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So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
If not, did he even partake in battles?
I know that that Thomas Lockley guy made bullshit up in his English books but apparently his Japanese books were way more grounded and accurate.
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I recall he was not a samurai, however did know how to use a sword though. He was a retainer and was pretty close with oda nobunga.
There is no evidence he was African.
>he was a retainer of a daimyo
>he was not a samurai

Do you realize "samurai" was used for non-warrior retainers?
he was some former member of the japanese communist party, admitted that he doesn't use real sources, and his credentials as a "historian" are non-existent.
Well, an actual source from the era described him as follows after he was captured and before he was deported:
>Mitsuhide Akechi: ``They're like animals, so they're not worth killing as humans.''

It's likely they didn't even recognize him as a human, let alone a samurai. Probably he wasn't a samurai or a slave, but just some novelty Nobungo kept around. Another anon in another thread describing him as a "court dwarf" is probably accurate. Court Negro.

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Did Arabs really pushed arabic into North Africans?
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Arab Ummayads were the rulling class and Caliphs of al-Andalus, the same way Phoenicians were the rulling class of NA Carthage
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catho-rome had already launched disinformation campaings about southern beliefs for half a millennia by the time pisslamists took over the southern med region.
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berbers actually look like pic rel tho, they are brown shitskins
Ancient amazigh were dark skinned mulattos/quadroons tho

Distance to: Italy_Sardinia_N_oAfrica:I15940
0.19554232 Eritrean
0.19882909 Saho_Eritrean
0.20205746 Ethiopian_Tigray
0.20792457 Ethiopian_Afar
0.29847843 BelgianC
0.29922048 Swiss_German
0.29968102 French_Alsace
0.29982570 French_Paris
0.30096983 French_Nord
0.30250218 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.30349556 BelgianB

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stalin hated jews

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Dangerously based
Catholic here, pretty sad this guy is so objectively correct about what happened everyone is pretending on /his/ that this post never happened
>prayers to
>idol worship
Tell me you know nothing about Catholicism without telling me you know nothing about Catholicism
Encourage christian infighting. Persuade christians to destroy Christendom. Tempt christians into physically devouring one another. Nail the 95 Theses onto the door of All Saints Church. Have American christians pay taxes to fund bombs for Jews to bomb the remnants of Eastern christians into the rubble. Split the Eastern Orthodox church and have Kievan and Muscovite conscripts mow each other into worm food for the trenches. Inspire every Calvinist to follow Calvin's example and grill Jehovah Witnesses alive a la Servetus. Divert the crusaders to Constantinople. Have those crusaders utterly sack, destroy and rape the easternmost city of Christendom. Loot the Horses of St Mark. Install a prostitute into the Patriarchal Throne. Liever Turks dan Paaps! Have protestants ally with the ottomans to degrade the Habsburgs. Invite Reformed French to a royal wedding. Betray them. Paint Paris red with Reformed blood. Sack Magdeburg into a copy of Baghdad. Exclude Roman Catholics from the throne Confiscate the property of Roman Catholics. Bar Roman Catholics from their inheritance. Have protestants defenestrate a Hapsburg governor out of a window. Paris is worth a Mass! Form a sacrilegious union of the lily and the crescent, create modern geopolitics and realpolitik. Ally the Kingdom of France with the Ottomans. Have Roman Catholics kill Roman Catholics for royal glory and power. Deport southern French towns to host Muslim pirates and slavers to destroy Hapsburg galleys and send their galley slaves to the bottom of the sea. Have protestant leaders and theologians invite Jews into their countries and justify charging interest. Inspire a KJV-only-ist to go to Zondervan's office and shoot an NIV editor in the head. Make a Douay-Rheims-only-ist lock all the editors of the ESV in Crossway's headquarters and arson it down with the staff inside. Make a tradcath call a brown pentecostal a nigger. Make christians slice each other with a katana.
Joseph Smith wasn't a Methodist himself, but most of the early converts were Methodist and the early meetings were liturgically very similar to Methodism. It's not wholly wrong to say that early Mormon culture drew a lot from Methodism. It wasn't until later that major theological differences started to appear

I refuse to believe that Röhm, one of Hitler's most loyal to followers was attempting to coup him. Every correspondence leading up to his execution leads no credence to him trying to betray Hitler, in a way I'm certain Röhm might have even loved Hitler
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>controls gay thug army bigger than the Reichswehr
>not a threat
Hitler wanted to disassociate from the rowdy SA and likely though killing Rohm to be the safest bet. The last thing a dictator needs is someone alive who can jeopardize their credibility
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I'm listening anon
What's the story of Rohm in South America?

