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More of her?

Remember: All request threads belong on /r/.

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1) When posting something include the artist and character/show name. If it's part of a doujinshi or manga then give the name of that as well.
2) No loli or furry shit.
3) Ecchi, Yuri, and Yaoi Belong on their own boards. (/e/, /u/, and /y/)
4) All images must be of Japanese/"Eastern" origin and style. Images of "Western" origin and style will be removed.
5) If you want to make a request then take it to /r/. This board is for people who wish to contribute. If /r/ does not fill your request it is still not okay to post it here. If you contribute a decent amount of board-related material then feel free to request, but not before.
5.1) "itt [ass/bj/whatever] thread" and only posting one image is a request.

Every global rule applies as well.

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1. Requests must satisfy /h/ and global rules.
2. To conserve posts, do not bump, re-request or second requests.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art, go to >>>/ic/.
4. Be patient. Deliveries take time to draw.
5. Edit requests (inks, colors, de-censors, etc.) belong in the edit thread.
6. Artists, post deliveries for requested art only. Unprompted art belongs on /i/ and /ic/.
7. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying "working on this".
8. When asking for prompts, please post an example of your art so we know you aren't a troll.
9. No AI deliveries or discussion. Go to the appropriate threads.
10. Do not waste posts on meta discussion till after the bump limit. The drawthread is not a chat room or your personal blog.
11. Ignore, filter or report off-topic posts, drama and trolling.
12. Wait for page 10 at the bump limit before making a new thread.

Previous Thread: >>8099062

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requesting yonaga angie from danganronpa matting pressed by an invisible anon
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Requesting Anisphia & Euphyllia from "The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady" getting fucked while the other watches like on the pic on the right.
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requesting cattleya from queen's blade, pregnant and lactating while restrained with her arms up and her legs fully open
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requesting this cowgirl with serious honkers squirting as fuck
Not OR but damn this is great

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"Think fast" edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

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oops talking isn't bad, i mean comparing your shit constantly.
I get internal thoughts and it should be kept that way unless asked but behavioral changes, passive aggresion out of nowhere, and anxiety is just way off

im always casual unless im attacked

wtf im not evil, ok im leaving haha
God I hope he means it
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im not evil still wtf
ok see you guys in other further time
ur mom
ok have a nice day
I'm now convinced that anon is either on the spectrum, or esl. Maybe both.

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Previous thread: >>8107039

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box

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You sure those are poorfags and not just elitists? I see bitching in almost every thread because art posted doesn’t meet some unwritten standard.
first delivery from salpin
>artist organizes panels left to right for an english speaking commissioner
such kindheartedness
Okay how the fuck do you upload albums to catbox, guys?
Register/Login -> User Area -> Manage Albums

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Thread for BBC related content
>What kind of content are we allowed to post?
Original art, edits, anime-styled game screenshots, and template sharing are allowed. Vanilla and NTR content are welcomed.

Guidelines to follow. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING:
>Follow /h/ rules

>Raceplay content involving racist slurs, other races/ethnicity except the bull and girl, or hateful remarks on any race/ethnicity is NOT allowed (Black Male Property, Refugees Welcome, Snowbunny, and etc. tattoos are fine)

>Content and discussion mentioning BNWO, Black New World Order, and race/ethnicity statistics is NOT allowed

>Subtle edits are NOT allowed (Casual Wear edits that are very clear and obvious are fine)

>Discussing your thoughts on an image's content, waifus, or new ideas for content is welcomed HOWEVER;

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I can't remember exactly why since I made the first few cards months ago. I think it was the idea black men performing a cum tribute on the girls hence Bukkake counters. That and I just really like how ritual cards look.
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Holy that's a nice render she is so thick, is it from a pack?
It's just cause ur gay
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she really is
Anyone know what artist mix mirham uses?

Bootleg VR Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>8027875


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

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I hate Elon for killing twitter mirrors so much. I don't want to make another alt account, and opening these posts on my main is going to ruin my twitter algo for weeks again.
second this
even though iorithm uploaded two weeks ago, i need more of ro.
is this the 2000s?
where to 2k video at?

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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://koharu.to/?s=tag:^netorase$
- https://hentainexus.com/?q=tag:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK

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Are you fucking stupid? We had like three reportings, we had her reporting while he rested on her lap sucking her huge tit while she gave him a handjob and reported, you're fucking stupid, completely drooling retard and you're ruining this threads. Get out.
It's nts, it's just very vanilla nts. You don't need reporting or the cuck to get off on his gf/wife cheating to make it nts.

