he was sent by god
>>17558962Ataturk in janissary uniform
>>17558962Better quality photot
>>17557920Sent by God to Secularize Anatolia
It can be argued, in some ways he's the Cyrus the Great of the 20th century.
>Ezekiel 23Why doesn't God punish the men who sleep with the prostitutes? Because the Bible is just one big incel fantasy, that's why. What a fucking joke of a religion.
>>17559072Perhaps they were, but not in the same passage (i.e., not for the same "crimes" as the women), and not all relevant parties were punished (i.e., God). The passage still reads like an incel fantasy that wants revenge against women for not being obedient serfs.
>>17558422Read the whole book.
>If you sin but still say you're Christian, God will send heathens to punish youThis is fine.>If you're a prostitute, you will be gangbanged, murdered and have your possessions stripped from your family This is what sometimes happened in that time unfortunately. But why the heavy intention from God? The perils of sin?
OP seems irrational. Was schooled in the very first post. Yet keeps at it....
Why are Christians so horrible to women? Even today.
Aside from the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg, what are other historical instances when a country gives up fighting a war from a position of advantage for no apparent reason?
>>17558220The Poles were probably just grateful they existed at all
>>17558220Europe was so burned out from WWI that the Poles just didn't have the morale abilities to keep things up even though they could have probably broken the Soviets then and there. It's kind of like how the USA in theory could have out-produced the Soviets in 1945 if they really wanted to but in practice nobody wanted to fight another massive war like that so soon after WWII had ended.
>>17558220Polish morale was also in shambles I believe so it was hard to convince soldiers to invade Russia
>>17558570Or the higher ups were bribed, or something. The average Polish soldier would love to conquer Moscow.
Hannibal after Cannae
Paul claimed it's OK to eat food sacrificed to Idols because idols aren't real.1 Corinthians 8:7-8>However, not all believers know this. Some are accustomed to thinking of idols as being real, so when they eat food that has been offered to idols, they think of it as the worship of real gods, and their weak consciences are violated. It’s true that we can’t win God’s approval by what we eat. We don’t lose anything if we don’t eat it, and we don’t gain anything if we do.But Israel once became Yoked to Baal by eating food sacrificed to him and God sent a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites because of it.Numbers 25:1-4>While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women, who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate the sacrificial meal and bowed down before these gods. So Israel yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor. And Yahweh’s anger burned against them.Baal is not a god, but he is clearly a real demon, and eating meat sacrificed to him is evil and dangerous. Paul does not teach the truth about God and leads people astray. He does not teach to reject the ways of the pagan nations and be faithful to the ways of Yahweh, instead he teaches to blend into pagan society and participate in their customs and traditions while rejecting all the instructions God gave to his servants to live a rigtheous way. You shouldn't eat meat you don't know where it came from or who sacrificed it or you can become possessed and yoked to the spirits of demons.
Have you ever seen the movie branded?
>>17559102I have a question. This isn't meant as a 'gotcha' or anything, I genuinely intend this question to search for clarity on this topic. The question (and its' follow-up) is thus:In the 'Numbers' passage you provided, the consumption of the sacrificed meal is done knowingly by the Israelites and combined with pagan religious rites ('The people ate the sacrificial meal and bowed down before their gods'), whereas somebody sneaking in such meat into the food supply would be rather distinctly unknown to its' consumer. Does this matter at all, or is idolatry-by-deception something people should be worried about? Furthermore, is this 'yoking' literal demonic possession, or was it as simple as the Israelites hewing to a false god's teachings?(Though I suppose if you had to kowtow before an gilded statue of Ronald McDonald and praise his name before chowing down, that would be a pretty big problem, lmao)
Reading comprehension: Needs improvementBeing paranoid about eating something you get from the marketplace in Corinth because it might have been sacrificed to idols unbenownst to you is a far cry from intentionally participating in demonic pagan rituals.Be warned, God knows the intentions of the heart, so if you are posting this obvious nonsense with the intent to deceive othere, know that you are accomplishing nothing but storing up wrath for yourself.
