What % of Germans are real Germanic and not low-grade Slavic or Alpine Celtic language shifters?
>>17514229>Most present-day Germans can be modelled as three-way admixture between SGermany_EIA (54.5±2%) [Celtic], NGermany_Roman (33.8±2.5%) [Germanic] and a third, northeastern European source (here Latvia_BA, 11.7±1.2%) representing further admixture introduced after the initial admixture event, potentially connected to Slavic-speaking populations migrating into eastern Germany during the Middle Ageshttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-01888-7
>>17514246Celtic master race
More developed countries trend towards cessationist denominations because they don't believe in supernatural shit and only value religion for its social, political and psychological utility.Less developed countries trend towards charismatic denominations because they're superstitious.
Sure, let's see how long it lasts
>>17513751>>17513780Politics, power >>> religionI'm at the age, after studying state-building & nation-building mixed with historiography, that politics of power are the nucleus of everything – and religion was an offshoot out of it, not part of it as co-equal. The mixture of “king god” is where it all came from.
>>17514063So you're a midwit
Was Jean Monnet's dream of a unified post-war liberal peace in Europe a failure?
>>17514205You can't start wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan and not expect people from those regions becoming refugees.I wonder who those first three mentioned wars were for, hmm... Libya became a launch point for immigrants and refugees from all over Africa too.
>>17513197It's only a failure because you elected a cuck for your president. What a pathetic display, really. You even fell for the idiotic meme of multipolar world spread by Russian propaganda.
>>17514216>muh warsFuck off, most refugees are nothign more than adult male economic migrants from countries that dont even have wars.
>>17513822>>17514114No, the Russian Empire only conquered Ukraine over the course of the 1700s. Slavs didn't even live in the southern half before the late-1700s.As for the Slavic north of Ukraine, they predate so-called Russia. Between the Mongol invasion of the mid-1200s and the Russians arriving in the mid-1700s, there was 500 years of separation between the then-former Kievan Rus and the fake Rus (Muscovy). Hence, they've always been separate peoples with distinct histories and cultures.
>>17514224economic migration is the result of imperialism and neocolonialism tanking much of the world's economy
So these are the superhuman Aryans that conquered the Roman empire.
>>17514148No, these were.
>>17514148Was Belisarius Italian-like?
>>17514174>back-stabbing your host that invited you to joint fight against the saracensdouble-faced germs chimping out again
>>17514186It was the Byzantine Emperor who congratulated Saladin when he captured Jerusalem.
Why do Catholics get so triggered when they find out that the typical Orthodox position is that the Catholic church is quite literally heretical and that Orthodox don't have the same positive view of Catholicism as Catholics have about Orthodox?
>>17512292This. >>17513866Also this. As a Catholic, most religious Orthodox and Catholics would happily jump into the trenches together. Muslims, atheists, and liberal secularists are far more dangerous to our worldview than we are to each other.
>>17510538let's just revert to kill each other already jfc
>>17513903Too bad your kike worshipping cult is dying everywhere that isn't SSAfricaIslam won
>>17514150aren't arabs basically browner kikes?
>>17510538every catholic priest needs to be castrated and have his teeth and fingernails ripped out with pliers.
What exactly about this universe is supposedly fine-tuned?
>>17512805Have you never had to go to work but the sun was late again?
>>17514084Yes I have worked in the Arctic
>>17512805Boring question. With all the advanced tech we have now for exploring and studying outer space, all the distant planets we have observed, no one has found so much as a shred of evidence of life existing ANYWHERE else in this whole big universe. With that said, why do people still insist that aliens "must" exist somewhere as if its a given? Why cant people recognize who special people really are in the fact that this planet has life and that we exist as the masters of it as the most intelligent beings?
>>17514095The sun is not late in the Artic. Its always the same it's ever been.
>>17513004these claims go with the older canard that "mathematicians agree that events with a probability lower than 10^-50 are impossible". it's shit all the way down, they have no way to assert anything about the probabilities in question, if indeed probability is the correct concept to describe the situation.
What caused this?
is this ai-generated?
>>17514208It's real. They're really that retarded. Masonry and British Israelism fried his brain.
Try to refute him
>>17510906less sadohomoerotic nazi
he refuted himself because he is italian and i am not
>>17509034He's right, but nationality is also just a feeling and not a reality.
>>17514137If a nation is unified under a single overarching logic then that’s a reality and not a feeling
>>17509034>Race is a feeling, not a realityObjectively false.Race = Any group of genetically similar individuals, the more similar two populations are, the more compatible they are.
How come Muslims follow a religion made BY and FOR their race? That empowers their ethnic group while crosstrannies follow a loathsome homosexual rabbi who was a zionist and called gentile dogs, unkempt bushes meant only to serve jews who are the master race and whose salvation comes from them?Is christianity the ultimate shabbos goys self-humilliating cult? I mean crosstrannies literally enslave themselves voluntarily to kike settlers to get YWHW blessings or something
Islam has never been about race. The Damascus Umayyads tried to make it an Arab ethnoreligion but their regime was toppled in 750 CE.
This was fo show.But fo real, america imported many nazis.
>>17513865those were just germans, not nazis.scientists are usually liberals who have to pretend to be nazi in a nazi regime to get funding.
