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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Why didn't the Norse colonies in North America work out? Why didn't they spread diseases to the locals like the later ones did?
Low population density. The diseases mostly wrecked the high density cities of meso and south America. Most of what the modern US was is low population injun bands with no semblance of civilization. Basically what the Iberians came across was Egypt vs Sub-Saharan tribals that the bongs came across
>why didn't the colonies work out
Atlantic Canada is poor even today, they were a long way from reinforcements. Had to actually kill or drive off tribal peoples, as well, which vikings struggled with even in Europe (consider the Finns and Sami, far closer to Scandinavia), didn't have a state structure in which they could just replace the kings or nobility. Not much to loot to make fighting worth it.
>Why didn't they spread diseases to the locals like the later ones did
Iceland didn't have smallpox yet. Also, these were illiterate societies who would go like half a millennium before the next time they contacted Euros, so if they had spread diseases we probably wouldn't know about it.

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>The most popular Fetishes amongst Women

>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."

>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."

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I think the dog thing is that they just want to be fucked hard and without regard...the way a dog would fuck they just don't understand themselves enough to know that. IOT they want to be pounded good and hard and not have some dude asking how they feel or if it feels good or any of that other faggotry.
Bad book
What kind of midwit lumps Turks and Germans together as the same group?
the first one tells me you made all this shit up in your head even if some have merit.
Its deeply intrenched in consciousness. Gorillas are technically a cuckolding species where the alpha male has the full breeding rights for all females in the troop. Captive chimpanzees were also taught the value of currency in the form of items they could redeem for special food and the males immediately gave the money to the females and then fucked them.

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Do christians believe jews are gods chosen people? Doesnt it say that in the old testament? Why is there 2 testaments?
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>That means He is not Jewish.
Wrong. That means he was not what you consider Jewish.
Oy gevalt!
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What is a Jew according to you?
>Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, page 474, "The Jewish religion, as it is today, traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.
Believing Jesus was a Jew, is believing he was a Pharisee.
During the time of Jesus? One who followed the Old Testament.

You can spam this, but I frankly don't give a fuck. Jews (today) hold the opinion (as fact) that they have the right to live in Israel without their messiah's arrival. The consensus of Jews (what you seem to only believe are Pharisees) during Jesus' time would not be that Jesus was one of them.

I refuse to believe that Röhm, one of Hitler's most loyal to followers was attempting to coup him. Every correspondence leading up to his execution leads no credence to him trying to betray Hitler, in a way I'm certain Röhm might have even loved Hitler
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>controls gay thug army bigger than the Reichswehr
>not a threat
Hitler wanted to disassociate from the rowdy SA and likely though killing Rohm to be the safest bet. The last thing a dictator needs is someone alive who can jeopardize their credibility
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I'm listening anon
What's the story of Rohm in South America?

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I really want to be neutral to Xtians as a Turkish male but the fact that Europeans declared crusades on us (not only one but more than a dozen) and the fact that Vatican, which apologized to Greece, is yet to apologize to Turkey really makes it hard for me to do. Crusades were completely unjustified and the amount of oppression in our own native homeland by the crusaders and their lackeys Byzantines we faced makes my blood boil.
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Turks did not assimilate the population but mixed with the local population. Today, Turks have around 30% Central Asian DNA. That is about as much as the British have Anglo-Saxon DNA, the Germans have Germanic DNA and the Greeks have Hellenic (Mycenaean) DNA.
There are no pure peoples. All peoples and all Turkic peoples are mixed.
The instituted a great campaign of Turkifiying and Islamismising central Anatolia. There's more assimilation than genetics autism.
How do you think Islam spread?
That's bullshit. Then why weren't the Balkans, North Africa or the Middle East Turkified? Anatolia demonstrably had the largest Turkish immigration.
Turks from Turkey have on average DNA results like picrel
Damn, this is almost "Protestants are the real native Irish," tier.

Current head of russian orthodox church is a litteral former KGB agent and tabacoo smuggler.

Where did it all go wrong ?
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Thanks I was expecting some palamite to post that.
>prince of the power of the air
THAT is single handedly the BEST they have to offer. That 1 verse + a metric shitload of gnostic theology + eisegesis and you get the toll houses.
I won’t really bother to address it because it’s been done to death.

>the toll houses are supposed to be literal
We got a full blown gnostic Palamite in the thread.
You should go 1v1 the Palamite who said it’s allegory (>>16894825) lmao.
The utter state of the “one true church”.
Just consider this error range in Soviet democide, as shown in Figure 1.1. It is larger than the population of 96 percent of the world's nations and countries. Actually, if France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Switzerland were blasted clean of all human life in a nuclear war, the human toll would be less than just this range in the Soviet's probable democide--the range, and not even the total murdered.