>>17559102>Paul claimedinstant loss there
The turks, aware of the fact that they had a population disadvantage over their newly conquered territories, employed a dual strategy to reinforce their conquest:1) Greek women were sexually enslaved en masse and used as breeding cattle to breed what Byzantines called "mixobarbarian" Jihadis2) Greek boys were taken from their families, indoctrinated into Islam and trained to be Giulam Jihadis (pre-Devshrime janissaries)Additionally, Sufi orders from Persia occupied churches ands monasteries, assumed the same charitable functions as the church for the communities and worshipped Christian saints as Islamized variants to attract locals, while also offering them hallucinogenics that promised direct contact with the divine.I included primary sources centering on the devastation caused in my image.
>>17558503The picture related is what an average Anatolian 'Turk' looks like. They are mainly J, G, R1b and L people. Kaz*khs and T*tars are bunch of gooks.
https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/17550458/#17550592>Probably because they're (Tatars and Kazakhs) actual conquerors with actual history worthy of respect instead of a narcississistic coalition of uppity vassal races that larps as its vanquished masters because a greek guy told them toLayers of Irony to this post.
>incoherent ESL ramblingsI hate how half the threads here are just /int/ with dates
>>17557929Euroaches literally tortured to death anything that wasn't white and/or didn't convert to their nailed kike cultEuroaches are responsible for the extermination of an entire continent and attempts in Africa, Middle East, SEAsia and even as far as China and JapanWhe Turks conquered they assimilated the cultures and converted the locals to Islam, later the Ottomans were a beacon of tolerance in comparison demading only a tax and one male child to be raised as a high caste elite soldier of the empire from the kike worshipper population, compare that to what spics did to their muslims and jews for exampleTurkish mistake is our kindness, Ottomans should've followed the footsteps of Tamerlane, Batu Khan and Genghis Khan and slaughtered every balkanshit to the last and resettled the land with Kipchak Turks, Transoxianians and other Central Asians
>>17558687Posted from Berlin and Manheim
Is there a list of Protestant movements analogous to King James Onlyism but in other languages and what translation do they use?Come to think of it, what about the tradcaths too; anything similar to Douay-Rheims Onlyism in other languages?
>>17558179Nay, nay.
>>17558179The 1917 Swedish translation is still used by Missionsprovinsen, a conservative breakaway from the state church, and by individual parishes who refuses to adopt a modern translation. And while 1917 was only a century ago, Swedish has undergone some major language reforms since then and even when the translation was released it was considered archaic.
>>17558179As retarded as the KJV onlyists are I can't blame em, the King James is abeautiful piece of art. t. Anglican
America conducted its third wartime presidential election in 1944. With WWII raging, President Franklin Roosevelt decided to run for a fourth time despite his increasingly frail health as it was felt unwise to change presidents in the middle of a war. The president was renominated unopposed at the DNC in Chicago in June but distrust of Vice President Henry Wallace was widespread. Given that FDR's health was a question mark, the choice of vice president was more important than usual and few wanted the erratic, left-wing Wallace in the Oval Office. The president remained supportive of Wallace and wanted to keep him on the ticket but opposition to the vice president was enough that he agreed to drop him for the sake of party unity.Wallace's replacement was Missouri Senator Harry Truman, a moderate who had gained national attention through leading investigations into fraud and war profiteering. Although the left wing of the Democrat Party remained loyal to Wallace, moderate and conservative factions managed to carry the day and push through Truman's nomination at the party convention.The Republican front runners were Robert Taft, Thomas Dewey, Wendell Willkie, and General Douglas MacArthur despite the latter actively leading the war effort in the Pacific. Willkie attracted little support and was out of the race after early primaries (he did not even live to see Election Day, succumbing to heart disease in October) and Taft decided not to run. This left Dewey as the only major candidate standing and he was nominated at the Republican convention in Chicago in June.
