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Christian history is filled with violence, intolerance, war, elitism, cultural destruction, and all sorts of wrongdoings. Which is really shocking considering that Jesus was the complete opposite of these things. He was a simple carpenter who preached peace, unity, love, and forgiveness. He hung out with “degenerates of society” like beggars and prostitutes to show that everyone should be treated with love and care. Most of the gospels is Jesus decrying the Pharisee clergy for their corruption and he himself was executed on grounds of heresy. And a lot of Early Christians followed Jesus example and they gave up their wealth, established charities, refused military service, and some were even vegetarian. On paper Christianity sounds really good, but unfortunately it ended up being one of the most brutal and bigoted religions to engulf this world.
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Dude the revision needs to be halted
If the existing clergy was lying, are you suggesting he had an obligation to lie?
>All the people in the New Testament are Jewish though!
t. Clearly hasnt read the New Testament
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Genuine question, has anyone on this board actually read the New Testament? Jesus wasn't some crusader waving a sword around screaming DEUS VULT!!!! He said to turn the other cheek, to bless those who persecute you, to love your enemies, to look at the speck in your own eye. Jesus saw what the clergy was doing and called them out saying they were serpents, hypocrites and what not.
Advertising by the Creator Devil Satan's promotions.
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Would Yasuke really have worn dreadlocks? How historically accurate is this?
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He was a westernized gentleman and a Christian
Locs have been a thing in africa for centuries so likely if he had let his hair grow out yes, theyd likely wouldn’t be super long because that requires intense hair upkeep
Negroes will never belong to western civilization.
Maybe you meant, niggerified or something?
What’s with people (western liberals) obsessing over an East African who was the Japanese equivalent of a court dwarf?
Because social media algorithm rewards Japanese culture, social media algorithm rewards “black voices”. Combine for maximized updoot dopamine.

Are there any contemporary accounts of black union troops looting and raping?
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>declare the entirety of Georgia partisans
>Union troops carry crowbars to loot as they traverse the south
>Farmers are executed if they allowed confederates to take some of their produce, even if it was against their will
>All plantations in the unions path were looted and then burned to the ground, cotton ready for harvest burned
>All plantations in the unions path were looted and then burned to the ground, cotton ready for harvest burned
I see nothing wrong with this.
Well it wasn't just the plantations. For instance one of the pieces of evidence used for the Holocaust was the German's "hunger plan" where there Germans would raid Russia for the food they would need to continue the war.

Sherman also has his own "hunger plan" where he set off with no plans to establish supply lines and loot burn and raid across the south to feed his troops, often targeting innocent civilians hoping to ride out the war
Do you think any of those Union boys ever found an intact Buck Breaker 3000, fired up the steam engine on her and has his way with ol' massa?
Cant tell if /pol/nigger ragebait or leftist interracial fantasy thread

What are the historic reason for med countries being such shitholes today?
W-wait what happened to France?
Industrialization favors high IQ
Dropped to 28, just behind Spain.

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>How could anyone put Justinian’s ways into words? These and many even worse vices were disclosed in him as in no other mortal: nature seemed to have taken the wickedness of all other men combined and planted it in this man’s soul. And besides this, he was too prone to listen to accusations; and too quick to punish. For he decided such cases without full examination, naming the punishment when he had heard only the accuser’s side of the matter. Without hesitation he wrote decrees for the plundering of countries, sacking of cities, and slavery of whole nations, for no cause whatever. So that if one wished to take all the calamities which had befallen the Romans before this time and weigh them against his crimes, I think it would be found that more men had been murdered by this single man than in all previous history.

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>Be me
>Considering Calvinism
>See shitty plebbit post
>People defending the abuse of women for their porn addictions
>Humanity is filthy and God is completely just in letting all of us go straight to hell
>Realize that even though I am a sinner I have been saved through no power of my own
>Realize my life is a gift from God and that makes me really happy.
Praise God.
>People defending the abuse of women for their porn addictions
Alright, now I understand the weird zoomer christard larping
Based, fuck this world
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facts dont' care about your feelings

Can you actually disprove the Abrahamic God using science? I don't think you can, actually.
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yes but, i'm sceptical of the notion
so I'm a bot for noticing the extreme judeocuckery in your post and spitting on (((You)))?
No, you're a bot for dumping out off-topic /pol/nigger brainfarts.

