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why are they crying about israel now? bad losers?
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Turks only became new rulers of the region. They never systematically replace the local inhabitants or export random new population from Europe / outside like Israel did
"Palestinians" are just Rashidun colonists anyway. That whole area has only ever been occupied by blood soaked bastards. No peace since the dinosaurs.
I don't know maybe because the Turks weren't killing Palestinian children daily.
/pol/tards really have shit for "brains"
>because the Turks weren't killing Palestinian children daily.
Let's just ignore the years 1071-1922
When did these mass killings of Palestinians take place kike?

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Where did they come from?
Who are they?
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They are the one people whose culture and language wasn't replaced by "indo-european" cultures, which took over the entire continent over several thousand years.
not so long ago in roman times there were still many places in europe that did not speak an indio european language, like etruscans, and the peoples in northern italy who would end up being gallicized a few centuries after the creation of rome.

Now don't be mistaken, the Basques may speak an non-indo-european language, but it is full of loanwords, and their culture isn't that unique from their neighbours. and also, they are not as genetically isolated as some like to pretend they are.
spaniards with slightly more WHG

their language is probably WHG but nobody can confirm
Their ancestors collaborated with the Aryans north of the Pyrenees. They showed them the best mountain passes to cross. They joined the Aryans as scouts and skirmishers to make war against their racial brethren. Because of their alliance and submission to the Aryan cause, Aryan blood was introduced in the Basques. This collaboration and the insular mountainous region they lived in, resulted in the ancestors of the Basques retaining their language, despite the Aryan admixture into their population.
What? They have little WHG.
They're ANF and WSH; mostly the former.

Their culture was absolutely replaced by Indo-Europeans.
Probably in a similar manner as the etruscans.

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You have taken your marjas to be more than just fallible men. You blindly accept all of their legal rulings even if it conflicts with the hadith. You are in the cult of sistani.
Gods will is a creation as God is pure act. This is not the essence as many marjas say. Can you show me one evidence that I must follow your marjas who are all fallible men? You should only be following the ahlalbayt. Also anyone who rejects that the Quran is distorted is a kaffir
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Damn, you really got me. Gonna follow me around for the rest of the day now or what?
It's common sense once you begin to grasp what eternity and infinity is. God cannot have the limited qualities of Man. "Will" is such a thing.

First based take from a muslim I ever hear this one.
Any picture you post is trackable. I'm following things on the archives. Any private information you give is collated and reported. Nazis like you will be discovered and exposed.
Can you give me a qrd on why you're so anal about this guy?

Why do Europeans eat maggot cheese?
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Imagine one of these bad boys made it into ur intestines alive
Doesn't seem that much worse to me than mold, and blue cheese is popular and accepted everywhere
mold isnt a live animal
Why Chinese eat dogs and Indians eat cow poop?
Black mold is still considered disgusting, but blue mold is just a normal food item

>For as far as sensual pleasure is concerned, the mind is so caught up in it, as if at peace in a [true] good, that it is quite prevented from thinking of anything else. But after the enjoyment of sensual pleasure is passed, the greatest sadness follows. If this does not completely engross, still it thoroughly confuses and dulls the mind.
- Spinoza
me after 7th nut in a row

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>I posit it wasn't even really designed to be a "Holy Book" when first made
Yes, it was basically a manual to conquer Jerusalem.
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>You hate Islam
>You study Islam to hate more
>You hate Islam more after studying
I read a few chapters or whatever you call them but had just finished reading the Bible and so was kind of worn out at that point. The Bible was schizo bullshit and I don't expect the Quran to be any different. I mostly wanted to read them to not be completely lost if I wanted to read some medieval Christian or Islamic philosophy.
>>16824384 Wrongdoers don't read the Word of God. They're allergic to the Truth.
Is this why non-muslims know islamic scriptures much better than muslims?

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What saints are important to the antiochian tradition? In a folkloric way like saint sava for the serbian church; I know the following important ones:

>john damascene
>cosmas and damian
>sergius and bacchus
>jakob hamatura
>joseph damascene
>raphael hawaweeny
>habib and niqula khasha

I want to know some more ones, especially saints like tamriq of jerusalem or harith of yemen; pic unrelated

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lmao no
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A bunch of brown bearded middle easterners genuinely believing that they're mongoloids from central asia with such passion will always be one of the most simultaneously hilarious things in the world
isn't that hand sign also from Naruto

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Why do people think your local liege lord being able to marry you „against your will“ was such a horrifying concept?