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If, of all words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are, "It might have been,"
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>10 million malnourished, 5 foot tall Chinese peasant girls with no tits or ass.
They’d wipe out the local dog, cat, and pigeon population overnight
>Mao doing a "women amirite?" joke
>the ameribugger first instinct is to make cuckoldry fantasy

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>Insisting about sending millions of women to another country at the highest level diplomatic talks possible, while your country has known overpopulation issues, is just a "woman, amirite" joke
Imagine… millions and miillions more hapandas…
HOLY SEETHING ROASTIES, BATMAN. On a side note, seeing Vance marrying an Indian girl made me realize how many millions of good men American woman just threw away because they weren't 6'8 or something. Now all those men are marrying Asians or Latinas or Slavs or pretty much anyone besides White western girls.
>inb4 this study is about old women
it's not, it's about the age 20-40 year old demographic.

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>Watching tiktok
>Some cringy fat (probably Jewish) dork basedboy looking "history" person in the same vein of John Green or Adam Conover pops
>Says "The British Empire got rich from drug dealing."
>I want to badly correct him, that the Jewish Sassoon family is responsible for the opium trade and that it Jews who got rich from it, not Brits.
>Next video, claims Al-Andulus was an Arab state and that Arabs lived all the way in the North of Spain, claims the pope payed Normans to attack Northern Spain but they ended up staying and dressing like Arabs.
>Wanted to correct him that most Moors are distinct from Arabs and could include any Muslim group including bebers, native Spaniards, black west africans etc. Also wanted to correct him that the population was "arab", that his so called "arabs" (really moors) were in fact colonist, and that the majority of Iberia was indigenous Spaniards not Muslim "Arabs"
It's all so tiring. Why is there such an audaicne for fake history drivel? Why can't people handle the truth?
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Tiktok is filled with viciously anti-white content in terms of history.
>Globohomocore vs chudcore revisionism
Well, I think we can have a more in-depth discussion. But everyone scrambles to erase Jewish power and influence whenever it makes the Jews look bad.
>You could have started with the Greeks and stayed with the Latins. Instead you choose IDpol and "Foucault was right, he just needed to be more right-wing!"
Maybe this worked up until the 00s, but it's not safe anymore to just "retreat" to implicitly White spaces. They are coming to DEIify it and tell you the Greeks and Latins were always Black Lesbians and if you disagree you are a racist, and there is nothing you can do about it.
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>>Watching tiktok
welp thats a wrap, onto the next thread boys!

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How do you cope with happy people existing? Humanities.

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Was the US government's response to the Innsmouth incident justified?
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>Lovecraft goes snorkeling
>Sees this
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>Eight Marines killed
>Another ten put in the insane asylum for the shit they saw
>Torpedoes launched into an offshore reef and depth charges dropped on top of it to boot
I don't know what they thought they were getting into but they fucked those fishy bastards up.
>the Program destroys evidence of the unnatural and keeps it out of the hands of people
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow you actually believe the MJ-12 fucks changed their tune just because they grew a spine against the grays?
This anon knows too much

Time for a 9mm retirement plan, pal
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How come the brown hair of Roman sculptures and Frescos is supposedly evidence of the Romans not being white Europeans when brown hair is completely absent in non-European populations?
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I'm gonna reply one last time before moving away from this thread. Your hair color doesn't determine your ethnic group ESPECIALLY amongst Caucasian groups. There's blacked hair Euros, browned haired Syrians, Blonde Afghans, etc. It is true that some hair colours are more prevalent in certain regions, but again like what >>16894721 said amongst Caucasian groups hair colour is not an ethnic indicator. Facial features are the deciding factor for that. Anyone who unironically believes that blonde hair or brown hair or whatever is a European trait is a complete retard on genetics.
>browned haired Syrians, Blonde Afghans
Again, these are negligible. Do you think dwarfism amongst these groups is equivalent to the pygmies?

