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While watching I've come across several hentai that have censoring mistakes lasting a frame or few.

Most culprits are early works from PinkPineapple. So I was wondering if Hentai has really bad quality control.

Also, share a few ones if you have found such
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What? Where did you hear of this?
Is it censored or is the file just corrupted at that point?
Censoring issue. Apparently this is from an earlier version shown to the Chinese. Someone found the error and leaked it on Imgur.
Is this an actual mistake?
Yes. It lasts for a single frame so you really need to pay attention.

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Who's the hottest and prettiest?

Hottest: Nami or Robin
Prettiest: Vivi
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Starting with the newest one
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God Fern is such a prime fuckmeat. Body designed for everyday filthy rough gangbangs with the most random, despisable men.
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Offers free rimjobs to every ugly bastard in every village and town they come across.
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You are completely wrong. She has child-bearing hips, cute thick eyebrows, funny and endearing expressions, tits, style and fashion. She's prime fuckbait.
Twitter has invaded it seems.
>nooo you can't like things for the wrong reason

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Post your favorite hentai / doujinshi where there's a high age gap between the lovers (keep it legal)
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go check out the femdom thread, they have a bunch of dilfy goodness.
Im worried if repost it here the thread might get taken down or the mod might get pist
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It looks like many boards here had a massive wipe. Are you ready? Prease continue.

>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

"Sexy AND cute and she knows it!" edition.

Magipoka turned 18 years old a little over a month ago! So if Liru was 15/16 years old then, she would be 33/34 years old now!

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Looks like seismic was on the road right by me a day or two ago lol.
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It's funny, my plans happen to go to some of the places he went to on his trip. I was just at Kushiro Marsh today but I didn't see the Tanuki he did. That's quite a coincidence. I didn't even know he was on a bike trip until I came into Hokkaido a few days ago.


Also, what kind of weird spider is this?

t.entomologist, not an expert in spider phylogeny
looks like an orb weaver, or at least the superfamily. Tryingna find one with those candy cane legs

Araneus marmoreus, the marbled orb weaver, iNatralist has ones with those same patterns confined to a few parks east of Sapporo
Neat. Thanks. This was from the park I previously mentioned.
Funny coincidence
Hokkaido looks nice to visit

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Pururin was still up yesterday and I lost years of favorites in my bookmarks. I'm fucking pissed. It was apparently seized by the US gov.
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Most Non-H stuff are guidebooks and manuals that are very useful. Yes, having them in E-Hentai in the first place is odd, to say the least, but should E-Hentai go, what will happen to them, huh?
Could be real

Fakku is famous for reporting you for distributing cheese pizzas if they can't intimidate you with their copyright claims
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Good, you fags are mentally deranged

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Links to him
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Aarokira really should focus more on anal scene, he very rarely does them and its usually 2-3 pages. Same for the ages, its a very very niche thing to have doujin on a 60yo woman, his Training Flowing latest doujin was a masterpiece. Combining both might be.... aye aye, I have a boner already.
Agreed, His anal and kissing scenes amazing
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What are some little things that come up on doujins and illustrations that you can't resist, but aren't exactly a fetish of their own?

For example, I'm not a footfag but these weird dancer stockings (no idea what they're called) absolutely destroy me
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Lolis and shotas fucking alongside adults.
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Being forced to go commando, usually by another and their opinions and feelings on the matter being told. Even better if they're wearing a short skirt and try their hardest to hide it.

Seen a few doujins with that concept but nothing amazing. Got this fetish from that Hentai Karen which I still occasionally watch for that scene alone.

This ones good too, saw a really decent furry one of two foxgirls kissing while incredibly angry at one another and from what I could gather if they didn't their clits would get shocked. Made me diamonds from the concept alone.
Sauce please.
click the blue triangle and saucenao
Gakuen Rankou by Jairou.

