Cleveland did nothing to fix. They are the two worst Gilded Age Presidents.
>>17256305In all fairness most socialists/populists of this time like William Jennings Bryan were also quite racist. Even as late as the New Deal era you had some Dixiecrats like Theodore Bilbo that were very left wing/pro-welfare state but only for whites.
>>17256343That explains why the Populists were racists, but I still don't think that excuses them. I'll still support the guy who at least campaigned for civil rights and failed to deliver them, than the one who campaigned for seizing the property of immigrants.
People born later than 1996 in America are basically mutted up. They are so mutted up they think it's normal to have mix in them. Europeans are far purer.
>>17256243True>>17256256Coping mutt
>>17256256The multiracial population in the U.S. is growing, and the younger the age group, the higher the share of multiracial Americans. For example, among Americans younger than 18, 6% are of more than one race, compared with about 1% of Americans age 65 and older
How can the god of Israel be the God of all humanity?
>>17255371because the whole world became the kingdom of israel and every group of christians coming together under a bishop a church
>>17255371Jews are simply superior. They make up such a small percentage of the global population, yet they have accomplished so much. It is by God's will that the children of Israel have inherited this Earth.
which country had the most effective soldiers in WW2?
>>17255938>Germans didn't have antibioticsWait watHow
>>17255918Definitely not the US. Quantity or resources and industry was their entire war effort. Yanks were extremely sloppy in regards to even BASIC infantry tactics.
>>17256177QRD? I’m not very familiar with this topic and I would like to hear your reasoning with examples if possible.
>>17256299One example is that US soldiers bunched up, constantly moved in predictable patterns (such as not knowing to zizag to a point resulting in easily being picked off by snipers), would often lack aggressiveness, etc.
What are some historical figures that will burn in Hell for eternity?
>>17254708thats ali
>>17254708Muhammad didn't exist. Hell doesn't exist.
>>17254716since its inception there were direct contradictions within islamciting that you can check quran by the previous revelation, torah, gospel, but then contradicting those thingsjesus being the son of god vs allah has no sonsmuslims claim the scripture is corrupt but this goes against the statements of the quran than you can check it by looking at the previous scripture, which presupposes that the scripture isnt corrupt so you have something to actually check it against.
>Close to 75% of American adults are overweight>40% of American adults are obese>60% of Americans have a chronic disease/illnessHistorically, what led to Americans having a huge increase in chronic disease and obesity?
>>17254584I remember there was a running joke on the Drew Carey Show about how fat he was, that was back in the 90s. But if you watch reruns of the show now, he looks merely chubby. And I remember thinking Newman on Seinfeld looked inhumanly obese, but if you watch those reruns he just looks like an ordinary fat guy now. It's amazing how much our sense of what's fat and extremely fat has changed in the last 30 years.
Whites were supposed to live a pastoral lifestyle eating buffalo/cow meat and drinking milk.Then carbs came along and made everyone fat and diabetic.Same way Polynesians, Samoans, Hawaiians etc have become obese, historically all they ate was fish and coconuts. Asians dont get fat from carbs because they were eating only rice daily for like 5,000 years.
cheap unhealthy food and a political system which gives disproportionate power to corn growing states in the great plains
>>17256284All of the corn fields, and many suburban and urban areas should be burned over the winter and turned into free grazing land for bodybuilding nomadic herders.
>>17256231desu I think God just made Polynesians that big to allow them to float in the water. I'm pretty sure that Polynesians are, in general, God's final attempt at making people.
>Jesus: Jewish>Called non-Jews "dogs">Simon Peter: Jewish>Fisher of Jews>Matthew the Tax Collector: Jewish>"Pay up, goyim!">Saul the Pharisee: Jewish>Author of half the New TestamentJesus was not white. The Apostles were not white. The entire Bible is Jewish from beginning to end.
>>17256089>Jesus was a non-whiteRetard
>>17255283Jesus didn't exist.
If you can believe Jesus had magic powers and could fly on a magic cloud then why not believe he was white? It's all bullshit for stupid people anyway.
>>17256163You are quite wrong.
>jews still seething 24/7 to this daybrutal
How widespread was Catholicism and Christian sects (Gnosticism, Arianism, Manicheism, Montanism, Marcionism, Nicolaitism, etc.) in West Europe during II and III century?
>>17256072Gnosticism was never destroyedIt continued in secret and influenced movement such as the Rosicrucians, Kabbalah, and SufisManicheans were also gnostic
>>17256159Imperial Church never existed, to start with. There was a Church founded by Christ and lead by the bishops of Rome since Peter who did lead the Church, died there. The earliest list of popes appeared at late 2nd century confirming a lot of information from Acts of the Apostles.It has been a thing from hagiographies of IV and V centuries, to the very information given to us by the Fathers of the Church. Even Orthodox churches recognize the leading role of the pope (differing on the reach and measure of that authority).Protestants and their narrative, as that you push, basically erases 3 centuries of Catholic history in order to fit their own narrative. All the Fathers of the Church, the hagiographies and the oral traditions from the first centuries Catholics, are suddenly ignored, as if it did not exist.A very fallacious position that historians specialized in the early Church have denounced as dishonest from people who claim that all Catholics from the first centuries (all the martyrs and records left by the Fathers of the Church) just does not matter.As Charles V said, the Protestant narrative (that one you push) claims that all Catholics from the 1st century into 16th century were wrong until an excommunicated Augustinian friar from Sacony supported by independentist German secular authorities told them sl. Basically, Catholicism did not existed until 1517.