Dewey and running mate Ohio governor John Bricker campaigned against the New Deal while agreeing otherwise with the administration's goals for winning the war. To overcome rumors of his health, FDR engaged in a vigorous run of public appearances. When addressing a convention of labor leaders, the president refuted Republican charges that his administration was corrupt. In particular he objected to claims that he had sent a Navy destroyer to Alaska to pick up his Scottish terrier Fala. "Fala is furious at such rumors," he remarked.Allied victory in the war was obvious by fall 1944 with American troops driving back the Japanese in the Pacific and the Germans from France and FDR's reelection chances were virtually assured. He won an unprecedented fourth term on Election Day with 432 electoral votes to Dewey's 99 and 53% of the popular vote to 45%.
>Alexander = KhabibBoth hailed as the GOATs for never losing a fight, but only fought weaker opponents and retired early>Caesar = Jon JonesDominant, scary, only lost because of technicalities, mogged an annoying fat rival. The real GOAT.>Napoleon = Anderson SilvaCharismatic, interesting, innovative, childhood idol of many, unstoppable at his prime, then just stopped caring and lost>Hitler = GSPNice guy, likes japan
>>17559006Alexander was a great admirer of Cyrus and had his own men killed for desecrating his tomb. All his feats in life were just copying what he read about Cyrus as a boy.
>>17559018>Alexander was a great admirer of Cyrus and had his own men killed for desecrating his tombI think you're misremembering. He had the guards on duty when the desecration took place tortured. Since they admitted nothing, he found them innocent. This was part of a broader attempt at preserving the state of the monuments. For example he was going to rebuild Babylon since it was destroyed by the Persians recently from his time. There is no evidence he ever admired Cyrus, nor any evidence that he read about him as a boy. Quite the contrary- his education consisted of reciting the Iliad by his teacher, Aristotle. It seems you've fabricated quite the headcanon.
>>17559024>>17559018Those guards, by the way, were not his men, but Persians themselves.
>>17558352When was it stated that Hitler wanted to imitate Napoleon?
>>17558352Everyone knows Mighty Mouse is the GOAT. Question is who's the /his/ analog
Irish History Thread
>>17558011How about a history thread without the fucking PIRA. You'd think nothing had ever happened in history in the area that makes up NI other than the fucking troubles. You probably weren't even around during too. I'm fed up of heading about the IRA and the troubles at this stage and I experienced the latter part of it.
>>17558025https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1741257418918852.webmhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_British_Army_Lynx_shootdownThe PIRA South Armagh Brigade recorded themselves in this action. June 23rd, 1988.
>>17558006>>17558011these are great. I have a tonne of old footage from the Troubles and the War of Independence/Civil War but I haven't been able to into making webms.>>17558044The IRA, and thus the Troubles, are one of the most famous and popular points of discussion in all of Irish history. I have made threads quite literally about the PIRA before, but the vast majority of the time what happens is:>irish history thread>some /int/fag starts screeching about the provos>gets corrected>this starts a discussion about the IRABut I do agree, I do get a bit sick of talking about it. Or rather, I prefer talking about lesser known parts of it rather than the well trodden paths that usually draw people.
show us some early church ruins in irelandnot gallarus oratory though I already read about that
Why didn't he industrialize France?
He was a brainlet who couldn't get steam ships.
>>17558917Because he was a fucking ROMAN.Romans don't care about gay shit like industrializing or commerce. The CONQUER shit and then exploit it while having fun at it.BELLVM ET OTIVM.Bourgeoisissies will never understand.
>>17558917The Urbanization of France led to the revolution because France wasn't food sufficient and destabilize how people live. Britain and Germany achieve food sufficiency thanks to the potato and imports from the US and Russia. Louis the XVI tried to implement reforms to modernize the economy, but they backfire due misfortune of events and the lack of money. He remove trade barriers within the country to increase competition and make famine easier to relive. The merchants instead price gouge bread. He reinvite jews into the country hoping they will finance capital with their loans and investments making internal economic developing more flexible. They instead speculate on bread.Napoleon would restore some old privileges mostly for the guilds to bring some stability back, but it set the economy decades back. It was unfortunately necessary.
