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Of all the series girls, which pair of tits is your favorite?
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>out of the 3 its the one that I have
I should've bought the daughter one...
I plan to buy both of the body pillows, I could dump the daughter audio, also there are 3 discs????
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This is the only image I could find right now
iirc it was a limited bonus when you bought both body pillows when it first released.
Is the new doujin with Reika and Reina's threesome in final form anons?

best feeling in the world
Busting in my auntie's pussy, no protection.
I think a very young niece on her girly bed would be much better than an old, over the hill woman with another guy less than a foot away.
Sorry but we like milfs in this thread and we must take all the opportunities to inseminate a milf.
Marry niece, have auntie as a side ho.

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Men Hard. Women Soft.
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I preferred his story where the girl accidentally groomed a boy into becoming an ultra gigachad.
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This dude keep busting gigantic nuts inside of her and yet hasn’t gotten her pregnant?
It's not funny when you post that on /v/ and it just makes you look retarded posting another boards meme here
Does the artist has allergies to breasts? He barely makes any scenes with breast sucking. Do you know how frustrating it is to see those breasts jiggle but that incel barely touches them,let alone sucking them!
uh huh
I actually think is one of the cutest vanilla out there, dude should have already put a baby in her though

Post and Discuss all things Yoko Taro characters. Pictures involving sex prioritized, sexy and/or artistic pictures to a much lesser degree.
A wise man once said: “Due to the 2B butt controversy, many outrageous drawings are being made. Collecting them to share individually is a pain. It would be great if we can group them together to make it easier to distribute them every week.” -Yoko Taro
Lets make that compilation brothers and sisters.
>Been meaning to recreate this after the /h/ Nuke, Every picture and comment has been reproduced as it was before the nuke.
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Can I say that despite everything, I would like to repopulate Earth with Commander White? I cannot post anything now cause not alone, but 2B is hot, but for me is White, I want to impregnate her from behind and suffocate in her blonde hair.
This, but with A2 for me.
Absolutely based

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MTL - https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/22448

No translation beside MTL yet
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I need more of these two whores!~

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Akina or Chizuru? From that onsen doujin
And explain why
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Fuck. I can't buy it on Fanza though... I will wait for the release on DLSite to buy it but until then i hope someone will share it day one
Hello, Korean bro
Come to think of it, where are you guys from?
I'm curious!
Western Europe
We are in november now so i hope he won't take too long to release it, i can't wait the samples are so hot

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You get the idea.
Previous: >>7658960
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Save us magi
sorry, I haven't been good at finishing stuff recently.
Nah, Nicholas isn't really interested in Nichijou and this type of stuff anymore, he largely just plays music and shit these days.

Also nigger ai penis btfo
Oh shoot I was just joking after the ai dump. Would have asked if you still did requests but just go at your own pace man, you're doing a good job

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Anyone else excited for the new game from Aiue Oka? Saimin Seishidou - Secret Lesson -

I think its pretty commonly agreed that the previous attempt at a game, Secret Desire, wasn't great. It felt like half a game and most of the scenes weren't all that interesting. But we're getting a lot more cast members here and some really interesting relationships.

I've translated the entire relationship chart that they published. For one thing, its set in the same universe as the Saimin Seishidou doujinshi / eroanime this time. Two of the girls, Mikage-sensei and Nagisa, have already appeared in the series. Nagisa was just a quick blowjob scene, but Mikage had a full doujin dedicated to her losing her virginity and getting mindbroken by Tanaka. I'm curious if they'll redo all of that in the VN, or if they go a different direction with her?

I'm also especially interested to see what they do with Airi. She's apparently a first year student who is extremely studious and a top academic performer. She wanted to join the student council, but got assigned as Tanaka's "assistant" in sexual counseling.

I'd honestly lose my mind if Aiue Oka do some cuckqueening scenes here with Airi, since its the one netori fetish they haven't touched on yet. The rest are pretty standard fare... the hot mom, the prissy discipline committee member, the tomboy. But I'm excited for it all, you can't neglect the classics!

Feel free to discuss and ask questions. I'm not going to bother translate all the individual character descriptions but there's a fair bit revealed already, so if you want to know more, ask away.
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I didn't even know saimin had a game.
I only like the tomboys and milfs
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Is Tsukimoto Kizuki (月本築希) tracing?
Cut off a 3

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How do you even separate NTR/cheating and other stuff when they can get mixed together like pic related? Why do Japanese mix them together in the same book like this?

