Despite the issues with the world today, there exists no third world shithole where any ruler can act like the emperors of old with naked slaves building monuments. Even if there may be some forms of slavery, rulers can no longer be overt or overextend themselves for fear of the human rights organizations.
Yes goyim trust the (((organization))) experts
>>17423619I mean for all the systemic flaws we really don't have any more masters with a leash forcing people to build mega structures, we also have a rest weekend. If anything the issue is people abusing human rights.
>>17423619Who are these experts you mention, anon?
>>17423610by definition, you cannot "invent" rights, only assert, people in modernity have utterly confused privileges with rights, so I forgive you if you hadn't known what rights are prior to making this post.
>>17423707Its true, that's what makes them universal and beyond race, religion or political affiliation. That is proof of the superiority of humanism over other more primitive systems.
they aren't an inventionno man or government gives you rightsif that were true, they could take them awaynatural rights come from God, that's why it's wrong when the state or other men violate themstatist boot lickers want you to think the government is Godthey are not, far from it
>>17423610Pharaohs still exist and slavery is still a fact though
>>17423610Human rights are a meme that the UN spreads to feel good about themselves and cope with their powerlessness. They don’t really exist.
>>17424081That's where 4chan confuses me. Some anon mention how they are a corrupt bunch that cause more problems than they solve by furthering political interests but at the same time are powerless in their policies.
>>17423707>by definition, you cannot "invent" rights, only assert them.?????????????This isn't true at all. There are no necessary rights to a secular individual, only those rights which you bargain for as part of social contract.
>>17424162So do rights belong to the Nation?
>>17424167Insofar as a nation is the people who live in it? Yeah, I guess.
>>17424162There are multiple accounts of social contract theories. Natural right theories like John Locke are on one side where people naturally have rights and then on the other side you have duty based theories like Immanuel Kant. Imamnuel Kant basically states that every right involves a duty and that constructs your social contract. Both hold a base human rights exists but then build more local rights and duties on that.
>>17423610Human rights are just cultural interpretation and imitation of freedomYou might not be a conventional slave, but do you not subconsciously act as one?
Except in places like Russia where prisoners and sent to frontlines, right?
>>17424627You simply can't compare being forced to work all days of the week for over 16 hours a day and have my sons be also force to work as soon as they're born for 12 hours minimum on threat of death or getting the leash.Current youth and boomers cry and shit themselves over not being able to afford a house simply because they're lazy and entitled while spending all day browsing porn and using masutbratory devices while also mutilating their genitals. Current era is heaven compared to life for slaves in the ancient cultures.
>>17423628Neither did they Egypt, those people on a leash are captured foreign enemies, not peasants
>>17425475Yes and overlords in the current world can treat their prisoners like that because thanks to the United Nations we got the Geneva Convention.
>>17425479Sure those prisoners in Ukraine or Palestine are doing so swell… you delusional MORON… that Geneva convention sure worked with Nazis…
>>17423610>>17425467No things aren't any better because every other person on earth is controlled by God as a retarded tranny hivemind and he believes "my employer" has a right to gangstalk me and rape my mind and terrorize, harass, abuse, threaten etc me for literally anything I do or think. It's God who enforces that having a job makes me a literal slave of my employers, who he believes should be allowed to assault, mutilate, injure, abuse, stalk, steal from, etc me however they want without consequence, he already abuses me for thinking, playing video games, watching tv/movies, eating food etc but his abuse becomes even more magnified if I become employed because he believes literally everything I do or think should have to affirm my employer's superiority over me, that my employer is "a king" and I'm "a peasant", that my employer is a "different and superior species" to me. God would get triggered if I spent money earned working on anything, including food, if I saved enough to retire he would just steal it. God will literally murder me if I "start a business" and has already stolen millions of dollars worth of rap music from me that I created (objective value as in that's the profits received by others, I received nothing) he stole a video game website I bought and would have killed me for continuing to host video game tournaments. He abuses, threatens, terrorizes, harasses etc me if I think about ways to profit off anything, he threatened to murder me when I was like 8 years old for fantasizing about starting a business selling chocolate covered popcorn, and years later even tried to present himself as "generous" or "merciful" towards me for not murdering me as a child for this.
