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Post your cutest miku everyone.
72 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
abmayo the fucking goat
i wish he'd do more animations theyre so good
tight pussy looks great and tits look good
i love her face
balls deep in my favorite vocaloid
fuck that rabbit hole
insanely fucking sexy
i fucking love rabbit hole so much

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What kind of tiny 2000s hard drive do you have? Images, even super high resolution ones, take up hardly any space. My cheap ass Wal-mart laptop came with a 1TB hard drive.
even then it should be him who needs to seek out thumbnail size pics, rather than encouraging them to be posted here, where the rules explicitly specify that only the highest quality is acceptable
Yes, I'd take a bullet for abmayo, whoever it is, the motherfucker deserves it. Single handedly keeping the Miku lewds relevant, and the art is amazing too. I'd love to see some Miku art by gsusart of mochirong too.
Cutest Miku itt

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On late October Tosh will be a special guest in Italy at the Lucca Comics and Games as the author of Shokugeki no Souma. Fuck
Maybe we should have a hentai news thread so the catalog doesn't keep filling up with zero-reply threads like this one?

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>*saves hentai and creative expression*
but will it be more available to the states soon?
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You're thinking JCB and Discover

Into the trash it goes. Good riddance.
uhh based?
Are we supposed to know what this is about?
yes, if you aren't some tourist

Girls at the club, working two poles at once
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Looks like half these idiots haven't heard of /e/, either.
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You either post pics or shut the fuck up, bitch.
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There's no sex in this pic, anon.
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> runs away from the cops
> kills the security of the strip club
> sneaks into the strip club without an id
> meets ayana tora
> pays her for sex
> fucks her at the private room

Guys fucking women older than them. Teacher, senpai, friend's mom, co-worker... Preferably no incest though. Manga and manwa both fine. Bonus points for doujins with artist name.

I'll start with the manwa "Don't tell mom" by Noah
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Normally like shota and loli but my favorite doujin are just these morons fucking each other in a silly and sweet way
Young girls are made to be NTRd by older women
Looks more like he's showing her desu.

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348170/Kuroinu_Redux/ Steam
https://www.gog.com/en/game/kuroinu_redux GOG
https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1337 Mangagamer
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So awhile ago I was in the /tg/ solo rpg thread and I had an idea for a choose your own adventure quest that's like Kuroinu. You're a barbarian ruler, and the realm is ruled by a bunch of snobby noblewomen, and you've decided to take it upon yourself to make a harem of them all. Very Vult/Rance/Genghis Kahn in concept. Instead of doing anything useful like make a gameplay loop, I made a random 'noblewoman generator' for fun.

Roll up some characters for that Kuroinu 3 we'll never get.

I can't post the PDF directly (thanks /h/) so here's a link
Heritage: (01) Human - Noble Regent: She rules this kingdom because it is her birthright.
Title and Realm: (05) Princess: A principality centered around premiere artisan workshops or foundries
Primary Terrain: (1) Coastal
Secondary Terrain: (8) Tundra/Arctic
National Wealth: (2) Times are tight, but people make due
National Defense: (5) The army is well funded and mobile

Age: (4) Distinguished in appearance
Height: (1) Very short for her kind
Skin Tone: (4) Sunkissed
Face: (1) Square, well defined jaw
Gaze, Public: (10) Serene
Gaze, Private: (5) Easy going

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Since its Kuroinu related does anyone remember that HMV with Kuroinu and I believe a remix of Beethoven's 5th symphony?
Trailer for opiumud's Kuroinu episode 2
Not bad

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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
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jap self insert and the average jap is a pussy
I'm not required to explain jack and shit to you. And even if I did, you wouldn't argue in good faith since you're not willing to entertain any point I or anyone else could do about this subject. You've made your position quite clear.

So, once again, fuck off be an ally someplace else.
>regardless of whether or not it is real or fictional. Is a reflection or your character and what type of person you truly are.
>classmate enjoys the Friday the 13th series, guess that makes him a murderer
>housewife reads cheating and bodice-ripper novels, guess she enjoys getting gang-raped in an alley
>artist draws a naive loli getting molested by her male teacher, guess that makes them a kiddy diddler
I'll stand by what I've said relating to the subject matter:
NTR, rape, ryona, guro and even feet (fucking ew) existing as fetishes and genre/subgenres of porn isn't because some coomers and or gooners are secretly these wannabes of John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy or any prolific serial rapists. It is ultimately just bored and horny 1st Worlders in America, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea with plenty of free time and disposable income to spend in and or produce their niche fetishes.

Sure this is SOME truth to what >>8083367 says. It is undeniable that there are predators, groomers and other evil pieces of human garbage who do consume the same type of porn and it's subgenres. Yes there are some artists out there who have been outed as groomers, predators or sex pests who use their art, platforms and discords to lure in and entrap their victims. But ultimately these pieces of shit people are the minority, anyone with two braincells to rub and has common sense already knows actual IRL rape, sexual assaults is bad. And the predators and groomers that use their porn art, platforms and the genre communities as their "hunting grounds" do already get properly called out, shunned, ostracized and appropriately punished.

