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>be kulak
>cause famine for profit
>supposedly, somehow this is not evil

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He’s the only religious debater I’ve seen that really stands up for his beliefs shows no mercy toward his opponents. Apologists are all too often big betas, and Jay bucks the trend, he knows he’s right and will make you damn sure of it. Truly the Chris Hitchens of Orthodoxy.
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Listening to this now and I refuse to believe there are more than like 5 people who watch this shit who've studied enough philosophy to know what's going.
Jake got bodied hard. Especially when the "uncreated foot" deabate started.
>allah is not like anything in this world
>allah has a foot
>but its not an actual foot, its a foot that befits allah and is not like any foot on earth (but its a foot)
>he also has a shin btw
Hes a crypto-protestant same with most “orthobros” every generatIon you have people who want to muh retvrn to tradition, and become primitive baptists or church of christ non-instrumental. This guy just chose a random religion for its aesthetic. Real christians dont divide the church and push people away from the faith.
>real christians don't divide the church
This argument states that christians don't divide the church while dividing the church between the real christians and the fake christians.
Couldn't have been more retarded lol.
>real christians worship my pedophile god king cult leader
that's really convincing.

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Why does Southern Italy have so much more non-European admixture than the North? If it's from the Romans replacing themselves why did they only do so in the South? Also in this model -- the Davidski standard model -- what's the difference between TUR_Tepecik_Ciftlik_N and TUR_Barcin_N?
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It's because of Moor rape. Sicilians and Iberians lacked kangz genes before.
What's that Turkey Hellenistic sample?
>Egypt and Middle East
Also used to be white people. Before they became replaced by Arabs.
i blame the fact that i'm a dyslexic college dropout on my italian father.
1 Geography. 2 Lines on map with modern militaries guarding them are new. 3 Southern Italy was always mostly ethnically Greek (with probably large numbers of native slaves who were probably less Italicized southern natives). The Greek settlers came during the Archaic Greek population overflow period, most were from the Peloponnese apparently but a huge number of them were coming in from Anatolian Greece. Anatolian Greeks were probably quite a bit less "Greek" ethnically than the mainland Greeks we have samples of. And then over the course of thousands of pre-trains and cars years other peoples traveling by way of the Mediterranean came in including the people mentioned in this brand new paper https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.240436

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Malcom X was entirely correct and MLK kneecapped any chance his people had for true independence and dignity
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___ _____ ____ _____ __ __
Booker T. tried that shit back when the negro still stood a chance but everybody sucks DuBois's dick to this fucking day
Du Bois was right on eugenics, having elite group to control the negro masses. It just hard to do so when White society actively prevent any sort of thing.
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>true independence and dignity
They didn't want independence or dignity, they wanted perpetual victim status and free handouts. We tried to give them true independence and dignity, in the form of Liberia, but they didn't all go because they would rather be hated in the civilization of white men than have to live among their own people according to their own capabilities.
Imagine being born at the end of Andrew Johnson's presidency and dying the same year as JFK

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There appears to be several small monasteries popping up in sub-saharan Africa. Uganda Buddhists center is in particular very active in their community, as is the Tibetan Buddhist community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Vajrayana Buddhism and Dzogchen and Bon Shamanism are the most advanced esoteric systems for obtaining development and knowledge out there. Even more than Hermeticism and Western Ritual Magick. There are certain other obscure traditions but Tibetan Buddhism is by far the best bet to actually find out what's really going on. Supplement Tibetan Buddhism with the most advanced mathematics, theoretical physics, biology/genetics, all of science. Basically combine Vajrayana with as good at math and physics as you can get.

Btw Vajrayana does not contradict and even supplements other systems like Hesychasm (esoteric Christianity), Eastern/Coptic Orthodox Christianity, Chaos Magick, Sufism/Illuminism, Neoplatonic Theurgy, Zen, Aboriginal Kalahari Shamanism, Amazonian Shamanism, Early African Hoodoo... whatever you can think of Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism in general coheres with it and integrates with it, that's the best part about it. There's no contradiction between Vajrayana and a Christian conception of the Trinity, for example, depending on how your paradigm is constructed.

This is because Tibetan Buddhism is oddly enough one of the most Aryan religions due to being based on esoteric Tantra from middle aged India, and is influenced by Bonpo. Bonpo was the main religion in Tibet before Buddhism. Many mistake Bonpo as being a native folk religion that was supplanted by Buddhism, but according to their own historians the religion came from the Magi of Persia.


You know what, i dont know. Look more into it and who knows, population trends chnage all the time.


