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I just listened to Dwarkesh’s podcast with David Reich and found it fascinating. What are some other interesting things to know about prehistoric peoples like the Yamnaya, corded ware peoples, denisovans, and neanderthals? I don’t know anything about humanity before sumer
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Delusional kike believes Europeans are 20% Archaic Neanderthal level like niggers when they are only 2%. Ethiopians have 1% Neanderthal because they are 50% West Eurasians with his bs they would have 10%. Arabs obviously don't have any.
He explains that neanderthal genes were filled with errors caused by the small isolated groups that neanderthals lived in, and that when humans mated with them, there was a lot of pressure for those genes to be replaced overwhelmingly bu human ones
Neanderthals were not isolated they lived in wide areas and hunted like gangs and how can their genes have been replaced overwhelmingly if they are 20% now instead of 2%.

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They got fucked in the ass by Alexander and realized they liked it.
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Yes, we just turned to what was built by Abraham. It is best not to have to do anything with you. After all we know who you will follow
>and the wars will end.
Why? The Jews have lost every war they've fought against the Shia.

They lost the 1984–2000 war with Hezbollah and Lebanon.
They lost the 2006 war with Hezbollah.
majosissies don't worship the cube thoughbeit, they worship Ali
whats the role of the messiah in islam?

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>Scandinavian ancestors to the right
>English ancestors on the left
>me in the bottom corner
So you're saying youre a sentient pig that instead of using his ability for rational though to trick indian peasants into worshipping chose to post on 4chan?
A 1000 year old pig I might add

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Ruthless, crook, smelly, trashy, oafish, miserable, sinister, evilish, ignorant, larper, inbreed, blustering, hoostler, islamic, degenerated, ominous, cruel, sick, ill, barbarical, tyrannical, genocidal, boorish, grim, swindler, etc etc etc and I still lack thousands of words that I don't know from the grammar of this heretical language that I don't know to a large extent to describe what it feels like to read the history of the Ottoman Empire.

The worse the armenian, greek and assyrian genocide chapter and the sexual violence against innocent peasant women in Balkans. And other things they did that would make Hitler and Stalin look like angels.

If an empire must be remembered as a chapter of what Islam have to offer. These were Ottomans.

Maybe, just maybe, ISIS was at their level.

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the roman empire was a cancer on europe, the germans applied radiotherapy, the ottomans surgically removed the tumour
Feudal Europe has fewer army than roman time. Cause feudalism has no professional army. Their army is based thousand lord private army put together by king. That's why roman war is more epic and more large scale. It's large and professional. Crusade is when lord instead of fighting each other with their small army. Combined their private army together to go on crusade. Peak of feus8al Europe army is small than imperial Rome.
>Feudal Europe has fewer army than roman time
The first crusade disproves this.

During the Mongol invasion the HRE also mustered 500k.
Medieval wars were smaller because technology was better. With 3k plate armour knights you can defeat 300k lightly armoured foot soldiers.

Romans never had heavy cavalry or even spurs.
Mideaval war is smaller cause true millitary power is in the hand of local lord not the king. They are thousands of lord in one region with their own territory and own private army fighting each other. It like skirmishes happened all the time and more chaotic and unstable. Feudalism is chaotic like mafia fighting each other over small territory with small forces all the time. The pope job is to solve this. It huge headache. His job is to negotiate peace but it too chaotic so pope said fuck it. Let's crusade and united this stubborn lord together and it works. Pope solve this issue by making a common enemy. They do with Muslim and do it with pagan north

I used to think the papacy was a trivial issue, but then the more I watch Catholics content, the more I realize how central the pope is to their religion and worldview. Totally alien to me... mending the schism of 1054 is utterly impossible as long as the papal structure exists in its current form
The office of the papacy was super important for centuries before the schism.
This is one point Orthodox do NOT like consneeding, but it's true.

They followed Pope Zachary's directive to ban certain books of scripture, for example that is why there is no known surviving Greek version of the book we in the west call "2 Esdras" when we know for a fact there used to be.

If the pope never had the authority to issue these kind of broadly authoritative decrees over the whole church, they'd have a hard time explaining to me why they did exactly what he told them to do a few hundred years before splitting off.