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>Deuteronomy 21:10-14

>When you go to war against your enemies and GOD, your God, gives you victory and you take prisoners, and then you notice among the prisoners of war a good-looking woman whom you find attractive and would like to marry, this is what you do: Take her home; have her trim her hair, cut her nails, and discard the clothes she was wearing when captured. She is then to stay in your home for a full month, mourning her father and mother. Then you may go to bed with her as husband and wife. If it turns out you don’t like her, you must let her go and live wherever she wishes. But you can’t sell her or use her as a slave since you’ve humiliated her

Why didn’t crusaders take any hot Muslim brides?

Can anyone explain to me why the ancient Greeks were THIS blackpilled? Hell they even had the femboy thing going for them.
>It's a blackpill

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Its the only religion totally made up by openly criminals, terrorists, rapists, pedophiles, liars who are proud of that behavior.

You can go to Catholic Spain, Protestant Germany or Orthodox Russia and find a noble religious life not affecting others.

You go to Muslim world and you only find terrorists and criminals.
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You could as easily have said in the 19th century that Catholicism can never reconcile with democracy because they have papal infallibility and this big mass of supposedly infallible proclamations under their belt which their religion forbids ignoring or revising in a radical way. But look at Catholicism from the 1950s on. What a religion teaches on paper, even if on paper certain elements of the teaching are supposed to fixed and unchangeable, does not matter as much as the economic and political environment that the religion exists in.

Camel piss and child marriage are actually good examples of this point too, developed areas of the Islamic world marry a lot less young on average and undeveloped areas of the Christian world marry comparably young to undeveloped areas of the Muslim world like Yemen or Afghanistan where child marriage does happen. And I'm not aware of anyone even in very religiously conservative Saudi circles who does more with camel piss than rub it on their hair, a lot of the grosser prophetic medicine is ignored in practice. So you can list all the fucked up things in the Islamic source texts but it's not really relevant. Unless you believe Islam was actually sent by some god or demon then it doesn't have a fixed essence, it's what its followers and history make of it.
The fundamental difference between islam and everything else is that islam is obligatory for the whole world. This is unnique in islam. Christianity allows people to choose it. islam is obligatory for muslims as well as non-muslims.
That doesn't address my point about ideas vs material conditions at all.
It's also not really true, at least not in the sense that you're putting it. Throughout most of Christian history there was no religious tolerance for any other religion besides Jews and even they were routinely expelled and pogromed. "Heretics" and "pagans" were often forced to convert/repent or suffer legal consequences, often death. You can say "but that's not in the New Testament". But even ignoring that we can find it in some of the Fathers like Augustine who wrote about how the state should execute Donatists, it proves my overall point that there is no such thing as an essence or spirit of a religion and that the on paper dogma isn't important compared to what material conditions are driving the religion. It didn't matter what the New Testament said or didn't say about coercion or war, that did not have some deterministic effect on Christian behavior throughout history.
And on the Islamic side it's a bit incorrect too. There is no obligation to convert according to Islamic law as long as you're a member of a group considered People of the Book. And People of the Book are allowed to govern themselves according to their own laws except for those instances like public blasphemy against Islam or a crime against a Muslim that impinges on the Muslims. So you can't even totally say that "living under sharia" is held to be universally necessary for People of the Book, it's a decentralized legal system. Again all in theory, which is unimportant. Another example of the same thing is that if you aren't a person of the book, i.e. if you're a "pagan" or atheist, the only options Islamic leaves you are conversion, death or in some cases slavery. But in practice that was often ignored and the category of People of the Book was expanded to include religions like Harranian "paganism" or Hinduism that obviously didn't qualify according to the Quran and hadith themselves. You also had quite a few public figures in the Islamic golden age who were skeptics bordering on atheism like al-Ma'arri and they were not hunted down and killed. So you're wrong about what the letter of the religion even says but it also doesn't matter what it says. Islam could say execute all non-Muslims and this would not be something that locks Muslims into a D&D character class for the rest of human history, the religion would still drop concepts, reinterpret them, change over time etc. All religions do, idealism is retarded.

