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Let us post and talk about interesting historical women.
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She'd castrate you.
Don't threaten me with a good time.
What a stunning argument. Well thought out, well sourced, and well written.
Slowly. Very slowly.

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One of the biggest academic debates ever, and honestly it just comes off as "le based Pagan vs le cringe Christcuck" or "le based Med vs le cringe Nordocuck." My stance here is a "yes, but..."

For starters I do consider the period up to 1066 ad objectively the real dark age, and there are valid arguments regarding literacy, living standards, size of cities and military, etc. compared to antiquity until the Renaissance. Some people might blame the barbarians or Christianity (for me I mainly blame the Romans), but I don't have any prejudice, it's just how history happened.

I also accept that even in this dark age a lot of light happened. Important technological innovations like the spectacles, windmills, universities, hospitals, firearms, and a lot more to list. Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals also were impressive, and the music notation that we know of emerged.
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i mean, a hungarian physician from the 19th century was scoffed at and forced and beaten a mental institution for merely suggesting washing hands
The Dark Ages refers to the early Middle Ages, not all of it. And what happened during those centuries? We almost never hear of them. This was also the period when Rome became the Byzantine Empire, or in other words, a Middle Eastern shithole.

>it just comes off as "le based Pagan vs le cringe Christcuck"
There's good reason for that. Christian missionaries are annoying, arrogant morons today, and no doubt were back then too. All of the Abrahamic religions have annoying followers. They're terrible religions.
but why is paganism scrutinized? how come christians slandered the nordic pagans as human sacrificers?
It kinda depends on how you define "The Dark Ages" though. A lot of times people don't use "Dark Ages" and "Medieval/Middle Ages" as synonyms. In this case the Dark Ages refers to a particular era of Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval periods before Charlemagne where Western Europe very much did undergo a period of economic collapse, severe population decline, a breakdown of centralized authority, plummeting literacy levels, violent migrations, and other assorted bad times. The problem is using the term to refer to the entirety of the Middle Ages instead of just a specific part.
>but why is paganism scrutinized?
Because the Abrahamic religions turn people into megalomaniacs. This is because they're derived from the Greeks, who themselves were megalomaniacs. The Greek word for barbarian meant "not Greek." Paganism, similarly, refers to anyone not Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. These religions don't respect the other.

Now the dust has settled.

How do Nazies and Jews feel?,
that it has been proven that Slavs are the most closely related to the ancient Aryans, especially the Lithuanians,
and that Arabs are the most closely related to the ancient Semites, particularly the Hejazi Arabs.
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well, jews will be seething for one
Can you link any sources for this? More specifically the Lithuanian part
bad boys
It's based on the old meme propagated by Marija Gimbutas that Lithuanian is the most conservative Indo-European language, both phonologically and grammatically. Then again, according to 4tranners, Tajik saaaars are actually the closest living relatives to the ancient Sogdians, and in turn to the Yamnaya people.

Nobody's ever proven anything about Proto-Indo-European or about the language spoken by the Yamnaya people btw

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If you were East Asian or brown (Mexican, Indian, Arab, etc.) what fountain were you supposed to use?
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That act specifically didn't apply to Mexicans anyways, but I will contend that they created a category for southern Europeans.
hispanics weren't white in my state ever and had to use colored doors. spics that didn't got beaten up and thrown out
>Not true, the feds made mexicans their own race in the 1930s to ban them from immigrating then made them white again during WW2 so they could be brought in as agricultural labor
what the "feds" do didn't matter, they weren't white by state codes who enforced the laws. They continued not being white until the Federal government banned states from separating people like that.
They really don't
puerto ricans basically don't exist to americans even though they completely ruined places like new jersey

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/his/, talk to me about elves. What is the oldest mythological version of them on record? What did they originally signify? What scholars talk about them? What did Jung think about them? Was Tolkien's elves accurate to pagan lore?
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the Dan/Danaan are specifically the greek colony of Adana, which moved into egypt along with their Luwian allies which eventually became the Levitics.
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The part about Nietzsche at the end seemed shoehorned in, otherwise an interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
What do you make of the Christian witch trials across Europe like Scotland and Scandinavia in which elves and magic became associated with the devil? It seems to me like elves were an intrinsic part of European pagan mythologies and related to tradition and lineage, and Christianity subverted all of it and made pagan traditions seem demonic and corrupt.
I think it proves a complete and utter failure of the narcissistic patriarchic Roman Church and its "protestant" offshoots of including the feminine psychological heritage of Europe into its newfound "truth" in scripture.
The witchtrials serves as a testament to just how detrimental and insane a complete subordination to the powers of literalism and autistic aspergers can be to the fields of medicine and psychology.
I think a good analogy for this in the present can be seen with how the psyches of Elon Musk and Donald Trump is maxxed out on masculine traits to the point where an average joe from the street would have a hard time relating and truly understanding their POV due to not sharing the chemical composition of the highly hormonal masculine brains and how their logic system is built.
When an entire society that is built from the ground up on masculinity and literalism comes into conflict with a society that is based on medicine and femininity,- misunderstandings of genocidal magnitude is bound to happen for the same reason why our immune system has an inherent response to unknown substances.
the witchtrials "wasn't their fault" on grounds of them biologically not having the means or wills to understand the rivalling lifeform.
This is quite literally what "aliens" is. until we find a way to integrate with logic what medicine truly is into the literalist worldview that we today know as "science",- medicine will forever be alienated by the narcissistic literalist church.
so in normiespeech;
The church at the times of the witchtrials was sperging out like Elon and refused to accept that females function from a fundamentally different valuesystem that is more or less chemistry and medicine, whereas the ROMAN church funtion from a literalist kind of "digital" form.
Basically Galileo and the rise of heliocentrism,- but for medicine,- where the narcissistic biblethumper horde refused to accept medicine as a rivalling field of truth and information.