>Nigeria's population projection was lowered by 70 million people, from 546 million to 476 million,due to faster declines in fertility rate past decade. In 2012, UN forecasted a population of 914 million people(!!) for Nigeria by 2100, but massive recent declines in fertility have made them change their mind

>Africa is now projected to have 3.807 billion people by 2100, 117 million people fewer than predicted 2 years ago( again, birth rates falling much faster than expected)

Here are some stats about African population the UN changed this year, i think its really hard to predict this because you cant expect current political trends to just go on forever, or predict things like covid. For all we know 10 years from now China develops artificial wombs and just starts making more people and fixes their population numbers, who knows.
>The principle sources on Zoroaster’s teachings consist of the Avesta, the Zoroastrian scripture, which contains the Yasna, Visparad, Videvdat, and the Yashts, and a collection of later religious documents, such as the Bundahishn, Denkard, Zadspram, and many more. While the Avesta may retain a few of the features of the original teachings of Zoroaster, it is believed to have derived its authority from “faithfully preserved” older traditions. However, these sources were mostly compiled after the eighth century AD, and as Nigosian comments, “how much of its contents date from the earliest period, and how much of it was rewritten to make the past agree with the realities and beliefs of the time in which it was composed is, of course, open to question.” Therefore, a number of non-Zoroastrian ancient sources are important to an understanding of the early Zoroastrianism, mainly from Greek and Roman writers

>However, those ideas attributed to the Magi by the ancient Greeks and Romans, are not reflected in the Zoroastrian texts. This has puzzled scholars and led them to believe that the Greeks invented the ideas they attributed to the Magi. However, a perusal of their accounts shows that the ideas attributed to them were consistent. The problem was solved by Franz Cumont and Joseph Bidez, in Les Mages Hellenises, of “The Hellenized Magi”, but the work remains untranslated. Also useful is the world of RC Zaehner, Zurvan, A Zoroastrian Dilemma. Essentially, these scholars have discovered that those with whom the Greeks had become acquainted with were not orthodox Zoroastrians, but heretics, who had altered Zoroaster’s original teachings, and among whom we find the first indication of what would later comprise the teachings of the Kabbalah: a ritual of death and rebirth, a divine trinity associated with the Sun, Moon and Venus, dualism, pantheism, numerology, astrology, and the belief in reincarnation
>As Yamauchi describes, “the relationship of the Magi to Zoroaster and his teachings is a complex and controversial issue.” Ever since the early days of the Achaemenid empire, there had existed an antagonism with the proponents of true Zoroastrianism and the Magi. Essentially, when the Persians conquered Babylon, the Magi had come into contact with the Chaldeans, whose beliefs and teachings they introduced into their version of Zoroastrians. Therefore, as long as the Persian empire lasted, there was always a distinction between the Persian Magi, the official priestly caste, and the Babylonian Magi, who were often considered to be outright impostors. From the time of Xerxes however, they began to receive increasing favour at court, until the title of Magi eventually lost its heretical connotations. As the French Assyriologist Lenormant noted, “to their influence are to be ascribed nearly all the changes which, towards the end of the Achaemenid dynasty, corrupted deeply the Zoroastrian faith, so that it passed into idolatry.”

>From the fourth century BC on, the Magi were increasingly associated with the Chaldeans as sorcerers and astrologers. The Greek and Latin words for magic, mageia and magia was originally derived in reference to the supposed arts the Magi. As a reflection of this reputation, a Hippocratic treatise from the late fifth century BC, declares that the Magi are the sort of persons who “profess to know how to bring down the moon, to eclipse the sun, to make storm and sunshine, rain and drought, the sea impassable and the earth barren.” Through the association of Zoroastrianism with the Magi, Zoroaster became renowned as a great sage, and numerous pseudepigraphical books on religion, magic and astrology were ascribed to him. The Greeks saw in Zoroaster’s name the word “star,” and it was explained by Hermodorus, a pupil of Plato, as meaning “star worshipper.”
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I plan to combine this with Palo Mayombe.

Somewhat related: There’s an occultist whose work I’m very familiar with (not gonna namedrop cause this board would hate on him for being a libtard, but I unironically respect his knowledge regardless) who identifies as a Dzogchen Chaonimist. Yes, a combination of Dzogchen Buddhism, chaos magic and animism, and works with the deities of a variety of traditions, regarding them as all independently real and distinct unless proven otherwise. So he will use Ancient Greek prayers and practices when working with Hecate or Jupiter, Catholic prayers for Jesus and St. Cyprian, and Buddhist mantras for their deities, etc. Now, since most of the ancient pagan stuff is lost, a good portion of his pagan-based work is supplanted by “personal gnosis” i.e. dreams and signs that he’s been able to confirm externally. For example, a vision of four animal headed spirits attending Hecate, then later finding out that some old temple somewhere had been found where Hecate was depicted with those four animal heads around her.