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==For years, these were though to be lost media.==
A little story:
>In the uncensored version of the anime, all the sexual scenes involving the little ninja guy, Nin-nin, were deleted for some retarded reason, (apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage) and people thought for years that these scene were lost forever.
>Alongside these, there's also a bonus scene that wasn't even present in the original Japanese version, where Miko Mido gets teleported to a classroom where a bunch of punks molest her, right before teleported to the S&M club for the dominatrix scene.
It would be cool if someone with the right skills could put these forgotten scenes back in and make an uncut version of the hentai anime.
Unfortunately, the classroom scene is lower in resolution, only 320x240, so if someone has the right AI upscale software, it would be better to first upscale this one to 640x480 to match the rest of the anime before putting it back in.
Also, all these scenes, since they never left Japan, are sadly still censored, i have no idea if a drawfag with the right skills could also edit the censored frames so that the final release could be uncut AND uncensored.

There you go:
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Isn't that a monster?
What eps are these from?
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New VN announced from Bugbug.com!
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Is this Akagi Rio's art? Ever since Otoha from Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei, I've been hooked on Rio's milfs with fat tits, I've been dying for another hit
No it's not. Akagi Rio hasn't done any art, at least in the visual novel market, since December 2022.
Pity. I've gotten some of the doujinshi she's made in the years since (they're great), but I'm hoping to see the next great MILF on Otoha's level from Akagi....
I was reading the interview again, to answer the person who asked if there is going to be a scene when the main character sneak in the girls room at night, the answer is yes. In the interview there is a part that says something like this "The protagonist is in a training room full of erotic tools. Since he is a man who is fascinated by women, the erotic scenes are often flashy and extreme, using sex toys to make his prey cum. Also, he sneaks into a girl`s room late at night, and there are situations that can only be found in a girl`s dormitory"
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That's nice.

Wonder how the map selection is going to look like, will we have a proper map style choices are will it be more similar to the one used in Kazoku.

I also wonder how often Bishop is going to use the heart eyes in this game.

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The more humiliating the better
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how do you live with yourself
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NTR is cringe, how about loving NTS? You're getting cucked but the wife fully stays in love with you.
Can you fucking kill yourself

Previous iM@S Thread: https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7933007
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Fumika sucking cock
this is still one of my fave foomys
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Yumi wants to suck cock
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Tose joining in
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Post HMVs.
Discuss HMVs.
Don't be a dick.


>What are HMVs?
They're Hentai Music Videos. Try fapping to the beat.

>Where may I find these?
Folders and new releases are typically posted in this thread. You should also check the editor list:

There is also a torrent. Some users have problems downloading with utorrent ruTorrent/rtorrent, try alternatives such as qbittorrent.

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drama yippee
each to their own I guess
some people prefer sensory overload whilst others might be more into reasonably slow paced content with scenes adjusted to match the music

I couldn't see myself reading the first half of this as it is kind of bs to even argue about some preferences
why not respect one another?
>Do you have some sort of god complex or something?
oh the ironing
Such's links are dead. Is he listed under some different name on Kemono or is he not there?
You mean the very thing you're doing right now? lol
New thread

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Resurrecting the nuked thread in the vain hope of this being translated in some form.

Nuked Thread - https://archived.moe/h/thread/8052146/
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Agreed, He is on same level as Etuzan
Translator Anon, could you throw us first three scenes's translaiton as text file?
I tried to translate the raw text scene by scene using the free gemini api. I was initially successful by lowering the nsfw-censorship limits but even on the lowest settings it wouldn't translate the out and out H-scenes. Seems we're going to have to wait a few years until nsfw is allowed on these platforms or the free alternatives catch up to the current GPT/Gemini translation quality.
I don't mind but what for? You want to inject it into the game to see if it works? I gave up for now but maybe i will try again from scene 4 in november/december
>You want to inject it into the game to see if it works?
Yes and someone else might pick it up later. So there is no 0 start again. We dont even have MTL to use as starting point

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