It is impossible to fix in mind and digest this democide. Focusing on the most probable estimate of 61,911,000 murdered, as shown in Table 1.2 it is over four times the battle dead (15,000,000) for all nations in the Second World War.12 Indeed, it exceeds the total deaths (35,700,000) from all this century's international, civil, guerrilla, and liberation wars, including the Russian Civil War itself.13 Many other comparisons are given in Table 1.2 and Figure 1.5, the purpose of which is to communicate some feel for what the Soviet democide means in sheer numbers.

... in terms of the annual risk it posed to the soviet citizen. Table 1.3 shows this risk of death from war and some commonplace risks, like smoking or cancer. Figure 1.6, following, graphs some of them.

Now consider just the low democide estimate of 24,063,000 citizens murdered. This is an absolute, rock bottom, low. It is calculated from all the most conservative, lowest estimates, for all kinds and sources and periods of democide, for 1917 to 1987. It is highly improbable that all these hundreds of very low estimates are correct. The low of 24,063,000 killed is over 20,000,000 dead below the 42 year average (1918-1959) low estimate among experts or knowledgeable Soviets; more important, it is over 15,000,000 dead below the 42 year average of those low estimates based on census data (see Appendix 1.1). Yet, this lower limit of 24,063,000 citizens murdered is itself much greater than the 15,000,000 battle dead of the largest, most lethal war of all time.
those aren’t the toll houses Gregory, one of your ahistorical monks, made up. There was no Theodora and she never journeyed through aerial toll houses. Just stop. Even if these figures did exist, it wouldn’t make the doctrine any less made up
I'm not even Eastern Orthodox.

There are indeed portals in the sky described in the Book of Enoch. That is the natural way of reading the account of the flood in Genesis, that the literal cataracts of heaven were literally opened, and that the literal fountains of the deep were broken up.
Pride comes before the fall, homer.
That's why the "be a man" rhetoric works so well as a pharisaicle trap.
I'm not gonna be baited.

I don't see how these toll houses are inconsistent with central Christian ideas of repentance and accountability.
Seraphim Rose isn't a Saint yet. Time will tell.
In the meantime, you'll do well for your own side by not muddying the waters with vitriol. It's way harder to have a discussion and remain on topic with someone so soaked in pride.

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What is the history of the Log Cabin Republicans?
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And I went through an “enlightened liberal” phase myself before I grew the fuck up.
Got your (you) though
There's theories that Lincoln, famously born in a log cabin, was gay.
because modern gays are way too normal nowadays, you can't tell one from a first glance, so authors use some old stereotypes to make it clearer to the audience
the corporations that fund them
ironically, the same people the modern Democratic party is for. They can't lose!

>Nordjeet 'civilization'
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This make the thing even worst
>be god
>big dick
Should be all there is to it ngl.
The centroid of civilization is always, always calculated from the population distribution of white people across a geographic range. You want to know why it moved from southern europe to the north west? Because non-whites migrated into southern europe and ruined things there.
Ah... Mine forfædre :-)

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Play such a massive role in the confederacy?
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>ggoy stop!

I'm gay as fuck btw
Black man here, I hate Jews now

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If he's real why doesn't he show himself? Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
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So everyone who claims to see something is right, and everyone who claims not to see it is wrong?

Everyone who has hallucinations is seeing real things, then?
>Billions of people have been hallucinating for millennia
that's what my pastor said before he slipped it in
Jesus did show Himself to the following people:
>11 Apostles
>70-72 other disciples
>Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Martha, Joanna, Salome, and Susanna
Jesus will come for the final judgment.

>Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
You don't have to convert to Rabbinic Judaism OP.

That's is Rabbinic Judaism anon.
So why didn't he show himself to me, again?

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Ricky Lee Green and his wife Sharon committed a brutal string of mutilation murders in the Fort Worth, Texas area in the mid-1980s, the tragic end result of a childhood from Hell. Green was a native of Fort Worth and was born in the central Texas city on December 27, 1960. His father Bill was a sadist who enjoyed torturing his five children on a regular basis. Ricky's brother Perry claimed that their father administered electric shocks, punched them in the stomach, or held their heads under water until they almost drowned. When Ricky was 6, Bill told him to run for it as he fired at him with a BB gun. He was hit with most of the shots as his father sarcastically told him to run faster next time. Bill told his son he was worthless and would never amount to anything. Ricky's grandfather also repeatedly molested him.

Green lost an eye at some point in his childhood when he ran into barbed wire and had to get a prosthetic glass eyeball. He quit school in the 8th grade and got a job as a radiator repairman. In February 1984 he got married to a woman named Mary Francis but the honeymoon ended in only two months when Green began suspecting his wife was cheating on him. One night when he was drunk Mary came home and he got out a knife and raped her. Afterwards she grabbed her stuff, left the house, and never came back. A few weeks later he met Sharon Dollar, a known junkie, and she soon moved in with him. One evening during sex Sharon poked Ricky's penis with a sewing needle and drew blood, which she then drank.
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OP can you do a thread about Shanda Sharer?
>Sharon Green was convicted of being an accomplice to murder and received 10 years of probation
This is like the 4th time I've heard of women being deeply involved in multiple serial killings/abductions/torture and getting relatively light punishment, sometimes not even jail time. It's fucking unreal.
if they're white women. if it was a black woman instant electric chair.
>Executed 1997
Passes the 25 year check so it is history

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How much of suffering is self-imposed or self-inflicted? How can this realization be leveraged for stable happiness?
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You’re justifying something
>I'm not him, the Buddha acted sensibly according to the situation, why would he torture his body unnecessarily?
Go back to the OP. My point is that even Buddha didn't get what could reasonably be called "stable happiness". I agree that listening to your body when it sends suffering signals to your brain is a good idea. Buddhists however are often adamant that Buddha felt no suffering.