Lastly, rape (or gangrape) porn in any porn or doujin seems to just be elaborate hardcore s&m sex/group sex with or without roleplay elements, AKA; the "rapist perpetrator(s)" and the "victim". Its all just elaborate hardcore sex with mental gymnastics foreplay without any of the violence and trauma that real rape has.

Also I suppose this too
Weird (sometimes unhinged and nonsensical) cultural differences the Western mind cannot fathom. Hell, I am Southeast Asian (Filipino) myself yet even I sometimes don't get my fellow Asians too, the Japanese and their weird fetishes. Or SEA people from Muslim countries who're literally weebs engaging in otherwise haram and decadent Anime, manga and video games.
We actually need it. Don't include us on your sick fetishes anon

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Is this new?
No, this onsen one are old
Pretty sure it's just weak bump
I wish i can make a new poll to see how newfags to this thread answer
Yeah, distinctively bad

==For years, these were though to be lost media.==
A little story:
>In the uncensored version of the anime, all the sexual scenes involving the little ninja guy, Nin-nin, were deleted for some retarded reason, (apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage) and people thought for years that these scene were lost forever.
>Alongside these, there's also a bonus scene that wasn't even present in the original Japanese version, where Miko Mido gets teleported to a classroom where a bunch of punks molest her, right before teleported to the S&M club for the dominatrix scene.
It would be cool if someone with the right skills could put these forgotten scenes back in and make an uncut version of the hentai anime.
Unfortunately, the classroom scene is lower in resolution, only 320x240, so if someone has the right AI upscale software, it would be better to first upscale this one to 640x480 to match the rest of the anime before putting it back in.
Also, all these scenes, since they never left Japan, are sadly still censored, i have no idea if a drawfag with the right skills could also edit the censored frames so that the final release could be uncut AND uncensored.

There you go:
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Himekishi Lilia (THE GOAT)
Mahou Shoujo Ai
Twin Dolls (Twin Angels' prequel)
Soukou Kijo Iris (only the first 2 episodes are good, skip the rest as it turns to shit)
>either have boner killing snuff and gore
This is because, narratively, they were mainly horror/peril themed
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I really miss the "cute goofball" era of hentai. Scenes in stuff like Kuroinu and Taimanin are hot, but always ends in mindbreak. Let my hentai heroines bounce back from getting gangbanged and getting coated with gallons of cum.
>La Blue Girl Uncensored VHS
Is Ep.2 the only one you have?
Very good suggestions

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Breast size has nothing to do with milk production retard
irl flat milfs are fat bodies with little pancake tits
Its nasty
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Is there any MILF hentai where --
>The mother flirt and teases her daughter's childhood friend.
>One day she goes too far and the guy confess his feelings for her.
>He persuade her into having sex with him by guilt-trip her for all the teasing.
>The mother insists she only having sex with him out of guilt rather than pleasure and love.
>However she starts to get jealous when her daughter gets close to the guy and make similar expression as pic related.
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Why are the vegetables all mixed up together on the cutting board?
Rinko's cake is too hot

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What bitch can make you cum by just listening to her moans?
Depends on the performer
It's not so much the VA as the writing. New hentai is just so over the top, I cant help but roll my eyes at it. Old hentai was way better, slow build up to the end.
Milf queen Misonoo Mei
Satou Haruka
Haruna Ren
I like Harumi Sakurai
Her performance in Omae No Kaa-chan almost made me lose my dick.

Post One Piece Girls
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>Nami + Mai
I never thought I would need this.
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Our wife, you mean.
Nico has fucked all sorts of men just to survive. It's canon.

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Rules of the Thread, Please Read Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests"
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.
4. Only requested drawings should be posted.
5. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.
6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.
7. Wait for page 10 to make a new NTR drawt/h/read
8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this
9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread
10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads
11. No complaining about not getting a delivery before bump limit, just be patient or edit your request
12. Don't request anything that can cause this thread to get DMCA'd

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69 pose, senpai underneath her. She's moaning against his dick while squirting on his face as she gets fucked by the bull.
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This is great, thank you. Since you drew her preggo already, can you draw another one where the bull fucks her from behind while senpai fucks her pregnant belly? Nagatoro is teasing him at the same time.
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I can try tomorrow. Heres the version with the original image text
All right, have a good one.

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Fateussy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8084114

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:

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1106 replies and 250 images omitted. Click here to view.
love the style! which style lora are you using?
>pip cache purge
>purged 2217 elements
>Go to see disk
>I freed 32.5gbs of space
What lora is that? The lite version seems great
Thats the type of shit you find terrible when you are not horny but insanely good when you are

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