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what was the best Puritan colony?
What was the point of handing Maine to Massachusetts when New Hampshire is right there?
But to answer the question, Connecticut since they weren't as burny burny as the rest of them
new hampshire was too weak to handle maine
based, maine is a strong independent colony who don't need no man
Nobody was ever burned at the stake in colonial America. That's some continental Euro bullshit that mainly happened in Germany and France. They didn't even go so far as to draw and quarter anyone iirc. They simply hanged people. All of that over the top torture porn shit that happened in Europe was done at the behest of monarchy, and the purpose was for spectacle. Despite the bad rap Puritans get, they were much less inhumane than the Catholics and Anglicans.

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and Hitler should be praised for it. All of his generals cried that it could not be done. So Hitler drew up his own plans, all his generals had to do was follow the orders. They did, and were astounded as France just melted away. They destroyed France completely, like no nation had ever done before. People deny that Hitler was a military genius, but the Battle of France proves that Hitler was the greatest general of WW2, not Eisenhower or Patton or Montgomery. Not even Rommel. It was Hitler, a true genius of military might. The opening stages of Barbarossa were his second masterstroke.
>Be military leader
>lose war
>commit suicide
Truly one of the greats.
But he didn't draw up the plans? You could, if you'd like, give him credit for adopting the plan that was presented to him by Manstein, but Hitler didn't come up with it himself. The credit for the plan belongs to Manstein and Halder primarily, with additional credit to Guderian and Rommel for just ignoring orders during the invasion to halt when ordered to.
Also Barborossa was plainly and obviously retarded I don't know why you would want to give anyone credit for it.
Shut up, communist scum. Trump won btw
And you lost
>Also Barborossa was plainly and obviously retarded I don't know why you would want to give anyone credit for it.
Because Germans still had massive successes like taking over Belarus and Ukraine, as well as slaughtering millions of Soviet soldiers which ruin East Slavic birthrates.

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Were black americans as criminal back then as they are today? How did white americans explain their behavior? Did black americans defend criminals back then as well if they were killed by white cops?
>Were black americans as criminal back then as they are today?
Not as much due to fear of reprisal.

>How did white americans explain their behavior?
They carefully monitored and severely disciplined any who stepped out of line

>Did black americans defend criminals back then as well if they were killed by white cops?
Many did, yes. Most lynchings were justified in their intent, despite perhaps not so in their methodology.

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Jewish ancestry is a topic of much debate, but the fact of the matter is that the existence of Jewish (Ashkenazi) racial genetics is not possible. DNA testing sites claim that certain individuals have Jewish genes, but such claims are not backed up by science. After all, the genes in question are not labeled as Jewish before they appear on a report. They are only labeled as such after the fact, which is to say, arbitrarily.

Furthermore, it is strange that Jewish genes appear on genetic reports, but there are no such occurrences for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion. Many people of Jewish backgrounds carry similar genes due to ancestral circumstances, but that does not make those genes Jewish. It simply means that a group of people carry similar genes, such as a group of people carrying genes for blonde hair or blue eyes.

Therefore, the labeling of certain genes as Jewish is done either out of ignorance or to serve an agenda. Since Jewish Supremacists consider themselves the chosen of a supposedly omnipotent God, it is most likely the latter because claiming that they have special genes serves to deem them as chosen on a genetic level. However, one can see that such a claim does not hold up under scientific scrutiny.

Jewry is a mental disease.
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卍 The Four Aryan Truths 卐
I. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
II. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
III. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
IV. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

ᛋ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>卍 The Four Aryan Truths 卐
more like this:
Based bump

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One more purge bro, just one more great purge and we will finally clear the union of saboteurs and spies and live in a land of milk and Lysenkos tomato-potatos
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‘Scuse me, fellow purge-aholics! How’s about we go ahead and purge our military right before attacking Finland? Cuz I’m thinkin’ that would be a heckin’ delectably dialectic decision! Comrade Lysenko will just plant some maple seeds and grow a new officer corps.
And there still were all of them, except the small business, obviously. Society has been continuing to work without few purged. You're saying it in a way like USSR have killed everyone and there was an empty land. But it isn't, that's why even after wars and famines there's Russian people living in the country.
Okay. So your point is what? That they only managed to kill or starve a few million to death? That some people survived? That the gulag system wasn’t 100% effective at exterminating prisoners? That not everyone ended up being shot as class traitors, reactionaries, wreckers, nationalists, spies, trotskyists, revisionists, traitors, pests, fascists, class enemies, or just quota fillers? Or is it that real communism hasn’t been tried since the per capita death rate wasn’t as good as Pol Pot’s, and there are still Cambodians alive?
Yes anon society didn't collapse instantly so purging hundreds of thousands of people and torturing old Bolsheviks till they confessed to putting rusty nails in the workers butter was fine and good. Killing off any communist party member that showed the slightest amount of independence did not have any negative long lasting consequences.
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>No way man you're totally hoarding grain I know you just gave us your entire surplus and we tore up your barn looking for more and didn't find any but you're definitely hiding grain.
>Why are you getting defensive? Are you scared? Are you a wrecker? Are you a counterrevolutionary? I know you're hiding grain your neighbor already denounced you. How can you have 5 chickens and a goat you must be hiding something. Tell us where you're hiding the grain right now!

