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What sort of things went on here?
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They are far closer to Communist China than anything

Heroes of the revolution = Christian warrior saints

Control of Xinjiang and Tibet = Control of Asian connected trade routes and Slaves

Christian Pilgramages = Tourism Industry

Taoists/Buddhists = Assasins/Old Gnostic cults

Templars working with other powers like Byzantines, Assassins and other Muslims from time to time = North Korea, Russia and other states supporting China
It was the Turks who got their ass kicked by the crusaders
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Great men, great empires, trivmph. The crusader states should have never fallen, the world would be great today. Crusaders would be respected as heroes all day and have full use ofany one they seek out, no Israel Palestine conflict because it would be under Crusade rule, the Pope would remain in charge. It would be a vtopia.
Who cares how it started or how It worked. What cracks me up is how it ended. Once baybars destroyed rhe chritian armies they laid siege to all the cities and castles. Once they won they sold all the Christians as slaves. The men got stuck living and working as slaves on some muskim man's farmland. And the Christian women got sold as sex slaves to the Muslim men. They fucked your wife and daughters while you worked and toiled away on farmland using only your hand to relieve yourself.
>who cares how it started or how it worked
People who give a fuck about history?

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Is there any way to fix this board? It's almost like every other thread is a religion thread now and they're so clearly made by underage posters and the mods don't care, and the remaining history threads barely have anything good posted. This board was raided badly in the past but this is something else.
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Kill /pol/trannies
Remove humanities, humanities is a shit magnet. Listen even the most rabid y-dna poster is technically a history poster. EVEN a holocaust denier is more of a history poster than a religion poster. There is 1 in 100 ratio to actually discussing christian or muslim history threads.
Ban discussion of shitty youtube influencers/apologists. No good discussion comes from any thread that involves them.
There also shouldn't be a any sort of new board for them either. They should go to /lit/ and only discuss these subjects with reference to specific texts.
If you have to ask, you shouldn't be here

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>and that day atheists told to God — we asked for great thinkers to prove your existence and you did not hear us — and God, looking down at them answered — I sent you many, the wisest and most righteous one my loyal servant Aquinas who proved that I Am What I Am, with perfect divine inspired arguments; and you ignored him — and after saying these words, the Earth opened her mouth and sent these sinners to the Lake of Fire where they burned day and night, and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever.
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>her mouth
ESL wetback moment

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Why was New York so grimy and dangerous 30 years ago?
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I'm saying it would be nice to have both. I'd also like to be strong *and* attractive; being strong doesn't necessarily make you attractive.
Why the fuck are you even getting mad about this, who in their right minds does NOT want a cleaner city anyway?
>the streets are safe and people with money like living there, and also like starting up businesses
used to be, not anymore

If a “clean” city prerequisites organized crime, respectively collar crime, then I don't want it.
When the fuck did I say it requires that? Again, what the hell are you going on about dude
"Soft on crime" is an emotional buzzword referring to imaginary positions.

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What was the relationship between Islam and Homosexuality like historically? I understand that the religion is broadly homophobic, but I know that in some cases Muslim countries had homosexuals in high positions, like with the Ottoman turks and their infamous boyfucking. What were the times where Islam was more accepting of the gays? Why have the become much more fundamentalist recently?
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i love how amongst the instances of pedophilia in the near east, there's just the scythians that are like
>we have trannies that transition at hon age
>yes they do have buttsex and smoke weed
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I don't know what you could be referring to
>What were the times where Islam was more accepting of the gays?
Mahmud of Ghazni was a boylover
Babur had oneitis for a pretty boy in the markets when he was a teenager
Moroccans turn of the century according to Douglas Porch' French Conquest of Morocco engaged in homosexual relations with eachother.

Bisexual dominance is a default state of man and it takes societal pressures to neuter that, because invariably there will be civil unrest when you find your sons and heirs are being preyed upon by other men (or you prey upon other men's heirs and sons). You see this all over the place and it's only with strict socializing pressure that guys get warded away from it.

