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How a society of free Men would be?
society is by definition not free

Why is this relatable

I feel like abisag is my own hand
sex is overated

This fat slob just made ridiculous generalizations about men, like all men jerk off on feet, and her peers never called her out on this bullshit.
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Giantess has become one of the most popular fetishes and its very feminist and empowering.
Hearty kek

She also claimed she had been raped multiple times. C'mon now, I find that a bit hard to believe.
> She also claimed she had been raped multiple times. C'mon now, I find that a bit hard to believe
t. Norm MacDonald hiding out somewhere in Cuba
She was beautiful and infallible in her logic.
>Due to poverty, Dworkin turned to prostitution for a period.[44]
Jesus what a drama queen. Friendly reminder you can just get a normal job as well if you need money. What a lazy slob.

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Never invade Russia in the winter.
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based and jebe-pilled
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Neither Hitler nor Napoleon invaded Russia in the winter
Considering summer has never worked I wanna see someone invade russia in the middle of winter
i think mongols are the only ones to actually invade during the winter and they won
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The war will be over by Christmas

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Why do upper class whites and ruling class whites hate lower class whites and working class whites? What happened to white nationalism?
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Because lower class whites are intelligent enough to know when they're getting exploited and also violent enough to do something about it.
>Why do upper class whites and ruling class whites hate lower class whites and working class whites?
Because they are easily wooed by Jewish finance.
I can't speak for other countries but that image is false as far as the USA is concerned. Employment immigration or H-1B requires very stringent showings that the immigrants will be paid the prevailing wage. The only places this is arguably applicable are for nurses and agricultural laborers. Nurses are exempt from the H-1B cap, and employers don't need to make a prevailing wage showing. So its a policy decision that depressing nurse pay by importing tons of hatians to wipe the asses of old people in nursing homes is better than having a nurse shortage. For agricultural laborers they come in by the hundreds of thousands from mexico on H-2A seasonal agricultural worker visas which allow the workers to be paid far below minimum wage, but they cannot convert to immigrant status so they have to leave at the end of the season.

But as far as generic blue collar worker is concerned immigration depressing wages is literally a non-issue.
Well that's stupid because every economist says we need more immigration to suppress wages to make line go up

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>"Prices are too high? How 'bout you stop consooming, retards?"
what was his fucking problem?
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what's the value of small-town USA?
I always welcome anything that removes laws or regulations based on mutilating the commerce or general welfare clauses.
>Consumers spend less
>Businesses make less money
>Businesses cut their spending
>Consumers have less money cuz unemployment and pay cuts
>Consumers must spend even less
The cycle goes on.
>Go the fuck back already
Youre not fitting in

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Why have white Americans allowed blacks to take over and ruin some of the nicest looking neighborhoods in cities like Chicago and Philadelphia?
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>Why have white Americans allowed blacks to take over and ruin some of the nicest looking neighborhoods in cities like Chicago and Philadelphia?

They got guilt tripped into believing non-whites are people who have a place as equals in their civilizations.
Will whites ever take responsibility for their failures or will they just always blames Jews and black people while they get replaced
They blame Jews but I think there's an envy there. They're doing the Rhodesia thing but they're not running away, they dig in harder and have 4-5 kids.
>they dig in harder and have 4-5 kids.
Uktra-orthodoxes who don't work and demand extra privileges. Not a good look.

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Where should a white male emigrate in these dark days? Europe is fucked, America is fucked. Niggers in Africa, Pajeets and Chinks in Asia. Is South America really the only choice which is left? Maybe the Southern, cold parts of Argentina/Chile? I just want to avoid all of these globohomo ideas and lead a peaceful life with my future family (I don't have any yet).
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Recommend South America

>Large unpopulated areas with agricultural potential
>Very little government control
>Existing white population
I would tell you where to go but you seem like a colossal faggot and wimp. So I wouldn't want you living near me.
At this point, frankly, if you haven't already started the process of getting set up in Agartha-Shamballa then I don't know what to tell you.
Op is pure bitch made. I bet you dint even have a degree worth a shit

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Why was the filipines so backwards that posters are ashamed of their ancestors whenever they make post its always indian and arab larpers
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Indian men basically invaded that region and created this empire.

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>That global superpower that trumps everyone else's economical output combined are sympathetic to our cause? Let's spend half our energy on talking about how degenerate they are and how they will soon fall
Is this the famous German intelligence that I've heard so much about? You need to learn from other civilizations and read Sun Tzu
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In what universe was America ever sympathetic to Germany or National Socialism?
The government was never sympathetic
But maybe that massive german population in the US was
Hitler initially praised the US. FDR was the one who hated him and tried to unofficially enter the war for years.

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was very different according to Simon Magus, was a rescue mission of Zeus to save his daughter Athena-Sophia.
It's interesting to think of Pauline Christianity as a mild syncretism of Hellenism and Judaism as opposed to the crazier sects which emerged during the 1st century

Did Caesar deserve his assassination?