>>17513865I have still yet to see anyone explain why nazis are bad
Why couldn't Iran become a unified state like Russia did?
>a unified state like RussiaLike the eastern Slavic tribes being united after the mongols were driven off? Iran in the modern day is as unified as Russia is in the modern day too, it's like saying Russia isn't completely unified because it doesn't have control of Belarus.
Iran can't just randomly conquer countries around it. The geographic, ethnic and sectarian factors prevent it. There are rival powers that would back these resistance efforts or join in against Iran. Russia only faced resistance to its west. Even the Ottomans to its south weakened over time due to ineptitude.Russia conquered a lot of land to its far east that was sparsely populated, reaching all the way to North America. Russia also conquered and genocided a lot of states and peoples closer that found themselves isolated from the rest of the world, including the wider Muslim World. But that was between the 1400s and mid-1900s, so some of you may ask what about later?After that, with the rise of Arab regimes, Pakistan and Indonesia, the Muslim World has been dominated by disinfo agents and idiots whose job is to gaslight you and to distract from oppression, conquest or genocide that Muslim peoples suffer by redirecting attention to a handful of meme issues. Salafist retards decided in the late-1990s they want to start a "Global Jihad" against the US... By completely ignoring and kneecapping the actual struggles going on around the globe.Even in the the 1990s there were insurgencies or civil wars going on in Tajikistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, North Caucasus, Thailand and the Philippines. Muslims have been suffering in Myanmar, China, Indian Assam, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Mozambique, DR Congo and various other parts of Africa.Russia's regions can be liberated, but you just need the Jews, Arabs and Leftists to get out of the way. Hopefully, the US is on board when it comes to liberating China's occupied regions. Xinjiang and Tibet are the most likely, but Inner Mongolia and Qinghai/Gansu/Ningxia deserve to be liberated too.
>>17513767If I remember correctly, the military superiority of Muscovy over the Turco-mongolian khanates were largely supported by the introduction of firearms earlier than to their opponents.Persia could have a chance to push out their rivals if they introduced musket factories from Russia at that time.
Why are protestant and catholic communities in ulster so radically politically different, historically speaking?
Why do Euros LARP over the Confederates so much? I don't get it.
>>17512521They're Scottish you retarded nigger
>>17512498Not just live in the same country, their communities are equally spread through it. It's not like you really have a majority protestant part and majority catholic part like languages in Belgium.
>>17513921It’s not as clear cut as Belgium but the only counties in NI with Protestant majorities are Antrim and Down. That stretch of the east coast is the only part that really feels like an Ulster Protestant country, otherwise their communities are more like little enclaves in a sea of Catholics
>>17512350What a schzioroom
Now that the dust has settled, which one was the most incompetent/retarded? My vote goes to Nicholas personally for stubbornly insisting on staying the course and avoiding even token concessions that could have averted catastrophe. It's like he wanted to die.
>>17510555>He inherited a nation with an extremely entrenched powerful nobility desperate to protect feudal privilegesThe nobility supported a lot of the reforms proposed by the general estates.
>>17510772>That led to the February Revolution in 1917 and he got the boot.February revolution started as a drunken pro war party.
>>17512127Fleeing was the only chance he had to make it out alive that far in to the revolution, do you really think not committing the crime of going on a carriage ride would have saved him from Robespierre? He should have just fled sooner. Or if he was going to act much earlier, throw his lot in with the army and peasantry and give some legitimacy to the revolution clearing out the absolutely awful entrenched nobility. Or done basically anything really.>>17510429Charles was the worst, because he was the architect of his own doom. Louis and Nicholas got handed bad situations and chose to just stick their fingers in their ears and pretend everything was fine right up until they lost everything, while Charles did everything in his power to turn his entire country against him, ensure the radicals took power, and gave them no choice but to cut his fucking head off.
>>17513065Uhh, treason against yourself, your grace. Now we must defend the crown by killing you.
>>17513544Some of the nobility did eventually. Let's not forget that the problems that hit France in the 1770s-80s had been building for a long time and the nobility refused to entertain paying their fair share in taxes until it was way too late for it to actually make a financial difference. Once the third estate broke away to form the national assembly it didn't matter that the nobles were backpedaling and suddenly supporting reform. Feudal privilege was a dead issue at that point and they knew it.
Why did none of the Spanish Colonies go the way of Brazil and stick together? Virtually all of them broke apart immediately.
Brazil was not unified before independence, Brazilian troops conquered the northern governorate of Grão-Pará and forcibly integrated it to the south. In practice Hispanic America administration was very fragmented and the few attempts at unity did not succeed because they made little sense. In fact it's a wonder how these countries didn't split further, Argentina being a single country can basically be called a miracle of the universe.
traitors and power seeking cowards
>>17513597They were all basically their own states with their own ideologically driven leaders and elite classes of people.
In Roman society you would only legally be considered an adult at 25.
>>17513989Makes sense desu
>>17514018>full legal independence (sui iuris) often did not occur until the age of 25. Before that, young men were considered vulnerable to exploitation in legal matters, which is why Roman law provided special protections (lex Plaetoria) for those under 25
>>17513989Human brain stops developing around that age so that makes perfect sense
>>17514059Unless you have ADHD, in which case your brain doesn't stop developing until your early 30s.