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Anytime specific measurements are mentioned. Cup size, bust size, ass size, cock size, etc.

I'm not talking about adjectives like "big", "huge", "small", or "long". Cup letters, centimeters, inches.

Starting off with Koukou/Pure by Tanishi
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16 cm is just a tiny bit above average. Not big
It's a japanese artwork, the average size is 13 and they are the biggest in Asia anon of course 17cm is gigantic for them outside of porn
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Any proudly stated measurements for small boobs?

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Previous: >>8046303

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looks promising.
Damn, called it >>8105251
Shame. Proves agaun Koreans have shit tate.
>what went wrong?
>loser gets a magic sex app and becomes a cocky sex god story #567
Looks like "Is It Your Mother or Sister?" will be finished in a couple of chapters.

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I am gonna post every game published by Empress (art by Seishoujo) to discuss and for your pleaser, there's official translations and machine translations. Hope you enjoy!
I am gonna post them in release order, all but cleavage, no translation for now.
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What distinguishes this studio from other studios, OP?
the artist goes for stylistic realism instead of simplifying things like faces which makes the art nice to look at
Could someone help me, im just an big fucking stupid monkey i dont know how to run thi

i downloaded the Sleepless torrent and run the ISO file but now what? i tried to launch the game but it didnt work, should i download file host or what? Also how does it work the translations
The dick guillotine.

Crack it >>7935456

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Images preferably of the butthole, rimming/licking/eaten all acceptable.
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Tired of seeing sad pathetic NTR/Cuckold hentais? Post the most wholesome hentais you know with others. The type of hentais which restores your faith in love, brings happy tears, sweet arousal and crave human affection.

Thread rules:
- Strictly no NTR/Cuck hentais
- No Loli/Shota/Bestiality
- Don't be a jerk to others
- Requests should satisfy /h/ rules
- Always post sauce with the post
Bonus: Impregnating, pregnancy, including the couple start a family/having kids

(Sause of cover image - https://nhentai.net/g/488048/)
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https://nhentai.net/g/497373/. Easily the best wholesome one I've seen.
I just really like the feeling of this doujin.
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https://nhentai.net/g/520557/. Generic wholesome hentai. Solid 7/10
Damn, it's not finished!
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Kimi wa Akaboshi

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348170/Kuroinu_Redux/ Steam
https://www.gog.com/en/game/kuroinu_redux GOG
https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1337 Mangagamer
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Trying to do a few fanarts of Alicia, I have a few other works in progress.
nice model
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Its ever explained what happened to Vult's lineage? We know Radomira took control of the empire from the previous king... but how the fuck the whole empire changed names and stuff so fast?
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The writing underneath the symbol says "Black Wolf's Castle Realm" in German.

A lot can happen in between the 150 years I guess
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Alot sure can.

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I see you're on this gem that just released in english too.
I'm going to get a loooooot of faps out of it.
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Try to catch someone's interest in a doujin by posting one page from that doujin.

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The detail of the artwork is amazing. Does anyone know where the rest of this artists work is?

They go by 'Hana Ohikori' and there doesn't seem to be anything anywhere. Even though it carries a poor plot for porn it'd be a shame if this version of Wednesday wasn't continued.
i found the artist but i don't think they have actually made those other episodes listed. it looks like only the x-23 one is probably done if at all. there is a bunch of art for x-23 but it looks more like non-porn comic art.
Clearly a western artist affecting a faux japanese-looking name but then mangling it so that it's like "Jihn Smoth". What a retard.
You are useless.
Artist also goes by "chikoritawow".

as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
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Post girls letting those fat tits hang
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ben quadinaros' wife

Literally 24 years later, what would we give to have a Reverse NTR concept where Imari is a cuckquean watching her manwhore boyfriend Minase being reverse gangbanged by Shiraki and the other girls?
Three toes, the eye of a mule, not one, but two firstborn-stillborn fetuses from a single mother, and a McRib.
It's disturbing how well a McRib fits in with the rest.

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what could have been edition

Previous thread: >>7948971

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

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Why would somebody mention if they can read Japanese? You can just grab uncensor, basic plugins and play away.
(you) are a canon cuckold, so no
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Event Add-on Pack Vol.16] [Special NTR]: https://mega.nz/file/E8F21T7a#KP2-kFmCs9yCFdntl85pveUMXI26ZdZq5Szdg_DXkYg
>Special NTR
what's this?
multipart ntr storyline for com trio. scenario written by https://vndb.org/s2612.

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Kyonyuu Fantasy 5 slated for February 2025.
Will post CGs and characters as they continue to come, but someone else is going to need to translate them
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According to the article, KF4 was supposed to get an IF version but the project died because of Covid.
No idea. It seems that many VN labels are changing their artists for some reason. Like with dessert-soft tomefure Fan-disks. The art is totally different from the originals. Not terrible but not great either
>is smart with the retorts
I hope this means he will mispronounce people's name.
That stupid joke has grown on me.
Same here.

I also enjoy the assassin trio in each series. In KF5 they are in service to the mc
A new VN announced on Getchu for WAFFLE


From what i gather, its about a MC who has a long friendship with one heroine that borders on love, but he is in a relationship with another heroine he met in college. VN is about his relationship with both. Not sure if this will be a Yandere or vanilla threesome.

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Welcome to the gangbang thread! Post and discuss gangbang related content here.
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