What is the most schizo religion of all time? >Chris...No Abrahamic, Hindu, or Buddhism. If you don't actually know anything about obscure minor religions, don't post in this thread.
>>17282884Happy Science
>>17282884Australian aborigine dreaming
>>17282884Aum Shinrikyo
>>17282884The spiritualist syncretism of the Victorian era wasn’t quite “I shit my pants and slather myself in consecrated crisco to keep the demiurge’s angelic jesuit demons away” schizo, but it was still pretty damn schizo.
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are unjustifiable.
>racist caricature of an american fighting against a racist caricature of a JapaneseI don't get it.
I don't think the Japanese have any right to lecture anyone about "honorable warfare"
>>17280024>commits brutal atrocities that shock even their allies>considers there to be no such thing as "noncombatants">NOOOO WTF WHY ARE YOU BOMBING OUR CITIES FIRTHY GAIJINthe eternal jap
>>17283222>enters the war with a surprise attack>specialise in surprise attacks, popping out of bushes, playing dead or injured to kill medics, sniping from hidden posts in trees etc>suddenly decide that honorable combat is your thing the second the war is over
>>17283243Popping out of tunnels rather.
I am serious here. Why am I turned on by the concept of God so much?
>>17281148My priest did do that because he said it was the proper sacrament
>>17281173>disgusting tranny hivemindI've seen your posts before. What the fuck do you even mean by this?
>>17281173remember to dilate, xister! :3
midwit take>america is comparable to late-republic rome high IQ take>america is comparable to pre revolutionary france
>>17283094America is most comparable to late Empire Rome, migration and a change in the government and elites' values has almost totally killed the old culture and social contract, which makes anyone not directly benefiting from the corrupt system more loyal to the "tribe" they identify with than society as a whole. For a revolution to happen the middle and bottom segments of society need to be a lot more united than they are, at this point I think if the US government was successfully overthrown it would just lead to a fracturing of the country, and it would take either decades/centuries or a seriously bloody conflict to reunite it.
>>17283094Extreme high IQ take>America is comparable to star wars
>>17283176No, that's just straight up 1960s America. Palpatine is Nixon. Jar Jar is Reagan.
>>17283167The old culture is problematic.The new culture is also problematic, because Jews.
>>17283196The new culture is weak, and so is the new counterculture. Neither are capable of keeping the country unified should a real crisis of government occur.
Are their alternatives to world peace? I mean, alternatives to peace in general, or similar but different concepts? Do you think that Jesus believed in world peace?
>brb breaking the Treaty of Versailles>brb remilitarizing the Rhineland>brb invading Austria>brb invading Czechoslovakia>brb murdering Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, communists, and anyone who disagrees with my politics>brb murdering all of my political rivals>brb giving speech about how Germany should own all of Eastern Europe and replace the natives>brb allying with genocidal Japanese>brb invading Poland>brb launching undeclared surprise invasions against Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania>brb assassinating the King of Bulgaria and sponsoring a coup in Yugoslavia>brb setting up breeding camps between German officers and hot Norwegian women>brb openly talking about invading Switzerland>brb helping Italy invade Greece and North Africa>brb invading RussiaComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17282831Le bourgeois weapon without proof
I can at least respect anti Hitler stuff from Slavic nationalists, but this is the gay liberal homo perspective
>>17282831Unity through nationality
>>17282797no, but the animals would be from tanganyika and namibia instead of india and pakistan
>>17282831palingenetic state-supremacist totalitarian corporatist ultranationalism
When the Congo was granted it's independence there were only around 5 college educated people in the entire country. The Belgians built roads, factories, schools; but for themselves. For the purpose of settlement and resource extraction. The very very few collaborators who end up profiting from their home countries exploitation aren't exactly the archetype you should be looking for if you want to say why colonialism was good.
>>17282826>When the Congo was granted it's independence there were only around 5 college educated people in the entire country.Bullshit, I count 6 of them on that pic alone
>>17282933You are correct, it is apparently actually 30 graduates. So 6x as many graduates as I originally thought.
>>17279579>Prevent us from practicing slaveryWeren't you the ones who were buying and selling slaves too?
If we're not supposed to use niggers as tools, why is there slavery in the bible?
