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A medieval wafer stamp I found
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6th century BC
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Indian statuette discovered in Pompeii
Indian ivory reliefs from Afghanistan
Depiction of a bronze scale armour of the Egyptian tomb of Kenamun
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The Söderala vane (Swedish: Söderalaflöjeln) is a weather vane dating from the Viking Age, richly ornamented and made of gilt bronze. It derives its name from Söderala Church in Söderala, Sweden, where it was used as a weather vane during the 18th century. It was most probably originally used as a vane on a Viking ship, and shows signs of wear. On stylistic grounds, it has been dated to c. 1050.

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Bewildered, angry, and depressed that the Knights had ransomed him, the twenty-three-year-old prince found himself in an even stranger new land. As on Rhodes, the Knights kept Cem comfortable but under close watch. A prisoner but still a prince, he was placed under a kind of lax house arrest in the well-appointed acropolis of Nice, which was owned by an associate of the Knights, a wealthy Genoese merchant named Gaspare Grimaldi. On Cem’s first night there, Grimaldi’s oldest daughter took a bed-warmer to their new guest, and, if we are to believe the French accounts, offered herself to the prince. Later, her sisters and cousins took their turns spending the night with Cem, suggesting that Grimaldi hoped to marry one of his daughters or nieces into the Ottoman royal family. When allowed to venture beyond the walls, Cem moved on to the city’s female prostitutes and “charming well-made boys; each the son of a noble.”

Cem reveled in this sexual diversion. “What a wonderful place is this city of Nice,” he wrote, apparently unconcerned about venereal disease, “a man can stay there and do as he please!”
So the French were race mixing cuckolds even in the 15th century. What a surprise
They were also gay.

I have realized how ignorant I am about medieval history and would like to expand my knowledge. But I don't know where to start. I don't know if you could recommend a book, youtube channel or documentary to help me expand my knowledge of history.
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Oh to actually answer your question. Do whatever you will actually read/listen to so long as it is accurate. I would highly recommend learning about antiquity in more depth first, but it’s because there’s less to study in terms of primary sources so the Romans/Greeks can be a really solid introduction to reading primary sources for a first-timer. I would say to simply pick a state/kingdom/nation/faith and just grab a general secondary source on it or primary sources and keep reading about it if you enjoy it. Bibliographies and footnotes can be a great way to find more texts to read. Forewards and Prefaces and the like are also something that actually matters in history. The author or translator will often explain a lot that might go over your head if you just read the source directly.
Listening to an audiobook or lecture on the period and nation you are playing while you play is peak.
>gaming leads anon to find a new area of interest

Full spectrum warrior detected

Chris-chan is that you
Kill yourself!

Nihilism is a self-defeating cope. Many methods for painless deaths are free, accessible, and clean. Living nihilists are walking contradictions; laughable hypocrites.
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kys then
im not a nihilist, sweaty
That's not what nihilism is.
It's the antinatalists that want to kill themselves, not the nihilists.
Antinatalists don't want to kill themselves, they want to prevent more people from being born.

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Would we be living in a utopia right now?
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Or so they report in their surveys. Then they proceed to kill themselves en masse.

Surveys about happines tell you more about how submissive to the status quo a population is than how happy it actually is.
Suicides, low birth rates, drug abuse is all linked to the same reason which is that we don’t live natural lives anymore. The more advanced tech gets and the more comfortable we are, the less happy we will be. We were meant to live in tribal families in small agrarian villages hunting squirrels and picking berries with our semi-wild dogs.
High trust socialist country sounds good but it needs to be rich and democratic to work well
This but also be Christian as well. A Christian Socialist utopia.
>we don’t live natural lives anymore
That's only part of it.

The real rot killing us is the lack of a higher purpose. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, an ideological cause, whatever, humans NEED to believe in something greater than ourselves. It's why the assholes that run the world have created a system that uses popular dissent as a weapon in favor of change the system wants. It's why people in the West are so insane in attaching themselves to causes and "issues" they believe need solving. The West has traded God for social activism/progressive ideology for this very reason.

We have nothing to believe in any more and no way to die a meaningful death and it's killing our soul.

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1. Iberians originally come from Africa
2.They have more in common with north Africans than with anyone in europe
3. They are brown
4. They are low iq
5. They eat the most disgusting food on earth
6. They are naturally violent toward animals
7. They are naturally weak
8. They never mattered historically, during their so called golden age they were just an unimportant vassal of Germany
9. Spanish catholicism is just sunni islam but you can eat pork
10. Spain is a desert, it looks more like Saudi Arabia than any european country
11. Without the EU Spain would be poorer than Turkey
12. "Spaniards" is an insult in most european countries
13. Spaniards are the only europeans to have never legally been considered white in the US
14.Their language is both silly and unpleasant
15. Spanish language is more Arabic than Latin

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Spain was richer with Franco before the EU, they lost all their industry
What's funny is that none of these are true aside maybe #13 but if you change Spaniards for "South Italians" or "Sicilians" then some of these are actually correct especially #16
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like clockwork

God is with me. What can a man do to me? I have nothing to fearz
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All praise to the Gods and the Goddesses.
>I have nothing to fearz
Diarrhea on the subway.
Something something iron chariots
You fear answering if you porn.
Oooh, yeah.
Post search history.

