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look at this stupid bullshit i spent 40$ on. i'm such an autistic freak.
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>Buying a printed out Image for 40 $
Godspeed op
The chinks ripped you off nigga.
>coins of justinian
How much?
Gold or silver?
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Please get some help, Anon.
You don't have to live like that!
Ask God to help you
He is miraculous, if you are sincere
: -)
You're a Mexican and you probably watch porn. Don't even try to deny it. You'll only damn yourself even more for sinning by telling a lie.

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Hello. I've been curious for a while about curiosities about Hitler and overall all the nazi thing, and i want to know everything about them and their goals. I have read a lot of books about the war, but my curiosity just increases with every book. I'd really like to know your suggestions about what books can i read to understand more of the war.
Just read mein kampf it pretty much tells you exactly what Hitler was thinking and why he did what he did. Also read more about the Bosheviks and Communism in Europe, as well as the rise of Fascism in Italy. It's all connected. I can't attest to the validity or quality of any specific books because I'm not an expert but just go to Wikipedia and check their sources. And assume everything you read is bias ( no such thing as an unbiased source )
For Hitler's perspective read Mein Kampf, Zweites Buch, and Hitler's Political Testament. Don't read Table Talk, which is basically hearsay by two randos.
For a non-biased perspective read Becoming Hitler by Thomas Weber. Pretty much any Anglo author writing on Hitler (including Irving) has their own biases they're trying to promote

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hey, i'm 23 and realize i know nothing about history and trying to understand geopolitics seems impossible without knowing the full historical context.
except that when i try to learn something most sources seem to assume you have the required background knowledge from the time period to understand the events.

but i have no notion of history, i don't even know which of the greek or the romans came first.

do you have books or something else to read that try to give the full context without assuming that the reader is already well educated?

i would mainly like to know how the jewish and abrahamic religions in general started to try and understand the relationship between jews christians and muslims, and i'm sorry if this is a dumb thread.
Read the "Superbook of Superfaith" (hardcover):

Volume 1. The Vedas, authors Arjuna & Krishna
Volume 2. Zend-Avesta, authors Maidhyoimanha & Zoroaster
Volume 3. Old Testament, authors Haroun & Musa
Volume 4. Tao Te Ching, authors Laozi & Confucius
Volume 5. Tripitaka, authors Gautama & Buddha
Volume 6. New Testament, authors Yahya & Isa
Volume 7. Mormon, authors Mormon & Moroni
Volume 8. Qur'an, authors Muhammad & Ali

A good read. For all ages. Softcover too.

(fourth printing)
If you just sit down, take your time and read through Wikipedia articles or ChatGPT summaries then you will end up with a better understanding of history than 99% of people, i.e the ones that don't study it professionally or as a hobby.

Use this to see who was doing what, where and when. Supplement with Wikipedia articles.
thank you very much bros, i will look into all of this.

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What went wrong with Russia?
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Is this real?
Putin is doing even worse than Brezhnev?
>No third world country tier fertility, getting replaced by muslim/asian migrants
>no first world country quality of life
>eternally low trust society
russia is literally worst of both worlds
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No, but reality isn't really much better.
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Another comparison.
It's filled with Russians

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Ever notice how the most evil people in history are Europeans?
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Christcuck stop to create useless threads
>Ever notice how the most evil people in history are Europeans?
Not necessarily, you're just more familiar with insane European figures. Nonetheless, some groups are indeed known for being devoid of empathy, I would name Europeans (especially Russians), East Asians and real Araps (Saudi-like people).

We can argue Europeans MIGHT be the most evil ones, because whereas a Chinese or Gulf Arap doesn't even care about putting up a facade, the European (Russians excluded, they're openly evil too) likes to feel like he's the chivalrous hero, but even when a European does something altruistic, it's often a form of self-gratification to cater to some kind of of messianic complex, rather than a genuine desire to be helpful. If you want to know your character, pay attention to what you do (including your good deeds) when no one else is watching.