>VN above it's more mitigated because the husband just come to the realization his wife just can't help it and he will just have to accept it.
That's not what happens.
>Bf learns that the girl he's into is loose
>Still loves her and ask her out anyways
>They hit a brief rut because she sexually frustrated
>Bf decides that if it's for her happiness then she can have sex with other men in addition to having sex with him
>Fastfoward to the end where she lamenting that she's a dirty girl and the bf deserves better
>He rebuffs this by kissing her and telling her that he still loves her just like he did when they first met
>She tells him she loves him and they finish the route off by having sex
Like I said before. It's a very vanilla nts. And it even falls into a lot of people criterias in this thread.
>Is she loyal

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>Cuckold reporting
3 separate scenes, excluding both the the "live" reporting scene during the threesome and the text messages between them put over a sex scene
> sloppy seconds
He literally licks the last dude's cum out her pussy
>femdom teasing
She is a sub
>reassurance/jealousy sex
That's half the douijin? Are you fucking speedreading a hentai kek?
> unconditional love
Even during the cucking scenes almost all of the dialogue is from her interactions with her BF instead
>corruption but loyal
The entire point of the work is corruption, hell Sadao talking about doing some ryona next

Sometimes i wonder if people like you are actually sapient or not, you're as blind as Sadao is kek
still sound kinda light but anyway doesn't really matter Atelier sakura stopped being interesting a while ago, even marina honestly is kinda mid looking back, their next work is supposedly netorase but I bet I will still be kinda disappointed because they deliver slop like a fucking checklist every month, there is no passion in their work.
Nobody likes sloppy seconds in the sense of licking the guys cum out of their girl. That's less cuck shit and more straight sissy and gay shit, which while the overlap you won't find many people enjoying that here. Sloppy seconds is more just having sex with the girl after she's been dicked down. Netorase Club is good tho aside from that

The Kao no Nai Tsuki/Moonlight Lady VN appears to be getting a remake. Hopes, fears, expectations?
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The OP of >>8113109 here:
>Also what was the connection between the two titles?
It was a question if someone played the VN and found the connection btw both games.

But to answer your question: yes, they're connected... in a sense.

Originally Touka Gettan was conceived to be a full Kao no Nai Tsuki sequel, hence it's original title was "Touka Gettan -Kao no Nai Tsuki II-", and the first art reflected this such as this pic.

You can see Momoka had a different hair colour in the beggining, which could mean she either was Suzuna and Koichi's daughter or descendant. Also the clear Kao no Nai Tsuki II in the pic.

However something must've happened that Root decided to drop the Kao no Nai 2 subtitle and Touka Gettan went from a sequel title to a spinoff or something related to the original.

Thus Momoka's hair colour was changed to her current one,

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IIRC, the Touka Gettan anime also had Io show up as one of the servants at Momoka's(?) manor.
This is considerably more energetic than I was expecting. Admittedly I never played the original VN so my only exposure to Kao no Nai Tsuki is the anime.
I hope it gets a remake anime, weren't we missing a girl?

Trying it again
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Rape kissing/non-consensual kissing thread
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Holy hotness. Sauce?
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Probably not what OP intended but I always thought this one was funny and hot at the same time.
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Thirty-fifth edition

Previous Thread: >>8055665

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition

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Has there been any news on Succubus Affection 2? I've not heard or seen much of anything about it, aside from some sprites that were shown off forever ago.
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Any other games like picrel?

I fucking love whoring my girls out, especially since in picrel you can build them up, take their virginty and THEN whore them out.

Doesn't necessary need to be monster girls.
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Still in development. There's a post every month about progress.
There's a ton of brothel management games
Brothel king is my favorite, lots of custom image packs to download
picked up

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W2C horned demon down for abuse and snuggles?
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I love this psycho bully. And her big ass
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Yeah, which can be especially BS when what she's in "canonically" isn't what you like. Like the blonde, tanned elf girls who are hot as hell but are canonically raped by orcs, and NOBODY seems interested in drawing fan-art of them NOT being raped.

On that note, the girl you put a picture of (Makoto) here, have something from a project that was abandoned due to the artist becoming an unreliable twat. (I became friends with him and then started loaning him money, instead of strictly remaining just a commissioner...bad idea.)
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Fuck it.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Here's something I did on my own for fun awhile back. The original reference for the Makoto picture was an animated gif, and I used that to try and come up with a similar animation for this singular picture. This was as far as I got, but someone might enjoy it.

Any artwork depicting anime girls getting blinded by sex.
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>Fucked up eyes
Never ever link that again.
isn't this just ahegao?
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don't have a whole lot i can post since this isn't /d/ or /aco/ but i love this trope where the girls eyes show how fucked up she's getting
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only other pic i can drop in confidence, sorry OP

A beautiful garden of lilies is best watered with cum.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Previous thread: >>7936025
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It's like he decided for some reason it'd be hotter if she was just clucked and abandoned rather than joining the fun. Nanoha's womb sure looks like a good place for a baby...
Where? Saucenao doesn't return anything.

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