And your website you linked doesn't help your point. it shows that blond and brown hair (when accounting for conflation of "Dark brown" and "light brown") are predominantly European traits that separates them from the rest of the world which have black hair.
>Again, these are negligible.
Blonde hair is actually pretty common in Afghans. They're true steppeniggas.
The obsession with romans being white or not is fucking retarded
No it isn’t, it’s actually the most important thing, to preserve your culture and ancestors.

Decolonization of Africa and Fall or Rome were the same thing.
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Unlike NIGGERS whites actually build new buildings, those abandoned buildings you post are abandoned because new ones were constructed. In the case of NIGGERS though they just don't know how to maintain buildings so they decided to abandon them entirely and go back to the jungle to live together with their brothers and sisters the chimpanzee.
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>Abandoned hotel in Italy
>Why dont the niggers tear down

Go ask the Americans they have a shit ton of old infrastructure they don't use that's just sitting there to rot.
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I have seen once beautiful, now broken down buildings all across the US and Europe.

Pic related is filled with dead animals, junkie's needles, and trash and has been out of use for half a century despite constant promises to "redevelop" it.
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Blacks can maintain buildings. Rwanda breaks your theory.

india is one country, why shouldn't west africa be one country?
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Always felt French West Africa had kino borders. It makes me feel like a version of the real Mali-Mali empire .
The caste system in India creates a specialised hierarchy that allows a nation as diverse as India to function without the multiple different caste subgroups killing each other over tribal inanity.

No such thing exists in Africa, which was why the colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders because in one big West African nation, the Wolofs and the Yoruba would start duking it out for control, and then whoever wins would go Hotel Rwanda on literally every other Bantu one gene slightly removed from the main group.
Well there were technically various moments in history where most of the whole land area was united under one hegemonic power so it's not totally unreasonable to think it would work. West Africa is considerably different because it was never a united entity and is even religiously split between Christian and Muslim.
>colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders
Never happened. The borders of Africa were defined based on who was already there and simultaneously who could militarily control it. Since colonization began as deals with local tribes ,Blacks indirectly had some input in the borders, too, although not deliberately.
Nigeria already has this, Sudan had it too until they finally broke in two along religious lines

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Nobody really has any interest in African religions. There are tribal wudu religions in Africa which seem like an ancient continuation of Odinism. They aren't perceived as an archetype of ancient wisdom like Native American and Asian religions are. Some may say these religions are just shamanism and tribal memory; it's just proto-codified mythological history and has nothing to offer Westerners the same way that something like the Greco-Roman mysteries or Egyptian beliefs do. Maybe it really is racism behind it.

For me, it's the turn of the 18th century
>Glorious Revolution
>British colonies go through their own mini-revolution in 1689
>French and British colonies are starting to grow and expand
>buffer wars with them playing the Indians off of each other
>Iroquois finally wising up and getting tired of that shit
>King Willy's War
>British governors realize the colonies forts are absolute shit dogshit, complete disrepair
>colonists are already rowdy little shits refuse to follow the King's orders
>privacy and privateering is rampant the length of the coast and into the Indian ocean
>story of Capt. Kidd vs. 1st. Earl of Belmont
>Queen Anne/Spanish Succession
>Marlborough's campaign
>fucking Blenheim
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For me, it's the last decade of the American Revolution aka (((the war of 1812)))
National Socialism
what would you like to discuss anon. start a thread and link it and i'll attend
Philip's time just before Alexander is interesting as well. In a few decades Macedon goes from minor backwater state to superpower to warring factions claiming authority through dead Alexander while assasinating his remaining family

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>be kulak
>cause famine for profit
>supposedly, somehow this is not evil

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