>not recognising Elizabeth Bathory
>Georgian so he is Caucasian and not European
Georgia is a European slash West Asian country. Georgians are European AND West Asian, like the Turkish and Greek peoples.
>mao zedong
>shiro ishii
>genghis khan
>pol pot
in a way yes, many evil figures are European, but at the same time, the vast majority of great relevant figures (scientists, artists, philosophers) within the past 500 years were also euro-americans
Just the opposite. I keep noticing how all the good people are from the European culture.

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>the attacks madenon me in the non Aryan press

>So far as the Jews are concerned, they do not want to be placed in comfortable buildings. They actually prefer to live as many to a room as possible. They have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types that we saw in the internment camps."

>The letter also refers to the people of the Soviet Union as “the degenerate descendants of Genghis Khan
Yea fun fact most Didnt Like jews and espically not the ussr

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they don't develop anything, they don't contribute to anything, they just slaughter each other and other people.
what is the point of them and what function does Islam provide besides extreme violence and religious coercion?
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This cope is gold
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The OP is a Janny.
good morning sirs
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They are paedos
fucking kike

Was the Anglican Church of Rhodesia excommunicated from the Anglican Communion during the years in which Rhodesia was sanctioned by the international community for apartheid?
Yea, yea.

Do you think it would be pretty cucked for a Mongolian to say Genghis Khan was a mass murderer?
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only if he implies it was a bad thing
>>17558738 This.

Depends if they meant it as a bad thing or good thing. I personally would be more shocked to imagine a Mongolian to see him not as a murderer rather then one, be it in a good or bad light.

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What is the historical reason why Turks are whiter than Greeks?
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Greeks are not your enemies, Mehmet.
That guy on the right says he's from east Turkestan in China, he doesn't call himself white.
My mom (grandfather is R-Z2103) has got the same phenotype as Jason yet he calls himself Turk :-D

In the sense of both children and adults I looked for information on this from AI and the answer is none. There is none in the records of Herodotus. There is only the worship of Apis cows. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. But I want to ask you guys in case you guys have anything that I don't know.
AI is shit.

If a language is not natively written in the Roman alphabet, but it has close relatives that are, then if you're trying to make a general-purpose Romanization of it (as opposed to, say, one meant to get speakers of a specific language to approximate it in a phrasebook) it should be based on the orthograhy used by those relatives.
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Since it doesn't have any close relatives written in Latin script, I might just use whatever the de facto standard "scholarly" transliteration for Biblical Hebrew is.
>>Romanize Russian as if it were Czech or Serbo-Croatian
Vse ľudi roždajucja svobodnymi i ravnymi v svojem dostoinstve i pravach. Oni nadeleny razumom i sovest'ju i dolžny postupať v otnošenii drug druga v duche bractva.
>>Romanize Yiddish as if it were German
Jeder Mentsch werd geboiren frei un gleich in Kowed un Recht. Jeder werd baschonken mit Varstand un Gewissen; jeder sol sich firn mit a Zweiten in a gemit fun Bruderschaft.
>>Romanize Arabic as if it were Maltese
Jūladu ġamīgħun nāsi aħrāran mutasāwīna fīl karāmati wal ħuqūq. Waqad wuhibū aqlan waḍamīran wagħalajhim an jugħāmila bagħḍuhum bagħḍan birūħil ikhā.

Yeah. It looks like shit.
I'd keep the ei/ai distinction in Yiddish, since Yiddish preserves it.
They would require different sets of characters.
They use the same set of letters and niqqud in Hebrew script, you could in principle use the same Romanization for both, but it would have a bunch of extraneous information for modern Hebrew.

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Dystheism is superior to atheism and positive theism.
Christeo-Atheism Religion

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I want to FUCK the emirate of Cordoba. God what a bunch of aryans

Why didn't Swedes colonize this place?
What happened there?
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>finns call them swedes
>swedes call them swedes
>the entire world calls them swedes
>they call themselves swedes
>but they aren't swedes
People can call others whatever names they like.
They still are and think of themselves too as Finns too.
They think of themselves as Swedes in an ethnic sense and as Finns in a national sense.
It may vary.
Some are just Finns who at some point in the past started to speak Swedish.
Some are of course descendants of Swedish immigrants.
Genes isn't the only thing that determines ethnicity though.

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