I never signed any social contract.
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You were born in a nation with a social security number and a birth certificate. Your parents consented for you. You can leave any time you want.
Don't care + didn't ask + ratio + descendant of peasants + kings are gods
No human is an island. Just as you never signed a contract to be your Parents' child, you did not with the State. Yet you will remain of a child of both.

Your kind of rhetoric is useless and only popular among angsty children.
Ok fine, you get your way.

Now the next day comes Bob the Despoiler, also a free sovereign citizen, but he happend to form a posse around himself and has declared himself the scourge of God. He now demands you to sign his social contract or to become part of his skull throne.

What do you do?

People are afraid of being fined or their heart rate skyrockets if a police car shouts at them to pull over, and you're here.

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Where is the word “sola fide” in the Bible (or in tradition)? It’s nowhere to be found. Thus, it doesn’t come from God.
This Bible verse also disproves sola fide:
Hebrews 10:26-27: “For if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.”
>Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Where is the word Trinity in the Bible?
Where is the word "homoousion" in the Bible?
>(or in tradition)
The Reformation started over 500 years ago. It's a tradition, even if it isn't your tradition.

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What made you stop believing in Christianity?
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Homeless crackheads
I believed from birth in gnosticism.
No you didn’t
Discovering its jewish origins after being told the truth about the holocaust. The same people who enlightened me about the holocaust turned on me like rabid dogs when I tried to point out christianity's origins as jewish.

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Despite the issues with the world today, there exists no third world shithole where any ruler can act like the emperors of old with naked slaves building monuments. Even if there may be some forms of slavery, rulers can no longer be overt or overextend themselves for fear of the human rights organizations.
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Wasn't this a product of capitalism and Ford?
Anon be honest, has capitalism ever made anything better?

PPP & inert inflation per annum won't make a difference.
You ought to know this by now.

Insurance companies will be the next to end in bankruptcy. Just you wait...
>You replace coercion with survival and you're not the bad guy anymore.

Say it, again...
>just this year 2 governments of them fell and liberators have taken over. Syria for example that had a history of being ruled by dictators and communists.

You don't know what's going on.

Just started watching Cambrian Chronicles. It's great.
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Stefan Milo, kings and generals, invicta, let’s talk religion, told in stone, asmr historian, mark felton, the modern hermeticist, weltgeist
He promoted the medieval feudal socialism meme (not even taking into consideration his mindless twitter posts). He is a mentally ill retard that needs to shut up.
explain this and what twitter posts did he make? I do like watching him as Welsh history is pretty rarely covered anywhere.
He produced this absolutely indefensible video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvk_XylEmLo
Oh I thought you were talking about Cambrian chronicals.

I wonder what really went down
would also love to hear
Any Trojan war vets out there willing to share? Did Odysseus really chuck an infant off a balcony?
Any Trojan DNA samples? That's the real question.
I'm betting they looked like IA MKD coupled with Halicarnassus anc 2 and Mycenaean
Sieges usually end because someone panics or is bribed to open the gates.

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Why are these people obsessed with trying to define white using genetics and not phenotypes?
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>d&c rat pretending to be white
Lol, you people are a miserable lot of intolerable scum. No wonder Jesus called you spawn of the devil.
>Christianity is when you kill niggers and Jews
Latinxs only care about phenotype. They will call a castizxs and menagroids white.
>French person and Chinese person have the same complexion
"Dooood!! They're the same! You can't tell which is which!!!"
>Two siblings have a slightly different complexion
why so you keep false flagging and making these garbage posts. it's brownoids that deny genetics now because it actually proved us right and you wrong, it proved that you're not white

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So, is it the same ship or not?
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Fucking retard yes it is. Let us put it in something more relatable.
You own a car. You get a flat tire. You replace the tire. Is it a new car? No. You then get rear ended and your bumper is fucked. You replace your bumper. Do you have a new car? No. Do this over and over until every part is replaced. Do you have a new car? No. Does insurance say you have a new car? Fuck no. Can you sell it for the same price you bought it brand new? Retarded if you say yes because no.
Stops being the same ship when less than 50% of the parts are original. Simple.
If the parts are gradually replaced, then it is still the same ship even when none of the original parts remain, because the original parts have transferred the ship's essence to the new parts. If the ship is entirely replaced one part at a time without being utilized as a ship, it is not the same ship. This is the scientific answer.
ESL christbeaner
Depends on the context/what you're trying to say. The map isn't the territory. Names aren't actual objects, they're abstractions pointing at objects. "The ship" , "the old ship", and "the refurbished ship" are labels that describe a tiny part of reality that's relevant to the discussion, but they're not the actual reality. Sometimes it's useful to make a distinction between the old and the new ship but other times it's irrelevant.

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Enemy of Rome
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I used to think Carthage and Rome were both on the boot because I thought boats sucked back then
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This has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read.
The righteous power of Rome
It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?
I now need that Brad Pitt meme to say 'stone them' instead of 'shoot them'

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Historically speaking, why were greeks so cucky?
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What American told Turks to move to Germany and the Netherlands?
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>with the support of Russia
15% of Russia's population practices Islam and is rapidly growing with a projection of 30% by 2034 you fucking moron.
The first generation of Turks in Germany immigrated more than 50 years ago. I would be impressed if the AfD could expel them
Give me a name and some proof otherwise you're just making shit up.
You just have to have the balls to start shooting them if they refuse. The rest will comply.

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