Having some background knowledge of Tibetan mysticism and the tantric practices, what I noticed about a lot of his Hecate or Jupiter rituals is they are structured similarly to Buddhist practice having mantras, visualizations of the mandala temple, a main deity with four attending dakinis, etc. It seems that while it would be difficult to rediscover the magical systems of the Greeks, those spirits seem to be teaching a system very similar to Buddhist practice.

Why are some Christians so hostile to the concept of Universalism? It's literally the best possible outcome and I guarantee you'll pull way more converts without threatening people into belief.
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>No right and wrong
>No justice
>And therefore there is no such thing as truth or morals
>Just "oneness of the universe"

not even remotely accurate
ITT people who think it's all decided during our short time on earth

after death, God continues to minister to us and help us
it is in no one's interest to punish someone for all eternity for trangressions in a few short years here

repentence, acceptance, all of that, comes to all when they finally see the light

tl,dr: when you're in front of the seat of judgement, you start repenting like a mf
Jesus himself already testified no. No, you don't. Repentance is only on Earth while still alive
Remember the Rich Man and Lazarus

Rich man never repented and even in hell, he still wanted to command Lazarus to help him,
>jew bastard
o i'm laffin
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You know I used to think Universalism was some sort of easy believeism hippy thing that was invented in the last 50 years, but the more I read into it, it really does seem like there might be something to it.

For example:
<46> And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

The part that means "everlasting" is αἰώνιον, in Greek the meaning is actually closer to "an age", even when it was translated to Latin Vulgate it meant "an age", it was only fairly recent during the reformation it became "everlasting" when translated to KJV, a lot of the Church father were under the impression there would be a sort of purgatory for the ones who didn't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. "Purifying fire" is a concept.

The doctrine of hell was immensely influenced by Augustine, a person who had roots in Manichaeism before converting.

In the end I think a purgatory for the unbelieving resulting in salvation for all isn't such an unbiblical idea.

Think about it, why would God create a world in which he already has condemned most people there? Is sin stronger than God? Why does a God of love need to eternally torture people for having had limited information? A period of correction makes more sense.

Food for thought, Christ is King, God bless.

Got introduced into the actual Greco-Roman myths (in Latin) and these gods all really suck, all they ever do is being constantly jealous to humanity assholes going around and killing or raping or mocking people or each others for no reason. Now I absolutely understand why Romans dropped them all without a second thought for a hippie Palestinian rabbi and why Greece was the birthplace of atheism. Even the undiluted "YOU CANT EAT DA APPLE!!!" asshole Yahweh is kinda a lovely one compared with these retards.


>Nordjeet 'civilization'
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why did you post a picture of a bolivian slum in this thread
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This make the thing even worst
>be god
>big dick
Should be all there is to it ngl.
The centroid of civilization is always, always calculated from the population distribution of white people across a geographic range. You want to know why it moved from southern europe to the north west? Because non-whites migrated into southern europe and ruined things there.

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USSR was also able to make an unprecedented civilizational leap - it carried out industrialization, a scientific and technological revolution, reduced the share of the rural population, gave people universal free education, and free higher education, free medical care, kindergartens and even housing for everyone, built the strongest army in the world . The Bolsheviks, without a doubt, saved the country from dullness and vegetation, giving it light and the opportunity for national creativity.
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Jews took over an expansionist Aryan racial empire, bled it dry and turned it into a mestizo backwater, just like they did with America
Yes somewhat.
What USSR did is that were able within 1-2 generations find and educate the brightest of their people to become new leaders, new geniuses, new scientists etc.
They picked the best white male kids, basically, for each niche and gave them free education.

Capitalists found this appaling and a wrong example that needed to be immediately destroyed.
The Capitalists didn't' want to educate the best and the brightest males, they want obedience and dumb consumers. USSR was a bad example to white males everywhere that you can form a leading country led by the people and not the oligarchs and their kids - that had to be destroyed.
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Industrialization was already being carried out before the revolution, the communists seized control in the middle of it.
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How about you translate everything instead of only the part that helps your shaky narrative?
The racial idea was popular at the time and Russians were aware of it, this author is merely toying with the topic.

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Assuming Adolf Hitler was born in the country Switzerland instead of Austria, could he have led a very similar life, or would it have likely ended up very differently?