>>17256185Well, the devil only has one trick up his sleeve so yeah, doesn't matter if it was destroyed he just tells the same bs to someone else.Btw claiming a false ancestral tradition is magical thinking and therefore sorcery.
>>17256080Protestants were created by catholics so you should ask your pope.
>>17256185>It continued in secret and influenced movement such as the Rosicrucians, Kabbalah, and Sufisliteral whos
Nazism was funded by...?
>>17256304>Germany after ww2sorry, after ww1 not 2
>>17256303Industrial backed businesses who provides several key assets. IG Farben, Krupp, GM. Several banks including non German. Ignore the midwits here who think the president should just stuff his mattress with dollar bills instead of taking out loans to fund wars.
>>17256303hitler reseting the economy by distributing new currency based on work done instead of central bank debt slavery which allowed the people's work to have some value in order to not work all day and then not being able to afford breadnatsoc in germany at the beginning was also funded by the jews that wanted to control stalin, but they quickly realized that hitler would be a bigger problem for their plans
>>17256319What was that work? Building a war machine and pretending it's an economic miracle?
>>17256328the work was the same work any society needed the most to sustain itself, food production, farming
What is your view on the purge of the SA? Why did the Nazis do it, and how would things have been different if they hadn't?
>>17253094This.>>17253201This. Well posted anon.>>17253365As I understand it, there where SS divisions in the military (unsure) but the SS was an independent paramilitary that swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler. It was all about "security". Maybe you could think of them like the guardians of the purity of the Reich.
>>17254448Probably this. Might not someone in the party or a sympathizer tried to assassinate Hindenburg though?
>>17252835>What is your view on the purge of the SA?Quick, quiet, and clean in comparison to most post-revolution purges.
A. Rohm posed a authority threat to Hitler and had become a liability with his sex pestering.B. Strasser and the rest had become outspoken critics of Hitler and were clearly going to go the way of Trotsky or worse if they had been left alive any longer. Dozens of people were left alive who still "wanted more socialism in the NSDAP" like the surface level tards in this thread claim. Feder and many more were left unharmed.Stalin with his purges knew he had to do them for similar reasons, these people just want their own personal visions to come about as quick as possible casualties be damned.
>>17256280>Feder and many more were left unharmed.Left unharmed but removed from a position of power, right?
Scythians were the most advanced, influential and important tribe in the world for thousands of years. For a Greek, being compared to a Scythian was the utmost compliment. Both Scythian men and women were renowned for their good looks and flowing blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Their descendants still carry these features, found in small pockets in tribes like in Pamiris and Pashtuns.They brought Tartan all the way across Eurasia to Scotland. They were excellent metal workers. They invented trousers, for riding horses. The conquered lands all the way from Europe to China. The famous wizard's hat comes from the pointed hat of the Scythian Magis. Scythian 'wise men' Magis were present at Jesus's birth. The Mongols copied their nomadic lifestyle, and armor/military tactics. The Huns were Scythian revivalists.And then, these white men just disappeared and were forgotten about. Why does nobody talk about Scythians anymore?
>>17256126Original Scythians were 100% West Eurasian.Indians, MENAs and Mongols all got raped by white men. Scythians were white men.
East Scythians had 50% Asian maternal DNA.Even west Scythians ended up with 25% Asian maternal DNA.BWC wins again.
>>17256071trvkeMiddle child of the steppe and the least consequential
>>17256108Gringos gave the Plains Indians of the US everything we think of as being endemic to dhey Culture, as well. Hard to believe, but 99% of their history was without the horse. Literally just wandering around in circles on the Great Plains for tens of thousands of years. All metal implements too, obviously.
>>17256164>>17256169>>17256173Both Q and R are East Eurasian.
Give me a single good reason why alcohol shouldn't be banned just like any other drug. It's a direct duty of the government to safeguard the health of its citizens.
>>17255827Nothing should be banned. Billions must die until people learn their mistakes.
>>17255827Drugs are legal though dummy.
>>17255827alcohol is a simple drug that can create problems but ultimately majorly helps the bonding of the people of society ultimately having a net benefit to anyone who isnt already in a suicidal situation in life
>>17255827Well it created human civilization, so there's that.
>>17255827Why? Health is a scam.>If you follow these elaborate and constantly changing set of "scientific" guidelines, you might gain an extra couple years of life when you're already old and uselessOh wow! What a wonderous prize!
Hitler ultimately wanted peace with the Allies and had a post-war future for Germany in mind. Otherwise why would he pick up a grunt from the marine who barely met him at all.
>The charges, officer?
>>17255667High Church Protestantism =/= Papism
>>17255667fake news, show me in the common book of prayer where they acknowledge the pope as the vicar of christ. You can't because it's not there.
>>17255664Against who? Himself?
>>17256030People can be treasonous against themselves. I’m betraying myself every time I waste my limited time shit posting on this website.
>>17255672>Protestantism>i know sola scriptura is true because the bible say so, no i dont care that the bible was canonized by the church, i dont think the church has any authority ultimately...even worse