I think he was correct to not lay down his command and fight the civil war, but I also feel like his assassination was an inevitability.
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No, the senate was corrupt as fuck and trying to charge and execute Caesar. Meanwhile he pardoned all the senators who stopped trying to do this once he took power and enacted the major reforms the people actually wanted instead of the shitty situation the entrenched elite political class enjoyed over land ownership and slave labour causing food crisis, massive unemployment of the average Roman and barely anyone owning their own land

Even if you are generous to the senate and assume they were genuine in their fears of Caesar being or becoming a tyrant king of Rome, they quite literally enacted a self fulfilling prophecy by backing him into a corner until his only options were to completely surrender himself to a senate that has been completely hostile to him so far, or revolting with his army and taking power so he won’t die for no reason

The reason Octavian could take power as emperor later is because barely anyone saw the assassination of Caesar as a genuinely good act. The people didn’t agree with it.
Yes, however it's important to remember that they were French.
Caesar was generous with money, proficient at supplying citizens with food, stayed true to his word to provide farm land for his veterans, presided over an unprecedented degree of clemency toward his political enemies, a military genius who would have destroyed Rome's enemies in the East, oversaw an effective colonisation program in the provinces and worked tirelessly for Rome throughout his entire life.

The Roman Republic was corrupt and broken, and Caesar tried to run what was basically a constitutional monarchy because he was undoubtedly the most talented man in the entire Roman aristocracy, and literally everything he touched he improved.

He had to die because a few scumbags in the Senate were jealous and wanted more power for themselves at the expense of everybody else. They succeeded in knifing one of history's greatest men in the back and throwing Rome into further chaos and absolute monarchial rule. Great job you fucking retards.
So did the Jews, does that deny the Holocaust?
>Inb4 retarded "heh, yes",
There were wooden doors at Alesia!

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It is without a doubt that after Andronovo culture conquered India and established themselves as a minority ruling class among the Mitanni(Iranians/Northern syria) during 1600 BC.

Mitanni introduced spoked wheel chariots and horse burial culture.

The hyksos conquer egypt around 1600 BC and introduce spoked wheel chariots and horse burials.

There is not a single semitic culture that practiced horse burials previous to this.

Hyksos must've been ruled by an aryan elite too.

The ancient biblical stories of the exodus from Egypt is about aryans.
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Elephantine BTFO of any notion of Jerusalem as being "special", or the singular authority within the religion. Also, why would the Jews build one of their most important religious sites in the middle of le ebil Egypt, the land of their great oppression and enslavement? It makes no sense. The "Jews" were just LARPing as Egyptians, in the deep heartland of Egypt itself. Cultural Appropriation: 101.

Even the temple rituals described in the OT are virtually identical to Egyptian practices. It's quite comical just how blatant it is when you see them listed side by side.
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The answer is easy enough to figure out if you observe the history of all such related belief systems. They refer to one people only, the white people. Later that fundamental truth, which was the basis for the conversion of Europeans, was dropped in favor of universal salvation. Universal salvation by way of feeding the flesh and blood of God to the rest who were not at first included so that they could be made of use to the church.
The swedish haha
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The Gods of India are white and milk drinking people who treated the natives as less important than their cattle.

How much Indian influence was there in the Umayyad Caliphate? Were there lots of merchant travelers on the streets of its cities? Were there already Indian Muslims at this time? Would there have been Indian Muslims as far as Islamic Spain?
The Semitic race is an Indo-European dalit race that crossed from Indian, it's in their Abraham mythology and Hebrew etymology. The oldest semetic tribes are the South Arabian dalits.
Sindh was the region of the subcontinent which was governed by the caliphate. Today it’s part of Pakistan. Ironically it has Pakistan’s largest Hindu population, including the country’s only Hindu majority district.
Arabs left sindh few years later and the Rajput's essentially crossed the border and remained controlling it till the partition.

The hindu majority part of Sindh still has a Hindu rajput King.

Assuming le dark ages really were a thousand years of nothing but barbarism, ignorance, and obscurantism, then that gives me nothing but admiral respect and appreciation for the ancestors. They knew they were living in harsh and brutal times, yet they still persisted and carried on like brave champs and eventually evolved into the most advanced civilization to date. Any other society would've given up to extinction.
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>They were living in harsh and brutal times
Except they weren't. They were molly coddled barbarians living in the shadow of a dead empire, an empire which itself was a shadow of the former glory man hoisted himself onto. The Primogenitors of civilization wielded the strength of gods and wrought a fair society from the dirt itself, with no guidance, no shoulders of giants to stand upon. You look upon the medieval folk for their tenacity, but even they had no idea what strife truly was. The tide had already been turned for them, Leviathan already laid slain. Medieval ancestors are not the ones you should look to for strength and resilience. They were as soft as you. You must look 10000 years into the past to find our ancestors who truly did the good work, who were true men and women. It was these folk we owe everything to, lost to the annals of history and revered only in myth. Everything that came after was pure regression. We failed the greats, but it's not the end. We must lock in, and remember who the fuck we are and what we are capable of.
Darks ages were cool tho. Only time in history siblings contantly killed each other for power.
They call it the dark ages because jews lost control of the earth when Rome fell and they say it didn't end until they secured dominion over europe again with their institution of the bank of england and its mirrors in france and elsewhere.
the real cope is not having a fraction of the strength and courage that our ancestors had

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