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why do the Latinx do the Anglo one drop rule in reverse?
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and which one won?
The Jews* of which Napoleon was an agent
In south american DOTA 2, Peruvians have the worst reputation among all people there. I wonder if that's tied to their substantial native dna.
Retard. That's a pic of a Latina and her Hindu Dalit husband.

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Especially during the mid-20th century.

By 1941 the Soviet Union took the second place in the world in industrial output, second only to the United States.

Whoever made that meme is a fucking retard. I'm not a commie, but Jesus Christ...
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The meme is making fun of the fact that most modern "communists" aren't the industrial workers of the world anymore.
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Cobbled shoes were a bourgeois indulgence.
>By 1941 the Soviet Union took the second place in the world in industrial output, second only to the United States.
In the end of the USSR Soviet's had 2000 km of highways (inferior asphalt type) and 60 cars per 1000 population (16.9 millions).
China has 177000 km of highways (long lasting reinforced concrete type) and 230 cars per 1000 (320 milions), china produces 30 milions cars per year (twice as much as total amount of cars in USSR in 1991.
USSR? Bug size tier industry.

Another piece of stats.
In the 80s USSR produced 300 thousands dwt of merchants ships.
China produces 30 milions dwt of merchant ships (literally 100 times ! more).
USSR? Joke!
They've used what they referred to as "bourgeoisie engineers" to develop it. Near Magnitogorsk there was an entire "American town"(suburb) for instance.

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Why are Japanese hesitant to convert to Christianity?

What in their culture makes it hard to accept Christ

I wish to convert them because the thought of millions of Japanese burning in hell hurts my heart
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No, he didn't. Even if he did though, it would change nothing about what the emperor said, it would just make both religions false.
Stupid fucking retard.
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The same could be said about any religion or mystical tradition, and if you look at a collection of poems and myths and dismiss them as schizobabble without trying to figure out the underlying meaning of the prose, the metaphor, and the symbolism, you're just lazy and too used to reading the kind of western philosophy that gets spoonfed to you via simple, direct, unadorned English.
You tripfags are something else. Was mom too busy watching TV while high on prescription tablets to pay attention to you as a kid? Is that why you say such stupid shit?
They are too smart for Jewish lies, also Jews cannot mimicry as Japanese and subvert them from th inside. For Japanese Christianity preacher looks strictly alien.

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How would you fare 100 years ago, /his/?
m'adoo doo
They don't even save that much space cutting out the c, what's the point?

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White American Racial Hierarchy, from best to worst.
>Greater Virginian Ubermensch: Found from the Virginia Tidewater and southern Maryland, through the Central Appalachians, and into the Kentucky Bluegrass and Missouri Ozarks, the Virginia Ubermensch are responsible for everything good that has ever happened to America. They singlehandedly won the American Revolution and would have succeeded in creating a herrenvolk white democratic ethnostate if it weren't for the perfidious South Carolinians and New Englanders stopping them. They invented bluegrass, country, rock, ragtime, and led the charge to win the West which turned America into a superpower.
>Pennsylvania Praetorians: The only true-hearted allies of the VirginiaChads, they also helped to try and create a democratic white ethnostate. Coming from similar Irish Protestant roots as the Virginians, the Pennsylvanians were a mighty race that peopled the Midwest along with Virginians, until the invasion of the Slavs and Ellis Islanders.
>New Englanders: A conniving, trickster people, who zealously hated the Virginia-Pennsylvania alliance and used slavery as a wedge issue to destroy it. They are a financial people, and don't understand anything outside of money, the Jews of the New World, but very successful and innovative.
>Carolina Chuds: The least intelligent of the white American races, they have invented nothing of note and achieved nothing of significance. They mostly just copied Virginian culture and then tried to claim it as their own. They are obsessed with negros and worship them secretly.
>New York Nimrods: Similarly unaccomplished as the Carolinians, but worse due to their New England like obsession with finances and money, they are the originators of the proposition nation myth of America and spent most of their history trying to undermine American nationhood by importing millions of unwashed continental European trash.
>Ellis Islander: Not Americans.
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nothing could be further from the truth
cope more, pablo
I already have dual citizenship and your ilk exist only for me to get rich off of
nigga, i dated a girl from ireland for three years. you should see how they talk about their diaspora. same deal with the italians and germans from what i hear.

they don't want you.
stay mad pablo
im a ginger whose ancestors came here in 1607 but go ahead and call me pablo if that helps you feel better about being rootless.
whoopty doo
blacks have been in America since those times too

What is the one idea that did the most damage in history?
Note, idea, not ideology: it needs to fit into a single sentence
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Mainly these two
Entertaining the supernatural, bar none.
Universal suffrage.
hand bra jeans
Sure anon, all those atheistic communist countries were Heaven on Earth

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What is the meaning of life?
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there is no meaning
To live.
To bring progress
We dont live for ourselfs we live for other pepole,we live for the greater good could even say
Why do you think you feel good when you help somone out of your own goodness? because thats what we are here for
For me the meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness without taking the happiness from others and helping others to have happiness. Happiness would be the basic biological, psychological, social etc needs. (Also abstraction and contemplation of reality).
The meaning of life is to shuck corn on your porch for three hours while cousin Bill play bandit radio on his accordion the neighbors impotently file another noise complaint.