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Would Turks be better off today if they had stayed Tengrists
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Tengrism never seems to survive contact with other organised religions, presumably because it's so insubstantial to begin with. We don't have a central Tengrist text we can draw on - it seems to be a collection of folk traditions with vague thematic through lines more than an organised religion. This seems to make it easy to convert away from it through syncretization in the first generation (often for political reasons) followed by gradual abandoning of the folk traditions over time as the new clergy gains power.

Turkic groups seem to have been highly susceptible to converting en masse to other religions because of this, whether that be Manichaeism, Judaism, Nestorian Christianity, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam. I don't really see a timeline where Turks remain Tengrist because of this. There are timelines, however, where I could see them creating Turco-Jewish empires or converting to Christianity, etc. which I think would have had interesting consequences.
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>Woah... You fucking retard. It's only a historical coincidence that the only Turkic state to retain its independence (Turkey) happened to be Islamic.
>Islamic Turkic peoples have gotten largely assimilated too. Look at Kazakhs. Most "native speakers" of Kazakh literally *think* in Russian.
Fallacies and fallacies after fallacies. Should I even bother responding?

Kazakhs and Turkic Central Asians, regardless of how many are Muslim or not, have their own ethnic identity that EXISTS. Non-Muslim Turks and Huns (with the exception of the small-numbered Gagauz) in Europe CEASED to exist. They entirely assimilated into other populations. That goes for every Onugur, Bulgar, Avar, Khazar, Cuman-Kipchak, Pre-Islam Euro Oghuz, etc. That has been a CONSISTENT theme in history. The same for the Turks and Huns that settled parts of South Asia before being Muslim.

Anatolian Turkey not being conquered is fucking irrelevant to my point. Conquered doesn't necessarily mean an ethnicity is wiped out. Uyghurs still exist, Kazakhs and Kyrguz in China still exist, surviving Tatars of various sorts, Bashkirs, Karachay-Balkars, Kumyks, Azeris, Turkmen, etc all EXIST as distinct ethnic populations. Turkish-speaking Turks exist in Northern Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and West Balkans, and they're all Muslim-majority ethnic groups. That's all despite being conquered.

Coincidence my ass. When there's so many coincidences that it becomes universal, it's not a fucking coincidence. It's you being delusional and having a mental breakdown. Khazars had a whole Jew empire and they don't exist today. What happened to the Euro Bulgars and Avars? They assimilated into the Slavs and Greeks. What happened to the Cumans? They assimilated into the Serbs and Hungarians.
>What happened to the Cumans? They assimilated into the Serbs and Hungarians [Magyars].
I'm referring to the non-Muslim Cumans that fled westward when the Golden Horde invaded. Most Cuman-Kipchaks of Ukraine and surrounding regions merged into the Golden Horde, itself made up of Mongols and Kipchaks.

There isn't a Christian Cuman or Christian Bulgar or Christian Pannonian-Avar population. Nor are there any Christian Turkic empires that you can refer to from history. There's countless Muslim ones. The Gagauz are literally the only Christian Turks in Europe and they're irrelevant in history. Now you may say, you're talking about TENGRISM and not Christianity. My point exactly. Where are the Tengrist versions of these same ethnic groups? They don't exist! Khazars were Jews and they don't exist either.

P.S. Tengrism wasn't a unified religion or anything close to it. There was spectrum of monotheism and paganism.
What are you even trying to say
>What are you even trying to say

See >>17280078

Muslim means “one who submits his will to the will of God.” Therefore, Jesus was in fact Muslim.
God, not a demon lord lurking the caves of Arabia
It is haram to view imageboards. It is haram to post images. It is haram to view images. Cease your idolatry and go to mosque to prostrate yourself before Allah.

MHMD didn't existed the way the caliphs & their scribes invented him as a personification in their qurans & hadiths.

“MHMD” was a title (titlature) the same way “Miss Universe” is.
Faggot means "one who gets fucked in the ass". Therefore, OP is in fact a faggot.

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>Paleoconservatives are generally critics of Israel and supporters of the Arab cause in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; they have argued that supporting the country damages foreign relations with the Islamic world and American interests abroad.[30] Buchanan has asserted that "Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory".