Every time i've seen some guy approach a Muslim and throw some current event at him, the Muslim looks astonished that this would even be raised as a thing. This was especially common during the years ISIS were in their prime:

>Non-Muslim "So how many have you killed around the world this month? Islam mate, all you lot do is kill innocent people"
>Muslim "Where are Muslims killing?"
>Non-Muslim "Whaaaat it's been all over the bastard news, you lot have just slaughtered 500 Christians in Nigeria, ain't ya?"
>Non-Muslim "and Manchester hey? what about Manchester arena? one of you lot just blew up a load of kids"
>Muslim "How do you know that's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "Saw it on the news"
>Muslim "So you believe everything you hear on the media?"
>Non-Muslim "Come on fella don't play dumb, it's widely known ain't it? everyone knows. Look how many you've just blown up in Sri Lanka."
>Muslim "Widely known is not an argument. Again, how do you know it's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "What about 9/11? how many dead there? do you condemn that?"
>Muslim "And has it been proven to be Muslims? How do you know?"
>Non-Muslim "everyone knows it was fackin Muslims mate, do you watch the fackin news?"
>Muslim "No"

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I'm a black revert who was raised Christian and have dealt with what OP is describing in my own family. I have one uncle who will not hear anything i have to say at all about the connection to God in Islam and the Quran and actual message of Islam, he only wants to get me to answer for something boko haram did in Africa or he constantly brings up that the washington sniper was a Muslim and killed a lot of people. It's annoying.
>It's annoying.
Have you considered killing him so that it stops to annoy you?
It was done by the CIA and Mossad though
I don't like desert religions but at least the muslims have enough self respect preservation to follow a religion made by and for their race

Crosstards worshipp an effeminate emaciated rabbi nailed to a stick who considered the goyim the same as dogs, it is the ultimate spiritual and cultural slavery
damn nigger, edgy! Almost cut myself from all the edge, ouchie!

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>Mass. has Boston harbor, prospers
>New York has the Hudson, prospers
>South Carolina has the Ashley and Cooper, prospers
>Penn. has the Alleghany and Monongahela, prospers
>Maryland has the Chesapeake, prospers
>Virginia has Norfolk, the York, the James, AND the Elizabeth rivers with a front door to the Atlantic, wallows in poverty as the nigger-importing and then nigger-breeding capitol of the colonies; capitol is still a backwater shithole on a hill in 1781 and gets wrecked by Arnold after he turns his coat
Historically speaking, what the actual fuck was wrong with them?
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I already stated the enemies of the south were founded as a theocracy and were loyalists to the british kind of the opposite of enlightenment ideas
Retarded take
>I don't know what enlightenment is and want to screech about niggers
Then explain what it is
what is actually wrong with you?

Why was Prussia and later Germany so hellbent on destroying the traditional order of Europe?
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Cheer up Polebro, you can dominate Europe with cheap labor
>Kaiserreich era
Imperial Germany absolutely wanted to become the dominant European power. And becoming the dominant European power would mean competing with other world powers like America.
>traditional order in Europe
>actually just Anglo coping and French seething
>"traditional order" established in the later 1700s
>destroyed by the french revolution, british colonialism, napoleon and then the Prussians barely a hundred years later
coll shtory breh
>with other world powers like America
winning in WW1 would've meant that Germany assumed Britain's place in the interwar period but in a stronger position and that the US would've never risen as fast and become as dominant diplomatically on the international scene post WW1 Entente victory
there frankly would've been no other world power with all of continental Europe, into Asia (and the Near East) more or less dominated by Germany. Britain left on the backfoot with no native resources to back up revanchism, the US would be the contender against Germany, with both being more or less equal economically at that point and Germany being able to extend more influence.
They actually sort of are, as Windsors who sit in London aren't really Windsors and are actually a long inter married group of germans
>Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
These people still rule over Western Europe, group of EU countries. They are having serious economical problems now btw as grand grand sons of killers don't quite qualify as good financiers and good country rulers during capitalism.


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Play such a massive role in the confederacy?
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Thanks jewGPT now choke on this
>ggoy stop!

I'm gay as fuck btw
Black man here, I hate Jews now

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Why did anti-semitism shift from being mainly religious ("Jews are bad because they reject Jesus") to being mainly ethnic ("Jews are bad because of their blood, regardless of what religion they follow")?
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people hated Jews for more complicated reasons than could easily be explained.
However, after most European nations became secular the old excuse became incoherent and the people therefor had to find a new reason to explain why they hated jews
Juif? What language is that in?
even in the Middle Ages Jews who converted to Christianity were often considered suspect especially in Spain
Jews are ethnocentric and typically xenophobic
I'm not sure, probably late 19th century racialism of the Gobineau type. But the common throughline of antisemitism is not just about the Jews per se but everything that is Jewish, or perceived as Jewish. Which boils down to all modern evil basically.

French I think.

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