>His body also got sick
Which makes no sense given he claimed to be a superman who could live for eons and fly to the moon.

>the conditions of suffering weren't present in the Buddha
And why do you believe that? Like I said above, if you want to quibble about the word "suffering", then take it as "Buddha couldn't even liberate himself from losing vigor and vitality due to external factors". If my body sends me unpleasant feedback that detracts from my efforts in some way I count that as suffering, and this happened with Buddha.

>Try putting his teachings into practice sometime I guess and see if it works
It didn't even work for Buddha himself. His pains as an old man still got in his way.

>it's about suffering and the cessation of suffering
Buddha was suffering even at the end. He never achieved this. Unless you count death, which is the cessation of suffering for everybody anyway.

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Everything is written in Akashic records, so there is external element or field in play
you can quench your thirst while being utterly indifferent to wanting the thirst to go away. there's no contradiction
>My point is that even Buddha didn't get what could reasonably be called "stable happiness".
No, he got it, the problem is that it's only stable locally, not globally. Eventually you die, and the steady state ends (if you're lucky, if you're unlucky it ends and then you spend a period dying and then die), and then you're reborn.

>Which makes no sense given he claimed to be a superman who could live for eons and fly to the moon.
He didn't claim this.

>if you want to quibble about the word "suffering"
It's not a quibble, you're just using an incorrect definition. "Dukkha" isn't "agony" or "torture", it's "any unpleasantness arising from conditioned reality".

>It didn't even work for Buddha himself.
But it did, he parinirvanad out. He succeeded. That's the entire point.

>Buddha was suffering even at the end.
By definition he was not experiencing dukkha, no.

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Unironically how was the figure of 6 million calculated?

From what I know Nazi records were fairly limited because a lot of the documentation was destroyed. What was the methodology employed to reach this number and what would be a realistic margin of error?
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6 million - 200, it's still a tragedy
Modern analysis actually shows that the death toll of jews alone was higher then traditionally thought. Potentially as many as 10 million were systematically exerminated
lol, no.

6 million
6 zeros
6 years

Literally satanic magic they tried to use to take over the world.
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>>16892909 >>16893337 >>16893349 >>16893623 >>16893630 >>16893667 >>16894008 >>16894786
The following is from one of the ~10,000 Holocaust denial /pol/shit threads this board has been host to.

Along with the mountainous evidence proving the genocide known as the Holocaust (note that a lot of this is material evidence or directly includes material evidence):

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"where did the six million figure come form holocaust"
>Holocaust Facts: Where Does the Figure of 6 Million Victims Come From?
>In November 1945, Hoettl testified for the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials of accused Nazi war criminals.

>Wilhelm Höttl
>In 1944 Höttl became the Ausland-SD's acting head of Intelligence and Counter Espionage in Central and South East Europe.

>The CO here states that he received a report foam his organization that if it were known that Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl is employed by an American Agency "it would be incomprehensible to all decent Germans and Austrians".:
>Hoettl was illegally involved in money transactions, that he was a high ranking member of RSHA, and that he gave .1 information to the "Flying Court Martial" which led to execution of Count von RITTBERG. The CO asks if Hoettl should not be utilized..
>Hoettl is, in fact, identical with person employed by OSS in 45.

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Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was. You could walk for kilometers on footpaths in major cities, next to roads that had minimal traffic. Everywhere you could see green fields below clear blue skies. It would be difficult to find a single piece of trash anywhere in a city
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All this time, the huw*te man was worried about the """Hebraic menace""" while the Indian man has been fighting steadfastly for millennia against the true ancestors and masters of the Israeli people - those malefactors who have held the Levantines in their grasp like puppets since the dawn of humanity and degenerated 1.4 billion people without blinking an eye - the Gujjew.
The British population was 10 million, The Indian population was at least 150 million, it's a pipe dream and that's not even getting into the other stuff you mentioned
Why doesn't it? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
>Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was
If that's true, why would anyone in India ever rebel against it?
The elderly Indians I know have nostalgia for the 50s, not the 40s or earlier. And even that's only if they were already wealthy.
The infamous slums and chawls of Bombay and Delhi were literally created under British rule
Pajeets breed like rats and it's somehow the bongs fault? Cant house or feed yourself? Dont breed lmao
How many mods did it take to reach that level of autism?

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