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And currently researching + looking for their documents para makakuha ako ng Spanish citizenship by descent! If any of you are going through the same thing, let me know so we can help each other
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Can't you just, I dunno, take a DNA sample from yourself, and get a permission to exhume the Spanish one to take their DNA sample, and see if it matches with yours?
something something family history
something something family drama
the grass is always greener on the other side
>family drama
That's a shame. You have to go the hard way and find the documents.
>looking for their documents para makakuha ako ng Spanish citizenship by descent
Did you forget what language you were speaking mid-sentence? Are you legitmately fucking retarded?
Pure Austro-Malay Filipino here. I'm coming to fuckign kill you

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>Republican Senator Paula Hawkins holds up a poster of rock group Def Leppard's album Pyromania during Senate PMRC hearings in July 1985 concerning obscenity in popular music. The Florida Senator, who had a history of controversial statements and also admitted to being a victim of sexual abuse as a child, was defeated for reelection the following year by Florida governor Bob Graham in a landslide.
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Yes. I'm old, and it sucked. Had to finish high school at a public school. Public schools are fucking garbage, and it only gave me access to opportunities for far greater delinquency.
If they were 80s metalhead kids they were Gen Xers not boomers. lol.
I bet Joe Biden did.
Banning disco could have saved us from modern degeneracy
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>deebly goncerned about kids becoming degenerates because rock music
>invents the fucking internet
What did Dimocraps mean by this?

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Was it wrong for whites to stamp out slavery, cannibalism and human sacrifice amongst the browns?
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>I'd be totally fine with Europe getting dominated by a superior alien civilization that would massively improve medicine, technology and overall quality of life, with the only downfall being the humiliation of getting civilized by a foreign race.
Isn't that kind of cucked? What if they started forcing whites into reservations?
>God would have been better served by their utter extermination from every corner of the earth.
By the ex-empirea currently committing the very acts he hates? I don't think he is fond of gay pride parades.
Nah he thinks he's so special that they'll spare him and let him somehow attain equal status with the insectoid overlords.
What average Hong Kong/Taiwanese guy do you see begging for the British to come back? Show me.
thanks anon for your answer.

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Obviously if you were a jew or other ethnic minority being exported to camps then you're not a fan of NSDAP run Germany.
That aside, what would be pain points for German citizens? There were obviously some upsides, economically, culturally. If I'm in a traditional German household in, say 1937, what are my complaints?
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Getting bombed by the combined force of RAF and USAF
Mostly that you cannot complain. No satire as an outlet, you gotta be real careful how you complain about how things are and who to.
Many careers hinge on sucking up to people in the party AND your boss. if you think diversity hires and promotions are bad, enjoy watching idiots get promoted above you because they clap louder at party speeches. Or spent your own free time with party bullshit instead of your hot tradwife.
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This is the big one. Even if you agreed with the main lines of Hitler’s political problem, the nature of totalitarian politics is as such that you will almost certainly encounter some issue with the execution and/or smaller details and end up powerless to resist them. Say that a local party boss is a complete fuckwit who ruins everything, but is master at asskissing his superior: what are you gonna do? Criticizing him is basically equivalent to walking on a minefield, as it will be considered a betrayal of the party, unless you’re also inside the power structure and thus in position to challenge it internally.

And there’s no fucking government that you would agree with 100% of time unless you’re the big man himself, so the lack of ability to criticize issues will become relevant sooner or later to everyone.
stop abusing the word "larp" please
im not disagreeing with you im saying learn more better words
it means nothing now, like "cringe" or "based"

Why did a Turkish/Ottoman symbol become the face of Islam instead of an actual Islamic symbol?
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>Muslims put the star of Venus/Inanna/Lucifer above their mosques.

Wtf I love Islam now.
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Unironically, it's because Arabs are some serious bottom bitches. Their hatred for the Turks stems from the fact that the Turks don't want to leash them up and boss them around like they have in the past.
> Saaaaar abandon murtadaturk and retvrn to islam saar
> SAAAAR i will destabilize Paris for you saar please put me on the inflatable rafts that don't sink saar
> Saaar... I respectfully avert my gaze to your bootiful women.. but please teach them to cover appropraitely saar..
What makes this situation funnier is that it will never revert back, since muslims see the Ottoman Empire as their greatest caliphate and their golden age.

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