Hello /his/. I was just reading about "The Papers of Benjamin Franklin" and had a terrifying thought. A vision of the future, if you will. A vision of the future in which historians (of the future) were hunting down records of old internet service providers and scouring indexes of IP addresses and anonymous emails and search histories social media accounts and blogs and long dead cloud drives for hints of anything that could resemble the private thoughts of the geniuses of tomorrow. I tremble at the implication.
U.S. National Motto, "IN GOD WE TRUST," by Benjamin Franklin, coined 1748.

Atheists are High Treason traitors of Democracy.

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niggerlovering bong pretending apes built shit in americas is clueless
Worlwide famous grifter destroyed by a fedora redditor with wheat genetics diagrams
Nah, that other guy admitted that an earlier civilization could have had domesticated plants before the end of the ice age. Absence of evidence not evidence of absence. Also when Rogan made him squirm for his cringe twatter posts it was hilarious.
His only argument was: have we searched everywhere yet
Regular reminder that Hancock believes that Martians are trying to warn us about climate change.

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>Every aspect of Japanese culture, aesthetics, and art has a Chinese counterpart
Is there anything they didn't just borrow from China and call their own?
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Their relationship reminds me of England and Germany. Similar but obviously distinct in the end.
There's nothing cute about chinese culture
Pleasant non tonal language
It is, they just won't tell you.
there was nothing cute about japanese culture before it became a vassal state and became the most deracinated place on the planet

Can we all agree that he was really just an unsavory, obnoxious cunt and gave france a bad reputation overall?
why does he deserve such praise?
Oh yeah, but everyone in Petain's government was much worse. How about Darlan trying to switch sides mid war.
>Extremely tall
>Gets to treat everyone like shit and gets away with it without being criticised

Every fucking time. Remember, normies have no fixed standards and always dick worship anyone who can beat them up

t. Seething 5'8 manlet
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>Oh yeah, but everyone in Petain's government was much worse. How about Darlan trying to switch sides mid w-ACK
Didn't Darlan ask Eisenhower to provide soldiers to participate in a parade celebrating Austerlitz? But yeah everyone knows degaulle was a British puppet who had essentially zero French support until the allies were already all over France.

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How would a moral subjectivist break free from a cult?

All their morals would be based off the cult's morals and there would be never be a reason to see them as evil. So they would always be morally trapped inside the group.
How would a moral objectivist break free from a cult?
All their morals would be based off the cult's morals and there would be never be a reason to see them as evil. So they would always be morally trapped inside the group.

WHG descendent I2's being the elites of Yamnaya is so utterly brvtal. It's over.
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Southern arcists got btfo and Tom had every right to call them out you retarded iranjeet. All you fags can do is whine about half a decade old shit nobody cares about like Cheddarman and Roman fiasco of STJ that he no longer cares about. Get with the times you fuckbrained ape. STJ is right here and you seethe because he's not a liberal white cuck who speaks nicely to you brownz.
STJ was a male model when he was younger. Stop coping swarthoid
Maybe that's because his carrying I1 has nothing to do with the fact he observed that I2 is the second most common Yamnaya haplogroup in the new Yamnaya samples? Why do you assume he is "shilling"? Seems more likely you are coping.

idk what you think "high culture" is but Stog were the first people ever to ride horses which is pretty cool.
STJ has been saying Sredny Stog were PIE for years (probably got it from Eurogenes) and many brown copoids here said he was ridiculous and coping. He has been vindicated and you have been shown to be wrong. The fact he opposes the demographic replacement of his people only shows that he meets the bare minimum requirements to be called a man and does not speak against his character.
STJ literally made a video in France in 2017 saying WHG were brown a year before the whole Cheddar man thing so wtf are you talking about you filthy ape?

Also take a look at his chin https://x.com/Tom_Rowsell/status/1764958931384717390

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Why is this poorly defined term still used as a geographic toponym? Georgia and Azerbaijan are the only two countries in its definition that both border caucasus mountains and are genetically churkoid.
Why include these two deer chasing bantoids into the discussion of PIE homeland?

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why didn't china invade them after/before the annexation of the Tibet
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>90% agricultural lands
Fucking retard detected
Tibet I guess, some land from India in Kashmir, some island and border regions from Vietnam. Did occupy Mongolia for a year during the warlord era.
Wait, you mean to tell me invading a country can cause an international backlash?
I thought that was just jewish subversion
ROC tried the same before but got beaten by....
Rivers sustaining India and China start in Tibet so it was prudent to take control of it. Mongolia on the other hand is not only useless but also was part of soviet union in all but name during cold war. Mongolian puppet leaders even pleaded the Soviets to anexxed them. As to after cold war it simply wasn't worth it since money from the west would stop coming if they lost reputation

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