>>17425498Only on those territories not managed by the United Nations it happens. Once the entire world is finally under jewish control the Geneva Convention and Human Rights will finally apply to everyone in a diverse and inclusive way!
>>17424092>furthering SOMEONE ELSE'S political interests>powerless in their OWN policiesA gun is powerless. A man with a gun isn't.
>>17425613But whose interests?
>>17423610Don't cartels have slaves on islands?
>>17425829Afaik they don't, thanks to the governments keeping things in check and the power of democracy balancing things out.
>>17423610Conversely, what could be a possible way the Pharaohs and a government like that of ancient Egypt could be created in the modern era?
>>17425661Depends on what the issue is.The US is easily the country with the most influence, but it's not like you don't see others making moves.
>>17423610No one seems to agree what the rights are. That's why the first and most important right is the right to free speech, as from it all the other rights are discovered.
>>17426338What would be needed to get a revival of the ancient Egyptian empire, pharaohs and all?
>>17423610Isn't the entire elite of the western world currently carrying out an open blatant bronze age genocide against civilians in Palestine? Seems to me that "human rights" have always just been a means to selectively disrupt goy nationalism, none of it applies to the global Jewish elite. If some granny in France complains about Congolese rapist cannibals taking over her neighborhood that is a crime, if that same granny complains about French support for the genocide in Palestine that is also a crime, there is no consistent principle here other than naked Jewish money power.
>>1742546716 hours?Stop spreading bullshit.Because niggers slaves they use to see in the dark, and now they lost this superpower.Btw go in every restaurant, everyone work at least 16 hours for day
>>17423919>if that were true, they could take them awayThey can and do. What?
>>17423610>Human RightsNegroes didn't get human rights in America until 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed.
>>17427107>Isn't the entire elite of the western world currently carrying out an open blatant bronze age genocide against civilians in Palestine?But once again, its not the same. One thing is genocide and war which has been a staple of human civilization since the dawn of humanity and a very different one is having an emperor or pharaoh openly taking those same Palestinian civilians and forcing them to build him a pyramid or monument. Even now prisoners of war treatment is regulated so no human can be mistreated as a prisoner of war.
>>17427197>forcing them to build him a pyramidManual laborjust isn't as valuable as it used to be.>no human can be mistreated as a prisoner of war.Execution by anal rape is standard open policy in Israel, the country which constitutes the beating heart of post-wwii Western liberal democracy and which is unconditionally backed by every ZOG state. Human rights is just a meaningless smokescreen for retarded goyim cattle, it is only applied when goyim try to assert their interests against Jewish power.
>>17427135Good niggers are not human
>>17427499Could they be turned into a slave race again?
>>17423610Are the United Nations a good organization?
>>17424313There are no duties strictly attached to the exercise of individual rights. Duties are imposed as part of the bargain under a social contract, but as we know from contract law, consideration is simply whatever the other parties agree to. I could make a contract to buy an acorn off of you for 1 trillion dollars, and it would be a valid, binding contract, even though there is clearly no parity. Applied to the social contract, we can look to modern democracies to see a rough equivalent of this example. Consideration is not equitable. The people forebear the ability to contest the legitimacy of the government in exchange for tons of rights and protections.That is to say, I as an American citizen get the right to free speech, and freedom from illegal searches and seizures, and due process, and all the rest, and my only duty pursuant to this contract is not being an anarchist
>>17427846What if they aren't enforced or there's no organization that can enforce them?
>>17423707So human rights are already part of reality?
>>17423610Human rights truly were the United Nations' greatest creation
>>17428296This is often why duties are seen as reciprocal. In reality, the ability to enforce this is immanent in the social body. The question is what procedures are connected to it. Kant's Doctrine of Right is an example of a response to the issue as well. Basically, every negative right and liberty is a positive right and duty to someone else in a distant way. If I violate that, basically, the whole state is mobilized against you and different mechanisms depending not he contract can manifest to subdue you.
>>17428736What if I violate my own rights? Wouldn't that break Kant's doctrine?