Say you made a pact with a demon that makes you the bestest orator in the world.Would it be bad to make criminal(you know they did it) get off scot-free?
The Firm is better.
>>17276712uh a virgin
>>17280121>planted there by the britishYou mean by the Umayyads/Abbasids/Ottomans?
>>17276988>>17276996You should sincerely study Judaism/Christianity/Islam/*insert topic* before holding strong opinions about it, rather than forming the opinion then skimming and cherry-picking the topic to reinforce the existing opinion, you and most well-meaning (i.e. humanitarian, even if selectively) anti-Zionists are guilty of this
>>17277939>Czech>PalestinianAdd some Iranjeet source. Palis were raped by R1a Jeets during the Persian Empire.> We found that the Hellenistic and early Roman population can be modeled as a mixture of the local population, Beirut_IA (88%–94%), and a Central/South Asian population (6%–12%) (Tables 2 and S8 and Figure 2C). We then analyzed haplotype segments shared between the ancient Lebanese and modern populations in set 2 by using ChromoPainter44 on 2.5 million imputed SNPs and found that two Hellenistic individuals (SFI-5 and SFI-12) and one early Roman individual (SFI-11) had excess haplotype sharing with Central and South Asians (Figures 2E and S9), thus confirming the qpAdm results. The relationship of ancient Lebanon with Central and South Asia also manifests in the presence of haplogroup L1a1-M27 among the modern Lebanese Y chromosome lineages (Figure S10). Haplogroup L1a1-M27 is common today in Central and South Asia but rare elsewhere (in the 1000 Genomes Project,45 this lineage was found exclusively in Sri Lankan Tamil from the UK [STU], Punjabi from Lahore, Pakistan [PJL], Indian Telugu from the UK [ITU], Gujarati Indian from Houston, Texas [GIH], and Bengali from Bangladesh [BEB])
>>17276721israelis are khazars (turkic, not descended from judeans), palestinians are arabs (semitic, but also not descended from judeans)
>The universe is deterministic>So, I don't have free will!Is this the most midwit philosophical view in the world? Why do so many scientists fall into this trap when compatibilism has been written about so richly from so many angles?
>>17283025>You could have not posted and gone outside to look up at the sky instead.That thought never even entered my head so no, I could not have done that. Even if it had I would not have made that choice, because my brain isn't wired to leave warmth, comfort and entertainment to go out into the cold and look up at a dark sky doing nothing. When weighing those options against each other there is no outcome where I choose the second one.
>>17282858God knows I will eat ham for breakfast tomorrow, he even reveals this as a prophecy Tomorrow comes and I simply utilize my free will to choose cereal for breakfast. What gives?
>>17282971>I don't share their opinionThis don't have anything to do with opinions, it's about how language is usedClearly there's a historical precedence for the word 'choice' being used, despite it being impossible for you to choose anything else
>>17282844Look, if you are saying 'true symmetry' is incompatible with determinism, (if you are not saying that, this is just silly burden shifting)Then I would just not grant that the thing- 'true symmetry' is a thing that exist, in need of an explanation whatever phenomena you want an explanation for is merely false symmetry, and got a casually determined explanation, just like anything else that has ever been explained
>>17283148Go read a little brainlet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry_in_quantum_mechanicsIf you’re going to say something doesn’t exist in the standard model you have to explain why if you don’t want to be immediately discounted as a pseud.Regardless, how do you rationalize determinism with our
The Judeo-Islamo-Christian assertion of a personal god which demands we lower ourselves before him, act out of severeness and submission for fear of offense, and that reverence in its presence should manifest as quiet and solemn sternness... I find it to be untenable. It's the result of mending religious belief with the flawed insecurities of man-made systems. A belief in a bureaucracy, because the dogma was formed by a bureaucracy. In this flawed scope, this celestial bureaucracy is naturally headed by a chieftan just as small and unimpressive as one could expect to be imagined by mediocre minds which elevate such nonsense.In my lived experience, I find no divine light in this system. I do not find it personable, nor do I find it truthful or reasonable. I have known god to be lighthearted and jovial, of infinite compassion and understanding, incapable of taking offense. To spit a thousand of the sharpest curses, laced with the most potent emotional venom at the almighty is met with a cocked eyebrow and dry smirk. Like a child declaring "I hate you!" to a parent. A lesser parent is struck with daggers to his heart. A wise and legendary parent merely finds the rebelliousness of youth to be predictable and a droll affair. God of course is the wisest and most legendary parent of all.The tomes of rationalizations that ivory tower great "thinkers" have wasted their time penning in justifying their conception of god... they all fall flat on their face. In direct experience with that being of omnibenevolent grace, even the harshest of emotional toxins are trivially brushed away. That is what miraculous phenomenon is. But the small minds of men project their own experiences of tyrants onto god, because they are deaf and blind and know no better.This is the greatest tragedy of Abrahamism. I pity them so much.