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Portugal only exists as a wedding gift for a French man who married a Castillian bastard woman.
Portugal arises from the Portucalense County, Alfonso III of Asturias selected this territory as an administration subject to the political institutions of the Kingdom of Leon to offer it to henry of Burgundy, who married Teresa of Leon.
This is how Portugal was born, not as an emancipation of a kingdom or nation but as a territorial wedding gift.
The portucalense province had already existed for decades, first officially documented in 841 by Alfonso II of Asturias as a spiritual jurisdictional expansion of the Bishop of Lugo
The concept of an emancipated Kingdom/nation was born after the Treaty of Zamora of 1143, where Leon recognized the independence of the county. This was nothing more than the recognition of Alfonso Henriquez's claims to his land, not a recognition of a nation or kingdom that should last. Portugal continued to be recognized as part of the concept of Spain born with the Roman & Visigothic invasions.
Jaime I of Aragon also said that he wished for a union between Christian Kingdoms of Iberia which included Portugal.
It was always a plan for Portugal to eventually reunite, it was just thwarted once Isabella the Catholic won the Castillian Civil War.
Even so, the idea of reunification still stood, and was probably what would've happened if Isabella's opponent had won the war.
Just like Navarre (invaded in 1500s) or Granada (invaded in the 1400s), Portugal should've been joined up with Spain eventually.
The separation of these countries after 1640 was a mistake.
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Castilians are just too weak and inept
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Spain is (literally) an Artificial Nation
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How many nations got their own papal bull?
The 1580 annexation of Portugal by Spain was a mistake that ultimately doomed both countries.
Reminder that Portugal objectively won the Battle of Toro

Why did Pan-Africanism fail? Why did Africans start killing each other in wars, genocides, and coups after the end of colonialism instead of uniting together?
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Ultimately because pan-africanism is a meme ideology originally created by the black equivalent of Latin Americans. And then retro-actively applied into a continent woefully unprepared for taking on modernity.
You could also argue independence was handled terribly, but whatever.
"Africans" had nothing in common and they never had anything in common. The only thing they might possibly have in common was they wanted the Europeans to leave, but not even that was true because many Africans were profiting off European involvement. As such the old arrangement reemerged under a different form where the freed Africans used their "sovereignty" to make deals with western corporations with the caveat that European governments were no longer paying for infrastructure or other improvements anymore. The process became entirely extractive because ultimately this was what the African leaders wanted.
Yeah the Portuguese started with coastal raids but Europe's coastline was constantly being raided by the Moroccans a well. A major difference here is that European countries began paying off the Barbary Pirates to stop them from raiding whereas the African countries started trying to get the Europeans to pay them to buy slaves instead of stealing slaves.
>"Hey you aren't going to just come and take our people to your plantation to work until they die - without paying for them"
No pan-culture movement has succeeded. The closest we had to succesful pan-culture movement is pan-arabism and pan-slavism (but only in the sense of Yugoslavism), and both collapsed. One into fascism and theocracy the other into reciprocal ethnic cleansing.
Pan-scandinavism collapsed when faced with outside challenge in 1864, and pan-turkism is a just a forum for crank pseudoscientific theories.
Pan-Africanism faces all the same challenges of those movements with the added difficulties of all its initial proponents and ideological developers not being Africanand having no real connection to Africa, and there not being any actual grain of common culture, ethnicity, language or shared history that a nationalist project can latch on to.
Sure pan-turks may be full of shit, but at least the people spewing it ARE TURKISH, Marcus Garvey was from Jamaica, he was parading around declaring himself president of Africa IN NEW YORK.
Right now the closest there is to a pan africanist vanguard is the African Union, a joke of an organizatiom where business is conducted in Arabic, English and French and the last person to even attempt a call for actual inification through that organizatiom was not a pan africanist but was a pan arabist.
Africa as a continent has over a thousand languages even by relatively conservative estimates, and little shared culture except foreign exploration, but it's nkt even the same exploiters, and you can't bridge thousands upon thousands of years of distinct cultural identities with spite at the white/different brown people (Eapecially when pan africanism would also necessarily include some of those brown people).
It's absurd.