>>17428896Yes, actually. This what underlies paternalism in political philosophy. You an also temporary loose your rights or permanently under certain conditions such as when you drink you can't drive or rationally consent or if you get dementia. The social contract entails that society can stop you from hurting yourself in come conditions. Some like John Stuart Mill rejected this. Preference utilitarians may also appeal to the rational preference in a type of social contract theory as well. That is rational observer is the real object of the social contract.
One way to think about it is that the social contract creates positive and negative rights and liberties. These liberties trigger for those who follow the social contract and the consequences maximized or realized by the contract. If you defect in some sense or do an action aganist it can go change what rights or liberties you have. Hence, the idea of criminal justice. Various tests exist to test whether actions are rational and are within the social contract. John Rawls is a famous example of this. Basically, if a being would not from legislate from impartial position based on not knowing who they are in society , then it would not be within the social contract. Other models appeal to empirical economics like the capability approach which looks at the ability to do things and realize or actualize liberties and not simply having a right.
Sorry duplicated a video.
>>17423919There are no "natural rights", because rights did not exist in the state of nature. Under the law of the jungle, every man does whatever pleases his ego, for whatever reason he deems necessary. Rights exist because we believe they exist, much like God.
>>17429579Just like laws
>>17423610They can, some do, and human rights organizations do jackshit. Specially the UN doesn't do jackshit when harm can be prevented, only does it decades after the matter has settled down, and to obvious unpopular villains.
>>17429968>Specially the UN doesn't do jackshit when harm can be prevented, only does it decades after the matter has settled down, and to obvious unpopular villains.What can they even do without armies to enforce their will? Only "strongly condemn" what happens around the world.
>>17429968This is more a critique of international governance and international coordination than social contract theory. Social contract theory has no problem saying states can fail and not do their end of the bargain. That is also the realm where you enter political science and leave political philosophy behind.
>>17429579This is one model of social contract theory. There are also natural rights models too. Some of these appeal to an innate rational ability as the ground of rights and others have a connection to Latin Western natural rights ethics.
>>17430071An interesting detail is that Buddhists had their own account develop totally separately from the west on their own but built from Buddhist metaphysics. It worked differently but figures like Rennyo developed an idea of private rights and public duties. However, the idea was to separate private Buddhist ethical precepts from state obligations.
only on 4chan will you find people trying to justify slavery just to be a contrarian
We do know that ancient philosophy had social contract theories too. There is evidence of it for example in Plato's Republic, in which Glaucon seems to float the idea. However, actual social contract theories were endorsed by Epicuerans and the idea of innate rights also appeared with the Stoic philosophers. The Epicurean view of social contracts was seen as highly developed and responded to many criticisms of previous versions. The section on Justice of book captures this.
>>17430122>only on 4chan will you find people trying to justify slavery just to be a contrarianAnd that is something I love about this site. Nothing is forbidden discussion except maybe cheese pizza.
>>17430138>>17430077Who were more in the right?
>>17423610Slave labor still exists.
>>17430433Where? I don't see them leashing people while forcing them to build monuments.
>>17430433People call having a 9 to 5 job with paid vacations and free weekends slavery now. They're a bunch of pussies and parasites sucking off hardworking CEOs and billionaires.
>>17430046>Human rights are le good>By the way sometimes human rights fail and that's life, cope with it.Human rights themselves have flaws that don't recognize much less try to fix vices of human society. For example claiming that every person is equal when there's limited ability, limited intellect, limited sociability and limited social mobility from just being born in one or other stratum. At best it recognizes children and retards having limited options but for the rest of humanity it backpedals and pretends they meant "equal opportunity" when things stop being fair, or doubles down on absolute equality when it comes to elections, which often enables populist dictators to go into power and dismantle inconvenient human rights.There are other things it doesn't recognize such as the carrying capacity of each region, thus it endorses ridiculous things like housing for everyone, reproductive rights etc. Obviously all of these arise from HR being created in a time when humanism was the philosophical current of the time and never once thought human population could grow limitless.
>>17430532What would be a proper way to fix them?