Honestly the mistake we make is thinking prohibition of something = it is widely not practiced. Not all prohibitions exist to stop a rampant practice, but you have to prohibit something BECAUSE it happens enough to be an issue. And in some cases it is widespread enough the prohibition is to try and reduce it if not eliminate it. If we go "Muslims prohibited homosexuality so it was never practiced in private" then future historians would go
>Americans prohibited alcohol so they rarely drank it & They banned weed so they rarely smoked it.
Yes the risk is going "They prohibited bestiality but that secretly means they fucked lots of animals" - at the same time we can recognize bad behavior that is widely practiced, same as prohibitions on promiscuity have done fuck all to stop it.


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>Bisexual dominance is a default state of man
No its not.

Imagine what the cucksaders were thinking when they heard he whooped Prester Khan's ass
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I like that gulf arab garb, even modi, despite looking silly, is cool for wearing his little hindian uniform.
Suits are so boring. Why doesn't xi wear a silk robe?
Is it weird if I find MBS super handsome?
No, it just means you think like Tom Friedman.

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>"I the LORD do not change"
>decides to throw out old covenant and introduces a new one
>decides people no longer have to follow the law

Does he have BPD?
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>the rules for their exile are not the same as the rules for their return to the throne.
>the 10 commandments were meant to be temporary

Christcuck cope is getting more and more insane
The rules given by Mosses were to ensure they would not be destroyed by God until their people were reinstated to their throne. Did you somehow miss that part of the Bible or something?
This world is illusory. That's why you perceive changes. Your perception is so fucked up you really believe God and yourself are imperfect.

So murder is OK now? Cool.
If I threw a rock at your fucking head, is the pain you felt illusory?

How's this not just mexico but bigger
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Yeah, because they were built and are still run by Anglos, and Anglo-run societies are great for making money. You don't see anybody from Mississippi or Florida moving to Latin America. There's no point, there's no opportunity down there because those countries are run by Latins whose mindset is antithetical to growing wealth. Latin Americans get rich by moving north and adopting the Anglo way of thinking, nobody gets rich by doing the reverse.
Mississippi is wealthier than the United Kingdom. Ellis Island yankfags really got to stop coping with this; if it weren't for a few remnant northeast WASPs holding the entire northeast up you all would be Mexico tier within days.
"Mexico but bigger" is exactly what they wanted. To be more specific, they wanted to essentially replicate the Spanish colonial system of a handful of Europeans ruling over a vast slave/serf population in the style of medieval feudal manorialism, sorted by a rigid racial hierarchy and caste system. The Plantation Class of the South both despised the majority white population who weren't plantation owners and saw the state of affairs in Latin America as aspirational.
This is such lazy pseudo-intellectualism that its laughable to even take it seriously. South Carolina was an outlier, even within the Confederacy, and Confederate government was dominated by Davis Democrats who wanted the absolute opposite of what you're saying here.

Read a real book about Confederate internal politics before speaking on this subject ever again.
I'm glad you have such pride in your place of origin. I'm sure we'll take it into consideration.

The Conspiracy of Ibn al-Alqami the Rafidi

In summary, the incident involves Ibn al-Alqami, who was the vizier to the Abbasid caliph al-Musta'sim. The caliph, like his father and grandfather before him, was a Sunni Muslim, but he was also lenient and lacked vigilance. This Rafidi vizier was plotting to overthrow the caliphate, exterminate the Sunnis, and establish a state following the Rafidi (Shi'a) creed. He exploited his position and the caliph's negligence to execute his conspiracies against the caliphate. His plot had three main stages:

First Stage: Weakening the Army and Harassing the People
Ibn al-Alqami worked to reduce the salaries of the Muslim army and weaken them. Ibn Kathir said: "The vizier Ibn al-Alqami strived to discharge the troops and remove their names from the registry. In the last days of al-Mustansir, the troops were nearly one hundred thousand fighters... He continued to reduce them until only ten thousand remained." [Al-Bidaya wa'l Nihaya: 13/202].
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>it's just sunni cope. They lay the blame on one guy instead of just admitting the caliphate fucked up
exapt it always the shit
so, shut your hole!
case in point.
Abbasid lost cause don't have any power. Abbasid caliph only has power on his Baghdad city state. Real power is in Egypt with fatimid then ayyubid then the mamluk. Egypt is leader of Muslim world traditionally and still it's today with center of Islamic scholarship with Al Azhar university. That's why Egypt become leader of the Arab and Muslim in 20 century vs Israel.
english. Do you speak it?
I genuinely cannot learn Arab history because the naming schemes piss me off

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Your God in his kingdom.
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>Don't you know what follows?
You cry?
Thanks for the enlightening post, Rabbi.
>doesn't survive the rotation
Are you talking to Jesus in that pic?
>"My kingdom is not of this world. It is of the trash dump." - Jesus Christ

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>In 1933, when Adolf Hitler rose to power, Adolf Brand's house was searched and all the materials needed to produce the magazine were seized and given to Ernst Röhm.
Apologize? the allies should apologize.
Is it true that he stripped naked and ran at his captors? Trying to rape them?
would 'ave been so fucking funny man ecks dee bro heheheh
Holy based

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How were Muslims perceived by most Westerners in the 20th century?
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Some admired the faith for its strength others used to say the same things they do on /his/ but the vast majority of people didn't really even know they exist. It was far more relevant in the Eastern parts of Europe for example
dumber than the cube they worship five times per day
Very orientalist type. Very into Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, market places, genies, camels, harems, Arab music, men in robes wandering the desert. Watch Lawrence of Arabia or 1992 Aladdin.

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Procreation is ethically unjustifiable. Nobody gave their consent to be here.
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why is there a constant antinatalist spam across 4chan, imagine spending countless hours over years doing this, cringe
I mean would you really want the retards on here to reproduce? fat chance of that happening but still
are you advocating eugenics, what would r*ddit think about that
reddit is actually quite okay with that. see for example how all the liberals suddenly decided deporting Mexicans was a good thing after the elections. it's not even a new thing, they claim to preach inclusivity and tolerance but what they really want is all the people to think exactly like them. once you fail at that your entire bloodline is cursed forever and if they could they will strangle you themselves
>Nobody gave their consent to be here
Prove we have a faculty to will prior to existing

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>be england
>be forcefully conquered by the Normans
>Be scotland
>beg Normans to come and rule over you and give them lands
Scotland really is the joke version of England (joke language, pathetic attempt at colonialis, etc).
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>The fact pretty much every monarch at the time was OK with usury happening
No usurious contract was valid and they could only be enforced through gangs. As soon as one of these was brought to a court it would be thrown out.

Having loans with a set fee attached is not the same as usury which involves interest.
>It was at least the beginning.
No I accept yours
>No I accept yours
>Having loans with a set fee attached is not the same as usury which involves interest
Least retarded muslim
>If I don't call it interest it's not interest - it's a FEE inshallah
you were the one that literally posted
>It was at least the beginning.

Today I just found the greatest Shia hadith ever

> The angels moved to all directions in the heaven and fell down in prostration saying, ‘Free of all defects and Most Holy is the Lord of the angels and the spirit. What is this light that is so similar to the light of our Lord?’ Jibril then said twice, ‘I testify that only Allah deserves worship. The angels gathered and said, ‘O Jibril, who is he with you?’ He (Jibril) replied, ‘He is Muhammad.’

So… muhammeds light is so similar to Allah’s light that a bunch of angels mistook it for Allahs light and started worshipping it?
The best one is where Allah begs Ali to create the universe
Is that real?

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