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>Tobinworld (founded in 1977 as the Behavior Research Institute of California) was a Californian school for children with autism and emotional disorders.[2] The school consisted of three campuses: Tobinworld I, Tobinworld II, and Tobinworld III. It was founded by Judy Weber-Israel, the wife of Matthew Israel, as a sister school to the Judge Rotenberg Center, which has been condemned by the United Nations for torture of its students.[3] The school shut down in 2019, however the associated Tobinworld Mental Health Clinic remains open as of 2024.[4][5] Tobinworld used the methods of applied behavior analysis and discrete trial training to modify behavior in students.[6] In 1991, an employee of Tobinworld pleaded no contest on charges of child abuse against a nine-year old boy who was a student at the school.[7][8] The child stopped breathing, and was admitted to the hospital in critical condition with possible brain damage.[9][10]

>In 2016, police arrested a teacher's aid who was caught on video slapping a nine-year old boy while two other staff held him in the air by the arms and legs.[11][12] The video was recorded by an employee of the school, who posted it to Snapchat. A friend of the employee then reported it to the police, saying “This is the third time this kind of thing has been recorded by him. It was so unbearable to watch, I had to do something about it.”[13] The event prompted the American Civil Liberties Union, Disability Rights California, and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund to issue a demand that the California Department of Education take action against the improper use of force on students with disabilities in Californian schools.[14]

>Matthew Israel is a controversial American behavioral psychologist who is known for founding the Judge Rotenberg Center and inventing the Graduated Electronic Decelerator,[1] a device used by the center on disabled students, and condemned as torture by advocacy groups and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture.
>Matthew Israel created the GED to replace the older punishments of spankings, pinches, and muscle squeezes, but continued to use restraints, sensory deprivation, and the withholding of food. These older punishments were often used in combination with the GED: For example, a student could be restrained to a board and then given several GED shocks in succession. While the school advertises its behavior modification program as safe, effective, and backed by science, these claims are disputed by independent experts, and the device is often condemned as a form of torture.

WTF is with jews being extremely stubborn about crackpot neurotic theories. Is this just american brainrot and psychopathy? "survival of the fittest" etc

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What are your favourite historical eras of haircuts and hairstyling? What generally influences you? Do you prefer the closer-cropped looks of the Romans, perhaps the kingly Merovingian locks, or the even shorter haircuts of the American military forces of the mid-to-late 20th century? Also, what factors led to the current societal dismissal of long hair among men? Was it ever really back for a time, even during the 1970s, or did high fashion and cinema exaggerate how widespread it really was? Let's say that past a shirt collar length at the back and covering the ears is considered our minimum definition of long hair for men.

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People died in agony all the time back in ancient times, hence the lower life expectancy. At least sacrifice gives people some honor and respect from society and for the gods.

All this bragging by the Romans about not "engaging" in human sacrifice as if they didn't do other stuff just as brutal and barbaric like slavery, torture, animal abuse, constant civil war, and wiping anuses with a shared sponge on a stick.
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>"what's the difference between sacrificing someone to demons and executing a danger to society"

You're retarded.
>why is murder bad
>"crocodile tears"
>wypipo are le bad
>catholics are christian
You're all stupid.
lol cuck
Based, St. Joan was a crazy cunt.
The aztecs literally created their empire through constant conquest and consolidated their role in this through constant iconography and warrior motifs in their art, the Aztec calender being a good example of this. Not only that but their sacrifice was greatly tied to their need to expand their borders. I don't think this dehumanizes them if any it makes them comparable to the Romans

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I made things easier for everyone.

I got everyone color-coded.
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Would be worth saving if an artist bothered to give it a name.
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How’s this?
Actually I am sick of naming files; I've figured something out already.
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Would you like to see the map with borders?

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Why is there such a stark genetic and cultural contrast between southern France and Spain?
They may as well be 2 differents thing
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You are making up bullshit without ever having visited those places and without knowing anything about those places.

You pretty much have the same people living on both sides of the Pyrenees. Basques on both the French and Spanish side (the Kingdom of Navarre used to be there), with both Castilians and Gascons being pretty much Basque mutts.
And Catalans (Perpignan in France was a part of Spain until the 1650s)
The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
There were times in history in which Aragon, the Catalan Region, Valencia and the Balearic Islands were part of the same State with much of Southern France (they spoke the same language, Occitan, the language of XII century trobadours).
It was only with the Albigensian crusade (in which the king of Aragon got killed, iirc, the battle of Muret) that France was able to prevent the loss of Southern France to the Aragonese (who were much closer culturally to the Southern French than people from Paris).

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Lol, Southern France is basically crypto-Spain
tons of guys that look like that in south france
there's quite a few northern french transplants in the south that look more nordic but the native southern french look a lot like spaniards, as this shows >>16835153
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>The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
That's complete bullshit.
That just shows that Catalans and Basques are similar to southern French, not the other way around
And they want independence
Them aside Spanish are moormutts completely different from us southern French

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We all know that racism against other humans is.. le bad. But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them? If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
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Is he benching 2pl8s?
To survive in the galaxy humans will need to be more like the necrons or the reapers from mass effect. Hiding themselves away for aeons, emerging only occasionally to destroy fledgling civilizations.
"Gods' creation was made for us.....to consume."
I believe... and I also believe that's bullshit.
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we've already accepted animals as our own and we worship them
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This feels like a bot thread. Either that, or school's out for the summer, because MAN am I getting deja vu'd back to the discord debate bro servers I used to frequent when I was a teenager

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