Historically speaking, what happened to the American Right?
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>Murray Rothbard, founder of Anarchism
* Anarcho-Capitalism
Why don't they ever talk about the first brother war in these terms?
I only see these memes talking about the second brother war.
Rothbard is literally a Jew too dude
no idea about the second one (Samuel is jewish enough but a lot of christians use it too, while Konkin is a russian surname), but Rothbard and Mises Institute didn't like him, so he's probably a goy
Because Hitlerites are shitskin third worlders who don't have the IQ required to read about European geopolitics in the late 19th-early 20th centuries that led to WWI.
>Murray "the Jew" Rothbard was anti-zionist
Just when I thought the guy who suggested parents should be able to sell their kids on the "free market" was literally the PEAK of retarded, you hit me with this

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It seems like a religion of war, murder and rape.

While Jesus the carpenter condemned violence and praised brotherhood, love, chastity, monogamy and genuine love and veneration for God, at the time he offered his life for the sins of his people.

Muhammad was a tribal warlord who murdered tens of thousands persons, had tons of concubines he fucked to cheat his wives with, married a 6 years old girl at the time he sent others to fight and die for him in the battlefield with the promise they would have 72 virgins to fuck in heaven (thus ignoring the fate of the women they got to marry in this life, being turned into another of the 72 concubines of the kamikazes), etc

Why is Islam so vile in its essence?
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Why do you guys care so much, islam is peace and love and positive intentions for all.
>source: I saw it in a dream
>This particular religion had a fundamentalist movement starting in the 1740, wahabism, that led some believers to adopt extreme rigorism.
>This led to most of the abuse commited in its name now.
The juxtaposition of >>17281888
and >>17281922
is hilarious
In his apology for Islam he reveals it’s the fundamentals of the religion are reflected in the most durka of durkas
I heartily denounce the talmud, and the Quran, hadiths, sira, tafsirs etc. Now that you're able to bring a source, you should post it.
I've never seen this literal who "spammed here". What the fuck are you talking about? I thought you were about to expose an actual 4chan poster. You let me down.

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So wait, the first celts weren't white basically?
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Looks like we got a georgian faggot in the house.

south shitalians, gayreeks, georgians all hate IBERIANS, hmm what's the common denominator, proximity to syrians and other assorted non-whites perhaps?
Why do Iberians look like Arabs?
why are georgians faggots?
iberians lost, you have no counterarguments, the ancient celts resemble modern belgians, why are you posting your brown shitalian MENA cousins?

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How the FUCK did they do it, bros? Reading espionage history is just a non-stop list of "he was a NKVD/KGB spy all along" and it's always in the most absurd places and situations.
Manhattan Project? Infiltrated. Hollywood? Infiltrated. British Foreign Office? Infiltrated. West German Chancellor's Office? Infiltrated. Your high school locker room? Heh you know it
What made Soviet intelligence so good at subverting and infiltrating every fucking organization on this planet?
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Westerners had human rights so the FBI cant just purge the soviet spies despite mccarthy's best attempts
The soviets had access to mongols and tuvans and all sorts of other asians they could have used to try to infiltrate
Another thing might be that China, being communist, was also good at rooting out Soviet spies. The Leninist party structure is very efficient at certain things.

The CCP in China really functions as a kind of shadow institution that parallels or mirrors every organization in the country and every part of the economy. So, the schools have party officials -- like some of the teachers, the principal -- who keep tabs on everybody. The military has political officers (commissars) shadowing the regular officers. The party is sort of everywhere, including in private companies. Really to have any significant career (like the director of a state-owned factory or a provincial official) you need to be approved by the party and be on the list of appointments (known as the nomenklatura). It creates a kind of pervasive surveillance apparatus:

>National Security Education Day: National security is everywhere

I've read that one way this form of control works is not that everyone has to believe in it, but you don't know who does. This relates to the dual structure I was talking about that is used for penetration and exploitation.
>The soviets had access to mongols and tuvans and all sorts of other asians they could have used to try to infiltrate
That's not what he meant. Tuvans or Mongols would stick out like a sore thumb in China for the same reason that a Hungarian guy called Nagos Magyarman would stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of Spain or Scotland. Their phenotype doesn't bridge the language gap, culture gap, etc.
Or to put it another way, the party doesn't actually have to strictly do... anything. It just has to know everything. It's like the whole thing is really one big conspiracy / intelligence organization.
Ideology certainly played a large part of it. Of course they used bribes to a great effect, and some of the most destructive spies for US (Hanssen, Ames) were in it for money alone, but lots of their grassroots reach came from more subtle and psychological means.