>>17558953ThisNapoleon couldn't figure out trains even if he wanted to
Did NATO overdid it in 1999?
>>17555345>NATO bombs Serbia and tries to rebuild it as a western state>Serbia now only exists alongside Orban and Fico as fifth columnists for Putin inside natoIrony
>>17558956Serbia isn't in NATO
>>17555345Also the only thing NATO did wrong was not nuking Belgrade into non existence.
>>17559071Yes but in Europe and it votes in UN resolutions which directly affect NATO.
>>17559080>votes in the UNlol>directly affect NATOlmao
Shoppers walk by a large portrait of Joseph Stalin displayed in a store window in Prague, Czechoslovakia. 1948.
>>17559023and as the years go on, it gets more advanced
>>17559026even on buses
>>17550771>>17550772>>17550775>>17557555The communists did a coup but I think Czechoslovakia was one of the Eastern European countries where they really did have mass support.>>17551183>>17551186Unfortunately it's extremely boring, it's the International Trade Center. That's what it's called. It was an office building for trade representatives. It might still be used for this purpose.>>17552039The electric blue lighting is pretty Soviet. Much of the photos from back then are in black and white, and you'd think they just used red for everything, but they used that kind of blue a lot.
What if Ottomans and Moroccans cooperated to hold Castilians out of Granada?There were chances for a Muslim counterattack on Castilians?
>>17557141>What if Ottomans and Moroccans cooperated to hold Castilians out of Granada?Why would they? Granada was irrelevant, Ottomans had the Balkans to take care of and Morocco the Sahel
>>17557636turks are browner than both
>>17557690Turks are White Steppe BVLLS
>>17557141Ottomans back then didn’t even have Mamluks egypt or a big navy or logistics to get a big army across the Mediterranean to Spain, it was a weaker nation and would have been defeated and lost a major army(potentially completely destroyed unable to escape back in time)
>>17557767not at all
Why did he do it?I can't help but feel sorry for Alexander and the Empire in general.After Caracalla and Elagabalus came and went, he was thrust into a position he was ill-prepared for, at a young age and without a good paternal figure to train and assist him. Yet he tried his best, despite his mother and seemed well intentioned if not very decisive (again, age and mother).Thrax was a shepherd without any family or senatorial connections, and only the legions to back him. Would it not have been better to keep Severus as a figurehead for a while, with the general running the show? The empire was never meant to be hereditary, but a well-intentioned and quiet prince would have provided better stability than a bunch of angry generals vying for power constantly.
>>17556941A couple of centuries later they would learn that lection, to be power behind the throne. But back then, the emperor was supposed te be military active, leading the troops. Failing to do that, was weakness. Also, add the fact the last three emperors (+Geta) got murdered; it wasn't some unthinkable idea, like the times of the Five Good Emperors.
>>17558112All very true and hindsight is 20/20 as usualI just find it sad that the very legions old Septimus had favored so much would go on to overthrow and murder his last heir. And Alexander wasn't some h*n*rius tier mouth breather, he looked like he was going to be a decent ruler with the proper guidance, a rare case for teenage emperors born in the purple. Banishing the mother and taking him into custody would have worked out better than what occurred.
If truth didn’t exist, there would be no point to debate, science, and philosophy.
>>17558134>satisfactory degreeTruth is *absolute*, idiot. SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS IS NOT TRUTH.
>>17557952Nothing would be true
Truth is a word in English language, not *a thing* that exist, like my coffee cup this is so dumb
>>17557951Truth ends at the limit of it's theory's scope. Every truth has a scope for the phenomena it applies to. Euclidean geometry has a scope, that being the Earth, since for example space-time doesn't follow the law of two lines in parallel never crossing due to curvature and relativity and black holes."He killed his wife because it's on video, his DNA is on the murder weapon, and he confessed to it"It's not fair to say it's 100% certain that he killed her, which sounds just annoying, but in practice you end up with a sweeping generalization about how epistemology should work. Justified true belief is self referentially incoherent and using it as a standard
>>17559067Well I didn't bother editing my post at the end but fuck it.