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Genetically speaking, the distinction between European and MENA is very clear. Most North Europeans and South Europeans are closer to one another than either is to non-europeans. This is because all europeans overwhelmingly descend from the same North-Pontic Caspian Steppe Herders and the same Middle Neolithic European Farmers.
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The only legitimate confusion in distinction are Jews really, who fall too intermediately between the two..
That's because European Jews are a mixture of Italic women and Levantine men. Sicilians are a bit shifted in that direction due to a few instances of genetic interjection by Nafri and West Asians. Only a minor component of their overall genetic makeup but enough to shift slightly away from the rest of the continent.

So, is there any actual proof that this guy died/killed himself?
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communists did claim to have disposed of the remains they found.
actually it means he stayed till the very end with his people and fled after the war had concluded.

how cuck are you to counter signal Hitler after he fought ZOG?
that wasnt his dentist you moron it was some random guy who claimed to have seen his teeth.
his 136th birthday is in about two months
thus he's no longer alive
That was conclusively proven as a woman’s skull many years back.


You fell for Russian propaganda. They made up that they killed him because the truth that he definitely survived looks bad for them.
You know that you can get a doctor to recreate the exact contents of someone’s dental records, right?

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Soul vs Soulless

Why have South Korea and Japan been more culturally influential in the west than China and India even though they both have over a billion people
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of course it is. all exportable Chinese culture (which includes HK and Taiwanese culture) came out of the southern regions which are Cantonese.
The German of Chinese dialects.
>all exportable culture came from the place where anglos forced china to open its doors to export their shit
HK was a western foothold for the west to go into china, but now it seems like that has reversed.
It feels like Buddhism has largely been disassociated from India in the West, most people seem to see it as more of a Southeast/East Asian religion instead.

You and me, let's go kill hitler!

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>turn 30
>suddenly start thinking about my own mortality
>life is shit and sometimes pretty fun
>all this suffering, and for what?
surely no one else in history has ever felt like me
what can i do or read up on to cope better?
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you should've woken up at 20 instead of 30. unfortunately, you are out of time
Start with the Mesopotamians. The Epic of Gilgamesh still holds up 4000 years later.
This happened to me in November of 2024 and I haven't gotten over it. I'm 29. I grew up in a nominally Christian household and became an atheist at 14 (and then agnostic a short while later). I had sort of gotten over the idea of my own mortality because I figured even if I could never anchor my experience in anything objective, there were still things that were meaningful to me. But most of those things were based on my family, and I started realizing that they would be gone one day, too. When my nephew was born I couldn't stop thinking about it and had a nervous breakdown. These were all thoughts that had been with me for a long time, but I couldn't push them away anymore. I've tried looking for solace in religion but I haven't found any that offer any real consolation. The Abrahamics say that most of the people I know (and I guess me, insofar as I'm no longer a Christian) are going to hell, whereas the Dharmic traditions just have nonsensical ideas about transcendence that are functionally just the same as oblivion. I'd just like to live in the Elysian Fields with my family forever.

I don't recommend browsing here if you can avoid it. There are a lot of absolutely demonic people here who enjoy tormenting people like us, and almost no one worth discussing these issues with.
>hes 30 years old and only just starting to think this

you are like a little baby
I woke up at 20 and went back to sleep again

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Um, guys... Google Adolf Hitler.
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Apparently,there’s this dude named Adolf Hitler. He was, like, in charge of something called the Nazi Party in Germany ages ago, like 1920s to 1940s or something? And, oh no, he did really terrible stuff! He started a war and, um, people said he was just super awful. Millions died? Including, like, Jewish people and other folks?
Is he ok?
After faking his death, Hitler escaped to Argentina with a secret Nazi submarine convoy, where he lived under an alias, fathering children and plotting a Fourth Reich until his death in the 1960s.
>plotting another failed operation
yep, that's him
he didn't treat everyone like gold?

Why did he do it?
Most men would if given the power and minimal oversight he was.
Am I supposed to know who these kikes are?

>b-but soience-
Cope and sneed.
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>You’ll figure it out one day, bucko!
Go back to your containment threads
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yep, söy boys are söy
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>old testament citation
>The kikes points at the Aryan Jesus to divert the problem they created

Reliance on technology breeds weak men. We see this in every historical epoch.
There is more to strength than just big muscles you dullard.
Why does the hot daddy have to do with your false premise
i use www.wolframalpha.com a lot
machines are our slaves
those who enslave living beings are unethical

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