>>17281423something something larpagan something something jews something something christ is king something something
>>17281423That really only applies to Islam and Jews because they hold according to their beliefs that God is external to them and will condemn them for failure. Conversely, under the new covenant the resurrected body of Christ exists as his people upon the earth, the living God, to execute his will in his name for the glory of the kingdom he established. Properly, in Islam they ought to be bowing to the vessel of the spirit five times a day and not some stupid cube. But Christians these days are little better, basically having been made noahide jew worshipers.
The fact you posted that pic suggests you're dealing with some severe homosexual urges OP.
>>17281423>This is the greatest tragedy of Abrahamism. I pity them so much.Do not weep for us; weep for yourself and for your furchildren.
Thoughts on Hyper-Solomonic Accelerationism? What will this new worldview be like?
>>1727520315 and above makes you eligible for execution in Sunni Islam.
>>17275591and who would do the executing?
>>17275591Is this a cope you invented to feel less gross about Aisha? There is no specific age for adulthood. It's first menses for girls and first pubic hair for boys. Read the account of the extermination of Banu Qurayza again.
>>17276469>and who would do the executing?Sunni Muslim dynasties that conquer these Judeo-Arab ruled regions. Just like the good times.>>17276494>Is this a cope you invented to feel less gross about Aisha?What's Aisha got to do with any of this? And feel gross for what exactly? You sound homosexual.>It's first menses for girls and first pubic hair for boys. Read the account of the extermination of Banu Qurayza again.Biological maturity OR being 15 counts as maturity. Either could make you eligible for execution. I would personally go with the latter. Now if we're talking Jewish POWs, then biological maturity is enough to execute them.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baligh
>>17271545I got it... we need to convince the Muslims to all drop themselves out of helicopters onto the cube in order to teleport themselves to their new mecca until they realize they are retarded for worshiping a fucking cube.
>>17282669>Self-styled Warrior and Sword of Islam>Proceeds to rape and massacre more Muslims than anyone else in history
>>17283039t. Bulgarianschizo.
No Living Tradition>No Canon>No Real Presence>No Explanation for the past 1000 years>No Doctrine>No Hard Ritual KnowledgeAll of it is (((Interpretation))). You have your beliefs -> You become "Neo-Pagan" instead of believing in Neo-Paganism -> to generate what you believe. It holds no accountability for its followers because any "unjust" action it is just an interpretation away from being considered *actually* canon. So you larp as an 9th century Scandinavian in the vain belief that if Paganism wasn't destroyed today, it would not have changed beliefs at all. You couldn't even go with pagan religions we actually have well known written sources about because it is too demanding to follow even a modicum of prescriptive religious actions. Basically paganism is hedonism with an ideological bend, it's a way for Atheist to larp belief without having to concede to actual articles of faith.Paganism is a fashion statement.(This post got a ton of Larpagans mad on /pol/) remember that antisemitism is a christian derived concept and has no pagan counterparts.
>>17280510They’re both right. Germanic polytheists do not believe in a hard division of matter and spirit, the two are intertwined and closely related. The differentiation is, as with anything in Germanic polytheism, one of priority. It’s a gradient, basically, as opposed to each thing— matter and spirit— each constituting one discrete thing.Humans are matter, and magic is spirit, but the Holy Gods are both matter and spirit.
Has anyone read Edward Butler's book on Proclus? He argues for polytheism using concepts from neoplatonism
>>17275709kek /thread
>>17280151>>17280136Paganlarpers sodomites have an fair point i admite
>>17275679she's right, the only living "pagan" religions are hinduism and watsdin