Was there ever a trend of NTR artists switching to non-NTR like how we see vanilla/non-NTR artists start doing NTR? Is NTR popular in Japan compared to other genres?

Most importantly. how do you learn not to be bothered by NTR/cheating? Funnily enough, Korean NTR doesn't seem to do anything to me but Japanese NTR hits different.
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It’s doubling down on the humiliation/ degradation. It’s not enough you lost your girl, but the guy who took her is also a homunculus freak. Same thought process that has the girl become the town bicycle to rub in how far she’s gone.
>artist:poriuretan$ english -female:cheating -female:netorare

Tried this on exhentai and it still doesn't filter out all the cheating/NTR. What did I do wrong?
I disagree. Though yes, often the cuck is your typical normal guy, the more prevalent quality is that they lack confidence and self-esteem. They're too scared to confess or confront their interest. NTR is the result of lacking will-power. It is not the hard-workers that get punished necessarily, but the spineless. Otherwise it'd just be cheating and they'd move on, but instead they stay. Because they'd rather suffer to keep things the same than confront the unknown and risk 'greater' loss.
you'd be surprised. Obviously the logical thing to do is to not give in to the blackmail, as that would only make things worse, but the women being blackmailed are usually already in a delicate mental state.
Add to that the very real social stigma they'd receive. Even in the US there are many who are ostracized by their peers after being rape victims for example, its 100 times worse in Japan. It could very realistically result in social death and their whole family being shunned by their community. It wouldn't be surprising if they loose career or education opportunities.
honestly, I don't really get why people get so pressed by ntr. Like I "understand" logically why it bothers them, empathizing with the cuck, but do they relate so much that they can't employ any degrees of separation? Like it's not actually you, nor actually real. idk.

I personally enjoy all sorts of NTR, I can "self-insert" as both the bull and cuck and sometimes wonder what I'd do in their place, but its all exaggerated fantasy (often laughably so) so I don't really take it back with me.

I actually don't particularly care for the NTR aspect of the story, what I like more is the domination/ humiliation aspect. Femdom, lesbian femdom especially, will really shine in this dynamic but it tends to be just foreplay and lack actual sex, let alone penetration. Maledom focuses on the physical but tends to neglect the dynamic between characters; it often just devolves into downright violence which is fine on occasion but it becomes too much real quick. NTR is the only tag that consistently tries to ride the line between the two, physical and emotional domination/ humiliation. As a plus it usually contains both femdom and maledom aspects, so I can enjoy dominating and being dominated in the same story. Efficient.

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They are the only brand I have skill issues playing (pirated versions of) games on my PC.
Locale emulator, country setting, nothing seems to work.
I have LoveHolic, MamaxHolic, Anetomo, and Nee Nee Nee installed and I have no trouble launching them using Locale Emulator on Windows 11 Pro. I do not have the game in OP, but I'll download it and install it as well.
However, I think I had to reinstall them after upgrading my PC (I also installed a new version of Windows). Some VNs I have installed worked no problem, but several of them had to be reinstalled in order to work.
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I don't know what's wrong with your system, but I launched this new game without even using Locale Emulator.
Reading OP, the problem could be from the pirated part, more so if the uploader fucked something up.

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Rules of the Thread, Please Read Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests"
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.
4. Only requested drawings should be posted.
5. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.
6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.
7. Wait for page 10 to make a new NTR drawt/h/read
8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this
9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread
10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads
11. No complaining about not getting a delivery before bump limit, just be patient or edit your request
12. Don't request anything that can cause this thread to get DMCA'd

previous thread: >>8125509

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Chihaya asking for some Big Beaner Cock, representing her QoC pastie outfit. She's trying to make sure those South of the Border get the service they need.
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Requesting Azur Lane's Taihou in shibari bondage ropes and hanging upside down (like top right pic). Have her being double penetrated like the angle in the bottom right pic with cum on her face and breasts.
This is some great stuff, but why make it Mexican instead of blacked? Could you at least edit it? Great shit otherwise
Pastiless version please
Also yes, make it blacked related

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Where do we go now that the incompetent wimps at kemono have dropped the ball?
Feel free to post whatever while we wait for answers.
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>Where do we go now that the incompetent wimps at kemono have dropped the ball?
was wondering why it stopped updating
>Where do we go now
maybe stop begin degenerates?
Congrats, you're the biggest shit lord in this whole thread and that's saying something.
It's crazy to me that people bother updating shit from people with like 3 subscribers on Patreon, but no one can be assed to do it for people who're way bigger
Literally who
>it's over for real now

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