Also, consider the following: western societies were a lot easier to inflitrate (and still are), because they weren’t built on such insane levels of paranoia and were more ideologically diverse than Soviet Union. Trying to build networks inside Soviet Union must have been a nightmare, because they had eyes on all foreigners and even natives couldn’t move around freely, but in west it’s much easier to pull off all kinds of shit before intelligence apparatus focuses their eyes on you.

It still applies, because while digital surveillance is big and almost universal in reach, there’s so much ”noise” in western societies (people spewing around all kinds of political ideas, making all kinds of societies, radical speech that never leads to anywhere) that you have to do something properly dumb to stick out in the radar among all that. In more authoritarian societies, you don’t need to do as much to register as a blip on authorities eyes.

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I've read cope answers that the Jews envisioned the Messiah as a warrior-king rather than a priest, which is why they rejected Jesus and backed military leaders like Simon bar Kokhba. But I don't care who you are, if you see a guy who can raise the dead, walk on water, and resurrect himself, you're pledging yourself to him. This only makes sense if Jesus was just a regular guy with no special powers.
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And while Toledot Yeshu isn’t exactly the best source, considering that it was composed later on (although the story elements in it probably are older than the text itself), it basically paints Jesus as a thief, someone who cheated himself God’s power:
> In the Temple was to be found the Foundation Stone on which were engraved the letters of God's Ineffable Name. Whoever learned the secret of the Name and its use would be able to do whatever he wished. Therefore, the Sages took measures so that no one should gain this knowledge. Lions of brass were bound to two iron pillars at the gate of the place of burnt offerings. Should anyone enter and learn the Name, when he left the lions would roar at him and immediately the valuable secret would be forgotten.
>Yeshu came and learned the letters of the Name; he wrote them upon the parchment which he placed in an open cut on his thigh and then drew the flesh over the parchment. As he left, the lions roared and he forgot the secret. But when he came to his house he reopened the cut in his flesh with a knife an lifted out the writing. Then he remembered and obtained the use of the letters.
>Didn't Jesus' biography basically fulfil the scriptures?
yes, but not in the way the jews were expecting
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>The Gospels are full of unrelated prophecies, mistranslations, and unscriptural prophecies

uh huh
>My point isn't about Christian orthodoxy and heterodoxy, i.e., an arbitrary and shifting line drawn by kikes between kikes and kikes.
>There is little reason to believe Paul (not to mention the authorship controversy) and the Gospels and Acts more accurately represent Jesus's teachings and acts than the "Gnostics".
That would be the false narrative of the entire unbelieving world. To them, truth is relative. They all think or want to think these things are arbitrary, and they try to pretend they are, but they really aren't. You are really trying to convince yourself by saying this stuff, but it isn't working. There are people who accept the word and those who reject it. The point that I made before is what I will emphasize again: Mormons, Islam, etc. are not in the same category as people who actually believe the Bible itself. One is truth and the other is nothing but a wide variety of errors that are all incorrect in different ways.

As it says in Scripture, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6).

>My point is that delusional schizos make shit up and write is as scripture
Yes but they are all wrong. Those who wrote the Bible were inspired by God. Those who are lost just don't want to see the difference. I'm trying to warn them about this because it's going to cost them. Seek the truth, anon.
cool fanfic, to bad he never said that

Explain to me how this isn't just repackaged religious perennialism.
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Red-Letter Christians and Gospel-Only Christians follows the secure path.

The God in the Old Testament is a projection men made. Jesus came to show us what God really is.

ATTENTION: Jesus is one with God, but God is greater.
If you truly believe in Gospel-only, you will also believe that everyone's interpretation of the bible is correct.
Arguing otherwise is a testimony to the fact that a magisterium is needed
You make absolutely no sense, did you know that?

....so why is it that you're able to trust that the authors and compilers of the Bible accurately recorded the "red letters" correctly, but don't trust the rest of what those very same men wrote and agreed was canonical Scripture?

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>Be Confucius
>State of Qi about to attack his country of Lu
>schemes to get amother country called Wu to fight Qi for Lu
So much for being a moral paragon who thought humans were inheritely good. He was just another politician
>>Be Confucius
>Confused retards like OP
>who thought humans were inherently good
What are you a dumb hippie or something? Grow up kid

Lao was far wiser than Confucius anyways
>Defending your country optimally through diplomacy is... le bad
Thanks for letting me know Confucius was actually high IQ

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