It was technically possible, but you had so many options and outs as a commoner, before it came to that. On the other hand people back then would be terrified the government can just kidnap your children and make sure you never see them again. At least if you bluntly told them that without explaining this doesn’t happen usually and it‘s only intended for the absolute worst cases of child abuse. However this comparison doesn’t hold true anymore ever since it, we don’t exactly know when, it‘s a nebulous date, no one knows when it started to be okay, but when you can just legally castrate your own child. Even the Roman Patriarch, who had a lot of legal authority over his children, would not be able to have his own son castrated. That was not actually allowed. You didn’t owe your father that kind of obedience and Roman society would not let you go through with that.

So I don’t understand why people freak out about a local Lord, who acted as the head of household, would in theory be able to decide who you marry.

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>biblical patriarchs
>roman pagans
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No, I’m saying why would a Roman wife care if her husband needed to spill his seed? It’s just a slave girl. I belong to a family from that kind of society and as long as the patriarch doesn’t get attached to his mistresses and the bastards don’t gobble up the inheritance the wife is pretty indifferent. So judging by human nature I’d figure, yes, Roman elites probably fucked their servant girls.
>So judging by human nature I’d figure, yes
It sounds to me like you're just guessing rather than informing me based on any kind of research or education
Good luck finding a Roman woman’s opinion on her husband mounting Ancilla Sexta.
>Monogamy is the ideal.

>men have constant sex drive
>men are supposed to have sex to impregnate
>men cant impregnate a single woman for 9 months during pregnancy
>therefore monogamy is not natural
>men are supposed to have sex to impregnate
I'm not Catholic.
You're supposed to have sex with your wife as much as you want.
She's your wife.
Take it up with homogay Cathofaggots. But not with me.

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Smallpox ravished Europeans in the Middle Ages, killing 1/3rd of their total population. During this time, Europeans were assailed by foreign enemies: Arabs, Moors, Mongols, Turks. And yet despite dying from diseases as well as being attacked by outsiders, Europeans managed to bounce back and become the dominate continent up for 5 centuries.

Amerindians died in-mass from smallpox. Not because of biological warfare (which is fake history) but simply the spread of the disease. Now, they were never able to bounce back and entirely assimilated into either Hispanic or White society while having little institutional power.

Why, exactly, should I care about this weak group of losers exactly? I'm not some Nietzschean Social Darwinist Survival of the Fittest chud, yet at a certain point you just need to call a loser a loser and move on. What exactly is special about Amerindians and their weak genetics, why should I sympathies with them or care? Yeah, the residential schools of America and Canada were gross and abusive and the government of those countries should take responsibility for it. It's not "White peoples" fault or responsibility, obviously, but it's certainly the governments since the same governments are still ruling their respective countries. But for the most part, my general attitude is unwavering.
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Mexico is one of the most racially heterogeneous places in the world. Your average Messican looks like he came out of a clone factory
uh? pajeets never arrived to America
White societies probably still exist in central and Eastern Europe.
and they're irrelevant shitholes

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Is there any information for what the Macedonians called India and Indian people during Alexander's conquest? I tried Googling it and found nothing of use. Was it just called "India?" Or something related to Punjab since that's where he reached?
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I'm pretty sure the greeks just called it india or asia; maybe Herodotus mentions it

>all caps retard is also a namefag
Into the filter you go, thanks for making it easy

India, after the Indos (or something like that), a significant landmark for the greeks.
>Is there any information for what the Macedonians called India and Indian people
yличнo cpaњe
Maybe since he respected other civilizations he called it Bharat.

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Read the sticky you fucking retarded newfag.

On 13 June 1920, Avni Rustemi assassinated Toptani in Paris when he left the Hotel Continental. Toptani was buried in the Serbian Military Cemetery in Paris after staying for a long time unburied in the mortuary
Albanians generally see Rustemi as a national hero for the assassination of Essad Pasha Toptani, whom they think of as a traitor who developed good relations with the Kingdom of Serbia and Kingdom of Montenegro

Civically speaking, what's there to stop a politician who appears to have mainstream politics but, when elected to head of state, secretly turns into a complete Nazi and does a reversal of whatever neoliberal agenda they pretended to have?

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