>>17430388Epicurean social contract theory is the grandfather of most western social contract theory alongside an account influenced by Francisco Suarez and Baroque Mexican philosophers. Hobbes and Gassiendi develop from it. As a theory though it exists as something like a probabilistic utiitliarian calculus. Basically, people come together to mutually avoid harm and produce stability. He held in some sense that this was natural and simply a kinda drive to polity while polities that sought abusive ends perpetuated more instability and basically lost out naturally. They would basically create mental messes.Here is a lecture on a later developed version.
>>17431033Buddhist social contract theory is more of a normative aspiration outside of Bhutan. Bhutan has Buddhist constitutionalism, and there it is a way to think about how how individuals relate to the environment, the monarchy and society. At the core of Buddhist social contract theories is a type of consequentialism focused on one's character. There are various sources for it but they often center on the idea like those found in the Aggǹǹa Sutta and the Agamas of an election of leaders who act from compassion. The idea is that ideal aspiration for a ruler is compassion and lessening various types of suffering. Actions should be done minimize harms to other sentient beings but also produce conditions conducive for that. Sometimes this is an imaginary position one should adopt. One thing that separates this view from the western is that it focuses on spontaneity of acting. Santi Ashok in Thailand is a movement that openly advocates for such an account but the biggest example of this is Rennyo Shoniin, the reformer of Shin Buddhism.
>>17430532They don't try to fix moral flaws directly but they do want to create conditions by which a person can improve. The best example of laying that out would be the capability approach account. The idea being that those rights you talk about create conditions for moral improvement and the ability to actually choose things. The idea being coerced choices poison moral and psychological development.
One important detail of the Buddhist account is that the ruler who is chosen to rule is not the person who wants to rule but does so out of compassion. They are taking one for the team and in practice have to minimize the harms they do as much as possible but rule out of the needs for others.
>>17431091>They are taking one for the team and in practice have to minimize the harms they do as much as possible but rule out of the needs for others.How are Buddhists so wise? They truly live in a superior more civilized way than mutts
>>17431158Buddhism >>> Christianity
>>17430294The only difference with the legal version is age.
>>17430077Need to read that one. Based buddhists
>>17423628>I mean for all the systemic flaws we really don't have any more masters with a leash forcing people to build mega structuresyeah you do, it's just not a physical leash or structure. instead of a whip you have the IRS seizing your assets if you refuse to comply, and instead of a huge limestone pyramid you have an even bigger pyramid, only in scheme form, whose purpose is to aggrandize those above you and giving you, the slaves, something to do. We're living in dissimulated ancient egypt
>>17432553>instead of a whip you have the IRS seizing your assets if you refuse to comply, and instead of a huge limestone pyramid you have an even bigger pyramid,Zoomers shit themselves and cry when you're already given a free weekend to rest and enough money to survive. If the government could force you and your children to work 90 hours every week or more. You are just ingrate goyim who don't appreciate the hard work we do to keep things running.
>>17432573>enough money to survivethere's a housing crisis going on, yahwehite
>>17432585Because you spend it all on funkos and other useless shit. If you could live like your parents and save money instead of wasting it all, you wouldn't be in a crisis in the first place.
>>17432593>stop spreading avocado on toast
>>17432595Yes, if its expensive do as your parents and endure the temptation. Work harder so you can rise in the ranks, goyim!
>>17432573>If the government could force youThe government won't do anything that is less than optimal to preserve itself and effect control. What you suggest is a worse solution for that purpose than what we have now. No point in literally enslaving people when you can compromise to get less enough civil unrest and have the output be the same. You replace coercion with survival and you're not the bad guy anymore.
>>17432693And yet no one can build a pyramid or a monument to their ego anymore. The might of the state and of leaders is diminished.
>>17432699Who says they can't? It's absolutely within their hands, and not either beyond them. Many already have achieved a cult of personality, and states have all the faculty to obliterate any organization that challenges their sovereignty, they can do it either through insidious means like passing laws directed against them, can afford to overstep their rulings through illegal military action, and can attempt to do a military intervention through rulings as well. This is not beyond them even though a segment of society democratically wants to secede or to get autonomy by any means. The state is still absolute and more so when it's sovereignty comes from both a nebulous concept such as popular vote and conventional force. By all practical means, the pyramid has more steps, placing the bricks in a different place has allowed it to grow larger. Still the bricks can't move on their own, they can't fall off the pyramid either.
>>17432711Any examples? I just see all the dictators being deposed by the UN, just this year 2 governments of them fell and liberators have taken over. Syria for example that had a history of being ruled by dictators and communists.
>>17432722Is Syria free now and how have the maps changed?
>>17432711Elon is a good example of this. Will he be remembered as a savior?
>>17423707you can absolutely invent rights just like you can invent concepts like nations or Religion. there was a time when the idea of rights simply didn't exist until someone invented it and spread the concept.
>>17424092>the enemy is both weak and pathetic and strong and hyper-competentclassic /pol/brain stuff
>>17431091One reason why some are hesitant to state that the Buddhist account is a traditional social contract theory is because it basically focuses not on justifying the state or ruler but rather actions or policies. However, some have argued this is true of other social contract theories too, that in some sense they are just structures or systems of coordination and not 'things' at all. The Buddhist account builds from the view that there is no essence or substance and even casual states you experience are a part of the social contract.
>>17433590Another lineage of social contract theory developed from Hobbes and the Hugo Grotius. This account competed with the account of Fransisco Suarez, the Second Scholastics and Mexican Baroque philosophers. This account can be thought of as partially at least at first as a kinda Protestant response to that account and the but grew into it's own account separately from that and eventually developed a focus on political economy. This occurred through Samuel von Pufendorf.
>>17433590How good were Buddhists at defending themselves if their rights were violated?
>>17433942It depended on when and where. Killing is not considered skillful in their ethics. Basically, they would do a bunch of practices to minimize the negative karma if they had to kill someone. As a result, they tended to favor professional militaries. The idea being that a professional military would have to cultivate mental qualities as much as possible to weaken the negative action. One took one for the team when one killed or hurt others and that karma would produce certain consequences. The idea was that samara is not just and karma is not fair. The goal was to transcend it. The goal became about maintaining the best conditions.
>>17433942They would prefer nonviolent methods of subduing others and focus on restorative justice if possible. However, you can see Buddhists as taking the view that there are no good options at times but to hurt or kill.
>>17424169that is the most bizarre definition of a nation I have ever readwhat you are describing is a territory.
>>17433956I did not think about it till know but Buddhists have a view of restorative justice much like us now actually. I mean here the policy oriented account. The only difference being that they care about the consequences to the character of everyone involved. Here is an account that kinda lay this out in a lecture on Buddhist ethics. Pic is of a book on restorative justice, the actual policy version not the popular version you would see on TikTok or something.
>>17433981The more I know about them, the more I kneel to asian wisdom
>>17423610What are the great achievements in Human Rights matters?
>>17435770Afaik the 8 hour work week
>>17435770Pretty much all worker protection laws, all transparency laws, all free speech laws, all freedom of belief laws. There are obviously many models of these but these really arose with social contracts.
>>17423610You can thank Moses for that. The concept of human dignity was completely foreign to the Egyptians; they thought only Pharaoh was the image of god on earth, but the Holy Spirit through Moses revealed that all men are the image of God.
>>17438517They had a pretty developed ethical code that actually was more developed than other near east peoples. Ignoring whether that event happened or not. The Wisdom of Ptahhotep is a good example of this. The earliest example of such text we have evidence of is the Teaching of Prince Hordedef. A huge focus on women being respected and consent are noted in their texts for example. The teachings section of the book in the pic has some examples.
>>17438571I'm sure modern Indians have some sort of moral ethical code, and I'm also sure some of it wouldn't sound foreign to us. Like paying money for goods and services being socially acceptable.That does not excuse India's caste system, which is the fundamental base unit for examining what they believe about the dignity of a human being. Egypt was no different, as a caste system society.
>>17438584They did not have a caste system but they did have a very stratified society. You could move up in society through military service, literacy, or elite favor. A trained slave could easily be freed under certain conditions. Further, they did believe in rights. For example some of their wisdom literature points out that moral rules applied equally.
>>17438606Moral rules applied equally, such as any insectoid subhuman standing too close to the Pharaoh would be killed. I'm sorry, it's not anything like what civilized society (Christian society) professes.
>>17438617In this context, it refers to equal moral status to humans. Although, in their case some animals like cats had an equal moral status with humans as well.